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Modern Paradigm of Economic Activity of Youth in the Labor Market of Region
Shvets O. V.

Shvets, Oleksandr V. (2020) “Modern Paradigm of Economic Activity of Youth in the Labor Market of Region.” Business Inform 8:154–160.

Section: Labour economics and social policy

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 331.5.024.5:331.526

All the strata of the population, both the State and the interstate institutions are interested in solving structural problems of employment and unemployment, reforming the labor market and its segmentation, eliminating illegal migration and reducing the share of the informal economy. Therefore, it is no coincidence that many scholars consider the causes and problems of global changes in the structure of employment as a factor in the transformation of modern national and international labor markets. Finding ways to create favorable conditions for the optimal functioning of the single labor market is now one of the main problems in the practice of both the interstate and the supranational institutions. The article finds that the problematic aspect of the effective functioning of the youth labor market is the imbalance between labor supply and demand. Factors influencing the labor market of the region’s youth have been identified, and young people are structured into groups according to their characteristics (by age, place of residence, by areas of activity, etc.). The structural distribution of youth by economic activity has been carried out. The basic factors of the competitiveness of youth are formed; the general causes of youth unemployment in the labor market of the region are defined; problems with unemployment statistics in Ukraine, which do not allow to objectively assess the realities of its level are determined. The main directions of solving the problem of youth unemployment in the country are substantiated. The study of theoretical approaches to the regulation of the regional labor market of young people allowed to make certain generalizations. The specificity of the regulation of the youth labor market as an object of the State regulation is due to the characteristics of the young workforce: lack of work experience, professional immaturity, mobility, social dynamism, innovativeness, etc. Factors influencing the state of the youth labor market are determined: demographic, economic, social and labor, educational, institutional, etc.

Keywords: youth labor market, employment, employment structure, economic activity of the population, unemployment, labor market regulation, competitiveness of youth.

Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 13.

Shvets Oleksandr V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Candidate on Doctor Degree, International University of Business and Law (37a 49-th Khersonskoi Hvardiiskoi dyvizii Str., Kherson, 73039, Ukraine)

List of references in article

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