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The Role of Marketing Instruments in the Innovative Development of Agrarian Enterprises
Ilchenko T. V.

Ilchenko, Tetiana V. (2020) “The Role of Marketing Instruments in the Innovative Development of Agrarian Enterprises.” Business Inform 10:460–468.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 338.4(477):658.8

At present, intensification of innovation activity is recognized as the priority direction in the operation of agrarian enterprises. It is determined that this, first of all, requires the formation of a qualitatively new system of marketing provision for innovative development of agricultural producers, introduction of modern information and communication technologies, and the use of digital marketing instruments. Therefore, the research is aimed at substantiating and developing proposals to improve the effectiveness of innovative development of agrarian enterprises with the use of marketing instrumentarium. To achieve the aim, research methods such as analysis and synthesis, comparison, generalization, statistical analysis, structural and logical method, systematization are applied. The indicators of innovative development of food production enterprises are analyzed in accordance with KVED-2010. The key factors that determine the feasibility of using marketing instrumentarium in the innovative development of agrarian enterprises are identified. The main advantages of using information and communication technologies as an important marketing instrument in the innovative activities of agrarian enterprises are defined. Global trends in the development of the digitalization process in agriculture are examined. The peculiarities of digital channels for the promotion of agrarian products are considered, which include content marketing (SEO, SERM, SMM, PR content, e-mail marketing, ORM); digital advertising (contextual, targeted, media advertising); multichannel promotion; web-analythics. The directions of intensification of innovation activities of agrarian enterprises with the use of marketing instruments are defined, which are conventionally systematized by eight groups: operational response; budget optimization; remote mode and taking care of the team; assistance to agrarian business through the growth of corporate social responsibility and implementation of social initiatives; marketing strategy adjustments; transformation of communication mix and portfolio of innovative products; e-com enhancement, focus on trade marketing.

Keywords: agrarian enterprise, innovation development, marketing of innovations, innovative marketing activity, marketing instrumentarium, digital marketing, digital technologies, indicators, evaluation, directions, transformation.

Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 25.

Ilchenko Tetiana V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Marketing, Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University (25 Academician Serhiy Yefremov Str., Dnipro, 49027, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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