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Smart Industry: Building the Basis for a New Stage of Economic Growth in the World
Kniaziev S. I.

Kniaziev, Sviatoslav I. (2020) “Smart Industry: Building the Basis for a New Stage of Economic Growth in the World.” Business Inform 4:150–162.

Section: Industrial Economics

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The article is aimed at analyzing the processes of establishing smart industry in the leading countries, defining the prospects determined by its development in the world, as well as the place and role of Ukraine in these processes. The fundamental feature of the modern period is identified, which consists in the structural change of the world economy, caused by changes in technological orders. The end of the latest economic cycle coincided with the outbreak of a pandemic of a previously unknown virus (COVID-19), leading to the worst economic crisis of recent decades. New challenges, risks and threats are formulated, associated with the change of structure of the world economy, and, accordingly, fundamentally new processes of competition, which take place in the conditions of changes in technology, communications, etc. Features of the industrial smart enterprise – flexible cyberphysical production facility, which provides accurate settings on the consumer and is based on the use of big data as a component of the smart industry – are disclosed. The experience of forming strategies of the smart industry construction by the leading countries: Germany, the United States and China, which will play a leading role in the formation of the new model of «reasonable growth» of the world economy in the near future, is analyzed. Also considered are the features of the EU’s national strategic programs on the digitalization of industry and the construction of Industry 4.0, formed in response to the main challenge of our time - the insufficient pace of digitalization of industrial sectors along with the development of innovation. New perspectives, opportunities and problems related to the development of the smart industry in Ukraine are defined. A number of proposals are presented, the implementation of which will help to overcome the current economic crisis and Ukraine’s exit on the trajectory of stable economic growth.

Keywords: technological order, smart enterprise, smart industry, Industry 4.0, industrial Internet of things, cyberphysical production systems, information and communication technologies, big data.

Bibl.: 38.

Kniaziev Sviatoslav I. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Senior Research Fellow, Academic secretary, Department of Economics, The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (54 Volodymyrska Str., Kyiv, 01030, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

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