


KV #19905-9705 PR dated 02.04.2013.



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ID R30-03156


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Proceedings of scientific conferences

Information Technologies in the Economy


Byvshev V. A., Bogomolov A. I., Kostyunin V. I.
Training IT Professionals in a Research and Development University (p. 184 - 185)

In preparation of experts in applied computer science at research university it is necessary to give more attention typical methods and standards of the organisation, carrying out and realisation (introduction) scientifical and research works, taking as a reference point style of preparation of IT-professionals at the American universities

Article is written in Russian

Byvshev V. A., Bogomolov A. I., Kostyunin V. I.
Mathematic-Statistical Substantiation of Assessment of Student’s Knowledge During Testing (p. 186 - 188)

A formalised approach to transformation of a number of correct answers of a student into a scale of traditional marks, based on the mathematic-statistical theory of testing hypotheses, is discussed in the article.

Article is written in Russian

Naumov V. N.
On Training of Students of a Direction «Business Informatics» Modelling of Systems (p. 189 - 193)

The article contains the requirements to the means of simulation and the analysis of existing facilities with a view to their use in the training, as well as at the decision of practical tasks of modeling.

Article is written in Russian

Ramazanov S. K., Kalinenko N. A.
Information and Educational Environment (p. 194 - 196)

Leading role of trainers lies not only in presentation of training material, but mostly in organisation of training environment and development of managing influences, directed at activation of cognitive activity of students, which would have ensured learning necessary knowledge during a minimal time interval or a maximal volume of knowledge during a set time period.

Article is written in Russian

Yadranskyy D. M.
Problems of Research Work in the Information Society (p. 196 - 199)

The paper put three issues which, in my opinion, are essential in the modern study of labor in the information society. In particular, to the author's vision of what can be considered informational labor; logical approach to the measurement of product information work, the theoretical possibility of pricing to our work. Proposed to the author's vision of theoretical approaches to solving problems and resolving conflicts that are associated with them.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dioba A. V., Kuleshova N. V.
Formation of Informational Culture of University Students (p. 200 - 202)

The article investigates the process of the formation and development of the university students’ information culture on the basis of the theoretical analysis results. The necessity of teaching students the information culture basics is substantiated in the article.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Donets O. V.
About Information Space of a Modern Higher Educational Establishment (p. 202 - 205)

In this article the author describes a system of modern information and education space of higher educational school in the example of SB NUBiP «CATU».

Article is written in Ukrainian

Koldovskiy V. V.
Specialty «Economic Cybernetics» in Modern Economic Space (p. 205 - 207)

The problems and perspectives of a specialty «Economics cybernetics» in a context of a historical development and realities of a modern economics of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Koldovskiy N. V.
Innovative Approaches to Distance Education (p. 208 - 209)

In the paper author analysis the modern information technology, which can be used in the implementation of distance e-learning, as proposed by the direction of data integration solutions in a single educational complex.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kondius I. S.
Conceptual Approaches to the Creation of Information-Analytical Learning Management System (p. 210 - 212)

The paper presents an information-analytical system for control University education. We use modern methods of decision making, simulation, and information technologies.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kondrateva I. G., Ostapenko I. N.
Probabilistic Models of Analysis of Loan Activity of Internet Banking (p. 212 - 215)

In article the main advantages of electronic banking in comparison with traditional, methods of the analysis of credit activity are considered. The special role is taken to the probabilistic method of analysis of credit activity in the Internet-bank. Modeling of activity of bank on the basis of probabilistic models of credit operations.

Article is written in Russian

Nevezhin V. P., Bogomolov A. I.
Personal-Oriented Approach in Educational Process of an Information Society (p. 216 - 218)

The unified system of education is being replaced with a multi-variant (by content, methods and forms, terms and trajectories of education) system of multi-level educational establishments. More active use of information and communication technologies in education lies in the foundation of these changes.

Article is written in Russian

Nikolaiev I. V.
Approaches to Assessment of Economic Efficiency of the System of Distant Education (p. 218 - 221)

This article contains information about modern educational technologies, such as distance learning, and approaches to assessing its economic performance in practical use in higher educational institutions of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Oglikh V. V., Shapovalov A. V.
Application of Information Technologies as a Factor of Increase of Quality of Training and Retraining of Taxation Experts (p. 221 - 223)

The article deals with methodological aspects of the development of e-learning resources for training and retraining of civil servants.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Serhiienko O. A., Raevskaya A. A., Saakyan L. A.
Specific Features of Development of Electronic Information and Education Resources for the Distant Learning Systems (p. 223 - 228)

The article is analyzed the features of distance learning and forms of its realization, is devoted to research existing technologies and tools of distance learning, as well as their possible applications in modern education system. Presents the potential for electronic information-educational resources for distance education systems.

Article is written in Russian

Chornous G. O.
Online e-learning with SAP-Software (p. 229 - 231)

The paper presents possibilities of online e-learning courses for students in the field of business with SAP software solutions «erp4students», organized with the support of SAP and the global academic program «SAP University Alliances». The connections between the Academic SAP certification centers and the implementation of the courses are underlined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yatsenko R. M., Polevich O. V.
Adaptive Management of Communication in the Chamilo System of Distant Learning (p. 231 - 234)

The article considers the communication management within an adaptive system of distance learning. We present two-circuit interaction system of the adaptive system. We consider the implementation of management communication in distance learning system based on the platform Chamilo.

Article is written in Russian

Kavun S. V., Sorbat I. V., Sorbat I. V.
Distance Learning Systems and their Information Security (p. 234 - 239)

The article studies the problems of improving the degree of information security in the distance learning systems (DLS) at the expense of using innovative methods and technologies of information security systems (ISS). In addition, this article demonstrates the results of statistical researches in the field of information security for DLS. The types of expenses in the DLS are also classified here.

Article is written in English

Sergienko A. V., Akimenko V. I.
Improvement of SharePoint Learning Kit for the Work with the Learning Content, Developed on the Basis of Flash (p. 240 - 244)

In the article was examined the basic principles of organization of e-learning process. Also was made the comparison and selection of learning content management system from the viewpoint of possibility of making a control measures for testing residual knowledge. Was proposed an approach, and was presented a solution to improve the functionality of the SharePoint Learning Kit (SLK) to work with the learning content that is based on Flash.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tadevosyan A. B.
Application of Information Technologies of «Electronic Education» in Higher Education as a Necessary Condition of Overcoming the Modern Crisis and Successful Development in ХХІ-st Century (p. 245 - 247)

New problems and calls which appeared before modern higher education in ХХІ century isn’t possible to overcome old methods, remaining within the framework of the system, method and technologies of traditional studies, without application of modern information technologies in this industry. Only application of modern information technologies in higher education gives the real possibilities of decision of problems and calls which appeared before modern higher education, and output of it, from a crisis and subsequent successful development in ХХІ century.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yakimenko A. V.
Use of the e-Learning Concept in the System of Retraining of Unemployed (p. 248 - 250)

This article discusses the features of e-learning, and examines the possibility of using this concept in the system of training and retraining.

Article is written in Russian


Babenko N. A.
The Strategy of Promoting Web-site of the Company (p. 235 - 237)

The article analyzes the strategy of promotion web-site of the company. The problems of developing a strategy to promote the company web-site on the Internet. An algorithm for the development of promotion strategy web-site of the procedure and its promotion. Recommended methods for the primary attraction of visitors to the web-site. F model assessing the effectiveness of company web-site is the algorithm for its optimization.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kintoryak Y. N., Ostapenko I. N.
Creativity as a Component of the Intellectual Capital of the Institution (in Distance Education) (p. 237 - 241)

Object of research of article is creative process, as a component of process of distance learning. Research tools – the economic-mathematical methods allowing quantitatively analysing creativity, as a component of the intellectual capital of higher education institution.

Article is written in Russian

Ostapenko I. N., Zolotykh Y. S., Kintoryak Y. N.
On Some Questions of the Organization of the Group Work in Distance Education (p. 241 - 244)

The article discussed the organization of group work in an electronic distance learning. Offered approach to distribution of students in sub-groups for the increase of efficiency of implementation of educational tasks.

Article is written in Russian

Poliakova O. Y., Chuiko I. M.
Distance learning: inside view (p. 245 - 247)

The article is devoted to analysis of students perception of distance learning elements using in a traditional studding process on the basis of express-inquiry.

Article is written in Russian

Rudenko H. R.
Analysis of the software of logistical modeling (p. 247 - 251)

In article the comparative analysis of types of the software of logistical modeling is carried out. One of software for introduction in warehouse activity is offered to the management of JSC «Fidlife» on a choice, considering its cost and requirements for its introduction.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Filipenko L. S.
Administrative ground as a way to use information technology in the training of police officers to protect the public order (p. 251 - 253)

In the article the author considers the experience of creation and functioning of the governing body of the polygon in the Donetsk law Institute, with a view to the application of information technologies in the training of police to protect public order

Article is written in Russian

Filipenko T. V., Merdova O. M.
Internet technologies in distance learning as an innovative form law education (p. 253 - 255)

In the article there are considered the problems and perspectives of innovation forms of law education, based on Internet-technologies of distance learning.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vilkhivska O. V.
The essence of the concept of «e-business» and the stages of its development (p. 255 - 262)

The article discusses the stages of development of e-business technologies, clarifies the essence of the term «e-business».

Article is written in Russian


Kakhovska O. V.
Conceptual Basis of Information Regulations of Sociality (p. 330 - 334)

The content of the category "sociality" is considered and substantiated. The characteristics of the real state of sociality in the national economic space are given and managerial destruction is cultivated. A set of factors and their ranking by the force of impact of sociality as a basis of the technology processes of sociality in space and time is offered.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shvedun V. O.
Optimization of Distribution Management Company Expenses through Information Technology (p. 334 - 338)

The qualifiedly new method of optimization of direct and indirect expenses distribution between basic and additional services of the enterprise which is based on the analytical maintenance meaning sharing of mathematical model and information technologies is offered in the article. The results of the developed approach introduction into the practical activity of enterprise are shown.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dvornik M. A.
Definition of Information Demands of the Population and Level of their Satisfaction (p. 338 - 341)

In article is explored and analyzed by statistic methods the level of satisfaction the information needs of the population due to developed questionnaire, which will give opportunity more detailed will become familiar with the level of development of informative society.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Voynarenko M. P., Yemchuk L. V.
Information Systems as a Basis for the Development of Management Technologies (p. 70 - 73)

The article reviews the nature and definition of technology management. The urgency of the technology management based on modern information systems for the purpose of improving the efficiency of enterprise management system.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kalyuzhna N. H.
Gnosiological and System Aspects of Interpretation of Concept «Administrative Information» (p. 73 - 77)

In the article the necessity of clarification of essence of concept "administrative information" on the basis of synthesis of approaches to determination of concept "in-formation" is reasonable. The basic approach to interpretation of concept "informa-tion" is considered. Aspects which it is expedient to reflect in determination of con-cept "administrative information" are certain.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tymohova H. B., Gura D. A.
Trend Analysis of the Business Venture Institutional Structures of the Information Economy (p. 77 - 80)

The current trends of venture business institutional structures of information economy are analyzed in the article. The functions of institutes that assist organization of the ramified information infrastructure of venture business subjects are distinguished.

Article is written in Russian


Pylypenko A. A., Stjepcevic J.
Accounting Information Consolidation in the Contours of Tourism and Recreational Cluster Competitive Potential Reflexive Management Development (p. 48 - 51)

Relevance of clusters management development contours formation is proved. The level of potential disclosure offered regarded as instruments of cluster development. As the basis of the strategic process at the selected cluster activation integrative trends and consistently using accounting and reflexive control models. The contours of reflexive management are defined in the components of the business model of the tourism cluster and subject of attractiveness factors.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pursky O. I., Bannikova S. A.,
Social and Economic Monitoring as a Making Part of Information Supply of the Regional Management Process (p. 51 - 54)

In this article the role of social and economic monitoring as making part of the regional management process is analyzed. The interrelation between monitoring and management of social and economic system is investigated. It is defined, that the basic role of monitoring in management of development of social and economic system consists in an operational administration.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Medvedovskaya T. P.
Ukrainian Education Market in Conditions of Knowledge Economy (p. 81 - 83)

The article analyzes the functioning of the Ukrainian education market in conditions of knowledge economy. Basic functions of the education market in Ukraine, as well as features of its development are determined.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Trynka L. Y.
Prospects of Methodological Tools of Systems Analysis in Business Intelligence (p. 88 - 91)

The BI technology is most useful in a time when the changes of economic situation are fast and break down old patterns of management tools. If the business is not working as usual, the only resource is the data. Objective problem with BI is that companies need to develop analytical system for as long as it does not provide a certain strategic utility. For a company it is measured by the financial resources and time.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bizyanov Y. Y.
Managing Development of Information Systems of Economic Objects on the Basis of their Scientific and Technical Level (p. 45 - 49)

The article considers an approach to managing development of information systems of economic objects, which is based on provision of the scientific and technical level. It offers formulae for calculation of single indicators of the scientific and technical level for the elements of technical, programming and mathematical software of the information system and also for calculation of its generalised scientific and technical level. It formulates tasks of managing development of the information system on the basis of its scientific and technical level.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yefremova L. V., Romanets I. V.
Problems of Formation of an Innovation Model of Education (p. 49 - 54)

The article identifies (with the help of questionnaires) the most important communicative competences of a graduate and develops recommendations on strengthening the education level of students on the basis of development of professional and communicative competences.

Article is written in Russian

Romenskaya A. S.
System of Tools for Assessment of Financial and Non-financial Resources of an Insurance Company (p. 54 - 58)

The article studies problems of financial analysis of an insurance company under conditions of the constantly changing external and internal environment. A system of indicators designed for assessment of efficiency of management of insurance company resources is singled out on the basis of study of domestic and foreign approaches. Financial analysis is considered as a management tool, which helps to increase efficiency of management actions directed at satisfaction of interests of proprietors in growth of market value of an insurance company. These indicators are analytical tools that are used in management of financial and non-financial resources of an insurer.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Matyukha N. N.
Management Accounting for Movement of Funds as an Element of Current and Strategic Information Provision of Decision Making (p. 59 - 63)

The article reveals methodical aspects of construction of the management accounting for movement of monetary funds. It covers the issues of methods and techniques of composition of managerial reports with the use of information technologies. It identifies problematic issues of information provision for decision making on company’s cash flows. It defines specific features of the forms of management accounting on cash flows depending on factors of determination of information provision of the management. It offers a block scheme of introduction of reporting forms of management accounting in companies under conditions of automation of processes of company management. It specifies the role of responsibility centres in the process of formation of reports on monetary funds. Conclusions are made that efficient information provision in decision making results in a more rational use of monetary funds of a company.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Tiurina D. M.
Application of Data Mining methods in analysis of company’s activity (p. 125 - 129)

The article considers expediency of application of Data Mining means along with traditional statistical methods of analysis of financial and economic activity of a company for revealing all possible factors that influence upon effectiveness of its functioning by means of solving clusterisation tasks. It shows main advantages of application of Data Mining means in analysis of company’s activity. It offers an algorithm of conduction analysis of company’s activity, which facilitates significant increase of effectiveness of its activity.

Article is written in Russian


Chornous G. O.
Hybrid use of methods of intellectual analysis of data for modelling processes of proactive administration (p. 172 - 177)

The article considers issues devoted to development of a mechanism of realisation of a concept of modelling processes of proactive administration in socio-economic systems on the basis of intellectual analysis of data. It offers a complex of models and variants of use of a hybrid approach at instrumental, model and organisational and practical levels.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Varava A. A.
Determining priority of influence of information factors on a resulting indicator of realisation of strategic managerial decisions (p. 177 - 182)

The article considers one of methodical approaches to efficient realisation of information subsystem of strategic management in industrial enterprises and corporations. It shows that strategic information should provide efficient making and realisation of strategic managerial decisions, which are oriented at a final long-term result. It is recommended to single out priority strategic information in order to avoid excessive information flow. It provides methods of conducting analysis of influence on a resulting indicator of realisation of strategic managerial decisions of external and internal information factors. It establishes a number of factors that exert biggest influence on this resulting indicator.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Borovskaya M. A., Shevchenko I. K., Masych M. A.
Instrumental Means of Quality Control of Efficiency of Activity of Scientists and Pedagogues in the System of Higher Educational Establishment Administration (p. 106 - 112)

The main instruments of assessment of efficiency of scientific activity in the era of information technologies and Internet are scientometric analysis and mapping, which are technologies of analysis and visualisation of data from structured arrays of scientific information (first of all – international citation indices). The article analyses problems of quality control of efficiency of activity of scientists and pedagogues and their correlation with the system of tangible and intangible incentives. The offered information system of calculation of the rating of scientists and pedagogues allows monitoring and analysing efficiency of activity of the personnel and use this for development of justified managerial decisions in the scientific and educational sphere.

Article is written in Russian


Lepeyko T. I., Mazorenko O. V.
Justification of the Technology of Formation of Information Support of Functioning and Development of an Enterprise (p. 356 - 360)

The article is devoted to issues of formation of information support of functioning and development of an enterprise. The goal of the article is to theoretically justify and develop a technology of formation of information support of functioning and development of an enterprise. While analysing, systemising and generalising scientific works of modern scientists, the article considers approaches to organisation of information support at an enterprise. The article provides specific features and content of processes of functioning and development of an enterprise, essence of the “information support” notion and identifies its main tasks. It develops a technology of formation of information support of functioning and development of an enterprise, which is a succession of stages of work with information in the process of achievement of goals of a stage of activity of an enterprise. It notes that the use of the proposed technology by modern enterprises would allow increase of efficiency of their functioning and development.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Melnyk K. P.
Role of Information and Indicators of Operative Control in Managing Agricultural Activity (p. 144 - 149)

The goal of the article is to study the role of information in the system of operative control of an agricultural company, determine the composition of its indicators, taking into account specific features of the industry and production of agricultural products. The article conducts the study and reveals importance of information in managing agricultural activity and its influence upon the growth of efficiency of farming. It develops substantial proposals on improvement of information support of operative control in the agricultural companies with consideration of specific features of production of agricultural products. It formulates the composition of indicators of operative control, which facilitate operative response on the course of performance of everyday production programmes and plans; characterise the object under control in full; provide users with a possibility of operative comparison of losses and benefits from an individual operation in the process of its execution. The prospect of further studies in this direction is development of information support of operative control in agricultural companies in the socio-ecological area.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Olifirov O. V., Makoveichuk K. O.
Conceptual Grounds of Information Science for Economic and Engineering Specialties of the Non-Computer Profile (p. 150 - 155)

The article studies the urgent issue of teaching the information science for economic and engineering specialties of the non-computer profile in universities. On the basis of international and domestic standards of curricula on the information science, the article offers the adapted graphical representation of environment of themes and competences, which the Information Science subject covers for non-profile specialties. The essence of adapted representation lies in identification of specific features of thematic content of curricula of the Information Science subject for students of economic and engineering specialties of the non-computer profile. Specialists in these directions do not deal with hardware, do not develop and improve software, but use them. That is why, they should be more acquainted with respect to problems of organisation of use of the profile information systems. This group of specialists should understand and set tasks, control, obtain and interpret results. They can manage introduction of information systems in their organisations, assist their enterprises in selection of computing products and services or identify requirements of their organisations in these products, participate in deployment and configuration of the system and determining a scope of users obligations. In order to understand the inter-branch character of the information science, the article systemises definitions of terms for specialised sub-branches. The article specifies prospective tasks of teaching information science to the students of non-profile specialties under conditions of development of high-technology branches of economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Tsohla S. Y., Burlay M. M.
Main Tasks of Realisation of the Programme of Informatisation of a Higher Educational Establishment (p. 100 - 105)

The article studies factors of competitiveness of an educational establishment: demand on specialties, their popularity and cost of education. The conducted analysis showed that these factors are directly connected with the qualified personnel potential of a higher educational establishment, level of educational and methodical and computer and technical provision, availability of a proper library and a manifold infrastructure. It identifies basic principles and priorities of development of a higher educational establishment in the field of introduction of information and network technologies and forms a long-term programme of informatisation. It specifies its main tasks: development and improvement of educational and scientific information and communication environment of a higher educational establishment, provision of effective and high quality training of specialists and integration of a higher educational establishment into the national and world system of education. The study of quantitative and qualitative indicators of realisation of a complex programme of informatisation testifies to importance of the innovation component in activity of a higher educational establishment. The further study of the information and educational environment of a higher educational establishment is directed at establishment of a connection with the quality of educational process, effectiveness of scientific studies? managerial and innovation activity.

Article is written in Russian


Ivanov M. M.
Information-Analytical Systems in Managing Economic Objects (p. 141 - 145)

The article conducts an analytical review of methodological approaches to construction of information-analytical systems (IAS) in managing economic objects. It offers a generalised and structural model of managing an economic object. It formulates axiomatics of the processes of IAS functioning. It shows possibilities of IAS construction from functionally independent subsystems and modules. It considers the process of formation of a multi-dimensional database (OLAP) and its use. It shows that OLAP is used in IAS as a means of a multi-dimensional analysis of data accumulated in a database. In this case OLAP provides a maximally convenient and fast means of access, viewing and analysis of economic information. It offers a conceptual model of construction of the information-analytical system in managing an economic object, which allows solution of tasks of modelling economic indicators in a common information environment.

Article is written in Russian

Poluektova N. R.
Approach to Classification of Enterprises with the Aim to Assess Results of Introduction of Corporate Information Systems (p. 146 - 151)

The task of this study is detection of new instruments for increase of efficiency of introduction of corporate information systems of ERP class. The article offers an approach to classification of enterprises, which would allow building up models of assessment of results of introduction of corporate information systems depending on original characteristics of an object of automation. It reveals internal and external parameters of organisations, which are influenced by introduction of various modules of the ERP system. It ranks the revealed parameters by the degree of influence upon the general efficiency of introduction of the information system. Possible values are revealed for each parameter, which allows specification of classes of organisations for making selection of the ERP system simpler (supplier, functionality and architecture) and using the built topology during organisation of a new project of introduction.

Article is written in Russian

Prypoten V. Y.
Formation of the Information Base by Results of Assessment of Ecological and Economic Security of an Industrial Enterprise (p. 151 - 156)

The article offers an approach to formation of an information base by results of assessment of ecological and economic security of an industrial enterprise, using which allows assessment of the level of threats of ecological and economic security of an industrial enterprise and compare the volume of possible losses from realisation of the ecological and economic risk with the boundary levels of risk zones. It proves that the approach to formation of the information base by results of assessment of the ecological and economic security of an industrial enterprise is a basis for making decisions that determine directions of improvement of the ecological and economic security by means of identification of the ecological and economic state of an industrial enterprise, which allows ensuring a balanced use of nature management and increase of profit of an industrial enterprise along with the most efficient use of resources.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Labzhaniya R. G.
Tendencies and Prospects of Development of IT Outsourcing in Ukraine (p. 156 - 161)

The article is devoted to the topical problem of identification of the character of economic growth of export of IT services in Ukraine. It shows that the IT sector is a factor of diversification of the foreign economic system of Ukraine with the potential of extensive growth. It determines the level of availability of specialists in the industry. It outlines prospects of growth of the IT market in Ukraine through the prism of outsourcing. It analyses functioning of the IT services market in the world under conditions of globalisation and international distribution of labour. It conducts a SWOT analysis, which revealed specific features of development of the IT outsourcing and its influence upon establishment of the IT market during the post-crisis period.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tsesliv O. V.
Web-analytics for Increase of Efficiency of the Web-site of a Department of a Higher Educational Establishment (p. 161 - 167)

The goal of the article lies in the study of efficiency of the web-site of the Department of Mathematical Modelling of Economic Systems of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” ( using the data obtained with the help of Google Analytics in order to increase its competitiveness. The article analyses possibilities of Google Analytics, which allow: obtaining empirical data on web-site visitors; formation of quantitative reports: total number of visitors, number of visitors for different periods of time, number of views, number of returns; formation of qualitative reports: characteristics and segmentation of visitors, sources, from what web-sites or search systems visitors came from. The article studies a possibility of application of web-analytics for improvement of competitiveness of the department during the entrance campaign. It specifies new directions of marketing activity: use of advertisement campaigns in social networks, renewal of data on pages with a big number of refuses, additional development of the content of pages where users do not stop. The prospect of further studies in this direction is identification of the degree of attraction of entrants from the marketing activity of the department.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Feofanova I. V., Feofanov L. K.
Improvement of the Accounting System at an Enterprise with the aim of Information Support of the Strategic Analysis (p. 119 - 123)

The goal of the article is identification of directions of improvement of the accounting system at an enterprise for ensuring procedures of strategic analysis of trustworthy information. Historical (for the study of conditions of appearance and development of the strategic analysis) and logical (for identification of directions of improvement of accounting) methods were used during the study. The article establishes that the modern conditions require a system of indicators that is based both on financial and non-financial information. In order to conduct the strategic analysis it is necessary to expand the volume of information, which characterises such resources of an enterprise as scientific research and developments, personnel and quality of products (services). The article selects indicators of innovation activity costs and personnel training costs, accounting of which is not sufficiently regulated, among indicators that provides such information. It offers, in order to ensure information requirements of analysts, to improve accounting by the following directions: identification of the nature and volume of information required for enterprise managers; formation of the system of accounting at the place of appearance of expenses and responsibility centres; identification and accounting of income or other results received by the enterprise due to personnel advanced training, research and developments and innovation introduction costs. The article offers a form for calculating savings in the result of reduction of costs obtained due to provision of governmental privileges to enterprises that introduce innovations and deal with personnel training.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shevchuk O. A.
Specific Features of Automation of Income and Expenditure Accounting at Industrial Enterprises (p. 124 - 127)

The article states results of the conducted study of specific features of automation of income and expenditure accounting at industrial enterprises. It analyses the most popular software used for processing accounting information in practical activity. It provides recommendations on increase of efficiency of their use in the Ukrainian market.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Muravskiy V. V.
Organisational Aspects of Delegating Accounting and Controlling Authorities with the Use of Information and Communication Technologies (p. 128 - 132)

The article studies problems of application of information and communication technologies in accounting and control. It develops an organisational model of general accounting and control by an enterprise and outside firm on principles of delegation of accounting and controlling authorities, protection and distant data transfer. It considers a possibility of transformation of accounting principles from the position of the theory of accounting and informatics and also influence of information and communication technologies upon accounting principles. The article marks out changes in realisation of accounting principles in the computer communicative form of accounting.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bochulia T. V.
Methodology of Adaptive Integrated Accounting System in Information Environment (p. 130 - 135)

The goal of the article lies in the study of logical and methodological justification of formation of the integrated system of accounting based on realities of the co-ordinated transformation of the society and economy and development of a new knowledge about formation and adjustment of the accounting system in it’s a priori new information competence with expansion of functionality for the justified idea of existence and development of business. Taking developments of the best representatives of the leading scientific society as a basis, the article offers a new vision of organisation of the accounting system, based on the modern projection of information competence and harmonisation of main processes of information service for adaptation of the system for multi-vector inquiries of consumers of information. Pursuant to results of the conducted study, the article makes an effort to change the established opinion about information and professional competences of the accounting system and attach a new qualitative significance to them. The article makes a proposal with respect to calculation of quality of the information system on the basis of key indicators of its information service. It lays the foundation of the prospective study of the problems of building the accounting system in such a projection, so that realities of internal and external processes were maximally co-ordinated based on the idea of their information development.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Proskurnya M. H.
Impact of Quality of Servicing Information and Communication Enterprises on Their Productivity (p. 118 - 125)

The goal of the article lies in the study of influence of quality of servicing information and communication enterprises upon their productivity. The article analyses data of 42 projects that are realised by enterprises of the information and communication technology industry of Ukraine. Using statistical methods of calculation of productivity ratios and regression analysis, the article studies expediency of implementation of the methodology on improvement of CMMI processes using examples of Ukrainian enterprises. The article justifies the hypothesis of availability of correlation between the level of quality of services and productivity of information and communication enterprises, and also productivity growth when an enterprise goes to a higher level pursuant to CMMI methodology. Prospects of further studies in this direction are analysis of correlation between the project size and level of maturity of enterprise servicing as factors of influence upon its efforts, in order to find out whether they equally influence upon relatively big and small projects, and also the study of influence of increase of the level of quality of servicing due to high level certification upon results of enterprise operational activity.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Tiurina D. M.
Improvement of Information and Methodical Provision of Macro-economic Statistical Analysis (p. 132 - 137)

The article generalises and analyses main shortcomings of the modern system of macro-statistical analysis based on the use of the system of national accounts and balance of the national economy. The article proves on the basis of historic analysis of formation of indicators of the system of national accounts that problems with its practical use have both regional and global reasons. In order to eliminate impossibility of accounting life quality the article offers a system of quality indicators based on the general perception of wellbeing as assurance in own solvency of population and representative sampling of economic subjects.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Makarova I. S.
Identification of Prospective Managerial Decisions on the Basis of a Cognitive Model of Links between Indicators of Development of the Information Society (p. 138 - 143)

The goal of the article is construction of a cognitive model of the scorecard of information society development with consideration of inter-sector interaction as one of aspects of the said process. Also on the basis of analysis of indicators in the model it is necessary to identify the most prospective directions of managerial decisions on development of the information society. Analysis of developments of Ukrainian and foreign scientists, experience of international organisations, assessing development of the information society, testifies to the fact that despite the wide variety of approaches to assessment of development of the information society none from existing scorecards contains a unit directly concerning the inter-sector interaction as an aspect of civil society development and, consequently, information society. As a result of the study the article builds a scorecard of development of the information society, which includes the unit of indicators of assessment of inter-sector interaction. The article forms a cognitive model of the said scorecard and analyses links between the indicators. Based on the analysis of links with the help of the method of pulsed processes the article identifies forecasts of impacts of controlling parameters (impulses) on controlled parameters (objects) for the period until 2014. Conclusions are made with respect to prospectiveness of managerial decisions on development of the information society at the state level and the top priority directions of impact are identified. The prospect of further studies in this direction is building the forecast of impact of controlling parameters (impulses) on controlled parameters (objects) with consideration of their initial non-zero values and different rate of change of these values.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Krasnova I. V.
Forms of Information Efficiency of the Financial Market (p. 130 - 135)

The goal of the article lies in the study of forms of efficient information support of functioning of the financial market. Analysing, systemising and generalising scientific works of many scientists, the article considers the financial market as a system phenomenon. The article offers, by analogy with technical sciences, a market model that consists of the servicing system (in the form of information) and support system (waiting of participants), combination of which makes the management system. Information in this model is the main driving force: it is at the inlet of the system, is transformed into participants waiting inside the system, and arrives to the outlet as the price of the financial asset. This movement is continuous and, consequently, market efficiency depends on information and degree of its perception by the market. The article characterises three hypotheses about forms of market efficiency, identifies their advantages and shortcomings from the position of fundamental and technical analysis, and provides a practical example of assessment of information in the quasi-strong form of information efficiency of the market. The article identifies the reasons, pursuant to which, while market participants have similar information, each might or might not obtain income from its use. The prospect of further studies in this direction is identification of the degree of information efficiency of the domestic market, volume, quality and needs in a certain range of information, which influences price formation of financial assets that circulate in the market.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Matvieieva I. M.
Information Technology of Study of the State Foreign Debt in Developing Countries (p. 136 - 142)

Due to expansion of international relations, growth of interest of states in attraction of foreign capital, appearance of excessive debts and problems connected with them, urgency of the issue of the state foreign debt significantly increased. The problem of state foreign debt is especially sharp in developing countries. Taking into account specific features of functioning of economies of these states, it is necessary to develop information approaches with the aim of studying macro-economic processes, which could assist in creation of improved mechanisms of functioning of the debt policy. The goal of the article is building an information technology of study of the state foreign debt, which would allow conduct of a complex analysis of the studied problem. The article offers a three-stage information technology of study of the state foreign debt, which gives a possibility to analyse and assess the study problem. This article also reveals properties, functions and tasks, which are solve by the information technology. It gives a detailed description of each stage and its notional elements. It forms the structured database for a possibility to carry out an experiment. On the basis of the first stage the article builds econometric models, which reflect interrelations between macro-economic factors, which gives an opportunity to forecast, analyse and assess the state foreign debt.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Zhabynets O. Y.
Methodological Problems of Collection and Analysis of Confidential Information Leakage (p. 106 - 112)

The article studies methodological problems of collection and analysis of confidential information leakages in Ukraine and in the world. In particular, the article analyses specific features of the methodology of collection and analysis of information about leakages of various analytical structures of the world IT industry, graphically proves availability of a certain gap between data of these structures by the number of leakages, and also presents dynamics of confidential information leakages in various branches of economy in the world, and also USA and Russia, with a brief analysis of the situation in the sphere of protection of information and state of information security in these countries. The author holds that, as of today, there is no common approach to collection and analysis of reasons and types of confidential information leakages, in the result of which it is impossible to compare results of studies of different analytical companies of the IT industry and make a conclusion about their authenticity. As a rule, any company uses, when collecting and analysing confidential data leakages, own methodology, selects leakages on its own discretion and tries to solve only those problems, which arose as a result of the use of in-house software. Incomparability of the obtained results due to absence of general indicators and methodology of collection and analysis of leakages complicates the process of making efficient decisions in the system of protection of information and information security.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kaminska T. H., Sliesar T. M.
Accounting and Information Support of Innovation Activity Management (p. 112 - 118)

The article is devoted to main problems of reflection of enterprise innovation activity economic operations in accounting. It considers approaches of scientists to the problems of accounting innovation activity in the field of business accounting. It studies most important regulatory acts that regulate the order of innovation activity business accounting. It provides a composition of information flows in the context of the information support functional approach. It justifies the composition of objects of innovation accounting, which could have both material (finished products) and non-material (intangible assets, patented technologies, know-how, and intellectual products) forms. It offers the order of reflection of the process of making expenditures for production of innovation products and also its posting and identification of financial results of innovation activity in business accounting.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lukianenko D. I.
Business Modelling Enterprise Activity under Conditions of Information Space Development (p. 118 - 123)

The goal of the article is the study of influence of information development upon development of an enterprise activity business model. On the basis of the analysis of main quantity indicators of development of information and communication technologies in Ukraine, the article identifies that active informatisation of the society facilitated transformation processes in business modelling enterprise activity – the digital business model becomes more and more efficient than the traditional one. Moreover, the article establishes that the domestic science does not consider theoretical grounds of formation specifically of the digital business model of enterprise activity. Based on the analysis of foreign literature, the article studies the essence of the digital business model of enterprise activity and offers the author’s own interpretation. The article also identifies its basic structural elements and gives their characteristics. The digital business model could be integrated into the common business model of enterprise activity or be a separate “scheme” of development. The article specifies main tendencies, which facilitate growth of efficiency of use of the digital business model and show its advantages compared to the traditional one. The prospect direction of further studies could be formation of the domestic theory of the digital business modelling, its development and activation of introduction into practice modern companies’ activity. Further study of the digital business modelling could justify replacement of the theory on formation of the enterprise traditional business model.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Pysmak V. O.
Influence on the Formation of the Information Component of Effective Collaboration with Suppliers in the Procurement Process of the Industrial Enterprise (p. 355 - 359)

This article discusses the theoretical foundations of information security in the formation of relationships with suppliers in the procurement process of the industrial enterprise. It summarized the main approaches to the concept of "image of the enterprise" and defined its role in procurement. It formed the definition of "image" in the context of its use in the procurement of an industrial enterprise. The basic stages of the technique of forming the image of the enterprise were identified. The study shows the theory of spiral dynamics as a tool for forming the image of the enterprise, its essence is disclosed in order to bring the influence of the correct image formation on a relationship with suppliers in the procurement process. Practical recommendations formed the successful application of brand sites in the procurement process of the industrial enterprise. Core tasks of ensuring the conditions for successful competitive procurement were separated.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Skitsko V. I.
Electronic Logistics as a Component of Modern Business (p. 309 - 314)

The rapid development of informational and telecommunicational tools caused a shift in existing concepts and became and became an origin of new definitions in economy, including the “electronic logistics”. The study offers to understand the electronic logistics as a subsystem of management designed for prognostics, planning, decision taking, coordination and control over informational flows using informational and telecommunicational systems and technologies, as well as mathematical methods and models (in coordination with economic, service, financial flows, as well as with the flow of intellectual and labor resources) on macro-, meso- and microeconomic levels. It defines and explains such concepts of electronic logistics as consistency, composite of material support , scientific character, concreteness, constructive nature, reliability and variability. The electronic logistics resolves a set of problems concerned with origination, search, analysis, transformation, storage and transmission (distribution) of electronic information. The study also defines the functions of electronic logistics. It analyzes the development trends of international standards of product identification within the frameworks of electronic logistics: barcoding of products, electronic data exchange, global network of data synchronization and electronic product codes.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Piddubna L. V.
Use of Computer Technology in the Organization of Work Process as a Factor of Increasing the Effectiveness of Management Activities (p. 302 - 306)

The aim of the article is to study the application of computer technology in the organization of work process. Analyzing, systematizing and summarizing the scientific achievements of foreign and domestic scientists and researchers especially computer technology in work process were considered, which are the implementation of information systems creation, processing, storage, protection, retrieval, archiving information, as well as the transition to the storage of information on the new non-traditional carriers. The importance of replacing paper documents electronically to abandon the multiple administration of documents, increase the speed of their movement, the use of common forms of official documents, and so on was noted. The advantages of the use of electronic document management systems in enterprises, institutions and organizations were shown. Modern software products that are available in the software market and are used in the systems organization of electronic documents were defined.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Illiashenko S. M., Derykolenko A. O.
Web Site as a Tool to Promote the Products of Industrial Purpose (p. 229 - 235)

The article is aimed at the comparative analyzing of technologies of application of the industrial enterprise's web sites, as well as suggesting recommendations as to the efficient use for the aims of promotion of the industrial products on the domestic and foreign markets. The results of both the system analysis and synthesis of the sources of literature are presented, which highlight the need for the use of the industrial enterprises' own web sites as a tool for promoting their products. Summarizing and analyzing of the statistical data on marketing technologies for the use of web sites of the domestic and foreign industrial enterprises of machine-building and chemical industries to promote their products to the market were carried out. Recommendations on the use of web-technologies and Internet marketing tools to improve the range of promotion on the Internet of the domestic industry products were given. Further studies should be aimed at the analyzing and accumulation of statistics, which witness the influence of the relevant characteristics of web-site on the economic indicators of the industrial enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Savytska N. L.
Drivers and Barriers to the On-line Retail Development: Theoretical and Methodological Aspect (p. 236 - 241)

The article is aimed at substantiation of theoretical and methodological approach to factoring analysis of the on-line retail development. In the article the framework of concepts of theory of the network economy is clarified, the concepts of e-commerce, etrading, on-line retail are delimited on base of the matrix and the transactional approaches. It is displayed, that on-line retail is an integral part of etrading and e-commerce, with the physical and the digital conducting of transactions, and is represented through the segments of the network economy B2C and C2C. It was determined that the specific of the development of electronic commerce, as well as its retail segment is the exogenous nature of its progress, depending on external forces. For the study of the influence of these forces on the development of the on-line retail the application of the ТЕНІGINST-analysis model was proposed, which is a modified version of the known IGEST-analysis model, involving the following factors of change: technological, economic, infrastructural, socio-cultural, State regulation. The proposed model, as opposed to the known models, was supplemented by two elements: subjective component – the human factor – and the influence on the part of institutions. All model elements are catalysts for changes and cause influence in the context of the contemporary key trend – the globalization, which to them is a trigger for the retail trade development. Application of the ТЕНІGINST-analysis model allowed to designate the basic forces of changes as to the network trading: it is the triad of the economic, technological and human factors, the drivers are the infrastructure and institutional factors, the support factors have the form of State regulation. The results present a methodological framework for future research of the on-line retail development as well as development of e-commerce in general.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Iastrebova G. S., Terzi Z. V.
Preconditions for Shadowing of Sales in the Information Technology and the Ways of their Legalization in Ukraine (p. 248 - 253)

The article covers the actual topic of deshadowing sales of the Information Technology enterprises. In Ukraine, the IT sphere is innovative, rapidly growing and promising from the view of the budget forming, creating jobs with high salaries and recovery of the national economy. Despite a number of tax advantages, much of the IT branch remains shadowed. Among the reasons that cause enterprises to withdraw into shadow are: rejection to recognize the costs resulting from purchases over the Internet as gross expenditures; obligatory partial conversion of income in foreign currency; underdevelopment of Ukrainian banking in regard to international non-cash payments; inadequacy of restrictions by groups of single tax payers to the real exchange rate of the hryvnia; the bureaucratic complexity of taxation in Ukraine; a great number of all possible reports and various forms of regulatory functions; a complex system of bank monitoring; underdevelopment of the electronic centralized system of tax reporting of tax payers. In the article, the basic forms of the remuneration of labor of Ukrainian IT-specialists by foreign customers as well as business schemes to minimize taxes are considered, among which the most commonly seen is the scheme of split-up of mid-size enterprises on separate self-employed individuals. It is shown, how use of «gray» schemes for tax minimization removes from taxation a significant volume of income of the Information Technologies sphere. In the article a number of measures aimed at the legalization of IT-business, that can be implemented as in the near future, so in the long term, are proposed.

Article is written in Russian

Eshchenko E. O.
Network Communities of Electronic Space: Actual and Fundamental Structure of Functions in the Process of Global Economic Development (p. 436 - 439)

The article is aimed to identify the functions of network communities of electronic space and define stages of their development as a form of economic relations on the base of analysis of formation and development process of these communities. As a result of the study, all the functions of network communities of electronic space have been grouped into three basic ones: informational, organizational and communication and optimization functions. While network communities develop and implement their functions, their role in the functioning of economic ties also changes. According to this three stages of development of network communities of electronic space as a form of economic relations have been allocated: 1) complementary; 2) equivalent; 3) dominant form. The dynamic development of network communities and increasing implementation into business practices necessitate their further studies. Advanced areas of further research include the analysis of the institutionalization of network communities as well as the risks caused by these communities.

Article is written in English


Zamula O. V.
Optimizing Losses in the Management of Information Expences of Processing Enterprise (p. 336 - 341)

The article is aimed at studying the information losses as an economic category and searching the model, which will help to reduce their level to a minimum. Analysis of literature on the subject has shown that scientists are more concerned about losses relating to risks related to function of information system, where the media are technical devices, although much of the work to receive, process, and distribute information is carried out by staff of the enterprise or by third parties (in the case of using the outsourcing). During the study the notion of «information losses» has been determined as decrease of information asset without adding the end product value, or reduce of the professional level of staff, due to intentional or unforeseen events. Information risks and the losses associated with them can be divided into transformational, where information is available within the enterprise for own use or for sale, and transactional, which most often arise in case when executives prefer to buy products and services of the information market, taking advantage of the benefits of outsourcing. Losses can be significant because of the hidden actions of economic agents and the related moral hazard, high probability of adverse selection and corruption, therefore has been proposed to minimize them through finding the optimum ratio of insourcing and outsourcing information costs, as well as formation and appropriate filling of information infrastructure. As to further researches it will be interesting to study the human factor in occurrence of information risks under the current institutional environment and to find ways to reduce them by forming the appropriate corporate culture.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Odarchenko A. M., Spodar K. V.
Features of Electronic Commerce and Prospects of its Development in Ukraine (p. 342 - 346)

The article is aimed to identify features and basic principles of using the electronic commerce and identifying ways to development of e-commerce in Ukraine. It has been determined, that appearance of newest communication tools, in particular the Internet, has led to great changes in the field of organization and practice of commercial activity associated with the emergence of electronic commerce. The e-commerce refers to all forms of business transactions in which interaction between the parties is carried out by electronic means instead of a physical exchange or direct physical contact. As e-commerce are identified: electronic information exchange, electronic capital transfer, electronic trading, electronic money, electronic marketing, electronic banking, electronic insurance services and so on. A number of reasons, which have a negative impact on the development of e-commerce in Ukraine has been determined, namely, insufficient development of market relations in most sectors of the economy; absence of sufficient amounts of free funds available to the domestic enterprises and financial institutions; low payment ability of the population that does not contribute to increase of the Internet users quantity; insufficient development of the telecommunications infrastructure; low level of use of information technology in enterprises in organizations and public bodies; significant difference in the informatization level between major cities and regions of the country; complete absence of a reliable system for timely delivery of goods in our country; underdevelopment of reliable and legitimate means of authentication, digital signatures, certificates, and encryption; inadequate mechanisms of payment; low level of security when making a payment by credit card; insufficiently wide range of goods and services available through the network; high cost of an on-line shop ownership; complexity of finding the right product or information. It has been determined, that solving the issues concerning the elimination of causes for obstacles to electronic commerce in Ukraine could close the gap in the growth rates of the e-commerce significancy in the world and our country.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Panchuk I. P.
Problems of Automation of Enterprises' Financial Activities (p. 248 - 252)

Automation of managerial functions is an integral part of the business in the time of developing information systems. Range of software products that provide automation of accounting, analysis, planning, determines the selection and support of more effective ones, and requires elaborating the proposals for their improvement. Taking this into consideration, in the paper was used a general scientific theoretical approach to monitoring of the information systems for management of enterprise, which are presented in the market. It has been discovered that the most adapted to domestic accounting and management are software products by the company «1С». However, even these products contain the shortcomings in the automation of financial activities, which gave a stimulus to make proposals for their improvement. Directions of improving the quality of automation related to accounting and analysis have been proposed. The quality of the latter will be the subject in developing a module to the latest platform version of the «1С: Enterprise».

Article is written in Ukrainian


Yanchev A. V.
Control of Information Security in Electronic Documents Management Systems (p. 199 - 204)

The role of information risk in the context of function of the information protection has been explored; the growth dynamics of threats to the information security in the systems of electronic document management has been analyzed; a conceptual model of protecting the information in electronic documents management systems has been developed; a scientifically grounded classification of information security threats, which provides with clearly identified potential threats, the circle of objects for protection and the range of activities that contribute to the attainment of steady state of information security, has been proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Davydova I. O.
Economic Laws in the Conditions of Network Economic Activities (p. 203 - 207)

The article is aimed at updating of methodological bases and specifics of network interactions at the level of establishing the economic regularities. The article systematically discloses influence of network forms of economic activity on functioning of economic system. Spreading of network interactions not only transforms operation of economic laws, but is based on economic laws as well. When analyzing changes in manifestations of economic laws, system of production relations of the network economy is examined, in which existence of the two levels can be argued: the first is forming around the relations arising over the production, distribution, exchange, and consumption of technical means of network communications; the second is based on the relations regarding production, distribution, exchange and consumption of information as a specific resource. In the process of network activity, integration of production and consumption is carried out. It has been concluded that the most significant changes on the part of network economy concern the functional economic laws, while modifications of relations have been specified at the level of interactions between the productive forces and production relations, supply and demand in a growing network of products and the specificity of their value.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yanchev A. V.
Specifics of Archiving Documents in the Context of Informatization of Socio-Economic Relations (p. 208 - 215)

The article analyzes the regulatory requirements for storing the accounting records and identifies the basic requirements to be followed when storing electronic documents. Features of both electronic and paper documents were explored. Contents of operations that constitute the process of archiving accounting documents have been determined. A structure of the internal regulations, containing provisions on archives of enterprise under three sections: main provisions, contained documents and document functions have been proposed. It has been proposed to use as basis of a model for contemporary archiving the structural logic of the Internet, which allows to build a procedural flow chart of the accounting process and develop the domain-specific databases. It also has been proposed that semantic logic of the domain area of the archive will be modeled in the form of domain ontology of accounting, consisting of a certain number of elements, describing the business processes and relationships between them.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Pursky O. I., Grynyuk B. V., Zhariy I. O.
A Conceptual Model of Electronic Trading Market (p. 164 - 169)

In the publication a development of conceptual model of functioning of electronic trading market is presented. The developed conceptual model of electronic trading market has been supplemented with an important aspect of its functioning and development – the processes of formation of an electronic trading environment. Three main factors has been determined, in the presence and direct interaction of which an electronic trading environment is formed: contemporary information-communication tools of electronic commerce; a wide range of users with full access to information-communication tools; sellers that use information-communication tools for the sale of goods and services. Interaction of participants in the electronic trading market, occurring during the implementation of procedures for buying and selling goods and services, has been considered. The technological aspects of functioning of electronic trading market, which ensure its effectiveness, have been determined.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Malovychko S. V.
Place of Electronic Commerce in the System of Economic-Legal Relations of Ukraine (p. 213 - 217)

Active development of electronic commerce as a new form of implementing the economic activities, calls for the definition of standards of conduct, i.e. specific legal regulations, setting forth the rights, duties, guarantees and responsibilities of participants in these relations. At present, the legislative framework for regulation of e-commerce in Ukraine remains underdeveloped – there isn't a uniform Law of Ukraine on the regulation of this kind of economic activity, though in some legal acts separate aspects are established, an analysis of which provides for the relevance of the research topic. The article is aimed at conducting a comprehensive analysis of legislative-legal frameworks of operation and mechanisms for regulating the e-commerce at enterprises of Ukraine, determination of their characteristics and prospects for further development of the regulatory and legal framework. Peculiarities of legal relations in the sphere of electronic commerce by enterprises in Ukraine has been considered. Separately were addressed specifics of legislative-legal regulation of e-commerce from the perspective of different methodological approaches to defining the place of electronic commerce in the system of economic-legal relations between the States.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Zavgorodnia O. S.
Use of Information Technologies for Learning and Development of Workers at the Ukrainian Publishers (p. 183 - 187)

Implementation of information technology into the everyday life of population and the current activities of enterprises is undoubtful. Such widespreading causes serious shifts in the traditional markets, modifies chains of adding value, redistributes the influence of market players, creates unprecedented opportunities for innovation and novelties. These fundamental changes have occurred to the world of publishing and printing industry: enterprises are expanding their range of manufacturing technologies, enriching the range of items, replacing the traditional ways of delivering publishers' products and services, creating new ways of consumption. The article pays a particular attention to the specified characteristics of the publishing houses' functioning. In such circumstances, publishers are forced to implement innovations and teach the staff, however, traditional tools and teaching methods lose their relevance and effectiveness in order to address the set objectives. That is why the article discusses the possibility of useing the information technologies in the teaching of publishers' staff, outlining the advantages and disadvantages of their use.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Sazonets О. M., Kachan O. I.
Evaluation of Information Security in both Corporate Economics and Socio-Economic Relations (p. 112 - 118)

The article is aimed at studying the threats and possible measures for improving the effectiveness of information security of Ukraine at the present stage of development on the basis of statistical processing of results of a survey by experts on information security in both the corporate economics and the socio-economic relations. On the basis of the expert survey, ways of obtaining information have been examined and the degree of credibility, depending on sources, on the part of respondents has been analyzed. The essence of the concept of information security has been considered. The potential threats to information security of Ukraine in political, public, military, humanitarian, scientific and technical spheres, as well as possibility of their occurrence for national and international corporations have been evaluated. The most possible measure, necessary to increase information security in Ukraine, according to respondents, is to increase the efficiency of information systems to protect against cybercrime and cyberterrorism as well as establishment of the necessary regulatory, financial and other prerequisites to help development of competition in the national market for information services.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kozhukhivskа R. B.
Directions for Using Information Technology in the Communication Strategies of Ukrainian Tourism Enterprises and Facilities in the Hospitality Industry (p. 119 - 125)

The article addresses the question concerning the perspective directions for application of information technology in the communication strategies of Ukrainian tourism companies and hospitality facilities. The main characteristics of the tourism industry in the field of hospitality, which are most suited for the active use of information technologies, have been allocated. The basic properties of information technologies, which are of strategic importance for development of tourism in Ukraine, have been determined. A structure for communication model of both the tourism industry and the hospitality industry, have been developed, which can be successfully implemented by using contemporary information technologies. It has been established that an acute present problem for Ukrainian tourism enterprises and hospitality facilities is the issue of defining the budget costs for implementation of automated information systems. The article generalizes that for tourism enterprises will be significant both the implementation and use of the systems of «business processes re-engineering». The results of research, mentioned in the article, may be used as a source of information for determining, studying and using the main directions of information technology in the communication strategies of the Ukrainian tourism enterprises and hospitality facilities.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yaremyk K. Y., Yaremyk M. I.
Organization of Information-Analytical Provision of Financial-Economic Security (p. 125 - 129)

The article is aimed at studying the functioning of information-analytical provision of the financial-economic security of enterprises in conditions of the current stage of development of information technology. On the basis of the analysis of scientific views of scientists, the main tasks of the information-analytical provision of financial-economic security have been clarified. It has been substantiated that, in the conditions of communications development, PDA devices, partial transfering of business into social networks, it became necessary to use specialized software as a tool for information-analytical provision. It has been determined that the main element has to be a DLP system that integrates with SIEM systems, Business intelligence, CRM and Anti-Fraud-systems. Prospects for further research in this area is to determine the possibility of integration of DLP-systems with competitive intelligence tools (search engines) that will automate the analysis of potential external threats to financial-economic security, as well as to study the place of IT-auditing in the information-analytical providing the financial-economic security.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Koryagin M. V., Plotnichenko I. B.
Methods of Evaluating the Efficiency of E-Business in Enterprises (p. 299 - 304)

The article is concerned with improvement of the methodology for evaluating the efficiency of e-business in enterprises. The existing scientific approaches to evaluation of efficiency of e-commerce have been analyzed. Sources of information support to provision of an analytical evaluating of the major indicators of e-commerce, based on the proposed sub-accounts for accounting incomes, expenses and financial results, with regard to spheres of commercial activity, have been formed. A system of indicators to evaluate results and efficiency of e-business enterprises has been developed. According to the authors, the cited proposals provide for evaluation of the scope and efficiency of implementation the e-business activity by enterprises, identifying possible reserves to increase effectiveness of their activities, determining the issues of strategy and tactics to conduct at the online market, developing measures to implement the set tasks, justifying the optimal solutions by executives.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Ivanov Y. B., Us M. I.
Components of Informational Supporting the Marketing Activities of Industrial Enterprise (p. 299 - 305)

The article is aimed at identifying and analyzing components of contemporary informational supporting marketing activities of industrial enterprises. The article determines essence and contents of enterprise's informational support, key components of which include availability of developed marketing information system and software, together with introduction of information systems. The existing classes of information systems, which represent a basis for building a marketing information system of enterprise, have been analyzed. By comparing information systems have been identified those, structure of which provides modules for support, management and development of marketing activities of enterprises. The first place among them holds the class of ERP systems, which creates a unified information space for administrative processes and marketing decisions and serves for integration of business processes of industrial enterprise. A promising direction for further research is development of recommendations regarding the organizational aspect of the proposed introduction of information systems into practical activities of domestic industrial enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Malovychko S. V.
Conceptual Foundations of the Electronic Market Development (p. 232 - 237)

The article is aimed at defining the conceptual foundations for development of the electronic market in the context of virtualization of economy. The article uses the dialectic method of scientific knowledge, as well as a set of interdisciplinary methods of epistemology: theoretical synthesis and comparison, classification and grouping methods. Theoretical approaches to the definition of concept of «electronic market» have been systematized: organizational, functional, institutional, time-spatial, resource, process, communication. On the basis of generalized theoretical elaborations in the sphere of electronic trade, the category of «electronic market» has been defined from the position of management. The existing approaches to the electronic market segmentation have been systematized. Conceptual foundations for development of electronic market have been defined, represented through its theoretic-methodological and organizational provision.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Koliada S. P., Riaboi V. I.
Improving the E-Customs as the Key to Development of Customs Affairs in Ukraine (p. 238 - 243)

The article is concerned with substantiating the feasibility as to availability of objective data covering both the work of customs in general and the specific operations, namely, electronic declaring. The article contains an in-depth organizational-structural analysis of the current status of functioning of the national system for electronic customs administration. The publication presents a time analysis of all stages of the implementation of the «Electronic customs» system on the part of the State, as well as reflects perception of this process on the part of business. Attention is accentuated to the contradictions and faults. An undeniable economic effect from the introduction of e-customs has been proved. The authors have allocated the aspects that hinder the orderly implementation of paperless technologies in all spheres of activity of the customs system in Ukraine. The result of the conducted research is represented by the improved model of the e-customs, which is displayed through the prism of a unified set of objectives together with an action plan for the development of information customs systems in Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shekhovtsova D. D.
Organizing the Management Accounting of Costs in the Use of Information Technology at the Restaurant Industry Enterprises (p. 244 - 249)

The article considers the use of modern information systems and technology to conduct management accounting of costs at the enterprises of restaurant industry; criteria of quality of information supply with the purpose to organize management accounting of costs and managerial decision-making have been determined; the most popular software and software complexes for comfortable conducting management accounting of costs that take into account the specifics of activities by the entities of restaurant industry have been examined; capacity of such programs to generate serious analytical base on which important managerial decisions can be made, in addition to the full reference of conducting the management accounting, has been determined. Possibility of use by the restaurant industry enterprises of «cloud» technologies to obtain transparent, prompt and timely cost information has been considered. A functional model, which structure is based on modular principle, has been proposed. The technology of organizing managerial accounting of costs for enterprises, engaged in the trading of the sushi, pizza, pastry and bakery products over the Internet, has been determined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Rudakova S. H., Shchetinina L. V., Marchuk S. V.
HR Administration: Current Trends and the Experience of Ukraine in the Software Use (p. 250 - 254)

The article considers the issues related to using software for staff management, as well as its automating along with optimizing the staff-based processes of enterprises. Use of some of the most popular programs in the Ukrainian market, such as «Parus-Personal», «BOSS-Kadrovik» and «1С: Salary and staff management» has been analyzed. A comparative analysis of software for HR administration has been conducted and recommendations for staff management services regarding feasible choice have been elaborated. The main qualitative and quantitative criteria have been formulated, according to which the software analysis was conducted, referring to all functional systems of the software, as well as a comparison of price factors has been provided.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tkachenko M. A.
Formation of an Approach to the Risk Management of IT Project (p. 255 - 260)

The article is concerned with the formation of an approach to the risk management of IT project, which would combine the advantages of the concept of front-end management with the common risk-management tools. On analyzing the current status of research in the field of the risk management of IT project, it was found that using advantages of the concept of front-end management requires to develop an adaptive mechanism for both information processing and decision-making. In this regard, an approach, which is based on adaptive model of the risk management of IT project, has been proposed. The model involves using information from the knowledge base, which is being updated in line with changes in the project. Also, in order to identify causal relations between interactions of elements of the project environment and the success of its implementation, as well as to analyze the current status of the project, a block diagram of the project risks has been designed. The designed diagram can be used within the concept of front-end management.

Article is written in English


Myronenko I. I.
Peculiarities of Promotion of the Secure Mobile Application «Secure Messenger (SM)» at the Market for Corporate Communication (p. 206 - 212)

The article is aimed at studying the market for corporate secure messengers and a plan for promoting a new software at the market for mobile applications. The most popular secure messengers at the market for mobile applications have been analyzed. These applications were chosen on the principle of similarity of both the characteristics and the conditions of use with the secure messenger, which was researched. Mobile applications for corporate communications have been considered, which, in the opinion of the author together with experts in the field of the advancement of mobile technologies, are developed to compensate for the shortcomings of e-mail. Peculiarities of introducing a new type of messenger for communication in terms of an organization have been researched. A marketing strategy for the planned promotion of the researched mobile application at the market has been proposed, which includes objectives to attract and retain existing users, the means to stimulate the rapid distribution of content, the one which will not destroy any resources of an organization and will be able to survive in the market conditions. Relevance of the selected topic has been substantiated, practical guidelines as to planning the marketing activities of organization have been provided.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Pursky O. I., Grynyuk B. V., Demchenko R. S.
Specifics of the Software And Hardware Implementation of the Web-Based System for Management of Interaction of the E-Commerce Actors (p. 154 - 162)

The article considers mechanisms for the software and hardware implementation of the Web-based system for management of interaction of the e-commerce actors. A modular structure of the functional blocks related to the Web-application has been developed, which includes: the user authentication module; the administrating module; the block for implementing functions of the mathematical domain model and procedures for the information processing; the database for storing the initial data, the trade performance indicators and the results of calculations, as well as the content of the Web-application interface elements; the module of logistics; the server end that implements the procedures for accessing the database, the formation of modes of displaying models and functions of the mathematical domain model; the interface that provides interactive access to the functions of the Web-application for users. A model of database and a structural scheme of the logistics module for the Web-based system have been provided. A software implementation of the Web-based system for management of interaction of the e-commerce actors has been accomplished.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tkachenko S. A.
Organizing the Computational Process when Projecting and Implementing the Monitoring Function in the Systems for Strategic Regulating the Regional Structure and Territorial Organization of the Actors in the Agrifood Sphere (p. 163 - 169)

The article substantiates that organizing the computational process when projecting and implementing the economic monitoring subsystem in the functionally developed systems for strategic regulating the regional structure and territorial organization of the actors in the agrifood sphere requires accumulating all the necessary information data, so that the necessary credibility and urgency would be provided along with the effective use of the resources of computing system and with the lowest volume of costs. It is proved that value of information is determined by allowing to identify influence of any specific factor on characteristics of the computational process and on dependence of the parameters of computational process from the sum of various factors. Among the prospects for further research in this area, of particular relevance is the issue associated with the necessity of establishing a special system for the means of the subsystem for holistic economic monitoring, oriented to coverage and studying the economic efficiency in the solutions to existing problems.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Halchynsky L. Y., Lugovets V. V.
A Factorial Analysis of the Software Market of Ukraine (p. 155 - 159)

The article is aimed at studying the factors of influence on the software market of Ukraine, on the example of the operating system Windows 7 Ultimate. Using the factorial analysis, 10 possible factors have been analyzed: volumes of sales of computers, proliferation of the Internet, level of the computer piracy, price, exchange rate, GDP, average nominal wage, population, human development index and market share. As a result of the conducted analysis, using the principal components method, two aggregated groups of factors have been identified – the internal and the external. The first group includes the main macroeconomic indicators, market share of the researched software, and the level of prevalence of the Internet. The second group includes the volumes of sales of PCs, price and exchange rate. The results obtained are proposed to be taken into consideration when developing the national strategy of development of the software market in Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kereia O. S.
Prospects for Legalizing Online Jobs in Ukraine (p. 230 - 235)

Topicality of the article stems from the need to explore new opportunities and challenges in the field of human labor potential, which are emerging due to the fourth industrial revolution. Both the gnoseological and the ontological nature of transformation of way of working, caused by the growing importance of informational-knowledge resources and the network principle of organization, have been considered. Changes in the nature of employment under the influence of information technologies have been analyzed. In this regard, the following tasks are being accomplished: studying the essence together with process of developing the online jobs as a result of function of information- and network-based economy, analyzing prospects and problems of development of online jobs in Ukraine as well as ways to their solution. Provisions of the tax legislation of Ukraine have been analyzed, administrative barriers hindering implementation of online jobs in the sphere of exports of services have been identified, losses of local budgets because of these barriers have been calculated. Some measures that can be necessary to institutionalize online jobs in Ukraine have been proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Otenko I. P., Chepeliuk M. I.
Formation of Informational Space of Enterprises in the International Business Environment (p. 236 - 240)

The article is concerned with studying the importance of web site of enterprise as a key element in the development of information space as well as its role in the activity of the enterprise in the international business environment. Formation of information space decisively impacts the basic spheres of society – socio-political, economic, including the development and activities of enterprises in the international business environment. Having associated and integrated virtually all countries in the world that have a sufficiently well-developed infrastructure of communications systems and telecommunications, information space actually erased the boundaries between countries and thus is one of the main incentives of globalization and, at the same time, the result of the same process. Formation of a single information space, existence of different modes of reception, transmission, storage and submission of necessary information for general use provides an opportunity to increase business efficiency.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Adamyk O. V.
Information Technology in the Computer Systems of Accounting: Issues of Organizing the Data and Data Streams (p. 348 - 353)

The article is aimed at a characterization of the logical relationships in the information processing, as well as defining the fundamentals of interaction between the electronic and the paper-based information system of accounting. Several peculiarities of the automated processing of accounting data in the KSA have been identified, namely: 1) broadening the base of incoming information compared to the manual processing; 2) basis of the KSA are databases (usually the relational databases), information is stored in spreadsheets; 3) in terms of automation of the peripheral jobs, the information flows in the KSA are divided into analytical and synthetic accounting, which further defines the reporting sources; 4) formation of reporting information goes by using requests that select data from the basic accounting elements, their sorting and filtering in the user defined way. The requests create a temporary source table (snapshot). This increases both speed and efficiency of work.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Tigarieva V. A.
Developing the Enhanced Telecom Operations Map Model on the Basis of Decomposition of Business Processes (p. 237 - 247)

The article is aimed at the further development of the eTOM model through decomposition of business processes for managing by telecommunications operator at the level of the appropriate structural subdivisions, that is: defining the business processes of telecommunications operator of the level 3. The main characteristics of the еТОМ model are its universality and its openness. The еТОМ model has been detailed by its developers up to the level that provides to preserve its sector-wide nature, but for practical use, one needs to proceed with at least one further stage of decomposition in order to account features of the specific organization. As result of the study, the еТОМ model has been extended, also several business processes of the level 3 have been suggested by the author additionally. The carried out decomposition adds more specificity to the еТОМ model, brings it closer to the direct working processes at enterprise. The obtained detailed eTOM model with the allocated processes of the level 3 can be used in the practical implementation of the process approach for identification and comparison of existing processes, identifying the missed business processes, automation of the production and managerial processes.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Prymostka A. О.
The Multiagent Approach to Projecting the Information-Analytical Systems (p. 274 - 280)

The multiagent approach to projecting the information-analytical systems was researched. The existing approaches to projecting the multiagent systems were analyzed, the additional tasks that arise in the process of developing the system architecture were substantiated. The high-level architecture of a multiagent system was analyzed. Each subsystem, which is part of the overall system, is taken into consideration in general. A detailization of architecture of the subsystems for collection and storage of data down to the level of individual agents is presented separately. The developed subsystem architecture provides its use in any multiagent system that is aimed at collection and analysis of large amounts of data. Also a detailization of the subsystem of data analysis is presented. The architecture of this subsystem is a generalized model of the enterprise’s performance in the context of the multiagent approach. For each module and each agent as structural elements of subsystems the article provides a description of functions and their purpose.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Gordiyenko V. O., Hryhorash O. V.
The Algorithm of Decomposing the Goal into Performance Indicators of Target Program (p. 319 - 324)

The achievement of high results of the implementation of target programs in the leading countries is assured by clear definition of the goal, formation of specific objectives and the program performance indicators, which is required by the program and target planning. Ukraine has already developed legal basis for use of the program and target method in the budget process, but in practice implementation of target programs is still attended with use of the traditional method of planning. The article carries out an estimation of accordance of the target program components with requirements of the program-target method on the example of the regional Program for development of small and medium business for 2015-2016 years. On the basis of the system-logistic approach, the goal, objectives and performance indicators have been composed. With the help of the prioritization method the significance measure of the first-level objectives has been determined.

Article is written in English

Dubovyk T. V., Ortynska V. V.
The Social Commerce System (p. 325 - 330)

The social commerce is a relatively new phenomenon, found in the little researched direction of trade. Research results by the authors have provided to systematize the views on the concept of «social commerce», characterize the social commerce system, propose measures to develop a social commerce strategy. The authors have defined the social commerce as expansion of e-commerce in the social networks on the Internet, in which social factors are significant, and consumers use the right to create content through the media via forums, ratings, reviews, and recommendations on different platforms. Enterprises are advised to use social tools to perform social interaction with consumers in social networks, create a social climate in view of the social support on the Web. The authors have proposed the concept of «social commerce system», structure of which contains the following elements: individuality of consumer, social communications, social communities, e-commerce; defined the multidimensional attributes that are naturally associated with all four elements of the social commerce. They cover the quality of information, system quality, quality of service, convenience and ease-of-use, payment mechanism.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Burennikova N. V., Fostolovych V. A.
The Management of Development: A Model of Building a Contemporary Information System (p. 138 - 144)

The article proposes approaches to managing the development of complex systems based on the model of building a contemporary information system. Factors of economic growth as a constituent of the development of systems have been indicated. The carried out defining the vectors for the development of systems contributes to a better understanding of the necessary interventions in forming factors and requires application of certain indicators as detectors of such development. As the appropriate detectors can be used the indicators of constituents of effectiveness of performance and development of the socio-environmental-economic systems as particular cases of complex systems. Modern technology has guided society towards ensuring the fulfillment of terms of sustainable development. The development of a model for efficient use of resources is the basis for ensuring the effectiveness of the public production. This requires developing an appropriately and accessible data base. The proposed approaches to integrating the information date base into managerial decision-making processes and to assessing the validity of impact of performance of information systems on the basis of the constituents of effectiveness will contribute to the further development of complex systems and therefore these require further research.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Drozdova O. G.
The Investment Attractiveness of Online Stores as Components of E-Commerce (p. 145 - 150)

Defining the economic efficiency of e-commerce as well as online stores as its constituent stipulates an overall performance evaluation, marketing and investment efficiency (investment attractiveness), and hence the possibility for potential investors to invest their money. The article considers the status and development of e-commerce in Ukraine, evaluating the overall dynamics of e-business. Impact factors and prospects for investments have been identified. The e-trade indicators have been systematized to allow for an integrated approach to information provision in the accounting and economic analysis of enterprise, determining an integral indicator of economic, informational, identification, and emotional functions based on the value coefficients of the respective functions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Borzenkova O. D., Shramko O. O.
The Information Component in the Structure of the Enterprise’s Economic Security (p. 151 - 156)

Developing the enterprise’s economic security consists in elaboration and implementation of a management system and a complex of activities aimed at the production and nonproduction spheres, with a view to ensuring an efficient economic performance, minimizing the factors of influence and threats in the changing external environment. The article defines the nature and role of the information component which consists of protection of the information environment, activities to prevent leakages of protected information, unauthorized and unintentional impacts on information, etc. The information security of enterprise is ensured by: legal measures at the level of the State and the level of enterprise; organizational support (i.e. regulation of the information flow at the enterprise); firmware (both software and hardware support to prevent illegal leakages of information).

Article is written in Ukrainian


Shchepak V. V.
The Geoinformation Technology and Cadastral Systems (p. 108 - 112)

The article is aimed at studying the distinctive attributes of inventories and to determine the features of use of GIS technologies in the formation of the cadastral information database. The article considers various views on the importance of applying GIS technologies for the maintenance of a wide variety of inventories (land, forestry, water, town-planning, natural areas of resorts, territories and facilities of the Natural Endowment Fund, regional inventories of natural resources, etc.). The developed structural and logical model of the system of formation of the cadastral information database has provided an opportunity to allocated components such as GIS technologies, information database, and inventories. Based on the interdependence and interaction of these components, the main relationships between them have been determined. Prospects for further research are to examine the modalities of functioning of the system of formation of the cadastral information database, as well as to study the main characteristics of the relationships between the components, thus optimizing the process of information provision of the database of cadastral systems.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Vdovychenko L. Y., Volosiuk M. V.
The Proposals for Establishment of a State Information Base on the Maritime Regions in Ukraine (p. 74 - 79)

In the current Ukrainian regulatory process in the sphere of sea use management, the existing requirements for disclosure of information are being implemented formally, which is the pretext for creating corrupt interactions in the adoption of regulatory acts. The article is aimed at defining tools of the mechanism of information relations of the regulators in the sphere of sea use management and providing proposals as to establishment of a State information base for the maritime regions in Ukraine. The components of such a mechanism have been researched. The need to establish and develop a State information system that can develop the electronic information interaction among regulators in the sphere of sea use management has been proved. The integrated components of establishing the State information system «Unified environment for electronic regulation of the maritime regions» and the principles for its establishment have been defined, which will inform consumers and investors about the regulatory activities in Ukraine in the sphere of sea use management.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Nikitan N. O.
Modernizing the Mechanism for State Treasury Control of Expenditures in the State Treasury Service of Ukraine through Information Technology (p. 79 - 84)

The development and implementation of information technologies within the terms of the SPFA (Systems for public finance administration) project will create transparent and effective budgeting mechanisms through the openness of the budget process, enhanced public sector accountability, and improved management of money resources. The article allocates ways to achieve such results together with the organizational benefit for improving the overall efficiency of the budget process from the introduction of information technology in the State treasury service. The results of implementation of the SPFA project were assessed as part of the responsibility of the State treasury service of Ukraine and the modernization of the State treasury control. The range of issues that will affect the size of resources: financial, material and technical, labor, and others has been determined and taken into account.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shkolnyi O. O.
The Development of «Smart» Technologies as a Factor in the Competitiveness of City (p. 85 - 89)

Results of research prove that use of «smart» technologies is one of the ways to solve the problems of city. The involvement of projects, which are aimed at the smart city development, contributes to achieving the effective management of economic resources, innovation development, and improvement of the well-being of population. The dynamic nature of «smart» cities that has been evaluated using the indicators of economic development, human capital, technological support, environmental protection, international recognition, social cohesion, transport service, regulatory mechanisms, urban planning and public administration is a prerequisite for developing the global competitive advantages. The functional spheres of the smart city project have been analyzed with emphasis on energy, transport, water supply, housing and the local government system. The example of the Metropolregion Hamburg illustrates the possibilities of strengthening competitive advantages through the «smart» logistics solutions. The need to harness the best global experience in the development of smart cities in order to enhance the global competitiveness of the domestic economy has been identified.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Arkhireiska N. V.
Blockchain - an Innovation Technology of the Post-Industrial Economy (p. 125 - 129)

The article is aimed at studying the innovation technology of the post-industrial economy - blockchain. It has been found that blockchain is a multifunctional and multi-level information technology designed to reliably account for different assets. It has been proved that the most important today is blockchain for Bitcoin. The article explores the opportunities, prospects and risks associated with investment in cryptocurrency. It has been determined that the main advantages of investment in Bitcoins are: steadily growing rate, confidence in currency, liquidity, anonymity, decentralization. However, there are significant downsides, such as: scaling problem, uncertainty about the status of the cryptocurrency on the part of the State, and excessive processing time for payments (approximately 10 minutes). It has been proved that the main benefits of Blockchain 1.0 and 2.0 are economic efficiency and cost savings through the use of decentralized network models, which do not require trust in a single transactional center, while Blockchain 3.0 is a freedom that will enable blockchain technology to implement solutions that are not related to monetary turnover and market transactions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Broyaka A. А.
The Information Support of Agricultural Information-Advisory Activity in Ukraine as the Key Component of Its Development (p. 130 - 136)

The article is concerned with information technologies usage in the agricultural information-advisory activity in Ukraine and organization of its information support. The main aim of the research is to reveal the role of information technologies in agricultural information-advisory activity and analyze current approaches of information support in order to determine the application areas in further development. The dialectical method of knowledge, systematic approach to studying economic processes, observation, generalization, and other research methods are used to achieve the tasks set. It is summarized that adoption of innovative methods of telecommunication, WEB-technologies, modern software, data bases, the Decision Support Systems provides new opportunities for information and consultation delivering in Ukraine that will lead to an increase of welfare of agricultural producers and rural population. In addition, distance education and E-extension are recognized as the perspective directions of the further development of the national agricultural information-advisory services network.

Article is written in English

Kolomiyets G. M., Hlushach Y. S.
The Digital Economy: Controversity of Content and Impact on Economic Development (p. 137 - 143)

The transformations of the technological structure of current economy have led to the emergence of digital economy that offers significant opportunities and, at the same time, creates threats. The article is aimed at displaying methodological approaches to interpretation of digital economy, contradiction of the possible results of its development and functioning, and the practical relevance of research into this phenomenon. The digital economy transforms economic interactions; destroys long chains of intermediaries; speeds up the conclusion of different agreements; eliminates spatial constraints in access to markets; offers competitive advantages to companies regardless of their size; enables to create a scale effect and materialize its positive impact by reducing costs. At the same time, in developed countries and industry sectors that can easily be automated, the need for low-and medium-skill workers is severely reduced. A more part-time economy is being formed, with engagement of freelancers who are not covered by the social security system on a short-term basis. These processes threaten the stability of incomes and the development of the national economy. A comparative analysis of the development of digital economy uses the indices that can form the basis of the national economic foresight.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Polyakov M. V., Letser I. O.
An Integrated Economic-Organizational Model of the Enterprises in the Development of Information Technologies (p. 251 - 255)

The article is aimed at building an integrated economic-organizational model of the information technologies developing enterprises in order to choose the best technology, production process, production through adjustment or replacement of the business model on the basis of a balanced scorecard, a business model template, and the cognitive model of the IT enterprise development management. The possibility to bind a business model to a strategic goal has been identified, thus providing for quantifying the business model. The article presents a generalized cognitive map of the information technologies developing enterprise, which includes three levels: strategic level, business model level, and development management level. The distribution of the indicators to three levels allows for the consideration of changing the way in which strategic objectives are achieved by changing the business model. However, the indicators, which can be managed by the enterprise itself, remain unchanged. Prospect for further research in this direction is to find indicators for quantifying all levels of the integrated economic-organizational model of the enterprises in the development of information technologies and to substantiate the relationship between them.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Pursky O. I., Mazoha D. P.
The Method of Building a Network of Online Showcases on the Basis of the MVC Architecture (p. 319 - 324)

A method to build a network of online showcases that support a large number of customer orders and visits, which meets the current performance standards and the reliability of Internet solutions in the sphere electronic commerce, has been developed. The method involves the creation of a typical showcase and the implementation for the information management system of a showcases network of an own database operating on the data from the central management information system with the two-way data replication. A mechanism for «cloning» the online showcases, which are part of the network, and their quick integration with the business processes of enterprise and a management system based on a typical showcase, has been proposed. The development of typical online showcases is implemented on the basis of MVC concept (Model-View-Controller), the ASP.NET MVC Framework Technology, and the visual templates of web pages, thus ensuring that the algorithms for the behavior of objects are independent of both the objects themselves and their visual representation. This enhances the development of e-commerce projects significantly, speeds up the implementation process, and provides a high degree of flexibility and functionality of the online showcases.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kochubei D. V., Grygorenko T. M.
The Usage of CRM-Systems in the Activities of Franchising Retail Trade Networks (p. 424 - 429)

The article considers the main aspects of the CRM-systems usage in the management of relationships in franchise retail trade networks (FRTN). The essence of concepts of «CRM-strategy» and «CRM-system» has been disclosed, their differences have been defined. The basic directions of implementing the CRM-strategy of management of interaction of franchisor and franchisees, and also components of information support of CRM-systems have been defined. A methodology of introduction of CRM-strategy in activity of FRTN has been suggested; a model of management of FRTN on the basis of CRM-system has been developed; the main advantages and disadvantages of the CRM-systems usage in the activities of FRTN have been defined. The scientific and practical benefit of the suggested management model provides franchisor to carefully analyze all business processes, make managerial decisions in order to improve cooperation and support of franchisees, increase sales volumes, increase profitability, maintain franchisee loyalty, and create competitive advantages for the entire franchise network.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sokolovska Z. M.
The Models of Market Economy on the Modern Technological Platforms (p. 430 - 440)

The article is aimed at analyzing the status of software provision of simulation modeling of economic systems and disclosing the possibilities of application of the integrated software-technological platforms in the building of market models. Problems in the field of applied introduction of the method of simulation modeling have been defined; the status of the software-technological provision of the simulation modeling of economic systems has been analyzed. It has been suggested to use the integrated system of multi-approach simulation modeling AnyLogic as one of the most powerful modern software platforms. The variant of the model of competitive multi-product market adapted to the specifics of pharmaceutical industry enterprises has been considered. The work of the model can be illustrated by results of the situational simulation experiments on the example of the pharmaceutical company «Farmak». The possibilities of parametric adjustment of imitation experiments together with the spectrum of their application in practical activity of pharmaceutical enterprises have been demonstrated.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Klymiuk A. O., Shtal T. V.
Analyzing the Features of Information Logistical Systems of Management of the Enterprise’s International Activity (p. 397 - 402)

The article is aimed at analyzing the features of development of the integration system of logistics and introducing modern information technologies in logistics activity. The features of integration of both logistics system and the SCM conception in logistics management have been generalized. The main features of data selection and their classification for such system have been defined. The necessity of introduction of integrated information system and optimization of logistical processes has been substantiated. Examples of information software products for modeling and management of logistical processes to help in increasing efficiency of enterprise have been provided.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Morhachov I. V.
Using Information Systems as Directions of the State Support for the Conditionally Depressive Regions (p. 403 - 407)

The article is aimed at substantiating the perspectivity of information systems and technologies as a direction of the State support for the conditionally depressive regions. The article clarifies the assumption that an increase in the number of freelancers in region (even evaders from taxation), causes the growth of both the regional enterprises’ revenues and the tax revenues to budgets. Such freelancers become customers of works, services and goods, and, accordingly, employers for other persons who work officially. The State support for the concentration of such persons in the region contributes to reducing the «brain drain» abroad. The article substantiates prospective directions of the State support for the conditionally depressive regions by means of information systems, the basic elements of which are IT-specialists; as well as economic expediency of priority of the State support for the regions with presence of high level of unemployment of working population. The ways of solution of contradictions between the State and the freelancer in the part of payment of taxes and accrual of the insurance period for the future pension have been suggested. The ultimate goal of the State support for the conditionally depressive regions with use of information systems has been defined, which is to achieve the stage of the multiplied effect of growth of income of economic entities and tax revenues to the budget due to the implementation of innovation projects as result of the concentration of IT specialists in region.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Liakhovych H. І.
Protecting the Accounting Information in the Conditions of Outsourcing with Use of the Information-Computer Technologies (p. 408 - 412)

The article is aimed at disclosing measures of protection of accounting information in the conditions of outsourcing, using modern information-computer technologies. On the basis of processing of scientific works, the approaches to development of system of protection of the accounting information were generalized, measures of protection were grouped by users of data with definition of subjects of provision in the conditions of outsourcing. Special attention is paid to the characterization and content of internal organizational measures of protection of accounting information (normative, personnel, structural). The complex of measures on protection of the information of accountance for large and small-size enterprises has been defined. The prospect of further research is the issue of information risk management in accounting outsourcing.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Korepanov O. S., Lazebnyk I. O., Chernenko D. I., Chala T. G., Korepanov G. S.
The Information Support for the Development of Concept of Smart Health (p. 266 - 272)

The article presents results of the statistical study of information support for development of the concept of smart health. The evolution of the concept of «s-Health» is traced. The concept of «smart» health («s-Health») is considered, which represents a natural evolution of the concepts of «e-Health» and «m-Health» («mobile» health). It is determined that, from the point of view of a «smart» city, s-Health can be considered in two ways: passive and active. An indicative list illustrating the potential of s-Health is provided, including the following elements: 1. Data collection, presentation and analysis. 2. Prevention and management of critical situations. 3. Efficiency and environmental assessment. 4. Involving patients and families in the management of their health. 5. Improving political decisions. 6. Epidemic control. 7. Cost savings. It is determined that use of the concept of «s-Health» in the context of «smart cities» is important at all levels: for society as a whole it’s improving the quality of health services that contributes to formation of a healthier society, reducing morbidity and mortality. For the Government, adopting the «s-Health» model can contribute to a significant reduction in health spending. For research, that is, for the scientific sphere, the use of the «s-Health» model involves a large amount of data that can be used to develop and make managerial decisions at different levels.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vilkhivska O. V.
Improvement of the Provisions of Innovative Development of Enterprises Based on Electronic Business Technologies (p. 273 - 278)

The article proposes improved conceptual provisions of innovative enterprise development based on the introduction of e-business technologies. The peculiarities of modern conditions of economic development under the influence of the new information paradigm are considered, the essence of which is the development and implementation of innovative network technologies (technologies of e-business) in all spheres and branches of the economy. An analysis of the author’s research on the trends in the development of e-business, e-commerce, marketing, the impact of Internet technologies on business practices has been carried out, which has made it possible to achieve the goal, that was set, namely, to improve the conceptual foundations of innovative enterprise development based on e-business technologies. A special feature of the developed provisions is the emphasis on the introduction or full replacement of business processes in the enterprise by the appropriate technologies of electronic business and establishing the relationship between innovation development and their use.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Vasyltsiv T. G., Voloshyn V. I., Vasyltsiv V. H.
Assessing the Status and the Structural Characteristics of the Economic Security of Information Technology Sector (p. 329 - 335)

The article is aimed at assessing the status and the structural characteristics of the economic security of information technology sector. For this purpose the corresponding methodical sequence has been developed and used. Indicators for the key economic security groups (components) have been selected. The average weights of the mentioned indicators, as well as weights and normalized values of the economic security components for the regions of Ukraine have been obtained. A regression analysis was carried out in order to assess the degree of influence of quantitative factors on the economic security of the IT sector of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kazakova N. A., Perepelytsia A. S.
The Methodical Approaches to the Research of Informatization of the Global Economic Development (p. 336 - 340)

The article is aimed at researching the identification of global economic development informatization. The complex of issues connected with research of development of informatization of the world countries in the conditions of globalization is considered. The development of informatization in the global economic space, which facilitates opening of new markets for international trade enterprises, international transnational corporations and other organizations, which not only provide exports, but also create production capacities for local producers. The methodical approach which includes three stages together with formation of the input information on the status of informatization of the global economic development of the world countries has been proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kudinova A. V., Mohylianska O. M.
The IT Sector and its Impact on the Socio-Economic Development (p. 341 - 347)

The purpose of the research is to highlight the main modern tendencies of convergence of information technologies and the socio-economic processes occurring in different planes – from the supranational level to the level of the enterprise as a low-grade but a self-entity unit. The theoretical-methodological basis of the study was the works of domestic and foreign researchers, who studied features of the introduction of information technologies into production processes and their impact on the socio-economic development in general. The aggregate of methods of the carried out research included the dialectical method of cognition and other methods based upon it, particularly, the method of system analysis, descriptive, comparative, statistical (they belong to the general scientific ones), and also the method of scenario planning (which refers to the general scientific and is based on the instrument for scenario analysis).

Article is written in Ukrainian


Korepanov O. S.
The Adaptation of Methodical Support to the Specificity of Assessment of Territorial Development of Information Society in Ukraine (p. 364 - 370)

The article is aimed at adapting the international methodology for calculating the territorial development indices of information and communication technologies (ICT) by the International Telecommunication Union to the specifics of the formation of regional Information environment in Ukraine. The conceptual bases of creation of the ICT development Index are considered. Essence of the three subindices, which are the basis for determining the ICT Development index is disclosed: subindex of access to ICTs, subindex of use and subindex of practical skills, each subindex reflects different aspects of the ICT development process. The methodology of creating the ICT Development Index for the regions of Ukraine is presented. The essence and method of calculations of indicators for each of subindices are considered in detail. On the basis of the formed system of indicators, the information support with use of the official statistics on the regions of Ukraine is carried out. Proceeding from the analysis, it is proved advisable to use the practice of index analysis of regional specificity of the development of information and communication technologies in Ukraine for the ranking of the country regions depending on the regional ICT Development Index.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vasyliv V. B.
The Practical Approaches to the Formation of the Service of Technical Support of the Information System of University (p. 371 - 377)

The article is aimed at analyzing features of technical support of information systems of university, developing models of its improvement on the basis of application of the ITSM concept, and evaluation of practical implementation efficiency. In terms of universities it is substantiated to establish a «client-service provider» relation between the users of the information system of the university and the IT department. Such relations are proposed to be built according to the international standards ITSM and ITIL. The evolution of approaches to the IT services management is considered. It is recommended to introduce Service Desk in the universities. Also it is proposed to build comprehensive support systems in the universities. Benchmarks and performance indicators have been developed to measure the performance of the technical support process. The analysis of advantages and differences in the work of service of technical support, built on the ITSM standards, in comparison with traditional approaches, is provided.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Skrynkovskyy R. M.
Diagnosing the Maturity Level of IT Processes at the Enterprise (p. 377 - 383)

The article is aimed at substantiating theoretical provisions and developing practical recommendations to improve diagnostics of the maturity level of IT processes at the enterprise. It is determined that today at any enterprise using information systems and technologies (in the spheres of management, administration and IT law), business goals cannot be achieved without achieving IT goals, and IT goals, accordingly, can not be achieved without the optimal maturity level of IT processes. It is determined that diagnostics of the maturity level of IT processes at the enterprise is the process of identification, analysis and estimation of the level of performance of IT processes in the field of IT management (taking account of the risk assessment inherent in IT) with the purpose of making reasonable managerial decisions directed on achievement of desirable result of activity of enterprise in the systems of «effect - result», «goal - means - result» and «data - information - knowledge».

Article is written in English

Vitlinskyi V. V., Skitsko V. I.
The Risk-Management of Supply Chains in the Conditions of Digital Economy (p. 384 - 392)

Having analyzed a number of recent publications on the researched problem, authors of the article have formulated the basic concepts of risk-management and have described the basic steps of risk-management of supply chains of physical, physical-digital and digital production in conditions of digital economy. The risk of the supply chain of physical products in the conditions of digital economy is an economic category that reflects the features of management of enterprises – participants in the supply chain of objectively existing hazards and threats, unreliability of various means and technologies, level of knowledge, uncertainty and conflict, absence of comprehensive information at the moment of decision-making in the processes of material flow and accompanying its information flows throughout the chain of supply. For the supply chains of digital and physical-digital products, the indicated definition of risk will be similar, specifying that the material flow will have a digital and physical-digital representation, respectively. The article also identifies the sources of risk, defines the subject and the object of risk; subject and object of risk-management of supply chains of physical, physical-digital, and digital products. The obtained results of researches can be used at development and introduction of system of risk-management of supply chains or adaptation of an existing one for the purpose of increase of efficiency of implementation of risk management and consideration of modern trend of economy development.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Korepanov O. S.
Identifying the Key Performance Indicators of «Smart» Sustainable Cities (p. 389 - 395)

The article is aimed at developing the theoretical-methodological principles of building a system of key statistical indicators of the efficiency of «smart» sustainable cities in Ukraine. The necessity of applying in Ukraine a set of key indicators developed by the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) is substantiated and the advantages of using this set are indicated. The author describes the structure of indicators of the «smart» sustainable cities of the UNECE according to the main sections. The Details of the areas: «Economics», «Environment» and «Society and Culture» are presented by topics, sub-themes, and key indicators of the efficiency of smart sustainable cities. For each indicator a description is made according to certain basic parameters. Also a substantiation together with an interpretation and disclosing the relevance of application of each indicator by the example of the indicator of «Access of students to ICTs» is carried out. The data sources or the relevant databases for the formation of an information base for the relevant calculations are specified.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Davydov D. S., Riabovol D. A.
Prospects for the Using of Blockchain Technology in the Existing Business and Startup Project (p. 396 - 402)

The aim of the article is to research the prospects and opportunities for using blockchain technology in entrepreneurship, as well as international payments and banking operations. On the basis of current and up-to-date data and opinions of authoritative English-language publications on business, the problems concerning the relevance of technology of a distributed ledger have been comprehensively examined, and the results of many startups – young companies working on blockchain-solutions in various spheres, have been evaluated. As a result of the research, the main directions of work of startups in the field of application of blockchain technology were identified: smart contracts; cloud data storage; production processes; sphere of remuneration of employees; electronic voting with protection against breaking; "sharing economy". Prospects for further research in this direction are specific justification of the applicability of distributed ledger technology and the concept of decentralization in developing sectors (the "sharing economy", "Internet of Things"), as well as a deeper analysis of the impact of new solutions in relation to the traditional sectors of the economy, including Ukraine.

Article is written in English


Pushkar O. I., Pandorin O. K.
The Influence of Modern Tendencies of Development of Internet Technologies on Systems of Support of Development of Means of Electronic Learning (p. 339 - 343)

The article considers the tendencies influencing technological progress in general and the Internet in particular. An overview of modern and prospective Internet technologies in terms of their use in the development tools of electronic learning systems is provided. The specific features of instrumental means are explored and possible criteria of their classification in relation to E-learning systems are presented, on the basis of which it is possible to make decisions on selection of architecture of educational portals, means of development of their constituents, and providing the full life cycle of e-learning systems, recommendations on their selection are proposed. Particular attention is paid to the total cost of ownership of a distance learning system at such stages of the life cycle as system deployment, organization of training courses, and operation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shevchuk I. B.
Determining the Transformational Changes in the Region’s Economy and the Development of IT-Sphere (p. 344 - 348)

The article is aimed at studying transformational changes in the region’s economy due to the processes of informatization of society and the development of IT-sphere. The main signs of transformational changes are indicated. Six transformations of economy connected with development of information society and introduction of information technologies in all spheres of human activity are allocated and analyzed. The first transformation is connected with transition of economy to new principles of management where information is a source of economic growth. The second is the digital transformation of the economy. The third is the digital transformation of business processes. The fourth is the scaling of business. The fifth is transformation of the value of product and services for clientele. The sixth is the socio-economic transformation of the labor market. An approach to evaluation of such transformations is proposed by comparison with similar processes occurring in the world, in a particular country or region.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Matselukh N. P., Opolinska V. V.
The Topical Pricing Issues in the Development of E-Commerce and E-Trade (p. 349 - 355)

The article is aimed at defining problematic issues of pricing in the development of e-commerce and e-trade in order to improve the methodological instrumentarium and implementation of innovative marketing policy of trading enterprises, carrying out sales operations in online mode. It is determined that the development of strategic orientations of price policy should provide conditions for achievement of the set goals in terms of trade enterprise, relying mainly on market methods of determining the basic price level, conditions and sizes of their differentiation, and appropriate adjustment as to changes in supply and demand. The concepts of «e-commerce» and «e-trade» have been divided. It is determined that the correct pricing requires constant up-to-date information that will ensure efficient use of the potential of trading enterprises and maintain stable relationships with existing buyers.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Korepanov O. S.
Using «Big Data» for Statistical Support of Management of Development of «Smart» Sustainable Cities (p. 356 - 361)

The article is aimed at analyzing the main problems of using «big data» for statistical support of management of development of «smart» sustainable cities, as well as substantiating ways of overcoming them. The basic definitions of the essence of the conception of «big data» are analyzed in accordance with consensus of the majority of scientific figures. The necessity of elaboration of additional methods and processes of analysis on the basis of the updated technologies and methods is substantiated in order to efficiently analyze «big data» and to act on the basis of the obtained results. The groupings of «big data» sources, which are expedient to use in information support of the model of «smart» sustainable cities, are accomplished, their characterization and examples are provided. A comparative analysis of traditional and «big data» by their basic attributes is also carried out, their differences are indicated. The advantages of «big data», which stipulate possibility to use them for information support of development of «smart» sustainable cities, and also ways of overcoming problems as to their use are defined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Valiullina Z. V.
The Priority Forms and Directions of Corporations’ Activities in the Information Society (p. 362 - 368)

The article is aimed at defining the forms and directions of corporations’ activities in the information environment. The directions of use of information technologies in different spheres of human activity are generalized and ordered. It is determined that the allocated spheres of corporate activity are not scattered on different links of both national and world economy, and therefore can be united today within the limits of one large international corporation. The use of information technologies as the main element of improvement of the enterprise management system is proved. It is determined that the fastest growing companies in the world are corporations whose activity is connected with the information component of activity: information services, digital mass media, e-commerce, hardware. The comparative characteristic of changes in market capitalization by branches was carried out, which showed that in 2009 – 2016 the first place was taken by the industry branch of technology. The modern mechanism of management of enterprises in the general kind, which is adapted to the challenges and advantages of the information environment, is proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Lazebnyk I. O.
The International Statistical Classifications in the National Electronic Health Care System (p. 257 - 263)

The article is aimed at forming and analyzing the system of international statistical classifications suitable for use in the national electronic health care system. The need to popularize and disseminate the use of international standards and statistical classifications is substantiated, due to the need to standardize available information to support and improve the efficiency of functioning of the national electronic health care system. The author considers the family of classifiers of the World Health Organization, which contains classifiers of three types: etalon (reference), derivatives, and related classifications. The most common etalon classifications in the international electronic health care system, namely: International Classification of Diseases (ICD), International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF), and International Classification of Medical Interventions (ICMI), are analyzed.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Lazebnyk I. O.
The Statistical Definition of the «Sector of Content and Information Media» (p. 13 - 19)

The important issues of statistical definition of the «sector of content and information media» are considered, which is especially important at the modern stage of statistical science development in Ukraine under the conditions of European integration and implementation of world standards and classifications. The research is aimed at studying the principles of interaction between classifications and groupings in the process of statistical definition of the «sector of content and information media» in Ukraine. The basic provisions which should become the basis of statistical definition of the «sector of content and information media» are substantiated. The main historical stages of statistical definition of products of the «sector of content and information media» at the international level are considered. The essence of the concept of «products of the sector of content and information media» is disclosed, features of such products are defined. The first classification of information economy products is carried out with the help of the exhaustive list of products of the «sector of content and information media». Taking into consideration the principles of interaction of the international statistical classifications, a list of products and the corresponding types of economic activities of the «sector of content and information media» has been compiled according to CPC Ver. 2, UPC 2011 (CPA 2008), ISIC Rev. 4, and KVED 2010.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Morhachov I. V.
The Implementation of Electronic Documentation in Organization: Problems and Ways of Solution (p. 189 - 193)

The publication considers a number of problems of implementation of electronic document management in organization and ways of their solution. The close relationship between the organization of electronic document management and the main objectives of information management has been specified. Such tasks was considered and the means of solution of them are offered due to the use of widespread software and hardware of information systems. The necessity of electronization of document circulation is proved only in case of separate operations where it is optimal. The tendencies of intensification of introduction of electronic document circulation on the State and regional levels are specified.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lazebnyk I. O.
The Informational and Analytical Provision of Injuries Prevention (p. 194 - 200)

The article is aimed at developing the methodological foundations of statistical research of injuries as a base of building an informational-analytical and methodical provision of their preventing. The necessity to use reliable data on health condition, use of medical services and determinant of health is substantiated. As an example of instrument for collecting such information, used in international practice, the European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) is considered. The main European indicators of health status related to injuries (the European Core Health Indicator – ECHI) are defined. The statistical data on the main indicators of health status according to the ECHI, concerning injuries, are analyzed by the world countries for 2013-2015. Special attention is paid to the definition of peculiarities of formation of one of the main international standardized databases on health care – the European Injury Data Base (IDB). The distribution of injury results in the EU is considered by severity together with the structure of registered injuries in 2012–2015.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Reznikova T. O., Boieva A. L.
The Formation of a System of Competitive Advantages in the Activity of Enterprise in the Sector of International Information-Communication Technologies (p. 347 - 353)

The article is aimed at a consideration of the increasing international competitiveness of enterprises on the basis of market analysis of IT sector of Ukraine, identifying of competitive advantages of the sector, their use in activity of enterprise. The dynamics of the main indicators of IT market for the last three years is explored and the forecasted directions of functioning of the Information-communication technologies sector are identified, which testifies to improvement of Ukraine’s position in the rating of competitiveness in the digital environment. The advantages and disadvantages of the key categories are presented. The positive dynamics of knowledge and technology indicators is of significant importance. The weaknesses include: protection of intellectual property rights, banks and financial services, high investment risks, cybersecurity, and software piracy. The results of the carried out analysis of the level of innovation activity of the LLC «Programno-tekhnichni systemy» using the method of expert estimations have displayed its organizational, personnel and financial competitive advantages. The characteristics of the IT sector are allocated, competitive advantages of enterprises in the international markets are identified, and their correlation with the level of competitiveness in the IT sector is traced.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yangol A. V.
Substantiating the Expediency of Digitization of Business Models of Enterprises in the Metallurgical Industry Sector as a Basis of Securing the Effectiveness of Their Activity (p. 354 - 362)

The article is aimed at studying the influence of digitization of business models of metallurgical enterprises on the effectiveness and efficiency of their activities under the «Industry 4.0». The «Industry 4.0» is considered as a conception of digital success of metallurgical industry enterprises, the optimal integrated model of modern digital enterprise is presented. The main problems and obstacles to digitization of both national and world enterprises of metallurgical industry are defined and described; their digital potential, quantitative and qualitative capabilities are identified; the value chain of digital metallurgical enterprise is researched. The holistic approach to the large-scale digital transformation of the metallurgical enterprise business model is characterized. The recommendations of Ukrainian producers concerning emulation of the most successful experience of digitization of the world leaders of metallurgical industry on the basis of the concept of digital success of the «Industry 4.0» are provided.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Synyutka N. H.
The Digital Identification of Taxpayers as a Prerequisite for the Digitization of Fiscal Space (p. 363 - 368)

The publication is aimed at improving knowledge about the transformation of fiscal space under the influence of digital technologies. The author characterizes introduction of digital identification of taxpayers in Ukraine and world-wide on the basis of theoretical generalizations, as well as comparison of research results and publications on the mentioned issues. The global process of formation of digital identity of the world’s population by the international community is defined as a goal for formation of a sustainable development society. Definitions of the notion of «digitization» are proposed. The available statistics of the IMF on digital identification of citizens for different groups of countries are generalized: developed countries, countries with economies in transition. Successful examples of the use of identification numbers of persons for political, social and fiscal purposes are provided. The tasks and principles of digital identification of taxpayers and/or recipients of social transfers are formulated. The key factors and tendencies in introduction of digital schemes for identification of the population are determined. It is emphasized that digital identification systems emit new types of risks: legal and regulatory, institutional and administrative, technological, transboundary and country-based.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Poliakova Y. O., Solomina D. S.
The Modern Tendencies of Development of the E-Commerce Market in Ukraine (p. 449 - 455)

The market of e-commerce dynamically develops in the territory of Ukraine both in the sphere of consumption and in conditions of formation of commercial business relations. The analysis of the status, definition of the modern tendencies of development of the market of e-business, and also prospects of its development, allow to indicate significant rates of growth of the given sphere of activity in Ukraine in comparison with the global indicators. The structural component of the electronic commerce market of Ukraine also has approached the international standards. Particular attention has recently been paid to the harmonization of the category of mobile advertising. The article defines the forecast of development of the e-commerce market and presents the corresponding equation of trend. The influence of innovations on the development of internet advertising and consumer attraction has been identified; an improvement of the existing business models of e-commerce organization through introduction of bulletin board and electronic auction, together with the models of marketplace and e-shop, depending on the sphere of activity Enterprise, has been proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kraus N. M., Kraus K. M., Manzhura O. V.
The Professions of the Future in the Virtual Reality of the Innovation-Digital Space (p. 132 - 138)

The article is aimed at researching the most important newest professions that will be inherent in the innovative and digital economy. The characteristic features of the newest professions are determined, their content is disclosed, and a comparison of the main professions of the future year of 2030 is made according to the EdCamp 2017 and the Sparks & Honey rating. The contents of the economic categories of «digital education» and «digitization of education» are disclosed. The digital competencies of the future specialties are defined, and the content of digital technologies in education is specified. It is argued that the transformation of the traditional economy into an innovative and digital one is possible provided that the individual’s education is promoted throughout one’s life, and the use of «digital» technologies in education is still a most important and sustainable tendency of development of the global educational process. It is concluded that there is a need that an individual learns to create value by himself, and the individual’s skills become goods / services. In this case, the person becomes the owner of a unique, special profession, because the individual creates the demand for own unique abilities and own professional activity.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Plotnikova L. I., Romanenko M. V., Sinenko S. I.
The Essence of E-Commerce in Terms of the Global Economy (p. 139 - 144)

The article is aimed at researching the essence of e-trade as a combination of economic relations between entities of different national economies on the exchange, distribution and redistribution of benefits by means of computer technologies as an instrument of information exchange in the global economy. The article analyzes essence of e-commerce and its features; factors influencing its development; data emerging from the use of global information technologies and electronic networks; formation of new forms of public relations between producers, intermediaries and consumers of goods and services in the international market. The topicality of research of the essence of e-trade and electronic methods of doing business is substantiated. The identity of e-commerce with trade via Internet is defined; five main channels (instruments) of implementation are allocated; it is recommended to enterprises around the world to change ways of organizing and managing their business, abandon the old hierarchical structure. E-commerce is classified in terms of the composition of its participants (entities), entering a new level of relations between the consumer and the supplier is suggested, and it is recommended to advance the UNCTAD’s weeks on e-commerce.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Beliavtseva V. V.
The Innovative Advantages of the Information Management of Entrepreneurial Activity (p. 145 - 150)

The aim of the article is to develop the conceptual, organizational and methodical principles of information management in the context of technological orientation of the economy and the management system with ensuring the balance in the information provision of decision-making. On the basis of determining the priority of technological innovations, a model of information management is proposed, which implements the project of information competence development and integration of information flows of the internal and the external environment with adaptation to the requests of management subsystems. According to the results of the research, a new conceptual model of the enterprise’s information environment is provided as a system of complex connections for the integration of technological, professional and informational competences as the basis for generation of knowledge, on the basis of which managerial decisions and development projects are formed. The proposal for the development of management policy options is offered, which characterize a variety of methods, principles and procedures for decision-making and organization of the enterprise activity. The basis of a perspective study of the problems of organization of information management is laid in the conditions of technological reorientation of business in accordance with the development of the era of knowledge in economic processes.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Pilevych D. S.
Applying a Systemic Approach to Consideration of the Essence of E-Commerce (p. 109 - 114)

The main aim of the article is to consider e-commerce as a single, holistic economic system, whith identifying its components, purpose, and features of functioning. Accordingly, the article considers the essence of such scientific concepts as «e-commerce» and «system». The research is based on a systemic approach, which is considered as a separate method of scientific research, being used to research the essence and features of functioning of the individual object through its consideration as a holistic object with its components, the relationships between them, and the purpose of its activity. Applying such an approach has allowed to have defined the essence of the e-commerce system, which is proposed to be viewed as a set of economic entities interacting with each other in the process of selling goods and providing services by means of the information networking technologies. The article also details the component composition of such a system, defines the peculiarities of interrelations between the constituents, identifies the purpose of its functioning, and the subjects of the external environment with which such a system interacts.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Dubovyk T. V., Herasimchuk T. A.
The Concept and System of Social Commerce (p. 84 - 90)

The Article is concerned with defining the essence of social commerce. Evolution of the concept of «social commerce» is explored and the essence of this concept is defined. The influence of consumer tendencies on innovative development of retail trade enterprises through development of social commerce is researched. The incentives influencing actions of consumers at various stages of decision-making on purchase of goods in system of social commerce are systematized. The main schemes of social commerce are categorized. Practical recommendations as to introduction of social commerce system for modern retail enterprises are provided. Recommendations on the social commerce strategy are developed. Prospects for further research in this direction are identifying of new behavioral models of consumers in the system of social commerce, studying of complex interrelations between variables and, finally, creation of a new theory of social commerce.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shtets T. F.
Researching the Conceptual Characteristics of the Digital Economy Sector (p. 91 - 95)

The article is aimed at researching the conceptual characteristics of the digital economy sector. The characteristic features of the digital economy, conceptions of the concept of digital economy and its empirical value are indicated. Based on the studying the theoretical and conceptual bases and definition of the concept of «digital economy», an own definition of the concept is formulated. The goals are defined and five main scientific approaches to understanding the essence of the digital economy are described. The basic conceptual characteristics of the sector of digital economy are systematized and summarized, which consist of the following elements: key concepts, signs, goals, basic systems and conditions of formation, indicators of development, factors influencing formation of digital economy, ways of development of digital economy and substantiation of these elements in the context of formation of the digital economy sector.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Podskrebko O. S.
Developing the Structure of Decision-Making Support System for Management of the Production Logistics of an Industrial Enterprise (p. 139 - 146)

The article proposes the structure of decision-making support system (DMSS) for management of the production logistics of industrial enterprise, which will increase efficiency of production system (by reducing time for decision-making which are based on the information about actual stocks, planned downtime and losses), and will determine the cost of failed managerial decisions in order to eliminate the possibility of recurrence in the future. The main aspects of functioning of the proposed DMSS are illustrated on the example of the process of converter production of steel at a metallurgical plant, describing each of the units presented in the structure of the system. The author proposes a decision-making mechanism, based on close interaction between the modeling module, knowledge base, and databases, using which one can generate recommendations concerning the movement of one or another unit, which participates in the process of converter production of steel. On the basis of her own experience of developing the alike systems, the author proposes a group data processing, suggesting use of a personal interface for each category of users, which will attract the main participants in the production process to decision-making, collective formulation of new ideas. It is specified that improvement of efficiency of functioning of economic objects is possible, first of all, by means of a competent application and further perfection of information systems.

Article is written in English


Pilevych D. S.
Theoretical Bases for Development of Electronic Business (p. 67 - 72)

The aim of the article is to enhance the theoretical principles for development of electronic business. The basic features of e-business as a separate, holistic object of research are described. These include the following: e-business – a type of economic activity; an activity intended for generating income; an activity in which information and communication technologies and networks are actively used; an activity in which information and communication technologies and networks play a leading role in all business processes: consumption, exchange, distribution, and production; an activity which creates added value. Taking into account the results obtained, it is proposed to consider the essence of e-business as follows: e-business is a type of economic activity in which information and communication technologies and networks are actively used, their application making it possible to create added value and generate income. Special attention is also paid to the selection of individual elements in the e-business system and their grouping. In particular, the elements include the following: electronic commerce, electronic consulting, electronic payment services, electronic provision of information, electronic employment, electronic financial services, electronic educational services, electronic marketing.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Sokolovska Z. M., Yatsenko N. V., Khortiuk M. V.
The Simulation Models of Activities of IT Firms on the Basis of AnyLogic Platform (p. 61 - 76)

The article is aimed at disclosing the possibilities of using methods of the simulation modelling in solving the tasks of managing the activities of product and outsourcing IT companies. In the generalization of the publications of a number of specialists, the problems of applied introduction of the method of simulation modelling in the IT-sphere are allocated. The simulation models-trainers developed for typical product and outsourcing IT firms are proposed. The models are built using the multi-approach simulation paradigm (a combination of system-dynamic and agent approaches) on the basis of AnyLogic software platform. The product firm model reproduces the generalized lifecycle of the software products developed in accordance with needs of the IT market. The model explores the production parameters (temporary and cost-based) at all stages of software development; both the period of product availability in the market and the financial turnover of firm are forecasted. The outsourcing firm model is designed to explore its operation in conditions of a competitive IT market and the impact of competition on the demand of outsourcing services. The dynamics of orders and completed works by rival firms are forecasted; the impact of the duration of orders, price policy, advertising intensity on the final performance of companies are analyzed. The range of use of models in the practical activities of IT firms is demonstrated in the situational section on the basis of two types of simulation experiments – the standard type and the variation of parameters.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lapko O. O., Solosich O. S.
Blockchain Technology: The Concept, Scope and Impact on Business (p. 77 - 82)

The economic essence of the concept of "blockchain" has been concretized. It is proved that today the key area of the implementation of the blockchain technology is the financial sector, namely, payment systems built on the use of crypto-currency. On the example of Bitcoin crypt-currency, a thorough analysis of the role of cryptocurrencies in the financial system has been conducted. The prospects for using the blockchain technology in food production have been identified, where, through the development of modern systems of integrated supply chains, consumers will be able to control product quality, its organic origin, production technologies, concentrations of harmful substances. The possibility of using the blockchain technology in the real estate market, where it is possible to form electronic registries of land and real estate ownership with ensuring the security of this data, has been substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Maliar D. V.
Remote Employment: Precondition, Form of Manifestation and Consequences of the Development of the Digital Economy (p. 165 - 171)

The author considers telecomputing as one of the leading forms of virtual employment, emergence of which is facilitated by the following flexible forms of employment: freelancing, zero contract, mini-work, as well as appropriate forms of borrowing of personnel: outstaffing, temporary staffing, staff leasing, outsourcing. It is identified that these forms of labor force recruitment lead directly to the formation of remote labor relations because of their flexibility or partiality. These workers feel more comfortable working remotely. It is determined that distance employment is the basis for reducing the cost of renting office, setting up a working place, utility bills, etc. It is proved that distance employment determines the enhanced performance by saving time on transfers and better time management on the part of workers. Freeing up time and an optimal time distribution according to the worker’s own flexible schedule allows reducing the worker costs. It is substantiated that the efficiency of remote employment leads to the emergence of new organizational structures: virtual organizations, electronic enterprises, electronic governments. There comes a virtualization of the work of individual labor collectives, which generally refuse to maintain offices. Within the framework of the e-government conception, there is a remotization of labor services, taking place on a public scale. It is displayed that virtualization nowadays targets not only business entities or the government, but also certain sectors of the economy that can be subject to it. According to the author, the propensity of industries to remote employment depends on two aspects. First, to what extent digital technologies are used in the production of a particular industry. Secondly, how much the results of labor in a certain area can be digitized and sent remotely to the customer. Thus, virtual employment leads to the deployment of the digital economy, as it is based on the use of telecommunication technologies. Remote employment volumes serve as a certain criterion for the digitalization of the economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Lehominova S. V., Kochura T. O.
Blockchain Technology as a Result of Innovative Transformations in the Context of Digitalization of the Economies of Countries (p. 259 - 264)

The article is aimed at generalizing the essential content of the concepts of «blockchain» and «blockchain technology», defining the factors of the prerequisites for digitalization, carrying out an analysis of the application of blockchain technology by foreign countries and identifying its impact on formation of the newest segments of social and economic usage. The focus of the research is set to define the directions of achieving the goal by activating the introduction of innovative instruments for conduct of economic activity in the context of digitalization of the world economy. The problems of modern use of blockchain technology by foreign countries has been analyzed, the peculiarities together with the need to develop and create a legal and regulatory framework for the regulation of the latest digitalization processes have been identified in order to counter the malicious use, for example, with fraudulent projects and money laundering, and also with the purpose of formation of sources of filling the State Budget of Ukraine. The relevance of a timely understanding of the essence of blockchain technology, the ability to its optimal and efficient application is substantiated; the issues about possibility and efficiency of implementing innovative technologies for the formation and use of the countries’ intellectual potentials, along with timely response to the opportunities that emerge from the spread of digitalization, are researched. It is proposed to study and implement the leading experience of foreign countries, allowing to timely application of digital technologies and improving the competitiveness of the national economy as a whole. It is indicated that it would be appropriate to strengthen the role of the State as the main stakeholder, which consists in developing digitalization of the country and its institutions in general.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Mazurenko O. K.
Blockchain Technologies in the Information Provision of Logistic Services (p. 255 - 261)

The article is aimed at defining the potential benefits of using blockchain technology in logistics and possible scenarios for their use in the information provision of logistic services. It is defined that the introduction of blockchain technology in logistics makes it possible to store data in the necessary amount, to protect documents from fraudsters, to prevent the possibility of changing digital information about the transportation process. This system can definitely reduce the costs of suppliers for delivery and the likelihood of actions of fraudsters, while preserving the financial resources of all participants in logistic processes. At the same time, identifying the potential benefits of introducing blockchain technology into logistics is defined by using a structure that outlines the impact of this introduction on the organizational structures and processes. In the first phase, the attributes of the innovation structure need to be applied to determine possible uses in accordance with five innovative characteristics: relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, opportunity of test and observability, thus providing a theoretical basis for classifying the relevant supplements. The second phase presents an additional structure, wherein four different stages of transformation are allocated. This structure will help logistics managers better understand various aspects of the blockchain problems, such as the desirable or even necessary level of cooperation and consensus, as well as legislative and regulatory hurdles.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Havrylenko M. M., Horal L. T., Berlous M. V.
Transforming Economic Systems under the Influence of Digitalization (p. 261 - 267)

Taking into account the significant changes in the economy of the State and global economic trends, the authors have developed and implemented new methodical approaches to the management system at a real oil and gas enterprise, combining identification of the technical process with the adaptation of the organizational «skeleton» by geographical basis. In the research were used retrospective and predictive methods, theoretical and economic modeling, methods of systemic-situational approach, which helped to build a new organizational structure of enterprise management (OSM) that meets the global quality management requirements allowing to manage the changes most effectively for continuous improvement of enterprise. The article emphasizes the impact of exogenous and endogenous environmental factors on the level and behavior of enterprise costs, it is noted particularly that the introduction of digitalization, as instrument of economic growth, requires strategic planning, that leads to a change in management and organizational structures. On the example of JSC «Ukrtransnafta» real changes are displayed, analysis of the OSM indicators is carried out, among which the key one is the level of centralization of management, as in today’s dynamic conditions the solutions require rapid response and multiple professional competencies. It is emphasized that the shortcomings of the proposed structure may be a large information overload of manager due to the multiple contacts and significant flow of documents, non-compliance with the growing requirements for modern production, however, they are minimized by significant process automation and clarity of information links.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Rudakova S. H., Danylevych N. S., Shchetinina L. V., Kasianenko Y. A.
Digital HR - the Future of Human Resources Administration (p. 265 - 270)

The article is aimed at researching the process of evolution of HR functions under the influence of digitalization, updating the introduction of digital technologies in HR and evaluating the current level of automation of human resources administration processes, defining the main possibilities, opened by digitization for human resources. The authors propose the following ways to accelerate the development of companies in the context of the global transformation of HR processes: teamwork, which helps management and employees quickly transform and adapt to the digital way of thinking; improving and upgrading the traditional systemic HR solutions; developing long-term strategies that are consistent with evolutionary and technological realities; increasing the employees’ engagement through the positioning of «employee-customer», in-depth analysis of other companies operating in the market. The digital transformation of HR begins with a change of mindset within HR. For many organizations, both in HR and across the organization, this is a revolutionary opportunity. However, innovative strategies for company development must take into account the demands of digital HR management, which presupposes integrated mobile applications, social networks, analytics, cloud technology and VR. Nowadays, everyone must first of all define their role as a team item that helps management and employees quickly adapt to the digital way of thinking. The traditional HR system should be improved and modernized, and the best way is replacing it with an integrated cloud platform that would create the enterprise’s digital infrastructure. It is also worth mentioning a long-term strategy that needs to be carefully considered and adapted to both the evolutionary and the technological realities. Innovation needs to be a key strategy within HR. It is vital to create a team that not only knows all HR processes and functions in depth, but will also be able to monitor, analyze, and implement new stack technologies that appear almost on the everyday basis.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lupak R. L., Shtets T. F., Pryshlyak O. P.
Institutional Aspects of the State Regulation of the Development of Digital Economy of Ukraine (p. 271 - 277)

The article is aimed at scientific substantiation of the institutional aspects of the State regulation of the development of Ukraine’s digital economy, on the basis of which the necessary conditions for the functioning of basic and derivative institutions of digitalization are created, with the full-fledged implementation of their functions and objectives. It is determined that the elemts of the institutional support of the State regulation of development of the digital economy sector in Ukraine are the institutional-legal basis, institutional-organizational platform, institutional-infrastructure provision, institutional-economic bloc and institutional-psychological environment. In order to form a sufficient institutional-legal basis, a number of instruments must be implemented, including the legislative framework for operation of digital economy, and the arrangement of functioning of the main institutions of the digital economy, removing legal restrictions for the development and spread of principles of the digital economy in business and new industries, providing a special legal regime for the economic entities with a high level of informatization and openness to cooperation in the digital economy. Implementation of instruments such as the formation of institutional provision of public policy planning, the development of the sector of digitalization of the economy, the establishment of institutions of coordination of the parties interested in the development of digital economy, the introduction of the institute of monitoring and efficiency of the State policy of development of the digital economy will allow to build a sufficient institutional-organizational platform for digitalization in Ukraine. The development of institutional-infrastructure provision for the digitalization of the national economy will be facilitated by: creation of digital platforms of business, the State and the public, the formation of unified digital cloud platforms, development of the institutional research and development environment in the digital economy, building up the information infrastructure. Within the framework of the institutional-economic bloc of the State regulation in the sphere under consideration, a number of public-private partnership programs should be implemented, the infrastructure to support high-tech start-ups should be developed and investment with a focus on the ICT sector projects, to form the methodical centers of the system of intellectual-personnel provision to meet the needs of the development of digital economy. The formation of a high-quality institutional-psychological environment is necessary to popularize the idea of digitalization of Ukraine’s economy among business and the public. This will be facilitated by a unified digital environment of trust, the development of an intellectual property security and protection infrastructure, and the promotion of benefits and opportunities of the digitalization for the economy and society.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Shubenko I. A.
Trends of Digitization in the Insurance Market of Ukraine (p. 273 - 279)

The article is aimed at studying the theoretical-practical bases of digitalization and identifying its main trends in the insurance market of Ukraine. It is defined that digitalization is not only the digitization of information and its distribution through modern telecommunications channels, but also the process of introducing new telecommunication technologies to the insurance organization to improve customer service. Taking into account practical activities in the insurance sphere, the main digital technologies are allocated: website, social network, chatbot, web forum, video hosting, video telephony, cloud technologies, automated systems for verification of insurance contracts. It is researched that the share of insurance companies that have formed websites is 80% of the total number of insurers listed in the State Register of Financial Institutions in Ukraine. The article, based on information posted on the official websites of Ukrainian insurance companies, analyzed the use of certain elements of digital technologies. On this basis, six main trends of digitalization of the Ukrainian insurance market are defined: digitalization as a new direction of the formation of the insurance market has just begun in Ukraine, but is developing rapidly; expansion of the digital insurance system, which includes a whole range of services offered by insurance companies to their potential customers and existing insurers; formation of a mobile insurance system through the creation of mobile apps; introduction of telematics; introduction of automated systems for insurance contract verification and the use of cloud technologies.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Orlova O. M., Shevchuk I. B.
Transformation of Shadow Economy in the Sphere of Online Activities (p. 280 - 288)

The article is aimed at researching the directions and features of the transformation of Ukraine’s shadow economy in the sphere of online activities. The general tendencies of its development are defined on the basis of different approaches and methodologies to determine the level of shadowing of the national economy (the Putnins and Sauka methodology - sample survey of enterprises using the micro-macro modeling approach); methodologies of calculating the volume of the shaded economic activity (integral indicator of the level of the shadow economy, «population expenditures - retail turnover»; unprofitability of enterprises, electric and monetary methods), as well as the volume of budget losses from various tax abuses. It is determined that although there are some differences between the results of the research using these methods, all of them confirm the fact that Ukraine has a huge shadow sector. It is proved that over the past decade the sphere of shady relations has significantly expanded, spreading to the online environment. Today, shadow activities are carried out through the Internet, covering areas of the real economy, such as gambling business, fast credits to the population, trade in alcohol, tobacco and narcotics. In addition, cybercrime has also become a real shadow economy. On the Darknet market, you can now buy almost everything from stolen credit card data to malicious code to infect computers. It is substantiated that shadow activities both in the real sector of the economy and online leads to negative socio-economic consequences for the State and society, and therefore requires the development of a system of measures to ensure the curtailment of such activities.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lehominova S. V.
The Innovative Gradients as Attributes of the Digital Economic Development (p. 289 - 294)

The article is aimed at defining the technological prerequisites for the digitization of the economy, to closer defining the essence and advantages of the term of «digital platform», outlining the problematics of the preservation and protection of information resources (confidential and personal information), cybersecurity. The innovative gradients of digital economic development are characterized through the prism of technological triggers, which require transformational changes in the economy, its digitalization. The author identifies the risks of transition to digitalization and the need for the efficient functioning of three components: regulatory framework for the use of digital technologies; skills that workers, businessmen, civil servants need in order to take advantage of digital technology opportunities; existence of efficient and accountable institutions that use the Internet to empower citizens. The term of «digital platform» is closer defined, which means a systematic approach to both understanding and creating the conditions of the digital economy. Digital economic development is proved to be directly dependent on the rapid introduction of innovative gradients based on the technological triggers, e.g.: BioTech, NanoTech, Digital-marketing, FinTech, BlockChain, RetailTech, LegalTech, Grid Technologies, GovTech, e-ID, thus creating a comfortable environment for the formation of digital platforms. The «digital platform» is characterized as a capable efficient association of market actors, whose efforts will be directed towards obtaining the maximum effect of the established interaction of all participants in the economic process. Active search and engagement with the help of digital platforms of all possible innovative gradients provides the maximum possible benefits to market actors.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shevchuk I. B., Starukh A. I., Vaskiv O. M.
Business Risk Management Techniques and Expert Methods of their Evaluation (p. 295 - 306)

The article is aimed at researching the problem of risk when substantiating decisions not only of a strategic nature, but also at the stage of short-term planning. In this regard, the problem of risk assessment takes on an independent theoretical and applied value as an important part of the theory and practice of the system of information security management. The next step was to review, research and analyze the system of business planning management for an economic entity that relates to a complex IT system. One of the options for solving this issue may be the development and creation of a computer expert system of business planning. The research results are the types and categories of business risks being analyzed, as well as the impact of IT risks in business, in particular, techniques of business risk management are disclosed. The risk management methodologies such as CRAMM, COBIT, FRAP and OCTAVE, which are among the main and widely used in both government and commercial organizations around the world, have also been described. The methodologies under research have both positive and negative aspects in risk management, and do not provide for the resolution of the consequences of risks that have not been minimized or prevented. Studies have shown that as methods of economic and mathematical modeling of the solution to the task of optimizing the management of business planning processes is proposed to use the results of works on the study and use of artificial intelligence methods, namely, technologies for the development and creation of computer expert systems to implement information support and support managerial decisions. Prospects for further research in this direction are our proposed development of an expert system as an instrumentarium of the system of business process management and support of managerial decision-making, as well as the use of such expert systems to assess risks by business entities, which will provide them with an efficient instrumentarium of forming business plans for the implementation of various production and commercial projects.

Article is written in English


Tiutiunnykova S. V., Riabovol D. A.
Features of Competition in the Context of Digitalization of the Economy (p. 253 - 259)

Dynamic changes in the market bases of the economy under the influence of digital technologies are displayed. Logistics, minimizing transaction costs, speeding up the process of circulation are the benefits that the digital economy brings. All these factors coexist with a number of serious threats. Digital formalization and desocialization of economic activity, concentration of information power and increased consumer manipulation lead to a fundamental social uncertainty. Institutional changes are supposed to remove growing uncertainty and risks by ensuring the safety and freedom of consumer choice. The changes in the list of the world’s largest companies by capitalization since 2008 illustrate the growing importance of the high-tech industry on a global scale. The article shows the tendencies of formation of the market imbalances in the market shares of players in certain areas of the digital economy, and provides examples of expanding the scope of presence through the acquisition of smaller start-ups with significant innovative potential. Removing the uncertainty of socio-economic development as well as reducing gaps due to incomes or education lies in the plane of social control on the part of society over the dynamic technological and economic changes. Only a mature society is able to form the quality of the institutional environment in which it becomes possible: firstly, to extract the maximum result from modern technologies; secondly, to distribute it on the fair basis; thirdly, to keep a person’s habitat comfortable for his life. The digital economy should serve human development and well-being, not virtualize a human and subdue him the newest technology. Formation of new institutional mechanisms to counter unfair competition were needed, which would be the prospect of further research into the problem.

Article is written in English


Tarasova K. I.
The Evolution of Information Systems in the Economy (p. 289 - 295)

Information system is an aggregate of processes, hardware, trained staff, software, infrastructure and standards designed to create, modify, store, manage and disseminate information to offer new business strategies and new products. It promotes efficient work and communication to make the best decisions in an organization. Information systems change the goals, actions, products of enterprises and organizations to help them gain an advantage in a competitive environment. Systems that have these results can even change the structure of a business. The evolution of information technology is closely linked to the development of new strategic models of corporate business. The enterprises’ drive to improve the efficiency of information systems stimulates the emergence of better hardware and software, which in turn encourages users to modernize and automatize their systems. This cyclical process takes place with the aim of responding more appropriately to changes in market conditions and to maximize profits at minimal risk. In today’s environment, economic entities are inextricably linked to information systems, as the success of enterprise and its competitiveness depend to a large extent on the use of modern technologies. The carried out research examines the evolution of information systems in general and the specifics of their use for the needs of companies. Seven stages of the development of information systems have been allocated, a brief description of each of these stages is presented: the main activities, and the purpose of the use of information systems have been defined; the concept of use of information and the type of information system for each stage of its development have been determined. The stages of development of automated information systems at the national enterprises are considered. The current status of information systems at the economic entities of Ukraine is characterized.

Article is written in Russian

Kovtun T. D., Matviienko A. P.
The Current Status and Prospects for the Development of Both the Global and the National e-Commerce Markets (p. 295 - 303)

The article is aimed at analyzing the current status and defining the prospects for development of both the global and the national e-commerce markets. The article displays the dynamics of the world’s population growth along with the development of the world Internet coverage during 1999-2018. The dynamics of the proportion of e-commerce in the world trade are also analyzed. The publication includes a list of countries that are leaders in the global e-commerce market. Sales volumes in the B2C and B2B segments of the global market during 2014-2019 are illuminated and forecast data are presented. The dynamics of the proportion of Internet users in the total population of Ukraine are considered. The analytical indicators of development of the national e-commerce market in the B2C and B2B segments are provided. The largest Ukrainian marketplaces are characterized, and their place in the national e-commerce market is defined. The most popular groups of goods, which are preferred by Ukrainian online consumers, are analyzed. Both the global and the national experience of the introduction of online portals for the provision of electronic services are generalized. The publication highlights the leading trends, and identifies the prospects for development of the global e-commerce market. It is noted that social networks, voice commerce technologies, augmented reality and visual commerce, gaming elements, online assistants, etc. will be used more actively in e-commerce. Resulting from the carried out research it is concluded that both the global and the national e-commerce markets are now increasing their volumes and gaining the loyalty of an increasing number of consumers. At the same time, the key factor in the development of e-commerce is the diversification of technologies and instruments in online communication.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ivanchenko N. O., Podskrebko O. S., Sidletska A. O.
The Main Problems and Prospects for the Development of the Startup Market in Ukraine (p. 303 - 311)

The article is aimed at analyzing the development of startup market in Ukraine, reviewing the successful Ukrainian startup companies. After analyzing a sufficient number of scientific works and materials, the authors summarized and synthesized the main reasons for the failure and success of startups. The article specifies that in the era of breakthrough technologies and accelerating the digitalization of various business processes, in order to maintain their place in the market and be competitive, it is very important to use modern technologies and business solutions, where startups become the main source of fresh ideas and non-standard solutions for big business. Based on the analysis of the main ranking websites for startup projects, a conclusion has been made about the rapid development of the startup market in Ukraine with active support on the part of the State. The article analyzes the main platforms and resources for promoting startups in the international market and a variety of studies on the selection of criteria for the success of both the national startup projects and the foreign ones. As a result of the study, despite the fact that each startup project is unique and associated with a combination of many details, the generalized factors of success and failure of startups are synthesized. The authors define a set of the internal and external factors that cause direct influence on the success of projects, analysis and accounting of which are a priority before entering the startup into the market. Prospects for further research in this direction will be developing and introducing the mechanisms to improve the efficiency of startup companies. Particular attention should be paid to the protection of intellectual property rights. An important task is to analyze the international experience, on the basis of which it is necessary to create the most comfortable environment for the introduction of innovative technologies, which will become a powerful driver for the successful development of national enterprises and the economy as a whole.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Klunko N. S.
Digitalization in the Pharmaceutical Industry: Current State and Development Prospects (p. 329 - 335)

The article examines the process of digitalization as a key trend in the modern socio-economic development of any industry and complex, identifies the features of legal regulation of this process in the Russian Federation, the features of its implementation in relation to the pharmaceutical industry of the RF. The article analyzes the statistical data describing the development of the process of digitalization in the Russian pharmaceutical complex, identifies the main directions of positive impact of this process on the pharmaceutical complex, existing problems of its further development and possible ways of their solution. Digitalization should be perceived as a key trend in the development of the modern pharmaceutical complex, ensuring the improvement of all aspects of the activities of participants in the pharmaceutical complex. At the same time, it is obvious that the process of digitalization in relation to the Russian pharmaceutical industry is at the initial stage of its development. This is evidenced by the characteristics of digital solutions used in the activities of pharmaceutical companies, as well as the percentage of their implementation. As a key method of intensifying the processes of digitalization of the pharmaceutical complex, we should consider the legal methods of regulating all participants in the digital sector of procurement and sales, the specifics of regulating competition in this market as an open procurement market, the Federal laws 44FZ, 223FZ, regulating the rules of bidding in the conditions of digitalization of business processes. According to the author, legal means should be considered as a key method of intensifying the processes of digitalization of the pharmaceutical industry. In this regard, it is necessary to integrate the targets contained in the program «Digital economy of the Russian Federation» into the concept of strategy of development of pharmaceutical industry of the Russian Federation until 2030 and to create in the government program a separate direction of «Digital health care».

Article is written in Russian


Trushkina N. V.
The Client-Oriented Approach to Logistics Service in the Information Economy (p. 196 - 204)

The article presents the results of expert surveys conducted by international organizations to determine the current problems, features and trends of client-orientedness of logistics service in the context of an information environment. A statistical analysis of the indicators describing the level of use of information and communication technologies in the management of relations with consumers in Ukrainian enterprises is carried out. The major barriers to digital transformation of logistics services are identified, which are conditionally classified into 6 groups: market, transport, marketing, informational, organizational, and financial-economic. The expediency of applying a client-oriented approach to logistics service in the information economy is substantiated. A digital strategy for the transformation of client service is proposed, the implementation of which will provide obtaining of a synergistic effect, combining the economic, social and ecological. Prospects for further research include the development of an organizational-economic mechanism for managing relationships with consumers in the context of the marketing strategy of enterprises in the information economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Rakhman M. S., Korabelskiy S. O.
IT-Industry of Ukraine in the Eyes of World Community (p. 181 - 188)

This article is concerned with a familiarization with the world IT market, and also an analysis of Ukrainian IT-industry. Attention is focused on researching and forecasting the main indicators of the market and its structure. Analyzing the Ukrainian IT market allows to determine the situation and trends of development of this industry. It can also serve to create other, more detailed studies or to predict further development. The relevance of the topic is that IT market is one of the most progressive and rapidly developing markets in the world. According to scientists, in the near future it will displace most of the existing professions and create a lot of new ones. Therefore, an analysis of the IT market is necessary to determine the general trends and directions of development. The purpose of the publication is to determine the main aspects of the functioning of Ukrainian IT market in time, and to determine the main trends and directions as to adaptation of the enterprises to the pace of development of the industry. The subject of research is the economic and statistical analysis of the status and prospects for further development of Ukrainian IT market, increasing the demand for products and services of its production. Object of research are Ukrainian IT market itself and its main components. The publication uses the following scientific and statistical methods: synthesis, analysis, table, matrix, extrapolation method, economic and mathematical methods etc. The article researches: structure and classification of the world IT market; Ukrainian IT market in the context of the most popular programming languages; position of the country in the world rankings; staff composition of enterprises; share in the country’s total exports and the extent of the services sold. A dynamic analysis of sales and export services in the sphere of IT Ukraine is carried out. A matrix analysis of the IT market is conducted, which included SWOT and PEST-analysis, as well as relevant conclusions for each of them. Recommendations on the development and adaptation of Ukrainian IT market to the world trends in this industry are elaborated.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Davydov D. S., Riabovol D. A., Kramarenko A. О., Kvitka A. V.
The Role of Cloud Technologies in the Digital Economy (p. 171 - 177)

At the present stage of the development of the digital economy especially relevant are the technologies that are universal in nature and will be able to change the business processes of modern Internet companies. One of such directions is cloud solutions that allow, among other things, faster access to the necessary information, minimizing the locally occupied memory, by shifting basic information operations to remote capacities, while accelerating many processes and making the expensive infrastructure unnecessary. However, it is worth noting the existence of a number of restrictions related to insufficient awareness of companies as to new solutions, as well as their link to existing solutions, which makes it quite difficult for them to fulfill transition to new, more efficient cloud-based instruments. The authors analyze the key factors of both positive and negative nature, which in some way or another influence the decision-making by digital companies on the beginning of active application of this complex of new technologies. A substantiation for the feasibility of such innovations is provided. The main trends of digital economy development and the process of digitalization with integration of traditional industries therein are considered. The main advantages and contradictions of implementation of the cloud technologies on a wide basis are shown. The relationship between the growth of quantity of information in the digital economy and the need to create effective mechanisms for processing and storing it based on the Public Cloud technologies is specified. The peculiarities of the API-first business model of companies that are actively developing in the face of growing global volume of information are considered. Examples of the positive effect of using cloud computing technologies in the digital product creation are presented and the industry’s major players are listed. The importance of government initiatives for implementing innovations is noted. Actual directions of increasing the potential of using cloud technologies in business are identified.

Article is written in English


Feklistova D. P., Zagorska D. M.
E-Government as a Major Factor in the Development of Social Insurance Funds in Ukraine (p. 198 - 204)

Social insurance as a system of guaranteeing material support in case of occurrence of insured cases undergoes the process of reforming, the State uses a variety of methods of influence, including achievements of scientific-technological progress. Social security funds were created to provide citizens with a full range of services that provide a decent life. The article is aimed at analyzing the opportunities of social security funds to provide electronic services. The latest changes in the reform of the social insurance system of Ukraine are illuminated. The functions performed by these establishments are considered in order to understand their essence. The concept of «e-government» is described and it is defined that its application influences the improvement of effectiveness of the government policy. The analysis of services of the Pension fund of Ukraine, the Social insurance fund and the Social insurance fund in case of unemployment was carried out. The largest number of electronic services is now provided by the Pension fund of Ukraine, which successfully implements e-government. The Social security fund does not yet provide the opportunity to receive services remotely. The Social security fund in case of unemployment in the aspect of e-government focuses on the employment services of citizens. Recommendations for further development of the social insurance system using electronic services are provided.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Shkodinа I. V., Serdyuk T. V.
Impact of COVID-19 on the Introduction of Digital Technologies by International Business (p. 227 - 232)

The article is aimed at analyzing the peculiarities of the introduction of digital technologies by the international business in the conditions of COVID-19. Based on the analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on the introduction of digital technologies by the international business, the authors concluded that the crisis, on the one hand, slowed down the financing of some investment projects, but, on the other hand, it stimulated the implementation of projects related to the digitalization of international business (5G, start-up factories, the Internet of Things, robotics and blockchain). There was an increase in financing for projects related to remote work, virtual cooperation instruments, mobile devices, security programs. In the long term, COVID-19 will exacerbate the problem of digital gap between both countries and businesses and among the population. It is concluded that the Big Tech’s digital innovations increase the profitability of tech giants, and flows of cheap liquidity (as a means of countering COVID-19) lead to the formation of a new bubble in the market (P/E is close to 75). After the pandemic, traditional business will resume, but the digital gap will increase and remain a major economic and social problem. To solve these problems, it is imperative to improve the State-based regulation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Maksymenko A. O.
Information Content of the Amalgamated Hromadas’ Websites and its Impact on Center-Periphery Interactions (p. 233 - 240)

The article analyzes the information content of the websites of amalgamated hromadas (AHs). On the example of AHs of Lviv region, a content analysis of the information on websites was carried out. Of the 41 formed during 2015-2019 amalgamated hromadas of Lviv region, 38 hromadas have created their official website. Mostly, the AHs’ websites cover: information about the activities of the management apparatus; information about the governance apparatus and the deputy composition of the AH council; budget and use of budget funds; participation of citizens in governance; regulatory activity/policy; strategic documents; passport of AH; detailed description of infrastructure, labor, agricultural, natural, tourism resources, enterprises operating on the territory of AH; there is a tab with information about ASC; investment passport and the land plots, which are intended for the implementation of investment projects, as well as information about the activities of various departments and communal utilities. It is noted that during the coverage of information on official websites, executive authorities should be guided by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine «On the procedure for publishing information on the activities of executive authorities on the Internet», as well as Art. 15 of the Law of Ukraine «On Access to Public Information». It is determined that the most common is information about the composition and activities of the AH governance apparatus, information about the deputy composition, budget and use of budget funds, regulatory activities. The index of the amount of information covered is proposed and computed. It is concluded that AHs with general fund income (without transfers) per capita of more than 3000 UAH have more informatively filled websites. However, the type of hromada (urban or rural) does not influence the amount of information covered on the website. In general, the carried out analysis showed the lack of asymmetry in the disclosure and dissemination of information through the official websites of AHs of the Lviv region.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Prytys V. I., Krymchak L. А., Havlovska N. I.
Leakage of Information as a Key Problem of Information-Analytical Provision of Economic Security of Enterprise in the Context of Digitalization of the Economy (p. 240 - 247)

The article is aimed at researching the key problem of information and analytical provision of enterprise in the context of digitalization of the economy. The publication indicates the growth of the role of information in the implementation of management activities by an economic entity and its general role in the operation of the modern enterprise. Approaches to interpretation of the concepts of «information» and «information provision» are examined. It is defined that today the main problem of information-analytical provision of economic activity is the leakage of confidential information as one of the forms of materialization of threats to the information security of enterprise, which consists in violation of confidentiality, integrity and availability of information. It is further defined that the leakage of information at the enterprise is usually caused by the following actions: unauthorized access to confidential information; disclosure of confidential information (including the unintentional disclosure); leakage of information via the imperfect technical channels. The channels of possible information leakage are considered. In addition, the analysis of statistical data on information leakage in the global dimension was carried out. According to the researches, in 2019, among the total volume of information leakage, 49.7% of the volume is accounted for by external actors and 50.3% by internal offenders. In general, in the system of information and communication provision, special attention of the management of enterprise should be directly paid to internal communications, since more than 90% of the information comes in from employees. It should be noted that the reasons for the leakage of the enterprise’s information due to the fault of internal actors may be: unintentional actions on the part of the enterprise’s employees related to errors in the processing, storage or transmission of confidential data; the caused by certain reasons actions of employees who have access to confidential information. This may include the actions of employees who use the enterprise’s data for fraud purposes, as well as the actions of former employees who, motivated by their desire for retaliation for dismissal, «contribute» to the leakage of confidential information, passing it on to competitors or using it for their own mercenary purposes.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zahreba M. M., Nikolaiev I. V.
Using the On-line Ad Platforms in the Small Business Commercial Activities (p. 248 - 254)

The article is aimed at studying the market of on-line ad platforms in Ukraine, as well as the opportunities that it provides to small businesses in the sphere of product promotion and sales. When analyzing and generalizing the scientific works of scholars, it was found that they do not consider the on-line ad platforms as an instrument that can give a new impetus in the commercial activities of small businesses and private entrepreneurs. Given the protracted economic crisis due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the use and research of these platforms appears to be all the more topical issue. The common characteristics of the on-line ad sites as categories are allocated, the related marketplaces are examined. The presented in Ukraine electronic bulletin boards, their features, differences, strengths and weaknesses are researched. Mechanisms for using these platforms in commercial activities of enterprises are proposed. A comparison of on-line ads with the creation of an own website and on-line store is made; advantages and disadvantages of both options are provided. Separately, the creation of an on-line store at the proposed marketplace as a compromise option is allocated. The benefits of paid ads are considered. The possibilities that can be provided through ads for an additional fee are explored. The possible hazards and types of fraud in trading through electronic bulletin boards, as well as ways to avoid them, are specified. Prospects for further research in this direction are to improve the awareness of users about fraud opportunities, as well as development of new mechanisms for identifying users and making payments capable of complicating or, in the ideal case, preventing criminal actions.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Tymoshenko O. V., Kotsiubivska K. I.
Use of Information Technology in Countering COVID-19 (p. 263 - 268)

The article focuses on the urgent problem of analyzing the possibilities of using information and communication technologies (ICT) during the COVID-19 pandemic. In particular, the main directions of ICT implementation are outlined to mitigate the negative impact and counteract COVID-19; measures aimed at increasing the availability of digital life for Ukrainian society are proposed. It is concluded that enterprises that actively use and implement cases of digital transformation were more ready for coronavirus reality than those that perceived digitalization critically. The article analyzes the «digital» response of the leading countries of the world to solve problems related to the spread and neutralization of negative consequences from COVID-19. The carried out analysis allows to state that most countries have made significant efforts to inform the population about coronavirus disease, while in Ukraine the informing of citizens was insufficiently prompt and timely, and measures require careful planning and support from public authorities. The authors propose measures aimed at mitigating the negative impact and counteracting COVID-19, which provides for the following steps: making national strategic decisions to optimize results as a follow-up of the current global COVID-19 pandemic; further support at the State level of national, regional competition programs for the development of IT startups aimed at mitigating the negative consequences of COVID-19; organization of online hackathons to find digital solutions to counter pandemics; development of regulatory levers of the State support for domestic enterprises that implement IT tools; organization of the State-controlled educational projects to increase the level of digital literacy of Ukrainian society.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Lupak R. L., Rudkovsky O. V., Vasyltsiv T. G., Berezivskyi Y. P.
Institutional and Innovative Factors of Technological Development of the National Economy of Ukraine in the Conditions of Global Informatization (p. 103 - 112)

At the stage of formation of post-industrial society, the problem of implementing the strategy of transition to an intellectually oriented model of economic development is actualized, along with a comprehensive modernization of the socio-economic system of the State, which is explained by the need to develop new approaches to ensuring the competitiveness of the national economy as part of the world economy system. The research is aimed at substantiating the theoretical-methodological principles and developing practical recommendations for the introduction of institutional and innovative factors of technological development in order to ensure the competitiveness of the national economy in the context of global informatization. The object of research is the process of improving the State policy of ensuring technological development as the basis for the competitiveness of the national economy. In the process of research, the following general scientific and special methods were used: synthesis, system analysis, statistical and economic analysis, comparative and indicative methods, method of main components, groupings, logical analysis, strategic management. The dual impact of innovation activity together with institutional factors on strengthening the competitiveness of the national economy is substantiated; the prerequisites, volumes and effectiveness of technological development of the national economy of the country are characterized; the scope, factors and obstacles to innovation activity are determined; a structural and functional analysis of the efficiency of the system of the State-based regulation of technological development of the economic complex of the country is carried out; the institutional and legal basis of technological development of the economy is defined; the organizational and economic means and directions of infrastructure development of the research and innovation activity are substantiated. Prospects for further research in this direction are the definition of a number of institutional and innovative tendencies associated with socio-labor, demographic, foreign economic and other processes, in view of their ability to influence the pace of technological development of the national economic system.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kondratenko N. D.
Transformation of the Information Services Market in the Context of Digital Economy (p. 112 - 118)

The article is aimed at determining the features of transformation of the information services market in the context of digital economy. The main segments of the information market are allocated as follows: 1) business information (exchange and financial information; economic and statistical information; commercial information); 2) professional information (occupational information for specific professional groups; scientific and technical information; access to primary sources, which is organized through libraries and other archival services); 3) consumer information (literature, music, news; information on the operation of infrastructure facilities; entertainment information); 4) educational services (preschool, school, special, higher, dual, advanced training, informal); 5) provision systems (computers, telecommunication equipment, computer programming, consulting and providing information services on various aspects of the information industry). Based on the analysis of the transformation of the information services market in the digital economy, a conclusion was drawn about the controversial impact of information technologies (artificial intelligence, BigData, blockchain, etc.) on the institutional structure of the information services market. On the one hand, the institutional structure becomes more complicated and business profitability increases, but on the other hand, monopolization takes place and the manipulativeness of the information market increases as well, which causes a potentially unstable environment with a high level of uncertainty and transaction costs. It is noted that the mass proliferation of transactional external effects influences the state of the market’s information security and creates institutional provision of the neutralization of the negative impact of new digital technologies. Increasing the competitiveness of information services is ensured by combining low costs of providing the personalized services, easy scalability of business as a result of direct interaction between producers and consumers in the process of collecting and analyzing unstructured and unsystematic information.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Dudnyk O. O., Sokolovska Z. M.
Modern Technologies for Management of Outsourcing IT Projects (p. 62 - 72)

The article is aimed at analyzing modern approaches to management of IT projects and revealing the possibilities for their improvement based on the use of fuzzy logic in the overall decision-making circuit. Based on the analysis of the main rating sites, a conclusion has been made about the powerful development of IT outsourcing in Ukraine. The main international and domestic ratings regarding the Ukrainian IT outsourcing market are analyzed, criteria of success and reasons for rapid development are allocated. Upon analyzing a sufficient number of works and materials, the authors generalized, synthesized and classified the main difficulties that arise in the process of developing a portfolio of IT projects in terms of outsourcing companies. The most common instruments used to overcome these difficulties are analyzed. Focus is set on the Stage-Gate framework as the most appropriate for both adaptation and use in the process of managing the portfolio of outsourcing IT projects. A modification of Stage-Gate framework is proposed, which takes into account peculiarities of managing outsourcing IT projects and uses a fuzzy logic apparatus for decision-making when navigating between stages of the framework. The purpose of the modification is the possibility to create on its basis an expert system to support decision-making in the process of managing the portfolio of projects. This, in turn, leads to an overall increase in the level of project portfolio management. Prospects for further research are the introduction of the expert system into the practice of work of domestic IT outsourcing firms. The parallel direction consists in analyzing the international IT outsourcing market. This will help to increase the efficiency of the proposed modification and provide favorable conditions for the integration of the Ukrainian IT outsourcing market into the international practices.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vasyliv V. B., Shvets F. D., Khomenchuk A. A.
Creating a Сatalog of IT Services of Universities Based on ITIL Standards (p. 72 - 80)

In today’s information world, the competitiveness of universities is closely related to the effectiveness of the IT services provided. However, the development of IT infrastructure requires maintaining a balance between cost and efficiency of services. An IT service includes information technologies, processes and people. In accordance with ITIL standards, the university’s IT department should move from supporting software, applications, servers and networks to timely providing IT services to end users. The first step to this is to create a catalog of IT services. The purpose of the catalog implementation is to provide a single source of consistent information about all operational services and ensure quick access to them. Unlike foreign universities, domestic higher education institutions do not practice a systematic description of IT services and their presentation through the IT catalog. Direct transfer of management models of foreign universities to the Ukrainian educational environment appears impractical. The publication proposes a three-level catalog model, describes the categories of services that can be provided by Ukrainian universities, and defines the attributes of the IT service description template. The attributes of the description include: name, type of services, brief description, business owner, priority, service owner, consumers, request order, SLA, support system, status/phase. From the moment the IT service catalog is fully formed, its periodic monitoring begins according to the following criteria: SLA validity, correctness of provision of IT services, etc. The publication considers the formation of a catalog by stakeholders of the University on the example of the National University of Water Management and Environmental Management. In general, the use of the suggested recommendations will provide a description of the IT infrastructure of universities in the form of a set of services, the value of which is understandable to stakeholders and university management, as well as will allow to achieve competitive advantages in the educational services market.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Davydchuk S. M.
Digitalization as a Modern Mechanism for Managing the Financial-Economic Activities of Enterprises in Rural Territories (p. 56 - 62)

Digital entrepreneurship, which consists in creating a digital business and introducing digital technologies by various entrepreneurs, can help make existing entrepreneurship more inclusive. The article is aimed at examining the impact of digitalization on the system of management of financial-economic activities of enterprises; studying the existing international practice of introducing digitalization processes in the management of financial-economic activities of enterprises, including in rural territories. To achieve the aim, the author has set and implemented a number of tasks, namely: analysis of international framework documents in the sphere of introduction and spread of digitalization processes at the enterprises located in rural territories; identification of key prerequisites and measures to promote the spread of digitalization processes in the sphere of management of financial-economic activities of enterprises, including in rural territories. The article presents the results of the author’s research on the essence of digitalization as a modern mechanism for managing the financial-economic activities of enterprises in rural territories. The main aspects of development of digitalization in the activity of agricultural enterprises are studied. The measures to increase the level of technological development of production and management of activities together with the financial-economic state of enterprises in rural territories, as well as to increase competitiveness, are identified. The results of scientific research can be used in the process of further scientific study of the process of digitalization of entrepreneurship in rural territories of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Yevtushenko V. A., Rakhman M. S., Rakhman P. М.
Features of Functioning of the Market Environment of IT Services in Ukraine (p. 134 - 140)

The article is aimed at analyzing the domestic and foreign environment of IT services companies; identifying problems, trends and promising solutions for the development of this industry in the future, taking into account the geopolitical and regulatory changes. The article considers the essence of the information product, the evolution of the domestic market from the provision of individual outsourcing services to the development of innovative technologies and providing comprehensive solutions to the business problems of an individual client. A structural analysis of sales of products in the context of legal organization of enterprises and activities according to the CEA, and a dynamic analysis of income and contribution to GDP of the country are carried out. The balance of foreign trade in IT services, the type and geographical structure of export-import operations indicating the main trading partners are analyzed. The main companies that operate in the domestic market are named by the number of employment of professionals and the territorial priority of their location; a characterization of IT specialists of Ukraine by age, experience, level of qualification, mentality and gender, etc. is provided. The main types of activity and the availability of human resources of leading IT companies engaged in information products and having their own centers of global business are allocated. The main competitors along with competitive advantages of domestic IT specialists are determined. The main achievements of the industry are presented. Both the global and national problems of the industry are identified, in particular the impact of the COVID-factor. The main directions of problem solving in the industry environment are proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Volosnikova N. M.
The Methodical Principles of Controlling the Information System of Corporate Security (p. 141 - 146)

The article is aimed at determining the consequences of the influence of the information component as a significant factor directed towards improving the economic efficiency of the corporate security system. The structure of controlling of the corporate security information system is characterized as a system of interacting components for determining the goals of strategic, tactical and operational management of the corporate security system, organization of the planned actions, regulation, control, analysis and monitoring. The general appearance of the key stages of the genesis of controlling of the corporate security information system is specified. It is concluded that thanks to the functioning of the management of the corporate security system, the fulfillment of the goal of the organization of a certain level is achieved. A variety of definitions of the concept of «controlling» is substantiated, which gives reason to take into account the controlling of the information system of corporate security as a philosophy or conception of managing the corporate security system, by which it is necessary to understand a set of opinions on determining the goals of strategic, tactical and operational management of the corporate security system, its organization and related instrumentarium. In addition, when solving an applied task, the situation of influence of the institutional environment on the system of corporate security in enterprises can be described using functional dependence. It is noted that the system of management of controlling has incoming strategic goals of the corporate security information system. The conception of corporate security information system together with strategic goals of the corporate security system itself are presented. At each level of the hierarchy of management, the controlling of the corporate security information system has a specific purpose. In this regard, there is an urgent need for further scientific and theoretical comprehension of the strategic aspects of corporate security.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mozgova H. V., Petriaiev O. O., Knysh A. S.
Using the Sitniks CRM Software in Small Commodity Business (p. 146 - 152)

The article is aimed at defining the feasibility of using the Sitniks CRM software for small commodity businesses, examining its compliance with the standard and the main competitive advantages among such products. Analyzing and generaling the scientific works of many scholars, the positive impact of high-quality information provision on the activities of the enterprise is proved. However, despite the obvious benefit of using automation systems, a bigger share of Ukrainian entrepreneurs do not use CRM systems (Customer Relationship Management systems) either due to lack of awareness or unsuccessful implementation experience. The article uses comparative and matrix analyses. A comparative analysis of competitors shows that the researched CRM system stands out among others with a high level of flexibility and personalization, which is the main advantage of this software. During the SWOT analysis, the factors influencing the development of the company were worked out in detail. It is found that the main drawback of this software is a relatively long implementation period, and its capabilities and threats are, accordingly, scaling and increasing competitors in a niche. It is concluded that the Sitniks CRM system is not just a system for simplifying and automating business processes, but a platform that has sufficiently powerful functionality due to customization, integration, tracking capabilities and ease of use. The implementation of this software will lead the company to increase productivity, allowing to effectively plan and control, as well as establish strong relationships with customers.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kholiavko N. I.
Modern Information Technologies in the Activities of Financial Institutions (p. 152 - 161)

The article is aimed at defining and describing the essence of innovative information technologies that contribute to the digitalization of the financial services market. The article analyzes modern information technologies (mobile applications, machine learning, cloud technologies, blockchain, big data, artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things). Not only the essence and principles of the outlined technologies are covered, the focus is also on the directions of their use in the activities of financial institutions. It is substantiated that the implementation of information technologies allows increasing the pace of digitization of banks, accelerating the process of bringing new services to the market and scaling new services, ensuring higher customer satisfaction through the prompt provision of services in a comfortable way for them and, as a result, facilitates digitalization of the modern financial services market. The author defines that, despite the existence of a number of advantages of introducing information technologies into the work of financial institutions, domestic banks are quite cautious about this issue. The main reasons for this are: shortage of investment, experience and knowledge; difficulties in adapting technologies to certain specific banking operations and their coordination with the current legislation; lack of development of the information and innovation infrastructure; probability of technical errors in management and use of information technologies. It is emphasized that the problem of protecting the clients’ personal data, preventing their transfer to third parties, ensuring the protection of information systems from hacking and cyberattacks is now of acute relevance.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Fomina O. O., Bulhakova O. V.
Electronic Services and Standards of Their Provision in the Public Administration System (p. 114 - 119)

The article is aimed at researching electronic services and proving the need to standardize their provision in the public administration system. It is found that despite the existence of a large number of studies in the field of implementation of efficient public e-governance, there is a need for detailed coverage of the problems of providing the population with electronic services through the total digitalization of public relations of different levels of interaction, as well as standardization of the provision of electronic services. To obtain the results, general scientific research methods were used. Methods of analysis and synthesis contributed to the detection of problems of excellence, consistency and certainty in the field of electronic administrative services provision, systematization of criteria for assessing the quality of electronic services, formation of principles of digitalization of the public administration system. The statistical method allowed to identify features and gaps in the provision of electronic services in Ukraine. The use of the scientific abstraction method contributed to the formation of certain recommendations for improving the system of electronic services in the context of social transformation, the introduction of standardization of the provision of electronic administrative services at different levels of social interaction, helped to outline the prospects for further research. The main results are reduced to: the need to standardize the provision of electronic administrative services on the basis of standard models of services; to determine the mechanism of providing services by public authorities; the procedure for receiving a response to the request of the administrative service; the presence of tools to measure the level of satisfaction of citizens’ expectations. The conclusion is made about the need for more in-depth study and implementation of foreign experience in transforming social relations and developing the information society in Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Saiko V. R., Luchko H. Y.
Tendencies in Development of Digitalization in Ukraine (p. 109 - 114)

The article is aimed at researching the interpretations of the concept of «digitalization», formulating the authors’ own definition of the concept, analyzing tendencies in the development of digitalization, studying its impact on business and other sectors of the economy and determining perspective directions of digitalization in Ukraine. The article defines that stiff competition in the context of globalization, dynamic changes in the external environment, and the COVID-19 pandemic challenged all sectors of the economy, forcing them to look for new innovative ways to stay in the market. It is determined that only those areas of business that managed to quickly begin the transition to electronic systems were able to adapt to the new conditions of existence, which allowed them to keep on the market and even increase their profits. Digital technologies are becoming the trend of our time, and digitalization increasingly covers all spheres of life. The introduction of digital innovations allows companies to ensure stable, efficient future operations and market competitiveness. Based on the analysis of the definitions of different authors, the article proposes its own interpretation of the concept of «digitalization». The main advantages of digitalization are also considered and allocated. The research carried out by the authors allowed distinguish priority directions for the implementation of digitalization in Ukraine, namely: medicine, digital marketing, education, public services, and culture. The article explains what results in these areas have already been fulfilled in the direction of digitalization and proposes actions that should be implemented in the future. The development of an efficient system of digitalization of business and the State is a powerful lever of influence on the development of the economy of Ukraine. The carried out research indicates the objective need for further active digitalization of the priority directions identified in the article, which will facilitate the transparency of doing business in all sectors of the economy and public administration in Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Chepeliuk M. I.
Digital Transformation of Business Structures in Ukraine: The Barriers and Drivers (p. 48 - 53)

In recent decades, one of the main trends in the development of economy and society has been the penetration of information technologies into various spheres of human activity. The digital transformation of the economy poses challenges to economic science and management, as the socio-economic institutions of society change dramatically, the same holds for the conditions and methods of doing business under the influence of technological changes in the economy. The problem is that traditional economic laws (economies of scale, value chain) are no longer functioning, and new economic actors (digital companies) are emerging that do not fit into traditional models of performance and business indicators. In addition, in the context of digitalization of the economy, the management of economic entities is the relevant issue. In order to play a dominant role in the global computer economy, a country must pay special attention to the production of innovations and to the domestic employment opportunities. For each country, the production and support of technical skills is an important component of economic development, employment, economic growth and development. The article analyses the development trends and the size of the digital economy in Ukraine and in other countries of the world. Key trends that will determine the direction of this type of economy are identified. It is proved that digitalization should be carried out in accordance with the principles of equal access, creating benefits, economic growth, promoting the development of the information society and the orientation towards cooperation. The advantages of digitalization of the Ukrainian economy are presented, as well as the threats and risks that will arise as a result of this process are specified. Thus, the developmental role of many countries, including Ukraine, is associated with unlimited access and transformation of new forms of economic development, taking into account the use of intellectual skills.

Article is written in English


Khanin I. H., Bilozubenko V. S., Sopin Y. O.
Digital Economy: The Essence, Features, and Global Tendencies of Development (p. 65 - 72)

The new type of economic management, which begins to be built nowadays and is based on the widespread use of information and communication technologies (ICT), has been named the «digital economy». The use of ICT and digital systems carries great advantages, comprehensively changes the national economies. The transition to digital economy is objective and irrevocable, so one needs to clearly understand this new essence, its features and development tendencies. The publication is aimed at outlining a modern understanding of the essence, determining the features, characteristics and peculiarities of digital economy, as well as defining tendencies in its development in the context of globalization of the world economy. The article explains the importance of ICT in economics, the creation of digital systems, the Internet of people and things, cyberphysical systems, various equipment and devices. The main results of widespread use of ICT, especially the development of the Internet, are formulated. Explanations of digitalization and digital transformation are provided. In general, the consequences of the use of ICT at the intra-organization, meso-economic and macro-economic levels are specified. The essence features of digital economy and the general bases of its emergence with an emphasis on the role of the Internet are distinguished. In this context, a number of characteristics of digital economy are defined. Four major approaches to determining the essence of digital economy (political-economic, technological, resource-factor, entrepreneurial) are substantiated. To disclose the structure of digital economy, its main types are distinguished, including the auxiliary ones (designing the websites, Internet marketing, analytics, etc.). The importance of payment transactions is emphasized. The use of ICT to ensure the activities of industrial enterprises and the creation of «smart» things, cities, infrastructure, etc. are taken into account. It is proposed to consider digital economy as a modernization and a new paradigm for the development of socio-economic systems. In this context, structural, organizational, managerial, institutional-legal, social, spatial features of such an economy are distinguished. The need to study the global aspects of the development of digital economy is emphasized, within terms of which the relevant tendencies are determined, taking into account the development of e-business, industries and market segments, the transformation of digital economy into a source of economic growth and development.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Priymak S. V., Romaniv Y. M., Harazdovska Y. I.
The Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Regulation of Activities and Taxation of IT Companies in Ukraine (p. 122 - 128)

The article discloses the theoretical, practical and legal principles of regulation of activities and taxation of IT companies in Ukraine, in particular, the legal support for the formation, functioning and development of the IT industry is analyzed. Special attention is paid to the structure and main tasks of the National Program of Informatization in Ukraine, other economic and tax legislation that guide IT companies in their activities. The analysis of the IT services market in Ukraine for 2018-2020 was carried out and the dynamics of tax payment by domestic IT specialists in 2017-2020 were analyzed, which indicated the successful functioning and transformation of the market. The volume of products produced and sold in 2020 is increased by UAH 134.2 billion compared to 2018, and the total amount of taxes paid in 2020 compared to 2017 is increased by UAH 3,569 million. Enterprises of the industry and individual entrepreneurs are profitable: in 2020, an IT specialist accounted for UAH 37,757 of the taxes paid. The choice of taxation system is especially relevant for the IT business of Ukraine. The ability to carry out professional activities as an individual entrepreneur and pay a single tax is an important condition for the development of the domestic IT industry, ensuring the competitiveness of IT specialists in the capital market. At the same time, the application of a simplified tax system is a certain manipulation of the norms of the tax legislation used by IT companies in order to minimize the tax burden. The necessity of development of the domestic IT market is substantiated, the main trends and prospects for the development and optimization of taxation are determined to strengthen the competitiveness of companies in both domestic and global IT markets. The elaboration of transparent principles and rules of taxation will have a positive impact on the development of the domestic IT industry.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Gevorkyan A. Y.
Analyzing the Current State and Trends in the Development of Digitalization of Society in Ukraine (p. 128 - 134)

The article is aimed at researching the state and trends in the development of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the course of digitalization of Ukraine. The need to monitor the development of both the ICT and the information society in the development of Ukraine’s information security strategy is substantiated. The author carries out the analysis of dynamics and structure of statistical indicators characterizing revenues from the provision of telecommunication services; of ensuring and using high-speed Internet by government agencies, business and the population; of development of e-commerce and the use of e-democracy instruments by public authorities and local self-government bodies. According to the results of the computation of the Index of Countries’ Readiness for Network Society obtained by the Nomura Research Institute (NRI), Ukraine’s place in the rating together with its neighboring countries was determined by the subgroups «Business» and «Government». It is determined that there is a trend of a consistent positive development of the information society, despite the problems associated with the lack of investment resources and a small level of budget financing, as well as the unsatisfactory pace of implementation of high-speed Internet, the uneven development of ICT in the regions of the country, the insufficient narrowing of the digital gap between cities and rural areas, the shortage of IT specialists, the export orientation of the IT industry. It was concluded that in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is necessary to more intensively implement ICT in remote education, healthcare, provision of administrative online services, intensification of the Internet of Things, etc. It is proposed to adapt the national statistical reporting to international requirements in order to identify the equivalent level of digitalization of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chobitok V. I., Biryukova К. V., Starenkov D. O.
The Actualized Development of Information Economy in the Context of Global Transformations (p. 135 - 143)

The purpose of the article is to form scientific and practical aspects of actualization of the development of the information economy in the context of global transformations. According to results of the study, one can say that modern information technologies have come a long way in their development, but they need further improvement. It is already clear that the future, for effective managerial decisions, envisages attraction of not only human capital, but also breakthrough technologies and artificial intelligence. Accordingly, most countries over the world associate their development strategy with the transition to the information economy. The greatest success in the transition to the information economy reached developed countries, including the United States, Germany, France, Great Britain, China, and Japan. Regrettably, Ukraine today occupies a low position in the world rankings regarding indicators influencing the process of actualizing the development of the information economy in the context of global transformations. Although recently in Ukraine there have been infrastructure changes in the direction of computerization and informatization, the degree of their influence both at the domestic level and at the level of corporate sectors is increasing, the number of innovative enterprises is actively growing. The essence of the information economy consists in the formation of elaborate, complex phenomena that are associated with changes in the system of productive forces and social relations directed towards the effective and rational use of information technologies and creative work. Overcoming existing problems will provide an opportunity to actively develop the information economy of Ukraine in the context of global transformations. In general, the policy of development of information economy should be comprehensive and create the necessary conditions for the corresponding transition: economic, legal, and organizational.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kalynovskyi A. O., Holomovzyi V. M., Kalynovska N. L., Kalynovska O. R.
Analyzing the State of Information Provision of the Maintenance and Renewal of Aviation Equipment (p. 162 - 172)

The purpose of this article is to examine the possibilities of software products to increase the economic efficiency of maintenance and renewal of aviation equipment – both for airlines and for service organizations, taking into account the corresponding safety requirements. The article defines that the modern market of maintenance and renewal of aviation equipment is extremely competitive and requires the application of special software products. The efficiency of establishing cooperation between all market participants directly depends on the perfection of the software. The software can influence the economic efficiency of airlines and the level of safety of use of aviation equipment. Modern aircraft models also facilitate the introduction of software into the maintenance process, as they contain their own information systems. In general, the development and role of information systems in all types of business is becoming a new reality and has a positive impact on the introduction of information systems in the process of maintenance and renewal of aviation equipment. It is determined that aviation equipment maintenance and renewal is a rather difficult function for automating because of complexity, unpredictability, security and regulation. Replacing the entire maintenance and renewal systems means cleaning up old data and overhauling processes that is not easy on the part of many repair businesses and units. But new generation aircrafts, data management and economic pressures continue to require more powerful IT systems. Thus, enterprises are forced to introduce new approaches to maintenance and renewal of aviation equipment in order to remain competitive.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ptashchenko O. V.
The Risk-Oriented System of Financial Provision in the Conditions of Information Technology Development (p. 172 - 178)

The publication considers the main features of the development of the modern information space and the formation of information technologies, which today are being directly combined with the formation of a risk-oriented system of financial provision. The role of information technologies in society is constant and incessantly extends to further areas of application – science, education, business, transport, communication, public administration, defense, political life, culture, everyday life, etc. However, at the methodological level, some questions arise regarding the identification and adaptation of potential information technologies to ensure positive economic development. An important influence on the development of the world market of IT technology is carried out by non-governmental organizations, in particular, associations of national associations of IT companies – the World Alliance of Information Technologies and Services, as well as others. Thus, the permanent deployment of scientific and technical progress and the impact of globalization on the IT industry determine the need to improve the mechanisms of economic, organizational and legal regulation of the global information technology market. In this direction, the universality of regulatory economic and legal norms of the world IT industry does not always work when used by a separate country as market participant due to the imperfection of its national legislative framework together with the economic and organizational regulators in the information base. At this, the countries that join the process of harmonizing their economic and legal IT regulatory mechanisms with the world standards must implement three important groups of measures: 1) measures in the sphere of information services development, 2) measures for the development of information technologies as such; 3) measures to protect and provision producers of IT products and services. Risk-oriented management in the process of ensuring the development and implementation of information technologies for the enterprise is aimed at ensuring the implementation of the company’s strategy and its sustainable development with integration into business processes and managerial decision-making. The above-described directions of integration of a risk-oriented approach into the activities of enterprise make it possible to specify steps to implement this approach with maximum efficiency for an economic entity.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Verbivska L. V.
The Theoretical Principles of e-Business Development (p. 179 - 183)

The development of e-business is an important component of the development of the national economy. Precisely the active development of the e-business sphere actualizes the issue of conducting new research in this direction. The article is aimed at deepening the theoretical provisions of the functioning and development of e-business within the system of the national economy of the country. The article considers the essence of the category of «e-business» and proposes to treat such a consideration as follows: e-business is economic activity, which is carried out primarily through the use of modern information technologies for gaining profit. The prerequisites for creating an e-business as a type of entrepreneurial activity are also described. The complexity of detailing the types of economic activity, which today can be attributed to e-business, is substantiated. This is based upon the constant expansion of new directions that arise as result of the active use of information technologies by entrepreneurs in their activities. Several types of entrepreneurial activity are distinguished, which should be attributed to the sphere of e-business. For this purpose, the analysis of the approaches available in the scientific literature to distinguish the basic directions of economic activity in the e-business system is carried out. The results of this analysis allowed to determine the following areas of business under research: e-marketing, e-commerce, e-banking, electronic insurance services, online trading, electronic payments, e-consulting, e-education, e-healthcare, e-commerce, e-recruiting, online auctioning, marketplace, electronic logistics. The content of the outlined types of business is also defined. Further research in the field of e-business may be intended for studying the peculiarities of the functioning of certain types of e-business, their interconnection and the basic conditions for ensuring further development.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Verbivska L. V.
The Role of e-Business in the Development of the National Economy (p. 66 - 71)

The introduction of modern information and digital technologies gradually changes the conditions for the functioning of society, affecting virtually all aspects of its development. E-business as a direction of economic activity today is actively developing all over the world. A special impetus to its development was made by the COVID-19 pandemic and the extremely rapid development of these technologies in the sphere of payments, sales, marketing, etc. Precisely this situation actualizes the issue of in-depth study of the peculiarities of the development of e-business, its role in the development of the national economy. The development of e-business is determined by various factors, the main among which is the level of development of information and communication technologies in the country. That is to say their use allows to form new impulses for the development of the national economy, creation of new sectors of the economy, new markets for goods and services. Thus, the article identifies two dimensions of the description of the interaction between the e-business system and the national economy, namely: the measurement of exogenous impact – the impact of e-business on economic processes within the national economy system, and the measurement of endogenous influence – the influence of macroeconomic factors on the development of e-business, its development in an open, stochastic environment where other economic systems operate as well. Taking into account the results obtained, it is determined that the further introduction of information and communication technologies is an inevitable process that will actively take place in the future, which will contribute to the development of e-business, certain sectors of the economy in which these technologies are already actively used for entrepreneurial activity. Accordingly, the role of e-business in the development of the economy will grow, which requires the development of measures to activate economic activity in this sphere.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mulyk T. O., Oliinyk O. O.
The Economic Meaning and Types of FinTech Innovations (p. 72 - 78)

The purpose of the article is to deepen the theoretical and applied principles of researching the essence of the concept of «FinTech innovations» and their classification features. According to the results of the research, scientific approaches to understanding the essence of the term FinTech are evaluated. The versatility and varied meaningful load of this term indicates various differences and peculiarities of determining this category in scientific sources. Scholars interpret FinTech as innovative technologies and business models as technology, industry sector, services, etc. Each of the presented definitions shows their main feature, which is that FinTech really cannot work without using digital technologies. We are certain that FinTech is a technology used by financial services to help companies manage financial assets with use of special software, including new applications, apps, and business models. The origin of the term FinTech, which is a relatively new industry not only in Ukraine but also around the world, is also examined. It is determined that in the economic literature this term arose in the early 1990s, when development of the Internet started. FinTech’s growing popularity began in 2008, when the global financial crisis forced financial companies to cut costs. It is determined that the multi-level and multi-dimensional impact of FinTech innovations on the transformation of the financial services market creates the need to conduct the typologization of FinTech on various classification grounds. It is specified that the basis of the classification features of FinTech services should be their division according to the types of financial services they perform (payments, transfers, foreign exchange transactions, loans, savings, lending, insurance, investments, etc.).

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sadova U. Y., Stepura T. М., Korytska O. I., Kindziur O. S.
Assessing the Readiness of Higher Education Institutions in Ukraine for the Challenges of the Digital Economy (Example of Economic Specialties) (p. 79 - 86)

The article is aimed at substantiating the theoretical and practical principles of modernization of higher education in Ukraine in the context of the development of digital economy on the example of economic specialties. For its implementation, the main tasks are set as follows: determine the demand for «digital» personnel of the economic specialty in Ukraine and the main wishes of employers; explore the possibility of studying under the educational program «Digital Economics» in higher education institutions of Ukraine; identify the main trends in the adaptation of the higher education system in Ukraine to the requirements of digitalization. The article assesses the readiness of higher education institutions in Ukraine for the challenges of the digital economy (on the example of economic specialties). The main requirements of employers for the professional qualities of employees in the labor market in the digital economy are determined, including cross-sector specialization and multilingualism. The main directions of popular professions of the future are characterized: big data and advanced analytics, artificial intelligence, robotics. The monitoring of educational proposals of higher education institutions, in particular economic specialties, for compliance with the development of digitalization in Ukraine was carried out. The novel educational programs specializing in «Digital Economics» are identified. It is defined that upon admission in 2021, applicants had the opportunity to submit documents to 14 higher education institutions, despite the fact that in 2018 there were only 2 such institutions. It is researched that the number of applications of entrants to such educational programs is growing every year, as well as the number of students enrolled in the chosen educational program. As a result, it is concluded that in order to identify the compliance of the higher education system in Ukraine with the challenges of the digital economy, additional developments are needed, in particular, regarding a detailed analysis of the content of educational programs (their professional competencies and the list of components of vocational training), including the specialization «Digital Economics», which will become the direction of further research.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Hutareva Y. V., Dobrovolska A. Y.
E-business as the Most Prospective Form of Enterprise Development During the Globalization Transformations (p. 87 - 92)

Events in the global economy have changed the traditional balance between customer and supplier. Without a well-designed business model, innovators will be able to neither provide nor gain value from their innovations. Globalization takes on a different dimension in business. In particular, changes in the external environment have a big impact on the further development and competitiveness of enterprise. This is especially relevant for online trading companies, where creating revenue streams often causes the most inconvenience due to the customers’ expectations that basic services should be free. The business community has changed radically with the advent of the Internet as a means of communication and commerce. The Internet is forcing many companies to rethink their distribution strategies, if not all business models. The Internet can be used as an additional channel through which enterprises communicate and trade with customers (business-consumer, B2C), as well as with suppliers and partners (business-business, B2B). The Internet and related technologies such as intranet and extranet also help organizations improve the efficiency of their internal processes. From a business perspective, the Internet has had a profound impact on how firms operate, how they communicate with other firms, what products they produce, how they deliver products and services, and how they seek competitive advantage. E-business differs in volume and type of activity. The entire supply chain of many industries has been radically changed with the development of the Internet and related technologies. Now most organizations have a website that is used to promote business activities or market their products and services. More and more traditional firms are creating their own websites for e-business and e-commerce and offering an additional sales channel for their customers. The development and maintenance of network infrastructure is an important industry branch for ensuring high-quality access to Internet services and represents one of the largest and most complex organizations in the world.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Omelchenko A. I., Ivanova A. A., Ivanova D. A.
Digital Systems for Optimization of Warehouse Logistics Operations (p. 92 - 97)

The article considers the key aspects of the development of warehousing logistics, identifies the main functions covered by warehousing logistics. It is revealed that the digital transformation of warehousing logistics operations is an urgent issue of enterprise development in the postcovid period. It is substantiated that digitalization of warehousing logistics processes opens wide opportunities for optimizing warehouse operations, minimizing current costs, enterprise development and overall business scaling. It is researched that the use of digital systems to optimize internal operations in warehousing logistics helps to intensify the processing and analysis of information, streamline the use of working time, convenient document management, occupational safety, minimize the impact of the human factor. It is proved that the use of modern digital technologies is an indispensable process, as it facilitates the management of complex flows of processes in the warehouse. Systematization and analysis of the main software products are carried out and the peculiarities of application of these products in practice are determined. The role and significance of digital transformation for enterprises that use warehousing logistics in their work are outlined. In conclusion, it is important to follow current trends in logistics and implement changes that combine both the basic principles of the logistics process and the use of innovative technologies that optimize business, namely the introduction of digital systems in warehousing logistics. The use of digitalization processes by enterprises will help improve the quality and efficiency of their activities by automating and optimizing work processes, which will allow them to scale their business and maintain a competitive position in the market of logistics services.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Hnatyshyn L. B., Trushkina N. V.
Digital Transformation of the Logistics Management System of Agrarian Enterprises (p. 98 - 107)

At the present stage of transformational changes, the issues of managing logistic activities in the management system of agrarian enterprises appear extremely important. And especially these issues are actualized in the context of the rapid development of the digital economy. In view of this, the purpose of the presented research is further development of theoretical and methodological provisions, the development of scientific and methodological approaches and also practical recommendations for enhancing the efficiency of logistics management of business entities in the agro-industrial complex, taking into account the peculiarities of digitalization of business processes. The article provides statistical analysis of indicators characterizing the level of use of information and communication technologies in the organization of logistic activities at Ukrainian enterprises of the processing industry. The key barriers that hinder the digital transformation of logistic activities of agrarian enterprises, which are conditionally classified into 7 groups: institutional, market, transport, marketing, information, organizational, financial, and economic, are identified. The expediency of applying an integrated approach to the management of logistic activities of agrarian enterprises in the digital economy is substantiated. A digital strategy for the transformation of the logistics management system of agrarian enterprises is proposed, the implementation of which will allow to obtain a synergistic effect, including the economic, social and environmental effects.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Vaskiv O. M., Stadnyk Y. A.
Modern HR Technologies for Business (p. 114 - 122)

The article is aimed at studying existing HR technologies and their improvements based on artificial intelligence technologies, augmented reality, cloud services, etc. In this regard, in the context of rapid changes in the digital age, there is a need to revise the rules of doing business, because new management models are entering the competition, ensuring productivity, innovation, flexibility and adaptability, while the basis for such reincarnation is the transformation of human resources. The article considers, studies and analyzes the modern approach to the introduction of new technologies in the business processes of companies. One of the options for solving this issue may be to revise the paradigm of doing business – the transformation of a traditional company into a technological one. As result of the study, the digitalization of business is analyzed, in particular, innovative ways of enterprise development are disclosed. Also, a description of modern HR technologies for business, which solve a wide range of tasks and have a number of advantages is made. It is also worth noting that the introduction of information HR technologies requires mastering non-specific, cross-functional competencies grounded on the technical characteristics of the software and the peculiarities of its management. Studies have shown that business will be effective if only human-oriented approaches to personnel management and business processes in general be implemented. The challenge for modern companies is not just to adapt to change, but also to create innovations. Prospects for further research in this direction are powerful opportunities for new technologies that can help organizations become more «human» in this process. That is, they will allow HR professionals to focus on strategic areas and real contact with people, freeing them from repetitive tasks that can be easily performed by the software. Innovation and HR technology are things that don’t really replace humans. Instead, it is technology that helps build valuable connections with employees and create jobs where they can grow professionally.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mozgova H. V., Liashevska V. I., Bilokon V. O.
The Essence and Models of e-Business and e-Commerce (p. 123 - 131)

The article explores approaches to the definition of the concepts of «business» and «e-business». In the study of different approaches to the definition of e-business and e-commerce, only those considering e-commerce as one of the areas of e-business were chosen. e-Business belongs to all forms of use of digital information and communication technologies designed to support or increase the efficiency of sales processes both at the stage of preparation and at the stages of negotiations and implementation. The interpretation of the category of «e-commerce» by modern researchers is considered, the areas of e-commerce are defined. The term «e-commerce» stipulates that companies and individuals can buy and sell goods and services over the Internet. It can be carried out using computers, tablets, smartphones and other intelligent devices. e-Business models are analyzed, e-business classification is examined, concerning the following: intermediary model, advertising model, info-intermediary model, seller model, manufacturer model, partner model, community model, subscription model, and practical model. The advantages and disadvantages of e-business are determined, which will allow not to lose the opportunities provided and to develop measures to maximize the leveling of weaknesses. Thus, the advantages of e-business are associated with the implementation of its main goal – the creation of electronic value, that is, the generation of electronic added value. The main stages of creating the value of an electronic information product have been determined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Protsak K. V., Kovalenko T. O.
FinTech and Commercial Banks: The Development Trends and Specifics of Cooperation (p. 131 - 137)

The article reveals the peculiarities of interaction between banks and FinTech companies. The main stages of development of financial technologies and their differences are examined. The most popular financial technologies used in banking activities are presented. It is substantiated that instead of competing with each other, FinTech companies and banks should be interested in cooperation. The main models of such cooperation are generalized, including: acceleration, partnership, contract and absorption. The advantages and disadvantages of each type of such interaction are analyzed, as well as the factors that hinder cooperation, regardless of the chosen model. The article exemplifies trends of technological innovations and their application in banking activities, which include machine learning, distributed access technologies (Blockchain), artificial intelligence (AI), large data sets (BigData), cloud technologies (Cloud Computing), Smart Contracts, Biometrics and others. It is noted that most often these technologies are used in capital management and financial trading, robotic consultations, online payments (contactless payments, Bitcoin payments), in the management of loyalty programs, digital wallets, money transfers, financial monitoring, etc. They allow banks to optimize their own business processes, increase the number of customers and increase their loyalty, adapt to modern challenges. The risks that a banking institution or bank customers may face as a result of these financial technologies are also identified. The main risks include contradictory and imperfect legislation together with legal regulation of digitalization of banking services, ensuring confidentiality and ethics of personal data, protecting the interests of customers, increased cyber threats.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sosnovska O. O., Vakofian V. G.
Industry 4.0: The Essence and Development Trends (p. 137 - 144)

The article discloses the relevance of the issue of the formation and development of Industry 4.0, emphasizes its comprehensive nature, reflects the system of scientific views on this term, taking into account the points of view of such leading consulting companies in the world as Deloitte, McKinsey, KPMG, Ernst &young, PricewaterhouseCoopers. The authors’ own vision of the essence of the concept is proposed that characterizes Industry 4.0 as the creation and introduction of breakthrough technologies that will serve as the basis for further technological development and their mass application, capable of influencing the growth of the quality of value chain management, the development of new business models and the integration of all production entities into a single database in order to improve production processes and accelerated innovation development. The main stages of industrial production development from the stage of mechanization (Industry 1.0) to the present (Industry 4.0 and beyond) are formulated and illustrated, indicating the potential of development. Attention is focused on the need for revolutionary changes not only in industry, but also in business models of enterprises. The principles of building Industry 4.0 are given, as well as the technologies inherent in Industry 4.0 are listed, their condensed essential characteristic is provided. The content of the key achievements of Industry 4.0 is emphasized, taking into account the main technologies and some areas of development. As a result, the authors identify the vector of development of economies of countries, as well as enterprises operating both in these economies and on the verge of their intersection, under the influence of Industry 4.0 and in the conditions of Next Normality (new reality), which involves significant transformation changes, integration of technologies, reorientation of enterprise resources, mechanisms of value added formation, and optimization of business processes at all levels.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kryvoruchko M. Y.
The Methodological Challenges Concerning the Smart Specialization of Ukrainian Regions (p. 145 - 151)

The article addresses a study of methodological challenges concerning smart specialization of the regions of Ukraine. Within the terms of the preparation of the article, the theoretical and methodological foundations of smart specialization are examined, the discussion provisions of its methodology are distinguished, and its empirical evaluation is provided. Smart specialization is the direction of research in the field of regional economy, the attention of which is on entrepreneurial initiative and synergy of efforts of business and authorities. This approach focuses on practical entrepreneurial efforts without reference to macroeconomic policy. According to the results of the study, it is defined that, though a positive perception of smart specialization prevails amid domestic scholars, the discussed approach to regional development contains a number of methodological challenges, among which is worth noting the unreasonable use of the chosen methodology for calculating indicators to determine innovative activities and preserve the extant specialization of the regions of Ukraine, which remains raw material mainly. According to the results of the empirical analysis of the relationship between the share of regions in the structure of the cost of sold products of key sectors of the economy (industry, agriculture, retail trade) and disposable income per capita – one of the major indicators of socio-economic development – a lack of a strong positive correlation between the region’s specialization in agriculture and the level of income of the population is identified. Instead, a strong positive correlation is present between the volume of industrial products and retail trade in terms of sold articles and the level of disposable income. It is concluded that too much expectations from the impact of agricultural development on the economy of both the country as a whole and individual regions are unreasonable: the intersectoral synergistic effect of agricultural development is inferior to the effect of industrial development, especially when the raw material nature of domestic agricultural production be taken into account. Attention is focused on the discussion nature of the ratio of «sectoral vs. regional development»: the methodology for developing a regional development strategy proposed by European experts requires detailed consideration, extensive debate and careful use in the development of a regional development strategy in Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Рopelo O. V., Kholiavko N. I., Tarasenko A. V.
Global Trends in the Digitalization of the Financial Services Market (p. 58 - 64)

The study is concerned with the global trends in the digitalization of the financial services market. The article distinguishes and describes the main components of accelerating the growth rate of information changes in the field of financial services on the basis of digitalization. Upon the understanding that the digitalization process is progressive, its evolution is examined, wherein three stages of its development are allocated. Leading factors in the development of digitalization of the financial services market are identified, among which, first of all, should be noted such ones as increasing the level of investment in the development of financial technologies and innovations, the spread of e-commerce based on the use of cashless payments, the transition to services aimed at customer needs, and increasing the level of financial inclusion, etc. The consequences of digitalization of the financial services market are also formulated: computerization of structural components of the financial services market and the formation of its financial digital space; directedness of financial activities towards use of the latest digital technologies; creation of the main elements of informatization of the infrastructure of the financial services market and others. On the basis of finding out the impact on the financial services market of innovative and information technologies related to the global network, the global leading tendencies in its digitalization are formed. It is proved that digitalization is a modern direction of formation and development of the insurance services market, which includes technological innovations in combination with information and communication systems, which further serves to improve the quality of service for both existing and potential consumers of financial institutions. It is determined that the formation of a real digital society and the latest digital space, based on the use of various digital technologies, are the main factors that positively affect the development of digitalization in the financial services market.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Khaustova V. Y., Reshetnyak O. I., Khaustov M. M., Zinchenko V. A.
Analyzing the ICT-Sphere Development in Ukraine According to International Indices and Rankings (p. 40 - 56)

The development of information and communication technologies (ICT) increases its impact on all spheres of socioeconomic activity, stimulates innovative development and contributes to the creation of new jobs. The purpose of this publication is to study the development of the ICT sphere in Ukraine according to international indices and rankings, and to determine the prospects for its development. The methodological basis of the article contains: review of international indices and rankings in the ICT sphere, graphic and statistical analysis. The most significant international rankings and indices that characterize the level of development of the IT sphere in the countries of the world are considered. Conventionally, they were divided into early indices that reflected the level of development of ICT countries in the world in general, and modern indices that largely reflect the development of certain directions of the IT sphere of the countries of the world. Early indices such as Infostate (Orbicom) and ICTOI include information on providing consumers with traditional communication technologies, while ICTDI, DOI already take into account the impact of using more recent communication technologies, i.e., the Internet. All early indices measuring the level of development of ICT of the countries of the world characterize the state of infrastructure development, use of and skills required by ICT in Ukraine as an average that should be improved. Among the modern indices, the structure of indices and the dynamics of values are considered on the example of Ukraine according to: Network Readiness Index (NRI); Global Communication Index (GCI); Inclusive Internet Index (3I-index); IMD World Digital Competitiveness Ranking (WDCR); Global Cybersecurity Index (GCsI); National CyberSecurity Index (NCSI); Global Innovation Index (GII); Global Knowledge Index (GKI). Most of the analyzed international rankings and indices demonstrate the strengthening of Ukraine’s position in the world ICT market in the pre-war years. With significant potential in the ICT sphere along with supporting its growth, we can hope for its rapid recovery and further development.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Sopin Y. O.
Global Trends of Fintech Development in the Context of the Digital Economy Formation (p. 20 - 30)

The publication substantiates the intensification of digitalization and its importance in the development of the digital economy. The dynamics of indicators characterizing the rise of the information and communication technology sector are examined. In addition, the main indicators of Internet development (number of Internet users, number of mobile Internet users, share of mobile data traffic, global Internet penetration rate, number of Internet users in the world, number of active social network users, number of smartphone users) are considered. The dynamics of global growth in the number of Internet users by region of the world are shown. A number of technologies, which create new activities and services in payment sphere and are characterized by a rapid development, are defined: mobile technologies in commerce, communications, etc.; artificial intelligence technologies for decision-making and chat-bots for consultation, etc.; progressive web applications, which provide reliable interaction with the user; blockchain technologies, which become a new basis for organization of transactions; wireless communication technologies; Big Data for data management and analysis; electronic identification technologies. The growth of the scale, role and influence of digital platforms at the global level as one of the digital economy development trends is shown, and the leaders among them in terms of brand value are provided. The features of national (supranational) models of digital economy development (American, Chinese and European), which form its global centers, namely, development strategy, market orientation, goals, objectives, ways to achieve leadership in information and communication technologies, approaches to digitalization, regulation, government support for information and communication technologies sector, data protection and privacy, national security, competition policy in the digital economy are considered and substantiated. The main indicators of FinTech development and investment in the sphere of FinTech in the world are analyzed. The EU as one of the world centers of FinTech development is considered. The intensive development of digital financial, special and auxiliary technologies used in FinTech is substantiated. The level of FinTech development in Ukraine was analyzed, the main fintech companies by directions and digital banking systems in Ukraine were reviewed. It is shown that the FinTech regulatory system is at the stage of formation.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Nizheiko K. A., Vlasiuk R. O.
Transnationalization of Ukrainian IT Companies (p. 40 - 48)

The study is aimed at identifying trends in the world information technology market in the XXI century, determining the features of transnationalization of Ukrainian IT companies. As result of the carried out analysis of factual material, the following were identified among the main trends in the development of the global IT market: investments in research and innovation, using network forms of business organization; rapid digitalization and quarantine restrictions in a global pandemic. As a result of the study, it was noted that Ukrainian IT companies already have clear interests and priorities of functioning in the world market, which is a potential for strategic development of both individual corporations and the State as a whole. The advantages of Ukrainian actors in the IT market in comparison with the nearest competing countries are determined as follows: the largest labor market; the largest number of graduates with IT specialization; Ukraine has 2-4 times less IT specialists per 100 thousand population than the competing countries. This indicates a high potential for expanding employment in the IT field through formal education and retraining (switching). The main IT companies of Ukrainian origin, which have acquired signs of transnational, are characterized. It is substantiated that the IT sphere is the least vulnerable to the devastating consequences in the economy caused by the war, so it can become a breakthrough technology for sustainable economic development of Ukraine. Prospects for further research in this direction are determining the perspectives for creating and evaluating the effectiveness of the functioning of international strategic alliances (ISA) between Ukrainian IT companies and foreign partners. The formation of ISA in the IT sphere makes it possible to change outdated standards adopted in practice and create new ones, as partners openly share their technologies and join forces to defeat their common competitors, and, accordingly, to assist the spread of new trade services (Prozorro, DIIA, E-health, etc.) entering into Ukrainian market.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kornivska V. О.
The Role Played by the Digital Transformation of Ukraine’s Financial Sector in the Context of Post-War Reconstruction: Opportunities and Risks (p. 27 - 35)

The purpose of the article is to systematize the main directions of digital transformation of the financial sector of Ukraine, to characterize their impact on the post-war recovery of the Ukrainian economy and to analyze the risks of forming an information-digital society in connection with the active implementation of a digital strategy. As a result of the study, it is proved that special conditions that are established at present in Ukraine make inevitable the digital development strategy to ensure economic activity under martial law and post-war recovery. The publication systematizes the main mechanisms for ensuring financial access under conditions of martial law. The advantages of the actively implemented conception of open banking for investment processes and post-war reconstruction are demonstrated, while the risks of information availability related to open banking are shown. The role of neobanks in the context of post-war recovery is characterized. Given that the development of digital financial services will be associated with the further introduction of service personalization technologies, it is concluded that this will lead to the growth of financial inclusion and the deep integration of digital financial institutions into the economic and social existence of financial services consumers. The risks of these processes are identified, in particular the risks of cybersecurity and the growth of information asymmetry.

Article is written in English


Goloborodko A. Y.
Digital Economy: Approaches and Features of Development (p. 10 - 18)

Digitalization acts as an integrator of Ukraine’s entry into the global economic and information space, opens up new innovative opportunities in the future. Studying the economic essence of digital economy is a particularly important strategic task for the formation of socioeconomic relations of interaction and the construction of an efficient economic system. The article conducts a comprehensive study of the essence of digital economy as an economic category and allocates eight main institutions for understanding the essence of digital economy. Namely, the conceptual vision of the digital economy is revealed as: an economy based on digital technologies (convergence of information and communication technologies, knowledge, resources); the result of the evolution and development of society, the consequence and catalyst of innovation in the economy; development of e-business and e-commerce infrastructure; a method of automation of digital data processing; the way of communication between participants in socioeconomic activities through networks and digital platforms; the network economy of flows and processes of organization of activities of enterprises and society; synthesis of real production and electronic platforms; a part of economic relations created by digital resources based on the production of electronic goods and services. On the basis of allocating the features of development of digital economy, the author’s own definition of the digital economy as an economic category is formed. It is defined that the digital economy is an activity aimed at strengthening the influence of innovative digital technologies on certain links in information, material, financial, intellectual and service flows on the basis of their integration into all processes of the enterprise’s activity and a transformation of its business model.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Voskanian Z. A.
Methodical Approaches to the Introduction of Digital Technology of the Logistics System of a Retail Trade Enterprise (p. 19 - 26)

The purpose of writing this article is to develop methodological approaches to the introduction of digital technology of the logistics system of a retail trade enterprise. For the efficient function of a retail trade enterprise in the context of globalization and transformation, it is necessary to digitalize the processes of logistics activities. The following approaches and principles are proposed: systematic approach, principle of total costs, principle of competitiveness, operational method, principle of optimization, principle of innovation and openness to change. The model of obstacles and factors for the success of digital transformation is considered, because during the digitalization of the processes of the logistics system, retail trade enterprises often face such problems as excessive dependence on physical labor and the use of paper for certain operations, customer service, etc. The analysis of the level of digitalization of logistics systems of retail market entities in Ukraine, also analysis of indicators of the efficiency of logistics cost management by leading companies are carried out; trends and the ratio of transport costs, logistics, sales revenue growth for 2019-2020 at such enterprises as «Silpo-FOOD» LLC and «ATB-MARKET» LLC are observed. The proposed methodological approaches to the introduction of digital technology of the logistics system will allow managers of retail trade enterprises to identify individual ways of improving the efficiency of their own logistics systems, develop and further on implement measures aimed at optimizing costs and time, providing high-quality services in the supply chain of goods to their consumers, and successfully competing in the retail trade market. The proposed methodological approaches to the introduction of digital technology of the logistics system of retail trade enterprises will facilitate the creation of innovative supply chains of goods in the markets in the conditions of the digitalization era.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Umanets T. V., Shatalova L. S.
The Transformation of Living Labor Under the Influence of Digitalization of the Economy (p. 41 - 52)

The purpose of the article is to identify and analyze the signs and features of the transformation of living labor under the influence of digitalization. The article examines the essence of the concept of «transformation of living labor» and the nature of the impact of digitalization of the economy thereupon; the directions of changes in living labor in the conditions of formation of the information and network economy were identified; changes in forms of employment in the context of the formation of the gig economy sector were substantiated; peculiarities of the functioning of digital platforms as a new type of basic economic institution and the scale of the influence of digital technologies on living labor through the prism of changes in the organic capital structure were revealed; the contours of the change in the formation of the cost of labor force as a result of a change in the owners of the means of production were indicated; the essence of digital capital was researched; the multidirectional nature of the processes that form the demand and supply of labor force in Ukraine was studied and substantiated. Based on the theories of transformation of systems and the labor economics, the concept of «transformation of living labor» is defined as changes in social and labor relations that arise in the processes of creating new value and reproduction of labor force. It is proposed to distinguish two levels of research on the transformation of living labor under the influence of digital technologies, namely: common to the economic environment and specific to the labor market, which made it possible to further determine the directions of its changes according to the characteristics of each of them, using the method of abstraction. The theoretical substantiation of changes according to the signs of two levels of transformation of living labor was further developed. For the first level, which defines the determinants of general shifts for the economic environment, it is proposed and substantiated to single out such features as: the transition from an industrial-market to an information-network economy; formation of the gig economy; formation of digital platforms; for the second level, which is specific to the labor market, the signs of transformation processes are as follows: creating conditions for the growth of the organic capital structure; changes in the formation of components of the cost of labor force as a result of a change in the owners of the means of production; formation of digital capital; multidirectional processes that form supply and demand in the labor market. The blocks by which it is advisable to examine the effectiveness of the use of digital platforms, according to the authors, can be: production costs; quality of products, works, services; use of working time; the level and quality of e-commerce; the level of economic relations; quality of access to information.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Yakushko I. V.
The Essence and Substantive Features of the Digital Development of Economic Systems (p. 108 - 113)

The processes of digitalization that we are noting all over the world today radically change the principles of functioning of individual social systems and are so ingrained in their development that it is difficult to imagine such systems without actively using the potential of information and communication technologies. Digital technologies play a special role in the development of economic systems. Thanks to these very technologies today an active development is going on in a significant number of industries and spheres of the national economy, new promising directions for the development of enterprises are being formed, and economic potential is created for the further development of the country’s economy. This determines the importance of understanding the essence of digital development and its peculiarities within economic systems. The article considers the theoretical provisions of the process of digital development of economic systems. This was implemented on the basis of an analysis of scientific conceptions for the interpretation of such categories as «digitalization», «development», «economic development». As a result, it was found out that digitalization is a process of active use of information and communication technologies in the functioning of systems of different nature, which contributes to their further transformation in accordance with the new challenges of modern social relations. Economic development is a process of qualitative changes in the functioning of economic objects, economic relations, which is irreversible, associated with positive transformations of such objects. As a result, it is established that the digital development of economic systems is a complex process of qualitative transformations of economic systems that arise and occur due to the influence of information and communication technologies on economic relations that are formed in society as a result of production, exchange, distribution, and consumption. The carried out substantiation of the content of the digital development of economic systems also made allowed to distinguish and systematize the features of such development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ushakova N. G., Androsova T. V.
Digitalization as a Catalyst to Overcome the Negative Consequences of the Pandemic and Martial Law (p. 113 - 120)

The article is aimed at studying the peculiarities of the manifestation of the digital economy during the COVID-19 pandemic and martial law, identifying the impact of digitalization on the prospects for the development of Ukrainian business. The digital economy, the functioning of which is based on the creation, distribution and use of digital technologies and related products and services, is constantly evolving in accordance with new challenges of economic development, which is reflected in the expansion of its architecture. In recent years, the transformation of economic activity models caused by the use of end-to-end digital technologies (artificial intelligence, robotics, the Internet of Things, wireless technologies, etc.) has been actualized, which has turned digitalization into the most important factor of economic growth. Digital technologies were used in various spheres of economic activity even before the COVID-19 pandemic, but the latter significantly intensified the digital transformation of business processes. The use of online applications, the provision of online services, the creation of hybrid business models that combine the features of offline and online services, has allowed many economic actors to switch to a remote work format, reducing losses from social distancing and other preventive measures, and some companies have even managed to increase the efficiency of their activities. Improving the efficiency of management and production activities based on digital solutions has turned digitalization from an anti-crisis tool into a source of profitability for companies in the long term. A certain similarity of the challenges caused by the coronavirus crisis and the disruption of the domestic economy as a result of Russian aggression has led to the need to intensify the use of digital technologies by business and the State. A number of measures implemented during martial law by the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine together with other executive bodies create digital preconditions for increasing the resilience of the Ukrainian economy now and in the period of its post-war development.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Yakushko I. V.
The Current Trends in the Digitalization of the National Economy of Ukraine (p. 99 - 105)

The development of the digital economy is a complex process of qualitative transformations that take place in different spheres and sectors of the economy, with different dynamics and efficiency, and are accompanied by the active use of modern information and communication technologies. The dynamics of the use of such technologies also determines to a large extent the dynamics of economic development of countries, which actualizes the need for research in the field of digitalization of economic relations, clarification of current trends in the development of the digital economy, including in Ukraine. The article conducts a thorough study of the features of the development of the digital economy in Ukraine. The study is based on the consideration of international rankings of countries that characterize the level of digitalization of states, as well as the conditions in which economic entities can use information and communication technologies. Ukraine’s positions in the following rankings are considered: Digital Competitiveness Ranking; Network Readiness Index; Ranking of countries of the world by the level of Internet freedom; Digital Quality of Life Index. The carried out analysis allows to assert that, in general, in the outlined rankings, Ukraine occupies mediocre places among all countries and is characterized by a rather insignificant level of development of the digital economy. Also, in the article, on the basis of available statistical information on the use of digital technologies by domestic enterprises, an appropriate analysis of their digital activity is carried out. As a result, it was found that in Ukraine by the end of 2021, 86.6% of all enterprises had access to the Internet, 61.8% of enterprises used fixed access, 35.3% of economic entities had their own websites. Thus, analyzing the results obtained, it can be stated that Ukraine is characterized by the gradual development of the digital economy, the drivers of which are primarily individual initiatives of enterprises or public authorities. Despite the penetration of digital technologies into all spheres of life of Ukrainians, the overall development of information and communication technologies in the country remains at an insufficient level. All this requires the development of appropriate measures to intensify such development and ensure its dynamics in the long term.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Voskanian Z. A.
Digital Technology for a Logistics System: The Main Provisions and Prerequisites for the Formation (p. 105 - 112)

The purpose of writing the article is to study the main provisions and prerequisites for the formation of digital technologies for the logistics systems, the evolution of digitalization processes. The evolution of digital technologies development – from the third industrial revolution (1969) and up to the present day is considered. The development of digital technologies has also influenced the evolution of logistics and supply chain conceptions. The history of the establishing of logistics as a science, the formation of supply chains and the acquisition by the logistics system of the status of «necessary» at the enterprise began in the 1950s and continues to this day. The evolution of logistics and supply chain conceptions is considered. Over time, under the influence of transformation processes, definitions of such concepts as «logistics system», «digital technology», «digital transformation» and many others are formed, implemented and improved, some of these are discussed in the presented article. Based on the analysis of existing formulations, a definition of the essence of the concept of «digital technology for a logistics system» is proposed as such that was not previously considered by scholars. Digital technologies for the logistics systems are information digital technologies, namely: software, robots, devices that perform automated functions of collecting, storing, processing and transmitting information, the introduction of which into the logistics system for managing orders, vehicles, stocks, warehouse resources optimizes the entire process of monitoring activities, helps to reduce fuel and maintenance costs, meet customer needs, increase profits and make business more efficient. The emergence and development of digital technologies for logistics systems is closely connected with the digitalization of all globalization processes. Technological innovation and customer needs for innovative technologies and services are increasingly changing the industry. This transformation significantly affects the direction in which enterprises will move in accordance with new challenges. IT standards are being introduced into industrial automation, devices are becoming more miniature and more functional. Today, the transformation processes of the logistics system are taking on newer forms, so further research on their implementation and development appears very important and relevant.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Davydova O. Y., Kolesnikova V. D.
Digitalization as a Driver of Growth of Competitiveness of the Hotel and Restaurant Business Enterprise (p. 113 - 120)

The purpose of the article is to study the world experience of applying digital technologies in the activities of hotel and restaurant facilities in the context of digitalization of society and the prospects for their transition to digital management. The article explores the process of introducing digital technologies into the service sector, in particular the HoReCa sphere. It is proved that the implementation of the paradigm of the digital economy involves a deep restructuring of business models and business processes of hotel and restaurant enterprises. The analysis of the essence of the concept of «digitalization» is carried out. It is proved that the modern hotel and restaurant business largely depends on Internet technologies as the main instrument for increasing competitiveness. One of the most effective instruments for promoting the services of the hospitality industry is social networks. An aggregate of conditions indicating the need to use digital technology for the successful promotion of services of hotel and restaurant business enterprises in the market is described. The article carries out an analysis of the most advanced digital technologies that are being introduced into the field of hospitality: agency interfaces, blockchain technologies, robotics, augmented reality technologies, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things (IoT), 5G, smart cities, and other platforms. The use of digital technologies allows the consumer to achieve the formation of a unique experience along with unforgettable impressions, and the hotel and restaurant industry – to get regular consumers, profits and ensure competitiveness in the service market. It is proved that an increase in the level of digitalization leads to an increase in the country’s economic indicators. The use of digital technologies in the hotel and restaurant business is characterized as a transformation from the digitalization of individual business tasks and processes to the digital transformation of the entire business. Prospects for further research in this direction is to determine the economic effect of the use of digital technologies, study the problems of their implementation in the hotel and restaurant industry, the further development of the hospitality industry.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chobitok I. O.
Strategic Management of Industrial Enterprises in the Context of Digital Transformation: A Scientific and Theoretical Approach (p. 120 - 126)

The purpose of the article is to form a scientific and theoretical approach to the strategic management of industrial enterprises in the context of digital transformation in the current turbulent conditions of economic management. The article defines that in the turbulent conditions of the present day, digital technologies are one of the main drivers of growth and technological development of the world economy, economies of countries, and industrial enterprises. The introduction of digital technologies contributes to increasing the competitiveness of various sectors of the economy, creating new business opportunities in terms of connecting to digital global value chains, the emergence of new markets and segments, as well as the accelerated introduction of new digital goods into society. The search, selection, development and adaptation of methods for shaping the strategy of an industrial enterprise in the context of digital transformation is very relevant and in demand, and digital strategy tools are the most important intangible asset of an industrial enterprise. As a result of the study, it is proved that digital transformation contributes to the development of new business models, allows to join forces to create innovation, invest, search for employees, partners, resources and markets. Digital technologies can play a key role in training employees, sharing knowledge, implementing innovative ideas, as well as in the development of socioeconomic spheres of society. An important role in the process of strategic management of industrial enterprises in the context of digital transformation is played by: politics, legal norms, traditions and culture, the achieved level of economic development, the level of education, its own technological power and many other factors.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kotelevets D. O.
The Main Obstacles to the Development of Digital Economy Infrastructure in Ukraine (p. 127 - 132)

Today, the national economy is developing in the context of active production and use of information and communication technologies. The experience of foreign countries shows that it is impossible to ensure high-quality development of the national economy without the use of such technologies. Digital technologies create new opportunities for economic entities and help to increase their competitiveness. It is also possible to ensure the active development of the digital economy through the introduction of measures to stimulate the development of its infrastructure. However, the outlined system is complex in its structure, and therefore there is a need to identify the basic obstacles that currently hinder the development of the digital economy. This task is accomplished in the article on the basis of a detailed review of international rankings that summarize the basic trends in the digitalization of society based on the analysis of a significant number of indicators. Such rankings include the digital competitiveness rating of countries and the rating based on the network readiness index. A detailed study of the structure of such ratings and the parameters used to establish them has made it possible to find out that the most critical situation in the development of the digital economy infrastructure in Ukraine remains the regulatory and legal framework, which, according to these rankings, is characterized by low quality and imperfection, especially in the field of ICT. The article also specifies that, in general, in international rankings, Ukraine remains holds a rather mediocre position in terms of the development of the digital economy, ranking at 50th place, which is a low indicator, given the potential of our country in the development of digital technologies. Thus, it has been determined that there is an urgent need to develop systematic and realistic directions for the development of the digital economy infrastructure.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Babichev A. V., Miroshnychenko T. M., Pysarevskyi M. I.
The Impact of COVID-19 on the Digital Transformation of the World Economy (p. 133 - 139)

The article considers the influence of the digital economy on the development of the contemporary labor market, as this problem is currently most important and relevant. This study analyzes the positive and negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the current labor market, as well as the changes it has led to. Today, the global trend of the digital world economy is entering an active phase of its development. "Industry 4.0" and new advancements in leading digital technologies at the state and corporate level have started to develop massively, both in business strategies and in government programs, especially in the leading countries of the world. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a great impact on the process of digital transformation of the society. It has really become a catalyst for the digitalization of the economy. Such trends as increasing sales through digital channels, growing Internet usage, the use of digital technologies to track the spread of infectious diseases and provide medical care, transfer of employees to remote work, and increasing demand for online education are now clearly visible. An important role in overcoming the crisis is played by public private partnerships and investments in digital technologies adaptation. To accelerate digital transformation of the national economy and make it more competitive, we can identify a number of promising directions and measures to be taken. Firstly, it is necessary to increase the amount of funding required to introduce new digital technologies in the real sector of the economy. Secondly, companies should transfer to digital business models. Moreover, the legal foundations for the digital economy and regulatory practice require improvement. Finally, it is necessary to develop special programs aimed to improve digital financial literacy. The pandemic has shown the importance and relevance of digital technologies regarding the organization of work practices in various fields, including leisure, preventing the spread of the virus, and conducting business. Rebuilding the global economy after COVID-19 will require significant costs.

Article is written in English


Fedorov I. O., Nazarova K. O., Nezhyva M. O., Mysiuk V. O.
Digitalization of the Audit of Enterprises of Public Interest in the Conditions of the Inclusive Economy (p. 86 - 92)

The article is aimed at researching the influence of digitalization and Internet connectivity on the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. The information basis of the research is the study of official information and periodicals. The following methods were used in the research: analysis, synthesis; system analysis; graphical method. It is specified that Internet connectivity is part of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Access to the Internet is not a privilege or a luxury, but rather a necessity for economic development. Internet accessibility has become a priority for consumers, governments, and businesses. Increasing the Internet penetration level to enclose up to 75% of the population in all developing countries would add $2 trillion to their combined GDP and would create more than 140 million jobs worldwide. Bringing Internet access to everyone around the world is one of the most important goals and digital challenges facing global society. Among the main trends that will stimulate the development of Internet penetration and the smooth transition of business to the online mode of operation, we can highlight the following: an increase in the share of the middle class of the population; an increase in the share of Internet users among the population older than 50 years; urbanization processes. It is concluded that the business and economy of the future will undeniably benefit from the arrival of the next billion Internet users by positioning themselves to be able to reach these digital consumers and meet their specific needs. The global processes that are taking place around the transition of the economy to the online mode imply the presence of both opportunities and challenges.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Fylypenko O. M., Synytsyna H. A.
The Main Trends and Prospects of Digitalization of the Economy of Ukraine (p. 43 - 50)

The article is aimed at studying and generalizing the main trends in the digital transformation of Ukraine’s economy and determining their impact on the activities of entrepreneurial entities for a more complete use of their potential. Over the past decade, there has been a radical transformation of society, a real information revolution, which is characterized by changes not only in the technical characteristics of goods, but also in the model of interaction between people. The main value is information that has a unique nature regarding its own multiplication and preservation. The active use and accumulation of information transforms humanity from industrial to informational one. It is determined that the purpose of digitalization of the Ukrainian economy is the digital transformation of existing sectors of the economy into new, more efficient and economically advantageous ones. The introduction of digitalization in most business processes and in the spheres of people’s life will become the basis for increasing the competitiveness of Ukrainian products and services, stimulate economic growth and contribute to improving the welfare of the population. This process should be grounded on basic principles. Therefore, the study summarizes the principles of digitalization, compliance with which is decisive for the creation and implementation of the benefits provided by digital technologies. According to the results of the carried out theoretical analysis, it is found that digitalization of economy has a contradictory impact on the development of economy and society as a whole. The advantages, negative consequences and risks of digital transformation for the development of the country’s economy are determined. Summarizing the experience of domestic and foreign scientists, the main trends in the digital transformation of economy have been identified.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Volosov A. M., Balamut H. S.
Digital Transformation as a Factor in Changing the Conditions of the Functioning of Entrepreneurship (p. 80 - 90)

The article is aimed at identifying the place and role of digital transformation as a factor and result of changes in the conditions for entrepreneurship activities. The development of the national regulatory framework for regulating the processes of digital transformation of the country’s economy in general and entrepreneurship in particular is considered. It is found that, in general, such a system is multilevel, based on international and national documents, and, despite the obvious imperfections, can be actively applied. The intensification of digital transformations of Ukrainian society and economy began in the last decade with the support of the national executive and legislative authorities, foreign governmental and non-governmental institutions. The role of the Ministry of Digital Transformation and other structures as an initiator, customer, performer and coordinator in the implementation of various projects to create new opportunities for the population and business is characterized. Given the spread of digital platforms as a tool for digital transformation of the economy, platforms to support Ukrainian business are considered. It is determined that the digital transformation of the economy is supported by the population (non-governmental and non-profit organizations, territorial communities) and is implemented by various means, including crowd technologies. Studying the dynamics of preferences of users of the Ukrainian segment of the Internet allows us to talk about both their qualitative changes and the lack of a nationwide platform that would implement all possible models of interaction between business, households and government. The most famous and successful projects of digital transformation of Ukrainian entrepreneurship in various spheres and segments of economic activity are systematized. The features of implemented projects and their problematic aspects are determined. The conclusions verifying the thesis that digital transformation is both a factor in changing the conditions for functioning of entrepreneurship and the result of changes, first of all, in the external environment, are formulated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Andrenko O. A., Mordovtsev S. M., Obukhovska Z. O.
Digitalization of Accountance Using the Blockchain Technology (p. 91 - 97)

Intensive promotion of blockchain technologies in public spheres of administration, science, education, economics, finance, medicine, culture and art allows concluding about the prospects for effective implementation of blockchain technologies in accounting and auditing. This conclusion is verified by numerous works of foreign and domestic scholars concerning the use of blockchain for organizing accounting and auditing of a new generation. The article reflects the essence of blockchain technology and describes the process of its implementation in accounting for prepayment to a foreign supplier, which forms a chain of encrypted blocks of transactions in real time, which are carried out between participants directly, which allows to ensure security, fast availability of data and significant speed of transactions. Blockchain technologies in accounting are based on the principles of decentralization, security, irreversibility, and consensus. The article reflects the advantages and disadvantages of using blockchain technologies in accounting. The most important negative factors are significant costs and investments; lack of relevant packages of regulatory documents and standards in Ukraine; lack of qualified specialists who are able to develop, implement and use projects based on blockchain technologies. In addition, the promotion of new technologies based on blockchain must be carried out simultaneously by all interested stakeholders. Therefore, the introduction of blockchain technologies in Ukraine is a laborious and lengthy process, which at present is at the initial stage. Prospects for further research are to study the problem of reforming the national accounting system for the successful adaptation of blockchain technologies.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bilychenko M. M., Kasianova N. V.
The Impact of Digital Transformation on the Formation of the Enterprise’s Economic Security System (p. 83 - 91)

The article is aimed at studying the features of formation of the system of economic security of enterprise, taking into account the risks that arise under conditions of digital transformation. When analyzing, systematizing and generalizing scientific works of many domestic and foreign scholars, the features of the digital transformation of the enterprise and its impact on the components of the overall system of economic security of the enterprise were considered in detail. As result of the study, the main problems and risks faced by the majority of enterprises in the process of digital transformation were identified and summarized, in particular, the following groups were allocated: technological, operational, managerial, financial and risks to privacy. The negative impact of the novel risks associated with digital transformation on the financial, technological, informational, personnel, and intellectual subsystems of the general system of economic security of enterprise is determined. It is substantiated that the effects of materialization of new risks can be destructive in relation to the activities of the entire economic entity and lead to significant financial, economic and organizational losses of enterprise. The step-by-step risk management in the system of economic security of enterprises undergoing digital transformation has been proposed, which includes: identification and diagnosis of further risks; risk optimization; monitoring of the state of economic security of the enterprise. In order to ensure the normal functioning and also to minimize the effect of negative factors and risks of digital transformation, the following proposals are formed: introduction and use of an integrated automated system of management and rationalization of business processes; use of cloud computing and SaaS solutions; development of necessary materials for staff training; use of new information-communicative and analytical technologies; ensuring investment in the development of digital skills; concluding agreements with technology partners; development of a culture of innovation and adaptability. Prospects for further research in this direction are the definition and quantitative assessment of the impact of digital transformation on the system of economic security of enterprise, as well as the development of approaches to managing a new system of economic security based on the use of the latest technologies of artificial intelligence and digitalization of business processes.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Melnychuk V. E.
Digital Competences of Human Capital in the Implementation of Digital Strategies of Machine-Building Enterprises (p. 91 - 99)

The aim of the study is to identify the impact of digital competencies of human capital on the formation of enterprise digitalization strategies. The article proposes the division of digital competencies into basic, functional, operational competencies, and competencies of the owner. The strategies of digitalization of enterprises, further divided into strategy of digitalization of business processes, strategy of digitalization of products, strategy of digitalization of enterprise, and strategy of digital outsourcing, have been allocated. In the course of the study, applying the methodology for analyzing priorities, a hierarchy of goals, criteria and alternatives for the formation of digital competencies is built. The dependencies of digital competencies of human capital of machine-building enterprises have been formed with consequent separating the digitalization strategies. A pairwise comparison of criteria is carried out on the principle of assessing the relative importance of one of the criteria relative to the other according to the scale proposed by T. Saaty. The article defines an indicator of random consistency. Based on the above methodology, the corresponding indicators were computed using a pairwise comparison, thus allowing to identify the role of each of the criteria (digital competencies) in the implementation of subcriteria (digitalization strategies). The article specifies that the presence of digital competencies in the owner determines the depth of penetration of digital technologies into the processes of production and economic activity. It is noted that the effectiveness of introduction of digital technologies correlates with the development of digital competencies of the owner, who can act as a generator of future digital changes in the enterprise. A structuring of digital competence priorities for each of the strategies is carried out to identify the role of each of the group of digital competencies in the implementation of digitalization strategies of machine-building enterprises. The global priorities of strategic alternatives in the development of digital competencies of employees of a machine-building enterprise are determined. The article identifies requirements for types of digital competencies for each of the strategies and groups them according to the requirements for their scope.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bulakh O. V.
The Global Impact of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning on the Efficiency of e-Commerce (p. 114 - 121)

Artificial intelligence and machine learning have had a significant impact on e-commerce, allowing companies to analyze large amounts of data and make managerial decisions more efficiently. These technologies improve customer experience, sales, profitability, and business processes of companies in the industry. The aim of the article is to identify the key challenges for the e-commerce business in the part of artificial intelligence and machine learning with the formation of ways to overcome them. The article examines the key areas of influence of artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies on the state of e-commerce. It is noted that e-commerce has a significant weight in today’s global economy, as the global e-commerce market is projected to reach $6.4 trillion by 2024. The article also notes the existing gap between the developed models and their practical application in the industry due to their insufficient understanding by business, high costs and potential bias in the models. It is specified that the widespread use of algorithms can lead to undesirable consequences, i. e., it is extremely important to continue to develop models and create a framework for assessing their value and advantages in practical application. It is observed that ethical considerations are crucial when using artificial intelligence in e-commerce, as advertising personalization practices can violate privacy principles and manipulate customer behavior. An analysis of potential security measures that e-commerce companies can take in response to the risks of new technologies, such as data misuse or privacy breaches, is carried out. The key role of the expert function in the effective adaptation of new technologies in the industry is emphasized. The proposed study can be used in the work of e-commerce market analysts, specialized researchers, business associations, and other industry stakeholders. Prospects for further research involve studying the economic effect of the application of the researched technologies for companies in the field of e-commerce.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shulha O. M.
Applying the Neuro-Fuzzy Approach to the Development of Digital Entrepreneurship Business Models (p. 121 - 127)

The purpose of this article is to reveal the theoretical and methodological foundations of the development of business models of the entrepreneurial Internet environment using applied recommendations aimed at effective development under conditions of uncertainty. The paper considers the feasibility of using fuzzy logic and an approach to effective modeling of the development of business models of digital entrepreneurship. A typical structure of the system of fuzzy inference, as well as a hierarchical system of fuzzy inference for modeling a fuzzy system of development of business models of the Internet entrepreneurship is provided. Two categories of future uncertain events are identified separately, the occurrence of which will be either favorable for the business model (high profits, achievement of goals, obtaining planned results, and events), or will be unfavorable (risks of losses, lost profits, bankruptcy, etc.). It is specified that quantitative methods for assessing the efficiency of business models of digital entrepreneurship, for example, determining the costs of finding a client, calculating the lifetime value of a client, as well as methods for evaluating efficiency using a sales funnel (an indicator of the number of customers who have moved from the category of potential buyers to the category of real ones), can only predict, control and analyze the main stages of digital entrepreneurship. However, in the situation of uncertainty of the market environment, which can develop into an economic crisis, one of the problems of e-business management is the uncertainty of the initial data and the results obtained, on the basis of which management decisions are made in the future regarding the effectiveness of the development of business models on the Internet. This somewhat complicates the creation of economic and mathematical models allowing to formalize business processes in the company. That is why a new approach – FIB (fuzziness in business) is substantiated, allowing to operate with both precisely specified parameters and characteristics, information about which is vague and based on indistinct, subjective assessments of experts.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Plakhotnyuk V. V.
The Alternative Scenarios for the Digital Future (p. 127 - 137)

The aim of the article is to study the impact of digitalization on economic, sociocultural and political processes in society, as well as to search for alternative scenarios for the development of digital society. Digitalization today is an effective indicator of the development of society, which provides many people with ease in carrying out their daily activities. The usefulness of digitalization for society today is confirmed in almost all aspects of human life – from production and doing business to communication and mobility. However, in today's society there is no clear understanding of the further development of humanity in the context of rapid technological advances, and there is even more lack of an idea of what the role of a person in the digital world will be. Analyzing this issue, we have worked out a number of versions and views – from scientifically progressive to fantastic-utopian – in order to understand the optimal scenario for the development of digital society. Today, the world has entered the era of Industry 4.0, that is, the era that is based on new technologies. Technologies are increasingly becoming able to replace humans in every field of industry, education, science, and everyday life issues of society. The study showed that today there is no consensus in society about what the future world will look like under the influence of digitalization and the spread of artificial intelligence (AI). This raises the question of the role of man in the light of technological change. In order to find the optimal scenario for the development of humanity in the era of digitalization and the formation of AI, we analyzed the main views that prevail among scientists and in society in general, and singled out our own vision of the role of humans in the era of digitalization. The fundamentals of the theory of technological singularity and transhumanism are analyzed. It is found that the negative consequences of technological progress can be generalized as two major problems. The first is that humans will lose control over technology, because AI will begin to develop on its own so quickly that it will become incomprehensible to humans. The second is a change in global humanistic concepts, at the center of which are a person and the appropriate moral values.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Goloborodko A. Y., Lehominova S. V.
Evaluating the Development of Digitalization at Enterprises of Information and Communication Services of Ukraine (p. 104 - 110)

This article is devoted to the current problems of the development of digitalization at enterprises of information and communication services in Ukraine, providing an assessment of the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the integrative development of the ICT business. Recently, the sphere of information and communication technologies has been one of the most dynamic and developed types of economic activity in Ukraine. This market is a conductor of Ukraine’s entry into the global economic and information space. This, in turn, requires the adoption of balanced and justified management decisions and strategic directions of development, which should be based on clearly defined tasks and means of achieving them on the basis of the use of monitoring and diagnostic tools. It is defined that the development of enterprises of information and communication services of Ukraine is of strategic importance for the complementary development of all spheres of the economy of Ukraine and constitutes a platform for forcing and raising proactive business segments in general. The analysis of empirical analytical materials has made it possible to identify insufficient rates of digitalization of the Ukrainian economy compared to the rates of European countries and leading countries of the world, though domestic enterprises of telecommunication services demonstrate positive dynamics of performance results. This indicates a stable positive dynamics in the development of the information and communication sector of economic activity. It is found that the largest consumption of information and communication services occurs in the city of Kyiv, in Donetsk and Odesa regions. At the same time, digital technologies and IT products actively integrate only up to 30% of businesses into their activities. Still, the digital transformation of economic activity in the context of globalization is a key strategic task for the integrative development of enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Tuchak T. V., Bratunets Y. Y.
The Impact of Electronic Services on the Development of Information, Reference and Consulting Work of the State Tax Service of Ukraine (p. 125 - 131)

The article is aimed at a thorough analysis and study of the impact of electronic services on the development of information, reference and consulting work of the State Tax Service of Ukraine (STS). As part of the study, a detailed assessment of the functioning of the main electronic services providing information, reference and consulting services was carried out. In particular, such platforms as PIR (public information resource), communication tax platform, taxpayer’s electronic cabinet and register of individual tax consultations were analyzed. In the course of the analysis, it was found that over the past five years there has been a significant increase in the activity of visits to electronic services, which indicates that taxpayers are moving to the use of electronic means of obtaining information, reference and consulting services. One of the factors contributing to this transition is the convenience and speed of access to the necessary information. Additionally, there is an increase in the quality of service, a reduction in costs, as well as an increase in transparency and trust through the use of electronic services. On the basis of the carried out analysis, the key reasons for the positive impact of electronic services on the development of information, reference and consulting work of the State Tax Service of Ukraine have been allocated. In addition to these advantages, electronic services help to increase the efficiency of data exchange between taxpayers and the tax authority. The conclusions emphasize the importance of further development of electronic services in the field of taxation and indicate the potential for improving and expanding the functionality of existing platforms. Further research should be aimed at identifying new opportunities and optimizing electronic services to meet taxpayers’ needs for access to information and advice as efficiently as possible.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Denysiuk O. V., Kulikov O. P.
Analyzing the Peculiarities of the Development of IT Companies in the Wartime and Regarding the Post-War Conditions (p. 131 - 140)

Economic models of world development are characterized by circularity, digitalization and smartization, the active use of scientific and technological achievements in products and technologies, the focus of entrepreneurs’ attention on the creation of strategic knowledge, the formation of unique competencies, the development of new business ideas and their application to obtain competitive advantages in the market. For IT companies, solving these issues is the most urgent, since the IT industry is the most dynamic, it is developing very rapidly, changing and significantly affecting other industries. Also, it should be noted that for domestic IT companies, the conditions for their development are complicated due to hostilities on the territory of Ukraine, the need to relocate businesses, the risks of losing customers and highly qualified personnel, reduced investment in startups. Despite the fact that in 2022 the IT industry provided foreign exchange earnings to the Ukrainian economy (an increase of 5.8% compared to pre-war 2021), there is a significant slowdown in the growth rate of the IT industry compared, for example, with the period 2015-2021, when exports of computer services grew by an average of 26.8% annually. Therefore, the task of analyzing the features of the development of IT companies in the wartime and regarding the post-war conditions is important and relevant for creating security conditions and substantiating the directions of their sustainable development. The article analyzes changes at the global and international levels of the IT industry; the experience of strengthening and consolidating the largest digital IT companies in the market is considered; the negative impact of the decrease in the activity of foreign venture funds to support startups is studied; the level of the State support for enterprises of high-tech industries is characterized.

Article is written in English


Skitsko V. I.
Logistics 5.0: Synergy of Artificial Intelligence and Humans in the Context of Sustainable Development (p. 174 - 179)

The emergence of ChatGPT in late 2022 brought unprecedented technological changes in many areas of business and society, raising the level of interest in generative artificial intelligence (AI) technology to a whole new level. The use of AI has become especially relevant in the field of logistics, where the need to optimize processes and reduce costs has always been high. The article analyzes the current trends in the development and application of artificial intelligence technologies in the field of logistics. The main challenges associated with the introduction of AI in logistics are outlined, including: the biased attitude of customers to interaction with AI; responsible generation of requests to AI in compliance with data privacy rules; the need to develop digital competence, etc. The conception of «Logistics 5.0», in which a person and artificial intelligence act as equal elements of the logistics system, is considered. The following main aspects of Logistics 5.0 are analyzed in the context of sustainable development: human-centeredness, viability, and sustainable development. Human-centeredness in Logistics 5.0 assumes that the human is central to the logistics system, and there is also a rethinking of the Human – Machine (H2M) interaction in general. Viability in Logistics 5.0 is the ability of the logistics system to exist (function) under any conditions, which is achieved through stability, flexibility, and adaptability. Sustainable development in Logistics 5.0 involves the functioning and development of current logistics systems while maintaining opportunities for future generations to meet their needs. The paper details three key aspects of sustainability for AI and for Logistics 5.0 – environmental sustainability, economic well-being, and social justice. It is concluded that there is a need to develop ethical principles and a legal framework for regulating the use of AI in logistics to ensure their contribution to sustainable development.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Makatora A. V., Makatora D. A., Kubanov R. A.
Using ICT in Printing: Economic Transformation, Evolution and Prospects (p. 106 - 113)

The purpose of the study is to determine the peculiarities of the use of information and communication technologies in the printing industry; to substantiate the feasibility of technological transformation in terms of the prospects for economic development of the selected industry. Processing of primary data to provide the user with the necessary information is the main task of using information technology in the printing industry. Three main blocks – knowledge base, decision-making and intellectual interface – make up the structure of an intelligent printing system. In terms of decision-making, an intelligent printing system is defined as an information and computer system with artificial intelligence that solves problems without human intervention, in contrast to an intelligent system where the operator is involved in the decision-making process. The following types of intelligent systems are identified: intelligent information systems, expert printing systems, computational and logical systems, hybrid intelligent systems, reflex intelligent systems. It is noted that taking into account market trends, adapting to the environment and quickly adjusting their development strategy to occupy their niche in the market is important for the successful functioning of publishing and printing companies. According to the authors, this is possible based on using ICT in printing. Integrating modern technologies into the printing industry can positively influence efficiency and competitiveness. Adopting digital technologies will allow printing companies to be more flexible and respond quickly to changing market conditions, which is important for its development. In conclusion, it can be said that information and communication technologies have a great potential for the transformation of the printing industry in Ukraine. Companies will be able to automate and optimise production processes, reduce costs and improve product quality through the introduction of modern technologies. In addition, by introducing new print formats and creating specialised products for the digital market, the development of information technology will expand the range of services. According to the authors, this approach will help Ukrainian companies to compete internationally and take their products to new markets, helping to develop the whole industry. In addition, there will be a stimulus for innovation and the development of new services, which in turn will contribute to the growth of the industry as a whole.

Article is written in English


Yashchyk O. B., Symonov V. V., Ivanenko R. O.
Ensuring Cybersecurity in the Era of Artificial Intelligence: Analysis of Technological Approaches and Strategies for Information Protection (p. 81 - 86)

Technologies based on machine learning are gradually being introduced as a new means of automation of everyday and routine tasks, providing new opportunities for creativity and innovation. However, the growing use of artificial intelligence raises concerns about the security of personal data of users and the confidential developments of certain companies. When using this tool, it is important to be aware of the potential risks to information and cybersecurity. The purpose of the article was to analyze the issue of ensuring cybersecurity in the era of artificial intelligence and technological approaches and strategies for information protection. The Cybersecurity Strategy of Ukraine, which was approved by the Decree of the President of Ukraine dated August 26, 2021, was analyzed. Artificial intelligence has been identified as having both positive and negative effects in cybersecurity, as it can either enhance the cyber attack process, causing faster and more damaging attacks, or conversely, improve cybersecurity. The main threats of artificial intelligence for cybersecurity are vulnerability, privacy, attacks of various types. The spread of artificial intelligence creates a threat of disclosure of confidential information during data collection and processing, which requires the introduction of appropriate security measures at all stages of technology use. In general, the use of artificial intelligence requires not only innovative approaches, but also increased security measures to protect against various cyber threats. It is found that the capabilities of artificial intelligence can be used in cybersecurity, which can contribute to the strengthening of protection for organizations and reduce the workload of relevant specialists. The tools built on the basis of artificial intelligence allow you to automate routine tasks in the field of security, freeing up the time of experts to solve the most important tasks. In general, the potential of artificial intelligence can be used to strengthen cybersecurity, but it is necessary to implement new laws that will regulate its operation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shlapak A. V., Ivashchenko O. A.
Social Security Management in the Digital Economy: Local Level (p. 87 - 94)

The conditions of the digital economy set a new context for social security management. The use of digital technologies can help streamline processes, increase efficiency, and ensure a rapid and accurate response to social challenges. That is why the presented study is up-to-date and of relevace. The aim of the publication is to define the main features of the social security management system in the digital economy, taking into account the local level, that is, the level of the city. The main methods of the carried out study are: analysis and synthesis – to define the main components of social security management at the local level, as well as the main features of the digital economy in the context of social security; deduction and induction – to define the components of social security at different levels of management; method of comparison – to define the features of the levels of social security management; graphical method – for visual display of the provided results. The main results of the carried out study can be considered the following identified features of social security in the digital economy: development and implementation of platforms for the provision of social services online, which simplifies citizens’ access to social support; the use of digital identifiers for citizens in social protection systems and the issuance of electronic cards to access the services; ensuring a high level of cybersecurity to protect personal data and prevent cyber threats; application of analytical tools to identify social trends, forecasting the needs and development of social programs; the use of artificial intelligence to optimize the allocation of resources and determine priorities in the social sphere; introduction of chatbots and virtual assistants for consultations and provision of information on social services; implementing digital solutions in social protection programs to make them more flexible and efficient; automation of the processes of assigning and paying social benefits to speed up the provision of support; introduction of electronic systems for the exchange of medical information and electronic medical records; ensuring the possibility of remote medical consultations and electronic prescriptions; creation of electronic platforms for education and advanced training for the unemployed and low-income groups; development of electronic labor markets and platforms for online employment. The digital economy opens up new opportunities for improving the management of social security, simplifies access to social services and allows for more effective resolution of social problems. At the same time, it is important to take into account the aspects of cybersecurity, privacy, and accessibility of digital solutions for all segments of the population.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Semenenko Y. S.
Optimizing the Business Processes of Marketing Department with the Help of Information Technologies (p. 95 - 103)

The aim of the article is to analyze the impact of information technology on the efficiency of business processes in modern marketing. A business process optimization helps an enterprise increase its competitiveness by reducing the time from product development to market launch and reducing production and promotion costs. This helps to enhance the efficiency of marketing strategies and increase the profitability of the enterprise. Optimization of business processes in marketing, in particular through the use of process management, is an important element of the company’s strategy for achieving success and ensuring competitiveness in the market. Information technology plays a key role in today’s progress. Under modern business conditions, information technology becomes a powerful tool for increasing the competitiveness of an enterprise, becomes a necessary component of its management system, an important element of its international activity. The rapid progress of information technologies requires increased attention to the processes of their implementation and use. Ignoring current digital trends can lead to business degradation. By analyzing different types of information technology, such as customer relationship management systems, marketing process automation, analytics systems, internet marketing and mobile technologies, social media instruments, data analytics and machine learning platforms, the article explores how these tools contribute to improving productivity and achieving the strategic goals of enterprise marketing departments. The given examples of specific programs and platforms, their advantages and disadvantages, plus a detailed analysis illustrate the importance of using information technology for the successful implementation of marketing strategies and ensuring the competitiveness of enterprises in the modern business environment. Information technology plays a crucial role in the progress of modern marketing, assisting businesses in improving the efficiency of their business processes and ensuring a high level of competitiveness.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Krysovatyy I. A.
Features of Urbanism in the Digital Economy (p. 105 - 110)

This work focuses on the study of the features of modern urbanism, the development of «smart cities» in the context of the formation of the digital economy. With this in mind, special attention is paid to the development of digital tools – as one of the driving forces of the modern digital economy – and the possibility of its effective use for the development of modern urbanism. The purpose of the presented work is to determine the features of modern urbanism in the context of the formation of the digital economy and possible vectors of its further development. The main methods of research are: methods of analysis and synthesis – to determine the features of urbanism and the characteristics of its elements, which directly depend on the conditions of the digital economy; methods of induction and deduction – to determine the modern vector of urban development and the formation of the digital economy; comparison methods – to describe the elements of urbanism that depend on the current conditions of the digital economy; tabular and graphical methods – for visual display of the results of the presented research. The main results of the research include the following conclusions: digital technologies allow the development of the conception of «smart city», where sensors, the Internet of Things, data analytics and artificial intelligence are used to optimize the management of urban resources, reduce energy consumption, improve the transport system, ensure safety and improve the quality of life of residents; government agencies can use digital technologies to improve the operation of city services and units, provide online services to citizens, e-governance, and ensure openness and transparency in city governance; large amounts of data collected from sensors, mobile apps, public systems, and other sources allow for detailed analysis of the urban environment. The digital economy creates new opportunities for public engagement in urbanization processes. Mobile apps, online platforms and social networks allow city residents to take an active part in decision-making on the development of their city, express their needs and opinions.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Shevchuk I. B., Shevchuk A. V.
Structural and Dynamic Analysis of the IT Market of Ukraine: Today’s Challenges (p. 136 - 145)

The aim of the article is to study the trends and features of structural transformations of the IT market of Ukraine over the past decade. Taking into account the consideration that there is still no single statistical base and system of indicators that would fully reflect the state of functioning of the IT market in Ukraine, as is revealed by the analyses of many information sources, the main structural transformations of the IT market of Ukraine as of 2013, 2018 and 2023 were analyzed and researched. As result of the carried out study, it is found out what structural changes took place during these periods in the IT labor market, in the market of IT products, in the economics of the IT business in general, etc. This made it possible to better assess the potential of the national IT market, identify potential threats to its development, competitive environment, and form a systematic view of the state and prospects for the development of the IT sector of the national economy, also to outline the key trends that will determine the development of the IT market in the near future. The factors of national and global scale, under the influence of which the IT market of Ukraine will be formed and function in the future, have been identified. In particular, it is the continuation of hostilities on the territory of Ukraine; irregularity of the process of reservation of critical employees of the IT industry and sending them on business trips abroad; lack of free money in the economy; global recession due to the energy crisis; companies’ attraction to optimize costs for the development along with further development of artificial intelligence. It is found that in 2023, for the first time in a decade, there is a downward trend in the volume of the IT market. This is testified by the departure of IT specialists abroad, a drop in the export of IT services, significant layoffs of IT specialists by companies, a long-term delay in the revision of salaries, a freeze in the increase in the level of compensation and bonus payments, a change in the situation in the talent market not in favor of Ukrainian IT specialists, etc. Prospects for further research in this direction are the substantiation of making appropriate managerial decisions to curb the decline of the IT market and the introduction of additional tools to stimulate its development in the dynamic economic conditions that have developed both within the country and around the world.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Luchko H. Y.
Trends in the Development of the IT Sector in Ukraine (p. 145 - 152)

The aim of the article is to analyze the current trends in the IT industry in Ukraine, identify the key problems of the sector caused by russia’s military aggression, and identify areas of activation that will contribute to the development and adaptation of the sector to the challenges of the external environment. The information technology market is one of the driving forces of all sectors of the national economy, the State and regional administration, science and education, etc. In the context of globalization and the European integration of Ukraine, it should be borne in mind that the domestic IT sector is one of the most promising sectors of the economy. Mobility and quick adaptability to challenges allows the IT industry to be an important pillar of Ukraine during the wartime and will help in the period of post-war recovery. The article analyzes the trends in the development of the IT sector for 2018–2023, it was noted that the crisis shocks associated with the coronavirus pandemic, which significantly affected the business of many industries, did not harm the activities of companies in the IT sector. However, russia’s full-scale invasion in 2022 affected the positive dynamics of IT companies’ performance indicators and slowed down the growth rate of the IT sector. The article analyzes the factors that cause the slowdown in the development of the IT industry. In particular, the influence of both factors that have a global context and internal factors caused by the destructive pressure of war is considered. The article also specifies the tendency to reduce the number of specialists in domestic IT companies and considers its main causes. The areas that need to be activated in order for the IT industry to remain resilient, adapting to the challenges of the external environment, and continuing its development are allocated. The preserved positive dynamics of the performance of IT companies in the face of the full-scale invasion, the high level and demand for our IT specialists in the foreign and domestic markets indicate the accumulated significant potential and the ability of the IT sector to adapt quickly. The directions of activation proposed in the article will contribute to the further development of the IT sector.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zaiats A. I., Oleksiv T. I.
Peculiarities and Problems of Diffusion of Client Bases in the Activity of IT Enterprises of Ukraine (p. 152 - 159)

The purpose of the study is to identify the features and problems of diffusion of the client base of IT enterprises in Ukraine, to develop recommendations for solution of the latter. The article outlines the general situation in the IT market, in particular, draws attention to its turbulence and high instability of consumer preferences, when supply in the market dominates over demand. The components of the concept of «diffusion of client bases of enterprises» are considered. Under the concept of «diffusion» it is proposed to consider the conception that describes the patterns of distribution of cultural, social, economic and other phenomena, initially concentrated in one or more places, which imply the presence of a certain share of uncertainties, and «client base» – as the main source of business and income of the enterprise, containing information about both existing and potential clients. The main advantages of maintaining a client base of activities are presented, in particular: preservation of data; transfer of a client from one manager to another; analysis of the market situation; assessment of the target audience; formation of marketing strategy and business development. It is noted that client-oriented business management allows to increase the profit and overall efficiency of the enterprise by increasing the amount of revenue from the existing client base, as well as by optimizing operating costs. The stages of formation of the client base of activity for IT enterprises are proposed and detailed as: planning, development, implementation, and analysis. Attention is drawn to the matter that the main indicator of the diffusion of the client base of an IT enterprise is the «drawdown» of sales, which can be caused by both internal and external factors of influence. The statistics of changes in the geography of hiring on the example of the largest domestic IT enterprises, which is one of the indicators of client behavior, has been studied. It is noted that large enterprises do not experience the diffusion of the client base of activity to the same extent as it happens with small companies, so the diffusion of the client base of IT enterprises from Ukraine is not a mass phenomenon. Recommendations to encourage clients to cooperate with Ukrainian IT companies are proposed. Prospects for further research in this direction are the study of the specifics of the recovery of global demand in the IT industry after the recession.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Goi V. V.
The Efficiency of Intelligent Economic Systems in Ensuring Sustainable Economic Growth (p. 160 - 167)

This research paper explores the transformative potential of intelligent economic systems in the context of sustainable economic growth. This potential determines the impact of integrating artificial intelligence, data analytics, and automation into economic processes on key dimensions, including economic growth, resource efficiency, and environmental sustainability. Through a multidimensional approach, this research employs quantitative analyses, qualitative insights from stakeholder interviews and expert surveys, and cross-regional comparisons to provide a comprehensive perspective on the subject. The findings reveal a compelling positive relationship between the adoption of intelligent economic systems and economic expansion. Regions that have embraced these systems consistently outperform their non-adopting counterparts, demonstrating higher economic growth rates, enhanced resource efficiency, and improved environmental sustainability. Innovation emerges as a central driver of growth, while challenges related to workforce adaptation and data administration require careful consideration. This research paper not only underscores the significance of intelligent economic systems in shaping a more sustainable and prosperous future but also offers practical recommendations for policymakers, businesses, and individuals. It calls for a collaborative global effort to harness the transformative power of intelligent economic systems, highlighting the potential to create a harmonious balance between innovation, intelligence, and sustainability in the pursuit of economic prosperity. The research carries significant practical value for a wide range of stakeholders, including policymakers, business leaders, investors, and the broader community. By empirically examining how intelligent economic systems, characterized by the integration of technologies like artificial intelligence, big data analytics, and automation, impact economic growth, resource efficiency, and sustainability, the research offers actionable insights and recommendations that can guide decision-making in both the public and private sectors.

Article is written in English

Skibska K. O., Novytskyy D. S.
Information Economy in the System of Post-War Recovery Measures in Ukraine (p. 167 - 173)

The aim of the article is to determine the role and significance of the information economy in the process of reсovery of Ukraine after the war. Nowadays, information has a significant impact on the modern economy through decision-making, organization of production, allocation of resources and consumption. The article discusses practical examples of the use of information technologies and digital tools, as well as illustrates the impact of these technologies on the rapid and effective recovery of the country’s economy after the war’s end. The article highlights such aspects as the use of information systems to coordinate recovery processes, promoting investment opportunities, supporting small and medium-sized enterprises, developing innovations and startups in the recovery industry sectors, and improving management and resource efficiency. The carried out research allowed to correlate the concept of information economy with the above categories, which made it possible to identify the interdependence or subordination of the digital economy to these aspects. Currently, the issue of the information economy is studied at an inappropriately low level due to the complexity of the topic, which covers a wide range of aspects – from technology and socio-cultural influences to economic policy. It is proved that increasing the level of research on the information economy can contribute to improving the level of economic recovery of the country. It is defined that the rapid pace of technological progress is constantly changing the economic landscape and requires constant updating of knowledge and research methods. Therefore, it is very important to use all available resources that can help in the post-war recovery of the country: reconstruction and revival of infrastructure, the work of humanitarian organizations, attracting investments, managing crisis situations, creating new businesses, etc.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Prokhorova V. V., Yanchak Y. O., Shcherbyna Y. V.
Instruments of the Digital Economy in the Context of Improving the Efficiency of Industrial Enterprises (p. 174 - 182)

Digital transformation is becoming an integral part of the development of industrial enterprises in the modern world. The phase of transition to the digital economy is expected not only to increase the productivity and efficiency of production processes, but also to open up new opportunities for development and a competitive position in the market. The inclusion of digital instruments in the activities of industrial enterprises can greatly facilitate management, improve product quality and ensure more efficient use of resources. The aim of the article is to study and analyze the instruments of the digital economy in the context of improving the efficiency of industrial enterprises. The article analyzes the definition of «digital economy» and provides the authors’ own definition of this term. The prospects for the introduction of the digital economy in the activities of industrial enterprises are determined, among which an increase in labor productivity, an increase in product quality parameters, a decrease in costs, an increase in the level of adaptation and the level of competitiveness are allocated. The main program document for the development of Industry 4.0 in Ukraine named «Strategy 4.0» is analyzed. The main instruments of the digital economy have been identified, which should include the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, machine learning, data analytics, cloud technologies, digital platforms, and ecosystems. It is proved that the introduction of digital economy instruments in the activities of industrial enterprises creates prerequisites for optimizing production processes. The article also states that the process of introducing digital instruments into the activities of industrial enterprises creates prerequisites for certain challenges and threats, including the threat of cyberattacks, data security breaches, large investments in the transfer of knowledge and technology and, as a result, the need to upgrade production equipment to more modern, complex integration of new technologies into existing production processes. Therefore, the development of the digital economy at industrial enterprises can help increase their competitiveness and stability in the market. Ensuring that digital instruments are correctly selected, implemented, and optimized is an important task for enterprise management and staff in the era of digital transformation.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Semenchenko N. V., Yukhymovych A. M., Storozhenko P. O.
The Use of Computer Technologies in the Era of the Digital Economy (p. 89 - 94)

The article is devoted to the assessment of the use of computer technologies in the economy. The impact of digital technologies on the development of domestic companies is described, changes in economic indicators are evaluated, taking into account the implementation of digital economy solutions. The article discusses the use of computer technologies in the agricultural sector, the medical industry and the sphere of State regulation. Real examples of the introduction of automation and robotization at large production enterprises and their positive impact on the economic condition of the company, in compliance with environmental norms and standards of Industry 5.0 are presented. When considering the agrarian industry, progressive strategies for the use of artificial intelligence, Big Data technologies, remote process control are allocated, which increased competitiveness and contributed to the transition of companies from the local market to the international one. In the course of a heuristic study of the medical field, it was found that robotization affected the improvement of economic indicators, which was caused by an increase in the efficiency and quality of production of medicines with the international GMP standard. It is found that the computerization of document management and time management systems contributed to improving the level of trust in public medical services provided by doctors. The analysis of statistical data has shown that the number of enterprises using digital technologies in the management and sale of goods is increasing, so the introduction of automation and robotization is necessary to improve the performance of enterprises. Analysis of the volume of digital trade in monetary terms showed a significant increase over the studied period of time due to the introduction of computer technologies. The article states that digitalization and automation have a positive impact on the economic activity of companies not only at the micro level, since the digitalization strategies of companies can be transferred to the macro level and applied in all spheres of life. Prospects for further research include an analysis of the economic impact of digitalization, the search for optimal solutions for automating processes while reducing the cost of technology.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kolomiyets G. M., Melentsova O. V., Moskalenko M. O.
GenAI is an Imperative to Improve the Institutional Framework for Risk Management (p. 118 - 124)

The article analyzes the rapid progress in the artificial intelligence sector as one of the most promising areas of information and communication technologies. There is observed an increase in the use of the generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) system in various business areas and a significant increase in investment. The authors focus on the need to implement GenAI in Ukrainian business. At the same time, they emphasize the emergence of negative consequences that arise from the development of artificial intelligence (AI), that in particular can be either accidental or malicious. The importance of risk management in the context of the use of GenAI for effective application in business is emphasized. An analysis of scientific publications in the field of artificial intelligence shows an increasing interest in understanding and analyzing the risks of the development and use of AI. The need for continuous monitoring and development of institutional frameworks for effective AI risk management is underlined, including integrating the efforts of all stakeholders and differentiating efforts at different stages of the development and use of AI. It is noted that the development and use of AI have probable negative consequences, which range from random to deliberately mixed. Sometimes the information generated by AI systems may not be accurate, and sometimes it is biased in nature based on gender, race, and other stereotypes and can be used to facilitate unethical or criminal activities. Some of the inherent risks of AI have already been explored, while others remain unknown. This situation necessitates systematic monitoring of the possible implications of AI development and adoption, as well as the development of appropriate institutional frameworks to assess progress in this area.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lukianenko I. G., Sova Y. S.
Ukrainian Startup Ecosystem as a Driver of Economic and Strategic Resilience (p. 125 - 135)

The aim of the article is to comprehensively analyze the key adaptive transformations in the technological ecosystem of Ukraine during the wartime period as a driver of its economic and strategic development, in particular in the period of post-war reconstruction, as well as to generalize the most relevant approaches and features of evaluation of startups. Particular attention is paid to strategic startups in the field of defense, cybersecurity, deep learning algorithms, space and other advanced production technologies, in particular in the context of specific aspects that should be taken into account when assessing their value. The study uses general scientific methods and specific economic and statistical approaches, in particular methods of analysis and synthesis to classify approaches to evaluating startups, as well as descriptive statistics and graphical analysis to identify structural changes in the technological ecosystem of Ukraine. The carried out study showed that in recent years there has been a significant increase in the number and variety of startups specializing in strategic sectors of the economy. Their development is due to both the strategic needs of the State for means to increase defense capability and national security, and global technological trends, in particular in the field of artificial intelligence and cybersecurity. In addition, it is determined that for assessing the value of startups in strategic sectors of the economy, the most flexible and relevant are the method of real options, the method of testing hypotheses, and the approaches based on scenario analysis. The results of the presented study can be taken into account when improving traditional and new methods of evaluating startups and new companies, in particular in terms of taking into account their strategic value using premiums or other valuation techniques. Prospects for future research in this direction are to improve the existing methods for evaluating startups from strategic industries, taking into account the specifics of the sector and the high level of geopolitical and macroeconomic uncertainty.

Article is written in English

Shkurat M. Y., Uzbek H. R.
Modern Methods of Increasing the Efficiency of Business Processes of Companies in the Era of Digital Transformation (p. 136 - 145)

The article examines modern methods of increasing the efficiency of companies’ business processes in the context of digital transformation. The relevance of the topic is due to the need for enterprises to adapt to rapid market changes and technological progress. The aim of the work is to study and analyze modern methods of increasing the efficiency of business processes of companies in the era of digital transformation. To achieve this goal, in the course of the study, the authors defined the essence of the concepts of «business process» and «digital transformation», as well as established the relationship between the optimization of business processes and their digital transformation. Thus, it is determined that the manifestation of digitalization of operational activities and, in particular, business processes can be expressed through the use of the following tools: ERP systems, CRM systems, BPM systems, RPA, Internet of Things, Big Data, cloud technologies. The publication allocates the main methods of increasing the efficiency of business processes, such as: outsourcing, benchmarking, engineering, reengineering, merchandising, information and digital technologies, strategic planning, process-oriented management, etc. The experience of such successful companies as Amazon, Walmart, Starbucks, UPS, Microsoft, Procter & Gamble, which have implemented digital tools to increase productivity and reduce operating costs, is analyzed. These companies have been found to have achieved significant results through innovations in the digital sphere. Based on the research, the authors have developed recommendations for the use of digital tools in business practice. The following is proposed as worth to be applied: intelligent learning systems, gamification of business processes, virtual and augmented reality for training and marketing, blockchain technology to ensure transparency of supply chains, interactive reports and dashboards for real-time data analysis, as well as crowdsourcing innovations and microlearning to improve the skills of employees. Thus, the study highlights the importance of a comprehensive approach to digital transformation to ensure the competitiveness and sustainability of companies in today’s environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian


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