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![]() REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE KV #19905-9705 PR dated 02.04.2013. FOUNDERS
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![]() Publication ContractSole proprietor Liburkina Lyubov Markivna, acting on the basis of Certificate of State Registration No. 960935 dated October 28, 2002, and being a payer of single tax, hereinafter referred to as the Contractor, and citizen (Full Name), hereinafter referred to as the Customer, concluded the present Contract about the following: 1. Terminology of ContractJournal – «Business Inform» scientific economical journal (Registration Certificate KV No. 17288 – 6058 PR dated November 18, 2010, City of Kharkiv, Ukraine). Customer – author(s) of a scientific article sent to the journal for its publication, who paid the cost of publishing services and one copy of the journal. Contractor – Sole Proprietor Liburkina Lyubov Markivna. Publisher – Limited Liability Company Publishing House INZHEK, which is the publisher of the Business Inform scientific journal. Other terms, used in the present Contract, correspond with the norms of the current Ukrainian legislation. 2. Scope of Contract2.1. The Contractor undertakes to perform editorial and publication preparation of the article for its publication in the Journal on request of the Customer, and the Customer undertakes to pay to the Contractor for these services under conditions of the present Contract and under “Conditions of Publication” in the Business Inform journal. 2.2. The Contractor undertakes to provide the Customer with one (1) copy of the Journal issue, in which the Customer’s article is published. 3. Rights and responsibilities of the Parties3.1. The Customer shall pay for services specified in Clauses 2.1 and 2.2. 3.2. The Contractor undertakes: 3.3. The Contractor has the right: 4. Cost of services and order of payment4. 1. Cost of services is determined by the Contractor independently in accordance with the “Conditions of Publication” in the Business Inform journal, valid at the moment of conclusion of the present Contract. 4.2. The Customer makes the advance payment for the services of the Contractor in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) in accordance with the invoice billed by the Contractor. 5. Order of rendering of service5.1. After performance of the services specified in the Clause 2.1.1 of the present Contract, the Customer’s article is handed over to the Publisher for publication in the Journal. 5.2. The Contractor, upon receiving the printed issue of the Journal from the Publisher, sends it to the Customer by mail (or in any other way). 6. Specific conditions6.1. The present Contract is a contract of adhesion in accordance with the Article 634 of the Civil Code of Ukraine and also is an offer in accordance with the Article 641 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, acceptance of which on behalf of the Customer is performed through payment for the services rendered by the Contractor. In the event when the Customer is a third party and not the author(s) of the article, acceptance of the above mentioned offer is performed by this third party as by the present Contract signing party with payment for the services of the Contractor. 6.2. In the event of absence of claims of the Customer with respect to the services rendered by the Contractor within the period of one (1) calendar month from the date of publication of the article in the Journal, the services are considered to be accepted by the Customer independently from whether the Customer signed or did not sign a relevant certificate. 6.3. Relations between the Customer (third party) and author(s) of the article are subject to settlement between them, without participation of the Contractor. 6.4. Order of interaction between the Contractor and Publisher in the part of the Journal publication is established by another bilateral contract. 7. Other conditions7.1. All disputes arising from performance of the present Contract are settled by the Parties through negotiations. 7.2. In the event consent of the Parties through negotiations is not achieved, the disputes and controversy are subject to judicial resolution at the place of location of the Contractor. 7.3. The Contractor is not responsible for non-performance or improper performance of the conditions of the present Contract in the event of force-majeure circumstances, upon elimination of which the Contractor shall perform its obligations in full volume. 7.4. The Parties shall be governed by the current legislation of Ukraine with respect to all issues that are not envisaged by the present Contract. 7.5. Place of conclusion of the present Contract is the place of location of the Contractor. 7.6. Text of the present Contract and Certificate of Services Rendered are available at: 8. Details of the ContractorSole Proprietor Liburkina Lyubov Markivna Sole Proprietor Liburkina L. M. ____________ Customer____________ |
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