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Proceedings of scientific conferences
 Poverty in Ukraine, Prospects for Overcoming Bondarevska K. V., Tkachenko Y. O., Onyshchenko V. A.
Bondarevska, Kseniia V., Tkachenko, Yuliia O., and Onyshchenko, Veronika A. (2022) “Poverty in Ukraine, Prospects for Overcoming.” Business Inform 11:162–168.
Section: Labour economics and social policy
Article is written in UkrainianDownloads/views: 1 | Download article (pdf) -  |
UDC 330.59
Abstract: The article illuminates current tendencies in the spread of poverty in Ukraine and substantiates the prospects for overcoming it, taking into account the necessity to increase the level of well-being of the population. Analyzing, systematizing and summarizing the scientific works of modern researchers, the theoretical aspects of the concept of «poverty» are considered and its substantive content is determined. As a result of the study, current tendencies in the spread of poverty in Ukraine are identified, taking into account the diagnosis of the impact on the standard of living of the population of the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, hostilities and temporary occupation of territories. Thus, among the negative tendencies affecting the well-being of the population, it is worth noting the low level of incomes and their significant differentiation, a decrease in the level of employment and the shadowing of the economy. Therefore, first of all, to overcome poverty, it is important: to optimize the level of differentiation of incomes of the population based on the principle of social justice; to ensure the development of entrepreneurship, which will provide opportunities to create new jobs; to form effective mechanisms for price regulation and anti-inflationary policy; increase minimum social standards and create conditions for decent wages. The up-to-date statistical information on poverty levels, incomes and expenditures of the population, and other indicators of living standards is highlighted. The authors’ vision of the prospects for overcoming the problem of poverty of the population in Ukraine is substantiated on the basis of the determined directions for the implementation of leading foreign experience. In particular, the need for prospective measures aimed at reducing poverty in Ukraine has been identified, including the following measures: revising the minimum social standards and bringing them in line with the social standards of the developed EU countries; reducing the tax burden on the wage fund; development of entrepreneurship; improving the mechanisms for providing social support on the basis of increasing the targeting of payments and control over the targeted use of funds; deshadowing of employment and remuneration, development of non-traditional forms of employment and self-employment of the population; introduction of lifelong education, improvement of educational and scientific spheres; reimmigration of Ukrainians and creation of conditions for the realization of their potential in Ukraine; formation of effective mechanisms of the State regulation; budget financing, taking into account the priority of the social sphere. Prospects for further research in this area are to determine the priorities for improving the level of well-being of the population at the stage of post-war reconstruction of Ukraine.
Keywords: poverty of the population, standard of living, poverty level, incomes and expenditures of the population, COVID-19, war in Ukraine.
Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 12.
Bondarevska Kseniia V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of Social Security and Tax Policy, University of Customs and Finance (2/4 Volodymyra Vernadskoho Str., Dnipro, 49004, Ukraine) Email: [email protected] Tkachenko Yuliia O. – Student, University of Customs and Finance (2/4 Volodymyra Vernadskoho Str., Dnipro, 49004, Ukraine) Email: [email protected] Onyshchenko Veronika A. – Student, University of Customs and Finance (2/4 Volodymyra Vernadskoho Str., Dnipro, 49004, Ukraine) Email: [email protected]
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