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![]() REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE KV #19905-9705 PR dated 02.04.2013. FOUNDERS
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Director _______________ LICENSE CONTRACT
Limited Liability Company Publishing House “Inzhek” (hereinafter referred to as the Licensee), acting under the Charter, in accordance with Art. 205, 633, 641, 642 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, publishes this Contract about following: 1. DEFINITION OF TERMSTerms in this Contract are used in the following meaning: Article – a scientific article offered by The Licensor for publication in the “Business Inform” journal; Licensor – the author (authors) who own(s) exclusive copyright on the Article; Nonexclusive license – a license that does not exclude the use of the Article by the Licensor and issuance of licenses by the Licensor to other parties for the use of the Article. Other terms used in the Contract shall be determined in accordance with the existing legislation of Ukraine. 2. SCOPE OF CONTRACT2.1. The Licensor grants the Licensee a non-exclusive license (under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International - CC BY-SA), which gives the right to use the Article of the Licensor within the contractual boundaries. 2.2. This Contract provides the rights to use the Article in the following ways: 2.3. The Licensor has the right to continue to use the Article and provide a non-exclusive license for its use to other parties. 3. ACCEPTANCE OF THE CONTRACT3.1. For a Licensor, who, at the time of publication of this Contract at the official website of the “Business Inform” journal (, did not submit his/her Article for publication in the “Business Inform” journal, the evidence of complete and unconditional acceptance (adoption) of the terms of this Contract would be the fact of delivery of the Article by the Licensor for publication in the “Business Inform” journal via electronic mail, or in electronic form personally in the editorial office, or in any other way. From the moment of delivery of the Article for publication in the “Business Inform” journal, the Licensor automatically accepts conditions of the present Contract and the Contract is considered to be concluded without its signing in every individual case. 3.2. For the licensors, who, at the moment of publication of this Contract at the official website of the “Business Inform” journal (, have already delivered their articles for publication in the “Business Inform” journal, the evidence of complete and unconditional acceptance (adoption) of the terms of this Contract would be: In case of occurrence of one of these events, the Contract is considered to be concluded without its signing in each individual case. The date of conclusion of this Contract, in this case, would be the date of publication of this Contract. 3.3. In the event of a written request of the Licensor, the Licensee provides him/her a written form of the Contract, certified with a seal. 4. RIGHTS OF THE PARTIES4.1. The Licensor has the right: 4.2. The Licensee has the right: 5. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PARTIES5.1. The Licensor shall: 5.2. The Licensee shall: 6. COMING INTO FORCE AND TERM OF CONTRACT6.1. Date of conclusion of the Contract (acceptance) is determined in accordance with Art. 3 hereof. 6.2. This Contract is concluded for an uncertain term. 6.3. This Contract is published at the official website of the “Business Inform” journal ( on October 7, 2012. 7. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE PARTIES OF THE CONTRACT7.1. The Licensor declares that at the time of signing this Contract, the Licensor does not know about rights of third parties, which could be violated by provision of this license. 7.2. In the event of non-performance or improper performance of obligations by the Licensee under this Contract, the Licensor has the right to suspend performance of his/her obligations under the Contract. 7.3. In the event of systematic violation of its obligations under Contract conditions by the Licensee, the Licensor has the right to terminate the Contract unilaterally by sending a written notice to the Licensee not less than 30 calendar days before termination. 8. DISPUTE RESOLUTION8.1. The Parties undertake to settle any dispute by negotiation. 8.2. If dispute can not be resolved by negotiation, it is submitted to the court. 9. FORCE MAJEURE9.1. The parties are not responsible for non-performance or improper performance of the Contract conditions in the event of force majeure circumstances. 9.2. Upon completion of force majeure circumstances, the party, which did not fulfil its obligations under the Contract, shall fulfil them within the term, for which execution of obligations was suspended. 9.3. A Party has no right to refer to force majeure circumstances, in the event they started when this party already delayed execution of its obligations under the Contract. 10. OTHER CONDITIONS10.1. In the event of changing location and/or other details, a Party shall inform the other Party about such a change within 10 days from the moment of occurrence of such a change. 10.2. Any changes or additions to this Contract are valid if they are made in writing and signed by the Parties. 10.3. The Parties shall be governed by the current legislation of Ukraine with respect to all issues that are not envisaged by the Contract. LOCATION AND DETAILS OF THE LICENSEE:Limited Liability Company “Publishing House ‘INZHEK’” Director __________________________ Shum M. A. |
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