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Identifying the Tendencies of Ecological and Economic Balance as a Factor for the Ecological Security of Ukraine
Sydorova A. V., Cherenkevych O. S.

Sydorova, Antonina V., and Cherenkevych, Olena S. (2020) “Identifying the Tendencies of Ecological and Economic Balance as a Factor for the Ecological Security of Ukraine.” Business Inform 7:131–138.

Section: Economic statistics

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 311:339.137

The article is aimed at researching the ecological and economic tendencies of development and its balance within the framework of sustainable development conception as a factor of ecological security of Ukraine. The current status and general ecological and economic contradictions and limitations of the country’s development are analyzed. The methodological approach to the estimation of the balanced development of ecological and economic subsystems on the basis of construction of the relevant integrated indices by means of the multidimensional average method is proposed. Within the terms of this approach a system of indicators is defined that best reflect the state of the studied subsystems in the context of the ecological security at the macro-level. The integral indices of development of the ecological and economic subsystems of Ukraine for the period of 2010–2018 are computed. The tendencies and level of the balanced development of ecological and economic spheres during this period are analyzed. Possible directions of improving the balance of such development are defined. Using the method of proportional distribution, the volumes and directions of influence of factors as components of integral indices of the ecological and economic subsystems are determined. On the basis of the received computations it is determined that improvement of the status of ecological sphere during the defined period was mainly due to increase of current expenses on the protection of natural environment. At the same time, the innovation factor, namely, the increase in the number of resource-saving technologies in industrial enterprises, along with the increase in the profitability of operation activities of industrial enterprises, largely led to the growth of the development index of the economic subsystem of Ukraine for the researched period.

Keywords: ecological and economic subsystem of development, ecological security, balance of development, integral indices.

Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 5. Formulae: 5. Bibl.: 10.

Sydorova Antonina V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Head of the Department, Department of Business Statistics and Economic Cybernetics, Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University (21 600-richchia Str., Vinnytsia, 21021, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Cherenkevych Olena S. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Business Statistics and Economic Cybernetics, Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University (21 600-richchia Str., Vinnytsia, 21021, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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