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Economic Theory


Derkach M. M.
Mechanism of Adaptation of Institutional Changes of Economic System (p. 133 - 135)

The paper is focused on peculiarities of institutional changes in economy. The role of mechanism of institutional adjustment under globalization is analyzed.

Article is written in Russian

Levkovets O. M.
The Role of State in Clusterization of Economy: Theoretical and Methodological Aspect (p. 136 - 143)

The basic theoretical and methodological problems of assessment of the role of state in clusterization of economy. The content, forms, instruments of cluster policy have been studied. The methodological bases of cluster policy in Ukraine have been determined

Article is written in Russian

BUSINESS INFORM №2-2011, Vol.1

Grechina I. V.
Semantics of the Laws of Environics in Studies of Potential of Economic Systems (p. 58 - 61)

The problem of understanding of semantics and operation of laws of environics in studies of potential of economic systems has been solved in the article. The author’s definition of the law of possibility, whose effect will allow to increase the quality of their functioning and development, was an effective moment.

Article is written in Russian


Khohlov M. P.
Value and price as categories of evaluation activity (p. 150 - 152)

A value and price is examined as categories of evaluation activity in foreshortening of methodology of labor theory of value. Their distinction and intercommunication of both categories, exposing both substantial maintenance of process of pricing and forms of his display is grounded.

Article is written in Russian

Gorobynska M. V., Gil S. Y.
The Problem of Elimination of the Scientific Concept «Self-regulatory Organizations of Appraisers» in the Evaluation Theory (p. 152 - 154)

A study of general scientific, categorical, systematic and structural characteristics of cognitive and conceptual features of the evolution of complex self-regulating and self-developing systems of modern science has been carried out. It has been proposed to eliminate the scientific concept of «self-regulatory organizations (SRO) of appraisers» and to enter a new scientific concept of «self-developing organizations» (SRO) of appraisers into the system of scientific concepts of the evaluation theory.

Article is written in Russian

Marchenko O. V.
Determination of the Basic Factors that Influence on Participating of the Bank in Project Financing (p. 155 - 156)

In this article certainly, of basic factor’s that an influence on the decision of the bank in his relation participating in realization of investment of projects of domestic subject to conditions of project financing of grouped and analyzed are enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kolodiazhna T. V.
Analysis of the Essence of Concepts «Merger» and «Acquisition» (p. 174 - 178)

The article considers the essence of the conceptions of such integration processes as «merger» and «acquisition», their interpretation in foreign and domestic scientific literature and national legislation. It suggests the author’s more precise definition of the essence of the given conceptions.

Article is written in Russian

Tymoshenkov I. V.
Neoclassical models of education: contribution to economic science and limitations (p. 178 - 181)

The contribution of neoclassical models of education to the formation of economics of education is analyzed and limitations of their use under modern conditions are determined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

BUSINESS INFORM №5-2011, Vol.1

Klebanova T. S., Serhiienko O. A., Guryanova L. S.
Modeling of Crisis Dynamics of Indicators of Economy of Ukraine on the Basis of Catastrophe Theory (p. 4 - 9)

The work develops the complex of models of assessment and analysis of stability of development of economy of Ukraine on the basis of the study of crisis dynamics of the basic macroeconomic indicators with the use of instruments of the catastrophe theory.

Article is written in Russian

Porohnya V. M.
Genom of Economy as  Special Form of Capital Existance (p. 10 - 11)

The general formula for capital excluding the value of intellectual work, does not reflect the value of money, goods. Labor cost is not the same as the value of intellectual work. The structure of the economy at the level intellektoitidov (introduced by the author as a comparable analog nucleotides) that make up the genome of the economy. Depending on the concentration intellektoidov in equity are formed in a strict sequence poliintellektoidnye long chains that form a coded pattern of the economy.

Article is written in Russian

Solovyov V. N., Shokotko L. N.
Quantum Econophysics of Crisis Situations of Financial Systems (p. 12 - 13)

The theory of random matrixes was used for the description of collective phenomena in the financial market. It was shown that the dynamics of mean value of the coefficient of correlation and maximum eigenvalue of the matrix of correlation of assets are si

Article is written in Ukrainian


Klishova Y. V., Kolesnik I. V.
Theory of Economic Rationality: System Ap-proach (p. 150 - 152)

The article is dedicated to the realization of system approach to the study of the essence and levels of economic rationality. It studies the preconditions of achieving social rationality, substantiates the role of the state in achieving institutional organization of economic system.

Article is written in Russian

Kolomytseva O. V.
Economic Assessment of Structural Changes in Socio-Economic Systems (p. 153 - 155)

The article suggests methodic approaches to assessment of structural changes in economic systems, generalizes scientific approaches to the analysis of efficiency of structural changes, the use of which gives the possibility of complex and objective assessment of the results of dynamics of development of regional systems in modern conditions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

BUSINESS INFORM №7-2011, Vol.1

Pavlov K. V.
Regional Factor in Macroeconomic Models (p. 4 - 6)

The necessity of introduction of the macroeconomic model, along with five well-known business entities of two more: regional and local economic entities, and identifies the practical implications of this kind increase the economic entities that are used in macroeconomic models.

Article is written in Russian

BUSINESS INFORM №7-2011, Vol.2

Lukianova V. V.
Diagnostics of Functioning of Economic Systems at Macrolevel (p. 4 - 6)

In the article the comparative analysis of approaches is given to diagnostics of functioning of the economic systems on mega- and macrolevels taking into account the factors of risk. The international methods of estimation, place of Ukraine, are considered.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Zhukovskaya E. V.
Trust As a Norm And the Process of It’s Institutionalization (p. 214 - 216)

This article examines trust as an institutional norm. Trust norm definition is giving and process of trust institutionalization under influence of institutional structure of society is analyzed.

Article is written in Russian

Filipkovska L. O.
Intellectual models in adaptive management of economic systems (p. 216 - 219)

The mechanism and methods of adaptive management is considered by economic systems of various assignment. The choice of mathematical toolkit of pattern recognition of construction of adaptive management models is proved.

Article is written in Russian

Zagorulko A. O.
Development of Standard Approach to Assessment of Efficiency of Socio-Economic Systems (p. 219 - 222)

The article considers the problem of formation of standard approach to one-time hierarchical assessment of efficiency of socio-economic systems (SES). The suggested approach allows to unite the procedures of assessment of these systems at different levels of the economy of Ukraine which allows not only to obtain objective information as to the efficiency of their functioning but is the basis for development of variant assessments of further development of SES.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zyma O. G.
International Wealth and Technological Challenges of Modern Times (p. 222 - 224)

The economic successes of countries are connected as a rule with merciless exploitation of natural resources and continual environmental pollution. The scientists suggest that we should today seek the answers to global challenges of the modern times.

Article is written in Russian

Mahdi Ahmadpur-Abrahimi
The Role of Strategic Alliances in Stable Development of Competitive Advantages (p. 224 - 227)

The article suggests for the consideration the ideas about the role of strategic alliances for obtaining stable competitive advantages with the help of creation of «knowledge assets». The given model illustrates the achievements of stable competitive advantage by way of making strategic alliances between companies. The attention is focused on positive and negative effects of alliances.

Article is written in Russian

Yakovenko L. I.
Ecological imperative in social development system (p. 227 - 229)

Article is devoted research of interrelation of environmental problems, spirituality of a society and prospects of its further development. Necessity of reconsideration of methodological bases of transition of a society to a sustainable development is revealed, and also the attention to roles and value of formation in formation of harmonious interaction of a society with environment is focused.

Article is written in Russian


Adamanova Z. O.
Forming priorities of social and economic development in posttransition economics (p. 4 - 7)

This article is devoted to features forming the priorities of socio-economic development in post-transitive economies. Define special transformation of the Ukrainian economy. Identification of the main reasons that led to the protracted crisis in the system of management in connection with the transformation of command economy to market economy. The proposed introduction of appropriate anti-crisis measures drafted taking into account current situation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Manzurov I. G., Nusinova O. V.
Methodological approaches to assessing the safety of market status (p. 7 - 10)

Invited to carry out the safety assessment of market status as a constituent part of the economic security of the enterprise taking into account unrealized margin on the basis of the ratio of the actual and reference value of the business, which may have an enterprise in case of compliance of the sales volume of its normative value.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Krivobok V. Y., Korshunov E. A.
Determination of category of «expense» (p. 11 - 13)

The looks of different scientists are analysed in relation to determination of category of «expense». Three economic groups which determine, essence of category of «expense», are selected. They are marked perevagt and nedoliki. Addition of determination of category of «expense» is offered.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zhukovskaya E. V.
The trust norm realisation: the subject-object aspect (p. 13 - 15)

The subject-object structure of trust relations is presented in the article and specific of links between structure elements is analyzed. Discrepancies between theoretical approaches to this point and practical using of term “trust” in analysis of socio-economic processes are revealed.

Article is written in Russian


Demkiv Y. M.
Range of Problems of Modern Interpretation of the Category «Quality» (p. 163 - 166)

The investigation has been carried out with respect to the basic economic category «quality», starting from the fundamental philosophical point of reference on the base of the technical and social-economic interpretation. It has been done taking into account the opinion of the most influential specialists of the history having turned into the modern interpretation and legal grounding. Regularities have been revealed and the full interpretation of the category «quality» has been formulated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Moiseienko O. M.
Problem of Power in Institutional Theory (p. 166 - 170)

In this article the examine the problem of economic power is examined in interpretation of representatives of institucionalizm an economic theory. An analysis is conducted looks of representatives of this direction an economic theory to the problem of power, their critical estimation is given.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kipa D. V.
Scientific and Practical Aspects of Formation and Realization of Competitive Strategy of Enterprise (p. 170 - 172)

The article describes the main theoretical issues regarding the competitive strategy of the company, the types of competitive strategies, key conditions for the formation and implementation details of competitive business strategy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tymohova H. B., Khoroshaya Y. N.
Development of indicators of financial management with an integrated enterprise security: theoretical aspects (p. 173 - 175)

The paper based and formulated the basic provisions of the development of indicators of financial management with an integrated security company in the mode ofachieving financial balance. Formed a theoretical concept of «scale of financial security» entity.

Article is written in Russian


Krikavskii Y. V., Pokhilchenko O. A.
Special economic zones and cluster policy of Ukraine (p. 4 - 7)

The necessity of cluster policy in Ukraine as an effective instrument of regional sustainable development policy are updating. The main obstacles to the implementation of cluster initiatives in the country are characterized. The major opportunities that the SEZ, followed by transformation in the cluster / clusters for the successful implementation of cluster policy in Ukraine are outlined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sahaidak-Nikitiuk R. V., Posylkina O. V.
Organizational principles of construction of pharmaceutical clusters in Ukraine (p. 7 - 8)

The modern state of clusterization is analysed in the world and to Ukraine. Grounded actuality of creation of pharmaceutical regional clusters. Determination of essence is offered pharmaceutical regional a cluster. Certain normatively legal base of functioning of clusters in Ukraine, economic co-operation of participants of pharmaceutical regional clusters and his advantages.

Article is written in Russian

Naumik Y. G.
Philosophy of communication as base of social economy development (p. 9 - 11)

Ideas of philosophy connected with category «communication» are generalized, ontology and axiology paradigms as bases of social economy development are marked out.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Moiseienko O. M.
About the nature of government in newinstitutional economic theory (p. 11 - 14)

In this article the examine the problem of state power and its role in an economy in interpretation of representatives of neoinstitucionalizm economic theory. An analysis is conducted looks of representatives of this direction an economic theory to the problem of state power, their critical estimation is given.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Belyaev A. S.
Analytical Review of the Definitions of «the enterprise competitiveness» (p. 214 - 217)

There is an overview of definitions of the enterprise competitiveness of domestic and foreign authors in this paper. An analysis of definitions was made, based on it provides a definition of the enterprise competitiveness. Identified the main factors determining the enterprise competitiveness.

Article is written in Russian

Chystiakova A. V.
Analysis of Approaches to Determination of the Essence of the Category «Intellectual Pro­perty» (p. 217 - 221)

The article analyses modern approaches to determination of the category «intellectual property», defines the peculiarities of each of them and suggests the definition of intellectual property from the position of complex approach. It gives the structure of intellectual property and generalizes its classification.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Butenko D. S.
Theoretical Research of Innovative Receptivity of Enterprises (p. 221 - 223)

The article is devoted the analysis of innovative favourableness of enterprises. There was theoretical research and found out divergences between categories «innovative receptivity», «receptivity of enterprises to the innovations and innovations» and «innovationist».

Article is written in Ukrainian

Davydov D. S.
Updating of the Methodological Basis of the Study as a Condition for the Holistic Understanding of the Modern Transformation of the Global Economy (p. 223 - 226)

In the article the basic global contradictions and tendencies of economic development, which lead to the formation of the spiritual component as the key elements of a new actual structure, are considered. Special attention is paid to the need to use a subjective methodology as the most important condition for a holistic understanding of the economic changes.

Article is written in Russian

Ivashyna S. Y.
Some Aspects of Expanded Reproduction in the Process of Socialization of the Economy (p. 227 - 230)

The investigation of the relationship process of expanded reproduction and socialization of the economy is carried out in the article. The peculiarities of the investment process in the national economy are taken into account. The impact of structural changes and capital accumulation in the socialization of the economy are determined. The ways in order to accelerate the process of socialization of the economy are proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Otenko I. P.
Theories of Measurement of Socio-Production Systems Potential (p. 230 - 233)

The problem of measurement of the value of socio-production system potential is important enough both in theoretical and practical aspect. That’s why the approach providing for the complex assessment based on determination of the value of key elements of the potential according to the objectives – both synergy caused by integration of resources and efforts, knowledge and skills, intentions and actions, decisions and deeds etc. and the study of dynamics of changes in its condition and efficiency of the use is of interest in managing the potential of any socio-production system. The measurement of potential of socio-production system must include the assessment of all its components taking into account the crucial and different by their nature factors: the level of achievement of objectives, efficiency of functioning, ability of the system of management for progressive self-improvement and self-development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vinnychenko O. V.
Theoretical of a basis of a rating estimation of activity of commodity exchanges (p. 233 - 235)

In article existing approaches to a rating estimation are considered. Necessity of improvement of existing methodical approaches to a rating estimation of activity of commodity exchanges is proved.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Abdulhazis V. S., Abdullaev R. A.
Influence of Macroeconomic Factors on Development of Telecommunications Market of Ukraine (p. 163 - 168)

Investigational dynamics of telecommunication market of Ukraine and Crimea development, the analysis of influence of level of de­velopment of national economy is conducted on development of telecommunication sector.

Article is written in Russian

Khalina O. V.
Finencomy as a Current Form of the Economic Development (p. 169 - 173)

The article is devoted to the determination of the essence of the fi­nancial economy (financomy) and to the phases of its development, to the dominance of organized money over the economics and the economy in whole, that in the most appreciable form shows itself in the speculative migrations of fictitious capital by means of the global instruments of the world financial globalization.

Article is written in Russian

Rassokha I. M.
On the incommensurability of productivity on different stages of historical development (p. 177 - 179)

It is incorrect the quantitative comparison of productivity on dif­ferent stages of historical development - in particular by spending of time - because of technological leaps and principal changing of lifestyle that qualitatively changed content of work.

Article is written in Russian

Savchuk O. O.
Theoretical Bases of Pricing (p. 179 - 182)

The article considers the theoretical bases of pricing; it makes the analysis of basic approaches to classification of prices and tariffs, building of the system of pricing indexes.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Fursa V. A., Zubenko T. M.
Theoretical Aspects of Financial and Economic Control (p. 182 - 186)

In connection with different approaches of researchers as for find­neial control main point concept definition, concerning its sub­jects, objects, methods and forms, set of publications dedicated to these definitions was analyzed, some conclusions and propositions were made.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bozhko V. P., Karatseva I. Y.
The Methodical Approach to a Problem of an Estimation of Quality of a Life (p. 4 - 7)

Statistical data which characterise quality of a life of the population of Ukraine have been considered. It has been established, that this indicator can be characterised by a considerable quantity of the parametres which importance can change depending on level of economic development. Therefore the estimation of quality of a life because of multifactorial indicators is very much a challenge. In work it was offered to estimate this level one indicator - the indicator of quality of a life which is defined on the basis of the factorial analysis.

Article is written in Russian

Abdrakhmanova A. A.
Theoretical Basis of Measuring Effiency of Socio-Economic Systems (p. 7 - 10)

The article considers the theoretical basis of development and functioning processes for socio-economic systems (SES). The essence and principles of measuring their efficiency are defined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kornivska V. О.
Institutions of Development in the Context of Socio-Institutional and Socio-Mental Climate of Ukrainian Society (p. 10 - 13)

This article is the result of the investigation of the development institutions in the context of an analysis of the fundamental factors that determine the efficiency of interaction in the triangle of the state – business – society.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Martynenko M. V.
Knowledge Management in Enterprise in Dependence with the Types of Postindustrial Economnics (p. 14 - 21)

The article deals with actual directions of management of enterprises in dependence with the types of postindustrial economics. Contemporary approaches to the definition of the content of knowledge management category have been researched. Rationality of studying of peculiarities of organizational knowledge management within contemporary scientific paradigms have been explained.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Podlesna V. G.
Socio-economic cycles: formation and development (p. 22 - 26)

In this paper the cyclical concepts applicable to the analysis of problems of socio-economic dynamics, in retrospect are investigated. Also the original reasons and purpose of social reproduction and the factors that determine the cyclical nature during existence of all known socio-economic formations are formulated. The features of the socio-economic cycles from ancient times to the Middle Ages are determined.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Podlesna V. G.
The movement of socio-economic cycles as a realization of the dialectic of socio-economic development (p. 4 - 8)

On the basis of the dialectical approach the intrinsic characteristics of the socio-economic cycles in a capitalist formation are investigated. The necessity of direction of socio-economic dynamics within joint-shared civilization activity in the direction of the humanization of all kinds of social relations is justified.

Article is written in Russian

Karapeychyk I. M.
About the nature and relationship between the concepts of economic and industrial potentials. Part 1 (p. 8 - 12)

Based on the analysis and synthesis of existing approaches is proposed and proved the concept of capacity in the economy as the ability of the entity to implement the inherent immanent activity, reflecting the maximum possible cumulative effect of such activity.

Article is written in Russian

Sovietova K. O.
The essence of risk as economic category (p. 12 - 16)

The article reveals contemporary approaches to definition of the essence of economic risk, characterizes its distinctive and specific features; the notions of «hazard», «uncertainty» and «risk» are separated; economic risk is viewed as a category of economic theory, which refl ects a set of the subject-object relations in contemporary economic system.

Article is written in Russian


Rayko G. O., Grygorova A. A., Khapov D. V.
Research the Appearance of the Long Economic Oscillations (p. 4 - 6)

The influence of the theory of long waves in economic development of society are considered. The analysis of statistical data indicators of economic development, made up the model and identified the cycles of varying lengths. We prove the relationship of oscillations in the economy with different types of investments.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sokolovskyi D. B.
Formalization of General Model of Economic Interaction (p. 6 - 9)

The article contains author's formal evaluation of some economic categories, which is the foundation for defining the general model of contracting. The results can be used in the analysis of real economic transactions, as well as conducting further research in the theory of principal and agent.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Karapeychyk I. M.
About the Nature and Relationship Between the Concepts of Economic and Industrial Potentials (part 2) (p. 10 - 13)

Based on the analysis and synthesis of existing approaches is proposed and proved the concept of capacity in the economy as the ability of the entity to implement the inherent immanent activity, reflecting the maximum possible cumulative effect of such activity.

Article is written in Russian

Kolesnichenko I. M.
New Institutional Economics: Theoretical-Methodological and Practical Possibilities (p. 13 - 16)

Article is devoted to comprehension the place of the new of institutional economic theory in the modern system economic knowledge, definition of its theoretical and methodological and practical possibilities.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Babailov V. K.
Analysis and Synthesis (p. 16 - 19)

It is established that the analysis and synthesis wider concept, than a method. The essence, place and the major communications of the analysis and synthesis are defined.

Article is written in Russian


Pavlov K. V.
Interrelation and Interference of the Economic Theory and Regional Economy (p. 4 - 7)

In the article the necessity of including is grounded for macroeconomic models along with five known subjects of management two: regional and municipal economic subjects, and also practical consequences are determined such of increase of managing subjects, utillized in macroeconomic models.

Article is written in Russian

Chukhray N. I.
Modern Model of Society: Innovative Squandering or Objective Necessity? (p. 8 - 12)

The article deals with the objective causes of the crisis, their nature and influence of cyclical fluctuations on the global economy. The author classifies the types of crises in the global economy and cites specific examples of their passage. The essence of the crisis of excessive consumption and innovation in place deals with it. Explained the concept of an innovative waste and defects reasonably modern innovation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Danilov О. D., Denysenko D. Y.
The Capital as Competitive Advantage Manufacturer of the Goods (p. 12 - 16)

The article is devoted to research of features of the capital as competitive advantage of manufacturer of goods. The basic characteristics of the capital as competitive advantage are determined. The factors influencing on the capital as competitive advantage are revealed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kornivska V. О.
Role of Institutes of Development in Process Social-Mental Modernisations of the Ukrainian Societ (p. 16 - 20)

This paper presents the results of the study of social and institutional imbalances in Ukrainian society in the context of its separation and segmentation, justified the creation of the development institute as a factor of consolidation of the Ukrainian economy, institutional and public space.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kulyk V. V.
Problem of Evolutional Self-Improvement of Socio- and Economic Systems (p. 21 - 25)

In the article the modern problems of evolutional self-improvement of the socio-economic systems are examined for prevention of a crises and providing of the sustainable development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Savytska N. L.
The Development of the Principle of Subjectivity in the Theories of Economic Activity (p. 25 - 29)

The article analyzes the development of the methodological principle of subjectivity in the theories of economic activity of the classical, Marxist, neoclassical, neoliberal and institutional traditions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Khmel S. N., Khmel V. I., Tur I. Y.
Marginalist Scholasticism (p. 30 - 35)

The article critically reviewed marginalist hypothesis determine the impact of production resources and the optimal production company, based on the use of methods of limiting values in terms of their verification capabilities and usefulness. The authors justified the position of the scholastics, noumenal nature of marginalist microeconomic tools of analysis.

Article is written in Russian

Lysenko A. О.
The Comparative Analysis of Conceptual Approaches of Costs Management (p. 35 - 38)

The article is devoted to problems of analysis of conceptual scientific-theoretical approaches of costs management at the enterprises. The toolkit of their comparison in the matrix-form which help to allocate levels of concept’s reference to accounting or economic aspect of management have been developed.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Orlov P. A.
System Crisis of Capitalism and its Influence on Socio-Economic Development of Ukraine, Countries of EU and USA (p. 4 - 12)

The article analyses some consequences of the system world financial and economic crisis for socio-economic development of Ukraine, countries of EU and USA; it substantiates some directions of the way out of the crisis and strengthening of social orientation of the economy of Ukraine at micro- and macrolevels.

Article is written in Russian

Ivashyna S. Y.
The Infrastructure of Socialization of Economy (p. 13 - 17)

The infrastructure of socialization of economy as a specific kind of infrastructural activity which provides the process of socialization of economy is determined and investigated in the article. The infrastructure of socialization of economy is defined as complete set of elements of social, institutional and market infrastructure; its main characteristics and functions are distinguished.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pankratova Y. N.
The Mechanism of Emergence of Transactional Costs in the Institutional Space (p. 18 - 20)

The article shows the role of transaction costs in the study of the economical, legal and social institutions in Ukraine. We consider the barriers posed by high transaction costs, which are legal or institutional in nature.

Article is written in Russian

Podlesna V. G.
Dialectics of Socio-Economic Cycle's Development of Social Reproduction (p. 21 - 25)

From the standpoint of materialistic dialectics in the article the spiral cyclic evolution process of production methods is analyzed. Also, based on fundamental laws of dialectics, peculiarities of the socio-economic cycles of social reproduction are investigated; special attention is paid to dialectical contradictions of capitalist reproduction.

Article is written in Russian

Savytska N. L.
Human Model in Economics: Theory and Reality (p. 25 - 27)

The article from the perspective of interdisciplinary communication summarizes the main approaches to building and adapting a model of man in the economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Goncharov Y. V., Shcherbina I. V.
Evolutionary Development of Class-Stratification Theories in the Socio-Economic Science (p. 4 - 7)

Dialectic aspects of class social structure of the society are considered and evolution of scientific views in respect of criteria of class stratification in the socio-economic science of the XX-th century is characterised in the article.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pisotska Y. I.
Exchange of Rights: Essence and Forms (p. 8 - 11)

It has been considered in the article the essence of exchange of rights. It has been examined its logical-historical changeovers: the exchange of rights through exchange of activity, the exchange of rights through swapping, the exchange of rights in exchange of commodities, the universal form of exchange and free or separate exchange of rights.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Khimchenko A. N., Lekh T. A.
The features and prospects of becoming the Economy of knowledge (p. 4 - 6)

The article is devoted to the question of the new paradigm of economic development - the knowledge economy. The article highlights the problems and prospects of becoming a knowledge economy in Ukraine. The paper provides the definition of the knowledge economy.

Article is written in Russian


Orlov P. A.
Trial of Economies of the Developed Capitalist Countries and Countries with Economies in Transition by World Economic Crisis (p. 6 - 19)

The influence of the protracted economic crisis on economies of advanced countries, Ukraine and other countries in transition is discussed. It is shown that the best economic systems have been created in the industrialized countries, whose governments have created and continuously improve effective system of state regulation of the economy in spite of the concept of neoliberalism, prevent a large stratification of the population by income and high unemployment. Although none of them is perfect, because there are facts are marked high social irresponsibility in some areas of business, especially in banking. The banks of the industrialized countries in the pursuit of profit, conspire and do not hesitate to serious crimes. It is analyzed some of the shortcomings of economic reforms in Ukraine in the sphere of industry and agriculture, as well as government regulation of the economy.

Article is written in Russian

Logutova T. G., Lentsov I. A., Gadyatskaya A. V.
The Theoretical Basis of the Process of Ccommercialization of Intellectual Investments (p. 20 - 25)

In this article forms and objects of intellectual property, the essence of intellectual investments, means of their implementation have been determined. Practical advantages of commercialization of objects of intellectual property as well as forms and means of the commercialization have been studied. The problems of the process are also revealed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Podlesna V. G.
The Role of Innovation in the Development of Social and Economic Cycles (p. 26 - 32)

In the article the reciprocal determinism of the innovation cycle and socio-economic cycle of the capitalist mode of production. The problem is considered on the basis of analysis of the law of the tendency to a decrease in the rate of return, based on the fundamental contradiction of the capitalist mode of production.

Article is written in Russian


Novikova N. L.
System Research of Gnosiology of Economic Interests (p. 33 - 35)

System research of gnosiological nature of economic interests is conducted in the article. Certainly essence of economic interests, and the features of going are selected near the analysis of this question. It was concluded that the origin and formation of the content of economic interest is determined by the fact of his involvement in social media combined process of production.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Zakharchenko P. V.
The Evolutionary Model of Financial Markets in Terms of Transformation Economy (p. 42 - 45)

The article is devoted to solving of actual problem the construction and research management model the conduct of financial market in the conditions of transformation economy. It is offered and in theory grounded conception of management the conduct of financial market of Ukraine. On its basis the nonlinear dynamic model of evolutional conduct of fund market is built, the scenarios of development of economic processes are got at such market.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Krasnokutska N. S.
Comparative Analysis of the Knowledge-Based Potential on the Level of Countries and Regions (p. 46 - 49)

The article proposes the results of a comparative analysis of methodology for measuring the knowledge-based potential on the level of countries and regions. The features of the existing methods of constructing systems of knowledge-based indicators and indexes (Indicators of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), ICT Development Index (IDI), Information Society Index (ISI), Networked Readiness Index (NRI), Knowledge Economy Indicators (KEI)) are distinguished. The scope of their application has been defined.

Article is written in English

Grishchenko A. V.,
Classification of the Crisis Phenomena in Economy and a Place in them Industrial Crises (p. 49 - 53)

In article the essence of the concept «crisis» and views of scientists of classification of the crisis phenomena in economy is considered. Advanced classification of crises by the corresponding classification signs is offered. The essence of industrial crises is considered. The scheme of interrelation of industrial crisis with other types of economic crises is developed.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Chernaya O. Y.
The Principle of Purposefulness in the System Dynamics With the Approaches of Behavioral Economics (p. 24 - 28)

The article presents the theoretical definition of the purposefulness principle in the system dynamics, taking into account the approaches of behavioral economics, prospect theory and framing effect. There has analyzed the significance of the choice of subjects for dynamic systems under their control in terms of rational, emotional and cultural approaches. There has proved classification of systems depending on their behavior: reactive, inactive, proactiveе and interactive, that allowing to formulate principles of purposeful systems.

Article is written in Russian


Makukha S. N.
Friedrich List versus Adam Smith in the Context of Modern Foreign Trade Policy of Ukraine (p. 6 - 10)

The article analyses two opposite theories of foreign trade policy: of an advocate of free trade Adam Smith and of a German economist Friedrich List who insisted on a necessity to apply protectionism under certain conditions. It is proved that the methodology applied by F. List in the study of this problem reflects, to greater extent, requirements of the dialectical law of the unity and struggle of opposites – the source of development of social relations, which manifests itself in foreign trade as a contradiction between free trade and protectionism. Possibilities and necessity of practical application of the latter in modern Ukrainian conditions are considered in the article.

Article is written in Russian


Popov O. Y.
Genesis and evolution of ownership rights concepts in the context of development of the modern institutional economic theory (p. 6 - 11)

The article generalises approaches to identification of conceptual foundations and methodology of institutional approach to study of economic phenomena and processes. It considers the economic nature of ownership rights as a complex of economic, social and legal relations that originate between society members with respect to existence and use of benefits. It gives a description of specific features of institutional approach to the study of ownership rights problems. It generalises provisions of the ownership rights theory with respect to identification and protection of ownership rights in the context of interaction of the economic and legal systems of society. It considers provisions of the institutional theory of the state and institutional concept of realisation of the state power when establishing and ensuring ownership rights. It identifies regularities (in accordance with provisions of the new economic history) of the dynamics of the process of transformation of society institutes and legal systems under influence of endogenous reasons.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kushnir L. L.
Project Doctrine of Development of Economy: in Coordinates of Self-fulfilling Prophecies (p. 8 - 14)

The article analyses content and influence of the scientific and technical progress, resource deficit and ecological crisis in the aspect of project approach to formation of the modern economic system. It considers scientific approaches to their interpretation as scientific categories and as modern factors of socio-economic development. It reveals influence of the studied factors on the world economic development and the system of the national economy. It emphasises importance of the scientific and technical progress as a tool of ecologisation of production. It justifies contradictory nature of its influence on the state of natural environment, society and economy, shows problems of economic practice and ecological security, arising in the result of its deployment. Scientific and technical progress, resource deficit and global ecological crisis are interpreted as self-fulfilling prophecies and as direct results of previous project activity of the mankind. A conclusion is made under their influence with respect to a scenario of development of the civilisation. It shows that the mankind irrevocably entered the era of self-fulfilling prophecies and new social reality, in which further economic planning is possible only in coordinates of the factors studied in the article.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Khmel S. N., Khmel V. I., Lyubushkina I. A.
Scholasticity in Micro-economics: is Elimination Possible? (p. 67 - 72)

The article conducts analysis of main provisions of the modern training course of micro-economics from the point of view of a possibility of their practical use in the process of economic activity. It shows scholasticity of marginalistic methods of identification of a rational customer choice and optimal number of production resources used by a firm. It considers and assesses possibilities of overcoming the said shortcoming by means of specification of some categories and practical adaptation of the indicator, which characterises efficiency of production resources. It draws and justifies the conclusion that efforts of elimination of manifestations of scholasticity in the modern micro-economics, based on marginalistic concept of economic analysis, cannot deliver the desired output.

Article is written in Russian


Kornivska V. О.
Long-term Paradigm of Development under Conditions of Globalisation: Contradictions and Ways of Overcoming them (p. 37 - 41)

The article provides results of a study of objective conditions of globalisation that influence formation of the long-term time paradigm of development. It characterises processes of administration in the global economic environment in the context of their influence upon long-term planning. It underlines specific features of development of financial innovations in the pre-crisis period. It analyses tendencies of transformation of financial instruments with low liquidity into high liquidity securities and also components of the global financial capital. It shows dominating tendencies of development of the global financial market and their influence upon domination of short-term tendency as a system approach in the global economy. It emphasises tasks of socio-institutional transformation in the context of long-term time paradigm.

Article is written in Russian


Gorobynska M. V., Gil S. Y.
Problem of Identification of the Notion and Concept in Estimation Activity (p. 269 - 273)

The article conducts a multi-aspect study of the essence of the contradictory “notion – concept” combination in the estimation activity. It offers to develop and introduce the glossary of concepts – “conceptuary” – into the modern system of international standards of estimation activity replacing the traditional notion-terminological glossary ISO-2011.

Article is written in Russian


Babyna O. Y., Karpenko O. O.
Generalisation of Properties of Economic Potential in the Context of the System Approach (p. 55 - 60)

Potential is a fundamental characteristic of any system and basis of the process of development. The article considers essence of the “potential” notion in different sciences. It studies enterprise potential as an economic category from the point of view of the resource concept (as an aggregate of resources and links between them), functional concept (as an aggregate of functions, which ensure realisation of abilities and possibilities) and resource and purpose concept. The article systemises multi-aspect nature of definitions of the potential. It identifies that the existing discrepancies between different approaches to definition of the potential vanish if we differentiate the “potential” notion as a static value (resources and possibilities that exist at this moment) and dynamic value (process and result of development). The article analyses evolution of interpretation of the “potential” notion and proves that one can study today issues of assessment of the potential, management of its development and identification of sufficiency of its value only from the positions of the system approach. It studies scientific approaches to formation of the potential as a system. It underlines that time is an important characteristic of the process of development of systems. The authors offer to classify system properties of the potential depending on their manifestation in time. All properties of the enterprise potential are grouped by this feature in three groups: static, dynamic and synthetic.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Stryzhak O. O.
Scientific Method of the Economic Theory: From Dialectics to Trialectics (p. 8 - 13)

The goal of the article is development of conceptual and theoretical grounds of the scientific method of the economic theory and also analysis of its essential characteristics and functional specific features. In order to clarify the essence of the scientific method, the article analyses and generalises main approaches to its definition and also marks out its main attributes. It shows that refusal of the modern economic theory to use the dialectical method limits its methodological potential to a big extent. At the same time, it justifies narrowness of the dialectic approach in some cases in the context of detecting contradictions and also incommensurability of two marked antipodes. It offers to develop the dialectical approach in the direction of expansion of the number of grounds, which is reflected in refusal to use binary analysis and synthesis in favour of the ternary one, etc. Thus, the dialectical method is transformed into the trialectical method. The use of the trialectical approach gives a possibility to consider any object in the form of a triune synthesis of its components and to consider its development not as a settlement of two contradictions but as a more complex synthesis of three origins. The prospect of further studies in this direction is in development of methodology of application of the method of trialectics in analysis of socio-economic problems of the modern society, which would allow a more fruitful use of reserves of inter-disciplinary studies, create a theoretical basis for poly-methodological synthesis of directions of the modern economic science.

Article is written in Russian


Iefimova G. V., Marushchak S. M.
Definition of the «Economic Security of an Enterprise» and «Safe Development of an Enterprise» Notions (p. 8 - 13)

The necessity of this study is explained by difference of opinions regarding understanding of the “economic security of an enterprise” notion, on the one hand, and the poorly studied issue of a combination of the process of enterprise development with a necessary task of ensuring a high level of its economic security, on the other hand. Analysing, systemising and generalising results of scientific studies, the article identifies that economic security of an enterprise is an economic category, which characterises the enterprise functioning conditions. Favourable conditions of functioning ensure a high level of stability and steadiness of an enterprise and its ability of self-realisation and expanded self-reproduction. This becomes possible if an enterprise is capable of resisting external threats and preventing internal ones. Since development of an enterprise is an objective process, which takes place under conditions of uncertainty and changeability of external and internal environments, it is accompanied with a system of threats, which the system of economic security should protect an enterprise from. Taking into account the above, safe development of an enterprise is a process of consecutive transitions of the economic system from one state to another, which is not of a poorer quality than a previous one, which envisages producing new goals and creation of safe conditions for transition from one specific goal, achieved in the process of enterprise functioning, to another. The proposed definitions allow consideration of such significant issues of methodology of management of safe development of an enterprise as the diagnostics of its level and planning.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tumanyan V. E.
Socialisation and Economic Alienation in the Post-industrial Society (p. 14 - 19)

The article offers a theoretical and methodological assessment of modern institutional and technological shifts and changes in the context of their impact on the social status of an economic individual and its ability to effectively appropriate results of socio-economic development under conditions of the post-industrial society and globalisation. The article describes the content of socialisation of economy in the post-industrial society as a process of removal of social and institutional gaps, which arise due to a self-sufficient technological development, and demonstrates the role of value criteria and restrictions in humanisation of social relations and deployment of essential powers of a human being. The article specifies consequences of increase of the gap between the existing potential of human freedom and strengthening of its impersonal regulation with the help of modern technologies. It characterises social risks of re-formatting of the system of values and offers ways for preventive and adaptive socialisation of economic systems under conditions of globalisation.

Article is written in Russian


Vozhzhov A. P., Grinko O. L., Cheremysynova D. V.
Transformation of Money Circulation and Change of the Paradigm of Stimulation of Economic Growth: Historical Aspect and Modern Requirements (p. 8 - 16)

The article conducts an objective scientific analysis and system comprehension of the law of circulation of money – the basis of the quantitative expression of the processes that are connected with functioning of money, which allows revelation of the established regularities in circulation of money, development of relevant solutions and influencing economic development. It considers changing of the regularities of money circulation and the transmission mechanism in modern economy, its influence upon balancing of the economic system. It reveals the essential aspects, contradictions and consequences of the evolution of methods of stimulation of economic development. It studies influence of the policy of quantitative easing (QE) as a new method of regulating the economic growth and its impact on transformation of money circulation under modern conditions. It presents mathematic dependencies that describe main evolution stages of changing the laws of circulation of money.

Article is written in Russian

Shulgina L. M., Melnychuk V. M.
Theoretical Grounds of Determination of the Essence of the Mechanism of Formation of the Consumption Value of a Commodity (p. 17 - 21)

The article considers essences of the “category”, “economic category” and “consumption value of a commodity” notions and proves the economic nature of the consumption value and offers authors’ own definition. In order to identify the essence of the “consumption value of a commodity” notion, the article systemises scientific approaches and it is considered from the point of view of the classical political economy, psychology and marketing. The article offers own definition of the consumption value of a commodity and also, on the basis of the specified notions of usefulness, quality and cost, it offers a generalised model of interaction of main factors of formation of the consumption value of a commodity. It develops a mechanism of formation of the consumption value of a commodity based on the value-oriented management and also taking into account differentiators of value and specific features of its components from the point of view of all participants of its creation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Patlatoy O. Y.
Irrational Form of a Scientific Product in Modern Economy (p. 22 - 27)

The article explains the irrational character of the economic form of realisation of a scientific product in the modern economy. It formulates a chain of transformed forms that reflects movement of scientific labour and its product in the system of public production. It characterises specific features of the irrational economic form as a scientific category. It justifies irrationality of the scientific product price both from the point of view of the labour theory of cost and from the point of view of neo-classical economic theory. It shows barriers that cause the limited nature of economic analysis of the scientific sphere. Due to this, the local approach to determination of price on scientific information as a correlation of demand price and supply price seems quite justified. Analysis of the structure and dynamics of venture investments in the USA economy as a transformed form of the scientific product price in general demonstrates its irrational character. Practical conclusions, drawn from this study, point out the necessity of smoothing the contradictory character of the economic form of introduction of scientific labour results in the modern economy. On the one hand, this envisages increase of centralised financing of the fundamental and a part of applied science, on the other hand, a necessity of development of decentralised informal networks of scientific communication and exchange of scientific and technical achievements.

Article is written in Russian


Kozachenko G. V., Shulzhenko L. Y.
Ecosecent:: Essence, Subject and Structure (p. 8 - 12)

The article shows that due to multi-laterality the knowledge about security is distributed by various branches, one of which is ecosestate, within which conditions of secure functioning of socio-economic systems and methods of their provision are studied. It shows the essence of ecosecent as a component of the “state – region (branch) – subject of economic activity” ecosestate vertical – a set of knowledge about economic security of subjects of economic activity. It considers reasons that cause establishment of ecosecent: practical needs and a necessity to reconsider basic concepts of the essence, limits and factors of economy. It formulates the subject of ecosecent. It considers the status of the “economic security of the subject of economic activity” notion as its state, described with a set of parameters or characteristic features as characteristics of the subject of economic activity as a condition of its activity and as a set of actions that allow ensuring or preservation of the state of security, in other words, protection of the subject of economic activity. It presents general approaches to structuring of ecosecent by activity, functional and branch features.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Cherkaskyi I. B., Bielikova N. V., Kozyrieva O. V.
Theoretical Aspects of Identification of the Essence of Economic Integration (p. 12 - 17)

The article generalises leading concepts and theories of economic integration that cover key aspects of this process. It gives a list of economic, socio-cultural and political factors that determine dynamics and direction of economic integration of the countries of the world. It studies approaches of foreign and domestic researchers with respect to the essence of the “economic integration” notion and provides a list of its basic characteristics. It builds a scheme of interconnections between the elements of the process of economic integration of the countries of the world in the world economy, on the basis of which the article offers a list of positive and negative consequences of economic integration for national economies.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vovk V. A.
Concept of Human Capital in the Context of Transition to the Wisdom Society (p. 18 - 22)

The goal of the article is to study factors that determine a necessity of expansion of the essence of the “human capital” notion in the context of changing priorities of economic growth and transition to the “wisdom society”. The article reveals, in the result of the analysis, that wisdom becomes the priority at the modern stage of social and economic development and the main challenge – leaving the limits of the “knowledge society” and developing into the “wisdom society”. Consequently, the humanitarian economy (“wisdom economy”) is shown as the main direction of development of the economic science. Moreover, the article shows that the concept of human capital should be expanded with consideration of specific features of the wisdom society. The article offers to understand the human capital as an aggregate of knowledge, skills, motivations (according to Becker) plus wisdom (happiness), imperative of values and subjectness. Prospects of further studies are connected with the search for methods of measurement of such a difficult to measure property as “happiness”, comparison of the heuristic potential of the existing indices and, possibly, their specification or development of new ones.

Article is written in Russian

Rybalko Y. S.
Holistic Approach of the Evolution Theory to TNC Genesis (p. 23 - 29)

Development of the world economy at the modern stage is characterised with formation of the global model of economic development. Economic evolution theory, from the point of view of its supporters, considers economic development as an irreversible process of growth of complexity, variability and productiveness of production by means of periodical repetition of replacement of technologies, types of products, organisations and institutes, quite surprisingly, insufficiently exhaustively reacted in its development on modern challenges in the form of globalisation and processes caused by a new type of reproduction in the post-industrial society. The article, based on main provisions of the economic evolution theory and modern empiricism, specifies general and specific characteristics of development of trans-national corporations (TNC) and provides an improved justification of periodisation of the TNC evolution. The holistic approach of the economic evolution theory to periodisation of the TNC development and the author’s analysis of stages of establishment of TNC give a possibility to identify specific regularities of this development and formulate the hypothesis on probability of coincidence of stages of TNC development and stages of development of the world currency system in the context of time periods, and also to mark out the tendency of formation of corporations of a new generation – mondialised global compositely combined structures.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Karapeychyk I. M.
Economic Potential Theory: Object, Subject and Conceptual Framework (p. 71 - 76)

The goal of the article is specification of content of basic notions, object and subject of the economic potential theory as a relatively independent branch of the economic science. Based on the analysis of multiple scientific publications the article justifies a conclusion about absence of unity of views on the content of main notions of the theory, insufficient level of strictness of definitions of these notions, eclectic elements and internal inconsistency of the conceptual framework, consequences of which are erroneous approaches to solution of the problem of potential assessment. The article specifies, within the concept of potential in economy as a certain ability of economic subjects, the object and subject of the economic potential theory, offers a system of key notions of the theory and gives strict definitions of these notions, which ensure compatibility and consistency of the system of notions, possibility of common classification of the known varieties of potentials of economic subjects and identify new methodological approaches to measuring potentials and application of assessments of the level of potential in applied tasks of management. The proposed conceptual framework forms a theoretical foundation for development of methods of assessment of potentials and specification of directions and methods of use of relevant assessments for management of development of economic subjects within a common methodology, which is an actual subject for further studies.

Article is written in Russian


Hlushach A. V., Arkhiiereiev S. I.
Socio-economic Nature of Transactions, Their Types and Specific Features of Manifestation in the Labour Market (p. 8 - 13)

The article shows the nature of “transaction” as an economic category in the context of views of different economists. Based on the analysis of specific features of functioning of the labour market, the article identifies specific features of manifestation of transactions that are characteristic for subjects of labour relations. The article conducts classification of transactions with respect to the labour market, in the basis of which there are well-known in the economic literature typological features, namely: degree of resource specificity, action duration and periodicity, degree of determination and interdependence on other operations, chronological feature, etc. The article improves classification of transactions of the labour market, which takes into account its features as a resource market and envisages distribution of transactions by functional features on functioning transactions (take place during interaction of subjects of the labour market) and reproduction transactions (carried out for formation of demand and supply of labour force), with subsequent detalisation of the latter on reproductive (reproduce existing forms of employment) and creative (manifest themselves in development of new forms of employment).

Article is written in Russian

Rogach F. I.
On Significance of the Labour Theory of Value under Modern Conditions (p. 13 - 17)

The financial and economic crisis of recent years intensifies interest to the nature of value and preservation of wealth. Brief review of the evolution of views on the nature and assessment of the value allows formulation of the goal of the article – a study of reasons of changes of views on the nature of value. The conducted analysis allows establishment of dependence of the content of the theory of value and values of its categories on the content (level) of technological structures and also the fact that only labour and capital are the basis of the value during all technological structures. Processing US data shows that the specific weight of labour costs in GDP in various technological structures is practically the same even when physical labour is replaced with intellectual. The article shows practical importance of the labour theory, labour rent at the macro-level – forecasting GDP growth on labour financing; and also at meso- and micro-levels – forecasting labour costs in production.

Article is written in Russian

Bosovskaya M. V.
Semantic and Functional Structuring of Integration Processes (p. 18 - 25)

The article describes author’s approaches to solution of the scientific problem of semantic and functional structuring of integration and justifies a necessity of formation and realisation of integration processes as a necessary condition of development of micro-, mega- and macro-economy. The article identifies disposition in understanding the essence of the “integration” category and justifies a scientific need in a deeper theoretical comprehension of the essential and contensive filling of integration processes. It identifies the essence and content of an integration process by the aggregate of features and characteristics of organisational, economic, legal and behavioural character. It offers, within economic features of integration, to allocate managerial, operational, marketing, social and ecological characteristics. It studies evolution aspects of economic integration as a process. It specifies integration functions by the list, contensive filling and hierarchical levels, based on specific features of an integration process. Structuring of an integration process is carried out on the basis of decomposition of functions into general (organisational, stimulating (motivational), conciliatory (regulation), regulating (balancing), co-ordinating, controlling, prognostic) and specific (resource, information, communication, synchronisation, conflict, consulting, allocation, educational, innovation, adaptive, creative, social (socialisation), value, optimisation, institutional, and documenting). Semantic and functional structuring of integration processes would facilitate further fundamentalisation of scientific studies in the field of integration and would improve practical realisation of the managerial process and managerial decision making at various hierarchical levels of management of economic systems. The prospect of further studies of theoretical and methodological basis of integration processes is development of mechanisms of their realisation in activity of economic subjects.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Krushnitska H. B.
Genesis of the Concept of Human Capital in the Post-industrial Society (p. 25 - 30)

The goal of the article is the study of genesis of the concept of human capital in the post-industrial society. Based on the analysis and generalisation of scientific works of many scientists, the article shows that development of the concept of human capital is a process of accumulation of knowledge and scientific views on a human being and the role of a human being in economy. At this stage this concept finds its further development within the framework of modern conceptual approaches to human capital, which more adequately reflect real social and economic processes that take part in the post-industrial society, giving impulse for further development of the theory of human capital. In the result of the study the article reveals that modern conceptual approaches to identification of human capital are significantly determined by qualitative features of information economy and knowledge economy. The article identifies their influence upon development of human capital and upon possible change of its nature, which calls for an objective necessity of creation of a new concept of human capital. Further development of the concept of human capital (and possibly creation of a new concept) flows out of objective regularities and main features of information economy and knowledge economy, which result in changing internal needs of development of the socio-economic system (organisation, region and country) and an employee as a personality.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Markovych I. B.
Study of the Economic Size of a State as a Characteristic of its Institutional Structure (p. 31 - 36)

The goal of the article lies in conduct of theoretical analysis of changes in relations of scientific and public circles to the strength of state influence upon socio-economic development of the state and conduct of relevant empirical studies of these problems. Analysing and systemising scientific works of many scientists, the article generalises a conceptual vision of significance of economic freedom as a pre-requisite of growth of the state well-being. The article conducts theoretical analysis of influence of the state as an institutional formation upon economic growth and balance of action of market mechanisms. The article conducts a decomposition analysis of influence of individual components of the Index of Economic Freedom upon GDP per capita indicator by data from 112 countries for the period 2000 – 2011. It shows that there is a regenerative connection between the size of the state and this indicator. The prospect of further studies in this direction is the search for efficient forms of interaction of state and market mechanisms of development of national economies.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Ivashyna O. F., Ivashyna S. Y.
The Socialization of Economy in the Context of Post-industrial Trends (p. 8 - 12)

The article describes the actual problem of socialization of the economy, the impact on the socialization of institutional factors, which are formed under the influence of modern post-industrial development trends. Methodological possibilities of modern institutionalism were used, economic and noneconomic interactions that determine the features of socialization were considered. Socialization of the economy is taken up in the wider context, due to the process of universumization, which are formed on the basis of strategies and models of socialization. Appearance of a new system of values of postindustrial era was proved, which provides high adaptability of the economy to the new conditions. Values and culture becomes a matrix, based on which the reproduction of institutional conditions for the existence of post-industrial society, and the new socio-cultural institutions provide economically active people in the economic sphere. The influence of post-industrial cultural differentiation on process of socialization of the economy was examined. On the basis of analysis of the dynamics of socio-cultural indicators their impact on the socialization of values of postindustrial society was shown. It was proved that the country’s system of values is socialized, which is gradually approaching European standards and demonstrates cultural potential of postindustrial economic modernization.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yakovenko O. P.
Determination of the Basic Categories of Social Responsibility (p. 13 - 18)

The purpose of the article is to determine the content of the category "social responsibility", the definition of structural and logical relationships between the given category and allied ones. As a result of a comprehensive study of existing definitions of the term "social responsibility", the definition of the phenomenon was suggested by the author. The comparative characteristics of related concepts possible to determine the common and distinctive features between them was conducted and the conclusion was made that corporate social responsibility includes phenomena such as charity, philanthropy and volunteerism. Prospects for further research in this direction is the study of the principles that guide the subjects of socially responsible activities, as well as the definition of tools and results of social responsibility at all hierarchical levels

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kolomiyets G. M., Pominova I. I.
Institutional and Economic Platform Formation and Development of Intellectual Capital (p. 19 - 23)

The aim of the article is to study the institutional mechanisms of formation and development of intellectual capital. The article reveals the content of the categories of "platform", "technology platform"; proved the feasibility of application of this definition in economics; proposed the use of economic theory in the new synthetic categories – “institutional and economic platform." Proved that in the post-industrial era education system (especially the higher level) is the most important formal and informal institutions that, through self-development and learning mechanism of interaction with science, business practice, government and civil society should become an institutionally-business platform for development of intellectual capital. On the basis of the use of evolution of the cross-sector collaboration in economic systems the evolution of relations that constitute the institutional and economic development platform of intellectual capital was considered. The special role of education in the process of reproduction of the intellectual capital of all operational levels was defined: individual, microeconomic, macroeconomic and global. It was proven that the union formation factors and development of intellectual capital must be through mutual launch, impetus which the higher education system gives.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Lozynska T. M.
On a Problem of Using the Terms “Institute” and “Institution” in the Context of Institutional Analysis (p. 8 - 13)

Considering the later increase of using the theory of institutionalism by local scientists, as well as certain methodological gaps in regard to the forming of categorical apparatus and carrying out the institutional analysis, the goal of the article is to compare specific approaches to the explanation of social and economic content of the term “institute” and to prove the impossibility of institutional analysis in the agrarian sphere. The article shows the unreasonableness of using the terms “institute” and “institution” to indicate the form of social interactions basing on the set of formal and informal restrictions, mechanisms of observing the established standards and respective structural and functional base. For this purpose is better to apply the term “institute” since it is more widely used. As a result, the article indicates that, considering the uniformity of organizational and functional base of institutes, the institutional analysis is to be carried out in two directions: from the standpoint of quantitative assessment of the influence of existing regulations on the economic activity (analysis of institutional cover) and from the standpoint of the effectiveness of organizations functioning (analysis of institutional structure). Future studies may be concerned with the development of theoretical provisions in regard to the analysis of institutes and their transformation under the influence of property relations; the study of property relations as a social institute; the analysis of the influence exerted by the institute of property on the allocation of resources in the society; the harmonization of social institutes.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Syniuchenko M. I.
Competitiveness of the National Economy: a Study of the Effectiveness of Growth Factors (p. 14 - 17)

The essence of the category of "competitiveness of the national economy" and the main factors of innovative competitive advantage were identified and analyzed. The author of the article regards competitiveness of the national economy as the ability of the economy to ensure high rates of economic growth and that is largely thanks to the use of innovative technologies and creative organization of management at all levels of the economy and on this foundation to create the conditions to increase the welfare of the citizens of the country and improve the socio-economic impact that is realized in the high social effect. Competitiveness of the national economy – it's the competitiveness of the economic system as a whole, rather than individual companies or industries. It also discusses the institutional components that form the innovative nature of the competitiveness of the national economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ivashyna O. F.
The Institutional Environment for Economic Modernization (p. 18 - 22)

The theoretical and methodological foundations of economic and non-economic institutionalization interactions were considered and on this basis the ways and means of economic modernization of the country were justified. On the basis of the institutional methodology an analysis of institutional and transformational change in the process of economic modernization was carried out and its institutional factors were justified. An institutional analysis of economic, political, and economic and social interactions was conducted, as well as the role of institutional modernization in the economic modernization of the country was justified. The institutional criteria results of economic modernization were defined: the level of transaction costs in the economy as a general description of the quality of the institutional environment; the quality of government and legislation as an effective guarantor to those social forces that are not interested in the economic modernization of the country; the ability to import and implement the global market economy institutions, to acquire organizational and technical expertise to create efficient allocation of property rights; new motivation of human action in terms of a culture of post-material values. It was concluded that the institutionalization of economic and non-economic interactions forms the direction of the economic modernization process.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Paimanova V. A.
Institutional Design of the Capital Market as an Economic Category (p. 23 - 27)

The purpose of the article is to reveal the content of the institutional design of the capital market in terms of backwardness of the institutional environment, where the capital market itself externally looks like the markets of developed countries. The main prerequisites for the formation of the institutional design of the capital market in Ukraine were considered, the possible difficulties of its implementation, as well as due to its necessity in the formation of institutions to ensure the effectiveness of institute establishment. The study defines the essence of the institutional design of the capital market as a purposeful process of the formation of institutional arrangements in order to create an effective and harmonious institutional environment. Institutional design is a creative process of building the institutional system, where institutional architectonics as an integral structure of institutions acting as a result of institutional design as a process of activities of the company to create an institutional architectonics. Prospects for further research in this direction is to identify ways to implement the institutional design of the capital market, to determine the degree of influence of institutional factors that significantly affect the development of this market, the implementation of an adequate assessment of their management decisions at the micro and macro levels.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Korablinova I. A.
The Need to Make a Change towards Competence-management of Infocommunacation Companies under Modern Conditions (p. 8 - 13)

The aim of this work is to study the causes of the transition to competence-management of infocomm companies under the conditions of information society. The article analyzes the changes in the activities of modern companies, due to the information revolution. The issue of the need to manage not only big data was raised, operated by information and communication companies, but also information that is constantly changing. It was determined that the information society is to be understood not only a society which is based on the information and communication technologies for the transmission, storage, information processing, but also a society that used this material base to master the art of information management to improve their well-being in all aspects. Noting the role of specific specialized knowledge, intellectual and creative abilities of people and their skills in the information society, the conclusions about the need to move to competence-management companies was made. The basic technology of competence management in the context of the new driving force of innovation was examined. On the example of the leading infocomm companies the urgency of the application of social technologies of competence management (crowdsourcing, open collaboration). Prospects for further studies at the level of fundamental analysis are the study of the processes of intellectualization and socialization activities in modern companies. In the applied aspect the specific mechanisms and techniques of competence management still remains poorly studied.

Article is written in Russian

Nepokupna T. A., Stepanenko S. V.
Higher Pedagogical Education and Commercialization of Scientific Knowledge: Problems and Contradictions (p. 14 - 18)

The purpose of this paper is to determine the place and role of higher teacher education, teacher of high school in the context of commercialization of knowledge and modern social and economic transformations that are currently changing the psychology of people, society, shifting the individual and collective consciousness and spiritual and moral values toward commercialization relations. Analyzing the work of many scientists, using an interdisciplinary approach, it was found that the influence of the liberal transformation in the educational sphere, in particular pedagogical universities in the scientific literature is not enough. As a result, studies have highlighted the problem of spiritual and moral plan, which cuts across all spheres of modern society; the role of the teacher of higher teaching school as a repeater of scientific knowledge, ideology and values in the context of the paradigm of the gift or giving gifts was revealed; defines the mission of pedagogical universities – the formation of teachers, responsible, systematic in their thinking and knowledge, not only in the certain knowledge, but also capable of conveying correctly and scientifically verified to those of the younger generation system of socio-economic changes that accompany the social environment, promote the scientific outlook with accentuation on the moral and spiritual intelligence, which in a certain way denies the commercialization and commodification of thought and values; a sociological survey of students was conducted with a goal to, firstly, understand their vision of value constructs the carriers of which must be high school teachers, and, secondly, their relation to the commercialization of higher education. The prospect of further research should be to find answers to fundamental economic questions – what to produce?, how to produce? for whom to produce?, e. i. determining precise contours of the financial presence of the state in the production and provision of educational services by pedagogical universities.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bielikova N. V., Omarov Shakhin A., Kriachko Y. M.
Analysis of the Approaches to Evaluation of the Sustainable Development of Countries and Regions (p. 8 - 16)

In the article the substance of the concept «sustainable development» is explored. The modern worldwide methodical and practical experience in the evaluation of the sustainable development in the context of countries and regions is analyzed, the specificity of the existing theories and models is researched, their weaknesses and strengths are defined. It was found that the sustainable development depends on the balancing of the economic, social and environmental factors. As a result of the carried out research the approaches to the estimation and the contents of the integral components of the sustainable development indicators was systematized, the directions for the formation of methodology of its objective evaluation were identified.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Berezhna N. I., Kramarieva O. S.
Human Capital in Economic Growth: the Substance and Problems of Formation (p. 17 - 21)

The article investigates the relationship between the concepts of «economic growth», «socio-economic growth», «economic development», which have both similarities and differences. It is highlighted, that in a postindustrial society emerges a new economic growth factor – human capital. According to results of the comparative analysis of processes of human development and human capital formation, the human capital functions as a self-replicating system. The analysis of the level of development of human capital in terms of «human development index» (HDI) was carried out and addressed some of the problems of the human capital formation in the field of education, innovation and wealth inequality. A system of factors, classified by various characteristics with influence on the development of human capital, is proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ryabeka O. H.
Socio-economic Policy of Ukraine in Ensuring Economic Security of the State (p. 48 - 52)

The purpose of the article is to determine the socio-economic policy in the economic security of Ukraine in today's changing economic conditions and globalization. The article examines the issues of theoretical and practical foundations for the economic security of the state, and a feature of Ukrainian economic security. The indicators of economic security were considered, the basic requirements to them, the classification of indicators. As a result the study defined methodology for identifying economic threats, the directions of socio-economic policy in the sphere of ensuring the economic security of Ukraine in modern conditions. Prospects for further research in this direction are to identify opportunities to find and implement the practice of market mechanisms for effective implementation of the social dimension of economic security, search for solutions to the problems of social and economic security to develop an optimal strategy to ensure it in unity with the globalization, European integration and landmarks.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bielikova N. V.
Problems of Determining the Nature of the Economic Reforms (p. 8 - 13)

Critical analysis of the domestic and foreign experience of transformation suggests that economic reforms can be carried out with errors and encourage deterioration of the current situation. This is due to the lack of a common interpretation of the essence of the concept of "economic reform" and the continuing debate about the nature of the reforms. The purpose of this paper is to develop a uniform definition of a scientific approach to economic reforms that will improve the efficiency of government decisions in planning and promoting economic and social development of the country and its regions. This paper summarizes the basic theories and concepts to study the process of reforming the economy, such as the theory of comparative studies, transitology, transition economy, the theory of reforms (general) etc; the basic ideas and possible use of these theories in the process of reforming the economy were highlighted. Factors determining the direction, structure and sequence of reforming the country's economy and its regions: global patterns of economic development, state-specific issues, the external problem of choice of strategic priorities for economic development. For a more complete disclosure of the concept of the term "reform" the work focuses on the transformation of the pattern of the economy: the reform – a system of measures embodied in concrete projects, which allows you to change one or more components of the model of the economy of the country and its regions. The link between the characteristics of the process of reforming the economic model of the country and its regions was proven, which helped to clarify the concept of "reform" and complement the existing literature characteristics of the process of reforming the model of the economy of the country and its regions, to justify a scientific approach to the problem of the study of reforms based on their appropriateness and coordination.

Article is written in Russian

Maslo R. J.
The Definition of «Small City» in the Global System of the World Economic Relations (p. 14 - 17)

The article is aimed at the study of the different approaches to the definition of the category «small city». In the article the method of unifying concepts, known as the «generalization method» was used, which involves the analysis of a number of definitions and highlighting of the common features for the subsequent synthesis, with a view to formulate a common definition of the economic concept of «small city». Both the national and the international approaches to the classification of cities were analyzed. The competitive advantages of different functional types of the small cities in the international system of economic relations were defined. By combining the results of the analysis, the author has offered his own interpretation of the category «small city» in this meaning: it is an open socio-technical-natural system, in which the sensible activities of the social group of the territorial community amounting to up to 50 000 people take place, aimed at the ensuring of the internal (endogenous) and the external (exogenous) functions of the small city.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Baidala V. V., Butenko V. M.
Scientific Bases of Social Responsibility of Bioeconomy (p. 18 - 22)

The article is aimed at the study of the current scientific interpretations of substance of the «social responsibility» category, at the reviewing of scientific bases of the social responsibility of bioeconomy, as well as the determination of how the bioeconomy concept is correlated with the principles of the sustainable development. As a result of the study, a definition of social responsibility of bioeconomy as a development philosophy, which is based on the principles of sustainability and the consciousness of consequences, as well as the need to influence the formation of social norms, based on the socio-ecological-economic mentality, was proposed. It was grounded, that social responsibility is closely linked to the sustainable development, and the sustainable development, in turn, is possible as a result of the bioeconomy implementation. The social effects of development of bioeconomy at the local, regional, national and global levels were highlighted. The comparative analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of development of bioeconomy has led to conclusion on the competence of social responsibility of bioeconomy. Prospects of the further researches are seen in the formation of the principles of social partnership as a platform for dialogue between the Government, business and society, to facilitate the moving to the bioeconomy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Riabykina K. H.
Business Capital as a Subject to Economic Management (p. 23 - 29)

In the article is grounded, that studies of the enterprise capital as a subject to management should rely on the conceptual basis of economic theory, on the modern concepts of strategic management and on the theory of corporate finance. Also specifics and trends in the development of an innovative economy require to expand the outline of such studies. According to the results of the evolutionary analysis of interpretation of the capital it was determined, that each particular approach complements the general characteristics of the capital with new qualitative contents. The true entity of the category «capital» is located at the intersection of the approaches explored, and the legality of their use depends on the point of view as to every particular problem. It was concluded about the appropriateness of focusing on substantive grounds of the capital as the value, which allows the capital to fulfill its functions, including the major one - reproductive function, as well as the value, capable of ensuring the increase of the embedded value. A basis for building the research of the enterprise capital as a subject to management provides the identifying of the term «management», which consists in achieving of the objectives through the implementation of particular, clearly directed actions. It is also necessary to explore the managerial essence of the enterprise capital, which initially comprises the value-based (the ability of the capital to increase the enterprise value), resource-based (the emergence of the sustainable system-related circuit of the nonfinancial capital of the nonfinancial capital, including the intellectual and social capital) and target-based approaches. It was noted, that in the development of an innovative economy a specific circuit of the nonfinancial capital captures the differences of value formating and value management processes, directed to its incrementing, and necessitates further research related to the development of analytical tools and mechanisms to achieve managerial objectives in the field of management of the enterprise capital.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Moroz O. V., Nesen L. M., Filatova L. S.
On the Question of Methodology of Studying the Modern Markets (p. 8 - 14)

The article is aimed to study the fundamental methodologies for the analysis of laws of the market and competitive environment, according to the world economic science. The main problems of functioning of modern markets and implementation of regulatory policy are outlined. The history and methodology of research regarding the market institute is summarized, a critical analysis of the main known sources in the given context is accomplished. Adequacy of the major theories as to means of studying and optimization of market was grounded. The determinate role of theory of imperfect competition in the formation of modern models of market and market regulation is defined. State of the domestic market of dairy products with defining the main existing dysfunctions and taking into account the peculiarities of post-Soviet economic space are described. The prospects for further research are substantiated as developing of adequate policy and its regulatory modernization, given the existence of clear, publicly endorsed and economically sound guides for stimulating the behavior of basic market agents.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Pashkevych M. S., Churikanova O. Y.
Cognitive economy: Problems and Prospects for the Regions (p. 8 - 13)

The article analyzes the historical origins of the concept of cognitive economy and its spreading to all spheres of economic activity, including that of the regional economy. The main principles and methods of cognitive economy and areas of its application in the current economic processes are determined. Volumes of research towards the cognitive economy by scientists through the years are analyzed. The areas of economy in which application of the cognitive approach is most relevant for today, are indicated. Three areas of application of cognitive economy are allocated – intelligent systems in the economy, knowledge management in the economy and cognitive technology in the economy. Essence and features of each area are disclosed. The tools of cognitive science are considered, namely, the economic-mathematical methods and models, as well as information systems, applied in solving of the given economic problems with using of cognitive approach, are specified. Relevance and benefits of cognitive science for the current regional economy in comparison with existing methods and approaches are mentioned.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mykolenko O. P.
Institutional Reforms in the Context of Market Transformation: the General and the Particular (p. 14 - 18)

The article is aimed to develop a theory of institutional reforms, to study their role and relevance at different stages of development of the market mechanism. Based on an analysis of institutional dynamics of industrial transformation of the post-socialist countries in the cases of Russia, Ukraine, Georgia and Poland, three stages was identified and some regularities of institutional changes at each of them was allocated. At the first stage reforms and new institutional forms originate only in the interior of the old system; they serve as complementary elements of the base elements. At the second stage, institutional reforms are transformed into a factor of degradation of the old and origination of the new system, while the pure institutional balance is dislocated. The third phase is associated with establishment and institutionalization of the integral market mechanism. At the present stage the economic system of Ukraine is characterized by institutional incompleteness and fragmentarity of the complex institutions. Formation of a unified market mechanism makes the importance of the institutional reforms that are transforming and shaping a versatile tool and, at the same time, a major component of the relationship between institutionalization and improving of adaptability and competitiveness of the national economy.

Article is written in English

Sardak S. E., Samoilenko A. A.
Evaluating the State of Intellectualization of the National Economy of Ukraine in the Context of Globalization (p. 19 - 24)

Due to the innovative nature of the world economy and the continuity of scientific and technological progress, intellectualization becomes one of the world's leading trends. The article is aimed to evaluate the state of intellectualization of the national economy of Ukraine in the context of globalization. In the article the existing approaches are considered, which are used by international organizations and expert agencies to evaluate the intellectualization level of the countries around the world. The indicators of the state of intellectualization, available in the publications of the State statistics service of Ukraine have been researched. The author's deductive description of the intellectualization state of the regions (on the basis of twenty four indicators) and of types of economic activity (three indicators) of the national economy has been presented. It has been determined, that in the today's circumstances, an increasing of intellectualization level of the Ukrainian economy could happen, on the one hand, by means of getting balanced the status of intellectualization of the regions, given their natural resource potential, the socio-economic situation and the international human resources movement. On the other hand, this can happen due to introduction of new forms of national economic policies for human resources development in the fields of IT-technologies, information services, sports, education, space industry, tourism. The scientific novelty and practical importance, as well as originality of the obtained results is represented by an elaborated methodological framework for evaluating the state of the intellectualization of the national economy plus a further projecting of mechanisms of intellectualization of Ukraine in the worldwide context.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Domnina I. I.
Analysis of the Current Approaches to Definition of the Term «Crisis Management» (p. 25 - 29)

The article is aimed at working out a new definition of «crisis management» on the basis of the known definitions, presented in the scientific works by the both domestic and foreign authors. On analyzing of various scientific works was found, that studying of «crisis management» as a single concept began since the end of the last century, but nonetheless understanding of the essence and contents of this definition at the present day is still in the stage of formation. For this reason, study and improvement of the contemporary conceptual framework of crisis management remains relevant. In the research process, a number of definitions of crisis management was examined and the various views on this concept were analyzed. The results of the carried out analysis revealed that the concept of «crisis management» is often narrowed to managing the enterprise in the context of an overall crisis or such management, which prefaces the bankruptcy proceedings. As for the examined definitions, diagnosis of a crisis at an early stage or a procedure to prevent the negative development of the enterprise, is covered insufficiently. Most enterprises are operating with borrowed funds and not always effectively use them, which leads to a high risk of default, and may result in eventual destabilization of enterprise's activity against the background of negative changes in the external business environment. On the basis of the analyzed views on the concept of «crisis management», an advanced definition was proposed, which also takes into account the influence as the internal, so the external environment of business. Prospects for further research can consist not only in finding out ways for improving the concept of crisis management, but also deeper study and perfection of management models as well as managing the financial sustainability of crisis management aimed at prevention of crises of enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Nykyforov A. Y.
The Classification of Innovative-Investment Risks in the System of Managerial Decision-Making (p. 8 - 14)

In the article, a classification of risks in terms of innovation and investment projects based on the system of the following characteristics is proposed: nature of occurrence, stages of implementation, extent of occurrence, modes of expression, sphere of occurrence, chances for insurance, nature of impact over time, forms of investing, duration of the threat, extent of continuity of influence, chances for counteracting, degree of acceptance by investor, source of occurrence. Necessity of application of subsystems for a hierarchical type classification according to «sphere of occurrence» is substantiated, which makes possible to estimate the magnitude of risk on the basis of its specific manifestations in the different kinds of innovative-investment activities. A scale for measuring the acceptable level of risk for innovation and investment projects is recommended, which includes the minimum, elevated and critical risks. Expedience of taking into consideration the systematic risks in determining the level of the investment premium is reasoned.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ivashchenko M. V., Shkodinа I. V., Karpova I. V.
Economic Impacts of «Kickbacks» as a Form of Rent-Oriented Behavior (p. 15 - 20)

The article is aimed at clarification of the term «kickback» as a form of rent-oriented behavior, systematizing of the main areas of economic activity where the relationships of «kickback» is applicable at most. It has been proposed to distinguish the «kickback» from bribe as a specific form of the latter, which could have longer-term prospects for cooperation. In the article current information about detecting facts of «kickback» in different spheres of economic activity is studied. The main activities in which such operations take place have been summarized (public procurements to maintain budgetary institutions; construction and maintenance of roads; VAT refund; purchase and service of office equipment and furniture; purchasing office supplies, printed products, etc.; renovations to the premises; State subsidies to enterprises of the agro-industrial complex; obtaining of credits; services of insurance companies; advertising, marketing measures and market research; recruitment services), also the scope and principles for their implementation have been described. Negative effects of «kickbacks» for the national economy are estimated. The basic principles and guidelines to be able to resist the «kickback» schemes in public procurement and in the commercial sector are formulated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vasylchuk I. P.
Theoretical and Methodological Bases, Evolution of the Conception of Socially Responsible Investing (p. 21 - 28)

The article is aimed at conducting a comparative analysis of the existing definitions of types and nature of socially responsible investing and explore the genesis of its conception. It has been determined that, in the responsible investment, so-called «magic triangle of investments» (profitability, liquidity and risks) is expanded with another component – sustainability and thus turns into a «magic quadrangle». It has been proved that there is currently no established definitions; development of practical aspects of implementation of investment approaches, theoretical and methodological bases of the conception of socially responsible investing, is going on. Grouping of socially responsible investments by providing their essential characteristics in the context of the object-oriented analysis, as well as an author's own periodization, which considers the development of the concept of socially responsible investing, in the context of the co-evolution of the theoretical concepts of corporate social responsibility and sustainable development, have been proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Нerasymenko Y. S.
Essence of the Concept of «Institution» in the Agricultural Sphere (p. 29 - 33)

The article is aimed to analyze the integrated vision of the concept of «institution». This, in turn, requires disclosure of the content of the «institution» term in the context of an integrated understanding of this notion's essence with regard to the agricultural sphere. The author has presented different explanations of the term «institution» as well as generally accepted approaches to the interpretation of efficiency of institutions. Contents of the term «institution» in the agricultural sphere has been disclosed. It has been determined that institutional analysis of the economy provides for studies in the general social and societal context, when institutions are integrated, interdependent and cause a dominant influence on society. Thus, the institutional paradigm in the economic science forms a research program, in which economy has to be determined by the type of society and presence of the historically sustainable institutional mechanisms to ensure the functioning of economy and society as a whole. Hence the scientific goals of economic analysis, in the first place, must empirically identify, then describe the relevant institutional factors and further determine the prospects for their development.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Onyshko S. V., Karpenko S. P.
Dynamics of Aggregate Demand in Ukraine: Structural Deformations and Prospects of Overcoming (p. 8 - 14)

The article is aimed at analyzing the dynamics and structure of the aggregate demand in Ukraine. The results of the analysis showed that in Ukraine, as in most developed countries, aggregate demand dominates in the structure of consumer demand, however, unlike developed countries, Ukraine has insufficient volume and growth of investment demand, which causes a negative impact on other components of aggregate demand. During the research the deformations have been revealed, which are inherent in: consumer demand; investment demand; structure of public consumption; the component of «net exports», as well as measures to overcome these deformations have been identified. These measures, in particular, are the following: encouraging the creation of new jobs with higher level of labor remuneration; assistance in attracting investments in priority sectors of the processing industry and agriculture; reduction of the public demand share compared with the investment demand share and dominance of collective consumption over the individual consumption; import substitution and promotion of exports of high-tech products, which can be achieved through increased investments into the structural modernization of the economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kalyuzhna N. H.
Definitions of the Concepts of «System» and «Management System» on the Basis of the Descriptive and Constructive Approaches (p. 15 - 20)

The article is aimed to clarify the nature of the key concepts of the systems theory, namely: «system» and «management system». For the solution of this problem, relevance of adherence to descriptive and constructive approaches to the definition of concepts has been substantiated. A number of common definitions of the concept of «system» has been analyzed and absence of consistency regarding the definition of essence of this notion has been testified. A tuple of descriptive signs of the object's systemacity has been formed. A descriptive definition of the concept of «system» based on synchronization of components of the tuple of descriptive signs of the object's systemacity and definition elements of the concept of «system» has been proposed. A constructive definition of the concept of «system» based on the analysis and synthesis of the system's constructive characteristics has been proposed. Both the descriptive and the constructive definitions of the concept of «management system», based on the presented definitions of the term «system» and of determining the essence of the enterprise's management system as subject of the study, has been proposed. Prospects for further research in this area is clarification of essence of the concepts of «management system of enterprise» and «self-organizing management system of enterprise» based on identification and generalization of descriptive signs and constructive characteristics of the corresponding systems, thus creating a theoretical framework to explore the potential of the management system of enterprise.

Article is written in Russian

Grygorak M. Y.
Theoretical Provisions of the Intellectually-Oriented Logistics (p. 20 - 29)

The article is aimed at synthesis of the theoretical foundations of the intellectually-oriented economy; study of framework of categories and concepts of intellectualizing the enterprises' logistics activities in terms of the knowledge-based economy; defining the role of the intellectual entrepreneurship on the Ukrainian market of logistics services; outlining the main directions and means for establishing intellectualized logistics systems. As result of the study, a conceptual model of intellectual economy has been elaborated; components of the intellectual activity of enterprise, competitive advantages of logistic operators, depending on the level of intellectualizing of their activities, principles on the establishment of intellectualized logistics systems as prototype of 5PL provider have been determined. Prospect of further research in this area is related to determination of the organizational structure and the key indicators of the logistics service based on electronic technology.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pogorila L. M.
Key Factors and Principles of Socially Responsible Consumption (p. 30 - 34)

The article is aimed to study the determinants of socially responsible consumption and to elaborate a conceptual model of socially responsible consumer, while taking account of their contemporary classification and architectonics. In the article, key factors of socially responsible consumption, their structure and the basic functional characteristics are identified. A model of socially responsible consumer, taking into account the key factors and trends, has been elaborated. The basic sustainable structural characteristics of model of the socially responsible consumer have been disclosed, consisting of green (organic), ethical, sustainable, rational and limited consumption. On the basis of international data, contemporary trends in the socially responsible consumption have been researched.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kramarenko R. M., Galenko S. M.
Globalization Approaches to Establishing an Effective Strategy for Development of European Metroplises (p. 35 - 39)

The article is aimed to study the impact of globalization processes on the cities' development that involves numerous complexities, of both the theoretical and applied nature, since the elaborating effective strategies for development of metropolis should contain a complex of adequate responses to the rapid changes that are taking place in the world economy and geopolitics. Forms of globalistic influences have been analyzed, taking into account the establishing metropolis strategy. The parameters to consider when developing the long-and medium-term strategies of the metropolis have been determined. In the case of city of Kyiv, has been proposed to apply the model of development of a large metropolitan area, created by Yu Zhu. It has been determined that elaborating a strategy requires, first and foremost, a clear methodological definition of the future model of the city. Also the methods for estimation of positioning the main cities in Europe have been analyzed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lukianchykova A. S.
Defining the Concept of «Economic Security of Enterprise» (p. 39 - 47)

The article is aimed at synthesizing the approaches and improving the definition of «economic security of enterprise». An analysis of selected approaches shows that the majority of scholars would consider the economic security from the perspective of its status. The article emphasizes the need to understand the dynamics of economic security of enterprise that requires a broader definition of this concept not only from the perspective of status but also the processes and conditions that change over time. In the context of an approach that determines the economic security of enterprise as a complex of abilities, has been proposed to use the concept of dynamic abilities (competencies). Essence of the concept of dynamic abilities within the resource management theory has been considered, the main points of the concept have been adapted to the economic security of enterprise. A definition of «economic security» in the terms of the approach, which sees it as a complex of dynamic abilities, has been proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Krivtsova Т. О.
Improvement of Legal Support of Forensic-Economic Expertise as a Form of Economic Control (p. 48 - 53)

The article is aimed at substantiating the theoretical basis and elaboration of practical recommendations to improve the legal support of forensic-economic expertise as a form of economic control. Upon analyzing, systematizing and summarizing the scientific works of many scientists, as well as taking into account the state of development of the legislative framework on the studied topic, a definition of forensic-economic expertise as a form of economic control, its object and the subject, have been proposed; the existing shortcomings of practical activities of forensic economists have been systematized. As result of the study, the need for and directions of expanding of certain legal functions of forensic experts-economists is determined, an implementation of which will ensure a reduction in the level of economic crime. Introduction of foreign experience related to computerized databases, which are legal and regulatory framework specific to the researched topic, is proposed. The prospect of further research in this area include development of the judicial expert jobs, classified by the contents, with aim to fill the database that will significantly reduce the time wasting and considerably increase the efficiency of the forensic-economic expertise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Melnyk Z. Y.
Financial Statements of Enterprises and Falsifying: the Historical Aspect (p. 53 - 57)

The article is aimed to study the historical aspect of the reasons, methods, and consequences of falsifying information in the reporting, especially in the financial statement. This is related to the fact that companies in many countries of the world are practicing «double» accounting, in order to hide the falsifying of accounts and expenses, while tax payments are understated, black cash banks are created, and payroll takes place without the appropriate charges. The article analyzes the views of scholars from various periods, their attitude to falsifying the accounting data, the causes and effects of the implementation. To date, there are plenty sophisticated methods of falsifying the accounting and reporting. For this purpose, at the end of the year, a variety of fictitious operations can be carried out to adjust the state of the company's activities to the requested by the owner. The probability of discovering the fraudulent financial reporting by companies, as practice shows, is relatively small. Also there is no strict liability for such acts. As a result, fraud in financial reporting is becoming the choice of many of the companies. Thus urgency of controlling the truthfulness and accuracy of reflecting the accounting data in the financial statements is substantiated, in particular by carrying out comprehensive research in this area, including the seeking by additional indicators, which can indicate the presence of fraud in financial statements.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Dalevska N. M.
Structural Progression of Globalization of the World Economy (p. 8 - 12)

The article is aimed to study the essence of contradictions and consequences of structural progression of globalization of the world economy, definition of directions of the structural transformation of the global order. The article analyzes the interaction of actors in international relations within the global politico-economical space. The method of institutional analysis was used, which helped to study the directions of structural transformation of international institutions in the context of globalization of the world economy. The necessity of ensuring the national interests of Member States, through the implementation of integrative cooperation between actors in the global economy and legitimization of institutions of international power authorities, has been substantiated. An approach to definition of the structural components of the global order transformation has been proposed. Starting positions for selecting social norms, regimes and mechanisms of interaction of actors in international relations have been elaborated. It has been concluded that the decisive influence on the formation of directions of the structural transformation of the global order are causing the purpose, conditions and actions, which determine the processes of legitimation of the international power institutions of social order within the world politico-economical space.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ryeznikov V. V.
Theoretical Aspects of the Integration of Economic Systems, Stages of their Interaction (p. 13 - 17)

In the paper the theoretical concept of integration of economic systems is presented and analyzed, stages of the interaction taking into account the subjects, directions, levels of integration at the macro and micro levels are substantiated. The relationship between the stages of integration of economic systems and cities as socio-economic systems as well as economic integration of markets are displayed. Characteristic of each of the stages of the integration of economic systems, taking into account their development specifics: inter-penetration, absorption, uniting has been given. Interdependence, cyclicality and coherence of integration of economic systems has been disclosed, preconditions of reintegration in the new quantitative and qualitative terms has been displayed.

Article is written in Russian

Narkizov M. M.
Key Factors in Ensuring the Stability of Functioning of Socio-Economic System (p. 18 - 22)

The aim of the article is to identify the key factors for ensuring the stabilization of functioning of the State's socio-economic system. Topical socio-political processes in Ukraine have resulted in the need for reforms. Analyzing the papers of many Ukrainian and foreign scientists, has been determined that successful functioning of country depends on co-relation of the three «forces» – the State, society, and economy. As result of the study has been found that a significant role in ensuring the well-established relations of the parties belongs to the concept of credibility that some economists consider the particular economic value of both the micro-and macro-scale. The factors having a significant impact on stabilization of the socio-economic system of country have been allocated, namely: legitimacy, sovereignty and integrative capacity of the State. Relationship between credibility and implementation of these factors has been substantiated. Prospect of further research in this area will be to determine the values of credibility, their influence on the mechanisms of developing the strategy of relations in the system of «State – society – economy», taking into account national traditions, mentality, sociocultural characteristics.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chubka O. M., Skoropad I. S.
Characteristics of the System for Management of Financing the Circulating Capital at Different Levels of the Economy (p. 23 - 28)

Management of financing the circulating capital at the macro, meso and micro levels has been considered, realizing that these processes affect both socio-psychological factors (deeds of people) and the macroeconomic environment, the business attractiveness and so on, i.e. objective economic processes. Influence of the regulatory environment on the forming and use of circulating capital has been determined. The conceptual framework of the study has been improved by introducing a concept of «management of financing the circulating capital». Scientific bases of functioning the system for management of financing the circulating capital in the context of its constituent elements (object, subjects, principles, methods, functions, tasks, target) are disclosed. Feasibility of introducing the macro-and meso-economic levels of management of financing the circulating capital has been substantiated due to the need to create favorable conditions for functioning of the system, taking into account the current tasks of economic policies (macroeconomic stabilization, reducing the budget deficit, assistance in development of regions).

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kolesnichenko I. M.
Theoretical Basis of Neutralizing «Failures» and Recovering Efficiency of the Institution of the State in Ukraine (p. 8 - 12)

The publication is aimed at clarification of the theoretical basis for neutralizing «failures» and recovering efficiency of the institution of the State in Ukraine. To achieve the aim, the scientific-theoretical research base on the institution of the State has been generalized; possibilities for using the institutional approach to neutralize «failures» has been clarified as well as have been identified prospects of recovering its efficiency in Ukraine. In the article from the institutional perspective both internal and external causes for «failures» of the institution of the State are analyzed, the theoretical framework and practical recommendations for their neutralization are proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Koshevyy M. M.
Theoretical Preconditions of Establishing the Research-and-Production Clusters in Development of Science-Intensive Production (p. 12 - 16)

The article is aimed to explore the views related to the cluster theory and to substantiate the necessity of establishing the research-and-production clusters as a framework for support in development of science-intensive production by associations of enterprises. As a result of the carried out study, essence of the industrial cluster has been substantiated, preconditions for development and conditions for allocation of the cluster have been clarified, types of cluster policy have been considered. The undertaken theoretical research has identified the scientific-production cluster as a group of localized enterprises, research-and-production and financial organizations, interconnected by technological process or common market-oriented resources or consumers (network connection), competitive on some level and capable of generating the innovation component. The practical value of the article represents the substantiation of preconditions for establishing the research-and-production clusters in development of science-intensive industries. Prospect of further research is to elaborate a post-industrial concept of development of science-intensive production by associations of enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Klіmenko O. M., Stepanenko V. O., Stepanenko N. O.
Characteristics of Population Welfare at the Present Stage of the Society Development (p. 17 - 21)

The article analyzes the existing methodologies for research of such economic category as «population welfare», draws conclusions on definition of the principles of classification of the basic needs of society, analyzes the factors influencing the quality of life in Ukraine, assesses the factors contributing to welfare gain, suggests ways for overcoming the inequalities of incomes of the population. A brief summary of the main provisions of the theory of economic welfare in logical conjunction with systemic analysis is presented. Problems and directions of the population welfare gain in Ukraine have been differentiated and disclosed, ways to improve the level, quality and conditions of life in the State have been identified.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Haharinov O. V., Kobziev P. M., Kotliar A. A.
Enthropogenic Systemic Catastrophe of the XX Century: Essence, Causes, Consequences (p. 8 - 15)

The authors suggest to explore the topic of the true reasons for the collapse of the USSR as the main factor of contemporary low level of socio-economic development of many post-Soviet countries (Ukraine, Russia, Moldova, etc.). Based on the results of a system analysis of the approaches to creation and functioning of the Soviet State system, conducted by the authors, the understanding of what happened with the Soviet Union is going to be fundamentally changed. Pushing to the background the well-known causes of disintegration of the USSR, the authors propose a number of systemic causes: incompetence of creators of the state system in the sphere of establishing artificial organizational systems, such as state; ignoring systemic principles of creation and systemic regularities in the organization of function of artificial organizational systems; absence in the basic law (constitution) of rules and regulations for state functioning. Reasoning from the above considerations, the essence of disintegration of the USSR has been explained as an enthropogenic catastrophe, based on the unmanaged process of entropy increase in the artificial organizational systems, which leads to their breakup (self-destruction). The authors provide scientific substantiation and warn that, in the absence of attention to the causes of this kind, disasters in the post-Soviet space will eventually be repeated (e.g., in case with the Russian Federation), most probably on a larger scale and with more tragic consequences.

Article is written in Russian

Ostapenko A. V.
Definition of the Concept of «Competitiveness of Industry Sector» (p. 15 - 23)

The article is aimed at the topical issue of economic competitiveness at the industry sector level. The article summarizes existing approaches to the concept of «competitiveness», also the definition of the concept of «competitiveness of the industry sector» has been improved. An analysis of the selected approaches shows that the majority of scholars are considering the competitiveness of industry sector from the view of enterprise and the manufactured products. It has been proved that the concept of «competitiveness» has a close relationship with such concepts as «quality», «competition», «competitive position», «competitive status», and «technical level». It has been proposed to define the «competitiveness of production» as the property to be different from the goods-analogues, primarily due to its quality and individual advantages that are able to satisfy the needs of the consumer the most. The concept of «competitiveness» has been expanded and supplemented, a formula for its evaluation has been proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tymoshenkov I. V., Nashchekina O. M.
Defining the Role and the Place of Actors in the Economic Science and in the Economic System of Society (p. 24 - 28)

The article analyzes the results and forms of interdisciplinary integration in the social science (economics, sociology, philosophy and law). The conclusion that the interdisciplinary integration of social disciplines not only stimulates the development of economic science, but also significantly changes the very nature of this development by leading economic science beyond narrow economic concerns to the level of solving the general sociological problems, has been substantiated. Specific features and directions of development of modern economic science have been described, it has been concluded about priority of the economic research, in line with the new institutional economics (NIE). Content of the concepts, used in economic science to characterize socio-economic processes, namely: «entities», «agents», «actors» has been analyzed. A proposition has been erected and reasoned that most appropriate not only for NIE, but also for economic science in general, is the use of the concept of «actor», which most adequately reflects the place and role of human in the economic system of society.

Article is written in Russian


Lytvynenko N. I.
Structure of Institutional Environment of Economic System, Relationship between the Elements (p. 8 - 15)

The article is aimed to examine the relationship between the norms, constituting the institutional environment of the country's economic system, making use of economic-mathematical methods. Based on theoretical analysis, a system of indicators for quantitative assessment of the norms, such as freedom, tolerance, trust, rent-oriented and legal behavior, has been formed. The study has determined linkages between the norms that constitute the institutional environment of the economic system, as well as their direction and strength. In addition, it has been revealed that the number of active connections depends on the level of socio-economic development of the country. The relationship between the norms and the values, which are dominant in the society, has been explored as well. The obtained results can be used for further analysis of interrelationships between the norms and the dominant values. Further empirical research will identify the extent to which elements of the institutional environment cause influence on each other and on economic system of the country in a whole.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kardakov O. Y.
Analysis of Dynamics of Intellectualization of the EU Economic Model (p. 15 - 21)

The use of new information-communication technologies, the transition from industrial to information society, the emergence and development of creative capital became the basic directions of the European Union activities in the field of intellectualization of the reproduction process of the late 20th and early 21st century. The article defines the basic organizational and economic measures of this period. The article is aimed to analyze the dynamics of intellectualization of the European economy and substantiate the stages of intellectualization of the EU economy. The main factors that influenced the accelerated intellectualization of economy of the European Union have been considered. Dynamics of intellectualization of the European economy during the entire history of the European Union has been analyzed. The main stages of intellectualization of the EU economy has been determined.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Lazarenko V. Y.
Technological Method of Production and Institution of Intellectual Property: Current Interactions (p. 8 - 12)

The article is aimed to identify the directions of interaction of the current technological mode of production and relations of intellectual property, as well as exploring the contradictions of the functioning of intellectual property as an element of the post-industrial economic system. It has been grounded that intellectual property represents the adequate economic form of new changes in the productive forces (dissemination of specific results of intellectual work, socialization of labor) and its content consists of economic, legal, social and ethical aspects. The primary purpose of intellectual property has been disclosed, which is to provide the rights of access for members of society to quality, reliable, socially significant results of creative labor in science, education, art, as well as resistance to plagiary and stimulating creative work. The elements of negative reverse influence of the excess development of intellectual property on the modern technological production method have been identified, which consists in obstruction to free transfer of knowledge and technology, enhanced protection of property rights, implementation of private interests of transnational corporations. Directions for mutual beneficial impact of intellectual property and technological method of production have been proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vasylchuk I. P.
Finance-Сredit Mechanism of Corporations: a New Insight against the Background of Modern Economic Theory (p. 13 - 17)

The article is aimed at consideration of essence of the concept of «finance-credit mechanism of corporation» in the context of the modern theory of firm, making use of methodological potential of the system paradigm. An analysis of the scientific heritage of Ukrainian and Russian scientists on interpretation of the notion of «finance-credit mechanism» has revealed that all definitions are implicitly or explicitly correlated with basic provisions of several conceptions within the organization theory. The essence of the concept of «finance-credit mechanism of corporations» was examined through prism of the basic approaches (system, resource, process) to organization management, whereby was found that the original attribute, which impregnates the appropriate explanation of the essence of financial-credit mechanism as an organizational framework for «stringing» the properties, characteristics and relationships, is the system attribute. An integration conception of finance-credit mechanism has been suggested, which has become the basis for the author's interpretation of the indicated notion in a broad sense. The integration concept of finance-credit mechanism can become a platform for combining other theoretical concepts, such as corporate social responsibility or sustainable development, providing theoretical and methodological substantiation for development of a model of financial-credit mechanism for sustainable development of corporations.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Oliinyk I. A.
Theoretical Basis of Interaction of Actors in the Innovation-Investment Sphere (p. 18 - 24)

The article is aimed at the creation of a theoretical basis for determination of essence of interaction of actors of innovation-investment activity and allocation of its key features. Generalizing the research of domestic and foreign scientists, a morphological analysis of the main concepts that form the theoretical basis of conceptual and categorical framework, regarding interaction of actors in innovation and investment, was carried out. In the course of the study, the conceptual and categorical framework of interaction of actors of innovation-investment activities has been created, which allowed to link the stages of both innovation and investment processes, sources of investment, particularities of the interaction of actors of innovation-investment activities, allocate their types and forms, functions and factors, causing influence on their relationships. A definition of innovation-investment process, innovation-investment activity and interaction of actors in innovation-investment sphere has been proposed. Further research is aimed at the theoretical-methodological substantiation of formation of the mechanism for interaction between the State and business in the innovation-investment sphere.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sobolieva M. V.
Axiological Foundations of Human Activity in the Theoretical Models of Contemporary Economy Management (p. 25 - 29)

The article is aimed at the disclosure of the most significant manifestations of methodological errors in disclosing the role of axiological foundations of economic activity in present day conditions. Three such manifestations have been allocated: 1) attempts of a scientist to «retreat» into his own theoretical system of coordinates, its absolutization, and, if not disregarding, at least a purely formal acknowledgment of the existence of other contemporary approaches, without a reasoned analyzing the characteristics of strong and weak; 2) lack of critical rethinking of ideas of historical predecessors, which would be used to build own theoretical models of the contemporary economic life; 3) excessive academism and shematism of scientific results, predominance of qualitative analysis and insufficient attention to quantitative methods or even complete absence of any statistical evidence that results in significant difficulty or even impossibility of verifying certain allegations, provisions or practical application of the submitted ideas or suggestions.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Lehominova S. V.
Theoretical Approaches for Determining Competitiveness of Human Capital at Labor Market (p. 8 - 12)

The article is aimed at synthesis of the theoretical approaches to the definition of «competitiveness of human capital», as well as determination of the life cycle stages. Directions of an effective practical education and interactive education in particular have been outlined. The fundamental component that determines competitiveness of human capital are investments, which should be of adequate, continuous and effective nature. Tools of formation of a competitive human capital as a strategic factor are optimization of public costs and effective use of resources to education, science, research and development, implementing structural institutional reforms to improve the quality of knowledge, betterment of the architectonics of entities with preserving their independence, adequate regulation of the economy, promotion of competition of producers, creation of favorable conditions for small and medium-sized businesses. It is advisable to take into account the income policy, as well as the generally accepted human values. Prospect of further research is development of methods for institutional reforming and financing education and science to provide sustainable economic development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sobolieva M. V.
Potential of the Institutional Methodology and its Application in Studying the Contemporary Problems of the Ukrainian Economy (p. 13 - 18)

The article is aimed at actualization of the potential of the institutional methodology in order to develop the effective economic policies in Ukraine, taking into account best current practices from scientists, belonging to the institutional school of economic thought, as well as the allied schools, in particular, schools of the mental-psychological, synergistic and general-methodological directions. An analysis of the contemporary realities of the socio-economic development of Ukraine confirms the usefulness and relevance of inclusion into the scope of the objects for institutional analysis of such phenomena as human mentality and human views. Understanding the institutional properties of mentality enables to identify different mental models, organize and study them, estimate the grade of their prevalence in society as well as the plausibility of domination of certain among them. Further on, considering the sensitivity of the human psyche to the external influences, in particular, perception of stereotypes that appear in mass media, it will be entirely justified to develop and implement special economic policy tools, which means applying positive manipulative information technologies aimed at overcoming the archaic views and elaborating the contemporary adequate mental constructions in the public mind, directed towards stimulating both the economic activity and initiative.

Article is written in English

Kindzerskyy V. V.
Methodological Outlines of Institutionalism in the Economic Regulation Theory (p. 18 - 23)

The article determines the theoretical and methodical aspects of the essence, outlines the methodological boundaries of institutionalism in regulating the economy and the State regulation as an institutional system for ensuring interaction of economic agents. The most important conceptions of institutionalization of regulation as well as methodological postulates concerning the implementation of the regulatory policy of the State in the economy area are characterized in the context of the scientific treatises, issued by various researchers. The author's attention is drawn to the regulatory policy of influences on economic agents in the areal of the interdisciplinary synthesis and, further on, to the competitive conditions of management, entrepreneurial initiative, etc. The role of regulation as an institution for establishing the market business environment, as well as development of competition, has been determined. The theoretical bases of the economic regulation have been characterized from the perspective of institutionalism, projecting them upon the agrarian sector. Special attention is paid to the essential-functional characteristics of the institutional regulation that fundamentally impacts the priorities and tasks of the State in the system for harmonization of economic, social, market, financial-economic and other relations.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kovalevska A. V., Pospielov O. V., Shulga O. V.
Conceptual Preconditions for Increasing the Regional Differentiation (p. 8 - 14)

The article is aimed at studying the conceptual framework of the accumulated differences in the levels of economic development of the Ukrainian regions. During analysis, systematization and generalization of the scientific works by economists-regionnaires from Ukraine, Russia, countries of Europe and North America on the management of regional development theoretic approaches of the two directions were allocated – the neoclassical and the cumulative, which had obtained the highest circulation in the twentieth century. As result of studying the theoretical approaches to management of development of the economic systems of regions as well as some scientific models in terms of the directions indicated, their advantages and disadvantages have been identified. Impact of models of economic development related to the allocated theoretical directions on increasing the regional disparities of economic development has been substantiated. Prospect of further research in this area will be development of a strategy for management of the development of regions, aimed at aligning the development levels of the regional economies.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tulchynska S. O., Cнorniy B. P.
Mechanism for Attraction of Investment Resources in the Conditions of Escalating Threats and Risks (p. 15 - 19)

The objectives of this article are definition of essence of the notion of «mechanism for attracting investment resources», analysis of environmental factors, influencing mechanism for attraction of investment resources, and estimation of methods for managing this process. Essence of the notion of «mechanism for attracting investment resources» has been disclosed through the functions, which are determined by the investment objectives and are implemented in the process of investment. It has been proved that a mechanism for attraction of investment resources represents a particular way of organizing, mobilizing and use of investment resources under the influence of economic laws, the State's economic policy and efficiency of economic entities. The main objective and major tasks of a mechanism for attraction of investment resources have been determined. Factors of the external environment, influencing mechanism for attraction of investment resources, were analyzed. Importance of management methods for the effective functioning of mechanism has been proved, in terms of which certain tools and procedures can be used.

Article is written in Russian

Zamazii O. V.
Institutionalization of Markets and Issues of the Growth of Industrial Enterprises (p. 20 - 24)

The article developes and proves a scientific hypothesis that strengthening the integration processes in the market space causes its institutionalization, and thus leads to the issues of proliferation of the free market players as a result of a division of spheres of influence between the major financial-industrial groups and corporations. It has been proved that a clear hierarchical structure, along with rigid subordination of free economic agents to the chief processor of resources within the growing corporations are those preconditions, which gradually form characteristics of an organization or an institution in terms of markets. An author's own definition of the notion of «institutional market» has been proposed, which is different from the classic formulation. It is emphasized that institutionalization of market space turns the latter into an another economic system, the main characteristics of which are: limited number of buyers and sellers; presence of conglomerates with rigid hierarchical relationships between buyers and sellers; etc. Enlargement and diversification of business as well as growth of its influence not only within its own industry sector, but also in the related sectors, leads to the fact that corporations are trying to control markets (supply and demand) which meantime are turning into rigid management structures, acquiring characteristics of institutions (organizations). This hinders the market entry of new market players, increases risks of business and requires on the part of enterprises new marketing techniques for positioning the own ability to create customer value.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Afanasieva L. M.
Methodical Approach to Risk Management in the Public-Private Partnership Projects (p. 8 - 18)

The article presents an analysis of the structural elements of the available in Ukraine risk management methods related to public-private partnership (PPP). The review identified a number of discrepancies and gaps in the analysis of the PPP risks. Taking into consideration the research results, has been proposed to expand the range of possibilities for risk management up to five parameters (partners, processes, tools, structure and information) to provide an optimization of decision-making in the allocation of risks between the partners. The author specifies the need to take into account the behavioral aspect in the qualitative assessment of the PPP risks. In particular, the indicators have been identified, which contribute to an effective examination of the risk perception level by the PPP parties. The importance of understanding the essence of concept of «risks associated with PPP» by the partners is emphasized. Based on consideration of various approaches to definition of the essence of concept of «risks associated with PPP», a clarification has been made as well as a new vision for the content of the concept has been formulated. A conducted system analysis of the risk classifications has provided for compiling a typology of risks associated with PPP. A methodology for management of the PPP risks has been proposed, which takes account of the above listed aspects and summarizes the available methods.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vakhovych I. M., Oleksandrenko I. V.
Theoretical Approaches to Defining the Financial Sustainability of Enterprises (p. 19 - 25)

The aim of this article is to explore approaches to defining the concept of «financial stability» and to develop an integrated approach to understanding the essence of the financial sustainability of enterprises. The available approaches to measuring the economic content of financial stability were analyzed, on the basis of which the key characteristics of the specified definition in the context of various scientific approaches were allocated. Various interpretations of the meaning of the concept of «financial stability» were systematized through the common characteristics in the following four approaches: ability to withstand shocks, ability to be solvent, ability to function effectively, ability to be financially sustainable and provide balance. On the basis of the presented approaches has been substantiated that components of the financial stability of enterprises are: protectability against crisis developments, efficiency of operation, financial stability and balance. In general, the results of the study, as reflected in the article, provide a basis for the further development of methods for estimating the level of financial stability of enterprises, determining factors of influence and developing managerial decisions for its increase.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Petrakov I. V., Shylga S. V.
Integrated Reporting as Competitive Advantage for Ukrainian Companies: Determinants vs. Biases (p. 26 - 30)

Article is aimed at the integrating reporting initiative and ongoing discussion among the parties concerned as to its conceptual framework. The aim of our research was to generalize opportunities and threats of adoption of the integrating reporting (IR) in search of additional competitive advantages by companies. The main question is whether the IR framework really helps to create additional value and to enhance the market structure in Ukraine? To answer the research question a methodology was used, which combined the cognitive theory and the theory of markets evolution with the Porter’s competitive advantages approach. Novelty of this research is an interdisciplinary view on the integrated reporting challenges and opportunities. We found that the IR framework and voluntary practices demonstrate huge potential and mutual benefits for both the parties concerned and the reporters, even with regard on several biases. Cons of the IR originate from eventual cognitive behavioral inclinations, based on diminished financial data and additional space for manipulations, affecting expectations of the parties concerned. In order to minimize negative outcomes of the IR implementation we would recommend external oversight of the issued reports, deeper transparency of business structure and clear development strategy. Further research of the IR should be focused on correction of auditing procedures, common practices in the materiality enhancement, and sectoral opportunities for the IR implementation.

Article is written in English

Davydov D. S.
Possibility of Marxist Theory and Methodology for Studying Global Changes of the Contemporary Economy (p. 31 - 35)

The article is aimed to examine the possibility of applying the foundations of Marxist theory and methodology to analyzing the contemporary global transformations. The article displays that the greatest value for contemporary studies have the philosophical-methodological foundations of this direction, rather than specific economic conclusions that are not always adequate to the current economic realities. The main provisions of the formational conception were analyzed. The concept of formation has been highlighted in both «narrow» and «wide» sense. The role of both economic relations and consciousness was considered with regard to the Marx's works along with research by the contemporary representatives of this direction. It has been displayed that the most valuable provision in the Marxist theory is the possibility of addressing the contemporary global transformations and contradictions not only within the aspect of the ending of domination of the capitalist system, but of the transition to the first phase of establishing the post-economic system as well.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kolomiyets G. M., Didorchuk I. L.
Countries Ratings by the Level of IT-Sphere as Indicators for Development of Topical Forms of Social Wealth (p. 8 - 15)

The article is aimed, on the base of determination of the content of social wealth in the context of institutional paradigm, to describe transformation directions of its forms structure through establishing contingency of network readiness indices, human development, global competitiveness. The article substantiates that social wealth in contemporary conditions takes a new topical structure of forms, in which the leading role act knowledge, information, human capacities, which are being implemented in innovative products. The article analyzes relationship between the indicators of development of information-computer technology, human progress and the competitiveness of the world countries. It has been determined that efficiency of reproduction of public wealth, based on the scale of production, is being replaced by the innovation and knowledge creation, which means changing the rules for connecting producer as wealth entity with a specific historic means of production – information and knowledge. Prospect of further research is identifying the directions for institutional change of the forms structure in terms of the country's wealth, taking into account specific trends of its topical transformations.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Iastrebova G. S.
Causes and Backgrounds of the Shadow Economy in Ukraine, Approaches to Countering (p. 16 - 23)

The article substantiates topicality of the problem of shadow economy in the context of the European integration of Ukraine. The article displays reasons for the ineffectiveness of economic reforms against the background of tolerance on the part of population to the illegal economy, the main varieties of such economy have been considered. The estimates of the level of shadow economy, analyzed in the publication, can serve as a signal of worsening of this process and demonstrate inefficiency of its consideration as «damping pillow» under the circumstances of crisis. Evaluation of different methods for calculating the level of shadow activities suggests that the most appropriate, under such circumstances, is the method of «private consumption – retail turnover», according to which about two-thirds of the Ukrainian business are within the shadow economy. Among the causes and circumstances of the high-level of shadow activity an imperfect tax system, administrative complexity, lack of «digital democracy», poor quality of social services by the State are mentioned. As some resolute measures against shadow economy have been proposed ways of encouraging individuals to declare their income through financial monitoring of their costs, the introduction of information systems in the sphere of administration and taxes, the change of industrial structure of economy in favor of the productive sector as well as active promotion of unshadowing.

Article is written in Russian

Cherednychenko V. V.
Influence of Youth Bulge on the Economic Security of Country (p. 23 - 27)

The article examines youth bulge from both theoretical and practical points of view. Visually the bulge can be displayed on the population pyramid as a convexity related to the people aged 15-29 years. Youth bulge is peculiar to developing countries. This is associated with the demographic process when firstly mortality decreases, while fertility rate remains unchanged, and then fertility reduces sharply. Youth bulge is the conflictogenic factor and is being examined as a threat to national and economic security. The author has analyzed views of various scientists about the causes and possible consequences of the accumulation of youth in a particular region. Revolutions, terrorism, extremism constitute threat to the national security of country. According to the author, the threat of youth bulge can be prevented by a number of social, economic and political measures. The most important of them are: creation of new jobs, decent wages, State support of young families, free access to the power of young professionals. Economic development should take place by evolutionary, rather than revolutionary means.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Berveno O. V.
Quality of Life as a Mechanism for Institutional Modeling of National Socio-Economic Development (p. 28 - 33)

The article is aimed at analyzing the socio-economic phenomenon of the quality of life from institutional positions, allowing to provide the quality of life as an organic system element of socio-economic reality and include institutional potential of the quality of life in the logic of national socio-economic development. Quality of life is a factor, creating an institutional framework and structuring the development, contributing to a harmonious human development, providing the balance of biological, social and spiritual components. Quality of life is contained in every institutional norm, thus ensuring the complementarity of all the basic elements of the institutional structure of society. Foundations for the institutional modeling of national development institutions are the institutions of quality of life. Development institutions have both internal and external institutional potential, which is the catalyst of socio-economic dynamics and the basis for modernization of social relationships, the most important element of the institutional development scenario. The strategies for development of quality of life are based on the standards of quality of life, which are specifically defined by a historical society. In turn, a national strategy for socio-economic development is based on a strategy for the development of quality of life.

Article is written in Russian

Barannik I. O.
Substantiating the Base of Concepts of the Current Content-Related Essence of Export-Import Potential of Enterprise (p. 33 - 38)

The article clarifies the value of export-import potential in the system of common potential of enterprise. An analysis of current scientific approaches, used by leading specialists, to the content-related essence of potential of enterprise as well as of the export-import potential of enterprise is expounded. A consideration of export-import potential at methodological level includes allocating its structure, elements, properties, processes, factors of influence. In accordance with the above methodological content, a system of basic concepts definitions for the content-related essence of export-import potential of enterprise has been proposed. A content-related model of export-import potential of enterprise under current conditions has been substantiated. The base of concepts of the content-related essence of export-import potential and its content-related model constitute an adequate foundation for formulating its objective assessment as well as conducting analysis.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Grynko T. V., Hviniashvili T. Z.
Methodological Approaches to Classification of Changes at Enterprise (p. 39 - 44)

The article is aimed at studying scientific developments concerning classification of changes at enterprise, generalization and systematization of existing classifications, formulating classification features according to the key characteristics of enterprise. Essence and evolution of the theoretical approaches to classification of changes at enterprise have been analyzed. Both principles of and approaches to classification of changes have been substantiated. The existing classification features of changes and their relationships have been generalized and systematized. Weaknesses and existing problems of classification of changes have been disclosed. Classification features of changes have been formulated in accordance with the key characteristics of enterprise. The article proposes an improved classification that contains such classification attributes, as nature and purpose, response to external environment, object of changes, means of implementation, level of interaction between management and staff, level of planning, result of activity of enterprise, etc. Prospect of further research in this direction is analyzing the tools, mechanisms and models for change management at enterprise under the conditions of dynamic environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shashyna M. V., Syomochkina I. M.
Characteristics of the Main Approaches to the Definition of Essence of the Concept of «Productive Potential» (p. 45 - 51)

The current status of Ukraine's economy is characterized by a significant destruction of the fundamental elements of productive potential. A solution to this scientific-practical task is impossible without understanding the essence of concept of «productive potential», which can be seen through the prism of evolution of established scientific views and, on this basis, to determine actual vision of the problem, which in the future will become a basis for developing and implementing systematic approach to the formation, use and management of the production potential of enterprise under conditions of uncertainty and variability of external economic environment. Thus, the article is aimed at both synthesis and analysis of theoretical approaches to defining essence of the concept of «productive potential». The publication analyzes evolution of views on understanding of the concept of «productive potential of enterprise» in scientific theories, concepts, established in different periods of development. Theoretical and methodological aspects of the six principal approaches have been highlighted and it has been proven that the system approach, based on resource conceptions, fully discloses the content of the concept in question and is suitable for current conditions of economy in Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Manoilenko O. V., Syromiatnykova O. V.
Theoretical Aspects of Determining the Stability of Socio-Economic Systems (p. 8 - 14)

The article discloses the content of the definition of «stability of socio-economic system», determines the relationship of the basic concepts that define it: «socio-economic system», «balance», «volatility», «development». The basic types of the stability of socio-economic systems have been determined: structural, functional, and positional, with such characteristics as: elasticity, roughness, reliability, vitality, flexibility, quasi-stability. Some major requirements for building a management system for ensuring stability have been proposed: continuity; quality and timeliness of evaluation of the current parameters of stability, their correspondence with the target levels; timeliness and proactive nature of the response to state perturbation of socio-economic system, caused by external and internal influences of environment. It has been proven that stability of socio-economic systems in space of their interaction is provided both at the macro level through the formation of appropriate economic policy of the State, and at the micro level – through the development of relevant target managerial tools and technologies.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Isaieva N. І., Yaroshenko I. V.
Forecasting as a Basis for Strategic Planning System of Socio-Economic Development (p. 15 - 19)

The article considers the methodology of developing a system of forecasting documents as a basis for strategic planning, displays the experience of the EU in the formation of distant-term forecasting «Vision-2050». It has been found that long-term forecasting of socio-economic development on the basis of the Forsythe methods is the basic document that defines the country's development model, establishes long-term strategic goals and priorities, as well as becomes a base for developing an integrated and coherent system of documents for strategic planning. Therefore, methodology of forecasting, as well as the experience of the EU in the distant- and long-term forecasting of socio-economic development is important for its application in the practice of the State regulation of the economy of Ukraine.

Article is written in Russian

Krupka M. I., Revak I. О.
Methodological Foundations for Researching Intellectual Potential in the Context of Economic Security (p. 20 - 25)

The article is aimed at developing methodological foundations for researching intellectual potential in the context of economic security. The authors' position on the nature, directions and stages of scientific cognition has been substantiated. The authors conclude that between empirical and theoretical levels of cognition occurs the so-called interim stage – the stage of formulating problem(s), defining task(s), further on – formation of hypotheses, ideas, which are to be proven throughout the entire research process. It has been specified that the methodology of researching intellectual potential in the context of economic security is a totality of theoretical provisions explicated in certain logical order, which provide specificity, graduality and relevancy of scientific research. The starting points in the basis of the author's methodology of research, in particular the principles of consistency, integrity, unity of theory and practice, objectivity, development, abstraction, decomposition have been described; methodological base and stages of conducting an author's research have been provided.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Posokhov I. M., Zhadan Y. V.
Study on Existing Scientific Approaches to the Definition of Categories of «Risk», «Management», and «Risks Management» (p. 26 - 31)

Both emergence of operating risks in the economic activity of enterprises and high level of such risks are inherent for any economy, these also are specifically topical for Ukraine in terms of economic-political instability of environment as well as information uncertainty. The article studies the definitions of categories of «risk», «management», the views of scholars on the category of «risks management», provides the authors' definition of category of «risks management» as a totality of system-organizational arrangements to achieve the magnitude of risk within certain limits, as a multi-stage process (evaluation and analysis of enterprise risks, provision of resources, decision-making on the management of business risks, information support of decision-making, development of recommendations and mechanisms for reducing risks, implementation of the risk management system for industrial enterprises, monitoring of risks), economic aim of which is to reduce or compensate disbenefit for an object upon the occurrence of adverse events. In terms of technology, the risks management consists in the organization's activities, which should be focused on evaluation of the likelihood of risks and on minimizing losses as result of the risks' manifestations, i.e. avoidance, mitigation of risks impact on the performance of enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Liashevska V. I.
Evaluation of the Long-Term Strategic Opportunities for Enhancing the Competitiveness of Ukrainian Products (p. 32 - 36)

The article is aimed at allocating, in the practice of the State regulation of competitiveness of the steadily developing countries, those factors which are intact in various models of market economies and constitute the basis of regulatory functions of the State in the rapidly changing global competitive field of the world. The results of author's own analysis of both the advantages and disadvantages, which form the competitiveness of Ukrainian producers after entry into the WTO, are presented. On this basis, the author has substantiated and suggested a three-dimensional structural-logic model of improving the State regulation of competitiveness, taking into consideration effects of the latent long-term time factors of a global nature. In this model, forms of influence by the State on both the cost (sum of abstract labor) and the price of goods have been divided. This model differs from the similar developments through allocating three different blocks, which differently impact the competitiveness in today's global world. In the model have been used the basic factors of production of economic entities, as well as forms of the long-term State influence on them in the context of a coherent change of technological modes. The existing norms and regulations of the WTO and the EU are used as factors and conditions of the external economic environment.

Article is written in Russian


Bielikova N. V.
Theoretical Aspects of Developing the Ideological Platform for Reforming the Economy of Regions of Ukraine (p. 8 - 14)

The article is concerned with developing the ideological platform for reforming the economy of regions of Ukraine on the basis of theories, conceptions, approaches and methods of research of regularities in the economic development of countries and their regions. The article substantiates both theoretical basis and methodological support for developing a economic reforming mechanism; expediency of use as to certain economic theories as well as quantitative and qualitative research methods as to reforming the economy of country and its regions. Requirements for development of the ideological platform of reforming the economy of the country's regions have been defined. The article considers achievements of philosophical disciplines that form the basis for developing of the ideological platform of economic reforming: philosophical anthropology (existentialism) as doctrine about the human nature (essence); social theory and the institutional theory, developed on the basis of the latter; philosophy of economics; conceptions and ideas of the philosophy of history. The theoretical basis of studying the economic reforming in Ukraine and its regions has been substantiated, which consists of the following components: reforming the model of country's economy as a whole; reforming the model of a particular region's economy; reforming the model of region's economy as a component of the national economy; reforming the model of economy of country and its regions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mykytas V. V.
The Institutional Component of the Efficient Economic Policy of the State (p. 14 - 18)

The article substantiates the necessity of institutional accompanying the economic policy of the State, establishing an efficient system of institutions. Challenges of the contemporary globalization require changes in the State influence on economy, redefining quality parameters and principles of an efficient economic policy. Complexity of the State policy in a global environment is determined not only by importance of the tasks of establishing an efficient market against the background of increasing influences of exogenous uncertainty, but also by seeking ways of entering the global space, thus implementing the best interests of national economic development. The article deduces parameters of the concept of «efficient institution». The author believes that institutions precisely should act as the link through which social and economic development would become unseparated in order to form a stable efficient socio-economic development.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Pandas A. V.
Projecting the Spatial and Socio-Economic Development of Large City (p. 8 - 13)

The article proves that managerial impact in the form of socio-economic projecting in the best way suits the task of integrated solutions to the problems of socio-economic development of a large city in the situation where it is supported by implementing differentiation of urban areas by the preparedness of city people to innovation in the social sphere, carried out by municipal administration. For social projecting in terms of a large city, distances within the level of well-being of social groups should be linked to the division of city on a territorial basis (into urban areas). It is displayed that socio-economic development of a large city can be achieved with a combination of program-target approach to developing a strategy for such development together with the principles and technologies for socio-economic projecting. Optimization of administrative activity, based on the projecting socio-economic development of city, leads to a gradual increase in the volume and quality of social participation of city people in the implementation of city-wide strategic development programs.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Volosiuk M. V., Vdovychenko L. Y.
Functional Structure of the Marine Economic Complex of Ukraine (p. 14 - 20)

The article is aimed at scientific substantiation of theoretical and methodological bases of improving conceptual apparatus of the contemporary marine economic complex and determination of its functional structure in Ukraine. Scientific approaches to the interpretation of the term of «marine economic complex» have been studied. The conceptual basis of the problems and development prospects of the contemporary marine economic complex have been determined. The concept content of marine economic complex has been expanded, which, unlike the existing interpretations, has provided to substantiate a methodological approach to organizing this complex at the present stage of economic development of Ukraine. The main directions of development of the marine economic complex of Ukraine as a complex, multi-component controlled economic system, have been defined; within this system have been allocated two sub-systems: «marine» and «coastal» economy. A functional structure of marine economic complex of Ukraine has been proposed, which, unlike the well-known, stipulate the possibility of its expansion at the expense of aquatorial and territorial development infrastructures. Prospect of further research is to identify trends in the development of marine economic complex of Ukraine in the regional context, taking into consideration the proposed functional structure.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Gotsuliak L. V.
Innovative Economy as the Objective Necessity of the Contemporary Development of an Economic System (p. 8 - 12)

The article considers substance and main features of innovation economy, discloses the basic principles of its building, its signs and indicators. The results of transition to innovative economy both in the developed countries and in the so-called newly industrializing countries have been studied and are visualized. Thus, formation of the innovation economy in the era of post-industrial society, generally based on science and knowledge, stipulates that embedding in the production of the results of research and development, as well as informational and other new technologies, not only can be able to radically change the mechanism of interaction between countries, regions, individual enterprises, but also can entail changing our view of the laws and basics of functioning and developing of economic systems on different levels. The sine qua non conditions for efficiency of innovation economy, conditions for scientific-technological breakthrough and civilized existence of our country in the 21st century have been disclosed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kyrychenko S. О.
Approaches to Substance of Social Infrastructure and to Its Classification (p. 13 - 17)

The article is concerned with studying and analyzing approaches to both substance and classification of social infrastructure objects as a specific constellation of subsystems and components. To address the purpose set, the following tasks have been formulated: analysis of existing methods for determining the classification of social infrastructure; classification of the branches of social infrastructure using functional-dedicated approach; formulation of author's own definition of substance of social infrastructure. It has been determined that to date most often a social infrastructure classification is carried out depending on its functional tasks, although there are other approaches to classification. The author's definition of substance of social infrastructure has been formulated as follows: social infrastructure is a body of economy branches (public utilities, management, public safety and environment, socio-economic services), the purpose of which is to impact on reproductive potential and overall conditions of human activity in the spheres of work, everyday living, family, social-political, spiritual and intellectual development as well as life activity.

Article is written in Russian


Miriasov I. O.
The Ontology of Power and Its Interpretation in the Economics (p. 8 - 13)

The article is concerned with considering the ontological foundations of the modern economic theory, which determine both directly the subject area of research and the methodological approaches to its studying. Differentiation of scientific ontologies, i.e. perceptions of reality, leads to differences in explaining the large circle of issues, in particular, differences in the interpretation of the concept of power in the economic science. Studying and generalizing principles of the neoclassical mainstream together with the methodologically related directions provides characterization of the substant scientific ontology as «empirical realism». An alternative can be the ontology of «critical realism», according to which power acts as a system characteristic of economic relations, identifying the underlying trends and directions of system evolution. It has been displayed that certain provisions of the Marxism research program, such as class structure, market, social competition are consistent with the critical realism ontology and can serve as a prospect for studying the essential problems of economic development and transformation of society. In particular, they can be applied while studying the role of capital as a factor of power in the national and global competition.

Article is written in Russian

Shevchenko O. O.
Development of the Structure of Economic System: the System-Synergetic Analysis of Subsystems (p. 14 - 20)

The article is aimed at studying the structure of economic system using the system-synergistic analysis of its subsystems. Evolution in using the system approach for analyzing economic systems in the modern world has been considered. Signs of the system approach as well as characteristics of economic systems have been allocated. Both development and evolution of economic systems has been defined in the current paradigmatic context. In accordance with the synergetic paradigm of research, system transformation of society has been substantiated, influence of bifurcation mechanisms on the course of transformational processes in the development of economic systems has been proven. Prospects for further research in this area are to define the fundamental scientific bases of research on economic mechanism through the prism of the civilizational approach, developing a contemporary base of researches on fluctuations of economic systems in the modern world, proper forecasting of bifurcation status of the national economic system. Further use of the system-synergetic analysis is advisable to account the characteristics of the development crisis of society and economic systems, which are the main objects of influence in the management of global economic processes in general and the main object of studying in the course of their cognition, using the civilizational approach of researching.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Romaniak M. M.
Financial Stability: the Problem of Interpretation (p. 21 - 26)

The article is concerned with studying the problem of interpretation of the concept of «financial stability», allocating the major groups of approaches to its interpretation and clarifying the reasons for absence of a single uniform definition. On the basis of an analysis, approaches to interpretation of the category of «financial stability» have been divided into three main groups. In the definitions by central banks (the first group) emphasis is more often placed upon the matter that a system (not necessarily financial) is considered stable if it is able to perform all their functions even under conditions of minor adverse shocks and upheavals. The second way to interpretation – by contradiction – must be taken into consideration in the process of studying the financial stability. According to the third group of views, a system can be considered financially stable until the process of transforming savings into investments remains unbroken. The main reasons for the absence of a single clear formulation of the concept of «financial stability» have been identified, namely: different approaches used by scientists to understanding the content of financial system; refocusing from studying the financial stability towards financial crises; accounting the indicator of financial stability in place of the indicator of financial disturbances. A prospective direction for further research is assessment of financial stability through practical consideration of quantitative characteristics that influence on such stability.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Feofanova I. V.
Theoretical Provision of Tax Transformation (p. 8 - 12)

The article is aimed at defining the questions, giving answers to which is necessary for scientific substantiation of the tax transformation in Ukraine. The article analyzes the structural-logical relationships of the theories, providing substantiation of tax systems and transformation of them. Various views on the level of both the tax burden and the distribution of the tax burden between big and small business have been systematized. The issues that require theoretical substantiation when choosing a model of tax system have been identified. It is determined that shares of both indirect and direct taxes and their rates can be substantiated by calculations on the basis of statistical data. The results of the presented research can be used to develop the algorithm for theoretical substantiation of tax transformation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yemets V. V.
Evolution of the Theoretical Approaches to Disclosing the Economic Substance of Accumulation of Capital (p. 13 - 19)

The article proposes a classification for periods of evolution of theoretical approaches to disclosing the economic substance of accumulation of capital, taking into account the civilizational approach to the development of society. The author has proposed five stages in the evolution of theoretical approaches, which are closely related to the development of economy and stipulate dominance of a certain form of accumulation of capital. So, the first stage (time period B.C. – the 5th Century) is referred to as Individual-social significance of accumulation of capital; the second stage (from the 6th century to the 16th century) – Accumulation of monetary capitals; the third stage (from the mid-17th century until the end of the 18th century) – Industrial-production accumulation of capital; the fourth stage (from the mid-19th century until the 70s of the 20th century) – Investment-oriented accumulation of capital; the fifth stage (from the 70s of the 20th century up to the current period) – Globally-intensive accumulation of capital.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Abramov F. V.
Criteria for the Appropriateness of Reforming Both the Conditionally and the Unconditionally Inefficient Formal Rules (p. 8 - 12)

The article is aimed at identifying criteria for the appropriateness of reforming the inefficient formal rules and determining directions for improving their efficiency. Criteria for the appropriateness of reforming both the conditionally and the unconditionally inefficient formal rules have been allocated. It is proved that in case of unconditionally inefficient formal rules, in accordance with the proposed criteria for the appropriateness of reforming, the only type of inefficient formal rules, reforming which will be inappropriate, are the ethically ineffective formal rules in the narrow sense. In the cases where reforming the unconditionally inefficient formal rules is appropriate, methods to improve their efficiency have been proposed. It has been shown that in the case of conditionally inefficient formal rules, which are characterized by both the target and the transaction inefficiency, level of transaction costs on removing the external inefficiency factors is the sole criterion for the appropriateness of reforming, and measures to improve the efficiency of this group of formal rules must consist in removing the external inefficiency factors of the related conditionally inefficient formal rules.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Babiy M. V.
The Adaptive Conduct of Households and the Risks of Institutional Traps in the Conditions of Transformation Processes (p. 13 - 19)

The transmuted forms of implementing the principle of the liquidity preference in the face of protracted instability of both income and prices as the prerequisite for mutation of the adaptive conduct of households are disclosed. The macroeconomic and institutional impacts of transformation of saving the liquidity into the stocks of consumer savings of households in terms of the abnormal price volatility have been characterized. Influence of slowing the turnover of stocks on accelerating the turnover of money along with reducing GDP has been disclosed. It is shown that the propensity of the State to pass on to households the function of lender of the final instance, which in any case would be able to find a way to its survival, ignores the specific forms of adaptive conduct of households and includes the risk of a total de-institutionalization of the economic system together with replacement of the State regulatory mechanisms with the mechanisms of direct violence. It has been proven that social restrictions to the policy of financial stabilization must be a strategic benchmark for the State, which is being forced to seek ways to integrate into the global space in the conditions of dangerous ruptures and shocks of both internal and external origin.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Gorina G. O.
Systematizing Scientific Approaches to the Definition of the Concept of «Spatial Polarization» (p. 19 - 24)

The article is aimed at systematization of scientific views as to definition of the concept of «spatial polarization» and allocating scientific approaches on this basis. A typification of approaches and views of scientists towards use of the term of «polarization» has been carried out, taking into account the multidimensional nature and interdisciplinary nature of the term. A generalization of the theoretical apparatus as to the studied issue provided for allocating the following approaches: system, geographical-regional, spatial-economic, globalization, social. It is concluded that the concept of «spatial polarization» is sufficiently extensive, has different interpretations in the current science and is located at the junction of regional economics, economic geography and sociology, institutional economics, macroeconomics and demographics. However, most interpretations disclose its economic nature, which displays the unevenness of the socio-economic development. Theoretical generalization of interpretation and handling of the concept of «spatial polarization» has provided for allocating four approaches to its definition, namely: resource, factorial, resource-factorial and innovative. Prospect for further research in this area is analyzing the factors, which form the spatial polarization.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Karasik A. O.
The Main Trends in the Change of Personal Needs in the Context of Globalization (p. 8 - 12)

The article is aimed at identifying and characterization of the main trends in the structure of needs concerning human and social development. When analyzing the needs, particular complexity is caused by such research aspect as evaluating the structural changes and their socio-economic consequences. Formerly the influence of needs on production was primary and essential, now in the context of globalization another process is unfolding – production of needs. Every cycle of development of globalization processes contains such a multitude of factors, impacting the system of needs and structuring it according to the principle of force and potential of the impact factors, that with each new stage this structure can acquire a new quality, becoming a source of new problems yet unknown to the science and giving rise to new contradictions of human needs. On the one hand, globalization increases the base for satisfying material needs, expands access to many benefits and values, speeds up the process of growth and satisfaction of needs, and, on the other hand, it hampers the expansion and implementation of social and spiritual needs, virtualizes and fragments society by the level, quality and structure of satisfaction of needs.

Article is written in Russian

Zabarna E. M., Tanasenko M. O.
The Scientific Foundations for Identifying Factors of Development of the Economic Space of Region (p. 13 - 17)

The article is aimed at examining the key factors in the development of regional economic space. An analysis of development management and control of performance of enterprise, higher education institution, and region has been carried out, peculiarities and differences in the management facilities have been identified. The article considers the theories, which analyze and explain the effect of fundamental factors of economic development of regions and cities, such as the theory of spatial benefits, regularities of agglomeration, concentration and combination of production by region, the conception of primary and secondary productions. Ways to assess the economic development of region have been examined. Both the long-term and the short-term objectives and their corresponding criteria for the economic development of region have been allocated. An analysis of the factors increasing the sustainability of socio-economic development of the territorial system has been conducted, requirements for a sustainable socio-economic development of region have been formulated, including the balanced reproduction of economic, social and natural-resource potential localized in its territory.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Polyakov M. V.
The Foundations of the Conception of Knowledge-Based Economy in the Works of Nobel Laureates in Economics (p. 8 - 14)

Despite a great attention to establishment of the knowledge-based economy, theoretical basis for this conception remains fragmented and requires strengthening. Therefore, the article is aimed at generalizing the foundations of the conception of knowledge-based economy, which are present in the works of Nobel Laureates in economics. As a result of analysis, it is found that the foundations of the conception of knowledge-based economy concept are introduced in writings by such scientists as S. Kuznets, F. von Hayek, Th. Schultz, R. Solow, M. Allais, G. Becker, P. Krugman, K. J. Arrow, D. Nort. The article provides results of a theoretical analysis of the findings made by the above mentioned scientists-economists. The relationship of the conception of knowledge-based economy with current theories: economic cycles, market economy, economic growth, technological progress, human capital, economic efficiency, the new economic geography, and institutional change has been displayed. In the analysis, knowledge has been presented as a factor of production, growth and development of economy. Issues of the common economic organization of society in terms of establishing the knowledge-based economy were discussed as well. It has been concluded that the current knowledge-based economy conception has synthetic nature, combining provisions of the neoliberal economic theory, keynesianism, and institutionalism.

Article is written in Russian


Kornivska V. О.
Financialization in the Context of Evolution of the Common-Divided Nature of the Real and the Financial Sectors (p. 8 - 14)

The publication systematizes the basic manifestations of financialization on the global, macro- and micro-economic levels of economic cooperation; distribution of financial models of conduct in the real economy system has been characterized as a factor of deformation of its institutional system and the establishment of a long-term transmission mechanism for movement of resources from the real sector of the financial sector. The common-divided nature of interaction between the real and financial sectors has been substantiated, while the financialization is shown as the stage of exacerbation of contradictions between the real economy and financial sphere. The European financial-institutional reforming has been characterized in the context of overcoming financialization trends, conclusions about its inconsistency in terms of forming conditions for the post-crisis development have been drawn.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bolotina E. V., Shubna O. V.
The Institutional Matrices of Society and the Transformational Economy of Ukraine (p. 14 - 21)

The article considers the term of «institutional matrix» and two directions of development of economics: market and redistributing. A key to understanding the differences between the X-matrix (Eastern) and the Y-matrix (Western) has been suggested. Scientific novelty consists in addressing to the non-linear methodology, synergetic principles of analysis of the problems of non-linearity of social development and its rational evaluation in the complexity of theories and approaches. Studying the contradicting socio-economic processes in the context of the non-linear methodology, sociosynergetics, and through the prism of evaluating the social subject, is a definite step forward in the knowledge of their substance. A conceptual approach to defining the nature together with a methodology for analyzing the institutional matrix of society have been proposed, the systemically important nature of the institution of labor is substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sazonets I. L., Tadeeva N. V.
The National Models of Social Partnership and Their Impact on the Development of Fair Business Practice (p. 21 - 26)

The article analyzes the scientific theories of fair business practice. On exploring fair business practices, the authors prove that in a greater degree it is necessary to rely on provisions of the theory of social partnership, because the category of social and labor relations is sufficiently global to address these issues, and the practice of corporate social responsibility does not cover all aspects of relations between the subjects of a fair business practice. It is substantiated that a social partnership model in Ukraine has yet not completely been formed, although prerequisites to its formation do exist. Four factors that make possible the development of a national model of social partnership have been determined. The unity of the processes of social partnership and fair business practice has been identified. Stakeholders in these processes have the same goals and are interested both in establishing an effective national social partnership model, and dissemination of the means for fair business practice. The basic constituents and determinants of establishing a social partnership model and fair business practice have been substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Gorodnyа T. A., Lupak R. L., Ivaniv O. V.
Conceptual Foundations of the Economic Substance of the Notion of «Financial Condition of Enterprise» (p. 27 - 32)

The article is aimed at defining the conceptual substance of the notion of financial condition of enterprise with identification of various scientific interpretations and characteristics that can combine then and provide a practical use. A characteristic of scientific claims about the conceptual substance of the notion of «financial condition of enterprise» has been provided, their main directions have been allocated. It is proposed to allocate the approach that involves consideration of the substance of the examined notion regarding its formation and results that can be obtained by ensuring the efficiency of a corresponding procedure. An author's definition of the notion of «financial condition of enterprise» has been provided. A brief summary of the basic characteristics (common, specific, instrumental) of the financial condition of enterprise has been presented, into which can be built their overall quality descriptions, special features of ambiguous definitions and instrumental restrictions on use.

Article is written in Russian


Ovcharenko I. I.
The Contemporary Science of Economic Security: the Basic Ontological Contradictions and the Directions of Solving (p. 8 - 14)

The article raises the problem of mismatch as to development paces of separate research directions of the contemporary science of economic security. The absolute majority of researches is concerned with development of the instrumental-methodological basis, but the theoretical-methodological component is undergone insufficiently critical examining, thus leading to contradicting results of the applied researches. The author has found that as the object of knowledge of this science appears the category of security, which leads to misinterpretation of the subject of knowledge. But the real object of knowledge is the risk that is objectively real and measurable. As a subject of knowledge can appear only a holistic development that can exist in a world of dangers, and such is security of enterprise. Role of systematicity and of the concept of system in providing security is open to discussion. The basic directions of solving the accumulated ontological controversies have been identified as follows: artificial focus of new research towards improving the methodological basis of the science of economic security through fundamental revision of passports of scientific specialties, wide use of the maneuver of scientific intervention with a view to integrating the results of the solved scientific problems related with the contemporary science of economic security.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Povoroznyk M. I.
The Categorical Parameters of «Health Care Services» in the Global Space (p. 14 - 18)

The article is aimed at analyzing concepts and theories, which researched role of the human factor in processes of social reproduction. The article examines the new approaches to analyzing the national systems of health care services through the prism of their quantitative and qualitative diversification. Theoretical developments by representatives of the classical political economy of the new wave have been analyzed, which defined health as one of the most important components of human capital, which is not valuable in itself only, but also determines the terms of saving and using other forms of human capital – education and professional experience. The study examined the system of health care services on the part of the human capital theory, which considers the broader, conceptual format of human development, economic growth, and the role of health care in public reproduction.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kolomiyets G. M., Aliieva E. I.
The Social Capital as a Relevant Factor of Anti-Crisis Development of Economic System (p. 19 - 23)

The article is aimed at substantiating the possible crises of economic system on the basis of studying the formation of social capital. It has been displayed that the social capital holds an important place in achieving a sustainable development of the national economy. In conditions of crises, the need to maintain credibility towards the economic, financial and the State institutions through social capital is extremely exacerbated. Applying the scientific development by D. Acemoglu and J. Robinson, the authors have extended the understanding of content of the social capital based on an analysis of the mechanism for its formation through economic and political institutions, which in turn can be either inclusive or extractive. The status of the social capital as a prerequisite for varieties of the crisis conditions of economic system together with ways to overcome them have been considered. Six types of crises as derivates from the structure of the social capital have been allocated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lepeyko T. I., Blyznyuk T. P.
Generational Theory: Value-Oriented Approach (p. 24 - 30)

The aim of the article is to identify, analyze and compare basic values of representatives of modern generations in Western Europe and Ukraine using the value-oriented approach, which implies the perception of generational values as one of the three basic layers of personal values (individual, generational and national ones). The article analyzes basic values and conditions of their formation for five modern generations in contemporary Western Europe and Ukraine: the Silent, the Baby Boomers, Generation X, Generation Y and Generation Z. The results of the comparative analysis of basic values inherent in representatives of these generations showed their almost complete identity despite the differences in conditions of their formation. Thus the key factor of grouping people of approximately the same age into one generation is the presence of identical values.

Article is written in English


Klіmenko O. M.
Economic Сomparativistics as a Strategic Way of Developing and Reforming the Ukraine’s Economy (p. 8 - 12)

The article is aimed at analyzing the possibility of using economic comparativistics for the final formation of the national socio-economic model of developing and economic reforming of economy in Ukraine. Several methodological approaches together with substantiation of application of the algorithm for comparing specific economic systems have been provided. The main structural elements relating to specific economic systems have been allocated and characterized in accordance with the purpose set. The main economic and social indicators characterizing some of the structural elements of economic system have been determined. The critical parameters and indicators for comparative analysis of the socio-economic systems of the selected type have been specified. A conceptual characterization of the socio-economic system analyzed according to the proposed algorithm has been presented, ability to use economic comparativistics for the successful use of the research results in practice has been demonstrated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zhylinska O. I.
Developing the Institution of Patenting in Terms of the «Open Innovation» Model (p. 12 - 23)

The article is concerned with disclosure of the hybrid enrichment of the economic functions of the institution of patenting in terms of the open innovation» model. The article displays the difference between the economic functions of the institution of patenting on its formation phase – from stimulating the generators of new knowledge to the economic use of industrial properties during the period of patent protection. The main imperative of the «closed innovation» model – the principle of methodological individualism – has been disclosed. The transition to the «open innovation» model, where the institution of patenting acquires the economic function of catalyst for technology cooperation in the context of licensing arrangements, has been displayed. In terms of the «open innovation» model the modern transnational corporations implement the technology transfer through the technology alliances. Prospects for further studies will be determining the directions of transformation of the institutional environment of the national economy in the context of implementing the «open innovation» model.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Deyneka T. А.
Monocentricity and Polycentricity as the Contemporary Manifestations of Contradictions of the Institutional Mediation in the Development of Global Economy (p. 24 - 28)

The article is aimed at investigating the models of universum and polyversum as the contemporary manifestations of phenomena of monocentricity and polycentricity in terms of institutionalization of the international economic relations. A theoretical approach to explaining the processes that occur in the present in the institutional environment of the international economic relations has been described. Is has been found that it consists of defining the ontology of the contemporary world order, models of its institutionalization, and ways of establishing. It has been shown that the modern period of institutionalization of the international economic relations appears controversial due to the lack of balance of powers, formed on the basis of a certain version of the sustainable world institutional practice. It has been determined that in the relations between the economically developed countries and those with rapidly growing economies one can clearly observe the struggle for preservation of the status of belonging to the core of the world economic system / acquisition of the status of one of the centers of the new world order.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kolomiyets G. M., Melentsova O. V., Kalinichenko J. D.
The Topical Factors of Development of the National Competitive Advantages (p. 8 - 14)

The article considers the qualitative changes of the national competitive advantages as derivatives of the evolution of technological modes in the global business environment; the role of both the formal and the informal institutions in their development and implementation has been analyzed. With this in mind, topical in the development of competitive advantages will be improving the formal institutions in conjunction with the informal: recognition and use of the positive potential of the national values and attitudes. High adaptatibility towards turbulence of the economic environment, desire and capability to master new knowledge, technologies, fulfill one’s own abilities in the native country, should define the focus and content of transformations of the formal institutions. Results of the analysis show that nowadays a value shift is going on, attitudes are being changed, which suggests that there’s a necessity to understand that disposition of power institutions, mistrust to authorities can significantly slow down transformations in the direction of «competitive advantages – competitiveness».

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dzhereliuk I. O.
Crisis as a Factor of the Sustainability Violation in the Economic Systems (p. 15 - 21)

The article substantiates that crisis is a factor of violation of the enterprise’s sustainability as economic system, crisis can occur at all stages of the life cycle of enterprise, act as a brake against the further development of enterprise and its movement to the next stage of development. On the basis of theoretical generalization, the author’s own approach to the definition of concept of «crisis» is presented. Causes of occurrence of crisis were generalized depending on certain stage of the life cycle of enterprise. It has been specified that crisis poses a threat to the sustainability of enterprise, but, despite this, it is the regularity and necessity of development, which in all its manifestations and consequences will be overcome by anti-crisis. The theoretical approaches by different scientists as to interpretation of the concept of «anti-crisis sustainability» were considered that allowed to substantiate the author’s own approach to the interpretation of this concept. Prospects for further research in this directions will be systematization of the factors to ensure the anti-crisis sustainability of enterprise in a competitive environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yahno T. P., Husakovska T. O.
The Consumer Market in Mediation of the Neo-Economic Processes of Reproduction of Human and Society (p. 22 - 26)

The article is aimed at substantiating the model of relationships in the consumer market under conditions of postindustrial society. On the basis of consideration of the consumer behavior from the viewpoints of economic, sociological, and psychological approaches, the main aspects of the consumer activity under conditions of postindustrial society have been allocated. It has been concluded that the modern consumer market is inherent in the model, in which an individual is not merely a consumer of material comforts, but also has intelligence and spirituality, that significantly impacts the formation of one’s own preferences. Consequently, the consumer’s behavior is determined not only by the economic, but also by the social, political, psychological, religious, legal, ethical, environmental, and other factors. Another defining feature of this model is the restoration of a lost relationship of the individual benefit and the public benefit. It has been proven that the triad of «society – market – individual», thanks to its dynamism, openness, and constant generating the enriched cross-linkages, becomes a system, which is capable of self-development and which essentially corresponds to the content of the postindustrial relationships.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Riabokin T. V.
The Mechanisms for the State Supporting the Development of Corporations (p. 27 - 31)

The main aim of the article is the theoretical substantiation of the necessity to build an efficient mechanism for the State supporting the corporate development, taking account of the main national and corporate interests. As result of processing and analyzing the available scientific-methodological and practical approaches to development of corporations and the State impact on this process, the phased scheme of the corporate development has been proposed, defining the main corporate and national priorities in each of the stages. On the basis of the administrative, fiscal, and monetary methods, the key directions for coordination of development of the individual corporations have been allocated and a mechanism for the State support has been proposed, implementation of which will provide to harmonize the public and the corporate interests, achieve the total recovery of the national economy. It has been pointed out to the need of creating on the basis of the powerful corporations an effective system of the corporate social responsibility as one of the main directions for harmonization of the national and the corporate interests. Promising directions for further research will be solving the problems associated with the long-term investment in the corporate development, determining and then minimizing the major risks at the stage of appearance of corporations at the international level.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Demydiuk O. O.
The Essence and Efficiency Criteria of the Contemporary Economic Systems (p. 8 - 14)

The article generalizes and systematizes the basic scientific approaches to the definition of the category of «economic system». The author’s own definition of the contemporary economic systems as highly complex dynamic structures, characterized by the organizational heterogeneous integrity, ability to self-organization and self-development, which occur under the influence of both external and internal factors, has been proposed. The basic efficiency criteria of functioning and development of the contemporary economic systems were generalized and systematized. Some practical recommendations for improving efficiency of the economic system of Ukraine have been elaborated. In particular, the emphasis was made on the need to pay special attention to countering corruption, the illegal economic manifestations of the shadow economy, overcoming resistance by the special interest groups, which are not interested in any radical market-oriented transformations, since they lose their quasi-rent received as a result of activities of the inefficient institutions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dluhopolska T. I.
The Key Conceptions of Social Security: the International Practice and Ukraine (p. 15 - 21)

The world-wide globalization processes and the political-military conflicts have exacerbated the problem of social security of the people of various world countries, which is usually seen from the perspective of both the State and the individual citizen. The article is aimed at analyzing the existing conceptions of social security from different perspectives – political, economic efficiency, and narrative. An analysis of political theories of social security (majority rational voting; pressure groups) has determined that they are based on the redistribution processes, and winning of the individual economic agents is achieved in the political struggle for various «social prizes». An analysis of theories of efficiency (optimal redistribution; optimal retirement insurance; prodigal father; misguided Keynesian; longevity insurance; government economizes on administration costs; return on human capital investment) has determined that they rely on market «fiasco» and can help in understanding which from the social protection programs minimize market failures. An analysis of the descriptive (narrative) theories (chain letters; lump of labor; monopoly capitalism; nearly rational policy) has determined that they are difficult subject to the mathematical interpretation and partially repeat ideas of the previous concepts.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Komarova O. A.
The Theoretical Aspects of Studying the Economic Essence of the Educational Potential (p. 22 - 30)

The article is aimed at substantiation of essence of the educational potential on the basis of allocation of its quantitative and qualitative characteristics by means of the dialectical combination of the education fund (as a quantifying of the educational potential) and the incorporeal elements of the educational potential, identified on the basis of its consideration in the informational, economic, and personal aspects. It has been substantiated that the educational potential of an individual is much more broad term compared to the education fund, because it combines both quantitative and qualitative characteristics. It has been determined that the individual educational potential represents a totality of knowledge, skills, habits of an individual, which were acquired in the process of the cognitive and educational activities, practical experience, which define its humanitarian characteristics, the value-motivational and creative capacities, social intelligence, and cause a direct impact on the labor productivity, finding its expression in the level of income. Prospects for further research in this direction will be development of the scientific-methodical foundations for evaluation of the educational potential, identifying the current trends and laws of its development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Riabokin T. V.
The Dynamics of the Economic-Financial Performance of the Corporate System of National Economy (p. 30 - 36)

The article is aimed at analyzing the dynamics of the economic-financial performance of the national corporate system, identifying trends in its development. An allocation of the corporate system as a structured object and its research will contribute to understanding of the dynamic properties of the corporate system itself, its actors, and the economy as a whole. An analysis of the dynamics of the economic-financial performance of the corporate system of national economy has been carried out. The national accounts of Ukraine for 2008-2015, in particular, in the sectors of both non-financial and financial corporations as the major subsystems of the corporate system, have been analyzed. Trends as to releasing goods and services, intermediate consumption, gross value added, and net value added, incomes, savings, net lending (+), and net borrowing (-), have been highlighted. Future researches should address a deeper analysis of the performance indicators of individual corporations, the corporate structures, constituting a part of the core corporate system, including the financial core, as well as efficiency of the State administration of national economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kolesnichenko I. M.
The Institutional Foundations of the Efficient Economic Policy in Ukraine (p. 8 - 15)

The article is aimed at substantiation of the institutional foundations of the efficient economic policy in Ukraine. The article generalizes the development and analyzes the current status of the theoretical base for studying economic policy (EP), its priorities in the conditions of market transformation have been defined, and most importantly – expedience of bringing the achievements of modern institutional economics theory in the process of the State-driven «creating politics» in Ukraine has been substantiated. At the theoretical level, existence of a significant «gap» between the general scientific and the institutional foundations of economic policy has been detected, the devastating consequences for the national economy as result of the prolonged disregarding the institutional component of EP on the part of the State have been defined. The necessity of activating the role of the State in the process of developing strategies and programs for socio-economic development of country, provision of their institutional support on all levels of the power vertical and introduction on their basis the effective economic policy which would be up to the present time challenges, have been substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Revyakin G. V., Sidorov V. I.
The Influence of Globalization on the Synchronism of Development of Economic Processes within the Terms of World Economy (p. 16 - 20)

The article is aimed at analyzing the degree of dependence of national economies at the present stage of development of the world economy. Both the dynamics and the nature of development of the economic globalization were analyzed on the example of various areas of world economy. The key tendencies of the economic globalization have been identified and described, the key indicators of participation of countries in the economic globalization have been analyzed as well. Dynamics of the key stock indices of the developed and developing countries (G7 and BRICS) were researched for synchronism of reaction to positive and negative economic events. Using the results of the research, the degree of dependence of the largest stock indices during 2001-2015 has been estimated by means of correlation analysis and the analysis of critical dimensions, also the fact has been empirically proved, that the dynamics of growth of national economies have more synchronous nature during the period of economic shocks, rather than during the periods of their normal functioning.

Article is written in Russian

Kobylianska A. V.
On Clustering during and after Crisis as the Tool for Analyzing the Global Economic Architecture (p. 21 - 26)

The article is aimed at analyzing the development of global economy from the viewpoint of formation of ideas of its aggregation by means of the cluster analysis. It is found that during 1995-2014 in the world there were about 20 countries which GDP in total amounted to 80% of the global GDP. According to these data Japan, the USA, Germany, China, and Brazil formed a kernel of global economy. Further results of the cluster analysis have allowed to draw conclusions that during the observation period the United States and the Russian Federation remained the main centrodes of global economy. Despite the crisis of 2008, integration of global economy continued, most notably from the viewpoint of monetary indicators. The subsequent researches should be concerned with studying the economic policy directed to the internal economic development, the external relations, and formation of global economic policy, as well as to analyzing economic relations between the identified centrodes and other countries. This will help to understand the reasons of the contemporary global economic integration and to prognosticate its development in the future.

Article is written in English

Honta S. V.
The System Approach to Researching the Structure of National Economy (p. 27 - 33)

The article applies the system approach to researching the structure of national economy. Essence of such approach has been identified and its main advantages when studying economic systems have been defined. Elements of the structure of national economy, with inclusion of sphere, sector, and branch, have been determined. Essence of these separate elements has been considered in detail and their features have been defined. Also structure of national economy in the space of its existence has been visualized, process of both formation and development of such structure in the space of time has been described.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Levchenko A. A.
The Theoretical Approaches to Defining the Essence and Functions of Leasing (p. 33 - 40)

The article is aimed at researching the theoretical foundations, generalizing scientific approaches to interpretation of the concept of «leasing», defining the main economic characteristics and functions of leasing. Scientific approaches of researchers to definition of the concept of «leasing» were systematized. New scientific approaches to interpretation of the concept of leasing as a form of public-private partnership, a form of ensuring competitiveness, have been allocated. The author’s own point of view on defining the economic essence of leasing as a special type of entrepreneurial activity which at the same time is implemented in the form of the credit-investment along with the trade-property relations has been substantiated. The main functions of leasing according to the object and subject approach in terms of outsourcing have been disclosed. Further researches in this direction will concern systematization of scientific approaches and definition of new attributes of the specific classification of leasing.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Fomina O. O.
The Theoretical Foundations of Formation of the System of Regulating the Social-Labor Relations on the Principles of Responsibility (p. 41 - 45)

The article is aimed at analyzing the fundamental economic theories of regulating the social-labor relations, in particular, Marxism, post-capitalism, social action – considering responsibility in the inter-subjective relations, as well as in the assessment of adequacy of implementation of the above indicated theories into economic activities. On the basis of an analysis, it has been found that Marxism considers responsibility as freedom for the economic entities and in the aspect of regulation of social-labor relations allows conflict, which is the engine of the human progress. The post-capitalism represents the conception, which provides for adaptation of public relations towards the technological changes, arbitrary behavior of business entities and formation of organizations of the new formation, aimed at cooperation. The social action theory allows to take into account the objective circumstances impacting the parties of the social-labor relations, and to settle conflicts through the provision of individual responsibility of each party for the situation present. In the light of the foregoing, we believe that regulation of the social-labor relations should be based on use of these theories. Prospects for further research in this direction will be considering the evolution of contemporary theories of responsibility as well as formation of a conceptual schema to ensure the responsible behavior of subjects in the social-labor relations.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Us T. V.
Partnership as the Economic Institution (p. 46 - 51)

The article is aimed at defining the essence of partnership and analyzing its constituents taking into consideration the institutional approach. The article analyzes the main provisions of the institutional approach, allocating as the original category the concept of «institution», which is understood as a form of organization, regulating and harmonization of public life, activity and behavior of individuals, that is – a set of norms, required for organization of cooperation. One such organization at both the formal and the informal bases is partnership. It has been determined that namely partnership as economic institution can become the integrating link element of the market economy (its structure, constituents, form and level will depend on those, who will act as relationship parties – or partners), will ensure a sustained cooperation and reduce uncertainty in relations that, in turn, will impact stability of market and the entire economic system. Promising direction for further research will be elaborating recommendations for development of partnership at each structural level of an economic system and considering impacts of the external environment on the efficiency of cooperation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Нoncharova S. Y., Buryak I. V.
The Conditions of Formation and the Regulation Levers of the «New Economy» as a Modern Phenomenon (p. 52 - 58)

The article is concerned with studying the stages of formation and development of phenomenon of the «new economy». Interpretation of the concept of «new economy» by foreign and by domestic scholars has been considered, the historical origin of the term of «new economy» has been defined, principles of its formation have been explored. The authors used reports by the World Bank on the level of development of the knowledge-based economy. Two combined index – the Knowledge Economy Index and the Knowledge Index have been provided, together with the accompanying rating of the world countries. The factors, determining the development of innovation process: economic, technological, political, legal, socio-psychological, cultural, organizational, and managerial, have been identified. Problems of establishing the national innovation system in Ukraine have been defined and ways of overcoming them have been suggested. The authors have developed and graphically presented the scheme of the conditions of formation and the regulation levers of the «new economy».

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kukharska N. O.
Threats to the National Economic Security of Ukraine at the Current Stage (p. 8 - 13)

It is substantiated that the most important factor of the national economic security of the country is to match both the economic and the industrial relations systems to the economic development of the country. The article provides detailed consideration of the particularities of occurrence of threats to the national economic security of Ukraine by allocating seven major structural blocks, in which threats were not overcome during the years of independence, and some of them even became intensified: 1) institutional sphere; 2) social sphere; 3) financial sphere; 4) shadowing and corruptness of economy; 5) a high level of physical wear and tear of fixed assets and of the production infrastructure; 6) de-industrialization of economy; 7) innovative development. The main components of the national economic security, which would assist in overcoming these threats, have been developed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kulakov G. T., Bondar-Pіdhurska O. V., Manina L. І.
The Forecast Scenarios of Development of the National Economy in the Context of the Need to Improve the «Cost of Living» (p. 14 - 20)

The article is aimed at elaborating and materialization of the forecast scenarios of development of the national economy in the context of substantiating the feasibility of improving the «cost of living» being the equivalent of the liability of public authorities for the value of human life. The article researches the phenomenon of the «cost of living» in the context of sustainable innovative development of a socially oriented development of economy as an axis for developing its forecast scenarios. Focus has been set on complementarity of the terms of «cost of living» and «sustainable development» in the context of satisfying vital interests of the population of Ukraine. It has been suggested that wages accounting as an equivalent to the «cost of living» should not be included with costs but with the value added, however, the growth rate of wages must not outpace the growth rate of labor productivity. For the first time on the basis of the interdisciplinary and intersectoral approach, as well as the index method, have been elaborated baseline scenarios of development of the national economy on the basis of the upgraded human development index: pessimistic, realistic, and optimistic forecasts.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tokarskyi T. B.
The Project of Forming the «Welfare State» (p. 20 - 27)

The article is concerned with the phenomenon of establishing the «welfare State» (German Standard), or the «social State» (in Ukraine). The approach used discloses the scientific rather than political nature of the phenomenon. The overall conception is related with the search for substantiation of project as the ideal of a social State. The article discloses the history of active theoretical development of the idea of «social State», «social welfare». The thesis, arguing that the social State is not synonymous with the conception of the welfare State, but rather a new quality of the latter providing for performing social functions in the contemporary terms more efficiently and effectively, has been reflected. Conclusions have been drawn regarding the advisability and justifiability of choice of a project model of the State of Ukraine at the current stage of its development in the aspect of achieving social justice in society.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Polyakov M. V.
The Conceptual Foundations of Ukraine’s Transition to the Knowledge Economy in the Context of Changes in the World Economy (p. 28 - 34)

The article is concerned with development of foundations and suggestions as to the Ukraine’s transition to the knowledge economy in the context of changes in the world economy. These changes will affect the production forces, forms of economic organization, institutions, and socio-economic relations. With this in mind, a new modernization project of the 21st century for Ukraine has been proposed. Attention is drawn to the need to «restart» the domestic economy, build a new model of growth based on new technological base, reproductive cycles, and patterns of production. The article emphasizes the essential role of information and communication technologies, the importance of interaction between science and business, as well as activation of entrepreneurship. The spatial, social, and political aspects of transition to the knowledge-based economy have been allocated. Recommendations for deepening the partnership between the State and business in the sphere of knowledge have been formulated. Suggestions for improving geo-economic strategy, development of international cooperation in the sphere of knowledge and innovation, as well as improving the integration strategy of Ukraine, have been provided.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ivanov R. V.
Modeling the Economic Behavior of Households within the Context of Development of Economic Thought (p. 35 - 39)

The main purpose of the publication is to study formation of the household economic behavior modeling in the context of development of economic thought and methods of the economic-mathematical modeling. The study was carried out under the assumption that, when studying the development of theoretical and methodological foundations of the economic behavior of households one must take into account not only the history of development of economic theory, but also the transformation of attitudes in other areas of human knowledge, in particular the paradigm shift in scientific thinking. It has been specified that the massive use of mathematical methods in economics is associated with formation of the marginal theory and at the same time – with the proliferation of the marginal analysis. At the present stage, the economic behavior of households is being analyzed in the terms of concepts such as neoclassicism, institutionalism and behaviorism. But by dividing the concepts of «individual» and «household», it can be argued that precisely the institutionalism in conjunction with synergistic approach provide the basis for elaboration of strategies for the economic behavior of households, ensuring their economic security.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Revyakin G. V.
The Economic Policy of the State in Terms of the Cyclicality of Global Economic Development (p. 40 - 48)

The article is aimed at characterization of principles of the sustainable economic development of the national economy in terms of the cyclical nature of development of the world economy. The article allocates and describes the priority directions of the State policy to minimize the negative cyclical phenomena in the world economy; the key principles of diversification of structure of the national economy, optimizing the international channels of synchronization of economic processes, optimizing the volume of gold and currency reserves of country. The author has developed the pro-cyclical policy of the State, based on the specific phases of the economic cycle. On the basis of the pro-cyclical policy of the State, the author has analyzed the major economic crises of the 20th-21st centuries, and also described cases of occurrence of economic «bubbles» due to the incorrect State policy in certain phases of the economic cycle.

Article is written in Russian


Striy L. O., Semenchenko O. E., Mikaelian M. A.
The Global Benchmarking as a Method of Countering the Intellectual Migration in Ukraine (p. 8 - 13)

The publication is aimed at studying the global benchmarking as a method of countering the intellectual migration in Ukraine. The article explores the intellectual process of migration in Ukraine; the current status of the country in the light of crisis and all the problems that arose has been analyzed; statistical data on the migration process are provided, the method of countering it has been determined; types of benchmarking have been considered; the benchmarking method as a way of achieving objective has been analyzed; the benefits to be derived from this method have been determined, as well as «bottlenecks» in the State process of regulating migratory flows, not only to call attention to, but also take corrective actions.

Article is written in Russian

Bezkhlibna A. P.
The Evolution of the Essence of Formation of the Theoretical Foundations of the Region Competitiveness (p. 14 - 19)

Objectives of the article are studying the conceptions of region competitiveness in terms of historical principle, identifying regularities of development of economic thought in the area of studies on the region competitiveness, taking account of the scientific approaches to interpreting the definition. The views of scholars from different countries on the relevance of using this term for characterization of the socio-economic development of regions were analyzed. The competitiveness of region is considered in terms of an efficient territorial organization of labor, as a dynamic process rather than a market structure. A precondition for increasing the region competitiveness is creating a balance of the structure of region’s economy by the regional authorities in order to secure interests of all institutions. The consequences are improvement of the living standards of population, incomees of the owners of capital, the increased level of innovation in economic activity, and reduction of unemployment in the region. An author’s own definition of the «region competitiveness» has been presented on the basis of a mixed approach. Prospects for further study will be substantiation of paradigm of the region’s continued economic development, taking into consideration the peculiarities of ensuring the region competitiveness.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pysarevskyi M. I.
The Theoretical Foundations of Formation of the Essence of Concept of «Ensuring the Economic Security of Enterprise in the Conditions of Raiding» (p. 20 - 25)

The article is aimed at the scientific substantiation of the theoretical aspects of formation of an effective mechanism for ensuring the economic security of enterprise in the conditions of raiding. The conceptual approaches to determining the main features of individual elements of the conceptual apparatus, namely, the concepts of «economic security of enterprise» and «raiding» were analyzed. The author’s own definition of ensuring the economic security of enterprise in the conditions of raiding has been formed, which provides an opportunity to develop a complex of organizational and economic measures aimed at maintaining the sustainable functioning and development of enterprise in the current and future periods. Prospect for further research in this direction is a critical analysis of the approaches to assessing threats to the economic security of enterprise in the context of raiding, thus broadening the theoretical basis for an effective response mechanism and establishing a qualitative methodical basis for research. Application of new scientific and methodical approaches to the integrated assessment of the level of economic security in the conditions of raiding will ensure the development and implementation of efficient managerial decisions aimed at establishing a system of preventive measures to address threats to the economic security of enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Shkodinа I. V., Karpova I. V.
The Global Uncertainty as a Sign of the Transformation of Socio-Economic System (p. 8 - 12)

It has been determined that the transformation of socio-economic system is related with an increase in uncertainty, as the usual functional linkages are no longer operational as a result of the emergence of new institutions and interdependencies, leading to complication or replacement of an institutional structure. The article allocates and considers the main phenomena that are fundamentally changing the systemic properties of the contemporary socio-economic system (information technology, networked economy, decentralization of power, virtual economy, sharing economy, non-market production, system of universal basic income, etc.), and thus result is transformation of the market economy (capitalism) as a model of public organization. A new macro-economy, based on other laws than classical, is emerging. It is therefore necessary to make more active use of economic science, because there is a need to study the profound socio-economic foundations of the transformation of economic systems, for regardless of the extent of transformation (further complication of market-economy institutions or a radical change in the social-economic system), the global peace will not return to the «past» institutional models.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Seleznova O. V.
The Characteristics of Participation of Citizens and Public Organizations in the Development of Eco-Democracy Process in Ukraine (p. 8 - 12)

The article is aimed at studying the participation of citizens and public organizations in the process of establishing eco-democracy in Ukraine and defining the role of public in governmental decision-making in the ecological sphere. The main forms of interaction between citizens and public ecological organizations with the effective government and municipalities on the issues of preserving natural resources, avoidance of ecological man-made disasters and improvement of the overall ecological situation in the country have been analyzed. The role of conscientious citizens and public organizations in the process of the State decision-making on ecological issues and the achievement of the priority environmental objectives has been substantiated. The main factors that adversely impact the efficiency and reduce the effectiveness of nature protection activities of non-state ecological organizations have been determined. The characteristics of development of the ecological movement in Ukraine and the main directions for improving its effectiveness have been researched.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Khodakivska O. V., Shpykulyak O. H., Suprun O. M.
The Institutions of «Green Economy» for Sustainable Development of Agrarian Sector: Theoretical Dimension (p. 13 - 18)

The article is aimed at substantiating the conceptual foundations and theoretical positions of the place and role of institutions in formation of the «green economy» in the context of implementation of the principles for sustainable development of agrarian sector. The article reflects the main scientific concepts that are directed to address the problems of environmentally oriented development, in particular the concepts of ecotopia, anthropocentrism, ecocentrism, biocentrism, and the concept of sustainable development. It has been found that the conceptual foundations for sustainable development include ecologization of economy, humanization of production, introducing a system of principled approaches to public affairs. The general provisions of formation of «green economy» have been characterized and its key principles have been provided. The role and value of institutions in the organizational provision of the sustainable development of agrarian sector, which, in the organizational-economic, coordinating and enabling aspects are the key driver for harmonization of the interaction of all participants in economic relations, have been substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Valiullina Z. V.
The Hyperglobalist Approaches to Studying the Theory of Transnationalization (p. 19 - 23)

The article is aimed at analyzing the theoretical and methodological provisions of the theories and concepts of transnationalization, determining their differences, characteristics, and conditions of formation. The processes of transnationalization have been studied in terms of leading economic theories. The relationship between the categories of «globalization», «internationalization» and «transnationalization» has been analyzed. According to results of the carried out study, the article defines that transnational corporations have emerged as a result of globalization. It has been found that the transnationalization process is acquiring new essential features that impact not only the world economy but also the economy of the corporation’s home country. Based on the analysis of leading economic theories and conceptions of transnationalization, it is suggested that they be systematized into four theoretical-methodological approaches: evolutionary, structural-functional, strategic-multifocal, institutional.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Patlatoy O. Y., Nesenenko P. P.
The Features of Rent Relationships in Conditions of Innovative Economy. (p. 24 - 30)

The article is concerned with studying the economic content of the categories of «rent» and «quasi-rent», classification of their main forms arising in terms of relationships in the science and innovation sphere, and analyzing the specificity of formation of these incomes in conditions of contemporary innovation economy. The content of the category of «rent» as a form of income arising from the relationship of at least three entities has been revised; in the case of a scientific-innovation rent, it is the holder of a patent or a license holder, an industrial capitalist or an employee who creates a new or improved product; in some cases, the fourth entity of rent may be a hired researcher. In this relationship, the additional income earned by entrepreneurs in the event of commercial success has been defined as technological (innovation) quasi-rent, which can change inversely proportional to the scientific-innovation rent. It has been proved that countries with innovation economies, acting as the main recipients of scientific-innovation rents, may concede to the technological quasi-rent of the less developed countries, in particular, to China.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bezrukova N. V.
Integration and Disintegration in the Modern Global Economy (p. 31 - 35)

The article is aimed at studying the theoretical and practical aspects of the integration and disintegration processes in the global economy, evaluating their causes and consequences. The advantages and disadvantages of integration and disintegration processes have been researched. The main challenges facing the State in the process of integration have been outlined. The article particularly focuses on analyzing the causes for disintegration of countries. The features of disintegration processes are characterized on examples of individual integration groupings. The reasons for the integration of countries that lead to the creation of confined, competing economic blocs have been disclosed. On the basis of the carried out study has been concluded that the current world economy is constantly undergoing integration and disintegration processes. They require constant analyzing, as the formation of new associations requires critical evaluation of the experience of the preceding ones.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bukolova V. V.
The Indicator Approach in Estimating in the Economic Security Science: Problems of Application (p. 36 - 42)

The critical role of estimates in the economic security science predetermines requirements to their high quality that are directly linked to estimation approaches and modes of an approach. The most common for estimating the economic security of various sites is the indicator approach. The content of the indicator approach has been disclosed, its advantages and limitations as result of a number of unresolved problems, its functions and types of indicators have been analyzed. The obstacles to the quality of using the indicator approach in the estimation of economic security (of the State, region, enterprise) have been considered. The author has formulated the tasks to address in order to facilitate the solution of the problems indicated. The essential directions for their solution have been provided.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Miriasov I. O.
The Economic Power of Business and the Mechanisms for its Implementation (p. 8 - 13)

The article examines the essence and nature of the phenomenon of the economic power and its derivative the market or monopoly power as a conflict of interests of the institution of business and the economic system. The existing conflict of goals between the business’s profit motive and the needs of economic system is being reinforced at the level of ownership rights. Both as the basis of this conflict and the source of economic power of business appears the hidden possibility of exclusion, embedded in private property rights, which makes it possible for owners to retain part of the economic potential in their possession and to impose their terms on the economic system on that basis. The main strategies for business as to implementing the economic power include sectoral restrictions on the productive capacity of the economic system, control of trends and directions in its technological development, expansion of business into other areas of public activities, particularly in politics, ideology, and culture. It has been defined that the main organizational form for the exercise of economic power of business is the contemporary corporation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Turskyj I. V., Haida T. Y.
The Knowledge Economy: the Socio-Humanitarian Development Factors and Regional Aspects (p. 14 - 21)

The article discusses the socio-humanitarian factors in the development of small and medium-sized businesses at the current stage, in terms of the origins of the knowledge economy phenomenon. The conception of unconditional basic income was considered as a factor. Other concepts of the knowledge economy were analyzed: the paradigm of the economy of abundance, the «End of History» by F. Fukuyama – as the most perfect form of social organization, and the Toffler's wave theory; as well as the information civilization and the information society. On the basis of today’s most popular concepts of knowledge economy, a comprehensive model for the interaction of socio-humanitarian factors in the knowledge economy has been proposed. The excessive massing factor has been recognized as a major negative sociocultural factor in the regional and business development of our State. It has been concluded that the basic criterion for development of the knowledge economy, which is common to most modern theories, is a creative person working in an environment where most of its needs are satisfied.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Onipko T. A.
The Innovation Clusters in the Developments by the Scandinavian School of Cluster Theory (p. 22 - 28)

The article generalizes and analyzes the developments by the Scandinavian School of cluster theory (scientists from Sweden, Norway and Denmark) on innovative clusters. It has been found that the Scandinavian scientists considered innovative clusters as an integral component of both the regional and the national innovation systems. It has been clarified that the efficiency of an innovative cluster depends largely on the «knowledge base». It was emphasized that innovative clusters, by facilitating interactive training and generating new ideas, stimulate the development of the «economy of training». It has been determined that the coordinating structures of innovative clusters are the institutions of cooperation that facilitate interaction between enterprises, scientific centres, and authorities. It has been specified that innovative clusters contribute to the emerging of benefits for participants, including the growing opportunities for innovation, improved conditions for establishing a business, and increased productivity. It has been concluded that the development of the inner environment of an innovative cluster depends largely on its relationships to the external environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Panchyshyn S. M., Hrabynska I. V.
On the Typing and Evolution of Economic Systems (p. 29 - 35)

The article explores a number of methodological problems in the theory and practice of function of economic systems, in particular their typing, component structure, attributes and properties, as well as the factors underlying their development and transformation. Three approaches in the studying economic systems – materialistic, idealistic, and functional – have been allocated and analyzed. Particular attention has been given to revising and defining the scientific terminology used in the studying economic systems. After this it become possible to make certain clarifications and additions to the system of terms of the national science of economy. The differences between the attributes of an economic system, such as fragility, instability and volatility, have been identified. It has been displayed that volatility is a special attribute specific only to the transitional economic systems, which are characterized by the low efficiency of operating mechanisms, the main reason the is institutional inorderability. The article has further developed a theoretical concept, explaining the evolutionary changes in contemporary economic systems as proposed by the American researcher O. Scharmer.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ivashyna S. Y.
The Factors of Social Development in the Context of Socialization of Economy (p. 36 - 41)

The article is aimed at determining the social factors of societal development that ensure the process of socialization of economy. The importance of allocating the factors of social development, modernizing society, and creating a new model of economic and social relations has been proven. It has been noted that the crisis of existing ideologies hinders the process of institutional transformation in society and facilitates the political revitalization of traditional institutions of society. Strengthening of technocratization of ideologies and the political role of those groups that favor the restoration of traditional forms of morality and public life has been specified. The article points out to the importance of socialization of a political elite capable of formulating a philosophy of developing and establishing an effective institutional mechanism for the modernization of society. It has been noted that sociocultural changes are becoming a form of integration among the various social groups in society in order to create new socio-economic structures and innovations, and the sociocultural unity of society is becoming a more important factor of societal development than integration based on economic, social or political interests. Solutions to the problem of the social disintegration of society and its consolidation have been proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Silantiev O. I.
The Theoretical-Methodological Foundations for Studying the Wealth: a Conceptual-Categorial Analysis of the «Wealth – Potential – Development» (p. 42 - 48)

The article is aimed at identifying possibilities for improving theoretical approaches to understanding the contemporary processes in the development of macroeconomic systems and the formation of value of wealth. A conceptual-categorial analysis of the «wealth – potential – development» was carried out using the integrated, complex, system and logical approaches. The article provides improved theoretical approaches to understanding the contemporary processes that are taking place in the world and are linked to the dehumanization of society, when the value of wealth is artificially imposed. The results obtained have a wide potential for practical application, especially in the sphere of production and promotion of goods. Prospect for further research in this direction is an in-depth study on the processes of formation of value, production and consumption of wealth in the current contradictory conditions of transition to post-industrial society.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Khaustova V. Y., Kriachko Y. M., Kolodiazhna T. V.
Evaluating the Competitiveness of the World’s Economies: Theory and Practice (p. 49 - 56)

The article is concerned with studying the theory and practice of evaluating the competitiveness of the world’s economies. The development stages of the methodology for evaluating the competitiveness of countries together with characteristics of the approaches used in their terms were explored. The methodology by the World Economic Forum (WEF), and the one, used by the Institute for Management Development (IMD), were proven to be the most substantiated and applied in world practice. The characteristics of these methodologies, the constituents, indicators, and calculation procedures were considered. The world competitiveness rankings by IMD and by WEF in the period of 2016-2017 were analyzed. The place of Ukraine in these ratings has been determined. Based on the findings, it is concluded that the country’s competitiveness is considerably low and that a conception of its increase needs to be substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Markova N. S., Demianenko A. A.
The Theoretical Aspects of the Security of Human Development (p. 8 - 13)

The article is aimed at substantiating the basic categories of the conception of security of human development and formation of a definition of the concept of «security of human development» that would provide the most comprehensive understanding of the nature of this process. The main approaches to researching the phenomenon of «security» were analyzed. Characteristics of the formation of human security as part of a holistic paradigm of human development were considered together with rethinking it as a new theory of global security. A cross-categorical analysis of the concepts of «human development» and of «human security» was carried out by the main criteria: characteristics, time frames, main purpose and objectives. As a result, the human security is complementary to the concept of human development in the part of safe variants of choice (freedom from needs); it further facilitated the security provision at the level of prosperity and progress, not at the level of survival. It has been determined that the conception of human security is at the same time an element of the conception of human development as well as of human security.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zhukova L. M.
The Economic Power in the System of Objectives of the State Regulation (p. 14 - 19)

The article is aimed at a comprehensive studying the phenomenon of economic power in the system of objectives of the State regulation. The degree of spread together with the instruments for implementation of the economic power relations in the Ukrainian economy system were considered. It has been identified that, in the midst of growing social-institutional gaps, the largest number of economic institutions goes over to be controlled by the economic power entities and to be exploited for the benefits and purposes of the latter. The author has analyzed the effects of the qualitative reformatting of the system of economic power and property relations, which are being considered in a dialectical unity and in the context of creating favorable preconditions for the successful development of Ukrainian economy. It has been proved that, in a context of strong opposition between different forces and interests, Ukraine should strive to create a balanced system of power that would ensure an effective internal order and protect national interests and security in the interaction with the outside world. The need for purposeful actions by the economic authorities to bring about a new stage in the development of Ukrainian economy has been substantiated, which should be based on a population of creative ideas for the innovation-modernized development. Prospects for further research in this direction are to substantiate the issues of resolving the problems of distribution of economic power in the conditions of global instability.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Koshlata I. M.
The Impact of Rural Culture on the Spread of Nepotism and Corruption (p. 20 - 26)

The article is aimed at analyzing the phenomenon of nepotism. The scientist views on nepotism and its consequences were studied. The problem of nepotism in the current socio-political environment of the State was considered. The real examples of the spread of nepotism in Ukraine and in other countries around the world have been provided. The author has advanced a hypothesis about the negative impact of the development of rural culture and mentality on the development of nepotism and corruption. This hypothesis has been confirmed on the basis of economic and statistical methods. The reasons for the cultural lag between the village and the city have been presented. On the examples from various countries around the world, existence of a statistically significant link between the proportion of rural population and the level of corruption in the country has been proved. The experience of the Soviet Union in preventing the emergence of nepotism in the regions was analyzed. Recommendations have been made to reduce the risk of nepotism among government officials in terms of one region.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Nahorniuk O. V.
On the Essence of the Financial Potential of Enterprise (p. 37 - 43)

The article is aimed at defining the nature of the economic category of «financial potential» by systematizing, generalizing and critically analyzing existing approaches to the interpretation of this concept and formulating its basic essential characteristics. As result of the study, seven basic essential features of the category of «financial potential of enterprise» have been formulated and described. It has been suggested that this concept should be defined as an integrated characteristic of the system of financial management of enterprise, which is reflected in the capabilities to form the necessary level of financial resources from various sources, their efficient distribution and use to ensure the tactical and strategic objectives of financing the future development of enterprise, taking into account the risk factor. Prospects for research in this area will be classification and characterization of types of the financial potential of enterprise, also the systematization of its elements, which would provide to improve the level of efficiency of its management.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Golvazin O. M.
The Conceptual Model of the State policy of the Polycentric Development of Ukraine (p. 8 - 13)

The article is aimed at developing a conceptual model of the State policy of the polycentric development of Ukraine. The normative-legal base of the State regional policy of Ukraine was considered. The basic contradictions of the social-economic development of Ukraine have been defined. A conceptual model of the polycentric territorial development of Ukraine, built with regard to unevenness of the economic territorial development, has been proposed. The content of the model is ensuring the availability of public services of appropriate quality for individuals and legal entities throughout the country through the establishment of appropriate infrastructure networks, introduction of standardization of these services, implementing decentralization of their provision. On the basis of the model, a list of priority directions of the State policy of the polycentric development in Ukraine has been defined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kramarenko A. О.
The Pricing Strategies and the Dominant Technology Modes (p. 13 - 17)

The article is aimed at defining the basic approaches to pricing that correspond to the modern technological mode, as well as the prospects of substituting them with new strategies in the process of evolution of technology and socio-economic development. The technological evolution within the terms of cyclic substitution of the dominant technological ways together with periodicity of domination of the single pricing strategies have been considered. It was identified that in the process of transition to the sixth technological mode, the core of which is the high-tech and the science-driven types of economic activity, the strategies of premium pricing are at the forefront, due to their significant profitability in conditions of the fast updating of assortment of products and the particular characteristics of products and services. It has been substantiated that the dominance of premium pricing creates an inflationary effect, especially in the terms of innovative economic activities, which are potentially the basis for active implementation of technologies of the new mode.

Article is written in English

Beztelesna L. I., Vovk V. M.
The Economic-Managerial Substantiation of Quality through the Prism of the Philosophical-Legal Aspects (p. 18 - 23)

The article is aimed at studying the theoretical foundations of origin and use of the concept of «quality» in the economic environment. The evolution of the concept of «quality» was researched, as a result it was found that the term «quality» has both objective (measurable and computational) and subjective (measurable only individually) characteristics. Systematization in relation to the concept of «quality» is carried out both at the macro level – through development of the whole of normative-legal acts, and at the micro level – when the enterprises choose their own management strategies. The assessment of the legal interpretation of the category of «quality» in the article allowed to assert that the key is the Law of Ukraine «On protection of consumer rights», but in their activity domestic enterprises in parallel apply the standards of DSTU ISO of the Series 9000, the use of which is a kind of evidence of the reliability of a business partner. Evidence of the quality of each individual product or service is compliance with certain industry standards.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zhadan T. A., Kulish O. О.
The Economic Essence of the Category of «Costs» as an Object of Accounting and Internal Control (p. 24 - 30)

The purpose of the article is to disclose the economic essence of the category of «costs» as an object of accounting and internal control. A number of approaches to defining the economic essence of the concepts of «costs», «control» and «internal control» have been allocated. In the course of the study it was found that the most common approaches to interpretation of the concept of «costs» is the disclosure of its essence from the standpoints of economic theory and accounting; concepts of «control» and «internal control» – from the standpoints of functional, systemic and process approaches. The authors’ own definition of the synthesis concept of «internal control of costs» has been proposed, which suggests understanding it as the system of control measures, observations and procedures aimed at identifying deviations in the accounting of costs of enterprise, establishing legitimacy, validity, rationality, efficiency and economic feasibility of their implementation with a view to preventing and exclusion such deviations and unjustified losses in the future. Prospect for further researches in this direction is search of efficient forms, methods and instruments for management of costs of enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Abramov F. V.
The Efficiency of Repressive Anti-Corruption Measures in Conditions of High-Level Corruption (p. 8 - 12)

The article is aimed at determining the efficiency of repressive anti-corruption measures in conditions of high-level corruption. It is shown that the formal rules regulating the use of repressive methods of countering corruption are characterized by a significant level of the target inefficiency of formal rules. Resulting from ignorance as to the causes of both occurence and spread of corruption – the inefficiency of the current formal rules – repressive anti-corruption measures are fundamentally incapable of achieving a significant reduction in the level of corruptness. It has been proved that, in addition to significant target inefficiency, repressive anti-corruption methods can potentially lead to increased levels of corruption because of abusing by supervisory officials of their official duties and the spread of internal corruption within anti-corruption structures. The potential threats from the uncontrolled anti-corruption structures towards other controlling organizations were considered. It is shown that in conditions of high-level corruption repressive anti-corruption measures can lead to expansion of imitation of anti-corruption activity.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kolomiyets G. M., Zaretskaya L. M.
Civil Society as Driving Force of Economic Transformations: the Methodological Aspect (p. 13 - 18)

The improvement of the efficiency of transformations of the national economic system leads to the attraction to the reformist practices of factors which can cause the synergistic and multiplicating influence. Development of civil society is a special place in this context. The article generalizes the latest theoretical approaches to research of the influence of civil society on the institutional transformations of economy. Traditionally, civil society is viewed by means of the functional neoclassical paradigm, i.e.: micro-and macroeconomic analysis. The significant methodological potential and practical significance of research on this phenomenon belongs to the new institutional theory, which focuses on the mechanisms of transformations through interaction of actors, and the concept of inclusive institutions, allowing to rethink economic history as a basis of possible future transformational trajectories, define necessary stages of transformations in economic systems of limited access to resources, taking into consideration the interaction of economic and political institutions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Grynko P. О.
The Methodological Aspect of the Diagnostics of Objects in Economics (p. 18 - 23)

The article on the basis of morphological analysis defines the concept of «diagnostics in economics». The differences of diagnostics in economics, economic diagnostics, and analysis in economics were analyzed. The types, functions, principles of diagnostics in economics in modern conditions have been substantiated. The interrelationship of diagnostics with other functions of management in economics has been concretized. The logic and contents of stages of the diagnostic technology in economics have been clarified. The reliability of diagnostics in economics is determined by analytical tools, which are applicable in its implementation. Recommendations of analytical tools for realization of diagnostics in economics have been substantiated. A structural-logical scheme of diagnostics in economics, firming its scientific base and providing objectivity in practical implementation has been proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Khaustova V. Y., Kramarev H. V., Yaroshenko I. V.
The Theoretical Foundations of Structural Changes in Economy (p. 24 - 37)

The article is aimed at defining the theoretical foundations of structural changes in economy. It has been proved that structural policy of the State is one of the main directions influencing the structure of economy, balancing its proportions, and ensuring progressive development. The components of structural policy have been defined. Genesis of scientific directions of researching the structure of economy was considered. The interpretation of the concept of «structure of economy» in the works of scientists was studied. The classification of particular structures of the national industrial complex was considered. It has been proved that the main role in the analysis of structural changes should be given to the structure of economy (of industrial complex), according to the types of economic activity. The interpretations of the concepts of «structural transformations», «structural shifts», «structural changes», «structural crisis» in the economy have been clarified. The functions of structural crises have been considered. The dynamics of changes in structural shifts were researched. The classification of structural shifts in the economy was considered. An interpretation of progressive structural changes has been suggested.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Smiesova V. L.
The Theoretical Aspects of Functioning of the System of Reproduction of Economic Interests (p. 8 - 13)

The article is aimed at defining the basic principles of construction of the system of economic interests in statics and dynamics, substantiating components of the specified system, ensuring its functioning and maintenance. In the article the reproduction of economic interests is considered as a dynamic system, characterized by tendencies of instability, chaos and at the same time the built-in opportunities of economic development, which provide prospects for more effective materialization of economic interests along with the growth of economic/social results of actors. The article substantiates the principles of the system of reproduction of economic interests, on the basis of which its stability and possibility of achievement of static condition are ensured, and also the principles which reveal the process of its change and development in dynamics, i.e. its qualitative transformation into a new form. The basic subsystems, planes, and basic components of the system of reproduction of economic interests have been defined and characterized.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Efremova N. F., Kovalenko E. V.
Economic Growth, Economic Development: Opportunities of the Economy of Innovative Type (p. 14 - 20)

The article considers the contents of categories of «economic growth» and «economic development», defines their interrelation and differences. The article proves that in conditions of the critical situation which has developed in Ukraine today, the problem of creation of the model of stable economic growth, solving of which would become the basis for a qualitatively new type of economic development, has become topical. A qualitative characterization of economy of innovative type, the principles for its fully efficient functioning have been provided. An analysis of both the effective system and the level of financing of innovation activity in Ukraine that need both qualitative and quantitative changes, introduction of the State and the non-State financial methods directed towards intensification of innovation activity, was carried out. The necessity of transition to an economy of innovative type has been substantiated, that would not only allow to deduce the economy of Ukraine from crisis, but also to accelerate paces of economic growth to provide a stable social-economic development of society in the future.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shevchenko I. Y.
The Historical Evolution and Current Interpretation of the Definition of Essence of the Category of «Competitiveness of Enterprise of the Automobile Industry» (p. 20 - 27)

The article is aimed at researching the historical evolution and a current interpretation of the definition of essence of the category of «competitiveness of enterprise of the automobile industry». Using the monographic analysis, the article reviews the historical evolution of the definition of essence of the category of «competitiveness of enterprise» in the national scientific literature in the period from 2007 to 2016. It has been concluded that the essence of the concept of «competitiveness of enterprise» is actually reduced to the competitiveness of products or operational efficiency. The author’s own definition of the essence of the category of «competitiveness of enterprise of the automobile industry» has been suggested: it has been specified that under the given term be understood «...the dynamic ability of enterprise of the automobile industry to ensure the efficiency of all activities as result of interaction of the internal competitive potential and the external competitive environment factors in accordance with the chosen competitive strategy at a certain stage of the life cycle».

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pelekh O. B.
The Factors of Changing the Structure of Modern Economy (p. 28 - 34)

The article is aimed at attempting to clarify the essence of structural changes and to define the most important factors that cause structural changes in the economy, as well as researching the mechanism of their influence on the process of change. Economic development is directly related to economic structures and the changes that occur in them. Therefore, it is impossible to fully analyze economic development without taking into consideration structural changes in the economy. The economic system consists of separate branches, departments, production places, enterprises, has a certain structure of production resources and external trade, spatial placement, and is regulated by economic rules and norms. Under the economic structure the author understands the placement of the basic elements of economy and the proportions that have developed between them. Therefore, changes in the structure of economy are a complex system of changes in the interrelated proportions, taking place under the influence of the existing technical basis, social mechanisms of production, distribution and exchange in accordance with public needs, available resources, and the level of the labor productivity achieved. In conditions of modern economy and production, the factors influencing changes of the structure of economy, are divided into three groups: socio-economic, scientific-technological, and institutional. The author presents a list of the most important factors for each group and analyzes the mechanisms of interrelations between them.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kravchuk N. І., Kilnitska O. S., Tarasovуch L. V.
The Bioeconomy: Genesis and Modern Imperatives (p. 8 - 18)

The history of origin, the essence, properties, and driving forces of the bioeconomy are disclosed. Three approaches to its interpretation are synthesized: technological, resource, and ecological. The foreign experience of implementation of the bioeconomy in economic activity of different branches is generalized. The place of the bioeconomy in development strategy of the leading world countries: USA, Germany, Finland, France, Great Britain, Italy, and participation in this process of the international organizations are researched. It is determined that the bioeconomic system should become a component of the national economy of the country. The socio-economic activity, based on the processes that have a biological basis, promotes: sustainable and efficient solution of problems in the food, chemical, forest industries, mechanical engineering, energy, health protection; formation of food security; preservation of ecological-economic equilibrium. The system of the following determinants of the bioeconomy: stability, entropy, renewal, symbiosis, unorthodoxness, dynamic efficiency has been proposed. The dynamic efficiency is part of a new perspective concept of the circular economics.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Silantiev O. I.
The Social Form of Wealth as a Dominant in the Development Potential of Modern Macroeconomic Systems (p. 19 - 26)

The publication is aimed at researching the role of the social form of wealth and its constituents in the development potential of modern macroeconomic systems. The essence of social wealth has been disclosed and the concept of «social form of wealth» has been defined. The ability of social capital to promote materialization of the potential reserves of development of society is characterized, that is caused by its productive value when it develops itself and develops possibilities of increase of other forms of wealth in certain combinations. The ability of social capital to be integrated into a reproduced process at almost any stage of the latter has been determined. Presence of a controversy between the traditional capitalist way of production of wealth (with a focus on the growth of private wealth corporations) and post-industrial (which in practice is manifested in the asymmetry of information) has been proved. It has been determined that the social capital is considered as an individual property of everyone, which, however, can become a public (collective) resource in whole or in part. The importance of the carried out research is an improvement of theoretical approaches to understanding how the volume of social wealth, accumulated by macroeconomic systems, impacts economic-social development. Prospects for further research are an in-depth study of the relationship between the social wealth of macroeconomic systems and the volume of their wealth.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Cherepanova V. О.
The Improvement of Theoretical Foundations of Application of the Business Consultancy in Ukraine (p. 27 - 33)

The article is aimed at improving the theoretical foundations of consulting by introducing a new concept – «business consultancy», defining its functions and tasks. The current status of development of consultancy services in Ukraine and world-wide was analyzed and it has been determined that their growth has been observed since 2015. A study of scientific works has proved necessity of introduction of new concept – «business consultancy», which combines «consulting», «managerial consultancy», «coaching», «advisory psychology», and their characteristic features. The need to implement business consultancy is explained by the expansion of functions and tasks facing consulting firms providing services to their clientele. The definition of its functions (stages) is based on the analysis of scientific approaches to the essence of consulting and includes expertise of activity, substantiation of measures, development of strategies and support of implementation of measures in business processes of the client. It has been proved that the task of implementation of these services is to concretize the established functions by solving problems of economic, technical, technological, informational, organizational, and psychological character.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ivanov R. V.
The Essence, Functions and Economic Behavior of Households (p. 34 - 39)

The main aim of the publication is clarifying the provisions concerning the essence, functions, and economic behavior of households. The research was carried out taking into consideration the social and economic components of the studied institution, which can be both an economic agent and an institutional unit of the social organization of society. The production and consumer functions of households are suggested to be considered the basic (primary), performance of which is directed, first of all, to the provision of life activity, and the savings and reproductive functions – the derivative (secondary), which are directed at both the formation of conditions of economic security and the preservation (reproduction) along with development of such factor of production as labor. The number of the main economic functions of households has been supplemented by the cognitive-reflective and information-communication ones, the functional of which not only provides the process of finding the optimal strategy of economic behavior with the purpose of ensuring conditions of economic security, but also is an instrument of indirect influence on the economic behavior of households by the State.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Pelekh O. B.
The Structural Shifts and Transformations as Processes and Results of Structural Changes in the Economy (p. 8 - 14)

The contemporary economy is subjected to constant fluctuations and influences, which change structural proportions and disrupt the economic equilibrium, i.e., change the economic structure of the system. It has been proved that an accumulation of structural changes causes structural shifts, and then also structural transformations. Based on the study results, the author proposes his own understanding of the essence of these concepts. As structural shifts should be understood the significant quantitative and qualitative changes in the interlinkages between the elements of economic system, which are the result of a combination of previous irreversible structural changes, occurred over time under the influence of various economic and non-economic factors, and which are manifested in the form of changes in the placement of elements, proportions between elements, and characteristics of the economic system. The structural transformation is a significant change in the structure of the economic system, which is the result of an accumulation of the structural changes and shifts, which during the transformation lead to significant qualitative modifications of the existing and appearance of new integral properties, traits, characteristics of the economic system. A list of the basic properties and characteristic attributes of the structural shifts and transformations has been provided.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Litvinov O. S.
The Limit of Post-Industrialization of Economy (p. 15 - 20)

The article is aimed at determining the nature of relationship between GDP per capita and the share of services, theoretical substantiating of presence of the limit of post-industrialization, and the practical assessing of its level. The formation of scientific views on the essence and attributes of the post-industrial development of economy were analyzed, approaches to determination of the limit of industrialization, essence and causes of premature deindustrialization were considered. It is displayed that the process of transition from industrial to post-industrial development is evolutionary and has the theoretically and practically substantiated positive influence on economic development. The article suggests a definition of the limit of post-industrialization as such, optimum at the current level of development of economy, the share of services in the GDP, exceeding of which leads to negative influence of service sphere on economy. On the basis of correlation-regression analysis of dependence of change of the service share and the level of GDP per capita in 134 world countries in 2015, modeling and graphic displaying of the post-industrialization limit was carried out.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Нoncharova S. Y., Honcharov A. B., Ahramakova N. V.
The Social Economy: Essence, Principles, Functions, and Basic Guidelines for Ukraine (p. 21 - 26)

The article is aimed at the theoretical-practical elaboration of scientific approaches of the concept of social economy and research on this basis of its principles, functions, and guides in modern society. The article is concerned with theoretical questions and practical aspects of development of conception of socialization of economy. The basic approaches to definition of the notion of «social economy» are researched. The main socio-economic indices of Ukraine’s development were analyzed, the dynamics of which allowed to identify a deep socio-economic crisis, stratification of society, increase of unemployment rate, depreciation of population incomes, increasing level of social tension in the society, etc. The necessity of research on social economy as a mechanism capable to gradually settle and solve the mentioned socio-economic problems is substantiated. The principles of social economy which create conditions for its effective functioning are defined and specified. The functions of social economy are generalized, among which supportive, stimulating, integrative, innovative, distributive, protective, and compensatory. The guidelines for development of social economy in Ukraine are defined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kolomiiets V. М.
The Institutional Paradigm of Human Capital Development (p. 26 - 31)

The formation of the modern conception of human capital is connected with the development of post-industrial information society, knowledge economy and digital economy. The main role in analyzing of the content and role of human capital can play a new institutional economic theory. It is determined that the methodology of research of paradigm change in economic science remains the subject of discussion. The conception of institutional paradigm of human capital development can be attributed to the new economy, the development of which is carried out on the condition that the employee is not always alienated from the relationships of ownership: he himself becomes the owner of the «new» economic resources. The factors of education along with the factors of health care which are determining in the development of human capital are researched. Special attention is paid to education, as it acts as an intellectual capital of the new economy, where knowledge and skills become the «intellectual 5D printer», producing the modern human capital. The transition to a new, post-industrial economy is characterized by a major long-term tendency: the progress of knowledge and the increasing complexity of the socio-economic life; created by powerful factors of information and computer technologies and leading to expansion of global economic space.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chorna M. V., Smolnyakova N. M., Volosov A. M.
The Competitive Advantages of Retail Enterprises: the Factor and the Result of Competitive Relations (p. 32 - 40)

The article is aimed at systematization and development of a conceptual-categorical apparatus of the essence of competitive advantages. The approaches to their interpretation have been allocated. The essential characteristics and stages of the life cycle of competitive advantages are considered. As active stages it is suggested to consider the following: formation, implementation, and development. The basic properties of competitive advantages such as dual character have been substantiated and supplemented. Both the factor and the effective nature of competitive advantages are characterized. On the basis of the mentioned approaches together with the identified features, a definition of the concept of «competitive advantages» as economic category has been proposed. Its use as a base along with taking into consideration the functional specificity of trade enterprises has allowed: clarifying the essence of competitive advantages of retail enterprises; suggesting their definition as a factor and as a result of competitive relations. The identification of dual character will increase the possibilities to assess competitive advantages. Prospects for further researches in this direction are connected with allocating of peculiarities and kinds of competitive advantages of retail trade enterprises with the purpose of increasing the of validity of decisions on their formation, implementation, and development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Silantiev O. I.
The Resource Structure of the Potential of Economic Development and Growth of Wealth of the Modern Macroeconomic Systems (p. 41 - 46)

The publication is aimed at researching the features of formation and structure of economic potential of the economic development of modern macroeconomic systems. The research used the structural-functional, systemic, integral and logical approaches together with the methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction. A formalization of the resource structure of the potential of economic development of modern macroeconomic systems with allocation of defining (mandatory) kinds of resources (wealth) and clarification of their (its) specifics in the concrete historical conditions of society’s living was carried out. The bases of identification of essence and structure of the economic potential of development of the modern macroeconomic systems are clarified by its kinds. The factors of strategic influence on the process of formation of the economic development potential of the modern macroeconomic systems were researched. The value of the carried out research is the improved theoretical approaches to understanding the essence and structure of both the economic potential and the economic development potential of macroeconomic systems. Prospects for further research are the in-depth analysis of the individual components of the resource structure of the economic development potential of macroeconomic systems, especially the imperative types of wealth.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kochuk S. I.
The Evolution of Theories of the State Regulatory Policy (p. 46 - 51)

The article is concerned with an analysis and a generalization of the evolution of theories of the State regulation in terms of the dominant ideology of scale, intensity and depth of the State intervention in the market economy, with its methodology and implementation. The State regulatory economic policy is designed to define and implement the most important measures, which from the point of view of society will be aimed at improving the economic situation in the country as a whole. It is important to specify that the State, the State authorities and local self-government bodies are not economic entities. At the same time they have real levers of influence on all participants of the economic legal relations. A comparative analysis of the regulatory policy theories was carried out. The principles of the regulatory policy observed during the evolution of the State regulatory policy have been generalized. The main problems and ways of development of the State regulatory policy, observed in XXIst century, are defined.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bielikova N. V.
The Theoretical Aspects of Studying of the Impact of Economic Reforms on the Socio-Economic Development of the Country (p. 8 - 13)

The article is aimed at deepening the theoretical aspects of studying of the impact of economic reforms on the socio-economic development of Ukraine. It has been proved that development of theoretical support for the studying of the impact of reforms on the socio-economic development of the country should be based on ensuring the compatibility of strategic goals of projects along with the common goal. Such an approach involves harmonization of institutional, economic and social aspects of reforms in their integrated impact on the dynamics of the socio-economic development of the country’s economy. The author substantiates relevance of further solving of problems on estimation of influence of economic reforms on the formation of new trends of dynamics of the socio-economic development of the country according to the principles of integrity and hierarchity of economic system of Ukraine, and also conditionality of processes of generation of trends of structural dynamics of the development of economy under influence of reforming actions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Silantiev O. I.
The Value-Based Form of Wealth as a Reflection of the Influence of its Constituents on the Potential of Economic Development Factor (p. 14 - 20)

The publication is aimed at researching the influence of factor constituents of the value-based form of wealth (value of goods, price, money, profit) on the potential of the economic development of modern macroeconomic systems. The essence of the concepts of «value-based form of wealth» and «value of goods» is defined. Role of the institutional (system) factor as transforming factor in terms of the value-based form of wealth is substantiated. The process of forming the value of goods has been formalized through the ratio of «cost of production» and «cost of consumption». Essence and specificity of the concepts of «cost of production» and «cost of consumption» are clarified. It is reasoned that profit has a dual essence, which indicates that, in the epoch of the society’s transition from industrial to post-industrial relations, part of the profit directed to the development of macroeconomic systems decreases. The obtained results can be applied in the sphere of public administration in the formation of social and economic policy in Ukraine. The value of the carried out research consists in improving the approach to definition of modern conditions for the formation of the value of goods.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lykjanchuk О. M., Volkova D. V.
Infrastructure: Characteristics, Types, Functions and Efficiency (p. 21 - 25)

The article is aimed at researching both the world and national theoretical base concerning definition of the concept of «infrastructure». The main characteristics of the concept of infrastructure are presented and the authors’ own interpretation is proposed. The current status of usage of infrastructure has been analyzed, the basic elements of infrastructure and its types are depicted schematically together with representation of the corresponding functions and effects from their interaction in the whole system of the national economy of the country. The basic functions of the functioning of each type of infrastructure are covered and a graduation of the effects from their interaction is presented. Relevance of creation of the appropriate legislative base on information provision and substantiation of the concept of infrastructure and all its types with individual explanation of each type is substantiated. It is suggested that the appropriate State bodies should pay attention to certain modification of conducting the activity and correction of information content of the official website of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine – for the further fuller, more detailed and efficient use.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Pelekh O. B.
The Evolution of Views on the Factors of Economic Development: Theories of Development «From Above» (p. 8 - 14)

The article is aimed at analyzing how the factors of development of both conception and theory of economic development are considered. The classification that is popular among foreign scholars distinguishes such theoretical conceptions as: theories of development «from above», theories of development «from below», and new theories. The author concentrates on the group of theories, which scholars call «theories of development from above». These theories characterize the universal socio-economic mechanisms of development (neoclassical basic models), explain development as a nonlinear process which is understood as an aggregate of phases (phase models), describe tendencies of differentiation and polarization of economic activity in the socio-economic space (polarization theories).

Article is written in Ukrainian


Pelekh O. B.
Evolution of Views on Factors of Economic Development: Theories of Development «From Below» (p. 8 - 15)

The article is concerned with the group of theories of development «from below» which appeared as the answer to criticism of inadequacy in the practice of models of the opposite group – development «from above». The latter theories concentrated exclusively on production processes and economic entities, which proved to be insufficient. The conceptions of development «from below» are focused on endogenous factors, including intangible ones, which regional communities have available. Theories of development «from below» are internally heterogeneous, among them it is possible to distinguish three groups of theories. The first is a group of «soft» theories. Treating the region as a subject of development, they take as a basis the fact that, according to current dominant and proven practice tendencies, development takes place in the context of not only cooperation but also a significant dependence on near and far environment. These theories include the theories of integrated development of region. The second group of theories is the so-called institutional theories. They attach great importance to social and cultural phenomena as factors of economic growth. At the same time, these theories indicate the importance of «self-development» of region. To this group of theories can be attributed theories of endogenous development. The third group of theories recognizes subjectivity and self-development of region together with local territorial units as a starting point for development. These theories include the orthodox theories of regional development and theories of the independent region and local development.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Pelekh O. B.
The Evolution of Views on the Factors of Economic Development: New Theoretical Approaches (p. 8 - 14)

The article considers the theories of economic development which are called «new theoretical approaches». Four conceptions are analyzed: «new economic geography», «evolutionary economy», «sustainable development», «intellectual specialization». The new economic geography considers spatial communications not as one of many, but the main factor determining the socio-economic processes of development. The evolutionary economy describes economic processes by analogy with the evolutionary processes in the nature. The sustainable development is an extension of the neo-liberal paradigm. Economic development also holds the first place there, but social and environmental factors are given proper attention in order to preserve the foundations of life and development of present and future generations. The conception of intellectual specialization is a new approach in the EU policy, which has become a key element of its policy towards the regions. The strategy includes three interrelated priorities: reasonable growth; sustainable development; inclusiveness. The goal of the strategy is to develop an individual approach to overcoming the recession in each region, ensuring the long-term development further on.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shevchuk Y. V.
Determining the Concept of «Interaction» as an Economic and Management Category (p. 14 - 19)

This article is concerned with analyzing features of the concept of «interaction» as an economic and management category, its relationship with other categories and studying the processes of its research. Various theoretical approaches to understanding of the concept of «interaction» are systematized. The distinctive features of interpretation of this category in different spheres of use are allocated. The process of formation of an epistemological field of this concept and its elements is traced. The contemporary definitions of the concept of «interaction» in economic literature are analyzed. On this basis, key characteristics of the process are allocated and the links between them are explored. The author’s own definitions of this term are suggested. The explanatory basis of the concept of «interaction» as economic and management category is formed, its components are defined.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Protsenko O. L., Kryvoruchko M. Y.
The «Theory of Idle Class» by T. Veblen as the Basis of Institutional Approach to the Problem of Professional Accounting Judgment in the Context of European Integration (p. 8 - 12)

The article is concerned with analysis of the «theory of idle class» by T. Veblen as methodological basis of institutional approach to professional accounting judgment in the context of European integration. In the course of the research the «theory of idle class» by T. Veblen was analyzed from the standpoint of formation of the dominant worldview, also the interrelation between it and the multivariance in accounting had been determined. The used methodological approach provided to formulate the assumption about the animistic nature of influence of multivariance on the accounting profession, this influence will be intensified in implementation of the International Standards of Financial Reporting (IFRS), which accompanies integration processes.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Sakalo O. Y., Stepanenko S. V.
The Economic Values of Ukrainian Society: According to the World Values Survey (p. 8 - 12)

The article analyzes one of the main integrating factors of society – social values. To study the system of social values of modern Ukrainian society, the article uses the data obtained during the most large-scale up to date international research project of researching social values – the World Values Survey. The value orientations of Ukrainians in the economic sphere of life are considered: doing business, professional activities, income difference, unemployment problem, gender and age inequality, place of work, type of labor, etc. Following the methodology of the project, all values are reduced to four main types: values of survival, values of self-expression, traditional values, and secular-rational values. On the basis of the analysis of sociological data it is concluded that for Ukrainian society more characteristic are the values of survival and secular-rational values. At the same time, the traditional values are substantially common, i.e. there is a certain value symbiosis.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Mashchenko M. A.
The Theoretical Approaches to Structural Transformation of National Economic Systems (p. 8 - 12)

The article analyzes the current theoretical and methodological approaches to reforming and structural transformation of national economic systems, mainly the national economies of post-socialist space. The influence of non-economic factors on the structural transitional transformations is determined, among which the main emphasis is placed on social factors. In the applied aspect, a model of formation of social environment of the structural transformations of economic systems is proposed, allowing to integrate social factors in the reformation and transformational processes of the State.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Stasyshyn A. V., Kaplenko H. V.
The Evolution of the Theoretical and Methodological Foundations of Interaction Between the State and Private Business (p. 13 - 19)

An analysis of views of representatives of the main directions and currents of economic thought on the problem of interaction between the State and private business is carried out. This analysis is started with a characterization of the contribution to the development of theoretical and economical bases of relations between the State and the private business of mercantilists, including those that founded the school of classical political economy. It is displayed that among the most influential representatives of this school were thinkers, not inclined to idealization of the doctrine of laissez-faire, domination of which was one of the defining features of classical political economy. Attention is drawn to the fact that the same thing took place in the terms of neo-classical economic theory. The essence of one of the variants of solution of the extremely topical problem of organic combination of Keynesian and neo-liberal ideas – the developed in our country concept of so-called superentrepreneurship is disclosed. The authors characterize the important, from the point of view of the deepening scientific development of the issues of interaction between the State and private business, information obtained by using the theory of public goods and discussions around its provisions. The importance of neo-institutionalist and post-keynesian ideas for solving problems of interaction between the State and private business is indicated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tiutiunnykova S. V., Shpak I. A.
The National Model of Social Policy as a Factor of Economic Development (p. 20 - 25)

The content of social policy as a factor of economic development is disclosed. In the context of the growing role of human potential and the use of modern technologies, new forms of capital (intellectual, human, social) are acquiring special weight. Reproduction of these forms of capital is possible through an efficient national social policy. It is proved that only in conditions of an inclusive institutional mode of flexible, active and comprehensive social policy it is possible to accumulate national potential of both the level and the quality of life of population. A characterization of the main existing models of social policy is provided and the need to develop an own model of social policy is defined, which would take attention of the national peculiarities of development (economic, political, demographic) along with the mental specificity of population of the country. It is proved that only under such conditions social policy becomes a component of economic development. The directions of improvement of social policy in Ukraine are summarized.

Article is written in Russian


Abramov F. V.
Manipulating the Public Moods as a Factor in the Inefficiency of Informal Rules (p. 8 - 13)

The article is aimed at determining the influence of manipulating the public moods on the efficiency of both formal and informal rules. It is shown that, under favorable conditions, practice of manipulating the public moods can become common. It is identified that the mechanism of formation of the public moods favorable for manipulation differs for cases of small and big game. In the case of a small game, the formation of favorable public moods is carried out passively, due to positive feedback between the spread of the small game and focusing the society on a particular problem. In the case of a big game the actor carries out a targeted formation of favorable public moods. It is proved that manipulating the public moods can have the following negative consequences: reducing the efficiency of both formal and informal rules, inefficient use of resources, and stability of ineffective formal rules. Possible mechanisms for prevention of manipulating the public moods in case of both small and big game are considered.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kolomyichuk D. I.
The Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to Studying the National Economy as a Complex Open Economic System (p. 14 - 21)

The article is aimed at analyzing the theoretical-methodological approaches to studying the national economy as a complex economic system that necessitates clarifying the nature, structure and typologization of economic systems, their place and role in the world economy. An overview of the most common approaches to definition of the essence of economic system (functional, structural-morphological, informational, and genetic) together with the approaches to definition of its structural elements is made. The author proposes his own definition of economic system as a complex, fractal, heterostructural integrity of subsystems and elements of economy, the procedural attributes of which are self-organization, self-development, historicity, and human-sizedness. It is substantiated that the basic parameters of durability of economic system are determined by concrete indicators, an excess of which testifies to transition of system into unstable condition. The role of the theory of economic mode as a methodological basis for determining key properties and nature of economic systems is analyzed. It is concluded that a transitional economy is a complex phenomenon, uniting common features inherent in all transformational processes; specific attributes, characteristic of the developing transitional economy countries; and unique properties inherent in the economies of certain world countries.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kalyuzhna N. H., Baron I. G.
The Transformation of Methodical Approaches to Evaluation of the Economic Security of Ukraine (p. 22 - 27)

The article is aimed at defining priorities of transformation of approaches to evaluation of the level of economic security of Ukraine taking into consideration aggravation of challenges, both geopolitical and globalizational. Methodical approaches to evaluation of the level of economic security of Ukraine are systematized and a gradual transformation of actualities in researching the economic security of the country as result of the objective and mainly unpredictable geopolitical transformations is testified. Three stages are allocated in the formation of methodology and development of instrumentarium for evaluation of threats to economic security of Ukraine. The priorities of the policy of ensuring economic security of Ukraine at the present stage of dominance of influence of exogenous factors with mainly destructive impact are determined. Prospect for further research in this direction is development of methodical approaches, allowing to evaluate the current determinants of the economic security of Ukraine with the help of corresponding indicators of quantitative and qualitative nature.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Olentsevych N. V., Fomina O. O.
The Corruption in Public Administration System: Causation and Prevention (p. 28 - 33)

The article is aimed at substantiation of conceptual approaches to solving the problem of corruption in Ukraine, in particular in the sphere of provision of public services and public administration. The basic theories of corruption which are actual at the modern stage of development of public relations, i.e.: status rent, «agent» model, rent-seeking behavior are presented. Both the ethical approach applied by Transparency International and the political economic approach to analysis of corruption are characterized. The main reasons of corruption of public relations, in particular in the sphere of provision of public services and public administration, are analyzed. In accordance with manifestations of corruption in the system of public administration are allocated economic, institutional and socio-cultural reasons for its existence. It is determined that corruption is a constantly changing phenomenon in accordance with development and change of society. Some conceptual approaches to countering corruption are allocated, in particular introduction of competition in the sphere of provision of public services, institutional norming of activity of authorities, introduction of conceptual bases of moral-ideological anti-corruption measures. The basic principles and conditions of implementation of anti-corruption policy are provided. Prospects for further research are the issues of formation and implementation of an effective mechanism of anti-corruption policy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kolomiyets G. M., Hlushach Y. S.
The Ambivalence of Rating in the Conditions of Modern Economic Transformations (p. 34 - 41)

The article proves the ambiguous role of rating in the mechanism of economic transformations as the most important instrument, which norms the process of consolidation of significant volumes of information and acquires an opportunity to influence the choice of actors in implementation of economic transformations. The authors allocate the functions of ratings, among which are: basic (analytical, gradual, signaling, and substantiating); derived (reduction of information asymmetry, reduction of transaction costs), and deemed (materialized through the perception of ratings as a means of competition between the subjects of rating process, as a means of attracting investments and as a means of comparison of the potential of economic development of different objects of rating). The peculiarities of the expert-analytical procedure of rating are considered, on the basis of which the possibility of intentional and unintentional manipulating its results is substantiated, the factors of this process are determined. A polysystem of ratings of the modern economy is built, new classifications of ratings by the content structure, by the level of data generalization, and also by subjects of development and quantity of constituents, are presented.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bogdanov R. I.
The Institutional Possibilities to Harmonize Economic Interests in the System of Economic Security of Enterprise (p. 42 - 47)

The article poses the problem of insufficiency of the current trivial possibilities and means of the system of economic security of enterprise for harmonization of conflicting economic interests of enterprise’s actors. It is determined that «economic interest» has attributes of a fully fledged institute. There always is a concrete carrier, which formulates own economic interest on the basis of own economic needs and motives. Individual interests may constitute collective interests, but the latter never become impersonal. The decision of actor, which way of harmonization to choose, whether constructive or destructive, creates preconditions for occurrence of threats of the new type. Determination of institutional preconditions, possibilities and approaches to resolve conflicts of economic interests by means of the system of economic security of enterprise becomes a relevant task. The directions of decision-making are definition or clarification of interrelations of the functional components of security service and the corresponding components of institutional environment; improvement of the approaches to integration of security service into structure of enterprise management and the approaches to formation of the managerial structures within security service, capable of independent interaction with institutional environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Hutorov A. O.
The Theoretical and Methodological Bases of the Inclusive Development of National Economy (p. 48 - 54)

The article is aimed at generalizing and systematizing the theoretical and methodological bases of the inclusive development of national economy. It has been confirmed that the neo-liberal globalization is ineffective and, together with the principle of non-intervention in the economic mechanism, leads to a slowdown in economic growth, furthers a significant depletion of natural resources and contributes to poverty, especially in rural areas. It is determined that the inclusive development encompasses the processes of economic growth and development, inclusiveness as a system of inclusions, takes attention of the anthropogenic load on ecosystem, as well as the relational nature of the socio-economic transformations. It is displayed that, at the methodological level, the inclusive development is based on the principles of economic growth in the long term, perfect competition, non-discrimination, general participation of all members of society in public life, justice, sustainable development and stability. The inclusive growth is based on the concepts of sustainable development of the knowledge economy, humancentrism, neo-industrialization, «green» economy, and neo-ruralism.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Galenko O. M., Rizva L. A.
The Institutional Basis for Efficient Functioning of Real Estate Market in the Global Space (p. 55 - 60)

The systemic approach to analysis of structural dynamics, vector megatrends of development and diversification of the global real estate market actualizes the issue of disclosure of its institutional nature. Characterizing the institute of property, one should note its decisive role in the materialization of world-wide dominating private ownership of land and real estate, the processes of functional zoning of land plots, and the implementation of mechanisms for efficient valuation of property for tax purposes. If one characterizes the institute of pricing, it should be noted that it has a significant direct impact on the distribution of production resources in the real estate market. As international practice shows, nowadays mass and individual methods of valuation are the most often used methods in estimation of the values of real estate objects. On the other hand, it should be remembered about the valuation of real estate objects, which can be carried out on the basis of cost, comparative, and profitable methods. An efficient functioning of the real estate market is impossible without the existence of an extensive system of its instituts, forming its infrastructure support.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Vasyltsiv T. G., Ilyash O. I., Lupak R. L.
The Problems and Means of Convergence of Social Security in Both Ukraine and the EU (p. 8 - 14)

The article is aimed at substantiating problems and means of convergence of social security system in both Ukraine and the EU in the process of European integration. The main directions of research of social security system are considered. Tendencies of development of social sphere and provision of social security of Ukraine in comparison with the countries of the EU are characterized. It is concluded that the status and level of quality of life in Ukraine is inferior to the same average in the EU countries. The main threats to social sphere functioning and social security system formation in Ukraine are determined. The means of convergence of social security in Ukraine and the EU are proposed, distributed by such components as reproduction of population, development of social sphere, maintenance of the labor market functioning, regulation of labor migration. Prospects for further researches in this direction are defining the formation of basis of strategy of strengthening of social safety of Ukraine in the process of its European integration.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zaіtseva L. O.
The «Sustainable Development»: Theoretical Aspect (p. 15 - 20)

The article is aimed at researching the theoretical aspect of promoting the conception of sustainable development of society and business environment. The article analyzes the works of reputed Ukrainian economists on the subject of interpretation of the concept of «sustainable development». The ambiguity of views on the use of basic concepts is underlined. The necessity of uniting economic, social and ecological aspects for realization of the conception of sustainable development is substantiated. The indicated means to achieve the objectives of the conception of sustainable development are presented as a mechanism for interacting with each other economic, social, environmental aspects at the global, regional and corporate levels. The conditions of compliance with indicators of sustainable regional development are listed. It is specified that the management should use non-financial indicators for full and transparent disclosure of ecological and social aspects of activity of economic entities. Prospect for further research in this direction is identification of indicators providing to assess the level of sustainable development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mokrutska A. B., Slipchenko T. O.
The Economic and Legal Aspects of the Protection of Commercial Secrets in Ukraine (p. 21 - 25)

The article is aimed at substantiating the need to protect commercial secrets, analyzing the economic and legal consequences of violating a commercial secret, developing proposals for improving the legal regulation of relations connected with the protection of commercial secrets based on a comprehensive analysis of current legislation. It is determined that protection of the right to a commercial secret provides for the application of appropriate legal, organizational, technical measures that create conditions for exercise of the subjective right to a commercial secret. Moreover, the general criteria for commercial secrets protection is be using of such measures as special clerical work, marking of documents containing commercially valuable information, cryptographic means of protection, and insurance against the risk of disclosing. We consider it expedient to refine and adopt the Law of Ukraine «On Commercial Secrets». Additionally, all security measures that apply to commercial secrets are developed today at the local level and are applied directly by persons, employed by enterprise, who define information that constitutes a trade secret.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Abramov F. V.
The Public Sentiments as a Factor in the Dynamics of Anti-Corruption Formal Rules (p. 26 - 31)

The article is aimed at determining the reasons for non-conformity of estimation of corruption on the part of society to the real level of corruption and its consequences. It is demonstrated that because of the limited corruption experience of ordinary citizens most of them form their own idea about the level of corruption of the country from external sources, predominantly, the media. The reasons of discrepancy of estimation of the level of corruption by the society to the real level of corruption are considered. It is demonstrated that the main reason for the exaggerated public estimation of the level of corruption is the active manipulation of public sentiments, while the reason for the low public estimation of the level of corruption is the restriction of free speech. It is proved that an exaggerated public estimation of the level of corruption can lead to such negative consequences as: preference in anti-corruption policies of repressive measures characterized by low efficiency; significant inverse of anti-corruption formal rules, which complicates the abolition of the latter in case of inefficiency; final loss of feedback between the real level of corruption and its public estimation.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Luchyk S. D., Luchyk M. V.
The Quality of Life of Youth: the Issues of Well-Being (p. 8 - 14)

The article is aimed at researching the well-being of young people as a constituent part of life quality and defining ways of its improvement. Analysis and generalization of scientific publications on social and economic problems of youth, its value orientations have allowed to define growing material needs of young people towards ensuring the high quality of life. The research identified the heterogeneity of Ukrainian youth, which combines the «youth who learns» and the «youth who works». Both groups are characterized by a gradual increase in incomes, especially wages, scholarships, and social benefits. It has been determined that graduates of most European universities, unlike Ukrainian ones, are guaranteed to receive starting income, providing them with a decent quality of life and the possibility of professional development. The following needs are defined: to raise social standards to the level of the EU countries, especially the subsistence minimum and the minimum wage; development of regional mechanisms for «assignment» of young specialists in the regions of the country, for example, guaranteeing of the first working place for graduates with provision of decent salary, introduction of systems of preferential taxation of youth; development of small business and youth entrepreneurship support programs. The prospects for further studies in this direction is researching the life quality of youth through the prism of such components as family, health, spiritual well-being, leisure, safety of life. Directing towards achieving a high level of quality of these components will meet the growing needs and interests of young people.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zhuravel O. V., Mikhlyayev M. O.
Developing the Motivational Theory and Its Adaptation to the Conditions of Market Competition (p. 15 - 20)

The characterization of the concept of managerial staff as a component of the enterprise staff, which has certain qualitative characteristics and performs general functions of management, is analyzed. The article defines the main attributes of managerial staff, such as: a) abilities of person; b) motivation; c) properties. The approaches of scholars to a meaningful characterization of motivation and its basic concepts: motivation, motive, necessity, stimulus, and their interrelation are illuminated. An updated definition of a number of concepts of motivation is suggested: a) motivation as a process of stimulation of worker to satisfy own needs through labor activity at certain enterprise; b) labor motive as an internal reason of work activity of worker at certain enterprise; c) incentive as a cause of the worker’s activity at certain enterprise. The authors suggest the concept of competitive wages as a form of material remuneration for work sufficient for attraction, retention and motivation of the staff at given enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sosnovska O. O., Zhytar M. O.
Analyzing the Methods of Estimation of the Economic Security of Enterprises (p. 21 - 26)

The article is aimed at researching the basic methodological approaches of estimation of the economic security of enterprises. The basic methods of estimation of the level of economic security of the enterprises which are expedient for grouping according to such approaches are suggested: the resource-functional approach based on the estimation of economic security of enterprise by its functional components and for enterprise as a whole; indicator approach, which involves the estimation of the level of economic security of enterprise based on the use of an aggregate of indicators in various functional areas and comparison of their actual values with thresholds (indicators); expert approach based on the use of expert estimations of the level of economic security of enterprise; matrix approaches, involving the use of matrices to estimate the level of economic security of enterprise, built on the basis of clear and logical algorithms; methods of economic-mathematical modelling, implying the use of mathematical models and showing the influence of individual indicators (factors) on the level of security of enterprise, allowing to foresee different scenarios of the enterprise development subject to change of any given factor.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tsikalo Y. I.
The Approach to the Identification of the Status of Economic Entity (p. 27 - 33)

The article proposes an approach to identification of the status of economic entity, based on a comprehensive presentation of the status as a combination of economic and integration statuses. The information basis of identification is the parameterization of statuses, carried out in terms of the control system of subject: according to the pairs of indicators of effect and the degree of integration of activity and the corresponding formative economic indicators of activity and the indicators of integration signs; according to the requisites, interpreting the formative indicators and allowing to carry out reception of factorial influences on status as a whole by performing the economic and integration actions in business operations (in economic integrated operations). The information characterization of changes in the status is provided in view of the reintegration transformations within the terms of the self-organizational management of its stability and homeostatic equilibrium of the management system of the economic entity. This approach allows to develop solutions beginning with the point impact on the attractors of the status formation, achieving controllability of fluctuations in the system with the help of both integration and the economic levers.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ivanov R. V., Ivanov K. R.
Logistics and Households (p. 34 - 39)

The main aim of the publication is to research the principles of logistics in the context of their relation with the features of households’ operating at the macro- and micro-economic levels. The research showed that the behavioral livelihood of household (its functional, structural and organizational representation) delineates the space of the complex socio-economic system, which contains socio-economic, cognitive-reflexive relations between the agents of this system, its center and its external environment, which have the information-communicative character of ensuring the passage of material, financial, energy and other flows. The emergence of the information-communication logistic relations of the household development is the center of the beginnings of processes of self-organization of logistic structures in order to create conditions of economic security of households and is the instrument of influence on the economic behavior of households on the part of the State.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Demydiuk O. O.
Quality of Life as a Factor of Increasing the Socio-Economic Development of the Country (p. 8 - 13)

The article generalizes and systematizes the basic scientific approaches to definition of essence of category of «quality of life». Based on the analysis of the scientific works of domestic and foreign researchers, the author’s own definition of quality of life is suggested as the subjective-objective measure of personal perception and satisfaction of the psycho-physiological and socio-economic aspects of human life. The data on the constituents of the Quality of Life Index in Ukraine, developed by the world database Numbeo, are systematized. Possible reasons of Ukraine’s backlog according to the indicators of the Quality of Life Index in comparison with neighboring countries are substantiated. Recommendations on improvement of quality of life in Ukraine are proposed, which, in turn, should contribute to improvement of the socio-economic development of the country as a whole. In particular, emphasis is placed on the need to pay special attention to the countering corruption, improving the quality of health care and environmental protection activities, which is now a topical task for most national economies of the world.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Hnedina K. V.
Strategy: Essence, Advantages, Methods and Techniques of Formation (p. 14 - 20)

The article is concerned with research of economic essence of the concept of «strategy», advantages, methods and techniques of its formation and materialization. A review and a generalization of the existing approaches to the interpretation of «strategy» are carried out, the author’s own definition of this category is provided. The advantages of strategy formation are covered and its role in ensuring the economic security of enterprise is defined. The methods and techniques of business analysis, planning and management, used in the formation of strategy, implementation and evaluation of results of the implemented strategic measures are considered. Within each stage of the strategy formation and materialization, the author allocates the basic methods and techniques, which are widely used in practical activity of enterprises. In forming a strategy of enterprise it is proposed to use such instrument as «sketch of a business strategy», which reflects the main components of the strategy and on the basis of which a detailed strategic plan can be developed.

Article is written in English


Kolomiiets V. М.
The Research Program of Institutional Development of Human Capital (p. 8 - 13)

For harmonious formation of national economy we need the theoretical substantiation and practical mechanisms of institutional development of the human capital which will orient both business and authorities towards achievement and observance of the up-to-date rules and norms. The necessity to apply new instruments and practical mechanisms for institutional development of human capital have stipulated the article’s aim as formulation of the research program of the institutional system of human capital development. Methods of neo-institutionalism and the new institutional economy are used as a methodological basis for the development of problematics of the human capital formation. The institutional research program of the human capital development consists of a «solid core» – an aggregate of fundamental effective basic and hypothetical institutions, as well as newly formed and transforming institutions. The second component of the research program forms a «protective belt» that surrounds the «solid core» and consists of the auxiliary hypotheses modified in accordance with the needs of preserving the integrity and protection of the research program. The practical importance of the institutional research program of development of human capital be acquired in view of formation of an efficient mechanism for recovery of the national economy. In the further scientific researches it is expedient to develop effective ways of overcoming obstacles on a way to implementation of the developed program.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Pominova I. I., Zaretskaya L. M.
The Role of Civil Society Institutions in the Development of Higher Education (p. 8 - 13)

The article is aimed at defining points of intersection of interests of public sectors of economy with ways of influence of civil society institutions on the development of national higher education. In this regard, evolution of the participation of civil society in the functioning of economic system, as well as the system of higher education, is researched, identifying forms of participation in this process for public organizations, the State and business, which would be efficient in view of modern development of higher education in Ukraine. The evolution of civil society institutions came from their association with the State and the system of authorities created by citizens to overcome the syncretism of society and the State in the industrial era. The formation of post-industrial society along with the integral socio-cultural space accelerated the processes of self-organization of society, resulting in increased quantity and quality of the civil society institutions, their growing role in the functioning of public sectors. In the context of globalization and increased competition in the global market, the development of national higher education systems is being increasingly influenced by the international public organizations. The new paradigm of the interrelations of civil society institutions with the State, economy and higher education should be based on the search for points of intersection of their interests through the interpenetration of sectors and the creation of a single space of functioning. The analysis of the modern status regarding the mechanisms of interaction between the State and civil society in the national sphere of higher education allows to assert that formation of institutions «from below» and their efficient functioning have not yet acquired systemic character, have not become the basis of the process of formation and implementation of educational policy, are poorly perceived by most participants in the educational process. The structures established by the ministries or upon the initiative of other authorities are formal, their functional capacity and real influence remain still low and fragmented.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Prokhorova V. V., Davydova O. Y.
The Gnoseological Aspects of Innovative Management of Enterprises Development (p. 14 - 20)

The article is aimed at researching the gnoseological aspects of innovative management of enterprises development: the definitions, components and tendencies of development; exploring the stages of forming the essence of methodology as an ideological platform for solving a scientific problem; developing a scientific-practical approach to the formation and implementation of a system of innovative management of the enterprise development. The gnoseological aspects of innovative management of enterprises development have been researched: the definitions, components and tendencies of development for the formation of a complex of programs for enterprises development taking into view different time horizons in order to improve the level of their competitiveness in conditions of transformational economy. It is proved that foundation of formation of any methodology is philosophical basis. It is proposed to use the scientific-practical approach to the formation and implementation of the system of innovative management of enterprises development, based on the synthesis of methodological aspects of the gnoseological roots and the main directions of innovation, with attention to the components and principles of innovatics, which constitute a foundation for assessing, testing and forecasting the results of innovative management of enterprises development, forming a complex of programs for their development taking into view different time horizons in order to improve the level of their competitiveness in conditions of transformational economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Khalina O. V.
Formation of Multipolarity as an Alternative to the Unipolar Model of the World in the Context of the Formation of New Centers of Influence (p. 8 - 13)

The aim of the article is studying the essence of the basic models of world order, defining features of the formation of multipolarity as a modern world system with new centers of economic influence. By analyzing, systematizing and generalizing research works of a number of scientists, the formation of multipolarity is considered as an alternative to the unipolar model of the world in the context of the growth of new centers of influence, in particular, the problems of a multipolar world in the context of globalization are identified. The relevance of the fundamental study of the multipolarity phenomenon of the modern world is grounded, the development dynamics of the economically growing countries of the Asia-Pacific region in comparison with the world’s leading centers of economic influence: the USA, the EU, and Japan is described. Considerable attention is paid to the formation of new political and economic associations. New trends and features of the multipolar system of the world order under modern conditions are revealed. With regard to the prospects for the emergence of multipolarity, the author notes that the transition to the new system could be a source in solving many global problems associated with: establishment of a stable balance of power; consideration for common interests; reduction of opposition between centers of influence; establishment of stimulating co-operation.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Abramov F. V.
The Society’s Lack of Education as a Factor in the Spread of Manipulation with Public Sentiment (p. 8 - 13)

The article is aimed at defining the impact of society’s lack of education on the spread of the practice of manipulating with public sentiments. It is been proved that the lack of education of the population is one of the factors that can contribute to the increase of social anxiety, which creates favorable conditions for manipulating with public sentiments. It is shown that an actor-manipulator can exploit the lack of education of the population by implementing one of two strategies: strategy of intimidation and strategy of justification. In the case of a strategy of intimidation, the actor-manipulator, taking advantage of the lack of education of the population, disseminates false information in order to discredit and eliminate the competitor. In the case of a strategy of justification, the actor-manipulator exploits the lack of education of the population in order to mislead the latter about the need for separate measures or institutional reforms. It is proved that the necessary condition to prevent the manipulation of public sentiments, which are based on the exploitation of the society’s lack of education, is to improve the quality of the general component of education and to gain the formation of a broader range of worldviews of the society’s members.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Romanovska Y. A.
The Socio-Economic Security: Content of the Category and Its Objects (p. 13 - 20)

In the economic security, as in any other science, the decisive role belongs to the conceptual and categorical apparatus, in which, along with such categories as «economic security (of object)» and «social security (of object)», which already have become well-established, the category of «socio-economic security (of object)» has been actively used in recent years. These categories are similar, mutually determined and interconnected, but are relatively independent. The article shows that the socio-economic security of a particular object is a synthetic category, including both the economic and the social components; a universal category that applies to all levels of the State’s socio-economic system. The contents of the fundamental basis of the «socio-economic security of object» - the category of «security» - is disclosed; it is shown that socio-economic security should be considered in relation to its hierarchically located objects (the State, region, enterprise). Along with increase of the level of the objects’ hierarchy goes the increase of the number of attributes that are used to disclose the content of the category of «socio-economic security (of object)», which is refined and deepened depending on the object, taking into account the increased number of attributes of the object. The author provides the general attributes, with use of which the contents of the category of «socio-economic security (of object)» are disclosed.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Zhytar M. O.
The Essence of Financial Architecture and Its Significance in the Theoretical and Practical Plane of Modern Financial Science (p. 8 - 13)

The article is aimed at defining the essence of financial architectures and its significance in the theoretical and practical plane of modern financial science. Based on an analysis of approaches to defining the essence of the concept of «financial architecture» the author’s own interpretation is proposed: the financial architecture of the national economy is: on the one hand, the institutional matrix of the national financial system with a well-built construction of the ordered components, functional relationships between them, specific weight and proportions of organizational, financial-economic and institutional relationships in the overall volume of the national economy, taking into account the impact of changes in the external environment; on the other hand, a totality of institutions, norms, rules, laws, agreements, etc. (social, political, formal and informal), through which the relationships between the subjects of financial and economic activity are formed, ensuring the efficient functioning and sustainability of the financial system in the dynamics of development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Krasnokutska N. S., Koptieva H. M.
The Definition of «Financial Security of Enterprise»: the Basic Approaches and Features (p. 14 - 19)

Any enterprise is interested in enhancing its own level of financial security, which demonstrates a stable financial-economic activity, the enterprise’s development and competitiveness. The article is aimed at a content analysis and a systematization of scientific views as to the essence of the concept of «financial security of enterprise», as well as development of a conceptual apparatus of management theory by means of the definition of financial security as an management object. The definition of the concept of «financial security of enterprise» is researched, modern approaches along with their features to its interpretation are analyzed. Based on the carried out content analysis and the defined essential characteristics, the authors proposed their own definition of the financial security of enterprise, which differs by its complexity and logical consistency with the basic categories of «security» and «finance». This authors’ own definition constitutes the basis for further research and allows to pay more attention to the content and coherence of the financial interests of a company with the available potential, the imbalance of which leads to financial security breaches and requires special managerial decisions.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Danilova E. I.
Theoretical Concepts of Formation of the Economic Security System (p. 8 - 14)

The article is aimed at generalizing the theoretical foundations of the formation of the economic security system, which determine its attributive characteristics. The theoretical basis for the formation of the economic security system is the synthesis of theories of economics, theory of systems, disaster theory, conflict theory, synergistic and risk theories. Each of the mentioned theories ensures the formation of the properties of economic security. The theory of economics defines the fundamental foundations of organization of economic security, which is the formation of a secure environment for the implementation of the system of internal and external interrelations of enterprise. The theory of systems defines the structural and functional organization of economic security. The disaster theory helps to identify the limits of the enterprise’s sustainability and define the critical values of indicators. The conflict theory defines the sources of threats, dangers and risks associated with the realization of the social-biological properties of the enterprise’s staff. The synergistic theory defines the behavior of enterprise in the conditions of internal or external hazards and risks, mechanisms of its development in the conditions of imbalance. And the risk theory, in turn, provides the system of economic security with a methodical instrumentarium for their diagnosis and management, which allows to implement the functionality of the economic security system as a system of forecasting, preventing and reducing the negative impact of risks on the enterprise’s performance. Synthesis of the main concepts of these theories allowed to form the main attributive characteristics of the economic security system, ensuring its functionality on the basis of the implementation of the tasks indicated.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Ushakova N. G., Pominova I. I.
The Behavioral Economics in the Paradigmatic Structure of Modern Economic Theory (p. 8 - 13)

The article is aimed at defining the place of behavioral economics in the paradigmatic structure of modern economic theory and its role in the development of modern economic knowledge. Poor attention of the classical economic theory to the behavioral aspect of decision-making by economic actors in the face of increasing instability and uncertainty of economic development has caused actualization and popularization of researches in the sphere of behavioral economics. It is emphasized that only the research construct of the theory of behavioral economics allows understanding of the irrational phenomena of economic behavior. Based on the identification of the general and distinctive characterizations of the neoclassical and the behavioral theories, as well as taking into account expert estimations, it is proved that the behavioral economics expands the theoretic and methodological basis of modern economic science through introduction of researches on the cognitive-psychological mods of the subject making economic decisions. It is defined that modern economic theory has a polyparadigmatic character, which is caused by the dominance of branching and heterogeneity of scientific interpretations of one and the same economic phenomena and problems. As a result, complex forms of coexistence and interaction of scientific paradigms are present and variations of interparadigmatic synthesis become possible, such as the active development of the theories of behavioral economics, e.g.: cognitive economics, neuroeconomics, etc. The development of behavioral economics takes place in cooperation with other modern economic theories (modern neoclassic, experimental economics, neo-institutional theory, evolutionary theory, etc.), but its applied potential is much greater, which transfers the behavioral economics from the scientific «periphery» to the «center» of the paradigmatic structure of modern economic theory.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Danilova E. I.
Theoretical Bases of the Development of Factors for the Economic Security of Enterprises (p. 14 - 21)

A feature of the modern stage of economic development is the synthesis of dangers for economic development both subjective in nature and caused by objective reasons. Under such circumstances, there are increasing urgency and nessesity to research the fundamental factors of economic security of activities, which have found their development in the basic theories of the economy. The article is aimed at a scientific studying of the evolution of development of factors ensuring the economic security of enterprise, which allows to systematize economic factor dangers and the conditions of formation of securing the enterprises’ activities. An analytical review of the main theories of economic development has helped to identify the main factors that have led to the development of essence of the concept of «economic security». They were defined by the conditions of the historical period and reflected the basic interests of the corresponding society. A theoretical analysis allows concluding that the main factors that draw attention to the development of the concept of economic security are the following: the need to ensure the well-being of the population; military protection of the State; protecting property; protecting personality and the rights of the personal property; security of the implementation of economic relations between an individual, society and the State; system of protection against external threats; free market and right to free choice; consistency of interests of economic actors; security of market participants; activated demand. The economic theory has formed the main patterns of economic activity, has defined their purpose, implementation factors and conditions for ensuring their sustainability, and the management of such activities in the context of researching the factors of economic security of enterprises, in turn, allows to form a system of instruments, methods, means to influence risk factors in order to ensure functionality and achieve development goals.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Fomina O. O., Hoholieva N. F., Labuzova Y. H.
Ukraine on Its Path to Economic Growth (p. 8 - 16)

The article is aimed at researching the issue of Ukraine’s place in the world rankings in terms of the GDP level, welfare index and happiness index; building the productive function of our country’s economy and providing on this basis recommendations to improve the economic growth policy. In order to carry out the research, the article uses scientific methods of formal logic, in particular analysis and synthesis – to compare the characteristics and differences in development of the countries that appear opposite according to the world ratings of the GDP level, wealth index and happiness index. Based on the carried out analysis of the current tendencies of the economic growth in these countries, in particular Ukraine, conclusions have been drawn about the causes of their developmental polarity. The publication uses statistical and econometric methods, specifically, analysis of the structural characterizations of countries, which are supplemented by the indicators of population differentiation; regression analysis in the formation of the production function of Ukrainian economy of similar type as Cobb-Douglas and in the GDP forecasting for the short term; the Chow method is applied to evaluate the stability of the regression model parameters and to verify the presence of structural shifts in the sample. As for the clear problems of Ukraine’s economic development, which can hinder the process of growth, the following ones have been allocated: the long conflict in the eastern part of the country and political instability; economic income inequality; development of economy takes place mainly by means of extensive factors. The carried out calculations show that the GDP growth will continue in Ukraine in the coming years.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Diachenko T. A.
Visa-Free Regime with the EU: Challenges and Prospects for the National Economy (p. 8 - 13)

The article is aimed at clarifying the consequences of introduction of the visa-free regime between Ukraine and the EU, allocating their negative and positive impact on the national economy of Ukraine. It is determined that the intensification of processes of the European integration in general and the introduction of the visa-free regime between Ukraine and the EU in particular contains both challenges and prospects for the national economy of Ukraine. The main results of introduction of the visa-free regime for Ukraine are analyzed: the number of trips of Ukrainian citizens to the EU is constantly growing; the most popular destination is Poland; visa-free travels contribute to the increase in exports from Ukraine to the EU. The impact of introduction of the visa-free regime between Ukraine and the EU on the status of labor force in Ukraine is researched. The status of labor market in Ukraine is analyzed, its main negative tendencies are allocated as follows: the number of economically active population in Ukraine has been steadily waning in recent years; proportion of the unemployed population is increasing; a demographic crisis along with labor emigration are observed. The challenges for the national economy from the introduction of visa-free regime between Ukraine and the EU are the following: decrease in labor potential; fall in total production, national income, tax revenues to the State budget as a result of labor emigration and brain drain to the EU Member States. The advantages and prospects for the national economy from introduction of the visa-free regime are substantiated, including the following: reduce in the unemployment rate; rising wages and remittances as result of labor emigration; increased exports from Ukraine to the EU; establishing international cooperation and stimulating international activities for national firms.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mostepaniuk A. V.
Essence, Principles and Methods of Implementing Corporate Social Responsibility in the Modern Market Economy. (p. 13 - 22)

The article is aimed at theoretical generalizing scientific approaches to the definition of the essence, basic principles and methods of implementing corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the modern market economy. An analysis of 26 author’s approaches to the interpretation of essence of CSR, covering the period from 1953 to 2019, is carried out, and two stages of the development of scientific approaches to the definition of CSR are allocated: traditional (20th century) and modern (21st century). As a result of systematic analysis of the variability of approaches to defining the essence of CSR, a unified interpretation of CSR in a broad sense is proposed as «conducting commercial activities taking into account the interests of all stakeholders (employees, consumers, suppliers, partners and the environment) and within the limits of applicable law» and, in a narrow sense, as «participation of business in the projects directed to solving urgent social (ecological) problems and improving the well-being of local communities and society as a whole». The article also explores the classification of the of CSR principles, allowing to allocate the universal ones, namely: ensuring and protecting the rights of all stakeholders; ethics; openness; accountability of doing business within the limits of law; accounting the interests and expectations of all stakeholders in the business decision-making process; ecologization of commercial activities. The basic methods of implementation of CSR are systematized, depending on the organizational form and the subjects that are directly involved in solving social problems.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Abramov F. V.
Measures to Prevent Manipulation with Public Sentiments (p. 22 - 27)

The article is aimed at identifying potential measures to prevent manipulation with public sentiments and evaluating their possible efficiency. It is shown that freedom of speech and independence of the media not only do not prevent the spread of manipulation of public sentiment, but also simplify the process of creating conditions conducive to manipulation. Potential measures to prevent manipulation with public sentiments are provided, which can be divided into three main groups: repressive measures, a policy of comprehensive resolution of a common problem, and measures to improve the overall erudition of society. The efficiency of the mentioned measures to prevent manipulation and the prospects for their application are analyzed. Repressive measures have been shown to be the least efficient group of measures because of their inability to eliminate the potential for manipulation and the extreme complexity of detecting and proving a fact of manipulation. It is also identified that when the society’s concern about the manipulation of public sentiments reaches a certain level, there is a risk that such repressive measures themselves become an instrument of manipulation. It is determined that a policy of comprehensive resolution of a common problem is efficient only if it is applied before the manipulation or in its initial stages. It is displayed that measures to improve the overall erudition of society are the only group of measures that can eliminate the very possibility of creating favorable conditions for manipulation with public sentiments. It is determined, however, that the main obstacle to use of this group of measures to prevent manipulation with public sentiments is the high level of costs, which consist of: the direct costs of the Government providing additional educational services; the costs to recipients of educational services to take additional courses; transactional costs arising from coercion to comply with the requirements of educational bureaucratic procedures, and the costs of the economy arising from inefficient use of the labor force.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Stepanenko S. V., Sakalo O. Y.
Economic Mentality as a Factor of Economic Development of Ukraine (p. 28 - 33)

The article is aimed at defining the influence of the economic mentality on the behavior of economic entities, as well as outlining the possibilities of taking into account this influence in the process of reforming the national economy of Ukraine, implementing measures in terms of economic policy of the State. It is determined that the economic mentality causes an influence on the socio-economic transformations at micro-, meso- and macro-levels, which is manifested in the formation of the motives and behavior models of individuals, determines the level of their economic activity; allows to form different approaches to management, administration style, functioning and development of the organizational structure of enterprise; economic mentality is the basis for processes of socialization of the country’s economy, it facilitates the economic integration of the country, the formation of its competitive potential, determines the level of the country’s economic freedom. The article analyzes the factors that determine the economic mentality of Ukrainians. The emphasis is placed on defining the influence of economic mentality on fiscal and monetary policy. Prospects for further research on this issue is an analysis of the influence of economic mentality on the foreign economic, innovation, investment, structural, regional and other types of economic policy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kvasnіi O. R.
The Theoretical Bases for Determining the Fiscal Space of Territorial Communities in a Decentralized Environment (p. 34 - 40)

The article carries out a critical analysis of the scientific definitions of the fiscal space as an economic category. The approaches to interpretation of the concept of «fiscal space» are systematized; the resource-expenditure, targeted, quantitative and effective approaches are allocated. The essence, advantages and disadvantages of each of these approaches are substantiated. The necessity and relevance of transferring the concept of «fiscal space» to the local level is proved, which is connected with the reform of inter-budgetary relations, financial decentralization, formation of united territorial communities, and necessity for ensuring their ability to function. The author’s own definition of the fiscal space of territorial community is proposed as a totality of economic processes and financial interactions of the community’s economic entities, localized within its limits, which are the result of an active fiscal policy to increase the tax potential of the territory and strengthen the target orientation of the local budget expenditures aimed at improving the life of the territorial community and its level of financial viability. The main features of the fiscal space of territorial community and the properties of fiscal space as an economic system are allocated. It is defined that the fiscal space is formed by three elements of public finance: budget revenues, expenses, and debt. It is argued that the fiscal space of the territorial community is feasibly to consider as a combination of the tax potential and the potential for costs reduction without compromising the public interest in order to strengthen their target orientation.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Tumanov O. O.
Social Media as the Object of Statistical Research (p. 8 - 14)

Social media is gaining widespread popularity in the context of the rapid development of innovative technologies. Today, many business organizations use social media to communicate with their users. Social media helps business organizations improve their brands and stay where the user is – on the social networks. The article is aimed at theoretical substantiation of the content of the concept of «social media», disclosing their essence and functions, defining the theoretical basis for a statistical study of them in order to ensure possible further use for business development. To achieve the aim, various sources of information were analyzed and the history of social media development was considered. It is defined that social media depends on the use of Internet or Internet technologies. The article allocates the main components of social media, i.e., web forums, podcasts, blogs and micro-blogs, social networks, and provides the respective definitions. The main functional features of social media are considered, which are: identification, presence, conversations, relationships, groups, reputation and exchange. Since a significant proportion of the time spent by users on the Internet constitutes the time spent on social networks, the author defines the social networks that are most popular in Ukraine. On the example of the social network Facebook, which became the leader of the ranking, the main marketing functions offered by means of social media were researched. Among the main functions are: live video, «Sell something» function, survey creation, and publication planning. The analytics on the use of video advertising on the pages of the social network Facebook is considered. It is defined that the main advertisers in Ukraine, using this social network to display video ads, are on-line stores such as Rozetka, Allo and Fotos.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kovalova O. M.
Substantiating the Theoretical Foundations for the Management of the Enterprise’s Capital Structure (p. 14 - 20)

The article is aimed at substantiating the theoretical foundations for the management of the enterprise’s capital structure, which involves studying of the essential features, factors, principles and structural elements of this concept. Regarding the theoretical-methodical plane, the article researches scientific approaches to defining the essence of the concept of «capital structure» of enterprise. The definition of the enterprise’s capital structure has been clarified, which differs from the existing ones by its complex character, combining the purpose, elements and conditions of the enterprise’s capital formation. The factors that determine the structure of the enterprise’s capital, as well as the factors that require accounting to protect against the impact of systematic and specific risks in the process of ensuring the financial-economic security of enterprise, are characterized. The principles of capital formation are systematized, constituting the basis for the further classification of the enterprise’s capital with the management purpose of optimizing its structure and achieving a sufficient quality proportion in the distribution of its main elements, i.e.: equity and borrowed capital. Emphases are placed in defining equity capital through the prism of accounting, economic and legal approaches. The main features in the research process of the definition of borrowed capital are allocated, allowing to emphasize the more efficient use of equity in the attraction of borrowed capital, although this leads to an increase in financial risks, and in perspective to threats to the financial condition in the absence of activities to optimize the enterprise’s capital structure. A promising direction for further research is the consideration of financial engineering instruments in the context of the use of borrowed capital in the financial-economic activities of enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Tymoshenko O. V., Liskovetska T. P.
Systemic Transformation of Ukraine’s National Economy (p. 8 - 15)

The article explores the current conditions of the development of Ukraine’s economy, accompanied by a significant decline in industrial production and in the indicators of financial-credit sector, deterioration of the competitiveness of real sector, technological backwardness, exports of products oriented to raw materials, high levels of corruption of the State institutions. The main systemic threats that hinder Ukraine’s sustainable socio-economic development have been researched: critical inhibition of economic growth; high level of shadow economy; excessive debt load; low level of investment attractiveness and innovation activity; non-rational structure of foreign trade. An analysis of the dynamics of shadow economy, the aggregate government debt, the main causes of the unfavorable investment climate and the commodity structure of foreign trade is carried out. The problems of transformation of the national economy have been outlined, and the priority tasks related to economic changes in Ukraine have been proposed. It is noted that despite the acceleration of economic growth in Ukraine in 2018-2019, uncertainty and increased external and internal risks have not disappeared, so further economic growth requires reforms in numerous directions. An effective mechanism for transforming Ukraine’s economic system has been proposed, which is focused not on outdated patterns of the 20th century, but on new institutional models. Promising directions of transformational public policy include a complex of measures to ensure conditions for the formation of modern financial-economic, organizational-institutional relations between the State and business entities, build-up of investment potential, activation of Ukraine’s innovation policy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Moskovkin V. M., Sizyoongo M., Xingyuan Sun, Zhuravka A. V.
Theoretical and Methodological Aspects of Studying the Scientific Research Market (on Example of the Economic Research Market) (p. 15 - 28)

On the basis of the method of analogies, concepts of economic market theory have been adapted to the scientific research market. A detailed review of domestic and foreign literature on the analysis of scientific systems and the scientific scientific research market, including the economic research market, is carried out. The theoretical and methodological aspects of studying the scientific research market, discussed in the publication, are based on the fact that the scientific research market consists of producers and consumers of scientific research results, while research executors are producers of the research results. These are individual scholars together with their teams (at laboratories, sub-departments, research institutes, universities). Consumers of scientific research results, besides the same producers of research results, are industry, business, the State and the non-profit sector (third sector). Thus, the scientific research market is an institutional category, which represents a system of socio-economic relations based on regular exchange interactions between producers, as well as between producers and consumers of research results. The publication has classified the scientific research market by its various characteristics. A detailed review of foreign and domestic literature on theoretic-methodological approaches to the studies on the economic research market and its rating is carried out. The terms related to the markets of scientific and economic research are tested by means of an extended Google Scholar search. The most significant problems in studying the scientific research market, including the economic research market, are identified. A detailed review of researches on the rating of economic research market is made, including the markets of scholars-economists, economic scientific journals and organizations that train scholars-economists.

Article is written in Russian


Kotlyar V. Y., Smyrnova O. V.
Problems of Modeling Socio-Economic Systems (p. 8 - 15)

The main goal of the study is to determine the basics of modeling socio-economic systems, taking into account the dialectics of the segments that make up society. System analysis is used to reveal the essence of modeling processes. The fundamental foundations of the formation of scientific theory and separate economic theories are considered. The features of modeling socio-economic systems with the account of dialectical factors are studied. It is substantiated that the fundamental ones are: creation and redistribution of national wealth resources and individual and universal utility. In particular, it is pointed out that the principles laid down in the production and distribution of national wealth resources determine the diversity of types and forms of socio-economic systems, and modern society is characterized by the presence of two separate segments: production and distribution. The influence of financial technologies on the development of society was also analyzed and a relevant classification analysis was carried out. Another studied factor that needs to be taken into account in socio-economic modeling is the dialectics of individual and generalized utility. Various behavioral models (in particular RREEMM) are considered and their critical analysis is carried out. Studies of both factors show a critical violation of their dialectical balance in the direction of dominating the interests of individual groups of the population. Ignoring the laws of social dialectics led to a certain departure of economic theories from the principles of scientificity. Under the slogan of economic freedom, the strictest limits and restrictions on the existence of society are accumulated. At the moment, of relevance are the creation of such theories of modeling and forecasting of development that would meet the interests of all segments of the population, necessarily including measures not only to preserve, but also to restore the natural part of the national wealth resources.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lomachynska I. A.
The Conceptual Approaches to Defining the Essence of Impact Investment (p. 16 - 22)

The article is aimed at theoretically identifying the essence of impact investments, i.e. investments that, in addition to financial returns, are directed towards social and environmental influence (effect) and which are an efficient instrument for solution of «failures» of both the market and the State. This category requires a closer definition, as practice develops faster than theory, there are contradictions in understanding the rate of returns and its assessment, efficient distribution of financial benefits and the social, environmental effects between stakeholders. It is generalized that investments relate to impact investments if targeted for significant social and environmental benefits; have a financial benefit; their influence is measurable; impact management is monitored and managed; there is accountability that demonstrates the achievement of social goals; successful experiences of social and environmental influence are being transmitted. Unlike philanthropy and socially oriented or socially responsible investments, they are focused on quantitative results (profitability), not limited in time, oriented towards the positive influence proactively. The following restrictions on the development of impact investment have been identified: traditional investment theories are not able to explain the motives and values of impact investment; desire to have a social or environmental impact does not mean that investors will do so; undeveloped infrastructure; the State actions can lead to both positive and negative externalizations; confidence is an important element, but this market is new, so the level of uncertainty and risk is high. It is proposed to form clear standards and practices on the identity of impact investments, ways and methods of assessing their influence, approaches to designing impact-investment products in accordance with the needs of different types of investors, regulation policies, incentives and removal of barriers in order to balance the interests of stakeholders.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Pylypenko Y. I., Pylypenko H. M., Alieksieienko D. D.
Civil Coordination as a Factor in the Efficiency of Provision of Local Public Goods (p. 8 - 15)

The article is concerned with the search for a social mechanism capable of influencing the production of public goods and ensuring the growth of its efficiency. Among the arguments, existent in economic theory, about «the State failures» in the production of public goods (the inability to identify valid public preferences, unfocused behavior of officials) the problem of combining the interests of subjects in order to achieve collective goals and, accordingly, of the nature and mechanisms of their harmonization in the production of public goods is allocated. The mechanisms of market and the State-based coordination have been analyzed and their limitations in solving the problem of harmonization of individual actions in the production of public goods have been shown. The authors prove the increased socio-economic effect of civil coordination in this sphere, when economic subjects are united in one community and undertake obligations to narrowing the options for action to a specific, ethically justified set. It is shown that the mechanism for harmonizing the activities of subjects in such coordination is to adhere to generally accepted norms and rules of conduct, which reduces the likelihood of freeridership and contributes to the reduction of transaction costs. Based on the comparison of the target functions of the groups according to M. Olson and R. Putnam, the quality parameters of the community, which is able to generate a collective interest in the production of local public goods, are allocated. In order to improve efficiency, it is proposed to narrow the sphere of provision of public goods to the local level, in view of the criterion of institutional proximity of subjects, and to transfer a number of goods traditionally provided by the State to the zone of control and/or production by local communities.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Alieksieienko D. D.
Trust as a Basic Element of the Institutional Environment for the Production of Local Public Goods (p. 8 - 14)

The article analyzes the role of trust in improving the efficiency of the production of local public goods, taking into account the problem of contract process management and the level of transaction costs. The mechanism of implicit contracting between the producer (the State) and the consumer (citizens) in the production of a certain volume of public goods and services of the appropriate quality in exchange for implicit payment through the taxation procedure is disclosed. This type of contract has been identified as a form of relationship contract, which, unlike standard agreements, is characterized by certain peculiarities. The specifics of the relationship contract in the sphere of production of public goods are characterized, and its features are allocated, including: uncertainty, asymmetry of information, limited freedom of choice of the consumer, presence of a temporary gap in the possibility of implementing the strategic advantages of the parties. It is displayed that such a contract creates ample opportunities for the implementation of pre- and post-contract opportunism by public authorities and leads to an increase in transaction costs. It is proposed to solve the problems of collective interaction in the production of public goods by transferring the production of as much public goods as possible to the local level and incorporating into these relations, along with the State, the local communities, which are characterized by the institutional proximity of its members based on trust. The mechanisms for formation of trust in local communities by creating associations, alliances, and implementing project relationships are considered. Based on an analysis of the experience of the implementation of a joint project of the European Union and the UN Development Program «Local Development focused on the Community» (LDC) demonstrated the increased efficiency of production of local public goods in those communities that had high rates regarding the trust and managed to organize themselves for solving the problems of local development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tiutiunnykova S. V., Fridman O. A.
An Inclusive Institutional Regime is a Prerequisite for an Innovative Type of Socio-Economic Development (p. 15 - 20)

The significance of innovative development for the countries that lag behind developed countries is analyzed. Scholars around the world are actively discussing issues of inclusive economic development. The innovative type of socio-economic development becomes the basis that defines the country’s economic situation and prospects for its development in the future. Nowadays, innovations is an important factor in economic growth. Using the potential of innovation should ensure the development of economy and society. Stimulating innovation activity is one of the main development priorities of the State. Innovation development is of particular relevance for Ukraine, which suffered the greatest losses among post-socialist countries during market transformations. The country’s economy is characterized by the immaturity of market relations, low economic efficiency, lag in technical and technological development, investment and structural incompleteness of the market restructuring of the economy, is dominated by extractive institutions. The main factors that impede Ukraine’s transition to the innovative model of development are identified. The main reasons for the absence of rapid development of innovations in Ukraine include quite a high level of social tensions and low living standards of most of the population, political instability, existence of barriers in both the political and the legal planes. It is emphasized that the country’s transition to an innovative type of development is on the path of inclusive institutional transformation, which will allow to form free access to the country’s resources and the most effective means of their use. The need for transition of Ukrainian economy to a path of growth requires significant changes, creating favorable conditions for civilized promotion of new ideas to the market. Among all economic resources the creative human resources become the most important. The main source of innovation is human.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Shulla R. S., Popyk M. M., Zelich V. V.
Conceptual Approaches to Assessing the Quality of Life: Foreign Experience and Possibilities of Its Application in the National Theory and Practice (p. 8 - 14)

Today, both in scientific circles and among practitioners, there is growing reason to doubt the suitability of traditional macro-economic indicators to assess the level of well-being of society in general and social groups in particular. The article defines that one of the most promising and effective instruments for measuring the well-being of society in recent times has become the concept of «quality of life», which is not limited only to the study of market aspects of the socio-economic system, but also takes into account the level of satisfaction of the society’s needs in all spheres of life. Modern theoretical approaches to solving the problem of assessment of quality of life have been studied. Different interpretations of the essence of the concept of «quality of life» are characterized. A comparative analysis of both subjective (Top-Down) and objective (Bottom-Up) approaches to assessing quality of life is carried out. The benefits of using a combined approach to assessing quality of life in accordance with the concept of W. Zapf are substantiated, which implies a differentiated valuation of the quality of life in terms of states of «well-being», «deprivation», «dissonance», and «resignation». Alternative approaches to the assessment of quality of life based on the segmentation of society in the context of social, ethnic and demographic groups have been proposed, which can increase the level of information analyticity. It is identified that the availability of data on the objective and subjective indicators allows to generate important analytical information of a signal nature, on the basis of which subjects of macro- and meso-levels can conduct more balanced and efficient socio-economic policies in relation to the problem social, ethnic or demographic groups of society.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ivashyna O. F., Ivashyna S. Y.
Methodological Problems of the Macro-Economic Regulation (p. 15 - 21)

The article discusses the problem of conformity of existing macro-economic models to possible changes in the behavior of economic actors, which may affect the micro- and macro-functions used in these models. A historical excursion of the formation of «adaptive» and «rational expectations» in the process of macro-economic regulation is carried out. Several institutional factors that influence its effectiveness and predictability of results are allocated. The possibility of making the right decisions is displayed, if the expectations of economic actors are based on past experience, are constantly checked in the course of economic activity, and the subjective valuations of the future status of markets and prices coincide with the conditional mathematically calculated expectations based on the information currently available. Rational expectations are seen as an addition to the macro-economic theory. They provide greater accuracy to the macro-economic forecasts and grounds for decision-making by economic actors in the process of macro-economic forecasting and regulation. The methodological limitations of the neoclassical model of macro-economic equilibrium are shown and the need for an institutional model of «limited rationality» is proved. The possibility of a realistic assessment of the projected results of macro-economic intervention in the reproductive process is related to the presence in the macro-economic model of behavioral functions, which more accurately reflect the real individual and economic behavior of economic actors. The authors rise the question of the synthesis of new macro-economics and institutionalism to create more realistic models of human behavior, to accurately parameterize future economic conditions and prices in the process of macro-economic regulation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Abramov F. V.
The Induced Resistance of Society and Measures to Prevent It (p. 22 - 28)

The article is aimed at identifying measures to counter the negative consequences of public resistance to positive institutional changes arising from the manipulation of public sentiment. It is identified that induced resistance to the introduction of efficient formal rules can take two main forms: active resistance (by groups of concern) to introducing new formal rules that they consider to be a threat towards them, and passive refusal to comply with the requirements of the new formal rules. The consequence of the first form of induced resistance, i.e., active resistance, is the refusal to introduce appropriate formal rules or the adoption of amendments that completely change their content and reduce their efficiency. In contrast, the second form of induced resistance, i.e., passive failure, without preventing the replacement of existing formal rules with more efficient, significantly reduces their efficiency. It is shown that the strategy of mitigating the negative effects of induced resistance while reforming the existing formal rules by countering the manipulation of public sentiment is impractical because of the low efficiency of the measures involved and/or the high costs associated with their implementation. The author proposes the following measures to minimize the negative impact of induced resistance on the efficiency of existing formal rules: removing the group of concerns from the relevant formal rules, directly targeted at eliminating the motivation of the group members, and shifting part of the public transaction costs of resistance to the group of concern, which provides for the redistribution of costs between society and the members of the group. It is demonstrated that, as a result of these measures, compromise formal rules will be established, the efficiency of which will be intermediate between the efficiency provided by the formal rules adopted under the pressure of the group of concern, and the formal rules adopted in the event of a complete lack of public concern.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vyshnevskyi O. S.
The Platform Revolution from the Perspective of the Austrian Business Cycles Theory (p. 28 - 36)

The research is aimed at substantiating the reasons and prospects for the development of platform companies from the perspective of the Austrian business cycles theory. The work used the method of ascent from the abstract (model of the economic cycle of the Austrian school) to the specific (the situation that has developed in the United States). The statistical observations, made for the period of 1980-2020 in the United States, do not contradict the Austrian business cycles theory. The rapid development of the leading platform companies in the United States (Apple, Microsoft, Alphabet (Google), Amazon, Facebook) allows to assert the revolution of platforms. However, this revolution took place against the background of the continuous credit expansion since the 1980s, which was characterized by a reduction in the interest rate on federal funds to zero values, a continuous growth of the loan portfolio of commercial banks and the US government debt. Continuous credit expansion, on the one hand, has created opportunities to introduce new technologies, create and capitalize platform companies, but, on the other hand, has increased the likelihood of a protracted crisis in the future, as credit expansion creates a contradiction between the transfer of resources to platform companies and the risks of not being able to continue to use these resources effectively in the event of an increase in their cost. Consequently, the prospects for platform companies will depend on their ability to continue their operations relatively efficiently in the face of the end of the credit expansion.

Article is written in Russian

Davydova I. O., Lebedchenko V. V.
The Theoretical Foundations for the Formation of the Region’s Economic Security System and Its Role in Ensuring the National Security of the State (p. 36 - 42)

The article is aimed at forming the concept of economic security of region, fleshing out its basic elements, principles of provision, analyzing the functional features and defining the economic security of region as an integral system of the national security of the State. The aspects of formation of the economic security system are considered. Its role in the ability of the national economy of the country and its regions to ensure gradual improvement and proper preservation, first of all by economic methods, the interests of both the individual citizen and society as a whole system is defined. The focus is put on the key role of the economy in all areas of activity at both the State and regional levels. It is underlined that the issue of economic security of Ukraine’s regions is of fundamental importance not only as an integral component within the sphere of national security spread, but also in the context of the whole development of the country. Analysis of the regional aspect of economic security allows to identify the main factors of compliance with economic security by the State as a whole, because the key causes of threats to the economic security of the State are of regional nature. The notion of regional economic security is inextricably linked to the notion of national security, which in turn is viewed in the context of international security. The national security includes several directions: economic, legal, political, social, military complex, defense, information and technological support, development of innovation, resource, energy and nuclear independence, cultural and intellectual potential and support for ecological security.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kovtunenko K. V., Kotsaha A. O.
The Innovative Development of Business Structures: Essence, Interpretation, Theory and Approaches to Defining (p. 43 - 55)

The innovative development in today’s world is one of the most important aspects of ensuring the profitability and competitiveness of business structures. The article is aimed at studying the theoretical foundations of innovative development of business structures upon analysis of scientific approaches and innovation theories. The result of the article is the allocation of the main definitions when determining the essential understanding of «innovative development of enterprise: innovative development of enterprises is considered as: search for novelty, development and introduction of new products and services; an aggregate of relationships that arise from the purposeful improvement of economic efficiency, competitiveness, profitability; methods and ways to meet the needs of consumers; materializing the innovation potential; means of economic growth, operation and ways of improvement of enterprises; overall development of both the enterprises themselves and the economy as a whole; result of scientific and technological progress; process of developing the innovation activities of enterprises and the system of influencing factors. As a result of the retro-perspective analysis, 9 scientific approaches and theories regarding the basic provisions of the innovative development process in the enterprise are allocated. It is defined that the innovative development of enterprises is influenced by: external and internal factors, including the introduction of new developments/ideas/technologies/products; status and competitiveness of an enterprise with innovative activity; government regulatory systems; choosing priorities and ways to implement innovations; distribution of innovation potential; capital investment in innovation activity of business structures, etc.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Marchenko O. V., Lynova V. D.
Analyzing the Approaches to Definition of the Term of «Bank Solvency» (p. 56 - 61)

The article is aimed at researching the economic category of «bank solvency» as well as defining and generalizing scientific approaches to its understanding. A differentiation of solvency depending on the factors of influence is specified. The concept of solvency depending on the subject of economic activity is considered (on the example of the State, enterprise, banking institution, insurance company), the differences between them are researched. The essence of the term of «bank solvency» based on researches by various scholars is allocated. It is determined that the most capacious definition of the term of «solvency» is provided by academic economists in the three-volume work «Economic Encyclopedia», which is the first of the kind in Ukraine and the CIS. It is defined how the categories of «capacity» and «liquidity» (for a banking institution) are combined, i.e.: solvency – liquidity; solvency – illiquidity; insolvency – liquidity; insolvency – illiquidity. A morphological decomposition is carried out in order to determine the most typical approaches to understanding this concept through the use of keywords in its characteristic. It is determined that the totality of morphological units characterizing the content of the term of «bank solvency» is sufficiently homogeneous and provides clarity of its definition. The results of content analysis are presented – by the indicator of relative frequency of repetitions are allocated the keywords «ability, solvency» that are present in more than half of the definitions. It is determined that in scientific sources the solvency of bank is considered as the ability of bank to meet its obligations within the appropriate time frame and is considered one of the most important indicators characterizing the financial stability of banking institution. Prospects for further research lie in identifying the most effective and accurate approach to understanding this category.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kozhushko O. V.
Improving the Conduct of the Forensic Economic Examination of the Enterprise’s Activity Costs (p. 8 - 16)

The article is aimed at proving the need to improve the conduct of forensic economic examination of the enterprise’s activity costs. On the basis of the carried out theoretical study of the specifics of conduct of forensic economic examinations in general and the costs of activities in particular, the shortcomings of the forensic economic examination of the enterprise’s activity costs are defined, which are grouped by two directions: shortcomings in the theoretical substantiation of the forensic economic examination of the enterprise’s activity costs and in the practice of conducting it. Ways to eliminate the shortcomings of the forensic economic examination of the enterprise’s activity costs are also proposed. According to the results of the research, an algorithm is built up, representing a universal sequence of forensic economic examination of the enterprise’s activity costs, which can be adapted to the issues of a particular case. The following ways to improve the conduct of forensic economic examinations are proposed: optimization of the forensic economic examination infrastructure; unification of the scientific, methodical and information base of forensic expert institutions; introduction of mandatory certification of professional forensic experts; development of the lists of expert tasks, typologized according to the content of the problematic issues arising from economic examinations, as well as identification of the necessary research objects; building up the unified algorithms for solving expert problems; material incentives for expert economists who are involved in the conduct of examination, etc.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Karpinskyi B. A., Karpinska O. B.
The Axiomatics and Signs of Both the Life Genesis and the State Formation, Their Socio-Economic Provision (p. 6 - 19)

The article is aimed at developing scientific views on the axiomatics of the life genesis and the State formation from a position of systemacity of relationships, ranging from an individual to a State. It is allocated and substantiated that, considering the establishment of the basic concepts and creation of the modern model of life formation, there is a fundamental merit of Ukrainian scientists, who in their innovative works, concerning the issues from the biosphere and up to geo- and sozio-systematology, have crystallized the studied problematics. It is emphasized that the axiomatics, as the system of axioms of science, closer defines and systematizes the initial facts of life formation on the basis of their coherence, independence and completeness. It is substantiated that the scientific results from studying the problematics of the initial stages of origin and formation of life existence on Earth mostly concern the instrumental capabilities of different directions of natural sciences, causing the need for their further fundamentalization and taking into account the resource and socio-economic provision in the context of global development. The axiomatics of life genesis and the State formation are developed. It is stressed that only a coordinated work of the State-owned institutions with the United Nations Organization can effectively and comprehensively solve the strategiological development problem arising from the allocated axiomatics and signs of both the life genesis and the modern State formation. It is proved that the issue of ensuring the energy balance of human life should be at the heart of the activities of both national and international governments. The need for managerial measures to form constitutional-legal and strategiological responsibility to future generations, taking into account the doctrines of the State formation patriotism of the nation is substantiated, because their efficiency along with a purposeful realization of the taxpayer’s motivation in the State formation will provide the related financial resources and the ensured economic growth.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Avanesova N. E., Mordovtsev O. S., Serhiienko Y. I.
The Theoretical-Methodical Principles of Identification and Interrelation of the Influence of Destabilizing Factors on the Economic Security of an Industrial Enterprise (p. 20 - 28)

The article carries out a study on the theoretical-methodical principles of the efficient and timely identification and interrelation of the influence of destabilizing factors on the economic security of an industrial enterprise. It is identified that the influence of destabilizing factors on the activities of the industrial enterprise in a market competitive environment requires an immediate reaction of the top management of the economic entity in question. It is defined that the continuity and systematicity of the functional process of economic security causes the need to both take into account and identify the influence of destabilizing factors on the part of the internal and external environment, as well as the use of opportunities created by this environment to minimize the aforementioned influence on the business activities of the industrial enterprise. The analysis of the materials of basic researches on the conceptual foundations of the essence of categories of «economic security», «challenges», «threats», «risks» and «dangers» is carried out, their generalized authors’ definitions are provided. It is proved that destabilizing factors (challenges, threats, risks and dangers) co-exist in close interconnection and have a clear hierarchical positioning. The consequences of the influence of destabilizing factors on the economic security of the industrial enterprise are researched. A scheme of functioning of the system of influence of destabilizing factors on the economic security of the industrial enterprise is constructed, it is identified that studying the interconnected functioning of this system contributes not only to timely identification of factors, but also to the forecasting and development of a comprehensive strategy to protect the industrial enterprise from uncertainty and the threats of the internal and external environment. A timely response and prevention of challenges, threats and risks will help to prevent the occurrence of danger and development of a crisis status of the enterprise. Speaking of the practical meaning, the obtained results can constitute a theoretical-methodical basis for further research of the problems of ensuring economic security of the industrial enterprises in Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Shabelnyk T. V., Marena T. V., Shabelnyk M. M.
Modern Approaches to Typologizing the Global Financial Crises (p. 6 - 13)

The publication is aimed at developing theoretical bases for research of the causes and consequences of global financial crises, as well as systematizing the typology of global financial crises to determine effective and efficient measures to influence their course and reduce losses from their consequences. Scientists-economists of different scientific schools provide unequal explanations, definitions and substantiations of the essence and causes of the development of global financial crises. In all cases, global financial crises cover financial markets, money turnover and credit, international finance; they manifest themselves through the rapid growth of interests, debts, reduction of loans, large-scale downfall in the securities exchange rate, massive losses in the market of derivatives, uncontrolled decline in exchange rates, etc. The introduction of effective and efficient measures to prevent global financial crises in early stages of their development can significantly affect their course and reduce losses from their actions and consequences. A typology of global financial crises is proposed, which takes into account the connections of their causes and consequences on the following grounds: the coverage of the monetary and financial system, the level of international economic relations, and perturbing factors. The latter cause global financial crises by implementing the cause-and-effect economic mechanisms. This results in the occurrence of contradictions between economic needs and a monetary and financial system.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Yankiv M. M.
Theoretical Aspects and Features of the Cross-Border Region Functioning (p. 6 - 12)

The article is aimed at more profound elaborating the theoretical and methodological principles while improving the content of the concept of «cross-border region», singling out its characteristic features, and carrying out a systematization. Taking into account the review of the existing scientific works, the author’s own approach to the interpretation of definition of «cross-border region» is proposed. As a result of research, the principles of functioning of the cross-border region are substantiated, i. e.: subsidiarity, vertical and horizontal partnership, aggregate of the development programs and concepts, institutionalization of structures at local and regional levels, co-financing, systemacity, bi- and multipolarity, proportionality. The author brings in proposals for classification of cross-border regions by introducing a number of new criterion features, such as: scale, development and degree of cross-border cooperation; integration type; geographical location; homogeneity (uniformity); level of development and support in the EU’s structural policy; natural features; implementation mechanism; instruments and forms of implementation. This approach allowed to identify cross-border regions as follows: identical, homogenic and with no affinity; peripheral and underdeveloped; leaders; initiators of cross-border cooperation; functional. Prospects for further developments in this direction are the study of the latest organizational forms of cross-border cooperation and substantiation of the methodological approaches to evaluating the degree of integration and interpenetration in the cross-border region.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shtal T. V., Shulha D. A., Torkut D. A.
A Theoretical and Methodological Analysis of the Scholars’ Views on Defining the Concept of «Competitiveness» (p. 13 - 17)

The article is aimed at analyzing the interpretation of the concept of «competitiveness» and defining the importance of attracting the attention of enterprises to this topic. The relevance of the problem of increasing the competitiveness of enterprises is determined not only by the needs of domestic development and life support of the country, but also by those profound changes that are taking place in the modern system of international economic relations, directed towards forming a new international division of labor and a new mechanism for the distribution of the global incomes. Never before in the history of international relations has the phenomenon of competitiveness acquired such actual importance as it does nowadays. Ukraine faces the issue of sustainable economic development, characterized by increased adaptability to environmental changes, as well as the availability of favorable conditions for functioning with a constant increase of competitive advantages. The line between the competitiveness of firms, industries and the competitiveness of the country is extremely conditional. One of the most globalized markets today is the market of machine-building products, which often determines the international competitiveness of the country and its role on the world stage. In this aspect, the issues of formation of competitive advantages of domestic enterprises on international markets as the basis of their long-term presence in these markets become particularly relevant. Having analyzed the theoretical principles of the concept of international competitiveness, it was determined that there is currently no generally accepted definition of the content and understanding of this category. Enterprises should understand that the concepts of «competition» and «competitiveness» are not interchangeable. Companies need to assess the level of international competitiveness in order to understand the state of affairs and take adequate measures if the level of international competitiveness is unsatisfactory. Thus, finding points of growth of the level of international competitiveness and influencing them is a critically necessary condition for the effective activity of an enterprise in the modern world.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Sakalo O. Y., Stepanenko S. V.
National Happiness and the State Policy on Its Formation (p. 6 - 13)

The publication explores the problem of happiness as a common, universal indicator of socio-economic development. The factors influencing the subjective, individual estimation of happiness are defined. The relationship between the level of happiness and the pace of economic growth is characterized. A relatively new direction of economic theory – the economics of happiness – is considered; the object and subject matter of its research are determined; the main issues that fall into account of the scholars working within terms of this direction are listed. A number of experimental studies on happiness were considered, which used primarily psychological methodology and relied on the results of mass opinion polls in different regions of the world. The global happiness index (The Happy Planet Index) and the World Happiness Report are paid the major attention. The methodology for carrying out these studies is described. The leaders of these ratings are identified according to the data for 2019 and 2020. Ukraine’s place in these ratings is determined. The need to clarify the links between the objective indicator of economic well-being (GDP per capita) and subjective estimates by the population is substantiated. The essence, purpose, main tasks and directions of the State policy on the formation of happiness are considered. The main components and priorities of the State policy in this context are characterized. It is concluded that the main goal of the State policy focused on achieving happiness is to create conditions under which timely, complete and qualitative satisfaction of various needs of both the lower and the higher levels is possible for the population, i.e. ensuring material and spiritual satisfaction with life. It is specified that traditional objective indicators of economic well-being retain their importance when assessing the level of socio-economic development of a certain country, however, they are not sufficient to have the problem fully studied, and it is necessary to take into account subjective assessments of the population. These subjective indicators are necessary because they allow a better choice of the right directions of economic and social policy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Hromyka R. P.
Aspects of Ukraine’s Economic Security Development and Its Impact on the Economic Development (p. 13 - 18)

In today’s global conditions of functioning, the national economy is accompanied by the influence of both internal and external destructive factors. Consequently, the issues of increasing the level of economic security of both the country in general and the business environment and citizens in particular are being actualized. Achieving the the proper level of economic security will create favorable conditions for the stable functioning of the State. The article is aimed at analyzing the main factors of influence on the economic security of the country and their signs on the basis of systematization of indicators of economic activity results together with determination of their characteristic features. The scheme of the hierarchical structure of economic security of the country is provided, from which it can be traced that each higher level of the system of economic security management of the State should properly create favorable conditions for the development of the economy, form the prerequisites for ensuring the security of the lower level of the economic security. The tendency of the economic security risks of the country at both the international and the national levels is covered. Considering the nature of the relationship between the levels of economic security, it is proved that the key to achieving the economic security at the highest levels of the hierarchy is its provision precisely at the level of the business environment. It is identified that the economic security of the country consists in providing conditions for the effective functioning and strategic development of business in the conditions of influence of threats of a diverse nature. Based on the analysis and systematization of statistical data of the author’s approach, the factors of threats to the economic security of the country are analyzed, which include the level of GDP growth, tax revenues to budgets of different levels, dynamics of public debt, competitiveness, sustainable economic development, and harmonious interaction at the international level of the business environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Volchkova H. K.
Theoretical Approaches to the Formation of Social Capital (p. 19 - 25)

The article examines the peculiarities of the emergence and formation of the concept of social capital. The article is aimed at a theoretical substantiation of the process of formation of social capital and formulation of the definition of the category of «social capital» from the position of multiaspectivity of its study. The formation of social capital is considered as a process of creating and capitalizing social ties. It is proved that the process of formation of social capital is characterized by the presence of not only direct, but also inverse interactions between the subjects in the exchange of resources. The mutual influence of factors that change due to the use of social capital is substantiated, and conclusions about the process of formation of social capital are drawn as follows: social interactions should be considered as a mutually inverse process of linear nature; the content of social capital is determined not by «input» factors, but the structural characteristics of the mechanism of influence on social capital; each time when studying the impact of certain factors on social capital, the consequences are much wider; dynamics (pace, speed) of changes in the amount of social capital multiplicatively influences socio-economic processes; there is a possibility of transition of positive dynamics of the growth of social capital into the negative dynamics and vice versa; the presence of synergistic effect due to the influence of factors of both direct and inverse influence on the formation of social capital. The formation of social capital is a dynamic and multifactorial process of accumulation of social ties on the basis of trust, characterized by systemic relationships of both direct and inverse influence, the defined interdependences of structural components of social capital, which are influenced by cultural, historical, economic, political, socio-psychological, mental, and information factors.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Volosnikova N. M., Ugrimova I. V., Gybanova N. N.
Dissemination of Conspiracy Theories as an Institutional Factor in the Dynamics of Formal Rules (p. 25 - 31)

The article is aimed at determining the consequences of manipulation with conspiracy theories for the dynamics of the current formal rules and measures to prevent such manipulation. It is identified that four groups of factors can be allocated to determine the suitability of conspiracy theories common in society for exploitation by manipulator players in their own interests, namely: number of group members that believe in the appropriate conspiracy theory; dependence of the degree of concern of supporters of conspiracy theories on the norms of the current legislation; non-contradiction of the institutional changes, desired for supporters of conspiracy theories, to the interests of influential interested groups; opportunity to accuse a political opponent of participating in a conspiracy. It is specified that the only group of manipulator players, which always has the opportunity to take advantage of common conspiracy theories in society, are the opportunist players. It is concluded that the most effective of the mentioned in the article are the measures to increase the education of society. Due to the improvement of the quality of the overall component of education and the formation of a broad outlook of members of society, critical attitude to dubious assertions and baseless accusations of opponents produced by numerous opportunist players is formed, and thus less favorable conditions for the spread of conspiracy theories are created. However, these measures are also characterized by a significant disadvantage, which significantly limits the prospects for their application – a high level of costs associated with the implementation, and the reluctance of employers to pay for «unnecessary» education of employees.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Teshеva L. V.
Scientific and Theoretical Meaning of the Concept of "Development" in Economics (p. 32 - 38)

The article is devoted to the study of existing approaches to defining the content and essence of the concept of "development". The content of development is considered as the acquisition of a new qualitative state of the system through the use of its own potential, as the transition of the system to a new attractor from the bifurcation point, as a reaction to the influence of the external environment. It is proved that development is characterized by quantitative, qualitative and structural changes, as well as the emergence of new connections both within the system and with the external environment. The existence of impulses of the external and internal environment is substantiated, which provoke the need for changes, as a result of which development takes place. A semantic network of the researched concept is constructed using the TextAnalyst software. It is determined that the key components of this concept are "process" and "direction", but the priority is clearly the concept of "process". As a result of further in-depth analysis of the structure of the "process" it was proved that it is economic, manifested by qualitative characteristics, involving the process of natural change and transition from one qualitative state to another, quantitative changes in the system, emergence of an aggregate of changes, accompanied by a change in quality and appropriate transformations. The key properties of development are defined as the following: direction in time, reversibility of the process, uniqueness, emergence of a new quality during development, directedness, subordination to a particular law (especially the laws of dialectics), increasing the complexity of the system, the presence of causal links between phenomena and processes, which determine the nature of the acquisition of a new quality while maintaining its own authenticity, the presence of a vector of motion that arises as a result of the impulse, and causes change. It has been proved that revolutionary and evolutionary changes should be considered as integral components of the development process, the alternation of which ensures constant progress and the existence of regressive and progressive directions of development. But the return of the system to its previous state as a result of the refusal to acquire a new level of complexity of the regression input is more consistent with the trajectory of the spiral.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Patytska K. O.
Behavioral Patterns of Economic Decision-Making at the Local Level: The Theoretical Principles (p. 6 - 13)

The article is aimed at defining the behavioral patterns of economic decision-making at the level of territorial hromadas. The main difference between traditional economic science and behavioral economics is substantiated. The traditional economic model is formed around the behavior of the «economic man», which is characterized by rationality in decision-making, completeness of self-control, limitless cognitive skills, restricted self-interest and stability of preferences; behavioral economics – around the behavior of Humans, which is characterized by numerous behavioral biases, changing preferences, acquiring new skills and further learning, social impact, altruism, etc. Two levels of behavioral economics are highlighted: micro- and macro-levels. The first level involves the study of the peculiarities of individual decision-making, the second involves the study of the impact of the behavior of economic agents on the development of the financial market together with economic growth of territories. It is substantiated that the study of behavioral patterns at the local level in the State requires, first of all, an analysis of the peculiarities of individual decision-making in the context of the developments in the micro-behavioral economics. The principles of behavioral economics, which have a significant impact on the behavioral characteristics of economic entities in the process of economic decision-making, are systematized. Cognitive biases and heuristic methods, features of choice architecture that influence decision-making are defined. Prospects for further research in this direction are the introduction of the principles of behavioral economics in the context of the development of territorial hromadas, in particular, taking into account tendencies in decentralization and the increasing impact of the behavior of certain subjects or groups of such entities on the development of the territory with a decrease in the size of the administrative-territorial unit.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Starchuk N. V., Liebiedieva D. O., Bondarets O. M.
The Market Pricing Issues in the Courses of Fundamental Economic Disciplines at Ukrainian HEIs (p. 14 - 20)

In the context of market economy in Ukraine, specialists should know the essence of market self-regulation: economic laws, the effect of a market mechanism, market pricing. Such information is given by fundamental (theoretical) economic disciplines, the courses of which in the higher education institutions of Ukraine must be really thought out. When choosing a model of transition from planned to market pricing and in subsequent pricing policy, there was a lag in economic theory and insufficient economic training of specialists as to issues of market pricing, which was chosen as the object of research. The article examines the market pricing materials in the courses of fundamental economic disciplines, textbooks and manuals. According to the results of research, the following conclusions are drawn: in textbooks and manuals on political economy there is not enough information on economic pricing laws, the effect of the market mechanism (only the first two economic laws are mentioned). It is proposed to systematically teach all seven economic pricing laws: their essence, effects, relationship and distribution according to the economic systems of society. The authors have developed the model «Market mechanism effect. Economic pricing laws». In the course of political economy, it is advisable to study not only the industrial market economy, but also the post-industrial information and network economy, the patterns of which are not yet properly known and are fundamentally different. In the course of microeconomics, attention should be paid to the markets of imperfect competition, where a company can influence the price, namely: the markets of monopolistic competition. More attention should be paid to the elasticity of demand in order to develop an effective pricing policy of the company. In the course of macroeconomics, special attention should be paid to keynesian theory, which, unlike neoclassical, correctly considers the markets of goods, services, labor, money imperfectly competitive markets, and their prices not completely flexible (crunch effect). A comparative analysis of political economy and economics is carried out and a conclusion is made about the priority of political economy, which is paid more attention. The fallacy of the trend of displacement of applied fundamental economic disciplines in Ukraine, which are the basis for economic policy, is substantiated. Proposed: economists-theorists shold be trained at HEIs separately; to strengthen the economic training of higher education applicants regarding not only economic, but also non-economic specialties, which will ensure optimal unity of empirical, theoretical and applied knowledge, as well as the possibility of creative approach to understanding the role of economic theory in planning opportunities for personal professional development.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Solodovnik O. O.
Main Approaches to Assessing the Economic and Financial security: The Essence and Directions of Improvement (p. 6 - 12)

The present day global financial-economic crisis caused by the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic actualizes the problem of improving the basic approaches to assessing the economic and financial security of systems at all levels of management. The article is aimed at disclosing the essence and analyzing the main approaches to assessing the economic and financial security of the State, region, enterprises in order to substantiate the directions of improving the methodological basis for ensuring the economic and financial security of systems at different levels of management in accordance with the novel wave of challenges and threats. On the basis of research of scientific publications, the main approaches – the indicator and the functional – to the assessment of economic and financial security of systems at all levels of management are allocated and characterized; directions of their improvement are substantiated: expansion of the existing system of indicators by means of inclusion in its composition indicators of early warning of crisis phenomena in other spheres of public life that can undermine economic and financial stability; substantiation of scientific provisions on the use of the multiplier form of the integral indicator. It is proposed to improve the official approach to computing the level of economic security of Ukraine by including the ecological security indicators in the system of economic security indicators. The emphasis is placed on the need for further development of the scenario approach to the assessment of economic and financial security of the State, region, enterprise, which allows to obtain an assessment of the level of security of the research object in the medium and long term, with an average or high degree of uncertainty.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Isaieva N. І.
Strategic Goal-Setting as a System-Creating Factor of Strategizing the Socio-Economic Development of the Country (p. 6 - 11)

The present day strategizing is a single technological complex and a continuous process of creating a National strategy for socio-economic development. The National strategy is a comprehensive document containing the most important directions, mechanisms, methods of public administration, which are based on long-term priorities, goals and objectives of the policy of public authorities. In order to implement the National strategy, documents of the State strategic management system are developed, agreed on long-term socio-economic goals and priorities. Therefore, the creation of a mechanism of goal-setting at the present stage of Ukraine’s development is a key direction in the formation of a strategizing system. The article is concerned with examining the theoretical principles of goal-setting, determining the place and role of strategic goal-setting in the process of strategizing the socio-economic development at the national level. It is substantiated that strategic goal-setting is a system-creating factor of strategizing and a fundamental process of development or actualization of the National strategy and forms a tree of goals consisting of the following mandatory elements: strategic vision, mission, priorities, value, general goal, strategic goals, operational goals. The analysis of problems of goal-setting in the strategies of socio-economic development of Ukraine, including in the regions, is carried out and recommendations for improving the system of strategic goal-setting are proposed. On this basis, the author has developed a comprehensive mechanism of strategic goal-setting for practical use in the process of creating or actualizing the strategies of different levels. The proposed strategic goal-setting mechanism is directed towards taking into account the specifics of an actor of strategizing, defining the conceptual bases for strategizing, formulation and approval of the goal tree in the construction of the National strategy for socio-economic development, and also includes standards for public participation in the process of strategic goal-setting.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kuznetsova M. A.
The Role of Science and Education in the Formation of the «Knowledge Economy» (p. 6 - 11)

The article is aimed at analyzing the peculiarities of the formation of the «knowledge economy» and identifying the role of science and education in this process. The publication considers the processes of transformation of the system of commodity relations and the emergence of prerequisites for the formation of the «knowledge economy». The formation of a new type of social ties is associated with a change in the content of the essence of labor as an economic category. The growth of the share of intellectual, creative component in labor leads to the impossibility of reduction of the latter to the abstract labor, which forms a cost. The process of formation of a new type of relationship is formed on the basis of information and knowledge as the main conditions of modern production. This creates new requirements for the educational sphere in which changes should take place, adequate to the economic transformation of commodity relations, to the processes of becoming a «knowledge economy». These processes in the educational sphere were manifested in the occurrence of corporate universities and such a phenomenon as «academic capitalism». As result of the study, the main positive results are defined, along with possible negative consequences associated with the introduction of the principles of «academic capitalism» in the educational sphere. It is concluded that the process of forming a new type of relationship, which by its nature contradicts commodity relations, changes the nature of the functioning of all elements of society, including in the educational sphere, but this should not alter the essence of science and education by providing them with market characteristics. Prospects for further research in this direction, according to the author, may be the issues of finding a balance between the market context of the functioning of the educational sphere and its social mission, which corresponds to the peculiarities of the «knowledge economy».

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shumilo O. S., Savchenko N. O.
Analyzing the Scientific Approaches to Defining the Essence of the Concepts of Crisis and Anti-crisis Management of Enterprise (p. 11 - 16)

The article carries out a comparative analysis of the definitions by scholars on understanding the essence of the concepts of both the crisis and the anti-crisis management of enterprise. As a result of the analysis, it is defined that in the scientific literature there is no single understanding of the essence of these concepts. The publication specifies the features of defining these concepts. The essence of crisis is defined as follows: a turning point in the development of changes; moment of sharp aggravation and impossibility of independent overcoming contradictions; stage of the enterprise’s development cycle; result of damage to internal mechanisms for maintaining adaptability, flexibility and sustainability; moment of resolving the contradictions requiring quick decision-making in terms of scarcity of resources; phase of imbalance of the enterprise’s activities and limited opportunities for the influence on the part of its management; situation in which the economic entity is not able to carry out financial provision of its own economic activity; threats of insolvency and bankruptcy of the enterprise. The essence of anti-crisis management is understood as: system of enterprise management; special, constantly organized management; aggregate of methods, techniques, forms of management; instrument for sustainable operation of the enterprise; management in order to predict a crisis; aggregate of the managerial anti-crisis measures. On basis of the analyzed features of defining, the authors’ own definition of crisis and anti-crisis management is proposed. Also, the article determines the task of anti-crisis management of enterprise at the present stage of economic development, taking into account changes in the external environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Nazarova G. V., Demchenko K. O.
Social Security vs Human Development: Conflict or Interdependence (p. 6 - 15)

The article examines the theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of the formation of social security and human development, their relationship and differences. The research is aimed at determining the relationship between social security and human development. In the process of research, general scientific and special research methods were used, among them: method of structural and logical analysis; methods of economic-statistical analysis; method of correlation analysis, etc. The tasks were solved using application packages such as Microsoft Excel, Statistica 10.0. Thus, in order to clearly understand the concepts under research, their uniqueness, a comparative analysis of the tasks and the research object, which are of close essence, but of different purpose, precisely the concepts of «human development» and «social security», was carried out. The analysis of both domestic and foreign methodological approaches to the measurement of social security allowed to substantiate the feasibility of applying the social protection expenditure factor to GDP for a correlation analysis. The results of the correlation analysis of the human development index (HDI) and the coefficient of social protection expenditures to GDP allowed to justify the hypothesis that there is a direct impact of social security on human development. In accordance with the results obtained and taking into account the analysis of the components of human development, appropriate recommendations have been developed to increase their level. Thus, present day reality emphasizes the need to search for powerful instruments to solve global problems that threaten the secure existence and development of society. This forces the international society to expand the security sphere and pay attention to the process of formation and active development of the theoretical foundations of human development and social security along with their practical implementation. As a result of the study, it is identified that the vast majority of scholars who study the problems of human development consider this concept as a certain process directed towards achieving the main goal.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Abramov F. V.
The Purposeful and Ethical Inefficiency of Formal Rules as a Factor in the Spread of Manipulation of Social Sentiment and in Slowing Down the Institutional Reforms (p. 6 - 12)

The article is aimed at identifying criteria for the feasibility of reforming the formal rules with significant purposeful and ethical inefficiency in the context of spreading the practice of manipulation of social sentiment. It is found that in the structure of formal rules with purposeful or ethical inefficiency, two following components can be allocated: basic formal rules adopted to achieve a specific goal; secondary formal rules that should ensure the proper implementation of the relevant basic formal rules and compensate for their inefficiency. In the absence of manipulation of social sentiment, the main factor that causes the negative impact of formal rules with purposeful or ethical inefficiency on the dynamics of formal rules and the effectiveness of institutional reforms is an increase in the number of secondary formal rules. In contrast, in the context of the spread of the practice of manipulation of social sentiment, the main threats to the success of institutional reforms are: significant inverse asymmetry of basic formal rules; the ability of formal rules with purposeful or ethical inefficiency to independently create conditions that are favorable for the manipulation of social sentiment. It is identified that the feasibility of reforming formal rules characterized by purposeful or ethical inefficiency is determined by whether the relevant formal rules have turned into an instrument for manipulation of social sentiment: in cases where ineffective formal rules have become such an instrument, their reform becomes impractical and should be postponed until the practice of manipulation of social sentiment around issues regulated by these formal rules is eliminated. It is shown that in the context of the spread of the practice of manipulation of social sentiment, an additional criterion for the feasibility of reforming ineffective formal rules is the absence of spread of the practice of manipulation of social sentiment into a range of problems regulated by the relevant ineffective formal rules.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Semyhulina I. B.
The Theoretical Aspects of Spatial Development: Analyzing the World Experience in the Formation of the Territory Management System (p. 6 - 14)

The stages of development of the world economy and the peculiarities of the functioning of countries in the world, which are inherent in different time periods, are: changes in trends, emergence and increase of socio-economic and socio-political contradictions, importance of certain key factors for the formation of a policy of managing territorial development under different conditions, all this has led to the emergence of a number of spatial development theories. The authors of theories and models of spatial development considered the development of territories from the point of view of a wide range of factors of influence: geographical, administrative, economic, social, political, innovative, etc., characteristic of different time periods. An effective management of territorial development in modern conditions is becoming relevant in terms of the need not only to solve existing problems, but also to expand opportunities for self-development of territories. The implementation of theoretical provisions of spatial development theories has found a practical reflection in different historical periods of the economy of different countries. Theories of spatial development form the basis of the methodology of public administration, which determines the principles, directions of formation and ways to ensure the functioning of organizational structures and relevant mechanisms, models of development and management, approaches to the use of resources, etc. With the help of spatial theories one explains and anticipates trends, develops models and mechanisms of territorial development, forms instruments for their practical implementation. Due to the importance, complexity and interdependence with a whole range of socio-political, socio-economic, ecological and other processes, the issues of theoretical approaches to the formation and functioning of the optimal model of spatial development constantly remain in the field of view of researchers and practitioners of the world, which further determines the prospects and relevance of studying the defined topic.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Ponomarenko T. V.
The Evolution of Theoretical Thought on the Interpretation of Marketing Strategies of Enterprises (p. 6 - 12)

The article defines the concept of «strategy» as: plan, competitive actions, behavior model, market position, conception and perspective. The strategy is a comprehensive, unified and integrated plan, a set of actions and measures to solve a specific problem situation, achieving targeted goals that are developed in advance for a certain period of time. Current trends in the implementation of strategies include ensuring the quality of products, focusing on individual groups of consumers and improving products and services. The strategies of leadership, cost minimization and differentiation are typically focused on gaining a competitive advantage within a wide range of industry sector segments, while the focusing strategy involves gaining cost advantages or differentiation in narrow segments of the industry sector. Modern trends in the implementation of strategies of leadership, cost minimization and differentiation focus are identified on the example of enterprises of the EU countries. Three of the most popular company strategies are: 1) high quality focus – 52.3% of the EU companies use this strategy; 2) focus on satisfying established groups of consumers – 50.3%, which reflects the world-view or ways of thinking of entrepreneurs in these markets and confirms the theoretical idea that the strategy is a conception that has a manifestation in the world-view of stakeholders and business owners; 3) focus on improving the existing products and services, which are used by an average of 41.5% of companies. In addition, 37.7% of the EU firms use the focus on appealing to new consumer groups, and 36.7% of organizations use a specific solution for a client. It is proved that most companies in the EU use two or more strategies that are built on innovation activities (products, services, business processes) at the same time.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Lychkovska M. R.
Analyzing the Critical Factors of Influence on the Implementation of the National Economic Strategy – 2030 (p. 6 - 13)

The article is aimed at generalizing the essential content of the concept of «creativity» in the context of the components that comprise it; analyzing the main factors influencing them; identifying tendencies and particularities of the manifestation of an unproductive type of creativity against the background of the development of the crisis of trust and their devastating impact on the country’s economy; substantiating the importance of drawing attention to these problems in forming the main tasks of the State policy on the effective implementation of the Strategy–2030. The article generalizes approaches to the interpretation of the concept of «creativity». Four of its types are allocated: technological (inventiveness); economic (entrepreneurship), as well as artistic and cultural creativity. It is underlined that different types of creativity should not be considered incompatible; on the contrary, they should inspire each other, and the interaction between them creates an important synergistic effect. It is argued that the factors that combine different types of creativity are innovation, entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial abilities. It is substantiated that creativity, in all forms of its manifestation, innovativeness and entrepreneurship should become end-to-end qualities that will combine all 20 directions of the Strategy. Precisely these factors should be taken into account in determining strategic goals, ways to achieve them and in the tasks of the State economic policy. It is emphasized that in order for these factors to be turned from innovation potential into a resource of development, the necessary element is motivation. It is defined that motivation can generate two types of creativity – productive and unproductive. It is proved that unproductive creativity inhibits socio-economic development, or even destroys it. The main tendencies, types and features of the manifestation of unproductive type of creativity in different stakeholders in the context of the «crisis of trust» are allocated and analyzed. Based on the analysis of the current state of trust in social institutions, it is determined that it is very low. It is underlined that under such conditions, the «crisis of trust» will continue to motivate and provoke the development of an unproductive type of creativity in all its forms and can become a multiplier for the development of negative socio-economic events that will make the implementation of the National Economic Strategy very problematic.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kyzym M. O., Bielikova N. V., Kolbasin Y. S.
The Theoretical Provision of Research on the Problem of Country Falling into the «Backwardness Trap» (p. 6 - 12)

Economic backwardness is a global problem that causes a number of socio-economic troubles, increases social tension and reduces the effectiveness of functioning of social institutions of the country in general. A new period of global uncertainty and the unfolding of the economic crisis along with the subsequent recession associated with the reduction of economic activity as a result of the pandemic makes it relevant to look for ways of restoring the economic growth for every country of the world. Under these conditions, studies of chronic economic backwardness of a country and its falling into the «backwardness trap», which is based on a number of theories and conceptions that consider various aspects of the socio-economic development of the country, become specially relevant. The article is aimed at forming a theoretical grounds for studying the problem of country falling into the «backwardness trap», which is based on a generalization of the essence and basic ideas of theories and conceptions that explore the processes of socio-economic development of the countries over the world. The studies, dedicated to identifying and systematizing the factors that inhibit the socio-economic development of the country, display a certain evolution. At the first stage there was a search for a key factor of economic backwardness of the country (J. Keynes, H. Singer, R. Prebisch, H. Leibenstein, etc.). The second stage was devoted to the search for relationships between several key factors (R. Nurkse, R. Lucas, H. Uzava, etc.). At the third stage of the research, a detailed study of institutional factors inhibiting economic development was carried out (B. Knall, Th. Bethell, etc.). At the fourth stage, there was a deepening of research in the direction of developing a comprehensive interdisciplinary approach to the problems of formation of the «backwardness trap» (A. Danylenko, G. Bashnyanin, Y. Savelyev, R. Nureyev, etc.). The theoretical basis of the research on the trap of economic backwardness of the country is characterized by the presence of a significant number of theories and conceptions that generalize the common features of countries whose economies develop at a low rate compared to developed economies or enter into a state of prolonged stagnation, as well as the factors contributing to the crystallization of such a state.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Frolova L. V., Koryavchenkova T. V.
The Dialectics of the Conceptual-Categorical Apparatus of Creative Industries (p. 13 - 18)

The article brings out the problems of unjustified equalization and fragmentary formalization of such definitions as «creative economy», «creative industries», «cultural industries», «creative product», «product of creativity». Based on retrospective analysis, it is argued that cultural industries are part of the creative industries and, correspondingly, the use of these concepts as synonyms in the economic scientific field be incorrect. On the basis of comparative analysis, the fundamental difference between enterprises of various types of economic activity in the creative economy and enterprises of creative industries was identified, which is determined by the results of creative process. It is substantiated that in the former case such a result is the product of creativity, which is a combination of creative ideas and non-standard solutions that ensure the achievement of the desired results of the enterprise in dynamic business environment and/or represents the final market product. The result of creative process in the field of kindred industries is a creative product – a specific symbolic and semantic ware, characterized not only by its economic, but also its socio-cultural value, which includes some socially significant content, is determined by the current conditions of socio-economic reality. The proposed authors’ definition of creative industries is, according to the results of the research, a sphere (type) of entrepreneurial activity based on the intellectual and creative abilities of economic interaction entities as to creation and offer of a creative product that meets the socio-cultural needs of consumers.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zakhidna O. R., Vatsiak D. I., Zakhidnyi R. V.
The Theoretical Principles for the Formation of Fiscal Space of Territorial Communities in the Conditions of Transformation Processes (p. 19 - 25)

The article is aimed at deeper studying and identifying the theoretical and methodological principles for the formation of sources of expansion of the fiscal space of territorial communities in the context of transformation processes in Ukraine. The publication proposes the authors’ own definition of the category of «fiscal space of territorial communities» as an environment for interaction between fiscal policy actors on the redistribution of budget resources and ensuring the financial capacity of amalgamated hromadas (AHs). The composition of revenues of budgets of AHs is analyzed. The main advantages of decentralization and certain risks inherent therein are presented. The goals of administrative and financial decentralization in terms of levels of public administration are characterized. The share of local budget revenues in the GDP of different countries is studied. It is defined that in the process of decentralization, the tax system of Ukraine has undergone changes in the structure of tax distribution between levels of management directed towards the benefits of local self-government. In particular, as the financial basis of local self-government in terms of the performance of their own powers is determined taxes and fees that have a direct «connection» with the territory of the relevant administrative and territorial unit. By amending the Budget and Tax Codes of Ukraine, it was achieved to consolidate stable sources of income of local budgets and expand the budget powers of local self-government bodies. Prospects for further research in this direction are the development of practical recommendations on the sources of expansion of the fiscal space of territorial communities in the context of transformation processes in Ukraine, the definition of effective and affordable ways to finance territorial communities.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Soboliev V. M., Sobolieva M. V.
The Methodological Potential of the Political Markets Theory and Its Use in Research on Economic Globalization (p. 6 - 11)

The article is aimed at covering the methodological possibilities of the theory of political markets for making research of the current macroeconomic policy. The theory of political markets in the contemporary conditions is one of the most effective methodological instruments for researching the mechanisms of macroeconomic policy implementation both within terms of individual countries and in the field of international economic relations. Analyzing, systematizing and generalizing the scientific works of many scholars, the authors combined the analysis of officially declared procedures for making relevant political decisions with real informal mechanisms for the implementation of rent-oriented behavior of any of the political entities – both personified and those who «hide» behind the relevant groups of influence, which are created specially to conceal such personal influence. As a result of the research, two directions of application of the theory of political markets are allocated to study the peculiarities of the regulatory economic activity of the modern State. First, it is an analysis of the interaction of the main internal political actors – participants in the struggle for redistribution of public goods: politicians (whose powers depend on the results of elections); officials (whose powers depend on their appointment to office); voters (who «sell» their votes in exchange for favorable further decisions of politicians) and organized pressure groups (lobbyists). Secondly, it is a study of the regulatory role of the national State in international economic relations. A perspective direction of further scientific research in this plane is the development of a theoretical and methodological instrumentarium for quantitative assessment of the scale of redistribution and the size of losses of social welfare on the basis of the economic-statistical and expert assessments.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Soboliev V. M., Sobolieva M. V.
Institutional Obstacles to the Investment and Innovation Development of a Firm in the Clan-Oligarchic Economic System (p. 6 - 13)

The purpose of the article, taking into account mainly the normative nature of most domestic studies of the problems of investment-innovation development of the national economy, as well as the latest foreign studies of the firm theory, and based on the institutional methodology, is to carry out a positive analysis of this problem, which, on the one hand, will bring the theoretical analysis of innovative processes in the Ukrainian economy closer to modern realities, and on the other hand, will be aimed at developing more adequate ways to solve existing problems. As result of the study, it is concluded that systemic institutional obstacles to the innovative development of the Ukrainian economy are present. During the years of independence, a powerful system of informal institutions of influence on all aspects of public life was formed in the country. In fact, the lion’s share of property and power is concentrated in the hands of a small number of the most influential families of both former and current politicians, placed in key positions of law enforcement officials and the judiciary in close contact with criminal circles. The real motivation of the activities of oligarchic circles fits into the feudal-mafia mental model of thinking, making and implementing managerial decisions. Promising directions of further research on this issue are the search for conditions and factors for dismantling the clan-oligarchic system, including the following components: demonopolization of political life and balanced political representation of the main social strata; real support on the part of the State for small and medium-sized businesses on the basis of maximum deregulation; priority development of health care, education and science on the basis of at least 10 years of allocation of 5% of GDP for these needs; proper reform of the law enforcement and judicial systems.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Babayev V. M., Vasylchenko A. O., Dymchenko O. V., Rudachenko O. O.
Analyzing the Theoretical Approaches to the Efficiency of Regional Clusters: The National Features (p. 14 - 20)

The innovative economy as the basis of post-industrial global development initiates qualitative changes in the system of organization and business management, which must adapt to the constantly changing conditions of competition at both the State and the international levels. Accordingly, economic entities are looking for new forms of interaction and are actively involved in the integrated structures of the present day. Thus, at the international level there are various strategic alliances, consortia, conglomerates and financial-industrial groups. At the national level, integrated cluster structures are being formed that contribute to increasing the competitiveness of both certain sectors of the national economy and the country as a whole. Each formation must function effectively. A number of studies be needed to measure and evaluate the efficiency of regional cluster formations. The article is aimed at systematizing and improving approaches to assessing the efficiency of regional cluster formations, which will allow to develop new approaches to efficiency assessment, identify new types of efficiency, consider indicators and form new groups of them to assess the efficiency of the cluster. The scientific article reflects the analysis of theoretical approaches to assessing the efficiency of regional clusters; discloses the methodology and stages of their formation; provides different approaches to the definition of the concept of «efficiency» in the context of the essential significance of this concept; provides systematization of approaches to assessing the efficiency of cluster formations based on methods for assessing competitiveness, evaluating innovative projects, calculating key indicators and quality methods. A system of qualitative criteria for assessing the efficiency of the regional cluster is allocated, which is based on economic, scientific, technical, social and environmental groups of indicators. The approaches to determining the types of efficiency of cluster formations and groups of indicators that can be used to compute this efficiency are systematized. Thus, the research is completed and rounded. However, it should be borne in mind that not all cluster enterprises can have a positive dynamics of financial-economic activities in different periods of time. In this regard, it is necessary to assess the efficiency of the structural components of the regional cluster in the context of the influence of external factors and develop a strategy for their development, which will allow timely detection of structural changes in indicators, develop new methods of assessment and learn from the experience of developed countries.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kyzym M. O., Hubarieva I. O., Khaustova V. Y., Manoilenko O. V.
Analyzing the Contextual and Temporal Patterns in the Development of Views on Priorities for Ensuring the Defense Capability of World Countries (p. 4 - 12)

The article is aimed at defining contextual and temporal patterns in the development of presentation in the scientific literature of research in the field of ensuring the country’s defense capability using bibliometric and trend analysis. A certain divergence of the trends of scientists’ and users’ interest in ensuring the country’s defense capability is observed. The formalization of the contextual features of the concept of «defense capability of the country», distinguished by the results of bibliometric analysis, allowed to determine that the analysis of the impact of the national and collective security system on the country’s defense capability, also countering cyber threats, and choosing a strategy for combating military conflicts and terrorism is becoming increasingly popular. Seven clusters of scientific research dedicated to the issues of ensuring the country’s defense capability are identified. The first one is focused on the formation of a national defense system; the second – on military medicine and emergency medicine; the third – on the organization of the system of national and collective security; fourth – on the substantiation of the strategy for countering military aggression and terrorism; the fifth – on ensuring the cyber defense; sixth – on determining the peculiarities of ensuring the defense capability of individual world countries; the seventh – on identifying the relationship between the country’s defense capability and the introduction of innovative developments. The theoretical principles of identification of trends of scientific research on ensuring the country’s defense capability have become further elaborated, that, unlike existing ones, are based on the results of structuring the present research work (using the instrumentarium of VOSviewer v. 1.6.10 and GoogleTrends) on two criteria: the level of closeness of scientific research and the evolutionary-temporal dimension, which allowed to cluster the directions of interdisciplinary researches.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Abramov F. V.
Factors of Formation of the Demonstration Formal Rules in the Sphere of Environmental Protection (p. 13 - 19)

The article is aimed at identifying the factors contributing to the formation of demonstration formal rules and further determining their impact on the dynamics of the efficiency of the current institutional framework. It is shown that the main reason for the formation of demonstration formal rules is the desire on the part of political forces to get additional votes in elections. At that, both opposition political forces and those in power can resort to the practice of adopting demonstrative formal rules. Factors contributing to the adoption of demonstration formal rules are the following: the lack of influence of interested groups, the high level of public concern, and the low level of transaction costs associated with the adoption of appropriate demonstration formal rules. It is identified that the main shortcomings of demonstration formal rules are their low efficiency, which, in the case of the spread of the practice of manipulating public sentiments, is accompanied by significant reverse asymmetry, and the danger of creating an illusion of solving the relevant problem in society. As a result, there is a threat of conservation and inefficient existing institutional frameworks in the long term. It is proved that as demonstrative formal rules can be adopted only those formal rules that do not contradict the moral and ethical views of most of society, that do not create excessive additional transaction costs of bureaucratic procedures for most consumers, and do not contradict the interests of any group concerned. As result, demonstration formal rules can be characterized solely by targeted inefficiency. It is shown that the only measure to prevent the emergence of demonstration formal rules is to increase the general education of the population, which should not only limit the manipulation of public sentiments around problems governed by demonstrative formal rules, but also allow society a sensible valuation of both the level of threat of certain problems and the efficiency of the proposed formal rules.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Nikitin D. V.
The Theoretical and Methodological Origins of Innovative Theories (p. 4 - 10)

Back in the second half of 20th century, in the structural dynamics of world scientific and technological progress as a continuous process of improving the technical and material base of social production and its organization on the basis of the implementation of scientific knowledge, the qualitatively new tendencies in the innovatization of the international economy began to crystallize. Thus, taking into account the exceptional importance of innovations in the global processes of manufacturing the competitive intellectual and knowledge-intensive industrial products, as well as their prospective powerful impact on the profitability of financial and economic activities of business and entrepreneurial structures, questions concerning the disclosure of the genesis and evolution of innovative theories appear to be of key importance. The article analyzes economic theories such as mercantilism, Marxism, classical political economy, and neoclassical direction of economic theory. The contribution of physiocrats to the development of the theoretical discourse of innovation of economic activity is characterized. A general distinguishing feature of the modern stage of development of theories of innovative development is they are based upon the institutional paradigm. In recent decades, in its theoretical discourse there is an unprecedented surge in scientific interest, which is associated with the systemic impact of scientific, technical and innovative progress on the effectiveness of financial and economic activities of economic entities. From the point of view of the study of the processes of nanoindustrialization, the largest number of rational elements seems to be included in the evolutionary innovative theory, which is observed as the most adequate «conceptual matrix» for a systematic substantiation of its essence and driving forces of development. In addition, evolutionary innovative theory is most capable of developing a modern theoretical and methodological base for a comprehensive study of the processes of transition of world production to nanotechnological developments that can raise it to a qualitatively higher stage of its evolution.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Serzhanov V. V., Abramov F. V.
Dynamics of the Demonstration Formal Rules in the Healthcare Sphere (p. 10 - 16)

The purpose of this publication is to define the reasons for the inefficiency of the current demonstration formal rules governing healthcare activities and the reasons for the sustainability of the relevant formal rules. It is shown that the main reasons for the negative dynamics of the efficiency of formal rules in the healthcare sphere are the following: pressure on the part of individual interested groups, manipulation of public sentiments, and the spread of ineffective demonstration formal rules in the above named sphere. Unlike the demonstration formal rules observed in other areas of economic and public life, demonstration formal rules in the healthcare sphere are characterized not only by targeted, but also by significant transaction inefficiency. It is proved that numerous demonstration formal rules can not only reduce the efficiency of the medical system and slow down the pace of institutional reforms in the healthcare sphere, but also create conditions that pose a direct threat to human life and health. It is shown that, despite the symmetry of the costs associated with changing demonstration formal healthcare sphere regulations, the relevant demonstration formal rules can be preserved for a long time. The dynamics of ineffective demonstration formal rules in the healthcare sphere is determined by the lack of a request from society for further institutional reforms in the healthcare sphere. The latter is due to the low level of general education of the population, which does not allow society to assess the targeted and transaction inefficiency of demonstration formal rules, also to a small level of additional transaction costs of bureaucratic procedures of each individual demonstration formal rule. Measures to prevent the spread of ineffective demonstration formal rules in the healthcare sphere are proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Ivashyna O. F., Ivashyna S. Y., Novikova L. F.
The Sociocultural Factors of Institutional Modernization of Society (p. 4 - 11)

The article analyzes the possibility of creating inclusive development institutions. The authors aim to define certain elements of the institutional environment that directly influence the process of creating inclusive development institutions in Ukraine. Attention is focused on individual social phenomena and processes that are closely related to the economy, affect the processes of modernization of the economy and society. The question of the content and nature of internal institutional transformations, the sociocultural aspect of institutional construction, which has acquired new features, is considered. The results of changes in the sphere of everyday consciousness, in the system of existing culture and values that led to deideologization and transformation of the sociopolitical dominant are reflected. It is proved that the prospects for further transformation of the post-Soviet economy and society are increasingly determined by the transformation of political institutions towards greater pluralism. Changes in the social structure of society that have increased the number of groups capable of influencing sociopolitical relations are defined. It is determined that the emergence and strengthening of interconnections of new types of value layers and subcultures based on heterarchy led to the formation of sociocultural heterogeneity of Ukrainian society and the ability to build cross-cutting channels of social mobility between the top and the basis of the social pyramid, to unite different social groups of society. The role of digitalization and informatization in the processes of sociocultural institutionalization and in the formation of inclusive political and economic development institutions is reflected. A weakening of disintegration processes in the public consciousness as a result of the unification of sociocultural signs is noted. It is determined that the sociocultural unity of society becomes the basis for social development and the formation of the collective identity of the Ukrainian nation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Khaustova V. Y., Trushkina N. V.
Theoretical Approaches to the Definition of the Concept of «Network Structure» (p. 12 - 19)

At the present stage of transformational change, the problems of activating the economic partnership and cooperation based on the creation of network structures are extremely important. These issues are actualized especially in the context of the rapid development of the digital economy and smart specialization. Given this, the purpose of this study is the theoretical generalization and systematization of existing scientific approaches to the interpretation of the concept of «network structure»; substantiation of the authors’ own approach to defining the content of this economic category. As a result of the carried out study, it is determined that the concept of «network structure» be identified with such definitions as: organization, interaction, association, management structure, form of management, coordination, cooperation, alliance, structured set, integration, corporate structure, relations, coalition. Using a systematic approach and the classification method, the interpretation of the term of «network structure», proposed by various scientific schools, is conventionally systematized as to the following groups: entrepreneurial network; business structure; open structures; new organizational form of joint activity; collective interaction; organizational type; model of economic relations; complex of business units (network partners); element of the network economy, et cetera. The article provides the authors’ own approach to defining the category of «network structure» as a specific form of organization of collective efforts, which is based on the voluntary interaction of its participants on the basis of combining their interests, resources, competencies, and capabilities. It is proposed to consider the network structure as an economic category from three positions, such as: a network form of partnership; an effective model of stakeholder interaction in the context of global transformations; a model of partnerships between market participants in the organization of logistics processes.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Zalutska K. Y., Maslak T. O.
The Quintessence of the Concept of «Production Strategy» in a Circular Economy (p. 6 - 13)

The formation and effective implementation of a strategy have become a key integral driving force and a constituent of the competitive long-term functioning of modern enterprises – as the main adaptive tool of their activities with regard to dynamic and unpredictable changes in environmental conditions. Changes and substantiation of adaptation measures within a specific strategy necessitates the closer definition of the substantive content of the concept of «strategy», types of strategies, process, methods, approaches, methods, and principles of strategy formation and implementation. Since the basis for solving the allocated problems is a substantiated specification of the content of a specific type of enterprise development strategy, then, accordingly, the purpose of the article is to closer define the essence of the concept of «production strategy», taking into account the existing approaches of scholars to its substantive content and conditions of functioning, priorities and prospects for the development of modern enterprises. The choice of consideration of the production strategy is due to dynamic and critical changes in the external environment, requiring the application of cardinal measures to adapt the production potential of the enterprise in question to the needs and capabilities of society. To achieve the set goal, using the methods of analysis, synthesis and abstraction, the definition of the concept of «production strategy» proposed by various scholars is researched. Using the comparison method, similar and distinctive features of the above interpretations are allocated. The expediency and necessity of using the allocated features for the interpretation of the production strategy of modern enterprises are characterized and described. Based on the results of the research, the prerequisites and basic principles that cause influence on the production strategy of modern enterprises and, accordingly, determine the content of this concept are outlined. The concept of «production strategy» is closer defined in accordance with the peculiarities of the functioning of modern enterprises and tendencies in the development of the world economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Khaustova V. Y., Reshetnyak O. I., Pronoza P. V.
Modern Wars and Military Conflicts: The Essence, Classification, Features, and Impact on the Economy (p. 6 - 21)

A characteristic feature of the modern confrontation between individual countries is the lack of a common understanding of the signs of the onset of a military conflict and the procedures for the transition to a state of war, which leads to the use of military force without a formal declaration of the beginning of the war, the difficulty of determining the main actors of hostilities. In this regard, the scientific substantiation of the typology and classification of military conflicts and wars acquires fundamental importance and relevance. The purpose of the article is to study the essence, classifications and features of modern wars and military conflicts and their impact on the economies of the countries that are their participants. To achieve this purpose, using the methods of analysis, synthesis and abstraction, the interpretation of the concepts of «war», «military conflict», «armed conflict» proposed by various scholars is investigated. Using the comparison method, similar and distinctive features between these concepts are determined. The analysis of theoretical views on the typology and determination of the essence of the modern military conflict and types of wars was carried out, their main classification features were determined, allowing to draw conclusions about the causes of contradictions in the qualification of generally accepted procedures for the transition from armed conflict to a state of war. The proposed classification of military conflicts and modern wars made it possible to better understand the current tendencies in these processes. Carrying out a typology and definition of types of modern wars and military conflicts allowed to examine their impact on the economy. It is determined that the economic consequences of modern military conflicts depend on many factors, in particular, the nature of economic consequences and macroeconomic indicators are influenced by the duration of a military conflict, which can reduce the negative effect in the event of low-intensity clashes, which is not accompanied by significant destruction of infrastructure; the impact on changes in GDP per capita, government spending, public external debt, export and import indicators, and domestic investment may vary from the nature and conditions of armed conflicts (interstate or civil wars).

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ivanov Y. B., Poliakova O. Y.
A Typology of Crises of Non-Economic Origin in the Context of Preventive Anti-Crisis Policy for Ukraine (p. 22 - 30)

The study is aimed at elaborating a typology of crises of non-economic origin, which will allow to allocate their characteristic features in terms of goals, main tasks, and groups of measures for preventive anti-crisis policy for Ukraine regarding the early post-war post-pandemic period along with long-term perspective. The article analyzes and summarizes the scientific achievements and developments of international organizations on the classification of crises in the development of socioeconomic systems. The diversity, repeatability and ambiguity of classification signs are displayed, but the utmost attention of scientists is focused on the classification of financial crises. Crises of non-economic origin in the scientific literature are considered without their connection with the socioeconomic development and anti-crisis policy of countries. Therefore, the authors of the article have developed a typology of crises of non-economic origin, which is directed towards identifying those signs of crisis that are most significant for the implementation and possibility of implementing preventative measures of a preventive anti-crisis policy. Its difference is the inclusion of a new classification sign of the layering of consequences, which allows to distinguish primary and secondary crises with common consequences (complex ones) from those in which the consequences undergo distortions and changes in the process of unfolding the crisis (superpositional ones). Similar in content classification signs that are used in the scientific literature (structural scale of coverage; object; nature of imbalances in the development of the economy, etc.) are summarized into one sign – the scale of the consequences. Together with a qualitative description of each type of crisis, the directions for developing such a policy are determined for each of the signs. The classification of crises, either of biological origin or caused by warfare, in Ukraine during 2020-2022 was carried out in accordance with the defined signs. The main differences between systemic crises of biological origin or systemic crises caused by warfare are determined from the point of view of economic policy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Maslov D. S.
The Institutional Framework for Regulating the Production and Circulation of Digital Goods in Ukraine (p. 31 - 40)

The purpose of the study is to offer a scientific vision of the essence of digital goods and recommendations for its reflection in Ukrainian legal regulation based on the study of scientific publications of researchers of digital goods and existing normative acts regulating the processes of their production and circulation. The article brings forward arguments to support the opinion that «virtual assets», «digital assets» and «crypto assets» are not good names for goods operating on the basis of distributed ledger technology, since such a name is not scientifically based and does not reflect the essence of these objects. From the point of view of economic science, it is more expedient to use the name «crypto goods», which reflects both the commodity essence of these objects and their external technological form, formed on the basis of cryptography and a distributed ledger. According to their functional role, among crypto goods can be distinguished articles related to money, investment goods, personal consumption items, and means of production. It is determined that regulators chose such names, guided not by scientific, but political expediency, as they try to prevent competition on the part of monetary crypto goods for the sake of the monopoly of issuing public money by central banks. Simultaneously, the economic essence of crypto goods in general forces the relevant institutions to be appointed directly responsible for the regulation of certain crypto goods. For example, monetary crypto goods are regulated by central banks, and investment crypto goods are regulated by bodies that are usually engaged in the regulation of the securities market. The philosophy of regulation is aimed primarily at legally making all crypto goods either investment or consumer goods. Monetary crypto goods is only viewed as digital currencies of central banks. A promising direction of research in this area may be the analysis of the consequences of the spread of the production of crypto goods, especially in metaverses, for national economies and for business.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kyzym M. O., Khaustova V. Y., Trushkina N. V.
Network Economy: Evolution of Development, Prerequisites for the Formation of the Conception, Conceptual Approaches to the Definition (p. 40 - 51)

New economic conditions in the context of the information and technological revolution led to an increase in the role and importance of intangible factors of production, in particular information and knowledge resources. Transformational processes that covered all aspects of society, turned it from industrial one to post-industrial service-information (network-based) one with the appropriate type of economy. All this, in turn, determines that the dominant tendency of the contemporary world economic development is the formation of a network economy, which leads to radical transformations of various spheres of economic activity. In view of this, the study is aimed at the theoretically summarizing and systematizing the exitant conceptual approaches to the interpretation of the concept of «network economy»; substantiating the authors’ approach to defining the content of this scientific category. As result of the study, it is found that the concept of «network economy» is synonymous with such definitions as: high-tech economics; knowledge economy; global, new, informational, digital, digitalized, virtual, information and network-based, electronic, cognitive, noospheric, creative, service, innovative, intellectual economy; post-industrial society; information society; network intelligence society; e-business, etc. Using a system approach and the classification method, the interpretations of the term «network economy», which are proposed by various scientific schools, are conditionally systematized in the following groups: the basis of the information society; new economic system; a new type of economy; state of the economy; specific form of organization; a qualitatively new form of management of the national economy; type of economic system; type of post-industrial economy; characteristics of the global economy; form of innovative economy; innovation factor; system of new economic relations; multilevel spatial structure; structured information space; interactive environment; form of economic activity; an instrument to increase the level of development of the knowledge economy; national security mechanism. The article provides an authors’ approach to defining the category of «network economy» as a new type of economic environment resulting from the digitalization of fast-growing, highly interactive real-time connections between economic agents, different categories of stakeholders, digital technologies, information systems, devices, electronic networks. It is proposed that network economy as a category be considered according to the three positions: as an economic activity carried out through electronic and computer networks; as a global information environment where subjects of economic relations can contact each other about joint activities using digital technologies; as a fundamentally new form of management of the national economy, based on horizontal (direct) long-term partnerships between economic entities in a single digital space in the context of globalization.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Dykyi A. P.
Symptoms of the Problem of Guaranteeing the Economic Security of the State in the Context of Preventing and Countering Economic Crime (p. 6 - 16)

Guaranteeing the economic security of the State is an extremely complex process that requires the involvement of a set of resources and subjects, the use of a variety of tools, and consideration of the complexity and systemic nature of the problem. In modern conditions, the economic security of the State is becoming an increasingly multifaceted concept. This is connected, first of all, with two opposite processes, which are inherent in the world socioeconomic and political system – globalization and regionalization. The development of conceptual principles and the development of an effective mechanism of the State management in the system of economic relations of the State, aimed at avoiding threats and minimizing their impact, is quite difficult to ensure the effective functioning of the national economy and its further growth. Economic security allows maintaining resistance to external and internal threats, characterizes the ability of the national economy to expand self-reproduction to meet the needs of citizens, society and the State at a certain level. Economic security is a complex and multifaceted social phenomenon characterized by various essential features and forms of manifestation. Accordingly, an important component of guaranteeing the economic security of the State is the system of preventing and countering economic crime, the consequences of which characterize it as a threat to the security of the State. However, the identification of the consequences of economic crime is not enough to assess the full scale of the impact of this phenomenon, because economic crime is a phenomenon that cannot be overcome, it is only possible to regulate its level, which will guarantee the economic security of the State. The signal for the State that has the problem of guaranteeing economic security due to economic crime will be a set of symptoms. Determining the symptoms of the problem is important both at the internal level, that is, at the level of the State policy of preventing and countering economic crime, and at the external level in the context of studying foreign countries and their potential from the standpoint of establishing cooperation or countering geopolitical threats.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kyzym M. O., Khaustova V. Y., Reshetnyak O. I.
The Essence of and the Methodical Approaches to Assessing the World Countries’ Economic Potential as the Basis for the Formation of Their Military Power (p. 17 - 28)

The purpose of the article is to define the essence of the concept of «economic potential» and analyze the existing methodical approaches to its assessment, also to determine the features of the use of the economic potential of the world countries during the formation of their military power. The article considers the approaches of various authors to the definition of the concept of «economic potential». Using the comparison method, similar and distinctive features between the above interpretations are determined. The authors’ own interpretation of the concept of «economic potential» is proposed, which is considered as the available resources of the country, ensuring the achievement of the maximum possible volume of production of military products and products of the defense-industrial complex, which can be used to support and develop the armed forces of the country, to comprehensively ensure the training, prevention and participation in various types of military conflicts. The approaches to determining the structural components of economic potential and methodical approaches to its assessment are analyzed. The carried out analysis proved the lack of a clear methodical approach to assessing the economic potential, which can be used to develop the military power of the countries of the world. It is defined that the methodical approach to assessing the economic potential of the world countries, which is aimed at determining the country’s ability to resist and prevent possible wars or military conflicts, should take into account the resource-based, scientific and innovative readiness of the country. In addition, the main attention should be paid to the possibility of financial support for the country to resist and prevent possible wars or military conflicts, as well as to form the potential of the armed forces capable of withstanding a strong enemy in the conditions of war. It is substantiated that the economic potential of the country should form the following: production capabilities of enterprises producing final products for military purposes; basic branches of military production, supplying in the mode of cooperation components, raw materials, fuel; infrastructure engaged in maintenance of the defense industry (transport, finance, communications, management); export-import potential and the system of foreign economic relations for the supply of military products, in particular weapons, military equipment; conditions for the scientific activity of the country, which is associated with the production of innovative products for military purposes.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shchurov I. V.
Formation of the Economic Ideology of the Country’s Energy Security (p. 29 - 36)

The article is aimed at forming the economic ideology of the country’s energy security in turbulent economic conditions. According to the results of the carried out research, it can be said that the modern assessment of the economic situation, setting goals, all economic activity implies the existence of a starting point – the formation of a convergent and communication basis of the economic ideology of the country’s energy security. The transformation of a social country into an economic system with market coordination mechanisms inevitably entails changes in socioeconomic relations, accompanied by shifts in various fields of activity. Adapting society to modern challenges faces problems; the decline in social production is accompanied by a decrease in the number of employed, an increase in negative phenomena in culture, public consciousness; an increase in social tensions, and a decrease in economic activity. Recent years have shown that the transition economy does not live up to its name, tends to stabilize and stagnate at a critically low level. The article, based on the results of the conducted analysis, considers the ideological approach to the formation of the country’s energy security. It is determined that the strategic guidelines of the economic ideology of the country’s energy security are energy and environmental security, energy efficiency and budget efficiency. Achieving these indicators and increasing the controllability of the energy development process requires the formation of the main elements of the country’s energy policy. The constantly developing regulatory framework will become the basis for the convergent and communication basis for the formation of the economic ideology of the country’s energy security. The improvement of the economic ideology of the country’s energy security will take place through the further development of legislation, which ensures the stability, completeness and coherence of the economic and legal framework of this most important sphere of public life.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Hamerska I. S., Oliinyk T. I.
Substantiating the Importance of Adherence to Ethical Principles to Ensure Integrity in Scientific Research (p. 6 - 11)

The purpose of the article is to study the influence of ethical principles on the formation of scientific research. The article analyzes the problems faced by researchers when writing and publishing their scientific achievements in the world in general and in Ukraine in particular. The expediency of observing ethical norms and rules in research is substantiated. Both the ethical principles and their influence on scientific research are proposed for consideration. The issue of authorship, its importance and correct documenting are raised. The criteria that the author must meet are considered also; it is defined what problems a person may encounter in case of incorrect documentation of her or his authorship in scientific journals. The importance of preventing conflicts of interest is highlighted, the causes and types of such conflicts are covered. The problem of plagiarism, its form and scale is raised; the issue of correct editing of references and citations of another author is illuminated. The importance of avoiding simultaneous submission of an article to different journals is emphasized, disclosing the essence and methods of such a practice as well as the consequences in case of violation of this principle. The issue of translation of research, its rules and requirements is raised. The principles of conscientious research are described; the essence of the concepts of «fabrication» and «falsification» is revealed; the rules for using the method of improvement of digital images are described. The issue of publication of fragmented research results, the essence and difference from the re-submission of the manuscript are disclosed. The consequences of publishing fragmented results are given. As a conclusion, the article describes the trends in compliance with ethical norms and principles in Ukraine, as well as the problems faced by domestic researchers, and the consequences for our country.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Volosnikova N. M., Maksymenko I. A., Serzhanov V. V., Abramov F. V.
Semi-Formal Rules As a Factor in the Dynamics of the Efficiency of Formal Rules of Financial Monitoring (p. 12 - 17)

The article is aimed at defining the causes and consequences of the emergence and spread in the system of financial monitoring of semi-formal rules along with determining the measures to prevent them. It is shown that the efficiency of the financial monitoring system is determined by the efficiency of two groups of formal rules: formal rules of financial monitoring and formal rules of financial investigations. In addition to internal factors, the inefficiency of formal rules of financial monitoring may be caused by the spread of semi-formal rules. It is identified that the reason for the emergence and spread of semi-formal rules in the financial monitoring system is the broad discretionary powers granted to the official by both formal rules of financial monitoring and formal rules of financial investigations. The formation of semi-formal rules in the system of financial monitoring, like other cases of the formation of semi-formal rules, is accompanied by static and dynamic effects. The static effect of the formation of semi-formal rules is accompanied by a sharp drop in the effectiveness of the effective formal rules of financial monitoring. The main threat of the dynamic effect is the long-term decline in the efficiency of formal rules of financial monitoring. It is proved that of the two main conceptions of preventing the formation of semi-formal rules, i. e., limiting the discretionary powers of an official and restoring the efficiency of market mechanisms or imitating their correct operation, in the case of a financial monitoring system, only the last of these conceptions can be involved. A key element in the implementation of the restoration of the operability of market mechanisms or imitation of their correct operation is the delegation of basic monitoring functions to the actors who are able to perform the relevant functions with the lowest level of transaction costs of bureaucratic procedures.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Karpinskyi B. A., Karpinska O. B.
Motive as a Managerial Basis of the State-Creating Patriotism of the Nation from the Standpoint of the State Development Strategiology (p. 6 - 15)

The purpose of the article is to elaborate scientific views on the motives that become a modern strategiologic trend in the development of the State, manifested through the State-Creating Patriotism of the Nation (SBPN) with its dominants: qualitative; and quantitative (tax-based). It is allocated and substantiated that the motives have their own characteristic hierarchical nature within the system of manifestation of SBPN and in the strategiology of development, since they are oriented towards a particular person or the State as a whole. It is emphasized that in order to select and analyze in detail the manifestation of characteristic motives as to the issues under consideration, it is necessary to carry out a gradation regarding the classification of citizens according to the fundamental provisions of sociology, in particular through subcultures (that is, groups of people who recognize a certain system of values and are united according to certain social characteristics). It is proved that SBPN represents all that the people in general and every citizen in particular do in the interests of creating an independent, sovereign, civilized State. It is noted that taxes are a quantitative feature and a measure of the motive-actual SBPN to specify the real participation (current and future) of taxpayers in the formation of the financial component of life provision and further development of the State. It is through a purposeful strategiologic activation of the motiveness of SBPN, changing only by 1% the level of shadowing of the world economy, that it is possible to provide up to $ 350 billion of additional tax revenues to the State budget. It is emphasized that the motive and strategic issues of the formation of SBPN should be in the field of view of managers and undergo a specific discussion through large international institutions, in particular through consideration in the United Nations Organisation, since only joint actions can activate the motiveness of State-Creating Patriotism of the Nation at the world level and, among other things, to ensure the effectiveness of additional tax revenues, even reducing the cost of their administration through a real understanding of the participation of each citizen in the creation of his State along with increasing his law-abidingness and patriotic-motive manifestation through dominants.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Zhaldak H. P., Somova Y. V.
Analyzing the Market Structures and the Importance of Monopolies in the Economic Development (p. 6 - 14)

The article is aimed at analyzing market structures and studying the importance of monopolies in economic development. Applying analysis, systematization and generalization of scientific works of various scientists, the main stages of market evolution and its features are identified. Attention was also paid to the views of researchers on the essence, main features of the concept of «monopoly» and the reasons for their emergence. In the process of writing the article, such methods of scientific research as analysis, synthesis, generalization, and classification were used. Using the system approach, features of market structures are identified and grouped, as well as examples for each market structure are defined. Based on the analysis of modern literary sources and trends in the development of the market mechanism, attention is focused on a relatively new market structure for the domestic economy – the quasi-competitive market. The article considers the causes of emergence of monopolies, their varieties. Based on the analysis of the indices of competitiveness and efficiency of antimonopoly policy, Ukraine’s place in these rankings is determined. The relationship between the level of competitiveness and prevalence of a certain market structure of enterprises is specified, and attention is paid to the activities of the Antimonopoly Committee to improve the efficiency of functioning of the market mechanism. Examples of the most famous monopolies both in Ukraine and over the world are considered. The minimum and maximum losses of Ukraine’s GDP as result of the activities of monopolies are determined. Prospects for further research in this direction are: study of special strategies used by monopolies to increase their profitability and their influence on the market; detailed study of the relationship between monopolies and inequality; analysis of the impact of monopolies on the development of individual sectors of activity, etc. Consequently, the analysis of market structures and the place of monopolies in the economy is a relevant and important direction of research that can help to better understand the role of different types of market structures in the market and their impact on consumers and the economy as a whole.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Panova I. O., Bahinska A. V.
Typology and Characteristics of Authoritarian Political Regimes (p. 6 - 11)

In recent decades, the evolvement of authoritarian regimes in different countries of the world has become a noticeable trend. This process raises questions about the impact of these regimes on international relations, democratic values, human rights, and the international order as a whole. It is important to note that authoritarian political regimes have a wide range of variations, from totalitarian systems, where power is completely controlled by one person or group, to milder forms, where the authority of power is based on other factors, such as military power or legitimacy. The subject of research in the article are political regimes. The aim is to investigate the typology and characteristics of authoritarian political regimes. The article uses general scientific methods: historical analysis and research to illustrate examples of authoritarian regimes. This allows us to find out the reasons for the emergence and evolution of authoritarianism, as well as to understand its influence on society and politics. The general scientific approach has proved itself useful in systematic researching and analyzing the typology and characteristics of authoritarian political regimes, highlighting a comprehensive understanding of this complex problem. The main characteristics of authoritarian political regimes are revealed; the specifics of functioning of authoritarian regimes and their impact on society are allocated. An analysis of different types of authoritarian political regimes has been carried out, which helped to a better understanding of the diversity of authoritarianism; also features of the latter have been determined. As a result of the study, conclusions are drawn as follows: a estimated typology of authoritarian regimes is important for identifying potential challenges and dangers that they can create for democracy, human rights, and stability in society. This can be helpful for politicians, researchers and actors of international relations in developing some effective strategies for preserving democratic values and countering authoritarianism. The study of authoritarian political regimes points to the need to strengthen international efforts to promote democracy, protect human rights, and promote democratic values. International cooperation and support can play an important role in spreading democratic values along with strengthening resistance against authoritarianism.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ptashchenko O. V., Denysiuk O. V., Kurtsev O. Y., Malinka I. L.
The Peculiarities of Economic Inclusion During Wartime (p. 11 - 18)

In the presented publications the main aspects of economic inclusion and the current state of the economy of Ukraine are considered. The components of economic inclusion are defined, namely: 1) responding to economic challenges. The wartime period is accompanied by dramatic changes in the economic sphere, such as the destruction of infrastructure, job losses, interruption of economic ties and other challenges. Economic inclusion in this context lies in the development and implementation of strategies for economic recovery, creating new jobs and ensuring sustainable economic growth. 2) Taking into account the needs of vulnerable groups. Military conflicts can affect different groups of the population unevenly. Economic inclusion requires special attention to the needs of vulnerable groups such as internally displaced persons, military veterans, women and children. Economic inclusion should promote their integration in economic processes, ensuring social protection and equal opportunities. 3) Provision of social stability. Economic inclusion during wartime is also aimed at ensuring social stability. This means creating conditions to reduce inequality, ensure access to resources and services, prevent conflicts and promote a peaceful revival of society. 4) Expanding access to financial resources. During wartime, access to financial services may be limited. Economic inclusion involves promoting increased access to financial resources, allowing for the development of microfinance institutions, creating favorable conditions for lending to small and medium-sized enterprises, expanding access to banking services and financial education. Such peculiarities form the current state of the economic system from the side of its inclusiveness. It should also be noted that the wartime period may require restructuring of the economy in order to restore and maintain sustainable development. Economic inclusion contributes to the creation of favorable conditions for economic restructuring, development of new sectors, support for small and medium-sized enterprises, attractiveness of investments and attraction of external resources. Taking into account the peculiarities of the wartime period, economic inclusion is becoming an important instrument for restoring and building sustainable development. The path to success lies in a harmonious combination of economic measures with the promotion of social justice, the protection of human rights, and the active cooperation of all interested parties.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Duchenko M. M., Zhuk A. V.
The Theoretical Aspects of Social Partnership in the Sphere of Social and Labor Relations (p. 19 - 23)

The article is aimed at studying the theoretical aspects of social partnership as an element of the sphere of social and labor relations. Analyzing the works of Ukrainian and foreign scholars, it was found that social partnership is an effective instrument for generating new forms of interaction between business, society and the State. This is a special type of social relations that leads to a balance in the realization of the interests of social groups of society, which is realized mainly in the field of social and labor relations. The main stages of creating an effectively functioning social partnership are allocated and characterized. As a result of the carried out study, it is revealed that social partnership in Ukraine is not yet developed, i. e., it stalls at the stage of establishing. The most realized social partnership in the sphere of social and labor relations of Ukraine is the partnership of employees – employers, where the interests of employers are represented by the Federation of Employers of Ukraine, the interests of employees – by the Federation of Trade Unions. The government, public authorities and local self-government bodies may also be involved as a third party of interest. Interaction in this social partnership is conducted through social dialogue by means of negotiations and the conclusion of relevant agreements. It is noted that an effective social dialogue will be successful only when its benefits are clearly defined and well understood by all parties involved. For this purpose, the main advantages of involvement in social partnership for each of the participating subjects (employees, employers, the State) are identified and systematized. Prospects for further research are to study the experience of developed countries and, on this basis, to develop an effective mechanism for introducing social partnership for different categories of participants in Ukraine, as well as to determine its economic efficiency.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Ohorilko Y. M.
Inflation Targeting in Central Banks’ Monetary Regimes: A Retrospective Overview (p. 6 - 11)

The article is aimed at defining the place of inflation targeting in the system of monetary regimes of central banks and outlining its main characteristics in the process of historical development. Financial stability, as the main mandate of central banks, is ensured within different monetary regimes that historically change along with general changes in the type of monetary system as such. Within each monetary regime, central banks are endowed with their own monetary-credit regulation instrumentarium. Inflation targeting, which is currently the relevant dominant type of monetary regime of central banks, is characterized by its own approach to ensuring financial stability and by an appropriate instrumentarium. The article analyzes the monetary regimes of central banks, features of inflation targeting as a regime of monetary policy of central banks and identifies the basis for modernization of the monetary policy framework as a succession of the crisis of 2007–2008. As result of the study, it is determined that inflation targeting is a monetary regime of central banks, which orients monetary-credit policy towards ensuring the long-term inflation rate within the ranges declared by central banks. Inflation targeting, together with the classical gold standard system, historically provides confidence in central banks’ monetary policy and stable inflation expectations of economic actors. After the crisis of 2007–2008, the framework of monetary policy focused on inflation targeting has not changed significantly, refocusing the attention of monetary institutions on macroprudential supervision.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Moroz O. V., Lohosha R. V., Semtsov V. M., Krychkovskyi V. Y., Vakar T. V.
In Regard to the History and Substantive Epistemology of the Categories of «Capitalism», «Liberalism», «Libertarianism» (p. 6 - 14)

The article is aimed at implementing the correct interpretation of the specified concepts as categories of relevant theories, taking into account the history of their origin, dialectics of content and significance for social progress. The article presents the authors’ approach to the methodology (logic of cognition) of the part of economic theory, which is historically connected with the paradigm, ideology, doctrines of capitalism, as well as the historical dynamics of the processes of formation of the economic foundations of modern post-industrial civilization from the point of view of this theory. At this, such an economic theory is studied on the basis of the concepts and categories of «economic liberalism», «capitalism», «liberalism» and «libertarianism». The key provisions of the relevant theoretical postulates and their social interpretation, together with the consequences of social development in this case, are identified. The use of this allows to clearly identify functional factors (sources) and indicators of progress and efficiency of development models in the context of the main historically known economic theories. It is substantiated that, on this basis, management of development can be justly considered through manipulation of a set of indicators and limitations within a separate, virtually an engineering task, the expediency of which is determined through the dynamics of growth of development effects according to the libertarian model. It is concluded that modern society can be defined as a civilization, where the factor of economic freedom has historically received the greatest realization. Moreover, future progress is conditioned by the extent to which economic liberalism can be deepened in the future. And, accordingly, regression is determined by the extent to which economic liberalism will be limited on the course through the multitude of formally existing alternative conceptions, the essence of which is reduced to the ideas of regulation and flirting with the masses. This development dilemma is the main trend of possible scenarios.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Tur O. V.
The Theoretical Foundations of Restructuring of the National Economy (p. 6 - 11)

The aim of the article is to allocate theoretical approaches to the definition of restructuring of the national economy. As a result of the study, the following approaches to the definition of restructuring of the national economy have been proposed: «structure-forming», «sustainable development», and «innovation-industrial». The essence of the first approach lies in the positioning of restructuring as a process directed toward reorganizing certain structures by removing individual elements, also transforming the links between the components that are recognized as acceptable for the further successful functioning of the structure as a whole, as well as at achieving the structure of the national economy, which is able to provide the volume of production in accordance with the internal needs and requirements on the part of international markets. The approach of «sustainable development» includes an understanding of restructuring as the result of the return of the structure to a conditionally stable status regulated n the part of the State (with a clear consolidation of targets and implementation mechanisms in the relevant public documents), which provides a qualitatively new proportion of elements of social production, in order to ensure stable development of the economy, its resistance to whether external or internal challenges. The innovation-industrial approach provides for the directedness of structural changes into positive structural changes with an emphasis on preventing the negative consequences of structural crises as a factor that turns down the effective existence of the current structure, on the activation of economic activity of economic entities and the system of links between types of economic activity, also on the formation of a modern processing industry, which will create the grounds for the structural transformation of the economic system. Prospects for further research in this direction are to determine measures for restructuring the national economy in the period of post-war recovery of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Lozychenko O. M.
The Scientific and Conceptual Provisions for Determining the Essence and Features of the Functioning of the Mechanism for the State-Based Regulation of the Economy (p. 6 - 14)

The development of economic systems in the today’s world in many cases is determined by the efficiency of processes, mechanisms for regulating their functioning. Regulation is an important component of the process of development of economic systems, activation of the functioning of their individual components in order to gradually move to a new, higher level of their own development. The State-based regulation of the economy is by its nature a complex and dynamic system. This system is already an integral constituent part of the functioning of the State authorities and local self-government bodies and is used by them to implement economic policy and regulate processes of economic management. Accordingly, the issues of studying the theoretical and applied provisions of such regulation are always relevant and constantly require further research. The article deepens the theoretical provisions regarding the essence of the category of «mechanism for the State-based regulation». This is carried out taking into account the results of the analysis of the essence of the categories of «mechanism for the State-based regulation» and «the State-based regulation of the economy». It is defined that the essence of such regulation should be considered as a process of influence of public authorities on economic processes or economic entities in order to ensure the stable development of individual industries, sectors of the national economy. As a result of the carried out content analysis of scientific approaches to the consideration of the definition of «mechanism for the State-based regulation of the economy», the substantive features of such a mechanism have been allocated. Its essence is proposed to be considered as a complex of interrelated components, which altogether allow to exert the influence of public authorities on economic processes and economic entities in order to ensure the stable development of individual industries, sectors of the national economy. The article defines that it is possible to ensure the efficiency of such a mechanism only by ensuring effective interaction between all its components, taking into account the basic principles of its functioning and development. Such components are specified accordingly. Also the main aim, goals, methods, instruments, and levers of this mechanism are determined.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Koroshchenko M. M.
Ways to Improve the Efficiency of Public Policy in Ukraine Based on Best Global Practice (p. 6 - 11)

The article discusses ways to increase the effectiveness of public policy in Ukraine based on the best global practice, which is the New Public Management model, which has proven its effectiveness. During the work on the article, theoretical research methods were used to achieve the research goal, which included: analysis of literary primary sources, generalization, synthesis of scientific material, comparative analysis. It has been determined that public policy is a complex process that includes a set of ideas, principles, and tools that create a direct impact on the State and society. Considering the problem of increasing the effectiveness of public policy in Ukraine, the author examines the best global practice, points out that the modern world paradigm of public policy is formed in the context of the New Public Management model. This model is characterized by a radical revision of the traditional place of the State in the life of society, as it prioritizes the approach to the state as an institution whose main function is the provision of socially significant services. With this approach, the State and its bodies become more sensitive and responsive to the needs of society, strive to provide better services and take better care of public goods. For Ukraine, this model of public policy is the most promising, as it provides opportunities to eliminate oligarchic structures from management practices, reduce corruption, and increase the efficiency of public finances.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ptashchenko O. V.
National Security: Social and Economic Aspects, Digitalization (p. 11 - 17)

This paper considers the main components of national security and focuses on the social and economic components as the two most interconnected among the other components of national security. In the context of digitalization, the social and economic aspects of national security become especially important, as modern society and the economy are increasingly dependent on information technology and digital tools. The key aspects of each of these areas are presented: providing the population with basic cybersecurity skills and the conscious use of digital technologies; development of regulatory mechanisms and technical solutions for the protection of citizens’ personal information; interaction between government, business and the public to protect critical infrastructures from cyber threats; development and implementation of cybercrime strategies to ensure the cybersecurity of society; the use of digital technologies to facilitate citizen participation in electoral processes and decision-making; ensuring transparency and access to public information through digital channels; development of e-commerce and digital financial services to stimulate economic growth; supporting innovation and digitalization to increase competitiveness; ensuring business cybersecurity to prevent leaks of confidential information; protecting financial institutions from cyber threats to ensure the stability of the financial system; providing the workforce with the necessary digital skills and training in the digital economy; development of remote work models and mobile technologies to improve the labor market. Digital security and technological development in the field of economics determine the country’s success in the modern world. Organizations and countries should actively work to improve legislation, develop technology, and raise cyber awareness to effectively counter cyber threats and ensure the resilience of national security.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Koroshchenko M. M.
Reform Processes in the Public Administration System in the Context of the russian-Ukrainian War: An Adaptive Scenario (p. 6 - 13)

The relevance of the chosen problem is due to the consideration that the transition to a modern system of public administration with strong institutions supported by the rule of law will require the Ukrainian government to make steps that should be undertaken during hostilities, to elaborate those strategic priorities that will direct the State towards democratization and the European integration. The article discusses integration processes in the field of public administration in the context of the russian-Ukrainian war. On the basis of the analysis, generalization and systematization of scientific sources, the tendencies of development of integration processes in the sphere of public administration in modern conditions are highlighted, the need for further efforts in the direction of the European integration is proved. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the substantiation by the author of the steps aimed at reconstruction and effective mobilization of public administration resources for restoring the ability of all levels of government, regions and municipalities of Ukraine to solve problems that bring the country closer to membership in the European Union. The article brings forward the argument that today the model of «proper governance» is one of the most attractive alternatives to the model of public administration, the implementation of which is possible in the presence of a number of conditions, the observance of which appears problematic, taking into account the problems resulting from military aggression, but, at the same time, even today the State can take certain steps to implement the model of «proper governance». At this, the basic postulates of the model allow us to say that «proper governance» is not just one of the options for public administration, but rather the philosophy of organizing life in the State, which provides for cooperation as the main form of interaction between various participants in those processes (social, economic, political, informational) that characterize the genuine diversity of the activities of the modern State. The author came to the conclusion that during the wartime, all authorities acquire important experience in development of the planning and financing, which can be used in the post-war period to increase the operativeness and efficiency of strategic decisions related to the approximation to the European Union. Nowadays, the executive authorities should build capacity, analyze and implement the best European experience, try to adopt the style of management and communication that is inherent in the European public administration practice.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Demydiuk O. O., Pogorilyi I. A.
Analyzing the Perception of Corruption During Martial Law in Ukraine (p. 13 - 21)

The article summarizes the main scientific approaches to determining the essence of the category of «corruption». Based on the analyses of domestic and foreign publications, the authors’ own definition of corruption is proposed, which is considered as the purposeful dishonest actions of a person/persons aimed at using their powers not in an officially formally defined way, but in order to obtain unlawful benefits for themselves or a third party/parties, leading to the emergence of potential negative material and non-material losses for other individuals, their groups, the State and society in general. The data on the value of the Corruption Perceptions Index, the scale for assessing its level and sources of information for studying the perception of corruption in Ukraine are systematized. The possible reasons for Ukraine’s lagging behind in terms of the Corruption Perceptions Index compared to neighboring countries are substantiated. The main recommendations on the part of Transparency International Ukraine, an accredited representative of the global movement Transparency International, regarding Ukraine’s further steps for 2024 in the fight against corruption are highlighted as follows: to increase the efficiency of the fight against corruption at the highest levels of big business and public service; improve the system of using the assets of corrupt officials and pro-russian accomplices; improve the system of transparency and monitoring of public procurement. Practical recommendations for reducing the level of corruption in Ukraine during martial law are proposed, which, in turn, will contribute to improving the socioeconomic development of the country and serve as a foundation for further European integration processes in Ukraine. In particular, emphasis is placed on the need to pay special attention to taking into account the recommendations of international partners in a timely manner; further improvement of anti-corruption legislation in Ukraine; creation of «profiled codes of conduct» for public servants; resumption of the processes of competitive selection of managers, heads of executive bodies, and members of supervisory boards of the State-owned enterprises and submission of their financial statements, which is now an urgent task to restore public confidence in the government.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lunkina I. Y.
The Theoretical Aspects of Enterprise Anti-crisis Management in the Conditions of External Environment Turbulence (p. 22 - 28)

The article is concerned with defining the essence of the concept of anti-crisis management and crisis in general. The correct definition of the essence of anti-crisis management allows you to create a system of the most effective methods of counteracting and preventing a anti-crisis. This study examines the causes of the economic crisis, consisting of two levels: objective and subjective, external and internal. The article defines the essence of anti-crisis management in accordance with the principles, and the system of anti-crisis management, which is used by the subjects of management. A general description of the main methods of anti-crisis management of enterprise is provided. It is noted that systematization and definition of the content of these methods contributes to the expansion of the capabilities of enterprises to prevent and neutralize crisis phenomena in their activities. The following principles on which the anti-crisis management system is based are analyzed: early diagnosis of crisis phenomena; urgency of response to crisis phenomena; adequacy of enterprises’ response to the level of real threat; full realization of the internal possibilities of the enterprise’s recovery from the crisis. Methods of diagnostics of anti-crisis management are considered, which are as follows: monitoring of the external environment; system analysis of factors that indicate possible changes in the state and competitive position of the enterprise; audit of the financial situation; analysis of the company’s lending policy and debt; risk identification; assessment of the current state of the enterprise and forecasting possible states in the future. In the aspect of anti-crisis management, strategy is understood as a model of actions necessary to achieve the set goal based on the coordination and allocation of the company’s resources. Within the framework of anti-crisis management, the following types of enterprise development strategies have been chosen: strategy of concentrated growth; integrated growth strategy; diversified growth strategy; production reduction strategy, or liquidation strategy.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Stasovska G. M.
Etymology of Intellectual Assets: Domestic and Foreign Experience (p. 6 - 14)

At the present stage of development of global economic processes, intellectual assets play a special role as the main tool for monetizing the assets of enterprises in business and developing the economy in the country. In the context of the so-called new economy, cybernetic period, information age, every business owns intellectual assets, regardless of whether they have become separate into the economic and legal planes or not. Until recently, firms were rather sluggish in valuing these assets, often defining them as hidden business assets. Now, intellectual assets for business are quickly becoming the defining tools that allow you to distinguish your services and products from similar services and products of competitors. The challenge facing firms today is to develop an individual internal review plan for each service or product offered by the company, and integrating a new or an improved strategy for identifying intellectual assets into the overall business plan. In view of the above, in modern scientific thought, the need for a generalized definition of the concept of «intellectual asset», its classification and measurement methods, as well as the development of a taxonomy of this definition, is especially relevant. It is in this direction that conceptual, methodological, and practical difficulties arise. Thus, the aim of the article is to analyze the existing approaches to the concept of «intellectual asset» and generalize the essence of such approaches. In accordance with the set goal, a study of the theoretical foundations of the scientific category of «intellectual asset» has been carried out and based upon the findings, a generalized classification of intellectual assets has been presented. Based on the analysis of the results of both domestic and foreign studies, the importance of intellectual assets in creating competitive advantages for enterprises and their successful development is substantiated. In the process of conducting a scientific study, conceptual approaches to determining the essence of the concept of «intellectual asset» are analyzed, its classification is defined. It is found that each author gives his own understanding of the essence of this economic category. However, a review of sources does not provide an exhaustive understanding of the place of the term «intellectual asset» within the system of widely used terms: «intangible assets», «intellectual property», «nonmaterial assets». It is determined that all intellectual assets have a nonmaterial form, which is unique in nature and allows to provide economic benefits. A generalized classification of intellectual assets has been provided. It is determined that intellectual assets are an important element of the modern economy and play an important role in the competitiveness of enterprises and contribute to their successful development. Intellectual assets make it possible to increase the level of capitalization, and in the absence of sufficient financial resources and collateral, to provide the investor with additional guarantees of return on capital. That is, intellectual assets are a kind of reserves for future income. The main conclusions that can be drawn on the basis of this analysis are as follows: intellectual assets are nonmaterial assets that have value and can be identified; they are the basis of competitive advantages of enterprises and contribute to their successful development; intellectual assets can be classified according to various criteria, including the scope of use, the degree of clarity of definition and the degree of protection; for effective management of intellectual assets, it is necessary to develop a generalized definition of the concept of «intellectual asset», its classification and measurement methods, as well as to develop a taxonomy of this definition, since it is in this direction that conceptual, methodological, and practical difficulties arise. To improve the efficiency of intellectual assets management, enterprises need to: realize the importance of intellectual assets for their business; develop an intellectual asset management system that will include such elements; identification and valuation of intellectual assets; formation of a strategy for managing intellectual assets; development and implementation of measures to improve the efficiency of the use of intellectual assets; creation of a culture of intellectual asset management that will support its effective implementation.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Panova I. O., Iliushchenko I. I.
The Historical and Theoretical Aspects of of Studying the Swedish Development Model (p. 6 - 15)

Swedish model of development is one of the most successful in the world, with high levels of well-being, social equality and economic stability. An analysis of its historical and theoretical foundations allows us to understand what factors contributed to the achievement of these results. In today’s world, many countries face challenges such as economic inequality, aging populations, migration crises, climate change, etc. The Swedish model can offer valuable experience that can be adapted by other countries to address these challenges. The object of the research is the Swedish model of socioeconomic development. The subject of the research is the historical and theoretical aspects of of studying the Swedish model of development. The aim of the article is to study the historical prerequisites and stages of formation of the socioeconomic policy of Sweden. In the course of the research, the methods of analysis and synthesis, the theoretical method, the method of comparison, the calculation and constructive method, the analytical and prognostic methods were used. The article highlights the socioeconomic and political profile of Sweden; the main stages of historical development and formation of socioeconomic policy of Sweden are identified. The authors concluded that national models of economic development, despite some common features, demonstrate unique characteristics in each country. An important aspect of the success of such models is the reliance on general principles and norms that promote socioeconomic growth. The success of the socioeconomic policy of any country is based on deep historical values, an active foreign policy and reliable social protection of citizens, including access to education, health care and social support. Achievements in the economic sphere allow Sweden to conduct an active foreign policy and strengthen its position in international organizations and entities. Sweden also uses economic leverages to advance its foreign policy goals, which provides it with influence in the international arena not only economically, but also politically and strategically. In the future, Sweden must maintain a balance between a high level of social protection and economic sustainability. It is important to improve strategies to combat unemployment and stimulate the development of innovative sectors of the economy in order to ensure the sustainability and competitiveness of the Swedish economy at the international level.

Article is written in Ukrainian


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