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Оptimization of Business Processes of Tourism Enterprises
Kozhukhivskа R. B.

Kozhukhivskа, Raisa B. (2021) “Оptimization of Business Processes of Tourism Enterprises.” Business Inform 1:185–190.

Section: Economics of Trade and Services

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The need to optimize the business processes of tourism enterprises is determined by changes in business needs, in particular in the economic and financial-economic activities. In order to ensure the success of enterprises in the tourism sector, it is necessary to constantly develop and change, improve their business processes in accordance with market conditions and consumer needs. The article examines the conceptual principles for optimizing the business processes of tourism enterprises. It is specified that the optimization of business processes is one of the aspects of the enterprise development whereby the targets and tasks are achieved, in particular: increasing profits and productivity of activities, reducing costs, increasing the target audience, etc. In the course of research, the key principles and features of optimizing the business processes of tourism enterprises are distinguished. It is determined that the business processes of the tourism enterprise are formed from an aggregate of certain actions and factors, containing causal connection. The results of business process are: the formed value added; the expanded range of consumers, partners; maintaining competitive positions in the market; improvement of economic activity, and as a sum – increase in profits. It is found out that the most critical in the system of optimization of business processes of tourism enterprises are express diagnostics and fundamental diagnostics. The main criteria for optimizing the business processes of the tourism enterprise are defined and proposals for their addition by such indicators as execution time and cost of processes are made. It is noted that each of these criteria is evaluated through the system of indicators, which is formed within the framework of the analysis of business processes of the enterprise. The most appropriate methods and methods of collecting information that can be used in optimizing business processes are defined. The basic elements and parameters of business process optimization are outlined. The main analytical aspects of optimization of business processes of tourism enterprises are analyzed.

Keywords: economy, management, tourism, enterprise, business process.

Bibl.: 10.

Kozhukhivskа Raisa B. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Tourism and Hotel and Restaurant Business, Uman National University of Horticulture (1 Instytutska Str., Uman, Cherkasy region, 20305, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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