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International Economic Relations


Chorna O. O., Starikova K. I., Zelenskaya K. S.
Economic Safety of Ukraine in Conditions of Widening International Co-Operation in Aerospace Industry (p. 10 - 12)

The analysis of the current state of the aerospace industry in Ukraine has conduct. The main directions of foreign economic policy of industry has reflected. The positive and negative consequences of widening international co-operation in aerospace industry has suggested.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Omar Ismael Omar
Ukraine and the Middle East: current state of economic cooperation (p. 15 - 17)

The possibilities of enhancing the economic potential of countries in the Middle East in economic and trade relations with Ukraine. Proved that the Middle East, and Ukraine needs security, new opportunities for development, investment and technology. Need a search for new ways of forming a qualitatively new economic relations. Effective action in existing and into new markets (Middle East) for Ukrainian producers and exporters need to be considered as a system factor in the development of national economy.

Article is written in Russian

BUSINESS INFORM №5-2011, Vol.1

Mustaev I. Z.
Comparative Assessment of the Use of Assets by Enterprises of Various Countries (p. 29 - 31)

The article gives an approach to assessment of the use of capital assets by enterprises of various countries.

Article is written in Russian

Timoshenko Y. H.
Models of Differentiation of Countries by Level of Protection Against Violation of Rights of Intellectual Property (p. 31 - 34)

Losses caused by violation of intellectual property rights are growing from year to year and acquiring great volumes. The study of the problem of violation of intellectual property rights is a necessary condition for understanding the essence of the given phenomenon, its tendencies and forecasting its volumes for future periods with the purpose of choosing the behavior of the state for reduction of its negative consequences.

Article is written in Ukrainian

BUSINESS INFORM №7-2011, Vol.1

Zirko Y. V.
Analysis of World Tendencies and Their Influence on the Economy of Ukraine (p. 23 - 25)

The article considers trends in the global economy, in particular Ukraine, to assess the impact of the crisis on the Ukrainian economy.

Article is written in Russian

Stepochkin A. I.
Dynamics and Tendencies of Development of International Currency Market (p. 26 - 30)

The dynamics and tendencies of the development of international foreign exchange market in terms of globalization have been considered; the structure of currency transactions and the interrelationship between ally-currencies have been investigated; the future scheme of international currency market based on the ambivalence and the theory of competition among currencies has been found.

Article is written in Ukrainian

BUSINESS INFORM №7-2011, Vol.2

Zyma O. G., Kholodnyi G. O.
An agreement is about a free trade zone between EU and Ukraine (p. 15 - 17)

An agreement about a free trade zone between the countries of EU and Ukraine will become absolute mutually beneficial and desirable to the final signing in 2011.

Article is written in Russian


Gordienko V. P., Bondarenko A. F., Martynenko V. О.
Euroregions in the System of Transfrontal Collaboration (p. 13 - 16)

The main directions of development of border zones on the base of creation of the European regions are considered in the article. It is defined that Euroregional cooperation is one of the main instruments of implementing the mechanism of realization of state regional policy. It is proved that the Euroregions of Ukraine remain declarative entities through the lack of legal, organizational and financial support.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ryeznikov V. V.
Estimation procedure of organizational prerequisites for international economic integration of cities of Ukraine (p. 16 - 19)

It’s devised in the paper organizational and methodological base and integrated assessment of prerequisites for international economic integration of individual cities of the Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Chorna O. O., Arutunyan V. A., Kalugin S. P.
The International Integration Processes and Condition of Competitiveness of the Country (p. 14 - 16)

The analysis of the international integration processes is carried out. The condition of competitiveness of the country is reflected. The basic directions of transboundary cooperation between Ukraine and EU are considered.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chen Huaigeng
Creating Material and Moral Incentives to Labour on the Building Enterprises in China (p. 17 - 20)

The methods of stimulation and motivation of construction companies. Proposed use of the mechanism of active development as a national experience of material and moral incentives.

Article is written in Russian


Makukha S. N.
Structural Reorganization of Foreign Trade of Ukraine - Call of the Times (p. 8 - 11)

The article considers the directions of effectiveness increase of Ukraine's foreign trade efficiency on the basis of transition to inno­vation and investment direction of country's development creating preconditions for structural reorganization of the economy, transi­tion to material and energy saving technologies, renewable energy sources, import substitution, competitive recovery of domestic goods and services.

Article is written in Russian

Dyachek V. V.
Foreign Trade in Commodities of Ukraine's En­terprises: Statistical Review and Possible Ways of Develop­ment (p. 11 - 19)

The article is dedicated to the study of the condition of Ukrainian enterprises' foreign trade in commodities and defining of this sort of trade's desirable directions of development. It gives the statisti­cal analysis of the data of State Committee of Statistics of Ukraine, calculates the indexes of development, makes structural analysis and reveals the main tendencies of development of foreign trade in commodities of Ukrainian enterprises. The results of the men­tioned analysis were used to define the desirable directions of de­velopment of this type of activity.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Nazarova T. Y.
Development of the machine-building indus­try due to the priorities of foreign economic policy of Ukraine (p. 20 - 24)

The article concerns the main indicators of the industry of Ukraine, especially of the machine-building branch, in the sphere of foreign trade, provides with the information about financial support of R&D and high-technology exports in some countries of the world, proves the importance of state support of machinebuilding enter­prises in the process of regulation of business environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Moskovkin V. M., Shigorina N. A., Fraser Jason
The Com­parative Analysis of Functioning of the World's Leading Com­panies on the Basis of their Global Ratings (p. 25 - 35)

The comparative analysis of functioning of the world's leading companies, which is based on four global ratings: Forbes, Indus­try Week, Fortune, Business Week. It is made the distributions of quantity of the companies and their financial indicators by coun­tries for all these ratings, and for the first three ratings - by economy sectors. We calculate the share of the top three sectors and countries in total amounts of financial indicators of the companies and their quantity concerning total number of the countries and sectors. We calculate the country and sectoral integrated financial indicators for the Forbes rating. It is made comparasion of ratings of the most innovative companies of the world (TOP - 50 ratings of Business Week 2010) with other three ratings.

Article is written in Russian

Abolkhasanzad Alyreza
Information Technology in Iran's Oil Industry (p. 36 - 39)

The necessity of introduction of modern information technolo­gies in the oil industry. The principles of construction of logistics information systems based on modern information technology. Analyzed the information flow in the planning of oil and gas pro­duction oil and gas association.

Article is written in Russian


Voronkova A. E., Kokura K. V.
Decomposition of the Process of Increasing Enterprise Competitiveness in the Foreign Market (p. 85 - 87)

The process of increasing competitiveness in international markets are dekompozed. The features of stages of increasing competitiveness in international markets are described.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zyma O. G., Podgainaya V. A.
Migration Process and its Influence on the Economy in the World’s Countries (p. 87 - 90)

A current situation of migration process in the world and mainly in Ukraine, main reasons of this process and its influence on the country’s economy have been characterized in the article.

Article is written in Russian

Serdyuk T. Y.
General Characteristic of Foreign Economic Activity in Ukraine (p. 90 - 93)

The article deals with the main directions of foreign economic activity in Ukraine. An analysis of trends emerging in the domestic exports, at this stage of economic development. Revealed major shortcomings in the implementation of foreign trade and provide recommendations to address them.

Article is written in Russian


Borysova L. P.
Positioning of Ukraine at the market of commodities and services in east partnership (p. 78 - 82)

In the article the questions of becoming of the Ukrainian economy are considered as an integral system, where foreign trade must become the means of height of the labour and increase of volumes of competitive products productivity in connection with the new positioning of Ukraine in geoeconomy; the place of Ukraine in the world market of commodities and services and level of competitiveness of the Ukrainian commodities and services are analyzed in the world market.

Article is written in Russian

Kornev M. N.
The problems of synchronization of economic systems of Ukraine and EU in the strategy of the integration development (p. 82 - 86)

In the article problems and prospects of integration development of Ukraine and countries of EU are considered on the basis of economic systems synchronization and development of strategic convergence conception.

Article is written in Russian

Rakhman M. S.
Development of foreign economic activities of members of ASEAN integration association (p. 87 - 92)

The article deals with external economic cooperation ASEAN. Performed cluster and factor analysis of members of ASEAN, recommendations for improvement of foreign activities of the association with trading partners.

Article is written in Russian

Сhalaya Y. V.
European integration trends in education (p. 92 - 94)

It is led to importance of international cooperation of higher educational establishments as absolute factor of realization of state educational policy in the context of European integration. New positive lines which are folded on the basis of integration tendencies are analysed, and also the place of higher educational establishments and role is certain on the walks of life of European educational space.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Prygara O. Y., Yarosh-Dmytrenko L. O.
Method of Evaluation of International Activity Risks of an Enterprise (p. 83 - 87)

The method of calculating of integrated index of international activity risk is provided in the article, economic-mathematical methods of avoiding these risks are used.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Rakhman M. S.
Analysis of the Export-Import Operations in China's Car Market (p. 87 - 91)

This article discusses the place of China in the global automotive industry. Analyzed consumer preferences and competitive advantages of Chinese cars in the individual markets. The tendencies of the market in coming years.

Article is written in Russian

Savitskiy E. V.
On Some Methods of | Mathematical Analysis of Influence of Gas Markets Liberalization on the Profitability of Russian Gas Export to Europe (p. 92 - 94)

The article gives the comparative analysis of the mathematical models which allows of forecasting the economic effects of gas markets liberalization. The expediency of the use of the model of diversification of natural gas suppliers with the account of the risks of disruption of supplies to the analysis of the influence of the processes of gas markets liberalization on the profitability of Russian gas export to Europe has been substantiated.

Article is written in Russian


Malуarets L. M., Proskurnina N. V.
The Methodological Support of the Formation and Organization of Controlling Foreign Economic Activity of an Enterprise (p. 32 - 35)

The methodological support of the formation and organization of controlling foreign economic activity of an enterprise is proposed, which consists of methodology and methods of action on procedures for controlling. The methodological support consists of ten stages, logically realizing the functions of controlling.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kotysh O. M., Manzya O. A.
The Forming of Factor System of Export Operation’s Efficiency (p. 50 - 52)

The article gives the comparative analysis of approaches to the definition of «export operations». The system of influence factors on the efficiency of export operations is formed.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Gordienko V. P.
Innovation investment model of euroregional collaboration (p. 40 - 43)

In the article scientific and practical aspects of euroregional collaboration are considered on the basis of the use of innovation investment model of development. It is certain that the creation of scientific and technical structures of technological park type is an important factor of adoption of this model. It has been proved that effective introduction of innovation investment model of euroregional collaboration is based on application of logistic, scientific and technical clusters.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Ivanov Y. B., Piddubna L. I.
Conceptual and Methodological Aspects of the Synthesis of the Control System of the International Competitiveness of the Enterprise (p. 50 - 53)

A conceptual model of the synthesis of the control system of the international competitiveness of enterprises with a strategic approach and methodology of the theory of multi-level hierarchical systems.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shkvarchuk L. A., Kovalenko Y. S.
Evaluation of Trade Flows in International Business (p. 54 - 57)

A study of essence of commodity flows, their kinds and properties is undertaken in the article. Generalization of descriptions of commodity flows is carried out. The features of commodity flows evaluation are certain in foreign economic activity of enterprises. The cost and sentinel burdens of commodity flows in foreign trade arе analysed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Baryliuk I. V., Kizyma D.
Analysis of the competitive positions of the Ukrainian economy in the context of globalization (p. 58 - 68)

The article examines the theoretical bases of national competitiveness as well as provides practical methods of determining the competitive advantages of countries by various methodologies. Based on quantitative and qualitative indicators, the competitiveness of Ukraine in 2011 is analyzed and the key competitive advantages on the world market are identified.

Article is written in English

Troyan I. A.
Integration compatibility of BSEC member states (p. 68 - 73)

Article is devoted to the integration compatibility of the BSEC member states. Its main components are pointed out: economic, political-legal, scientific- technological, infrastructural, social and financial. The indicators of trade, investment and migration compatibility in comparison with the EU-15 are researched. Analysis of trade complementarity of BSEC countries by major product groups is given.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Ivashchenko M. V.
Influence of religion on socio-economic situation of the world in present circumstances (p. 51 - 55)

In this paper the non-economic factors such as religion, is part of the cultural heritage, which is riddled with moral-ethical principles, intertwined with religious dogma. We prove that the moral climate in society due to a set of rules and regulations prevailing in it, and give advice on behavior in various situations, including with respect to economic behavior, acting out of the subconscious. On the basis of GDP per capita in the conclusions regarding the nature of the influence of religion on the different areas of the state of the national economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Klimchik V. V.
Qualitative Parameters of Ukrainian Export and Financial Incentives for it’s Improvement (p. 55 - 60)

The article analyzes the quality of Ukrainian goods exported from its range and unit cost. The advantages of export of high and medium-high technology to the economy are grounded. There are offered to increase the use of methods, instruments and tools of financial influence for increasing exports competitive of high-tech and science intensive products in the article.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Savrasova A. A.
Innovative Approaches to Increase of the International Competitiveness of Economy of Ukraine (p. 35 - 37)

The article deals with the problematic issues of international competitiveness of Ukrainian economy. The problems of innovation activity in Ukraine. Reflects the main directions of innovative development of global trends. The problems of innovation activity in Ukraine and substantiated link between innovation activity and international competitiveness of Ukrainian economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Pokhilyuk V. V.
Ukraine in the Transformation World (p. 54 - 58)

In the article an author accents attention on the difficult terms of transformation period in Ukraine. In particular an author excepts for internal reasons which draw distortion of transitional period defined external reasons and selected the external threats of economic security, which create other countries, showing an impure and unconscientiously competition on post-soviet space. In the articles there are the exposed principal reasons and difficulties of transitional period, which are caused including by geographical position of Ukraine. Russia tries from one side, in any method, to add Ukraine to the Customs union of Byelorussia and Kazakhstan, from other side Europe, divided in looks to the place of Ukraine in European community, also sees in a remote prospect our country in composition the European Union. But, if Poland, Bulgaria, Slovakia, spoke out for the most rapid tacking of Ukraine to the euro area, Germany, France, proposing political barriers, not wanting to enter into a dispute with Russia, see such joining in a remote prospect.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Gnilitskiy M. V.
The Theoretical Basis of the Study of Global Competition (p. 59 - 62)

The article deals with theoretical and methodological approaches to the analysis of global competition. Evolutionary stages in the development of economic thought to the competition and the international division of labor are identified . The place of global competition in the system of economic management is defined.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Khanova O. V.
Assessment of Competitiveness of Regions of Ukraine and Belarus as Part of Cross-Border Cooperation (p. 28 - 32)

The analysis of the theoretical foundations of the study of competitiveness of regions is made. Special attention was paid to the competitiveness of the border regions. It was shown the results of evaluation of the competitiveness of the border regions of Ukraine and Belarus, the main strengths and weaknesses, opportunities to threats.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Moskovkin V. M., Tszen Yuan
Potential and Trends in the Foreign Trade of Machinery Products BRICS + Iran (p. 33 - 42)

The paper shows how the analytical tool «Bilateral Trade» Database «Trade Map» can effectively to use for study the export-import potential and trends in mutual trade of leading commodities in any group of countries. On the example of BRICS + Iran shows negative structural changes in the foreign trade of machinery products in Russia, on the contrary, a significant and positive structural changes in China. Unlike Russia, China in the field of machinery has achieved outstanding results to increase its export capacity, with balanced growth in export and import indicators.

Article is written in Russian


Tretiak V. P.
Experience of Individual Countries in Solution of Problems of Human Development (p. 41 - 51)

The article considers methodical approaches to definition of the concept of human development as a factor of formation of human capital and basics of economic development in general. Bearing in mind identification of priority ways of development of human potential in Ukraine, it conducts analysis of each of its three main blocks: living standards, assessed through gross national income per capita by the parity of purchasing capacity in US Dollars; literacy rate of the country population (average number of years spent on education) and expected duration of education; life expectancy – it assesses longevity. The article offers institutional and programme measures with respect to human development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vlasenko M. A.
Notional and Essential Characteristics of the World Financial Market (p. 52 - 57)

The article considers interpretations of the notion of the world financial market of domestic and foreign scientists, studies existing classification approaches and approaches to structuring the world financial market. It reveals the following main features of structuring: 1) dependence on national systems of monetary and credit regulation; 2) term of realisation and 3) type of a financial tool (financial asset). It offers an improved interpretation of the notion of a financial tool and reveals features of attribution of an economic phenomenon to a financial tool: 1) contract, security or any other form of fixation of contractual relations; 2) mandatory availability of minimum 2 parties: appearance or increase of an asset of one party and liability of the other party; 3) asset and liability are financial and not trade ones.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kasiyan Y. V.
Assessment of Components of Financial Development of the Countries of Central and Eastern Europe and its Influence upon Economic Development (p. 58 - 64)

The article assesses components of financial development of countries of Central and Eastern Europe. It analyses theoretical aspects of interrelation between forms of financial systems and their influence upon economic development of a state and describes main functions of financial systems. It shows results of the conducted econometric study of interrelation between financial development and development of the real sector of economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Omar Ismael Omar
Prospects of Economic Co-operation of Ukraine and Middle East Сountries (p. 64 - 69)

The article sets prospects of interaction of Ukrainian economy with Middle East economies on the basis of analysis of state of qualitative and quantitative parameters of economic and humanitarian relations. It proves that the following is required for fast improvement of the situation: substantial and closer co-operation of Middle East regions with foreign economic relations departments of Ukraine; expert study of prospects and possibilities of promotion of Ukrainian regions in Middle East markets; distribution of information in Middle East countries on possibilities of co-operation with Ukrainian regions in different spheres, in particular, by means of conducting trade forums and presentations of individual regions.

Article is written in Russian


Minenko M. A.
Influence of Central Union of German retail Trade Associations (HDE) on Formation of Professional Institutionally Capable Socially Responsible Environment (p. 48 - 54)

The article analyses the process of establishment of the central union of German retail trade associations (HDE). It studies the system of co-ordination and interaction of public unions in the trade sphere of German economy, scheme of managing co-ordinating organisation, its functions and strategic priorities of development. While discussing the draft Law “On Internal Trade” it is offered to use basic principles of socially oriented economy and main initiatives of HDE in Ukraine with the purpose of strengthening the role of national public trade unions, for minimisation of internal trade shadow turnover and building professional institutionally capable socially responsible environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kokura K. V.
Specific Features of Influence of Factors on Competitiveness of a Company in a Foreign Market (p. 54 - 58)

The article justifies urgency of the study of influence of factors on competitiveness of a company in a foreign market. It determines factors of national and international environment that influence upon competitiveness of a company in the foreign market of financial regional clusters. It describes interaction of internal and external environment of a company that performs activity in a foreign market.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kulishov V. V.
Transnational Expansion of the World Economy (p. 58 - 61)

The article studies issues of interaction of international economic subjects and formation of interconnections, with the help of which transformation and intensification of individualised property are done. All these result in formation of a transnational environment and formation of the innovation sphere, which plays decisive role in overcoming resource and institutional limits of globalisation. Regional economic environments appear as a result of limitations of globalisation processes in the world economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Didkovskaya B. V.
Foreign Trade of Ukraine with West-European Countries (p. 62 - 67)

The article justifies that, at this stage of European integration of Ukraine, trade relations with European countries, with the aim of their strengthening and expansion, require deeper study and analysis. Since the main trade partners of Ukraine during the past decade include mostly West-European countries, it is quite justified to conduct a separate study of foreign economic links of Ukraine with West-European countries. The article analyses modern stage of foreign trade with the above mentioned countries, identifies main tendencies of foreign trade both in pre-crisis and in post-crisis periods. Conclusions were made on the basis of the analysis on a significant level of dependence of the Ukrainian domestic market upon dominating commodities from Western Europe with a high level of added value and also on existence of significant disproportions in trade with the above mentioned countries, which appeared in 2000 – 2007, have become deeper and are a threat to strategic interests of Ukraine. These processes increase a need of Ukrainian exporters in availability of economic and mathematical models, which would allow revelation of tendencies and regularities in Ukrainian trade with West-European countries. The article offers regression models which describe indicators of trade export and import of Ukraine with Western Europe and which are built using the method of step-by-step selection of factors. Analysis of strategic characteristics of these models, conducted with the purpose of assessment of their forecast properties, allows making a conclusion on high quality of built equations. Taking into account the above, the models could be used for development of imitation forecasts during scientific justification of decisions in the sphere of foreign trade, which is identified as a direction of further study.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Piletska S. T.
Forecasting Efficiency of Execution of a Foreign Economic Contract of an Industrial Aviation Enterprise (p. 67 - 72)

The article states that the key tool of foreign economic activity is a foreign economic contract, on the basis of which methodical components are formed depending on the level of its organisation. Economic efficiency of contracts mostly depends on influence of risks, minimisation of which allows increase of efficiency of foreign economic activity of an industrial aviation enterprise. In order to determine influence of risks of a foreign economic contract on profitability of products it is offered to use a non-linear autoregressive model with external inputs (NARX). Method of optimisation of the quality functional is the Levenberg-Marquardt method, which results in obtaining more reliable results. In order to assess efficiency of performance of a foreign economic contract it is expedient to calculate the indicator of quality of conclusion of a contract. It is offered to create reserve funds of compensation of losses from impact of foreign economic risks. Efficiency of foreign economic activity of an enterprise should be assessed from the point of view of factually received profit against executed contracts and increase of circulating funds due to it.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sarychev V. I.
Prospects of Human Development in the BRICS fields: Global Management Problems (p. 73 - 77)

The article analyses main directions of mutual co-operation of BRICS countries in the context of problems of global management of construction of the new international economic order. It marks main components of the system of growing influence of BRICS on formation of a more just, balanced and rational architecture of the world economy and politics. The foundation of the strengthening consolidation and possible future institutionalisation of the block is formed by developed trade relations, close national models of development and principally similar approaches solution of global problems of humanity. Objectively the prospects of the block expansion by means of joining of other actively developed economies to its platform with preservation of favourable conditions of investing into human capital and modernisation of mechanisms of co-operation through the system of settlements in national currencies are quite real.

Article is written in Russian

Holoborodko T. V.
Positive experience of China in managing investment processes in agrarian sector of economy (p. 77 - 81)

The article generalises main directions of state regulation of the agrarian sector of economy, identifies and groups main methods of regulation of investment processes in China; considers sources of investments in agricultural production of China in accordance with the current regulatory and legislative mechanism; analyses main reasons of significant direct foreign investments into economy of China; justifies expediency of use of positive experience of China in regulation of investment processes in Ukraine; provides main directions of improvement of the policy of investing into agro-business in Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kozlova A. I.
Stages of formation of strategies of innovation development in EU countries (p. 82 - 85)

The article studies evolution of strategic reference points of innovation development in EU countries. It analyses differences of formation of strategies of innovation development under conditions of internationalisation. It forms priority directions of strategies of innovation development of EU countries and justifies positive effects of co-ordinated structural reforms of strategies of innovation development. It determines that the main task of innovation policy of strategy is ensuring balanced interaction of scientific, technical and production potentials, development and introduction of a mechanism of innovation activity of entrepreneurs.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shevchenko T. P.
Managing Corporate Social Responsibility in Foreign Markets (p. 86 - 90)

The growth of a number of enterprises that carry out foreign economic activity and availability of social problems that need immediate solution resulted in a necessity to attract business to the principles of corporate social responsibility. At the same time, a necessity to control corporate social responsibility in foreign markets, which appeared in recent years, does not have sufficient practice and experience. All these resulted in a necessity to form a new generation of specialists, who would specialise in managing corporate social responsibility in foreign markets. The article analyses the modern state of the corporate social responsibility in domestic and foreign markets. It justifies a necessity to introduce principles of corporate social responsibility in foreign economic activity. It gives recommendations on conducting business of companies in foreign markets on principles of corporate social responsibility.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bilozubenko V. S., Gorina G. O., Abrashka O. V.
Formation of an Innovation System of the European Union (p. 8 - 12)

The article justifies a necessity to study a common innovation system of EU. It considers theoretical and methodological foundations of formation of international innovation systems and justifies expediency of development of this concept. It identifies models of formation of international innovation systems on the basis of integrational grouping and international economic organisation. It offers interpretation of the international innovation system as a spatial and integrational formation, which is based on common institutional foundations and markets and has a specific architecture. It marks stages of formation of the EU innovation system, its main elements and uniting mechanisms. It justifies that consolidation of the innovation system of EU is facilitated by instruments of the common innovation policy and creation of information systems and networks. It marks components of the institutional architecture of the EU innovation system, its administration and legal foundations and structural and functional components. It identifies that the EU innovation system covers innovation systems of lower levels of the hierarchy (national, regional and sectoral).

Article is written in Russian

Kulishov V. V.
Modelling Development of Economy Under Globalisation (p. 13 - 16)

The article studies issues of the degree of openness of public systems under conditions of modern globalisation. It considers interaction of international economic subjects, formation of interrelations and inevitability of transition to a new more progressive model of economic development. I analyses appearance of national economic innovation systems, formation of the market of innovations and tendencies and problems of modelling development of the innovation economy. It studies appearance of scientific and production agglomerations and complexes and role of clusters in the economic process.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shemet T. S.
European Banking Union and its Role in Strengthening EU Financial Security (p. 17 - 21)

The article analyses revolutionary changes of architecture of the European banking system – creation of the European Banking Union and related introduction of a common mechanism of supervision over banking systems of member countries, creation of a common European fund of guaranteed payment of deposits to bank clients; centralisation and harmonisation of the common banking legislation. It reveals strategic importance of the said institutional transformations from the point of view of strengthening the role of supranational mechanisms of regulation and transition of the European Union to a new qualitative level of integration in economic, financial and monetary spheres. The article states that the necessity of existence of the lender of last resort in the European Union and possibilities of expansion of authorities of the European Central Bank for performance of this function within the European Banking Union are revealed in the context of strengthening financial security of EU member countries. The author emphasises that there is a threat of weakening potential of financial stability of a regional association in the event of absence of adequate multisided mechanism of co-ordination.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kasiyan Y. V.
Assessment of Development of Financial Markets in Central and Eastern European Countries During the Period of Transformation (p. 21 - 27)

The article studies development of financial markets of transition economies of Central and Eastern Europe as an important factor that influences economic growth. The article also draws attention to specific features of financial reforms directed at creation of efficient stock markets and its productivity. The author makes assessment of the level of development of the securities markets in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe in the context of their qualitative characteristics, such as depth, efficiency and stability. The author also shows the level of integration into international markets of capital and conducts comparison with developed neighbouring countries – members of European Union. The article also studies main shortcomings and problems of development of financial markets in these states and sets prospects of their development in the post-crisis period.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kovalenko R. S.
Trade Co-operation of Turkey with European Union: Eurointegration Context (p. 28 - 33)

The article considers trade co-operation of the Turkish Republic and European Union in the context of eurointegration of Turkey. It provides the chronology of development of political, economic and social relations of the Turkish Republic and European Union. It conducts analysis of functioning of free economic zones in the territory of Turkey from the point of view of attraction of foreign capital, and also support and stimulation of export-oriented branches of the national economy of Turkey. It considers positive and negative consequences of entering of Turkey into the customs union of European Union from the point of view of changing geographical and commodity structure of export and import of goods and services of Turkish Republic. It analyses export and import of goods and services between Turkey and European Union. It makes a forecast of their further development. It analyses main problematic issues on the way to eurointegration of Turkish Republic and possible ways of their solution in short-term and long-term prospects.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Omar Ismael Omar
Analysis and Forecasts of Development of the World Economy, Ukrainian Economy and Economies of Middle East Countries for 2013-2014 (p. 34 - 40)

The article considers forecasts on prospects of co-operation of Ukraine and Middle East countries. The forecasts are expressed, first of all, in development of co-operation between countries, development and realisation of long-term plans of economic development (modernisation of infrastructure, co-operation in the field of agriculture, construction, equipment supplies, etc.) at the level of countries and individual companies. It marks prospects of interaction of Ukrainian economy with economies of Middle East countries on the basis of analysis of the state of qualitative and quantitative parameters of economic and humanitarian relations.

Article is written in Russian


Golikov A. P., Shuba M. V.
Transborder Co-Operation of Ukraine under Modern Conditions of its Geo-Economic Strategy (p. 42 - 46)

The article conducts SWOT analysis of alternative vectors of geo-economic strategy of Ukraine. Results of the analysis are used to reveal positive and negative sides of establishment of the zone of free trade with European Union (EU) and joining the Customs Union of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia (Customs Union of BKR). The article states that under conditions of the transitional period of the world system, the struggle between its components becomes sharper and activity of such a powerful economic participant as China becomes stronger. In this situation it is expedient for EU and Customs Union of BKR to carry out joint geo-economic strategy and to stop fighting for inclusion of Ukraine into the sphere of their geo-economic interests. The article justifies a necessity of strengthening of the transborder co-operation by Ukraine with neighbouring countries, especially with Russia, with which Ukraine has the longest common border. Euro-regions should become the basic form of transborder co-operation. They could also serve as connecting vessels, with the help of which economic growth and socio-economic integration could be performed at the meso-level. In the event of realisation of euro-integration vector by Ukraine, the Russian-Ukrainian border with a carcass of euro-regions could become a certain counterbalance to euro-integration.

Article is written in Russian

Kirilyuk N. V.
Globalisation and Integration Factors of Transformation of European National Models of Economic Development (p. 47 - 52)

The article considers specific features of national models of economic development of European countries and marks out exogenous and endogenous factors of their transformation. It analyses in detail exogenous factors of transformation, which include processes of globalisation, namely such forms of its manifestation as techno-globalisation, financial globalisation and regional integration. The article marks out the most significant changes including redistribution of labour force from industry and agriculture into the sphere of services, transition of managerial functions to supra-national bodies, expansion of multinational corporations with state ownership as a response to challenges of trans-nationalisation of economy, increase of volumes of financing innovation policy, activation of innovation business activity, development of green innovations, increase of tax load on able-to-work population due to the growth of the share of unable-to-work population, and expansion of state and private partnerships as a dominating vector of economic development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Piletska S. T.
Influence of the Mechanism of Foreign Economic Activity of Aviation Industry Companies upon their Financial Independence (p. 52 - 56)

Financial independence of a company is a state when the company stays capable of satisfying requirements of operational activity with own or borrowed funds under conditions of influence of external environment. Financial independence of an industrial aviation company as a subject of foreign economic activity (economic component of foreign economic activity), on the one hand, is also an element of foreign economic activity and a measure of its effectiveness and, on the other hand, consequence of effectiveness of foreign economic activity. If originally financial independence is absent, then it is formed through formation of an effect, as it is envisaged in a contract, in other words, through interconnection with the organisational component of foreign economic activity. Achievement of financial independence, envisaged by a foreign economic contract, is possible through adoption of tactical measures on minimisation of currency risks. Quality characteristic of the content and justification of the form of the contract, especially when we speak about long-term contracts, constitutes the basis of interaction of a company with foreign economic partners irrespective of political changes that take place in different countries.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Yeliseyeva O. K., Stoyanov H. S.
Comparative Analysis of Credit Unions of the North America and Ukraine (p. 36 - 42)

The article is devoted to the study of the market of financial services of the North American countries with the aim to analyse activity of credit union and comparison with the results of operation of credit unions of Ukraine. It determines principles of activity and models of credit unions, strengths and legislative support of development. The article provides results of comparative analysis of the system of credit unions of Canada, United States and Ukraine by main indicators, such as level of assets and liabilities, and number of credit unions and their clients in the context of the studied states. It separately considers a structure of target types of crediting in the context of the countries. It analyses activity of credit unions established by Ukrainian immigrants in the territory of Canada. It forms recommendations on support of domestic organisations at the state level using example of North American states.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zhuravliov O. V.
International Integration Processes of Ukraine under Global Economy Transformation Conditions (p. 43 - 47)

The article considers theoretical and methodological approaches to revelation of integration aspirations of Ukraine through development of innovation economy by means of establishment of an international financial centre. It considers a mechanism of integration processes of Ukraine under global economy transformation conditions, which envisages origination of the “butterfly effect”, namely: worsening of conditions of integration processes with the Western Europe and “long-term recession” of EU result in a change of the vector of integration processes of Ukraine and its entering in the integration formation Customs Union / Common Economic Space (Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan), using the concept of “window of opportunities”, which envisages close interaction of the system of old and new integration centres, which accumulate financial, intellectual, economic and communication resources and through which financial, commodity and migration flows pass.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Ivashyna O. F., Matvijchuk I.
Substantive Global Challenges to Development of the World Economy and their Influence upon the Economic Security of a State (p. 34 - 38)

The article studies substantive global challenges to development of the world economy under the conditions of intensification of the processes of integration, trans-nationalisation and globalisation of the world economy as the highest stage of its internationalisation in the planetary scale. It reveals and analyses main challenges to development of the global economy and studies their influence upon economic security of a state. It conducts a deep objective scientific analysis and system comprehension of new world realities from the point of view of main provisions of the modern institutional economic theory. It reveals and justifies essential aspects and existing contradictions of the developing processes of globalisation, internationalisation and trans-nationalisation. It pays a special attention to the study of influence of the said processes upon functioning of subjects of the world economic system. It analyses further prospects, directions, rates and general trends of the socio-economic development of national economies of the countries of the world.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Holovnia O. M.
State Priorities of Foreign Economic Activity of Ukraine under the Conditions of Stabilisation of Economy (p. 39 - 44)

The article is devoted to participation of Ukraine in the world economic processes. It analyses factors that influence revival of the export activity of the country. A component of foreign economic relations is economic, trade, scientific and technical, information and cultural co-operation, which gives a possibility to expand and use better the internal potential of territories. The basis of deepening co-operation should be an economic component as the original one for activation of other types of relations between the countries. Not only ensuring freedom of movement of goods, services and production factors is topical for integration of our country but also co-ordination of economic policy of states that aim at advancing economic development of individual countries of the integration complex and individual regions within these countries. The article marks out factors, from which integration of a state into the world environment depends. They include: limited carrying capacity of the domestic transportation and border-line infrastructure, significant increase of the level of shadow economy; increase of the level of prices on energy import and others.

Article is written in Russian

Dekhtiar N. А., Boyarko I. M., Deyneka O. V.
Comparative Characteristics of the Principles of Realisation of the Budget Policy of the EU Countries and Ukraine in the part of Formation of State Expenditures (p. 45 - 50)

The article studies regulatory and legal documents that regulate realisation of the budget process of the European Union and determines main principles of organisation of the budget system of the EU in the sphere of formation of state expenditures. It characterises and reveals the essence of the said principles of construction of the budget system in the EU countries and Ukraine. It considers specific features of organisation of the budget process of the European Community and Ukraine and conducts comparison of their main principles. It conducts a comparative analysis of principles of realisation of the budget policy of the EU countries and Ukraine in terms of formation of state expenditures. It found out that the budget policy of the EU and Ukraine is determined by historical and national specific features, depends on socio-economic and political situation, takes into account strategic priorities of the socio-economic development of the country and is formed on the basis of the model of organisation of financial relations.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kornivska V. О.
Modern State of the Russian, Ukrainian and European Markets in the Context of the Parity Financial and Investment Partnership of the Countries (p. 51 - 55)

The article describes and systemises objective political and economic factors of influence upon development of co-operation of Ukraine with the countries of European Union and Common Economic Space. It identifies main tendencies of development of the Russian, Ukrainian and European financial markets and shows a necessity to form basis of effective strategic interaction between the countries and marks out possible mechanisms of development of financial co-operation between Russia, Ukraine and EU on the basis of realisation of infrastructure projects in the territory of Ukraine with participation of European technologies and Russian capital. The article underlines that realisation of the Russian-Ukrainian-European financial interaction could result in a positive synergetic effect when introducing a mechanism of bonded debts, secured with the state share in a project and placed in the international markets of the capital. Besides, the Russian banks could be underwriters and perform the primary buying-out of the said securities for their further sales in the capital markets.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kudyrko L. P., Sevruk I. M.
International Trade Networks in the Processes of Concentration in the Food Market (FMCG) of Ukraine (p. 56 - 63)

The goal of the article is to study the state and tendencies of development of the processes of consolidation and concentration of the market power in the retail market of Ukraine, assessment of concentration of international trade FMCG networks and analysis of influence of the said process upon the competitive environment of the domestic sphere of retail goods turnover. The article analyses and systemises scientific works of Ukrainian and foreign scientists, which helps to define theoretical grounds of such notions as “market concentration” and “capital concentration” and select the methodical instruments for measuring the level of concentration through indices of concentration for different quantities of economic subjects and Herfindahl–Hirschman Index. The article identifies a multi-vector trend of the processes of concentration in the retail food market of Ukraine in the pre-crisis and post-crisis periods: from activation to stabilisation and stagnation. It finds out that the Ukrainian food market is characterised with a number of specific features: relatively low level of concentration if compared with other European countries, predominance of representatives of the domestic business in it and negative dynamics of values of indicators of concentration of international capital in the retail FMCG market of Ukraine. The prospect of further studies in this direction is the issue of consequences of influence of the process of concentration and corporate consolidation with participation of trade networks of non-residents upon the retail FMCG market of Ukraine. Trans-border mergers and acquisitions with participation of foreign and national corporate structures in the sphere of foreign trade, their generic and geographic structures, motivation nature, mechanisms of corporate management, innovation component of corporate strategies from the point of view of their influence upon standards of the business and consumer behaviour require a deep analysis.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kasych A. O., Yakovenko Y. Y.
Gas Markets of EU and Ukraine: Modern State and Prospects of Development (p. 8 - 15)

The goal of the article is to study the modern state and tendencies of development of gas sectors of EU and Ukraine and to reveal problems of the domestic energy sector. The article analyses changes in the world gas sector. It considers the European system of energy provision. It focuses on the study of the state of the gas market of EU by basic indicators, sources of gas supplies and regulatory foundations of functioning. It analyses problems of diversification of supply of natural gas into European countries. It grounds the role of Ukraine as the main transitor of natural gas. On the basis of the study it identifies directions of increase of potential of the gas industry of Ukraine. It marks interest of Ukraine and EU in activation of development of energy policy of Ukraine. It underlines main problems that arise before Ukraine on the way of joining the common energy market of EU. It provides instruments of solution of provision of effective functioning of the gas transportation system of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Markovych I. B.
Balancing National and Global Priorities: Urgent Challenges to Ukrainian Economy (p. 16 - 20)

The goal of the article lies in detection of regularities in changing the structure of the world economic environment as a consequence of transformation of links between national economies, regional formations and supranational structures. Analysing, systemising and generalising scientific works of many scientists, the article considers a conceptual vision of transformational conversions in managing national economy under conditions of increased global imbalances. The article proves that strengthening of complementarity of national and global issues could be successful only under conditions of accounting of specific features of making international contacts under conditions of post-bipolar system of relations when developing development strategies, since influence of its structural factors upon the course of relations between the states is determining. The prospect of further studies in this direction is the search for empirical connection between individual parameters of the quality of institutional provision and development of national economies.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Popkova K. O.
Managing Currency Risks of International Investment Activity (p. 13 - 17)

The goal of the article is development of the mechanism of managing currency risks of international investment activity. Analysing the existing methods of assessment and minimisation of risks of international investment activity, the article identifies their shortcomings and advantages. Based on the conducted analysis of methodical risk-management instruments, the article develops a mechanism of managing risks of international investment activity, the main stages of which are: analysis of factors that influence structural elements of risk; identification and analysis of currency risks; assessment of currency risks through identification of the total amount of the open currency position, specific weight of foreign currency expressed in UAH, correlation ratio between the rates of the “i” and “j” foreign currency with respect to the national one and minimisation of currency risks and monitoring. The presented risk-management mechanism allows a detailed analysis of the risk, its assessment and timely minimisation for increase of the general effectiveness of international investment activity.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Novikova K. I., Kovalchuk M. V.
Problems of State Regulation of Foreign Economic Activity in the Context of Ensuring Competitiveness of the State (p. 18 - 22)

The article considers main problems of functioning of the mechanism of regulation of foreign economic connections, which influence the level of competitiveness of the national economy. It analyses the modern condition of the state regulation of foreign economic connections of Ukraine and indicators of competitiveness of the national economy (World Competitiveness Index and Corruption Perception Index). It formulates key aspects that require improvement for strengthening competitive positions of the country. In particular, it analyses the state of the customs and tax regulation of foreign economic activity and their influence upon the foreign economic sphere. It identifies reasons of low level of competitiveness of Ukraine and also internal and external factors of influence upon development of the foreign trade. It studies problems of entering of Ukraine into the world economic processes and offers a complex of measures with the aim of increase of the level of competitiveness of the national economy of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Pogorletskiy A. I.
Individual Income Taxation in the World and Russian Practice: Modern Tendencies and Prospects (p. 20 - 28)

The article speaks about tendencies in individual income taxation in the leading countries of the world at the modern stage of development, marks out the contribution of the individual income tax into formation of the income base of authorities of all levels and emphasises its role in smoothing social consequences in the post-crisis period. Moreover, the article considers specific features of the individual income taxation in the Russian Federation including possibilities of modification of the existing system of levying this tax through increase of tax rates and introduction of the progressive scale of taxation.

Article is written in Russian

Tarnavska N. P., Syvak R. B.
Organisational and Infrastructure Prerequisites of Creation of an International Logistic Centre (p. 29 - 35)

The goal of the article lies in the study of organisational and infrastructure prerequisites of creation and functioning of integration structures capable, on the basis of logistics, of assisting subjects of economy in structuring and optimisation of material flows and also accompanying financial and information flows. In the result of the study the article identifies irregularities of the transition of national economies to new models of development and prospects of development of logistic provision of the innovation economy connected with them, transformation possibilities and prospects of international integration of the logistic market of Ukraine; it analyses prerequisites and substantiates expediency and shows benefits of formation of an international logistic centre in the city of Ternopil. The mission of the planned international logistic centre is ensuring a qualitatively new level of logistic provision of market participants, which would correspond with the existing world standards. The logistic centre performs realisation of its tasks and conduct of functions in the process of interaction with partners – participants of the logistic chain. The logistic centre should become an operator of flows of transit and export-import cargoes and it would perform important logistic functions connected not only with organisation of shipping operations but also with sorting, storing, packing and some other functions at the level of the best world representatives of the logistic servicing. In order to ensure successful activity of such a centre, it is required to adapt tariff policy of the state to international standards, to expand a list of relevant services, to reduce terms of cargo handling and to introduce modern technologies of information processing intensively.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kuzmin O. Y., Kravchenko I. V.
Regulatory and Legal Provision of Trans-border Co-operation of Industrial Enterprises (p. 61 - 65)

The goal of the article lies in the study of regulatory and legal provision of trans-border co-operation of enterprises. Having analysed scientific works of many scientists and considered a significant number of regulatory and legal acts, the authors systemised the component elements of the legal provision of trans-border co-operation of enterprises and showed a hierarchical connection between them. In the result of the study the article presents a rather complete system of regulatory and legal provision of trans-border co-operation of enterprises and provides a complete list of regulatory and legal acts directed at regulation of such a co-operation. The prospects of further studies in this direction are development of proposals on improvement of the existing regulatory and legal base of Ukraine in the sphere of trans-border co-operation and development of efficient ways of development of trans-border co-operation of enterprises. Urgency of the study is confirmed by the fact that development of trans-border co-operation of enterprises can become a real tool of facilitation of faster entering of Ukraine into European economic environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kavun O. O.
Leading Trade Networks in the Context of Globalisation of the World Retail Trade (p. 66 - 72)

The article considers main tendencies of development of trade networks during 2002 – 2012 and determines that the overwhelming majority of them increased their presence in foreign markets. It analyses specific features of manifestation of the expansion policy by trade structures depending on the region of their origin. It studies motives that make leading retailers go out of boundaries of the national markets. Main of them are sharpening of competition in domestic, more mature markets, due to increase of concentration of network structures and also application of the state policy of restrictions in the trading activity. It considers methods that were selected by major trade networks in 2011 – 2012 for entering foreign markets. It establishes that the most popular was franchising. It determines directions of manifestation of regulation barriers, faced by major trade networks of the world when entering markets of developing countries. It establishes that major national structures, which are the main competitors for international trade networks and which make them develop a more weighted approach to making decisions that are connected with entering a new market and adjustment of existing strategies of development, are represented in markets of individual countries, in particular, in Asia and South Africa.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Alexandrova B. V.
Foreign Experience of Activity of Chambers of Commerce and Industry and Prospects of its Introduction in Ukraine (p. 73 - 77)

The article conducts analysis of foreign experience of activity of chambers of commerce and industry under conditions of market economy. It studies specific features of its formation and establishment in the countries of European Union and Commonwealth of Independent States. In particular, it analyses activity of chambers of commerce and industry of Germany, Denmark, Great Britain, Russia, Moldova and Belarus. It considers continental, anglo-saxon, state and mixed models of activity of a chamber of commerce and industry. It identifies specific features of functioning of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine. Having analysed the progressive experience, it offers measures for improvement of the procedure of interaction of business with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine at the national, regional and branch levels.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Steblyanko M. D.
Assessment, Problems and Ways of Improvement of Technical Regulation of Foreign Economic Activity (FEA) in the World (p. 77 - 81)

The article analyses the state of technical regulation of FEA in the world and Ukraine and identifies main problems and ways of increase of efficiency of certification. It considers the system of technical regulation of EU and provides examples of application of technical barriers by some countries for ensuring security of goods in the domestic market. The article offers to develop a strategy of development of the national system of information provision of technical regulation and suspend transition from the system of mandatory certification to the system of assessment of correspondence with requirements of technical orders of business.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pinchuk A. K.
Theory of Optimal Currency Zones: from Classics until Today (p. 81 - 87)

The article analyses evolution of the theory of optimal currency zones (OCZ), starting from its classical provisions until moder developments. Based on the critical analysis of classical criteria of OCZ, the article develops a scheme of selection of the currency mode by the Robert Mundell theory. It considers achievements of the alternative OCZ theory, the main provisions of which are shown schematically in the form of illustrations of evolution of the theory of optimal currency zones. In the result of analysis of classical criteria of optimal currency zones and generalisation of developments of the new OCZ theory, the article develops a universal algorithm of identification of optimal conditions for an efficient currency zone. Using this algorithm allows identification of a system of quantitative indicators of expediency of regional joining the OCZ, on the basis of which one can build an economic model of an optimal currency zone, which reflects the degree of readiness of any country to join or develop the OCZ. Development of this model is necessary for many countries that face the need to select the currency integration. This model is of special importance for Ukraine, for which it is important to select the course of external integration, since various directions of foreign policy significantly influence efficiency of the domestic economic policy in the country.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Iarenko G. M.
Essence of Wealth and its Taxation in European Union Countries (p. 88 - 92)

The goal of the article lies in development of recommendations with respect to the wealth tax, which is planned to be introduced in the nearest years by Ukrainian government. The article studies theoretical grounds of the “wealth” notion and practice of some western countries in the field of identification of the object and basis of the wealth tax. In the result of the study of various conceptual approaches to understanding the essence of wealth and position of the World System of National Accounts on this issue, the article formulates definition of the “wealth” notion. The article studies experience of France, Spain and Switzerland in identifying the object and basis of wealth taxation. It offers to conduct a thorough study of the state of distribution of property between various strata of the country population before introducing the wealth tax in Ukraine. The article formulates recommendations with regard to identification of the object and basis of wealth tax in accordance with the international practice.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Dzhukha V. M., Rybkina A. S.
Functioning of Development Institutions in the Russian Federation at the Modern Stage (p. 8 - 11)

This paper is concerned with functioning of development institutions in the Russian Federation, the government of which has set a target to support innovation development and economic modernization. To solve this problem a system of development institutions is implemented in economics of Russia. In the present study is analyzed the mechanism of development institution’s implementation and discussed some challenge of it, particularly, system imbalances in functioning of institutes of development The results of this study prove necessity of effective institution building to support companies and new and innovative projects in various stages of the innovation cycle.

Article is written in English

Vovchenko N. G., Sulzhenko V. S.
Financial Stabilisation of Global Economy Countries under Conditions of the Debt Crisis (p. 11 - 15)

European crisis hinders global restoration of economy, the growth of restoration slows down. All these require supranational solutions: creatio9n of regulation structures and new financial instruments in order to preserve stable world financial order. Methods of quantitative easing (QE), carried out by the American Federal Reserve System and Bank of England, aim at stimulation of private sector activity through reduction of loan cost, generation of positive effects of well-being and increase of investment income. Purchase of assets efficiently move dangerous financial assets from private sector to the balance of the central bank or special QE fund in exchange to risk free reserves of the central bank. Thus, both types of measures are performed by means of risks, accumulating on balances of central banks and indirectly on the balance of state administration. Exchange of information between relevant agencies, including debt administration office, state enterprises that administer assets and central bank, is important for efficient administration of all state assets and liabilities. Proper assessment of financial positions requires all-sided and transparent reporting of all state liabilities and assets. Besides, financial transparency facilitates consolidation.

Article is written in Russian

Evtishina K. A., Zinchenko V. A., Mishenko K. N., Orlynskiy S. A., Shekhovcov R. V.
Prospects of Socio-economic Development of Frontier Territories within the Framework of International Co-operation Donbass Euro Region (p. 16 - 19)

The article studies potential and prospects of international co-operation within the framework of a special frontier formation – Donbass Euro Region, which includes Rostov oblast of Russian Federation and Donetsk and Lugansk oblasts of Ukraine. The article lists a complex of socio-economic tasks of Donbass Euro Region for the period until 2020, specifies priority economic directions of long-term development of frontier territorial and economic complex and priority zones of Russian-Ukrainian frontier economic co-operation. It also justifies expediency of creation of the Corporation of development of Donbass Euro Region, which could take functions of ensuring mutually beneficial interaction and inter-assistance between Russian and (or) foreign (including Ukrainian) investors, frontier municipal administrations and branch and departmental structures of regional governments.

Article is written in Russian

Melnyk T. M., Pugachevska K. S.
Non-tariff Protectionism in EU Countries and Ukraine (p. 20 - 27)

The article assesses positions of the European Union as an integration association in international trade, studies the system of non-tariff regulation in EU countries and identifies key problems of harmonisation of the Ukrainian legislation to the European one in the sphere of non-tariff regulation of international trade. In order to assess scales of application of non-tariff measures in foreign trade, the article analyses the index of coverage and frequency of use of non-tariff restrictions, dynamics of initiated non-tariff measures and trade structure of their distribution, and also detects reasons of application of non-tariff restrictions. The article characterises the system of technical regulation of EU and assesses main steps of Ukraine on the way of bringing the domestic standards in correspondence with the European ones as a necessary condition for increase of export of domestic products and increase of its competitiveness. The prospect of further scientific studies in this direction lies in forecasting influence of non-tariff restrictions upon volumes of import and export flows in foreign trade.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pozhidaeva S. V.
Improving Administration of the Agricultural Complex of the Rostov Oblast under Conditions of Joining WTO by Russia (p. 27 - 31)

The article offers, within the framework of administration of the Rostov oblast as a region, to reconsider all existing types of subsidies, directed at development of agriculture, since WTO agreement in the part of agriculture obliges countries to classify internal measures of support of agriculture in accordance with one of four “baskets”: “green”, “blue”, “red” and “of special differentiated mode”. The article identifies the state support as the priority direction of support of agricultural producers of the Rostov oblast and specifies main measures of this support and reveals main problems in development of the agrarian complex of the Rostov oblast. The article offers measures, capable of compensating possible negative consequences of joining WTO.

Article is written in Russian


Kyzym M. O., Oliinyk A. D., Matyushenko I. Y., Khaustova V. Y., Omarov Shakhin A., Moiseienko Y. M., Buntov I. Y.
Opportunities and Threats of Ukrainian Membership in WTO for Engineering under Conditions of Co-operation with EU Countries and Customs Union of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia (p. 59 - 70)

The article considers consequences of the membership of Ukraine in the World Trade Organisation (WTO) for the engineering industry when co-operating with the EU and CU (Customs Union of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia) countries. It shows that, after Ukraine joined WTO, tariff rates for Ukrainian products reduced in general and liberalisation of access to the world market took place. Along with it, the internal market of Ukraine became more open for imported products. The article analyses the structure of export from Ukraine after joining WTO in the context of individual types of products. The article identifies changes that took place in the market of engineering products after Ukraine joined WTO. The article shows that by main indicators of economic security the engineering industry of Ukraine cannot be considered as stable and also that, after joining WTO, main indicators of economic security of the engineering industry of Ukraine have not improved. It analyses the structure of export and import of Ukrainian engineering products to EU, CU and other countries. It proves that the most topical for the Ukrainian engineering industry is the issue of realisation of the import-replacement potential and increase of competitiveness of domestic products. It considers the state and changes, which took place after Ukraine joined WTO, in car building. It identifies main problems of domestic car building. It analyses measures of the state programme of Ukraine on economic development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zhabynets O. Y.
Investment Strategy and Efficiency of Investment Activity of European Insurers (p. 71 - 75)

The article studies investment strategy and efficiency of investment activity of European insurance companies. In particular, it analyses the share of investments of insurance companies of Europe in GDP, investment portfolio of European insurers and its structure, contribution of insurance companies – leaders of investment activity – into the European investment portfolio. It studies influence of the financial crisis upon investment strategy of European insurers and analyses efficiency of investment activity of European insurers in risk insurance and life insurance. The article proves that investment business models of insurance companies are capable of resisting crisis phenomena more efficiently than other financial institutions. It marks out that measures of insurance companies that are directed at increase of profitability of investments require from them both significant expenditures on creation of the system of investment risk management and open access to different categories of financial assets and markets, which influences the general risk level, taken upon by an insurance company. The author draws a conclusion that, taking into account recent developments, European insurers should focus on equity and investment risk management, finding new possibilities for their (investments) growth and also adaptation of new systems and operations for solution of these important tasks.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dzhalilov O. O.
Basic Modern Tendencies of the World Integration (p. 76 - 83)

The main task of the article is determination of the leading form of interconnections between integration associations that form the world economic system and also leading integration tendencies that are found in the world economic scene. In the course of the study the article analyses and systemises economic indicators of internatio0nal statistics, which allows confirming the hypothesis about a possible formation of new world centres of economic activity, redistribution of roles in the world economic scene and shift of main commodity and financial flows into the Asian region. The article also proves that first manifestations of trans-continental integration, which replaced the regional integration, are a leading trend of future development of integration processes. It also identifies how strengthening of economic significance of individual countries is realised within integration associations. Prospects of further studies in this direction are: identification of economic and social consequences of trans-continental integration in countries that are participants of this integration and in some third countries; identification of the degree of reality of the mundialisation theory; study of the phenomenon of emerging convergence and its consequences, etc.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Panova I. O.
Prospects and Consequences of Approachment of Ukraine with the Customs Union of Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Russia (p. 84 - 88)

The goal of the article lies in the study of the modern state and tendencies of development of Ukrainian economy in the Customs Union, identification of possible losses and income from being its member and also justification of necessary measures, realisation of which would ensure immediate growth of its economy. As of now the countries members of the Customs Union have not received significant economic benefit. This is explained by the following factors: small quantity of goods, which the participants can offer each other; low competitiveness; and impact on a number of branch markets. Besides, many critics believe that the possible benefit from the common customs environment is reduced by three factors: high level of corruption; low level of economic freedoms; and low level of democracy. As of today, the issue of Ukrainian choice between the zone of free trade with EU and Customs Union of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia is one of the most frequently discussed. In spite of the fact that the volume of trade of Ukraine with the countries of the Customs Union is much higher than with Europe, expediency of joining the former is under question. Ukraine is considered both in the West and in the East as a new market of sales of their products. In general, the issue lies not only in the plane of economy or politics, but mostly in the plane of selection of the development vector. At the same time the issue arises: “Whether Ukrainian goods can withstand such a competition?”.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kyzym M. O., Yaroshenko I. V., Matyushenko I. Y., Semyhulina I. B., Makhanyova Y. M.
Opportunities and Threats from Ukrainian Membership in WTO in Foreign Trade for Meat and Milk Products with EU Countries and Customs Union of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia (p. 8 - 21)

The article considers the problem of consequences of Ukrainian membership in World Trade Organisation (WTO) in foreign trade of meat and milk products with EU countries and Customs Union of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia (CU). The article shows that meat and milk products are one of the main export agricultural commodities of the country. It analyses the structure of export of agro-industrial products from Ukraine. It studies situation and changes that took place in the market of meat and meat processing products in Ukraine after its membership in WTO. It shows that Ukrainian export of meat products mainly consists of products with low added value, while products with high added value are imported to Ukraine. It also shows that due to liberalisation of customs rules and the system of trade allocation in the world market of meat and meat products the internal market of Ukraine became unprotected from imported products, which resulted in significant increase of cheaper import into Ukraine and uncompetitiveness of domestic producers of meat products. The article studies situations and shifts that took place in the market of milk and milk products in the result of Ukrainian WTO membership. It proves that the CU market stays, in the middle-term prospect, the most powerful for domestic producers of milk products. It shows that standards of milk quality, applied in EU countries, are higher than in Ukraine and CU, which means it is impossible to compete with EU high technology production. It holds that milk quality increase pursuant to EU standards requires additional investments into re-equipment of the production technology.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Stoliarchuk A. V., Voitko S. V.
Identification of Sufficiency of Gold and Currency Reserves of Ukraine and EU Countries (p. 22 - 26)

The article analyses interdependencies of the size of foreign debt and size of gold and currency reserves of Ukraine and EU countries. It analyses the main component of the national wealth of the country – size of gold and currency reserves. It considers the structure of the gold and currency reserve and gross state debt of Ukraine. It identifies the most significant share in the general structure of the gold and currency reserve. It describes regulation of gold and currency reserves at the modern stage of the country development. It compares volumes of gold and currency reserves of the country with other countries. It identifies the level of sufficiency of gold and currency reserves. It studies dynamics of fluctuation of gold and currency reserves and consolidated debts of Ukraine, Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania and Romania during 2010 – 2012. It establishes the link between gold and currency reserves and consolidated debts of EU countries and Ukraine in accordance with the modelled linear equations of dependencies and identifies their correlation ratios. It assesses adequacy of gold and currency reserves of Ukraine by the import coverage criterion.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Berenda S. V.
Economic Integration of Ukraine in the Context of Bipolar Concept Realisation (p. 26 - 32)

The article considers a possibility and necessity of realisation of the bipolar concept of formation of the trade and economic mode of Ukraine at the level of free trade zones both with EU and Customs Union of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia (CU) / CIS. The concept of simultaneous functioning of the extended zone of free trade (Association Agreement of Ukraine with EU) and free trade agreement with CU / CIS countries could be realised on the a la carte principle based on fundamental agreements of WTO and international practices. The goal of the article lies in consideration of institutional specific features of the bipolar concept of economic integration of Ukraine with EU and CU / CIS, relying on modern scientific views on development of economic integration under conditions of the so-called Euro-pause. The article draws a conclusion that negative integration has a high potential of realisation for Ukraine and Russia. It proves falseness of the opinion about dissension of simultaneous existence of the free trade zone of Ukraine with EU and CU / CIS from institutional positions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Melentsova O. V.
Methodological Grounds of Comparative Analysis of Changes of Foreign Economic Institutes (p. 33 - 36)

Institutional change is one of the most topical directions of scientific studies of economic system development. Transformation of foreign economic institutes is perceived at the empirical level but is not conceptualised into a theoretical system of strategic actions. Generalisations of economic and theoretical approaches to selection of models of reformation of foreign economic institutes regarding their national component are required. Scientists developed many methods, due to which institutional changes can and should take place, and this could be applied to the rules of foreign economic activity in the context of global transformations. A comparative analysis of models of change of foreign economic institutes should contain comparison of costs of institutional transformations at various trajectories and rates of transformation. If new institutes, in the result of institutional transformations, would not perform objectively conditioned functions, this would increase expenditures on reformation and would result in public losses. The trajectory of discrete changes through designing institutional changes is characterised with low risks of transformation of foreign economic institutes. The methodological basis is identification of trajectories of transformation of foreign economic institutes on the basis of allocation of specifically possible models of institutes and selection of transformation of formally possible into really possible.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kyzym M. O., Matyushenko I. Y., Berenda S. V., Yaroshenko I. V.
Influence of Asymmetry of Conditions of Membership of Ukraine in WTO upon its Foreign Trade with EU Countries and Customs Union of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia (p. 8 - 19)

The article provides results of the study, the purpose of which was identification of ways of preservation of economic relations with the Customs Union of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia (CU) when executing the association agreement with the European Union (EU). It considers potential benefits for Ukraine from its joining the World Trade Organisation (WTO). It shows that there is asymmetry between old and new members of WTO in their obligations for opening markets. It underlines main directions of asymmetry between Ukraine and WTO. It proves that after Ukraine joined WTO there were significant reductions of tariff rates and liberalisation of access to the world markets for Ukrainian products, at the same time the domestic market of Ukraine became more open for imported products. The article conducts a comparative analysis of the tariff protection of Ukraine, Russian Federation and EU. It analyses changes in the structure of export and import of goods from Ukraine. It proves that the main gain of import supplies comes from CU countries after the country joined WTO. On the basis of the conducted study the article draws conclusions and offers recommendations on improvement of the current situation with respect to the structure of the Ukrainian export, foreign trade and customs sphere.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kramarenko R. M., Halenko N. O.
European Model of Creative Localisation of Capital Cities (p. 19 - 24)

Development of capital cities in the European continent always faced the problem of their identification both within the national regional systems and within the Regional Europe concept declared in the European Union, which differs from others due to availability of powerful instruments of socio-economic convergence. At the same time, in order to understand better how this process should be influenced, it is necessary to clearly identify what is a region and how it should be influenced by national and supranational structures with the aim of reduction of regional asymmetries, which, under modern conditions, are dangerous both for an individual state and for the Community in general. Namely for this purpose the article identifies the status, hierarchical level and structural characteristics of the capitals, which significantly differ in Europe both by population and area and scales of economic activity. The goal of the article is justification of the necessity of development of methodological and analytical studies in the sphere of megapolis management and new approaches to structuring problems of municipal development. Prospects of further studies in this direction are theoretical aspects of regionalisation under conditions of globalisation of the world economy and also specific features of European economic integration.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Nepriadkina N. V.
Prospects of Development of Export Financing in Ukraine with Attraction of Export Credit Agencies (p. 25 - 29)

The goal of the article is identification of prospects of development of export financing in Ukraine with attraction of export credit agencies. The article makes a conclusion about expediency of the relevant financial support of export activity in Ukraine through obtaining loans under guarantees of special organisations, which assist national producers in selling their products abroad. Taking into account the world experience, such operations are carried out by export credit agencies (ECA). The article identifies advantages and shortcomings of trade financing with attraction of ECA, among which, on the one hand, are low cost of financing for borrowers, accessibility of long-term financing, protection from property and financial risks (for the exporter), regulation of the pledge issue through a possible insurance of pledged property, growth of requirements with respect to the importer’s financial state, and a comparatively low risk for lending banks; on the other hand – low volumes of loans within the trade financing, attraction of other parties and probability of certain time delays. The article draws a conclusion that dynamic development of the Ukrainian economy is impossible without active foreign economic activity of the state. From its side, the system of state financial support of export (through ECA) would allow: improvement of conditions for activation of foreign trade of domestic enterprises and supporting them in competition with foreign producers; levelling the trade balance of the country; expansion of the market of banking services, in particular, developing the product of trade financing; bringing institutional and organisational aspects of foreign trade activity to the world standards; and activation of the process of development of the domestic financial system.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Zosymova Z. S.
Theoretical Grounds of Formation of Strategies of International Activity of the Country (p. 72 - 75)

The article analyses grounds of formation of strategies of international activity of the country. During the period of a deep economic and political crisis Ukraine is found today, strategic planning and establishment of such a policy of foreign economic activity, which would maximally consider interests of our country and its absolute and comparative advantages, some problems, solution of which cannot be postponed for a long period, become more and more severe. The article holds about a necessary strategy for development of the country and strategy for full-fledged entering of Ukraine into the world economy, for which it needs a strategy that includes not uncontrolled liberalisation of foreign trade but a state regulated process of formation of openness of the national market supplemented with a purposeful policy of protection of the national producer and consumer and approach to world rules and standards.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dovgal O. A.
Regional Trade Agreements as a Factor of Further Liberalisation of International Trade (p. 76 - 80)

The article considers tendencies of development of the process of liberalisation of international exchange within the international trade system in general and reasons, specificity and role of regional trade agreements in this process. The article analyses evolution of the process of liberalisation of international trade that lasted for nearly half a century under the aegis of the General Agreement of Tariffs and Trade and then lowed down and, in fact, was discontinued after establishment of the World Trade Organisation. In the result of the study as an objective ground of appearance and wide popularity of regional trade agreements, the article detects very sharp contradictions between participants of the international trade and loss of confidence in WTO capabilities in their solution. The article shows that the main vector in development of regional trade agreements is formation of more favourable conditions for trading than the international-legal discipline provides being supported by a multi-sided trade system. A conclusion is made that the wider regional trade agreements are spread, the more chances for acceleration of liberalisation and development of new rules of exchange within the international trade system in general.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kolomiyets G. M., Didorchuk I. L., Mykhailenko K. M., Porohniak N. V.
The Comparative Analysis of International Suppliers as a Factor in the Competitive Advantages of a National Organization for the Provision of Engineering Services (p. 24 - 31)

In the context of the need to intensify the process of integration of national business in the global economic system, increased competition in global markets and national imperative existence of each organization is to determine priority areas for development of competitive advantages, one of which may be the selection of promising suppliers based on their comparative analysis. In the previous period, when international firms were not active and cautiously started to work in the markets of the post-socialist countries, a national organization did not have much choice. Currently, domestic firms that withstood the blows of the global crisis and established a good reputation can and should implement targeted selection of attractive international partners. The article proposed a multi-criteria phased classification of foreign suppliers and conducted on the basis of its comparative analysis forms the basis for improving relations with international organizations and partners are the key to its competitive advantage.

Article is written in Russian


Dzhalilov O. O.
The Main Problems of the Integration of the Economic System of Ukraine into the World Economy (p. 27 - 31)

The purpose of the article is to outline the range of issues, barriers and obstacles that hinder Ukraine's integration into the world economy and, consequently, inhibit the overall development of the economic system of Ukraine. The study analyzed some of the indicators of international statistics, thus confirming the hypothesis that at the current stage although the economic system of Ukraine has made some significant progress, its integration into the world economy in the past few years has slowed down. From the above statistics, the main causes of this trend were identified and classified in three groups of problems requiring complex solutions. Prospects for further research and development in this area are in a more detailed study of each of these problems, the design recommendation of measures and mechanisms that will facilitate the full integration of the economic system of Ukraine into the world economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Busariev D. V.
Renewable Energy – an Important Area of the Structural Diversification of the World Energy Market (p. 32 - 39)

The purpose of this article is to conduct a study of the processes of diversification of the global energy market in the context of the formation of a model of renewable energy supply. In today's world the question of reformatting of the energy supply is raised not only as result of the shortage of energy resources due to their depletion or physical inaccessibility for some subjects of the global economy, but also as a result of the rapid increase in the pressure on the environment. Confirmation of the thesis of increasing share of renewable energy resources in the world is the analysis of these countries – the leaders of the world economy, which demonstrate the dynamic changes in the energy sector in favor of renewable energy. The article focuses on the analysis of the relationship between economic development model of the national economy and the share of renewable energy in the fuel and energy complex. Confirmation of the dynamics of the global energy market diversification is a significant enhancement in the last decade, the research activities of economic subjects related to the development of environmental technologies and mass commercialization. It is important to emphasize that the results achieved by the construction of the international community for renewable energy have become objective prerequisite of the global energy market diversification with an outline of its structure as an independent segment of renewable energy. As a result of the study analysis and study of private and public research institutions were analyzed and summarized, the key trends in the development of renewable energy were disclosed, the effectiveness of the measures of the state support was assessed and the scope of the research activities of subjects of national economies in the field of research and development was analyzed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Makarova V. V.
The United States Foreign Aid: a Change of Priorities and the Current State (p. 40 - 44)

The aim of the article is to determine the role of the United States as a donor of foreign aid to underdeveloped countries and developing countries. Assistance programs of the United States have a significant influence on the development of these economies. The article describes the main trends, views and goals of foreign aid from the United States after the war and their priorities change over time. The relation between the strategic interests of the USA in Ukraine was analyzed with the direction of American foreign aid and it was found that foreign aid has an important influence on the Ukrainian political and socio-economic realities. It was proved that the government state structures have an active role in developing and implementing programs of American foreign aid in the context of the interests of the development of Ukraine. Also it was found that the areas and types of foreign aid from the United States was conditioned to their strategic interests and the reorientation of these interests under the influence of socio-economic and political factors and priorities in the implementation of foreign policy and national security.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Marchenko I. S.
Factors of Transformation of Foreign Economic Activity Models of Countries in the Context of Globalization (p. 44 - 49)

The article analyzes the major factors and forces that lead to changes in the patterns of foreign economic activity of the world (both developed and developing countries) in the post-crisis period. Based on the analysis of changes in the model of foreign trade activities of one of the most developed economies – the United States justified the priority factors of post-crisis transformation and the direction of their influence. It was revealed that at the present stage countries have to adapt to the post-crisis changes, even if their position in the world system is characterized by economic and political power, which is caused by changes in the competitive environment of the post-crisis period and differentiation in growth rates between different groups of countries.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kot O. V., Kravchenko K. Y.
CCI in Shaping the Competitiveness of Enterprises in the Integration of the International Business Environment (p. 50 - 54)

The article analyzes the principles of interaction between enterprises and industrial chambers through the prism of competitiveness. The distinctive features were considered and it was concluded the leading role of the Chambers of Commerce as information agent in the "business – business" system and the need to strengthen the role of this institution. The purpose of the article is the full study of the role of chambers of commerce in the integration of the business environment. The contributions of scientists in the study of problems of competitiveness of enterprises were considered. The theoretical approaches to the definition of competitiveness were characterized. The structural mechanisms of the two units – the competitiveness and CCI were justified. The strengths and weaknesses of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry were examined, manifested in the material and non-material form. Theoretically grounded positions and practical recommendations for improving the interaction between enterprises and CCI were developed. The features of the existence of the CCI were found. The role and place of Chambers of Commerce and Industry in the formation of the competitiveness of enterprises were defined. The general characteristics of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Ukraine were provided.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Mahmod A. Y. E.
Multivariate Methods for Studying the Global Competitiveness of the MENA Countries (Experience for Libya) (p. 19 - 25)

The aim of the article is to study the global competitiveness ranking MENA region to identify potential opportunities to improve their competition as one of the most important aspects of the modern world economy. The article shows the results of the multivariate analysis of indicators of global competitiveness index. Use of cluster analysis allowed to allocate types of countries in the MENA region according to the community of indicators of global competition. The results of the factor analysis identified innovation and technology as the determining factor of the global competitiveness of countries. The place of Libya was shown in the dynamic context of changes in its global competitiveness.

Article is written in Russian

Sienina A. O.
Features and Organizational Experience of Administrative Services in the EU (p. 25 - 33)

The article describes the process of development and administrative services (AS) from the historical perspective, the analysis of the theoretical and methodological aspects of the system of administrative services of the EU: principles, the model and its components. The essence was refined, the peculiarities and tendencies of development of the "European Model" to provide AS. The organizational features of providing administrative services, as well as the European regulatory framework and the development of public services in the EU were considered. The analysis made it possible to identify the main problems related to the practical implementation of the model and the process of development of the system of administrative services in the EU, as well as allowed to identify areas for further research of excellence in some EU countries. It was noted that in Ukraine there is a noticeable lag from the EU in the field of state regulation of service markets in general and in certain areas of modernization of the AS. The most promising directions of development of the AS in Ukraine were dentified, based on the analysis of the experience of its implementation in the EU.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Shuba M. V.
Cross-border Cooperation: «Think Global, Act Local» (p. 21 - 25)

The aim of the article is to examine the cross-border cooperation in the symbiosis of global and local, which is glocalization processes. By analyzing, systematizing and summarizing the scientific work of many scholars, the article considered the essence of cross-border cooperation, systematized the views of researchers on the definition of the concepts of "region", "border region", "cross-border region," as well as "glocalization". The study highlighted the statements, which can be a base for cross-border cooperation. The process of glocalization as a strategy combination of global and local interests and attitudes were analyzed. It was proved that the cross-border regions should act as centers of economic activity and contribute to the successful integration of countries into the world economic system, and the process of glocalization is to reduce the existing contradictions in the development of cross-border regions and to prepare them for possible new threats and risks.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Makhanyova Y. M.
The Asymmetry of the Terms of Agreements of Ukraine's Membership in the WTO and the Association with the EU in Foreign Trade of Agricultural and Food Products (p. 26 - 34)

In this article the problem of assessing the impact of the conditions of trade agreements of Ukraine with the WTO and the EU on prospects of production of agricultural products is examined. It was determined that Ukraine accepted asymmetric obligations in respect of export of agricultural products under the agreement with the WTO, which significantly limit the ability of domestic enterprises with respect to the export of agricultural products to foreign markets. It was established that the asymmetry of agreed non-tariff measures of market regulation of agricultural products is expressed in the abolition and prohibition to introduce further quantitative restrictions on imports, the application of anti-dumping duties, countervailing measures, complication and non-use of special protective measures of the WTO with respect to developed countries. It was found that the asymmetry is typical for export regimes in Ukraine and the EU. In particular, Ukraine does not use export subsidies for agricultural products (in this case more than 90% of the total amount of export subsidies, which are used by members of the WTO, are for the EU). It is proved that the only way to reform the agricultural sector of Ukraine in terms of its membership in the WTO and the EU association is to reform the management of this sector of the economy and its deregulation. It was determined that the representatives of the main sectors of the agricultural and food sector expect certain benefits from the implementation of the Association Agreement with the EU, as European markets will be more accessible for Ukrainian producers.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Dorovsky O. V.
Trends and Prospects of Development of the European Pharmaceutical Market (p. 29 - 38)

The changes of state of the European pharmaceutical market in the last decade was examined, its volume and rate of growth. The article shows the main factors which influence the pace of development of the European pharmaceutical market, as well as new trends brought about by the development of markets for new countries – EU member states. Among the trends were indicated both positive and problematic, requiring the improvement of the legislation of the European countries in the health sector. The characteristics of individual markets of Western Europe were shown.

Article is written in Russian

Kochevoi M. M.
Legal Regulation of the Foreign Economic Stability of Ukraine (p. 38 - 42)

The aims of this article is to determine the expediency and adequacy of the level of legal regulation of the functioning and development of the foreign economic stability and to ascertain the directions of the legislative reforming in this area in the context of increased interactions within the European integration process. Analysis of the current state of the legal regulation of foreign economic stability of Ukraine showed that the relevant legislation is created in general, but does not represent a unified system, in the view of the completeness and expediency of the regulation of the mentioned legal framework. The basic directions of optimization of the legal regulation of foreign economic stability by strengthening the relevant State structures in the convergence of the right, i.e. approximation of the legal system of Ukraine with the legal system of the EU, were defined. It is advisable that constant adaptation and reforming of the national legal system are carried out on the basis of a mutually beneficial economic cooperation with establishment of protection mechanisms, based upon the national legal acts, which are common and not contradictory to the international law. Reference to the general-theoretical issues of the legal regulation of foreign economic stability is useful because it provides an opportunity to gain new knowledge or to develop the existing ones.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kydryavtsev K. O.
The Influence of the Public Debt on the Economic Growth of Greece (p. 42 - 48)

The article is aimed at analysis of the causal relation between the debt burden and the economic growth in Greece. For this purpose, a panel vector autoregressive model was applied. The analysis, based on the data covering 20 developed countries, including Greece, showed that, while some studies on this topic have stated that large public debt impeded economic growth of this country, the panel vector autoregression was indicative of a lack of the significant influence of the public debt on the economic growth of Greece. Though we succeeded in finding a significant negative reverse effect of the growth economic on the public debt, which explains the negative correlation, indicating that, in assessing the long-term influence of public debt on the country's economic growth, it is important to control the reverse effect on the economic growth on the public debt.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Dalevska N. M.
Directions of Functional Transformation of International Entities within Globalized World Economy (p. 14 - 19)

The article is aimed at identifying the structural components of functional transformation of international entities within the frame of global political and economic space, studying of the basic imperatives of forming of geo-economical interests of international actors, exploring of strategy to balance the interests of international entities on the principles of integration and partnership. The article analyzes the co-existence of international actors within the global political and economic space. The method of institutional analysis, which allows to carry out a study on the functional transformation of international relations within globalized world economy, was used. The necessity of ensuring the national interests of states through the internationalization of economic relations between the international entities, as well as need for legitimization of an international authority, were substantiated. A scheme of structural components of a functional transformation of international entities within the global political and economic space is proposed. The initial positions of interests of international entities on the principles of integration partnership were elaborated. It is concluded that the balance of interests of international entities is determined by the level of development of the centrifugal and centripetal forces, taking into account the density and character of social communication within the worldwide political and economic space.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Guba M. O.
Place of Customs Security of the State Among the Main Constituents of its Ensuring (p. 19 - 23)

The article is aimed to study the contemporary mechanism of ensuring the customs security of the State. Problematics of ensuring the customs security of the State was explored and the key components that influence the mechanism of this process were examined. Place of customs security among its constituents was theoretically grounded and determined, relationship of customs security with the economic security of the State has been explored. Relationship of customs security with foreign economic and financial policies of the State has been substantiated. An approach to the theoretical definition of the notions «customs security» and «customs taxation» in a broader sense was proposed. Place of the customs taxation in the system of economic security has been identified. The constituents, that cause influence on the customs value – basis of the customs taxation, were explored.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kononenko I. V.
Economic Efficiency of Foreign Economic Activities of the Kharkiv Cosmetics Cluster (p. 24 - 29)

Constant changes in the situation on foreign and domestic markets, dynamic development of enterprises and volatility of business, all this substantiates relevant case studies on the efficiency of export-import operations (E-IO) against the background of current activities of domestic enterprises, particularly of those that take into account specifics of the individual sectors and clusters of economy of Ukraine. An important part of the article consists of a study of the status of export-import activities by groups of industrial companies of the Kharkiv regional cluster of perfumery-cosmetic complex. It is specified that analysis of the overall impact of the E-IO on economic performance of the enterprises, which belong to the cluster, allows to allocate the following determination factors: scale effect, tax regime, foreign exchange income or expenses, transaction costs, conditions of the export-import contracts. Export-import activity is investigated in the context of competitiveness and economic efficiency of enterprises. In the frame of the study, a comprehensive analysis of the financial state and production activity of the enterprises of perfumery-cosmetic complex of Kharkiv region was carried out. The enterprises of the complex were grouped in an appropriate regional cluster associated with the production of perfumery and cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and household chemicals. It was concluded that economy of regions, which is based on clustered groups, has advantages in productivity due to flexible specialization and better interaction with globalized markets.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Lomeiko Y. A.
Efficiency of the Customs Legislation of Ukraine and Directions for its Improvement (p. 30 - 47)

The article is aimed to study the efficiency of customs legislation as unified system of normative-legal acts, as subject to regulation by the State Customs. As result of studying, systematizing and analyzing of scientific papers of many scientists, methods for improving legislation in general and the possible measures for improving the efficiency of customs legislation in particular, have been identified. The customs legislation in Ukraine has been found in accordance with international standards and requirements. At the same time, it is necessary to adjust it with the individual norms of other branches of domestic law, in particular the tax and economic. Structure and dynamics of customs payments have been considered, their role in filling the state budget has been defined. Expediency of joint reforming of both the customs and tax legislation to increase the amount of its income has been substantiated, namely: the exclusion of the multiple interpretation of legal norms, which regulate the degree of liability for the unauthorized use of products after release, that are tax-exempt when importing to the customs territory of Ukraine. Need for equation of the concepts of «non-purpose use» and «non-use during the statutorily prescribed periods» in the context of the application of conditional benefits on tax payments after the release of the goods has been proven. Directions of improvement of customs and tax control in part of elaborating a common concept of defining the notion of «risk» and respectively – of the unified procedure aimed at not only conducting but also planning of inspections by supervisory organes, have been proposed. Prospects of the further researches are working out a system of indicators and criteria for evaluating the efficiency of customs legislation taking into account goals of the state external economic policy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dorovsky O. V., Yaroshenko I. V.
Comparison of Pharmaceutical markets of the EU member countries and the CIS countries (p. 47 - 61)

The article is aimed at analysis of pharmaceutical markets of the EU member countries and the CIS countries, their issues and development prospects. Dynamics of development of the European pharmaceutical market and its regional segmentation were studied. The main indicators of pharmaceutical markets in the key EU member countries (EU-5) were analyzed. Features of pharmaceutical markets of the Central and Eastern European EU member countries were explored. The main factors that will influence the level of state expenditures on medicines in the EU member countries were considered. The consumption of medicines per capita in different countries of the world was analyzed. Also peculiarities of State policy regulating the market of generic drugs in the EU member countries were analyzed. Features of the pharmaceutical market of the countries from the post-Soviet area, such as: structure, volume, key parameters of retail markets were studied. Features of the pharmaceutical markets of the CIS countries: Russia, Kazakhstan, and Belarus were taken into consideration. A comparison of pharmaceutical markets of the CIS countries has been formed, their key issues and the major points of growth have been identified. Also differences between pharmaceutical markets of the CIS countries and the Western markets have been identified.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Pominova I. I.
Institutional Transformation of Higher Education as a Path of an Effective Integration into the Contemporary World Economy (p. 34 - 39)

The article is aimed to study the impact of integration processes in the educational and scientific sphere on development of the national component of the global intellectual capital. Effects of formation of the global economic environment on the development of the national intellectual capital are disclosed. It has been substantiated, that strengthening of the globalization processes in the intellectual sphere turns national educational systems into subjects of global educational space and the main institution of intellectual capital at the global level. It has been proven that in the economic systems in which intellectual capital is formed, but there are no conditions for its efficient use, a number of problems emerges, which are related to its retention; in development of the national component of global intellectual capital appear institutional gaps. Structural and functional complexity of current educational and scientific sphere with extending various forms of internationalization and the search for effective forms of integration of the national component into the global intellectual capital require continuous monitoring and control of these processes, and for this purpose the method of determining the extent of integration of the national intellectual capital into the global environment on the basis of institutional changes in the system of higher education has been elaborated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Arkhireiska N. V., Рanaseyko I. M.
Modern Issues of Ensuring and Evaluating the Level of External Economic Security of Ukraine (p. 40 - 45)

The article is aimed at improving the system of indicators and assessing the level of external economic security, exposition of proposals to improve the external economic security of Ukraine. Legal framework for ensuring the external economic security of Ukraine has been determined, an improved system of indicators of level of the external economic security is proposed, a comprehensive analysis of the external economic security of Ukraine for the time span of 2000-2014 has been carried out. It has been proved that economy of Ukraine is excessively open during the researched period, which causes sensitiveness to the external risks, the vast majority of external economic indicators are out of satisfactory range, the level of external economic security of Ukraine stays below a critical threshold, forecasts as to the level of economic security up to 2020, taking in consideration the current trends, remain negative as well. The prospect of further research in this area is development of strategic, tactical and operational measures, which should be based on a comprehensive assessment of the current state and the development trends of the situation in the sphere of external economic security.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vlasiuk T. O.
Threats from Foreign Trade as Factors Stimulating the Development of the Internal Market (p. 46 - 52)

The article considers the main threats to and challenges for the internal market, generated in the sphere of external economic relations of Ukraine, taking into account such contemporary issues as: deployment of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict; exacerbation of global economic crisis, its spread to most countries of the world; intensification of the processes of European integration; as well as the absence of structural and institutional reforms in Ukraine, which, in turn, communicates with the explosive aggravation of systemic crisis in Ukrainian society in the 2013-2014 time frame. A number of recommendations for State authorities and enterprises to enhance opportunities and for prevention of deployment of the existing threats, with a view to further development of the internal market, has been proposed. Characteristic of the given recommendations is their interrelatedness and indirect impact on the dynamic problem of conversion of external factors in the restructuring and expansion of the internal market.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Podolchak N. Y., Todoshchuk A. V.
Estimating the Impacts of Customs Risks on the Machine-Building Enterprises' Activities (p. 53 - 58)

The article is aimed at analysis of impacts of customs risks on activities of machine-building enterprises, identifying the main impacts of the business customs risks in terms of resource supporting the activity of enterprise, as well as elaborating a model for calculating the level of impact on the indicator of managers' labor productivity. Customs risk is identified with other types of risks (risk of foreign trade activities, risk of foreign economic operations (FEA), risk of international trade, etc.), there is no clear distinction between the concepts of «State Customs risk» and «business customs risk», their identification result in an improperly formed system of measures to prevent and reduce the negative impacts of effects of customs risks. The authors propose an elaborated categorical apparatus with a clear allocation of the concept «business customs risk» and its significance in the system of risks related to FEA of machine-building enterprise. A model for identification of customs risks' impacts on the activities of employees of the FEA-divisions at machine-building enterprises by means of Kruskal–Wallis statistics was formed, allowing to detect existent negative impacts of customs risks on the labor productivity of FEA-divisions, and thus confirm the dominance of negative nature in arising of business customs risks.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Lomeiko Y. A.
Analysis and Directions of Improving the Relationships between Participants of Customs Control (p. 58 - 67)

The article is aimed to study the relationships between control authorities and entities engaged in foreign economic activities in the course of customs control. As result of the analysis and systematization of scholarly works on the topic, it has been found that the determining factor for the implementation of any activities through the control authorities is the exercising their specific function. To identify possible areas for improving customs control such characteristics of customs functions are proposed: fiscal, law-enforcement, service. Structure of the state bodies responsible for administration of customs payments has been considered. Also, order of declaring and carrying out customs clearance of goods and transport means according to the applicable customs regime as well as order of procedures executed through the control bodies at border inspection points, have been considered as the factors affecting occurrence of the obligations on customs payments and order of their maturity. A group of customs regimes, which involve the provision of financial guarantees on payment of customs duties, has been determined. Inclusion of royalties in the customs value and how to facilitate the customs protection of intellectual property rights has been considered. The study identified the need to improve the relationship between the participants of customs control after the release of goods and transport means to the applicable customs regime, in the first place, due to a reduction of terms of customs clearance; secondly, in relation to the obligatory inclusion in the customs value of royalties, the amount of which at the time of customs clearance cannot be clearly identified.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Schava R. P.
Challenges for Fiscal Policy in the Global Paradigms of World Economic Development (p. 68 - 72)

The article is aimed at studying the development and reform of fiscal systems, as well as the identification of fiscal relations in global paradigms of economic development. Enhancing the global integrative processes and vitalization of the international organizations' activities have tended to align economic conditions in different countries and international regions in many respects. In this context, the article explores the role of fiscal systems as a factor influencing the competitiveness of the national economies, in particular, approaches to regulating this sphere thanks to the low institutional determination at the supranational level and preserving the sovereign rights of states have been substantiated. The process of unification and harmonization of fiscal systems of the EU Member States and new approaches to the development of national fiscal legislations are considered. It has been proven that in an ever-globalizing world, fiscal planning is particularly important – as an integral part of the global planning. The main methods of fiscal planning in terms of harmonization of fiscal relations have been determined.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Berenda S. V.
The European System of Trading Cumulation and Global Value Chains (p. 29 - 35)

The article is aimed to examine the genesis as well as clarify the characteristics and features of the phenomenon of trade cumulation in terms of preferential arrangements in the international trade on the example of the European Union. The article determines that modern processes of the international division of labor, specialization and cooperation among countries must be viewed through the prism of the existent set of competitive advantages of different nature. Also has been determined that one of the driving forces behind the global corporations are the coherent Rules of Origin (ROO) and Regional Preferential Arrangements (RTA), which are regulating the international trading cumulation on the basis of WTO norms. It has been emphasized that an important issue remains the building of global value chains in the regional and global aspects as well as evolution of the dichotomous nature of the phenomenon towards the so-called glocalization. The system of trading cumulation, which is established in the EU and the countries, associated on the basis of respective agreements, and which is nowadays coming into Ukraine, creates a new configuration space. Understanding and awareness of the new opportunities and threats in building the value chains that are created under the influence of the system of international trading cumulation, create new competitive advantages and increase competition in the relevant markets.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Ryeznikov V. V.
Foreign Economic Cooperation of Ukraine and the Countries of Scandinavia: the Economic-Diplomatic Aspect (p. 35 - 41)

The article is aimed to analyze the state and prospects of economic-diplomatic cooperation between Ukraine and the Scandinavian countries, show the influence of diplomatic relations on the economic cooperation, as well as prospects for their development. In the paper the status of diplomatic and economic interaction between Ukraine and the Nordic region as a whole, as well as Norway, Finland, Sweden and Denmark in particular, is presented. The influence of diplomatic relations at the interstate, intergovernmental and interregional levels on development of Ukrainian-Scandinavian economic cooperation is displayed. Based on the analysis of economic-diplomatic component, a forecast and the dynamics of trade turnover of Ukraine and the countries of Scandinavia are presented, including the critical for Ukrainian economy time-frame of 2013-2014. It has been revealed that economic diplomacy plays an important role in establishing and expanding trade relations. Despite the internal political crisis, Ukraine is able not only to preserve the tried-and-tested foreign trade markets in Scandinavia, but also to increase the export of goods in the markets of Sweden and Finland. Dynamics of the trade turnover of Ukraine and Scandinavia shows stable growth of trade in the short term and positive outlook to reduce the net balance in the long term.

Article is written in Russian

Shliakhova I. V.
Hungary: Accession to the EU as a Path to Stability (in the Context of Development of the Ukrainian-Hungarian Trade Relations) (p. 41 - 46)

The article is aimed to analyze the way of Hungary's accession to the European Union, the country's experience to maintain stable economy during the membership in this organization and identify opportunities for further development of the trade and economic relations between Hungary and Ukraine. The study analyzed major tasks assigned to the Government of Hungary prior to accession to the European Union, and identified two «waves» of establishing the country's economy in this period. The main indicators of economic development of Hungary in the time span from 1991 to 2013 have been considered. It has been substantiated that the cooperation between Ukraine and Hungary should be considered from the view of the integration vector of the two countries as well as the experience of the latter as a full member of the Union. Prospect of further research is improvement of the strategic directions for development of mutual relations between Ukraine and Hungary, which should be based on the results of a comprehensive assessment of the current status and development trends of the commercial exchanges between the countries as result of implementation of comprehensive programs for recovering the Ukrainian economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Makarchuk K. O.
Transnationalization of Joint Ventures as a Form of Corporate Integration in the International Business: Theoretical Aspect (p. 47 - 51)

The article is aimed to define the principle of establishing, functioning and fundamental advantages of transnationalization of joint ventures as a form of corporate integration in the international business. The article considers theoretical aspects of establishing and process of functioning of joint ventures under conditions of transnationalization. An analysis of the dynamics of attraction of the foreign direct investment (FDI) by the world's regions for the time period of 2005-2014 has been conducted. The policy of attracting foreign capital in South-East Asian countries, namely, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand, has been analyzed, the sectoral structure of attracting FDI in these countries has been highlighted.

Article is written in Russian


Vladychyn M. B., Struk N. S.
Organizing the Accounting for the Foreign Economic Activities of Trade Enterprises: Status and Prospects for Improvement (p. 35 - 41)

The article is aimed at the problems of organizing the accounting for the foreign economic activities of trade enterprises. Their status has been estimated as well as the main directions of improving the organization of accounting for the foreign economic activity of trade enterprises in Ukraine have been allocated. Results of the study showed that accounting policy is perceived as being closely related to the process of organizing theaccounting for foreign economic activities of trade enterprises. Therefore the authors have disclosed organizational, methodological and technical aspects of the accounting process in terms of the foreign economic activity of trading enterprises, which helped to give recommendations on organization of accounting for the most effective management of such activity. Relationship of elements of accounting policy with the stages of organization of accounting process has been determined. Forms of organizing the accounting for the foreign economic activities of trade enterprises in Ukraine were considered, because accuracy of their indicators and timeliness in registration of export-import operations guaranties their financial stability.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Shlapak A. V.
Genesis of Formation of the Regional Financial Space within the Asian Mega-Region (p. 29 - 34)

The article is aimed at studying the stages of formation of the regional financial space within the Asian region. The article analyzes the processes of regional financial integration in Asia that unfolded after the 1997-1998 financial crisis, which fully showed the dependence of economies of the region's countries from the global financial shocks and turbulence of the tides of financial capital, as well as discredited the foreign financial advisors' recommendations regarding the financial, monetary, money-and-credit equilibrium. A characteristic of the Chiang Mai initiatives has been provided, which include, in addition to agreements on the exchange of information about capital flows, development of a region-wide system of protection from possible shocks through build-up of the total volumes of financial support in the region from 200 million up to 1 billion US-dollars, as well as extension of the inter-state ASEAN Swap Arrangements. It has been determined that financial integration in the region of Southeast Asia, as well as its influence on diversification of the national financial markets of the region's countries, is quintessentially different from the integration processes of the European continent, in terms of the mechanisms and instruments of financial convergence of the member countries of the regional communities and of its institutional-regulatory clearance. Several scenarios concerning formation of a regional financial space with participation of the countries in Southeast Asia have been proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kobylianska A. V.
Economic Cooperation of Ukraine with the GUAM in the Context of Functioning of the CIS and the DCFTA with the EU (p. 32 - 37)

The article examines the role of GUAM in the external economic relations of Ukraine. On comparison of the data of the foreign trade turnover with the countries of GUAM and, separately, the CIS and the EU, place of GUAM in the system of foreign economic priorities of Ukraine was determined. Special attention was paid to relations between the countries of GUAM and the Member States of the EU, as well as to the data on the foreign trade of Ukraine and the neighboring countries. The relevant study was based on the analysis of data from the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine regarding exports and imports of goods and services, the dynamics and structure of the relevant indicators for 2005 and 2010-2013 were examined. As a result, the author concludes that, despite the fact that the activities of regional associations in general and GUAM in particular are increasingly directed at solving current problems, Ukraine's cooperation with the countries of GUAM (despite the small volumes of the foreign trade), is of strategic importance. Thus, GUAM is considered by the author as a means of effective integration into the EU, creating a buffer economic zone towards Russia and, accordingly, the differentiation of economic risks associated with foreign trade, taking advantage of the geographical position at the crossroads of the main economic routes from East to West and vice versa.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kurochkina I. G.
Analysis of Development Trends of the World Trade in Goods and Services (p. 37 - 42)

The article is aimed at analyzing trends of the world trade in goods and services at the present stage. The development rates of international trade have been analyzed. It has been found that the dynamics of international trade in 2014 barely exceeded the annual growth of the world GDP. The prognostic data by the experts from the International Monetary Fund along with the WTO secretariat concerning the volume of world trade are provided. In addition, analytical data regarding the leading exporters and importers of the world trade in goods and commercial services in 2014 are presented, on results of which has been determined that among the leading countries-exporters of goods the first place belongs to China. Considering the importers of goods, as well as exporters and importers of commercial services, the first place, as in the previous year, belongs to the United States. The positions of the Russian Federation in the ranking of world exporters and importers in goods and commercial services have deteriorated compared to the previous years, primarily because of a significant decline in energy prices and decline in supply of Russian exports of traditional products, taking into consideration the imposing of trade and political sanctions against Russia as well as weakening of the national economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Lubenchenko O. Е.
Formation of the Paradigm of Auditing the Foreign-Economic Activity of Business Entities (p. 41 - 46)

The article is aimed at studying the process of providing auditing services to the subjects of foreign economic activity (FEA) and formation of the paradigm of auditing the FEA. It has been determined that foreign economic activity is a component of the national economy and that significant regulation on the part of the State, along with frequent changes of the legislation, encourage subjects of FEA to increasingly call for assistance by the auditors, which provide independent expertise. It has been specified that auditing services in the sphere of FEA are not confined to the verification of financial statements, the auditors also provide related services, perform tasks by the agreed procedures and provide consultations. This requires further research with respect to both organization and methodology for related auditing services. The definition of «paradigm» has been considered. Some categories of the basic paradigm of auditing have been allocated, including: analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, abstraction, analogy, modeling, experiment. On the basis of the stages of scientific thinking, defined by domestic scientists, grounds for studying the audit process and the agreed procedures regarding operations in the field of foreign economic activity as well as information provision have been formulated. A model of the paradigm of auditing together with consulting support of FEA has been suggested, on the basis of which organizational and instructional techniques for ensuring audit activities will be subsequently developed.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Miniailo V. P.
Audit of Services in the Foreign Economic Activity between Ukraine and the EU Member States: the Analytical Aspect (p. 52 - 58)

The article is concerned with generalization of practical aspects of customs audit of export and import of services between Ukraine and the EU Member States. Customs audit is one of the forms of customs activities aimed at implementing the customs policy of the State in order to make provision of its customs interests. A classification of foreign trade services which may be available to both residents and non-residents of Ukraine has been considered. Foreign trade with services between Ukraine and the European Union Member States has been analyzed. The activities of the structural units of the State fiscal service of Ukraine has been examined. The structure of the Department of tax and customs audit of the State fiscal service has been provided. Dynamics of the amount of additionally calculated monetary obligations, which is repayable on the results of inspections by the Department of tax and customs audit, is presented. The disadvantages of customs control include: inconsistencies when comparing the data of customs statistics of Ukraine with the partner countries; shortcomings in the financial-legal aspects of implementing the customs control; coordination of both scheduled and unscheduled inspections.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Sholom A. S.
Organizational-Functional Structure of the GATT/WTO and its Conjugation with the System of International Institutions (p. 24 - 31)

The article is concerned with determining the peculiarities of the organizational-functional structure of the GATT/WTO and its conjugation with the system of international institutions. The World Trade Organization is a contemporary institutional form of trade-economic globalization. It has established the «rules of the game», which regulate 97% of trade-economic relations. However, the GATT/WTO does not exclusively determinate the institutional environment of the multilateral trading system. All the features in terms of conjugation of international institutions are of importance. «Rules of the game» are transformed into «behavior patterns» only when there are effective levers of coercion, i.e. organizational component of all these institutions. The organizational-institutional nature of the WTO provides the dual essence of the multilateral trading system. And the first step to reforming any sphere always begins with an awareness of all the features of its current status. The article considers the dual structure of the WTO as an organization-institution, which is the main provider of the rules of the game in terms of international trade, as well as the system of international institutions and conjugation within it.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bezrukova N. V., Svichkar V. A.
Labor Migration from Ukraine to the EU: an Analysis of Characteristics and Consequences (p. 21 - 27)

The article is aimed at analyzing characteristics of labor migration from Ukraine to the European Union and evaluating the possible consequences of this process, as well as determining the future development trends in terms of emigration from Ukraine. The main directions of labor migration from Ukraine have been examined. An estimation of the volume of labor migration has been provided. Data about the socio-demographic characteristics of migrants have been presented. It is specified that the process of emigration has both positive and negative consequences for our country. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of employment settings of migrants in the Member States of the European Union. The main causes of emigration from Ukraine, among which both unemployment and low wages, have been allocated. The authors prove that the average monthly salary of Ukrainian migrants in the EU Member States is much higher than in Ukraine. On the basis of the carried out study has been concluded that labor migration from Ukraine to the EU has important socio-economic importance to our State. At the same time, signing of the Association agreement between Ukraine, on the one hand, and the European Union, the European Atomic Energy Community and their Member States, on the other hand, as well as introduction of a visa-free regime, will contribute to an increase in the number of labor migrants.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Plakhotnik O. О.
The International Technology Transfer in the Economic Development of Ukraine (p. 28 - 33)

The article is aimed at developing the theoretical-methodological framework and practical recommendations on improvement of the mechanism for the participation of Ukraine in international technology transfer, which are targeted at improving the competitiveness of the national economy, to achieve balanced socio-economic development on the innovation basis. The process of technologization in terms of economic system has been considered, its main levels (institutional, commercial) have been allocated. It has been proven that the formation and development of technological modes of social production are provided by the mechanism for international technology transfer, aimed at innovative development of economic system and based on the principles of technological self-development, which in turn are based on evolutionary patterns of technological transformation. The main issues and directions of formation of a model for innovative development in Ukraine at the macro level have been allocated. Mechanisms for creation in Ukraine an efficient system for interaction and institutional development of innovation infrastructure has been proposed. The main directions of improving the mechanism for Ukraine's active involvement into international technology transfer, taking account of foreign experience, have been allocated.

Article is written in Russian

Matyushenko I. Y., Shekhovtseva K. V.
Developing Theoretical-Methodological Approaches to Assessment of Export Potential of Ukrainian Enterprises (p. 34 - 45)

The article is aimed at studying the existing theoretical-methodological approaches to the analysis and assessment of export potential. The opinions by scientists regarding the disclosure of the categorial content of the concept of «export potential» have been considered, an own definition of the indicated economic category has been suggested. The main types of analytical procedures for assessment have been classified, some authorial methodical approaches to determine the level of export potential have been analyzed. The export potential of a hypothetical enterprise has been calculated by the selected methodologies of assessment. The urgency of improving and refining existing methods to implement more detailed and quantitative analysis has been substantiated. It has been suggested to implement a prognosis assessment of export potential of enterprises by combining the results of several methodologies in the aggregate indicator of export potential efficiency. A prognosis model for the dynamics of export potential of a hypothetical enterprise has been built, value of the aggregate indicator has been calculated on the basis of three selected valuation methodologies.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zarytska N. S.
Diversification of Scientific-Technical Cooperation between Ukraine and the USA (p. 45 - 51)

Ukrainian-American cooperation in the innovation-technological sphere is an important component of bilateral relations, considering the enormous innovative potential of the USA, the unquestionable leadership of the latter State in the global technological process, as well as the pivotal need to assimilate an innovation-technological model of economic development on the part of Ukraine. Prevalent forms of such cooperation as for today are: interstate exchange of researchers; cooperation within the framework of the Ukraine-NATO; participation of Ukrainian inventors, institutions and organizations in exhibitions and fairs of high-tech products and technologies in the USA, etc. At the same time, far from exhausted remains the potential of interstate cooperation in the sphere of transferring American technology innovation, construction and design development, patenting of domestic innovation by the United States Patent and Trademark Office, which significantly reduces the geographic structure for their implementation, limits the possibilities of internationalization of the patent system and commercialization of Ukrainian innovations on the American market, as well as creates high risks for domestic business structures when entering with their technological innovations the American market, together with loss of national intellectual resource because of absence of patent purity in terms of domestic innovation developments.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Melnyk O. H., Kots I. I.
Substantial-Motivational Mechanism for Substantiation of Tolling Operations in Conditions of the European Integration (p. 52 - 57)

The article is concerned with conceptualization of substance, distinguishing characteristics and motives of the implementation of tolling operations in conditions of the European integration. The study, based on the systematization and analysis of existing scientific approaches to definition of essence of tolling and tolling operations, has disclosed the dominating poli-positionality and ambiguity in this area. Economical autonomy of tolling operations has been determined, their difference from the operations with customer-furnished raw materials has been allocated, substance and characteristics of tolling operations has been conceptually grounded, motives of their implementation for both the customer and the provider has been systematized. It is proved that implementation of tolling operations will address the pivotal financial, production and staffing problems of domestic enterprises and ensure their progressive development in conditions of the European integration. Prospect of further research is developing a conceptual framework for management of tolling operations, which will provide targeted exposure of management system on the controlled system, which is directly involved in the implementation of tolling operations, with a view to enhancing the efficiency of tolling process.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Makarchuk K. O.
The Main Factors of Transnationalization of Companies in the Countries of Eastern Asia (p. 58 - 64)

The article is concerned with identifying the main factors of transnationalization of companies in the countries of Eastern Asia (Japan, China and Republic of Korea). Processes of transnationalization in the countries of Eastern Asia has been analyzed, the main large multinational corporation of Japan, China and the Republic of Korea have been determined. The main factors of transnationalization of companies in the countries of the region have been identified as follows: world markets conjuncture, cost of production, business environment and the State policy in the sphere of investment. The article proposes and calculates an updated indicator of transnationalization of business in 2010-2014 on the basis of magnitude of the largest transnational corporations in the Eastern Asia.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bocharova Y. G.
Concentration and Competition in the Global Meat Market (p. 18 - 23)

The article is aimed at analyzing the condition, development specifics, concentration and competition in the global meat market. Both significance and role of meat in providing the food security has been substantiated. An analysis of the dynamics and structure (both geographical and commodity) of production volumes, consumption, exports and imports of meat has been conducted. The major producers, consumers, exporters and importers of meat in the context of globalization have been identified. The country-based features, patterns of consumption and imports of meat have been characterized. On the basis of calculated five indicators of concentration (coefficient of concentration, the Herfindahl-Hirschman index, coefficient of relative concentration, dispersion of logarithms of market shares, index of the maximum share) the features of competition in the global market of producers and consumers of meat have been determined.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Karminska-Bielobrova M. V.
Foreign Trade Activities of Ukraine at the Current Level: Challenges and Directions (p. 26 - 30)

Ukraine's foreign trade is one of the most important ways to increase the State budget. Strategic goal in the development of economy of Ukraine is to achieve a presentable place in the international division of labor, namely in the field of foreign trade. The European Union is the strongest global economic organization, the largest and the best regional market of the world. The article is aimed to determine status of the foreign trade activities in Ukraine, its positive and negative traits, and areas for their improvement. It is concluded that developing relations with the EU in the long term, given the geopolitical, geoeconomic and historic European status of Ukraine, should remain one of the priorities of our foreign economic policy. A basic milestone in the way of gaining the full membership in the EU should be creation of economic and legal preconditions for the commencement of negotiations on a free trade zone between Ukraine and the EU. Prospect for further research in this direction is accomplishing an analysis of development of the foreign economic relations of Ukraine with the EU and of ensuring the economic integration of Ukraine into the European economic space.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sidorov V. I., Babenko V. O., Pasmor M. S.
The Trade-Economic Component of the Regional Economic Processes in the Context of Globalization (p. 31 - 37)

The article is concerned with analyzing and defining the structure of the trade-economic component of the regional economic processes on example of the EU, ASEAN, BRICS, SCO and NAFTA in the context of globalization. Based on analysis and generalization of numerous scientific works by various authors, a block of theoretical and statistical data on the contemporary regional integration associations has been considered and systematized. The article carries out an analysis of the trade-economic relations by the objectively leading and indicative, as to the current global economic processes, regional integration associations, namely the EU, SCO, BRIC, ASEAN and NAFTA, determines their impact on development of the international economic relations. The structure has been studied, as well as a comparative characterization of the data of regional economic integration associations in the context of global economy has been accomplished. Prospect for further research on this issue is determining the involvement of an individual integration association in the system of contemporary global economic relations.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Gacim Salah
The Ukrainian-Moroccan Economic Cooperation: Current Status and Development Priorities (p. 38 - 43)

The article is concerned with the current status of the Ukrainian-Moroccan economic cooperation and substantiation of its development priorities. Recent trends in the development of trade relations between Ukraine and the Kingdom of Morocco has been analyzed, qualitative shifts in the structure of bilateral trade has been studied. As a priority direction in the development of Ukraine's foreign trade with the Kingdom of Morocco has been identified the promotion of Ukrainian exports with high value-added, as well as expanding the range of commodity imports. Peculiarities of the Ukrainian-Moroccan trade in services have been considered and the primary role of educational services of Ukraine in the further development of economic relations between the two countries has been substantiated. As one of the prospects for the development of bilateral economic relations, the investment cooperation has been studied: investment attractiveness of both countries has been examined and directions for its development have been outlined. The author has proposed some ways to improve the Ukrainian-Moroccan economic cooperation and has specified the role of non-governmental organizations in its development.

Article is written in Russian


Havlovska N. I.
The Institutional Nature of the Economic Security of Actors of the Foreign Economic Activities (p. 26 - 31)

The article analyzes the environment of functioning of the domestic enterprises – actors of FEA, identifies peculiarities of establishing their economic security. It is proposed not only analyze the institutional environment at macro and meso levels, but also determine the features of institutional arrangements within the contract paradigm. It has been emphasized that, while interacting in the sphere of FEA, the actors conclude deals, and the dealing in the domestic market can differ substantially from the dealing in the foreign markets. It is proved that the increased complexity of the institutional arrangements in the foreign markets should be compensated through the relevant benefits or advantages for economic entities. Features of formation of the principal-agent relations in the sphere of FEA have been determined, taking into account the opportunistic behavior and asymmetry of information. Roles of the actors involved in the sphere of foreign economic activity have been specified, taking account of their impact on the economic security of enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vlasova K. M.
Trends and Prospects in the Development of the Meat Processing Industry of Ukraine in the Conditions of Deepening the Trade Integration with the EU (p. 32 - 39)

The article is aimed at studying the main trends of development of the market of the European Union in the context of the gradual integration of Ukrainian meat producers in this economic space, estimation of prospects for the domestic producers through the prism of their readiness to export products to this foreign market. The current status of development of the consumer market and features of the State regulation as to producers of meat products in the EU have been analyzed. The status of export activities of the meat processing enterprises in the EU has been researched, taking into account the tariff quotas and their usage in 2014-2015, as well as the current status of implementation of quality management systems as well as production safety in accordance with the national and international standards. Status of registration of the place of origin for the Ukrainian meat products has been analyzed as one of the means for promoting Ukrainian goods to the EU market. The major obstacles against the market entering by Ukrainian meat processing enterprises have been highlighted, taking account of the barriers that were relevant to Poland, Romania and Bulgaria in the process of implementation of the freedom trade zone agreement. Some ways to overcome known obstacles for Ukrainian meat-processing enterprises in the process of deepening the integration in the economic space of the EU have been proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Otenko I. P.
International Security in the World Economic Relations (p. 40 - 45)

The article discusses the urgent topic of the evolution of international relations, the issue of establishing international security, and the development of international economic cooperation based on the principles of security. In order to analyze the current status of international security in the world and to identify key factors that hinder the way of establishing a positive global community, researches by the international analytical centers together with the institutes for international security and cooperation have been generalized. To this end, both the status of and changes in the Global Peace Index in the recent years has been disclosed, the position of Ukraine in the world according to this index has been examined. It has been proven that the main international security problems are related to the armed conflicts, civil wars, political violence, terrorism impacting the development of humanity as a whole, the status of international relations, the evolution of the world economy as well as national economies. Further researches should be focused on how the status of peace in the countries impacts their economic status and the status of international cooperation in other areas of economic cooperation, excluding the military. It should be answered particularly, how the above indicated status affects strengthening the Ukraine's position in the world.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Petukhova V. O.
The Directions of Ukraine's Integration into the Global System of International Trade (p. 36 - 44)

The article is aimed at determining imperatives of integrating the foreign economic policy of Ukraine into the global system of international trade and establishing directions for Ukraine's integration into world space. The necessity of Ukraine's integration into the global system of international trade has been substantiated. In order to analyze participation in the structure of international trade, the geographic diversification of the export-import component of the national economy has been considered. Annual changes in terms of volumes of the export-import component of Ukraine, as well as total exports and imports of the major trading partners of Ukraine for the period of 1995-2015 have been analyzed. On the basis of both discriminant and cluster analyses has been discovered that there is a great unevenness of influence of certain factors on the development of integration in the international trading system as to different world's regions. Positioning of Ukraine in conjunction with the international integration associations has been substantiated as well.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Makarchuk K. O., Goncharenko N. I.
The СAGE Model for Transnationalization of the International Business in East Asia (p. 44 - 49)

The article is concerned with building the СAGE model for transnationalization of companies in the countries of East Asia region and defining the basic «distances» between countries in the region that provides to explore the main factors of decision-making on the transnationalization strategies of the regional companies. The business goals of the East Asian companies have been considered in the conditions of transnationalization of activities. The main factors of the CAGE model have been presented. The multitude of indicators that can be used to analyze the remoteness of the East Asian countries have been determined. The subindices of the CAGE model, impacting the transnationalization of business between Japan and China, Japan and Korea, as well as between China and Korea, have been proposed and calculated. The paired subindices of the CAGE model for transnationalization as to the selected countries-partners of the East Asian region have been calculated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vlasenko M. A., Kurinna I. G.
Europeanization in the Context of Group Interests Politics: Case of Ukraine (p. 50 - 55)

The paper describes the relationship between the existing level of institutional development in Ukraine and the prospects for institutional changes with the signing of the EU – Ukraine Association Agreement. Attention is paid to the key differences of modern politics of European integration from the conditions of the previous EU enlargement for Ukraine. The role of group interests politics and the role of corruption as an informal governance tool in influencing public confrontation and saving the actual uncertainty in the foreign policy of the country has been defined. Among the main conditions for the elimination of contradictions there identified the following: transformation processes under the enhanced foreign competition as a result of the implementation of the EU – Ukraine Association Agreement, as well as balancing the overvalued and undervalued expectations about European integration among the population.

Article is written in English


Muzychenko M. V.
A Quantification of the Level of Diversification of the Natural Gas Supplies to the Member States of the European Union (p. 18 - 22)

The article proposes a methodical approach to quantifying the level of diversification of supply of natural gas to the Member States of the European Union, considering factors of political and economical expediency, directly relating to the external sources of natural gas. The quantification of the level of diversification of gas supplies to the EU Member States is determined by the indicator, which characterizes the level of exceeding the number of external sources of supply of natural gas over the minimum, and is determined by the ratio of the aggregate nominal volume of natural gas supply from the external sources to the maximum limit of gas supply from one external source.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Soloviova K. S., Zaitseva K. Y.
Contemporary Tools for Ensuring Economic Security of Corporate Cooperation with Foreign Companies (p. 23 - 28)

The article is aimed at analysis and selection of the most effective tools for improving the economic security of corporate partnerships with foreign companies. It is found that the factors of influence on the level of economic security of company is strategic partnership with foreign companies and a number of tools for the offshore tax regulation. Both advantages and disadvantages of registration of an offshore company to increase the level of economic security of corporate partnership have been determined. In addition, the major offshore jurisdictions have been provided and the relevant set of tools has been considered. To the corporate security tools for ensuring economic cooperation, in addition to offshore tools, the authors have also included the newest tool for management of economic security, such as the signing of an agreement with an international company that specializes in ensuring economic security for corporate cooperation of foreign partners. An example of such a company and the main areas of its activity have been provided.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bezrukova N. V., Svichkar V. A.
The Ukraine-EU Interaction: the Investment Aspect (p. 15 - 22)

The article is aimed at analyzing the investment aspects of the interaction between Ukraine and the European Union. Importance of foreign investments for the country's economy has been disclosed. Generally positive impact of foreign investment on economic development of the State has been proven. Problems of the leading sectors of economy of Ukraine have been allocated. Particular attention is paid to analyzing the regional structure of the foreign direct investment in Ukraine. It has been shown that the main stream of investment comes from the European Union countries. The geographic structure of the foreign direct investment from the EU countries in Ukraine has been examined. The sectoral structure of the foreign direct investment from the top five countries of the EU has been displayed. The geographical structure of the foreign direct investment from Ukraine to other countries has been analyzed. On the basis of the carried-out study has been concluded that the foreign direct investment has a positive impact on the economic development of countries in general and Ukraine in particular. Establishment of a Zone of free trade between Ukraine and the European Union should provide more active investment from the European countries to Ukraine's economy, which will contribute to the further development of the basic sectors of the Ukrainian economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Moskalenko N. O., Savenko К. S.
The Innovative Tools for Organizational Development of International Business (p. 23 - 27)

The article is aimed to give a clear view and understanding of the theoretical and practical foundations of organizational development of international business based on innovation, as the most effective model of market interaction, creation of competitive advantage and organizational values in the international environment. The article draws a parallel between theory of innovation and business development, formed by J. Schumpeter and modern concepts, in particular, by C. Prahalad and M. Krishnan, by B. Quinn, R. Pikkel, H. Walters and L. Keeley. On reviewing concepts it has been proved that modern innovations go beyond their traditional understanding of and are the driving force in the formation of new international business models. International companies nowadays are business networks that combine maximum satisfaction of customers along with approximation of their values, on the one hand, and global access to resources on the other. Experience of the world-wide companies in acquiring competences for generating innovations and their effective implementation is extremely valuable for national business and formation opportunities for cooperation on the international market.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Mukhina I. G., Kanunnikova A. R.
The Reorientation of the Economy of Ukraine towards the European Market: Reality, Risks and Prospects (p. 33 - 38)

The objectives of the article are: studying the macroeconomic indicators of Ukraine's development in the context of the reorientation of national economy towards the European market, searching for ways to overcome the crisis, further modernization of the economy of Ukraine, and identifying risks due to an accelerated European integration. Emphasis is made on the peculiarities of functioning of the domestic economy over the past decade, while forms and results of cooperation with the CIS countries, as well as the prospects for Ukraine's reorientation from the post-Soviet economic space to the European have been allocated. Features of development of Ukraine's foreign trade over the past period have been allocated, both in case with the CIS and with the EU countries; the authors have considered the challenges that arise in the sphere of economic security, in the banking industry and individual sectors of the economy. A number of key challenges that arise in the process of reorientation of the economy of Ukraine towards the European market as result of both external and internal factors has been outlined. By means of an analysis of macroeconomic indicators, potential dangers and prospects for reorientation of the Ukrainian economy towards the European market have been identified, a number of strategic directions to address the negative processes in the economy has been allocated, the authors have also suggested ways of overcoming the crisis and accelerating the European integration processes in general.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Nosach L. L., Velychko K. Y.
Systematicity of Selection of the Optimal Form of Payment for International Settlements (p. 39 - 46)

The article characterizes the forms of international settlements, which most often are applied in the practice of foreign economic activity, highlighting both advantages and disadvantages of applying them separately for exporters and importers. The motivating factors influencing the choice of the optimal form of settlements have been classified. In this classification, particular attention is paid to the attribute of «change of the balance items», which includes the factors of dependence of efficiency of implementation of international settlements from the structure of its balance, taking account of the fact that relevant changes in balance items of enterprise depend on replacement of the form of international settlements. Essence of the coefficient of efficiency of choice of the optimal forms and methods of payment in the foreign trade transactions for enterprises operating in the international market has been disclosed, also a characterization of financial condition of the enterprises-participants in the foreign economic activity under different ratios of this coefficient has been provided.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Dovgal O. A.
The Dialectical Unity of Both the National and the Global Interests as a Prerequisite for their Mutual Implementation (p. 31 - 35)

The article is aimed at studying the dialectical unity of both the national and the global interests, which involves their mutual implementation in conditions of the globalizing economy. It is substantiated that the uniform development of all countries and regions of the world is going on in the scope of their long-term interests. However, in today’s conditions, when sufficient prerequisites for the institutionally organized solution to conflicts between the global and the national economic interests have not yet developed, there is necessity for more active independent efforts by the States to ensure a rapid and successful economic development. It has been concluded that both the national and the global economic interests remain in a dialectical contradiction that presupposes mutual impulses of their implementation in the context of finding an institutional harmonization of the global principles of market and the national specificities of the economic development of individual countries.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zhukova L. M.
The Contradictory Impact of Processes of Economic Integration on the Institutional Status of the State (p. 35 - 42)

The article considers issues of economic integration as a component of the State policy and as a phenomenon of social transformations. The article analyzes the logical and controversial possibility of inclusion of Ukraine into the world economy under the condition of developing a mechanism for external economic relations at the macro level (national), at the micro level (enterprises), and at the level of households and public organizations. It has been determined that Ukraine should develop and implement a national model of inclusion in terms of integration groupings through self-determination of optimal vectors and priorities of the international integration. It is substantiated that the impact of processes of economic integration on the institutional status of the State occurs, for the most part, difficult and contradictory, and their results essentially depend on the initial condition of country, the degree of development of its institutions, and manifestation of the political will to change. Prospect for further research in this direction will be to determine capacity of the State to implement the European standards, taking into consideration the exclusively national responsibilities in the sphere of the strategic solutions to the socio-economic development of country.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chernyshova L. O., Kozub V. O., Nosach L. L.
The Mechanism of Cooperation between Ukraine and the European Union in the Intellectual Sphere (p. 43 - 48)

The article is aimed at studying the mechanism of cooperation between Ukraine and the EU in the intellectual sphere and substantiation of a model of commercialization of the national intellectual products, with a view to their introduction to the European market. The authors have specified an increased diffusion of the knowledge transfer in both the sectoral and the horizontal policies of the European Union and have determined the main factors contributing to this. An analysis of the structural components of the sectoral dominants of the European economy was carried out and their graduation has been proposed, displaying the current realities of the intellectual transfer in the European Union. Priorities in the sectoral development of the national economy have been allocated. The authors have proposed to use the clustering model of intellectualization of society as the most effective form of business activity in Ukraine. Based on the European regulations for protection of intellectual property rights, a model of commercialization of the national intellectual products was developed with a view to their introduction to the European market. Activities in terms of system convergence of the economies of Ukraine and the EU in the intellectual sphere have been substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chala T. G., Korepanov G. S., Chernenko D. I.
The UN Comtrade Database as an Information Source for Research on the International Commodity Trade of the European Union Member States (p. 48 - 53)

The article is aimed at substantiating the appropriateness of using the UN Comtrade Database as an information source for research on the international trade in commodities and services, on the example of studying the dynamics of exports and imports of commodities in the European Union. The results of a statistical evaluation of the international commodity flows of the European Union Member States are presented the using annual and monthly information from the UN Comtrade Database. Both export and import volumes in terms of the principal international trading partners of the European Union have been provided, shares of the partner countries participating in trade flows in 2014 have been calculated. The basic commodities that have been exported from 28 countries of the European Union in 2014 have been presented, shares of the top 10 commodities, exported from the EU as well as imported into the EU, have been calculated in the total volume of the relevant international trade flows.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Melnyk T. M., Losheniuk O. V.
The Impact of the International Labor Migration on the Economy of Ukraine (p. 29 - 35)

The article discloses the impact of the international labor migration on formation of the migration flows in Ukraine. The main indicators of the international movements of population have been systematized, dynamics of the migration processes in Ukraine have been provided. Structure of labor migrants, their gender and sectoral attributes, age groups and levels of education have been defined. Leaders among the countries, which are preferably chosen by Ukrainian migrants, and the countries, from which migrants arrive to Ukraine, have been determined. Both the positive and the negative consequences of the international labor migration for Ukraine have been examined. Dynamics of money transfers in Ukraine, their objectives as well as structure of income have been analyzed. A comparative analysis of volumes of private remittances along with foreign direct investment in Ukraine has been carried out. The article characterizes the factors of directing the migrant remittances, which provides to confirm their use in opening own business, investing in securities or shares, purchasing goods, solving housing issues, financing education, etc. The positive impact of private remittances on welfare growth of migrant families and the Ukrainian economy in general has been substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vlasova N. O., Chekmasova I. A.
Foreign Economic Activity and Financial Results of Machine-Building Enterprises of Ukraine (p. 36 - 41)

The aim of the article is to study the interrelationships between indicators of foreign economic activity and financial results of machine-building enterprises at the current stage of development. The analysis of statistical reports related to series of two groups of indicators for 2005–2015 is carried out. The first group describing financial results includes the following indicators: volumes of sales, financial results before taxes, net income, return on operating activities. The second group characterizing the foreign economic activity includes the indicators of foreign direct investments, exports and imports, trade balance, share of exports in the total sales and the official average annual exchange rate of the national currency. Particular stages of interrelated trends of changes in the indicators in dynamics are determined. The degree of closeness of interrelationships between factor and result indicators is assessed by correlation analysis. Current interdependent problems associated with the development of foreign economic activity and financial soundness of the machine-building enterprises of Ukraine are revealed.

Article is written in English


Kuchkova O. V., Arkhireiska N. V.
The Logistics Potential of Ukraine in the International Ranking (p. 39 - 43)

The article is aimed at studying the ranking of countries by the LPI index, identifying causes of the low positioning of Ukraine and ways to restructure its logistics system. It has been proved that, by the level of development of the logistics industry, Ukraine’s position in the world standings every year worsens. Over the past four years the country has lost 19 positions and in 2016 has moved into the 80 place among the 160 countries. On the basis of analysis of the components of LPI was determined that the worst indicator among all evaluated characteristics Ukraine had demonstrated as to customs handling of cargo (116th place), the best – as to timeliness of delivery of goods to destinations (54th place), relatively well – as to logistics coverage and cargo tracking – 61st place. In order to restructure the logistics system of Ukraine and improve its position in the world ranking the priorities are: intensification of developing innovative technology; further integration into the world community, studying and introduction of international experience; construction of logistics centers and developing infrastructure throughout the country; education of highly qualified personnel through the development of institutions of higher education and business programs of advanced training.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kuzmin O. Y., Yurynets O. V., Melnyk O. H.
Problems and Prospects in Development of the Cross-Border Cooperation in the Context of the European Integration of Ukraine (p. 45 - 49)

The article is concerned with identifying problems and substantiating prospects of development of the cross-border cooperation in the context of the European integration of Ukraine. Both the European and the national regulatory frameworks in the sphere of the cross-border cooperation were carefully analyzed. The key problems in the development of the cross-border cooperation of the border territories of Ukraine with the border territories of the EU Member States, which have legal, institutional, infrastructural, economical, administrative-organizational, social and other origins, have been allocated. It has been substantiated that revitalization and intensification of the cross-border cooperation in the context of the European integration of Ukraine needs making necessary changes in the regulatory and legal framework, developing and implementing the efficient mechanisms and transparent conditions of the State support, institutionalizing the cross-border cooperation bodies, creating conditions for cooperation between parties to the cross-border cooperation, developing customs and border infrastructure, deepening the cultural, social, educational-scientific, and other necessary relationships.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Рanaseyko I. M., Guba M. O.
The Problems of the Non-Tariff Regulation of Foreign Trade Activities in the Conditions of Free Trade Zone between Ukraine and the EU (p. 50 - 54)

The article is aimed at generalizing the results of establishing the free trade zone between Ukraine and the EU in 2016, and developing measures to improve the system of non-tariff regulation of foreign trade activities. The substance, objectives, and tools of the non-tariff regulation of foreign trade activity, as used in the EU and in Ukraine, were considered. The major attention was paid to the tariff quotas for Ukraine in the terms of the free-trade zone with the European Union. The tariff quotas for different goods were analyzed from the view of their adequacy and uniformity of use. Reasons for partial use or non-use of the tariff quotas were identified. Issues of effectiveness of implementation of the restrictive function of tariff quotas, as well as their influence on Ukrainian exporters, were considered. A comparative characterization of the tariff quotas, which were applied within the terms of the free trade zone for Ukraine and for the EU, was carried out. The article specifies the necessity for compliance by Ukraine with technical reglaments, environmental regulations, sanitary and phyto-sanitary measures, marketing standards. The major obstacles to the Ukrainian products’ entering the European markets were identified.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Skrynkovskyy R. M., Vizniak Y. Y., Protsevyat O. S., Koropetskyi O. O.
The Diagnostics of the Insurance System in the Sphere of Foreign Economic Activity of Enterprise (p. 55 - 59)

The article is aimed at defining the essence and the place of diagnostics of insurance system in the sphere of foreign economic activity (FEA) of enterprise within the system of the economic diagnostics of enterprise. It was found that the performed diagnostics: 1) represents a partial diagnostic objective in the system for diagnostic purposes (element, partial, complex) for fundamental poly-criteria and system-oriented diagnostics of the enterprise activity; 2) is the process of identifying the status, analyzing and conducting the comprehensive assessment of the system of insurance of enterprise in the sphere of FEA, taking account of the legal responsibility (especially in the context of adaptation of Ukrainian legislation to the legislation of the European Union) with a view to identify and solve problems in the sphere of protection of the property interests of enterprise from various risks during a specific period, in which certain events occur (insurance events), at the cost of the property funds generated from premiums paid by enterprises to commercial insurance companies or other actors of FEA. Prospect for further research in this direction will be developing a system of diagnostic purposes for the economic diagnostics of enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Korohodova O. O., Kuhii A. A.
The Theoretical Foundations for Establishment and Functioning of Transnational Companies (p. 71 - 77)

The article provides the concepts of both the transnational and the multinational corporations. The main types of transnational companies have been defined and characterized. A retrospective of development of the transnational structures has been carried out considering the multinational, global and specific marketing strategies of the production-commercial activities of companies at different stages of formation. The main benefits for globalization of companies have been defined. The level of the global investment flows has been provided. A top-ten of the leading transnational companies according to the Global Fortune 500 has been allocated, the quantitative changes in the geographical structure of the leaders as to the home countries have been determined. The degree of influence of the transnational structures on the world level of scientific, technological developments, as well as commercializing the market for high-tech products has been defined. The objectives of creating the strategic transnational alliances have been determined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Storozhchuk V. M.
The Liberalization of the Customs-Tariff Regulation as a System Object of Research (p. 78 - 83)

The article is aimed at defining the essence and the features of liberalization of the customs-tariff regulation as a system object of research. The key concepts of the domain have been defined as: liberalization, economic liberalization, foreign economic liberalization, foreign trade liberalization, liberalization of the customs-tariff regulation. The article substantiates the expediency of considering the liberalization management as a system with clearly defined elements: subject, object, target and means of management, purposes and results of functioning. Considered: essence of liberalization in the economy; the foreign economic liberalization as a current tendency of the foreign economic policy; foreign trade liberalization together with emphasizing the contradictory nature of effects of its impact on the well-being and the economic growth of country; essence of liberalization of the customs-tariff regulation together with determining the uncertainty of its effects, both at the national and international levels. The article defines elements of the system for management of the liberalization of the customs-tariff regulation, thus a theoretical background for developing a system model of this process is created, wherein components of the system and its environment (factors of influence, resources, processes, actors of interactions, etc.) can be set with the desired degree of detalization.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sidorov M. V.
The Prospects for Ukrainian-Canadian Relations in the Context of Signing the Canada-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement (CUFTA) (p. 84 - 90)

The article characterizes the main benefits for Ukraine from bringing into force the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area with the EU (DCFTA) and the Canada-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement (CUFTA): mutual displacement of nontariff barriers in the trade; rules of origin; trade in services and attraction of investments. The dynamics of import and export flows between Ukraine and Canada have been analyzed and it has been proved that the countries are not strategic partners, although in the commodity structure of exports and imports each of them there are products that can enhance the overall turnover. The general dependence of Ukraine from imports from Canada has been explored through the dynamics of changes in the export-import coverage. It has been specified that bringing into force the agreement (CUFTA) will contribute to the support of the Ukrainian enterprises in entering new markets, deepening the trade ties and further strengthening the bilateral relations between Canada and Ukraine; increased cooperation, greater transparency in the issues of regulation and reducing the operating costs for businesses; production cooperation. The expert perspectives of the product groups for which Ukraine is the largest exporter, and Canada – the importer, have been provided.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kuzmin O. Y., Todoshchuk A. V., Melnyk O. H.
The Customs Regulation of Export-Import Operations in the Context of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area between Ukraine and the EU (p. 40 - 44)

The article is concerned with the problems of reforming the customs regulation of export-import operations in the context of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area between Ukraine and the EU. Both the goods and the territorial structures of Ukraine’s export-import activities with the EU Member States were analyzed. Trends in the cooperation of the foreign economic actors in the Lviv region with the EU counterparts were explored. The key activities carried out in Ukraine in the sphere of customs regulation in the context of implementation of the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area between Ukraine and the EU have been outlined and characterized, in particular: administration of tariff quotas, issuance of certificates by the customs authorities for the transport of EUR 1 goods, granting of the status of authorized exporter to economic entities, launching of an automated system of customs services «One-stop window», transition to electronic declaration, etc. The results, problematic issues and benefits of implementing the above activities in the sphere of customs regulation of the export-import activities of enterprises have been characterized.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Rudnichenko Y. M., Krymchak L. А.
Studying the Status and Tendencies of Foreign Economic Activities of Domestic Enterprises in the Context of the Intensification of the European Integration Processes (p. 39 - 44)

The article is aimed at analyzing the foreign economic activities of the domestic economic entities and studying the main tendencies in the foreign trade of Ukraine. The current status and tendencies in the foreign economic activity of Ukraine, in particular foreign trade, has been examined. The dynamics of exports-imports of goods and services within the period of 2012-2016 was analyzed. The structure of trade in goods and services during the analyzed period was researched. The article defines how the change in the foreign trade vector impacts its volumes and structure. The main countries-partners of Ukraine in the exports and imports of goods and services have been represented, and the changes in the geographical structure of foreign trade during the period of 2012-2016 have been analyzed. The main external and internal environmental factors that have a negative impact on the implementation of foreign trade by domestic enterprises have been defined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Syhyda L. O.
A Study on Ukraine’s Exports Activities, Determining the Directions of its Intensification (p. 45 - 51)

The article is aimed at determining Ukraine’s level of involvement in the world trade and globalization processes along with identifying the destructive factors of influence on Ukraine’s exports activity. The main indicators of Ukraine’s foreign trade activities for 2006-2016 were analyzed, in particular the exports and imports of goods and services, the export-import coverage ratio, the share of exports in GDP, and the share of imports in GDP. The foreign trade of Ukraine is determined to be dominated by imports, i.e. Ukrainian exporters are gradually losing their positions in foreign markets. It has been determined that the main factors that constrain Ukraine’s exports activity are the untenable structure of exports of goods and services, unreliable partner countries, and the unsuitable system of distribution of products in most enterprises engaged in foreign economic activities. Prospects for further research will be directed towards determining the best structure for marketing channels, thus facilitating the growth of exports.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Melnyk T. M., Pugachevska K. S.
The Tendencies in Ukraine’s Exports Development in the Context of European Integration (p. 66 - 73)

The article is aimed at assessing the tendencies of development of Ukraine’s exports in the context of European Integration. A comparative analysis of the participation rate as to the international division of labor, the export efficiency coefficient of Ukraine and its main trading partners was carried out on the basis of both national and foreign statistics. Indicators for the development of exports of goods and services to the EU Member States were analyzed. On the basis of the statistics of national accounts, export orientation and import dependence of the selected economic activities were calculated. A comparison has been made between the amount of tariff quotas granted to Ukraine for the export of individual trade items under the terms of the Association Agreement with the physical volumes of similar goods exported to the EU. It has been substantiated that for Ukraine, in the face of destabilization of the global trade regulators, an effective export-promotion is a mechanism for enhancing international competitiveness and thus for modernizing the national development strategy. Prospects for further research in this direction are determining the factors that have the greatest impact on the level of export orientation of the types of economic activities.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kotysh O. M., Stryzhak K. A.
The Analysis of World Experiences in Promoting Export Activity (p. 74 - 80)

This article proposes a theoretical analysis of the scientific approaches to defining concepts such as «exports» and «export activity». The results of the study helped to reveal that these concepts are identical, although this approach is criticized by many scientists. In the publication presented, the export activity is understood as a combination of actions on the part of the enterprises – foreign economic actors, involved in organizational arrangements aimed at preparation and marketing of goods to foreign economic actors. The article calculates the macro indicators in dynamics in order to characterize the status of Ukraine’s export activities. Its main development tendencies have been identified, the main challenges and directions for further development have been indicated. The article provides the international experience in promoting exports worldwide, the main tasks and functions of export promotion institutions have been explained, thus creating possibility to form recommendations for further actions on the part of the State to support and develop the export activity of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Poliakova Y. O., Baskovych D. V.
The Selection Criteria for the Basic Strategies of the Foreign Economic Activity of Enterprise (p. 80 - 84)

The article is aimed at systematizing the criteria for selecting basic strategies for the foreign economic activity (FEA) of enterprise by estimating the extent of their impact on the sustained economic growth of the enterprise in the external market in the long perspective, taking account of advantages and disadvantages of the available strategic alternatives. The article considers the essential characterization of the strategies of FEA; the basic strategies for entry into the external market have been allocated; a comparative analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of strategic alternatives to their implementation has been carried out. Criteria for selecting the basic strategy of the FEA of enterprise have been systematized. The authors substantiate the selection of the variant of a business-oriented strategic alternative that would provide maximizing the profits in the short and medium term perspective or would ensure a positive development of the enterprise’s reputation, on condition that a certain resource level, strategic flexibility, and capacities for overcoming the external market entry barriers are available.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tunitska J. M.
The Instrumentarium for Providing the Competitiveness of Exports of the Food Industry Products of Ukraine (p. 85 - 93)

The article is aimed at analyzing the dynamics, structure, and problems of the innovation development of the food industry and substantiating the directions of its intensification as a factor in the development of a competitive exports of Ukrainian food products. The article carries out a detailed analysis of the dynamics and structure of the innovation activity of Ukrainian food industry in the period from 2007 to 2015, in particular the characteristics of its resource and innovation provision. The performance level of productive-economic activities of the economic entities, the destabilizing factors impeding the innovation development of the national food industry, and the nature of formation of its technological infrastructure have been determined. A set of measures has been proposed to accelerate the innovation development of the food industry at the meso- and macro levels. For further research, enhanced studies on substantiating the methodology for estimating and forecasting the competitiveness of the food industry at the international level would be prospective.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kuzmin O. Y., Budz O. F.
The Theoretical and Practical Foundations for Building a System of Customs Services for Enterprises in the Context of European Integration (p. 94 - 98)

The article is concerned with substantiating the theoretical and practical foundations for building a system of customs services for enterprises. The proposed concept for building a system of customs services for enterprises considers it to be a poly-entitative process that can be implemented not only by customs officials but also by individuals, legal entities, non-profit organizations, foreign economic actors. It has been proved that, in the context of European Integration, in order to activate the foreign economic activities of national enterprises and to create a positive image of Ukraine as stable business partner in the international business community, building an efficient customs services system becomes topical. It is found that this system should typically include structural interrelated and interacting elements, such as: resource support, customs entities, goals and objectives, principles and technology of customs services, customs regimes and customs regulations, customs tools, objects and results of customs service.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pelekh O. B.
The Features of Ukrainian-Polish Economic Cooperation at the Beginning of XXIst Century (p. 99 - 104)

A priority direction for Ukraine’s foreign-economy-oriented activities is an intensive cooperation with the Republic of Poland. The article is aimed at identifying the features of Ukrainian-Polish economic relations in the period beginning from 2000. It has been shown that the Ukrainian-Polish economic relations have increased sufficiently in recent decades. They are based on the improvement of all forms of economic cooperation: international exchange of goods, international exchange of services, international movement of capital, and labor force migration. Nowadays, however, the level of such cooperation can hardly be described as meeting the potential of both countries: with regard to Ukraine, the trade balance is negative, Ukrainian exports consist mainly of raw materials and semi-finished goods, and the share of the high-tech cooperation remains modicum. Mutual trade in services is not developed at all. Investment cooperation is also insignificant, and successful investments on both sides is hardly possible. The real high-demand form of economic cooperation is labor migration, which today provides the truly substantial injections of monetary means into the country’s economy, but requires the immediate intervention of the State to make the labor migration from Ukraine organized, civilized, and truly profitable.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Serpukhov M. Y., Mazorenko O. V.
Systematizing the Instruments of Trade Wars and of Concealed Protectionism (p. 61 - 66)

The article is concerned with the problems of trade wars and hidden protectionism in the process of implementing international trade. The main purpose of the research is systematization of trade barriers and instruments used in the trade wars between countries. The basic instruments of trade wars have been analyzed, a list of the key instruments used in the trade wars between countries has been defined, and also the possible influence of these instruments has been described. The statistical analysis has resulted in identifying the main trade barriers and the most popular sectors of the economy in which protectionism instruments are applied. The authors have also defined the main interventions applied by different world countries in relation to Ukrainian products and groups of Ukrainian goods to which the most restrictions by the world countries are applied. The conclusions on counteraction and adaptation to the most popular instruments of protectionism in the process of activation of the export activity of country have been generalized.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dekhtiar N. А.
Studying the Phenomenon of Intrasectoral Trade as a Factor of Competitiveness of Country in Foreign Economic Relations (p. 67 - 74)

The article aims to determine the sources of competitiveness of Ukraine’s national economy within the framework of preferential trade agreements, as well as comparison of the intrasectoral trade theory with the contemporary transformation of the conception of international economic relations. A review of the basic methods of calculation of indicators of efficiency of the country’s foreign economic operations and indices of the intrasectoral trade has been provided; the approaches to determination of factors of competitive advantages of the country in international trade have been allocated; the complex of contradictions of functioning of the global market which should be solved on the methodological level and which stimulate emergence of the newest economic theories of international trade has been substantiated; several provisions of modern economic theories have been clarified; an example of analytical assessing the structure of trading operations within the framework of macro integration associations has been provided; usage of advantages of intrasectoral trade in the process of elaborating an export activity strategy of Ukraine has been suggested.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shtal T. V., Bondarenko L. M., Khokhlova A. Y.
Choosing the Direction of Development of Foreign Economic Activity for Enterprises in the Aviation Industry (p. 75 - 81)

The article is aimed at studying the existing approaches to the development of foreign economic activity (FEA) of enterprise, elaborating the procedure of its management in order to determine the direction of development of FEA of enterprises in the aviation industry of Ukraine. The authors have developed, formalized and visualized a phased mechanism of choosing the direction of development of FEA for enterprise, according to the method of functional modeling. The obtained instrument was used to determine the direction of FEA development for a typical enterprise in the aviation industry. Features of the aforementioned enterprise have been allocated, a suitable set of development directions has been selected, a reasoned procedure of implementation of activities on development of foreign economic activity at the enterprise has been analyzed and determined. Prospect for further research in this direction can be implementation of the mechanism at the enterprises of other industries, refinement of the instrumentarium for each stage of the process according to their features and needs.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Grischuk S. V.
The Main Tendencies of Development of Coal Industry in the World Market (p. 81 - 89)

To implement the course of stabilization of economic development, Ukraine needs to augment its potential and develop the tendencies of effective functioning of all spheres and sectors of economy. The article is aimed at characterizing and systematizing the main world tendencies of development of the contemporary coal industry. An analysis was used to allocate polar phenomena in the industry sector, in particular the process of increasing coal production in the countries with coal deposits, and the process of strategic reduction of the coal industry in view of both economic and ecological factors. It has been determined that the existing world prospects for development of coal industry show a global gradual reduction in the volume of coal production and consumption of coal as an energy carrier.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kutsab P. A.
Systematizing Financial Instruments for the Development of Cross-Border Cooperation (p. 80 - 85)

The article is aimed at further developing the financial instruments for the cross-border cooperation with the definition of key classification criteria, disclosing the contensive, subject-targeted, and functional directedness together with institutional support for the implementation of relevant programs. Developed on the basis of generalization of existing scientific approaches, the author’s own approach to systematization of financial instruments for the cross-border cooperation is presented. On the basis of carried out research, the author proposes a number of new criterial attributes of classification of financial instruments for the development of cross-border cooperation. This approach is of applied and integrated nature, taking into account the comprehensiveness of directions of its implementation, and can be used in developing mechanisms for activating the cross-border cooperation. Prospects for further research in this direction will be substantiating the specificity of effect of the financial instruments for the cross-border cooperation to activation of the development of border areas, taking into account their economic, social, cultural, climatic, and other features.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lomachynska I. A., Podgorna I. Y.
Ukraine’s Foreign Economic Activity with Jordan: Problems and Prospects of Development (p. 86 - 92)

The article is aimed at researching the dynamics and structure of the foreign economic cooperation between Ukraine and Jordan, defining factors and potential of the development of bilateral relations, substantiating the priorities of further cooperation between the countries, particularly regarding the expansion of the spheres of their trade-economic relations. The role of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan as a potential and prospective foreign economic partner of Ukraine was researched. The development and current status of the foreign economic cooperation between Ukraine and Jordan were considered, the dynamics and the structure of their bilateral trade-economic activity for 2011–2016 were analyzed. On the basis of the carried out SWOT-analysis, the internal and external, positive and negative factors influencing the development of bilateral foreign economic cooperation of Ukraine with the HKJ have been identified. The authors have determined the opportunities and prospective directions of development and expansion of spheres of the foreign economic relations and trade-economic cooperation between the countries, realization and intensification of which would improve the bilateral trade-economic relations between Ukraine and Jordan, as well as other countries in the Middle East.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lazarenko V. Y., Sardak Y. I.
The Project Approach in Organization of Foreign Economic Activity as a Means of Increasing Competitiveness of Industrial Enterprise (p. 93 - 99)

The article is aimed at studying the organization of foreign economic activity of industrial enterprise in case of introduction of project approach to its management. New conditions of doing business in terms of aircraft building enterprises, consisting in the transition to production according to international standards, require a modern approach to the solution of the range of issues. In conditions of limited internal financial resources of company and high expenses connected with entering the foreign market, it is extremely important to define the priority directions of foreign economic activity and the most optimal mechanisms of its organization and management. The functioning of the sphere of foreign economic activity of industrial enterprise in case of introduction of project approach to management has been analyzed. The essence, features and the main parameters of project approach as a means of increasing the competitiveness of enterprise have been defined. Priorities of the large-scale enterprise development strategy have been analyzed and suggested by means of carrying out the project method of organization of foreign economic activity.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Moskalenko N. O., Zosimova A. V.
Assessing the Status and Variability of Foreign Economic Activity of the Machine-Building Enterprises of Ukraine and Kharkov region (p. 100 - 108)

The technology of complex analysis of foreign economic activity of machine-building enterprises, based on the principles of complexity and gradualness, has been developed. According to the results of analysis, the first block of the developed technology allowed to determine the position of Ukraine in the world machine-building market. The preconditions of the current status of machine-building industry have been disclosed. On the results of the second block, the features of regional development of machine-building industry have been disclosed. The groups of goods of machine-building, having the largest share in the structure of exports and imports of Ukraine and Kharkiv region, have been determined. The list of the risk factors having the greatest influence on engineering enterprises of Kharkiv region in the course of implementing their foreign economic activity has been determined. The obtained scientific conclusions can be the basis for the machine-building enterprises in determination of directions of further development of their foreign economic activity.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Li Yingying, Zakharin S. V., Volosiuk M. V.
Activating and Increasing the Efficiency of the Sino-Ukrainian Investment Cooperation in the Context of Implementing the «One Belt – One Way» Initiative (p. 42 - 47)

The highest value for the reproductive process in the economy is represented by those foreign investments which are directed to implementation of large industrial and infrastructural projects, which also go into modern kinds of activity, particularly in the high-tech industries. In this context, work on stimulating the flow of Chinese investment has significant perspective, as Chinese investors are primarily focused on the implementation of strategically important long-term projects. The most attractive projects in Ukraine are the renewal of port infrastructure, purchase of innovation railway equipment, development of transport crossings at the borders with the European States. The article is aimed at providing the scientifically substantiated generalizations and recommendations on the problems of expansion of the Sino-Ukrainian cooperation in the investment sphere, including in the context of the possibility of Ukraine joining the project «Economic Belt of The Great Silk Road». The current tendencies of investment cooperation between Ukraine and PRC were analyzed. The contents of the initiative «One Belt – One Way» have been described. An estimation of prospects of expansion of the Sino-Ukrainian investment cooperation has been given. Suggestions for Ukraine’s accession to the «Economic Belt of the Great Silk Road» initiative have been made.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Berezhnyuk I. I., Koliada S. P.
Reforming the System of Providing Simplifications to the Entities of Foreign Economic Activity in Ukraine (p. 48 - 53)

The article is aimed at researching the national system of providing simplifications to the entities of FEA, analyzing the existing proposals on the change of national customs legislation in the context of providing simplifications, their critical analysis, and also elaborating own recommendations and proposals as to the national customs legislation. The authors analyzed the national customs legislation on providing simplifications to the entities of FEA before the adoption of the CCU 2012 and thereafter. It has been specified that the institute of authorized economic operator was introduced in the CCU 2012, but the effective mechanism for providing simplifications to the entities of FEA was not presented. Thus, the national system of granting simplifications to the entities of FEA has been disbalanced, as real mechanisms for providing simplifications to the entities with a high degree of trust do not exist in Ukraine currently. The authors have critically analyzed the draft changes in the CCU, have pointed out its certain shortcomings and inconsistency with the European customs legislation and domestic realities, as well as have proposed their own three-tier system of providing simplifications to the national entities of FEA. Prospects of further researches in this direction is elaboration of a practical and methodical instrumentarium for introduction of the mentioned simplifications which definitely offer significant advantages to owners of the AEO certificates and would help to balance the issues of ensuring economic security of the State along with providing simplifications in the sphere of foreign trade.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yudenko A. V.
The LPI as an Indicator of the Competitiveness and Potential of Ukraine’s Logistical Support in Relation to the European Union Countries (p. 54 - 59)

The article is aimed at studying the analysis of competitiveness and potential of logistical support of Ukraine in relation to the European Union countries, the method of calculating the efficiency of function of the logistics environment in the European countries, and considering the process of compiling the Logistics Performance Index (LPI). The analysis of competitiveness of logistical support of Ukraine was carried out with the help of the Logistics Performance Index (LPI) in the context of European countries; the indicators necessary to assess the logistics performance were analyzed. A comparison of the Logistics Performance Index of Ukraine with the European countries was carried out. The specific factors that inhibit or on the contrary accelerate development of the system of logistical support of Ukraine have been allocated. The factors of both positive and negative influence on the process of logistical support have been allocated. It has been concluded that, taking into consideration the bright positive dynamics, Ukraine intends to significantly improve its logistics position and in the future, according to the LPI of the World Bank, enter the list of the top 50 countries of the world, for which it has all the possibilities.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Fedosiesieva H. S.
The Peculiarities of the Foreign Economic Policy Implementation in the Agricultural Market: Problematic Aspects and Prospects (p. 60 - 64)

The article is aimed at researching the modern foreign economic policy with emphasis on its influence on the agricultural development and the formation of competitive advantages of agricultural producers. In the research of the essence of foreign economic policy, two of its most important goals have been allocated. Also the results of evaluation of the foreign policy of Ukraine with allocating of the main problematic aspects have been described. The conclusion about necessity of implementation of an integral foreign policy with emphasis on development and implementation of effective concepts in terms of its components (foreign economic policy, international diplomacy) has been made. The positive points in the export-import policy at the agricultural market and its problematic aspects have been allocated. Prospect for further researches in this direction is application of the obtained results for development of the concept of effective foreign economic policy, directed to formation of competitive advantages of the producers of agricultural products in the world market.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Storozhchuk V. M.
The Rules of Origin of Goods as an Instrument of the State Foreign Trade Policy (p. 65 - 72)

The article is aimed at analyzing the types of rules of origin of goods, existing in the international practice, and approaches to assess their impact on the foreign trade flows. The article considers two types of rules for determining the country of origin of goods used in the international practice: non-preferential and preferential. The main characteristics of the non-preferential rules of origin and peculiarities of their application in Ukraine are defined and systematized. The article defines the priority functions of the customs tariff, subject to the use of non-preferential rules of origin of goods, to which are classified: protective, fiscal, and regulatory. The criteria used in the non-preferential rules of origin of goods have been considered. It has been substantiated that the priority functions of the customs tariff subject to the use of preferential rules of origin of goods are the integration and progressive functions. The criteria used in the preferential rules of origin of goods have been considered. Based on the results of the analysis of the rules of origin of goods, it has been substantiated that their use can be considered as a restrictive or an incentive tool of the State foreign trade policy. It has been shown that of special importance, in the context of Ukraine’s integration into the global value chains, is the goods’ acquisition of the status of preferential origin in accordance with the criterion of diagonal cumulation within the framework of the Regional Pan-Euro-Med Convention, which requires Ukraine to conclude a number of bilateral agreements with the identical preferential rules of origin of goods.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Yakovchenko V. S.
The Effect of Foreign Trade Policy Transparency on Integration of Ukraine in the World Economy (p. 52 - 58)

The article is concerned with the interdependence between dynamics of the international trade and economic relations development and the existing level of foreign trade policy transparency in accordance with the provisions of the WTO Trade Facilitation Agreement. The effect of observance of transparency principle in foreign trade policy on forming the transaction costs in foreign trade is analyzed. A comparative analysis of the influence of import duties and transaction costs on the formation of Ukraine’s foreign trade barriers is carried out. Prospects of the national export-import activity development under increasing transparency of foreign trade policy of Ukraine and other world countries are determined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Semeniuk I. Y.
Determining the Efficiency of Adaptation of Foreign Economic Activity of Machine-Building Enterprises in Conditions of Deepening the European Integration Process of Ukraine (p. 58 - 63)

The article determines that introduction and implementation of the mechanism for foreign economic adaptation of machine-building enterprises to the conditions of the European integration processes requires constant monitoring of the processes of export-import operations and the adaptation activities to identify current problems and avoid risks. It has been found that one of the monitoring instruments is the system of indicators, which provides to evaluate the efficiency of use of the mechanism for foreign economic adaptation of a machine-building enterprise by comparing the values of the obtained indicators after accomplishing adaptation changes with the values of the indicators of previous periods. It is suggested to determine efficiency of adaptation of foreign economic activity of machine-building enterprises to conditions of deepening of the European integration process of Ukraine by means of: index of change of volume of exported production of a machine-building enterprise to the EU countries; weighted average of the change in the share of the European market, which is covered by the enterprise’s products; indicator of efficiency of exports of production of a machine-building enterprise to the European Union countries; indicator of the index of changes in the volume of permanent orders from European partners; integral indicator of efficiency of use of adaptive potential of a machine-building enterprise in conditions of integration processes.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Gusonka D. M.
The Labor Market of Young Specialists in Conditions of Strengthening the State Influence on the Foreign Economic Activity Entities of Ukraine (p. 90 - 96)

The key aspects of the foreign economic activity (FEA) of Ukraine in the period from 2014 to 2017 are analyzed. It is determined that during this period is necessary to strengthen the State influence on the entities of FEA in Ukraine. It is researched how the increase of pressure on the part of the State bodies has influenced the entities of foreign economic activity and what consequences it caused for social sphere, in particular, employment of the population, employment of young specialists. The author researches features of the youth labor market, factors influencing the status of the youth labor market, peculiarities of employment of young specialists, structure of the youth labor market. The main problems of youth in the labor market in Ukraine are considered, the relevance of social support of this category of population in the labor market in the framework of implementation of the State youth policy of Ukraine is underlined. Also the necessity of optimization of mechanisms of State regulation in such a way as to control, but not to hinder activity of the entities of FEA, is determined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pysmak V. O.
Improving the Management of International Supply Chains on the Basis of Logistics (p. 96 - 100)

The theoretical bases of supply chain management with the use of the logistics conception are considered. A separate emphasis is given to exploring the essence of the concept of «supply chain management», a semantic analysis of the concept is provided. The conceptual difference between the concepts of «logistics» and of «supply chain management» is substantiated. The specificity of supply chain management at the international level is researched. The basic models of supply chain management are considered, their main advantages and disadvantages are allocated. A scheme of the organization and management of supply chains is presented, which allows to integrate the main business processes and improve the quality of the logistics chain course. The implementation of logistics management of supply chains with the use of the category management methods is proposed. The problems above the marked subjects, requiring theoretical and methodical decision, are allocated.

Article is written in English

Kovtun T. D., Magalova V. A.
The Current Status and Prospects for Development of International Trade in Goods (p. 101 - 107)

The article is aimed at analyzing the current status and determining prospects for international trade in goods. The dynamics of international trade in goods are characterized and the reasons for its slowdown are disclosed. A considerable attention is paid to the analysis of the commodity and geographical structure of the international trade in goods. On the basis of the conducted research the new tendencies and peculiarities of development of the international trade in goods in the contemporary conditions are disclosed. In particular, the authors consider the tendency of increasing the influence of non-tariff barriers on the dynamics of the international commodity exchange. Based on the calculation of the export quota as an indicator of the intensity of foreign trade in goods, conclusions have been drawn about the degree of openness of national economies in the current conditions. The authors have noted that in the coming years the growth of physical and value volumes of the world commodity exports is projected in the conditions of growth of the world prices for raw products. It has been determined that, most likely, further development of the international trade in goods will take place in conditions of deepening of trade integration at the mega-regional level. An increase in the number of participants in the international trade in goods is also expected in the context of further spread of e-commerce in the developing countries.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Fedorenko I. A., Yelisyeyeva E. I.
The Conceptual Foundations of Estimating the Attractiveness of External Market for Production of Industrial Enterprise (p. 36 - 41)

The article considers methods of analysis of attractiveness of external markets for domestic industrial enterprises. The internal indicators of attractiveness of external market are analyzed, a step-by-step methodology of carrying out the strategic analysis of attractiveness of international markets is elaborated with the purpose of developing efficient market strategies for enterprise. The authors present a generalized methodology of measuring the degree of attractiveness of the external market in terms of implementing company’s interests therein. The research allows to identify possibilities of international activity of enterprise together with potential foreign markets, suitable for its activity. A complex method of estimation of attractiveness of the external market, allowing to develop an effective market strategy for enterprise, has been proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Rakhman M. S., Yevtushenko V. A.
Researching the Transport and Logistics Services as the Export Potential of Ukraine (p. 42 - 49)

The article is aimed at researching the problems, tendencies and development prospects of the transport system of Ukraine in the composition of logistics activities as the potential for economic growth, increase of the efficiency of foreign trade, and competitiveness of the country in the world market. The article covers the theoretical concepts of logistics: evolution and interpretation of the term, subject and tasks of logistics; essence of logistics model and its structural units. The geopolitical position of Ukraine is analyzed as a component of the global transport and communication system together with estimates in the World Bank rating by the logistics efficiency index. Structural changes in the dynamics of economic indicators of the transport services of Ukraine are researched by types of transport and transportation. The analysis of the types’ and geographical structure of exports of the transport services of Ukraine is carried out, the main problems of its development are disclosed. On the basis of correlation analysis, a GAP analysis of gaps between net income and marketing of transport services is built. Strategic decisions are provided.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Lubenchenko O. Е., Pohorelov Y. S.
The Subject Area of Audit of Foreign Economic Activity of Enterprise: Methodical Aspects (p. 23 - 33)

The subject area of audit of foreign economic activity of enterprise is defined as a set of connected and interrelated economic facts in the sphere of foreign economic activity (FEA) of enterprise. Elements of the subject area of audit of FEA of enterprise are presented and the basic questions on the economic operations therein are defined. The legal basis and documentary support of operations of export-import of goods and services, risks of operations of export-import of goods and services are considered, features of their taxation and reflection in the financial statements of enterprise are displayed, features of export services are disclosed, attention is focused on the essential issues that require consideration on the part of auditor.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shpak N. O., Budz O. F.
The Organizational Foundations of Customs Service of Entities of Foreign Economic Activity (p. 34 - 39)

The article is concerned with substantiation of organizational foundations of customs servicing of entities of foreign economic activity. The model which, in unified manner, regulates a logically substantiated sequence of implementation of basic integral stages of customs service is developed. The proposed model is based on the implementation of four key stages: preparatory, preliminary, basic, and final customs service. Within the framework of organizational foundations of customs service of enterprises, the interaction of its key subjects is disclosed: customs authorities, entities of foreign economic activity, customs intermediaries, and specialized non-commercial organizations of the customs profile. It gives an opportunity to form a complex, comprehensive and accomplished vision of the customs service process not only from the standpoint of one party, but also in the context of other subjects of customs service. Use of the proposed model allows to organize a coherent, consecutive and mutually beneficial cooperation, objectively giving attention to the interests of all its participants, and to ensure obtaining of effective results of customs services. Prospects for further research are analysis of the factors influencing the customs services of enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Mirzoieva T. V.
The Features of Export-Import of Medicinal Plant Products in Modern Conditions (p. 32 - 37)

The article is aimed at analyzing features and individual tendencies of the export-import of medicinal plants in Ukraine for formation of a strategy of development of medicinal plant raising in the course of further scientific researches. The analysis of imports of medicinal plants to Ukraine was carried out, during which it was determined that for 2016–2017 a gradual increase in the volume of imports of medicinal plants in Ukraine was characteristic. The performed analysis of exports of medicinal plants from Ukraine showed that the average annual rate fluctuated at the level of 3 thousand tons of products. The largest exporters of domestic production of medicinal plant raising are such countries as Poland, Great Britain, Latvia, and Germany. In general, the brief analysis of features and individual tendencies of the export-import of Ukrainian medicinal plants testifies that volumes of exports exceed the volumes of imports, and there is a certain potential therein, the possibilities of its materialization will be concern of a further research.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Grynko P. О.
The Diagnostics of External Environment Factors Influencing the Development of Export-Import Activity of Enterprises (p. 51 - 56)

The article presents an analysis of the external environment factors influencing the development of export-import activity in current conditions; their varieties for the conditions of activity of domestic industrial enterprises are defined. The tendencies of changes of values of macroeconomic indicators are analyzed. The logic of stages of carrying out diagnostics of the external environment factors influencing development of the export-import activity of enterprise is recommended as follows: 1) theoretic-logical analysis of tendencies of development of the export-import activity of the country; 2) analysis of the existing approaches to systematization of the factors of external environment influencing this activity; 3) determination of the cause-and-effect mechanisms in the system of macroeconomic factors and corresponding indicators; 4) determination of influence of factor attributes of development of export-import activity of domestic industrial enterprises on their effective attributes; 5) determination of influence of factors of external environment on the efficiency of export-import activity of the concrete enterprise; 6) identification of the most influencing factors of the external environment on development of export-import activity of the enterprise and compiling of their rating; 7) development of managerial measures as to development of export-import activity of the given enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Rakhman M. S., Zaloginа T. O.
The Structural Analysis of Import Operations of Ukraine (p. 25 - 34)

The article is concerned with researching theoretical provisions of features of import activity and analyzing the structural shifts of import operations with goods and services of Ukraine. The periodization of stages of development of foreign trade and advantages of application of trade principles is considered. The essence and conditions of implementing imports are defined. The theoretical provisions concerning the complex typology of varieties of import operations are generalized. The list of indicators characterizing import activity is provided. The bodies of regulation of arising contradictions between interests of foreign trade activity entities are indicated. The analysis of indicators of volumes of foreign trade with goods and services of Ukraine for 2000 – first 5 months of 2018 is carried out. Structural changes of goods import have been explored by commodity nomenclature, by broad economic categories (BEC) and by types of transportation, as well as their geographical segmentation. Statistical indices of volumes of import of services are analyzed in the context of types and the importing countries. Special attention is paid to the coefficients of export coverage of goods/services imports in the regional context. The results of regression analysis and several forecast models of import of goods and services of Ukraine up to 2020 are provided.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Voloshan I. G.
The Features of Organizing Export Activity at Enterprise and Documentary Processing of Goods for Export (p. 35 - 40)

The purposes of the article are provision of methodical recommendations as to organization of export activity at enterprise (especially – where to register and what permitting documents to receive), and also consideration of the package of documents, necessary for export customs clearance of goods to the countries of the European Union. The European Union quotas on products from Ukraine together with restrictions on the movement of goods across the border of Ukraine are analyzed. All important steps of a potential exporter are divided into stages: organizational; documentation; obtaining permissive documents with the allocation of responsibility centers for the creation of relevant documents and the execution of registration actions.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Melnyk O. H., Adamiv M. Y., Todoshchuk A. V.
The History of Harmonization of Customs Legislation of Ukraine in the Conditions of European Integration (p. 51 - 56)

The article is concerned with studying of the history of customs legislation of Ukraine and substantiating on this basis its key advantages and disadvantages in the conditions of European integration. The study was based on researching features of transformation of the normative legal provision of the customs sphere according to the European vector in the context of adoption and modernization of the basic legislative acts of customs specifics. The obtained results of the research allowed identifying and substantiating the key advantages and disadvantages of harmonizing the national customs legislation in the conditions of European integration at different stages of its development. It is determined, at the present stage, that the legislative harmonization has resulted in a regulatory and legal framework, which is quite close to European standards. However, the key problem today is the low level of implementation of certain provisions of the customs legislation, which hinders the successful functioning of the national customs system in the European space. Besides, the necessity of further improvement of the national customs legislation in the context of qualitative reforming of the customs system of Ukraine is proved.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Hatska L. P., Kharchenko T. B., Murovana T. O.
The Problems and Prospects of the Development of International Trade in Ukraine (p. 57 - 62)

The aim of this article is determination of problems of the international trade development in Ukraine, the main obstacles hindering this process in the current realities, and elaborating practical recommendations as to overcoming the obstacles. This article presents the nature of the international trade, main problems of its development in Ukraine. Development dynamics of Ukrainian foreign trade was analyzed, as well as ratio between export-import agreements was investigated. The crucial task of the modern stage of Ukrainian economy development is increase of Ukrainian exports in the foreign markets in order to ensure economic growth. Partial or complete loss of traditional markets, which took place in recent years, intensifies the necessity to search for effective solutions for the development of exports of Ukrainian products. One of the ways of solving this problem is to develop the trade relations between Ukraine and the European Union, because in terms of export the EU markets are potentially attractive. Also the EU is a large source of investments in Ukraine, necessary for the technological modernization and economic development.

Article is written in English

Proskurnina N. V., Tymoshenko K. V.
The Problematic Aspects in the Foreign Trade Activity of Ukraine in the Context of World Rankings (on the Example of «Doing Business») (p. 63 - 68)

The article identifies and analyzes the factors and possible problems faced by Ukrainian enterprises in the conduct of foreign trade operations, using the analysis of the data from the «Doing Business» rankings. The recommendations on perspective directions of development of foreign trade policy of Ukraine with the purpose of improvement of positions in the world market of goods and services are formulated. Thus, the problems of increasing the competitiveness of national enterprises in international markets are directly related to the increase of their export potential. The result of analysis on the basis of the data from «Doing Business», factors, and problems, necessitates the conclusion about systemic changes in the sphere of customs clearance in order to strengthen Ukraine’s position in the world markets of goods and services. These changes will help solve several problems at the same time: advance customs clearance, as well as reduce the cost of exports and imports of goods of Ukrainian enterprises, which in general will facilitate improving the general conditions of doing business and development of the logistics potential of the country.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tsiolkovska S. I.
The Functions of Management and Budgeting in Foreign Economic Activity of Agribusiness Enterprises (p. 69 - 74)

The article is aimed at researching the combined functions of management of foreign economic activity of agribusiness enterprises on the basis of comparing management functions and budgeting functions. The classical functions of management are analyzed: planning, organization, motivation, coordination, and control. The article describes the completeness of all components of the mentioned functions and the degree of their implementation, which mainly depends on their financial reinforcement, which is determined by the budget of the enterprise. On the basis of the analyzed functions the functions of management for foreign economic activity of agribusiness enterprises are allocated. Emphasis is placed on increasing the risk for domestic agribusiness enterprises in the implementation of foreign economic activities, which requires a special anticipative management for system implementations of management functions and budgeting functions allowing to be proactive of existing threats.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kotysh O. M., Kutsenko I. K.
Developing the Export Activity of Enterprise with Attention to Customs Regulation (p. 72 - 77)

The article considers the main problematic aspects of development of export activity of enterprise with attention to customs regulation. An analysis of statistical data has been carried out, allowing to identify tendencies of development of Ukraine’s foreign trade for the period from 2001 to 2016. The findings of the analysis show a high integration of Ukraine’s economy into the world economy and dependence of national producers on the trade in foreign markets. The authors’ own interpretation of such concepts as «tariff regulation», «customs-tariff regulation» and «customs regulation» is presented. A modeling of development of export activity of enterprise is carried out and the universal model is presented, which reflects the general stages of management to ensure efficiency of export operation with attention to customs regulation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kruk O. M., Balashova O. V., Hamora O. I.
Improving the Development of International Economic Relations and Joint Entrepreneurship in the Current Conditions (p. 78 - 82)

The article is aimed at researching the analysis of modern tendencies of Ukraine’s development in the field of international economic relations and defining directions of their improvement as well as the role of joint entrepreneurial activity. The place and role of joint entrepreneurial activity in the development of international economic relations is determined. The current status of Ukraine’s economy is characterized, directions and tendencies are indicated. An analysis of factors which have considerably influenced formation and development of the global economic relations is carried out. The influence of integration and globalization, their socio-economic and political consequences on the country is considered. Goals and priorities have been formed, features and problems of Ukrainian economy on the way to integration of the country into the world economy as an independent actor are defined. The main tasks in formation of national priorities of the country are defined. Measures as to solving problems of international economic relations and ways of their further development are proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yurynets O. V., Pryveda R. B., Dorosh O. I.
The Problems of Implementing the Cross-Border Cooperation Projects (p. 83 - 88)

The article is aimed at analyzing the national experience of implementing the cross-border cooperation projects, highlighting the main problems of underfulfillment of the cross-border cooperation projects, determining the advantages and disadvantages of projects of the cross-border cooperation through the prism of the Poland-Belarus-Ukraine Cross-Border Cooperation Program 2014–2020. The economic expediency of implementation of large infrastructure projects in terms of the program of cross-border cooperation «Poland-Belarus-Ukraine 2014–2020» in Lviv, Volyn and Zakarpatska regions is substantiated in accordance with separate socio-economic indicators. Problems of implementing the projects of cross-border cooperation are allocated, ways of their solution are recommended, and positive influence of these projects on the economy and development of the indicated regions is determined.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Iakovenko V. S., Borshchynska T. U.
Formulating the Threats and Estimating the Level of Foreign Economic Security of Ukraine (p. 71 - 77)

The article contains the results of the study on the foreign economic security of Ukraine, at both the theoretical and methodological levels. The concept of «foreign economic security of the country» is defined. The main threats to the foreign economic security are determined and, based on modern developments, a scheme of interconnections between the indicators of foreign economic threats for the country is built. The algorithm of calculating the integral indicator of Ukraine’s foreign economic security is created and the calculations based on the indicators that reflect several characteristics of the economic industries are carried out. According to the calculations’ results, the boundaries and extremes of the integral index values are determined. The fundamental characterization of the current dynamic of the status of foreign economic security of Ukraine is provided. According to the integrated estimation of the integral index, destabilizing factors concerning the foreign economic security of Ukraine are defined.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Dobroskok I. B., Chumak A. O.
The Stages of Entering the U.S. Market for the Small and Medium-Sized Businesses Using the International E-Commerce Platform Etsy (p. 68 - 72)

The possibilities of using the e-commerce platform as a more accessible and perspective variant of the enterprise’s entering the international market are considered. The performance indicators of the Etsy marketplace and the main disadvantages of the platform for Ukrainian companies are analyzed. On the basis of an analysis of theoretical sources and practical experience, the concrete stages of entering the U.S. market by using the international platform of e-commerce Etsy for Ukrainian small and medium-sized business (SME) are defined and characterized. The prospects for further researches in this direction are the use of available platform tools and external resources to simplify and systematize each stage, as well as search for options in view of scaling the business and strengthening positions in the market.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Horbal N. I., Hresko V. V., Hudyma R. V.
The Tendencies and Prospects of Development of the Ukrainian Exports (p. 73 - 78)

The article is aimed at researching the modern features of and prospects for exports of goods and services from Ukraine, in particular in the conditions of European integration. During recent years the competitiveness of Ukrainian products in foreign markets was growing. Ukraine’s foreign trade started to transform after the WTO membership and the Agreement with the European Union on the free trade zone. Today the European Union is the largest trading partner of Ukraine. It is stated that the exports of Ukrainian goods to the EU countries have good prospects, although the structure of national exports today consists mainly of raw materials. At the same time, the national light industry, transport, communication and IT-services are actively developing. The adopted export strategy of Ukraine for 2017-2021 aims at the transition of Ukraine to the exports of science-intensive innovative products for sustainable development and successful entry into the world markets. Effective regulatory policies, adequate incentives to attract investment, effective management, improvements in the transport sector, etc. are needed to further enhance of national exports.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kramarev H. V., Shlykova V. O., Levanda O. M.
Analyzing the Dynamics and Structure of the Foreign Trade Activity of Ukraine (p. 79 - 91)

The article is aimed at defining the problems in foreign trade activity of Ukraine, which may entail unsatisfactory status of foreign economic security of the country. Based on data from 2011 to 2017, the dynamics of the main quantitative characteristics of foreign trade, structural shifts in foreign trade (with the help of indices of L. Kazinets and V. Ryabtsev), and also structure of foreign trade in the context of regions of Ukraine are researched. The key problems determining high risks of foreign economic security of the country are defined: significant reduction of volumes of foreign trade; prevalence of negative trade balance; high value of the share of total exports and imports in GDP; weak development of trade with the EU countries; low level of diversification of export commodity positions and its raw material orientation; loss of traditional market of machine-building products; at the regional level, there is a deformed structure of foreign trade, while the main exporter and importer of goods and services is the city of Kiev.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Petrenko K. V.
The Impact of International Cooperation on the Socio-Economic Development of the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone (p. 37 - 42)

The article is aimed at theoretical substantiating and analyzing of the international cooperation, development of practical proposals on improvement of the international cooperation and influence on the status and socio-economic development of the Chornobyl exclusion zone. As a result of the research, the international projects concerning the economic development and status of the Chornobyl zone are indicated and the dynamics of indicators of socio-economic development are analyzed. Further potential prospects of development are determined. The basic directions of optimization of development together with attraction of investments in the region are proposed. The necessity of sanation and return of agricultural lands to production use and continuation of socio-economic rehabilitation of the region is the conclusion drawn. Prospect for further researches in this direction is substantiation of possible variants of activation of the investment attractiveness of the ecologically depressed region.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Miroshnychenko T. M.
The Directions of Integration Activities of the SCO Countries (p. 32 - 36)

The publication is aimed at researching the directions of integration activities of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) on the basis of analysis of its main documents and results of the activities of the member countries. The publication shows that nowadays new directions, projects and mechanisms for economic cooperation, having potential to influence the global economy, are being formed within the framework of the Organization. It is argued that the economic results of the SCO activities for the member countries are based, above all, on the great creative potential of economic self-sufficiency of the Organization due to the existence of a closed cycle of producers and consumers, which forms a huge reserve of its economic development as a whole and of each its individual member in particular. The conclusion is that the main economic performance of the member countries is related to trade, energy cooperation, creation of a favorable investment climate, regional division of labor. However, the uneven economic potential of the member countries creates imbalances and causes problems as a result of their raw material orientation, low financial strength, underdeveloped institutions of the modern market, as well as a result of the recent weakening of interest on the part of the leader of the Organization – China – to the narrow Eurasian cooperation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vitiuk A. V., Kepko V. M., Javela Karlush
Exports of the Machine-Building Products to the European Union Member States (p. 37 - 43)

The article focuses especially on the issue of exports of the machine-building products to the European Union. The characteristic tendencies of exports in the machine-building sphere, such as the growth of volumes of sale of production, a rather low technological level of the exported products are determined. The dynamics and volumes of exports and imports of the machine-building products are analyzed on the level of the industry sector. It is substantiated that the main macroeconomic conditions influencing exports of the machine-building products are the unstable political and economic situation, fluctuation of exchange rate, significant raw material orientation of domestic exports, systemic problems of development of the foreign economic activity (such as reimbursement of VAT; currency, customs and tax regulation). It is proved that the promising directions of development of the machine-building production, which would be in demand in the European Union, is rocket-space, aviation, military-industrial, energy, transport, agricultural, residential, road engineering and the machine-building related to IT-sphere.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Nosach L. L., Velychko K. Y.
Creating a Competitive Engineering Product for the Innovation-Oriented International Business (p. 34 - 41)

In order to research the issues of creation of a competitive engineering product for the innovation-oriented international business, the article examines the aspects and tendencies of development of the modern engineering services market as an important part of an efficient economy. The attention is focused on the research of engineering activity of the industrialized countries – leaders in the modern international innovation-oriented market. The article allocates the factors which should be taken into view when making decisions on the part of customer as to expediency of concluding a contract for engineering services. A detailed characterization of engineering is presented, based on the following structural elements: subject of trade, main directions, and material component. The authors actualize the issue of elaboration of an efficient method to create an engineering product, the result of implementation of which should be innovative engineering solutions taking account of the needs of a particular customer. On the basis of the carried out researches the algorithm of formation and selection of competitive engineering decisions is developed, based on the principle of innovativeness of engineering service, which should be the basic factor of influence on competitiveness of the innovation-oriented international business.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Komarnytska H. O.
The Model of Customs Servicing of Public-Private Partnership (p. 41 - 48)

The article is concerned with developing and substantiating a unified model of customs servicing of public-private partnership with participation of foreign private partner. The research was based on studying the existing legal framework and the practice of implementing public-private partnership in Ukraine, including customs services in this sphere. In the course of research a number of problems related to the customs servicing of public-private partnership in Ukraine is identified, reflecting non-uniformity of the normative-legal support in this sphere. The obtained results of the study allow to systematize the provisions of various legislative documents regulating peculiarities of customs servicing of public-private partnership, with attention to the practice of such projects in Ukraine and abroad, and to form on this basis a unified integrated and holistic vision of the process of customs servicing of public-private partnership in the form of a scientific-applied model. It is determined that the key operations within the terms of customs servicing of public-private partnership are preparation and implementation of customs clearance of foreign investments by a foreign private partner, which are invested by the latter on a contractual basis or as a contribution to the statutory capital in the objects of public-private partnership. Key subjects of customs servicing of public-private partnership are identified; their actions are systematized, merged and ordered in an organic mechanism of cooperation; a logical sequence of stages is formed, which is further on detailed as concrete operations under the common goal of ensuring the lawful crossing of the country’s border to capital and goods.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sholom A. S., Kazakova N. A.
The Global Institutionalization Within the Framework of WTO As a Growth Driver of Ukraine’s Foreign Trade (p. 48 - 54)

Since inception more than 20 years ago of the World Trade Organization (WTO), as the main institutionalizing force in the sphere of trade, the developing countries have sought to achieve special recognition and attitude within the multilateral system to address their own structural and systemic problems. However, the influence of global institutionalization within the framework of WTO on the foreign trade of member countries remains debatable. The article aims its research at the influence of global institutionalization within the framework of WTO on the foreign trade flows of Ukraine. The objective is to assess the influence of the global institutionalization within the framework of WTO on the foreign trade of Ukraine and to elaborate a roadmap to improve the national institutional environment. The main method is gravitational modelling. The Index of Economic Freedom of The Heritage Foundation, the Global Competitiveness Index of the World Economic Forum and the global indicators of the World Bank are used separately in the built models as institutional variables. All models also contain fictitious variables that indicate membership in the WTO or the regional trade agreements (RTA) of two countries. The sample includes all the countries that have been trading partners of Ukraine for the last 20 years. The following results are obtained: 6 gravitational models are built, allowing to calculate the possible growth rate of Ukrainian exports due to approximation of the institutional variables of Ukraine to the Central European level and to develop a roadmap to improve the national institutional environment. The calculated increase percentage shows that te global institutionalization within the framework of WTO can have a positive influence on Ukraine’s foreign trade flows, and gravity modelling can facilitate the determining how to improve the national institutional structure of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dunska A. R., Khomych O. V.
The Transport-Logistic Clusters as a Direction of Development of the Foreign Economic Activity of Ukraine (p. 55 - 59)

The article researches essence of the concepts of «cluster» and «logistic cluster»; the preconditions of functioning and creation of transport-logistic clusters in the context of development of foreign economic activity are defined. Taking into view that transport and logistics infrastructure as a whole are one of the key factors for the development of foreign economic activity, and also are elements of the availability and attractiveness of the economy for foreign companies, the authors consider the areas for development of this sphere in Ukraine as a part of the European Union. The analysis of the national transport-logistic regional clusters, which can potentially form an efficient transport-logistics infrastructure in the State, is carried out.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pysmak V. O.
Improving the Management of International Supply Chains on the Basis of a Logistic Conception (p. 60 - 65)

The article discusses the theoretical principles of the management of supply chains in terms of international contacts on the basis of application of a logistic conception. The concept of the international supply chain is clarified, the basic variants of its building are researched. The publication argues that logistic providers create preconditions for more efficient performance of business processes. It is proved that the organization of multimodal transportations of goods in the international supply chains should include harmonization of the overall characteristics of the cargo units on the basis of logistic accounting and contractual units, simplification of customs formalities and presence of a single person responsible to the owner. Features of the main technologies of cargo transportation in the international cooperation are considered and recommendations on increase of efficiency of each of them on the basis of application of a logistic conception are suggested.

Article is written in English


Pugachevska K. S., Rupcheva A. O.
Prospects for the Development of Ukraine’s Exports in the Context of European Integration (p. 29 - 37)

The aim of the study is to assess the key trends in the export of Ukraine in the context of European integration. Indicators of foreign trade of Ukraine and EU countries are analyzed. The commodity and geographical structure of domestic exports is estimated. The level of use of tariff quotas for export to the EU is analyzed. The main problems domestic enterprises face when entering the European markets are identified. It is substantiated that, since customs tariffs between Ukraine and the EU will be almost completely abolished, non-tariff barriers will continue to be a key obstacle to the development of trade. Consequently, domestic legislation should be harmonized with European regulations, which can be achieved by transposing EU standards, abolishing obsolete Soviet norms, strengthening institutional capacity, etc. Prospects for further research in this direction are problems of searching for reserves of export-oriented growth of certain economic activities, including by promoting domestic export on European markets.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kovtun T. D.
Features of Foreign Trade in Goods and Services of the European Union in Today’s Environment (p. 26 - 33)

The article is aimed at identifying the features of foreign trade in goods and services of the European Union in today’s environment. The positions of the integration grouping in the world exports and imports is characterized; the dynamics of the EU’s foreign trade and the reasons for its recent slowdown are analyzed. Significant attention is paid to the analysis of the commodity and geographical structure of the European Union’s foreign trade. Features of the EU’s foreign trade in goods are analyzed. In particular, the shifts in the structure of the leading countries – trade partners of the association – are illuminated. The specifics of the participation of individual EU Member States in foreign trade in goods are characterized. The shifts in the product structure of exports and imports of the European Union are discussed in detail. The latest tendencies in the foreign trade in services of the European Union are highlighted. It is noted that recently the growth rate of foreign trade in services of the EU exceeded the growth rate of foreign trade in goods, which indicates the growing importance of the service sector both in foreign trade and in the economy of the European Union.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Krymchak L. А.
Improving the Information-Analytical Provision of Economic Security of the Foreign Economic Activities of Industrial Enterprises (p. 33 - 39)

The article proposes certain instruments and approaches to improving the information-analytical provision of the enterprise’s foreign economic activities. The main components, in the context of which it is necessary to improve the information provision exclusively, are identified. These are exports, imports and organizational-procedural provision of enforcement of contracts. In order to improve the analytical provision of the economic security of foreign economic activity, it is proposed to use the instrumentarium of fundamental, technical analysis, as well as the analytical instrumentarium of the security-oriented management of foreign economic activity. Also, this publication defines the main approaches to improving the information, analytical and effective components of management. Since the management of enterprise can influence the processes of choice of foreign markets and individual entities of interaction, and thus influence the provision of economic security of its own foreign economic activities, proposals as to improving the selection of counterparties in terms of minimizing risks in the implementation of foreign economic activities are made. As a substantiation of these proposals can be considered the presented economic-mathematical model.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Hromyka R. P.
The Current Status and Prospects for Further Development of Trade Relations between Ukraine and the Countries of the European Union (p. 40 - 46)

The article is aimed at analyzing the current status of export-import operations between Ukraine and the European Union, as well as finding ways to optimize the volume of trade. A study on the investment process in Ukraine is carried out, the current status and prospects for the development of foreign trade, as well as mechanisms for attracting direct investments in the Ukrainian economy, are characterized. Considering that the country’s economy cannot develop effectively without the development of foreign trade activities, there are important issues of Ukraine’s increase in the volume of export-import operations in general and in the trade with the countries of the European Union in particular, as well as proper balance of these activities. The problems and ways to overcome them in terms of development of foreign trade operations, attracting investments in Ukraine, their connection with the regional policy of the State, ways to improve the competitiveness of products are considered. The basis for this study constituted (despite a fairly large volume of existing works by domestic and foreign scholars) the aspects that are constantly changing and have a significant impact on the status of foreign economic activities of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Marchenko V. M., Nechaіev О. L.
Modern Trade Barriers to Entry into Foreign Markets (p. 25 - 31)

The article is aimed at generalizing tendencies in the implementation of protectionist policies in the context of globalization of the economy, systematizing the instruments of the State protectionism and conducting a comparative analysis of the system of trade barriers in Ukraine and in the countries which act as trade partners. Analytical studies of trade barriers in the context of globalization of the economy demonstrate an increase in protectionist policies, despite the collective free trade agreements. In today’s world, however, the value of protectionism has changed. For the developed countries of the world, protectionism is a means of ensuring the competitiveness of their national economies and, for developing countries, protectionism is a means of securing against foreign competition. A comparative analysis of both the tariff and the non-tariff barriers to entry into the Ukrainian market and into foreign markets helped to identify further liberalization of foreign economic activity in Ukraine, which is manifested in the gradual reduction of customs tariffs and comparatively low import duties against the backdrop of the customs rates of the trading partners. The way to overcome the barriers of entry of Ukrainian products into foreign markets is to extend the free trade regime to trade relations with those countries that occupy a significant share in the geographical structure of Ukrainian exports, and with countries with significant consumption potential (China and Africa).

Article is written in Ukrainian


Zhabynets O. Y.
The Foreign Trade in Goods in Cities of Regional Significance in the Western Part of Ukraine: Tendencies and Structural Changes (p. 26 - 33)

The article analyzes tendencies, regularities and structural changes in the foreign trade in goods in cities of regional significance in the Western part of Ukraine. In particular, the correspondence of tendencies of the foreign trade in goods (exports and imports) in regional cities to the general tendencies that occur in their areas is analyzed; the contribution of regional cities to the development of export-import activities of their regions is assessed, and the structural transformations in the export of goods in the cities of Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtsi and Rivne are analyzed. It has been determined that in terms of the import of goods the Western part of Ukraine has common national trends (the general decline in the volume of imports of goods), and in terms of the export of goods, in contrast to the nationwide tendencies - there is an increase in the volume of international in trade goods. The defining role of cities in implementing the import of goods to the region is proven and the peculiarities of export tendencies are identified, which show that the commodity export potential of the Lviv, Volyn and Zakarpatska regions is concentrated beyond the large and medium-sized cities, i.e., on the periphery, so their importance as centers of production and of trade potential is essentially reduced. The raw material orientation of national commodity exports is confirmed and a differentiated approach to the development of export activities in regional cities is proposed on the basis of identified trends, regularities, peculiarities and problems.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Serpukhov M. Y.
Forming a Methodical Approach to Identifying «Under-Served» Foreign Markets (p. 34 - 45)

The article is concerned with testing the methodical approach to identifying the «under-served» foreign markets. The key challenge in activating the export activity and improving its efficiency is finding new, more attractive, markets with easy access and better terms of trade. In order to solve the task of finding new markets, a methodical approach is developed and tested on practical data. The method of identifying the «under-served» markets includes the 4 stages, where the selection of markets takes place according to different criteria. Export opportunities are evaluated in the first stage, which defines availability of the appropriate specialization in the export of products of the selected commodity group and the share of domestic exports in the world market. The second stage includes an evaluation of the potential for the development of external market. At this stage, the potential for the development of external markets is evaluated, which defines whether there are prospects for the development of a market in a certain commodity group. The third stage identifies the markets that have the largest volumes of imports of products and the share of domestic products on them. As a result, countries that consume significant amounts of goods to be exported are defined. The fourth stage evaluates the prospects for exports to «under-served» markets. According to the chosen criteria of market availability and the best terms of trade, prospective markets to which products can be exported are selected. At each stage, the structural blocks of the method of identifying the «under-served» market are considered; based on the practical data the markets for the production of 1101 «Flour from wheat or from wheat and rye mixture» are analyzed; the potential markets to which national enterprises can increase exports are identified.

Article is written in English


Zhyhlei I. V., Tymoshchuk K. V.
Liberalization of the Legislation on Currency: Causes and Consequences (p. 22 - 27)

The article is concerned with researching the status of the regulatory legislation on the foreign economic activities in Ukraine, analyzing legislative changes in the sphere of foreign economic operations, defining their causes and predicting the consequences. The creation of favourable legislative and tax conditions in the area of export-import operations will facilitate increase in the volume of foreign investment in Ukraine, which, in turn, will stimulate construction of new production enterprises, increase in the number of jobs and income growth of the population, and, accordingly, growth of the national economy as a whole. Works of Ukrainian and foreign scholars, aimed at researching problematic issues in the sphere of foreign economic activity are considered. The experience of other countries’ transition to the system of free floating of capital is analyzed and the existing risks of liberalization of the legislation on currency are defined, which are mainly dependent on the country that implements it. In order to introduce a liberalization of such kind, a country must achieve a sufficient level of economic and institutional development, otherwise the country can be exposed to crisis developments. Key points of legislative changes that are needed to ensure free floating of capital are identified. The reasons for the liberalization of currency legislation are defined, and the impact of the consequences of its introduction on the activities of enterprises and the economy of Ukraine as a whole are forrecasted. Changes in the legal instruments are analyzed and the consequences of their introduction are defined. Further directions of reforming the regulatory acts in the sphere of foreign economic activity, which provide for the easing of currency settlements, are proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kovtun T. D., Matviienko A. P.
The Current Trends in the International Trade in Goods, the Features of Ukraine’s Foreign Trade (p. 28 - 35)

The article is aimed at disclosing the current trends in the international trade in goods and the features of Ukraine’s foreign trade. The dynamics and structure of international trade in goods are analyzed and the current trends of its development are highlighted. The factors of slowing down the dynamics of international trade in goods and reducing its role as a catalyst for the world economy are disclosed. Much attention is paid to defining structural shifts in the international trade in goods both geographically and in the product aspect. Shifts in the composition of the leading countries participating in the international trade and changes in the group of goods - leaders in the world market are considered. The publication characterizes the dynamics of Ukraine’s foreign trade in goods during 2006-2018. Structural changes in the exports of goods from Ukraine are highlighted and the reasons for these changes are disclosed. On the basis of calculation of the index of identified comparative advantages, commodity groups are defined, in which Ukraine has advantages in the global commodity market. As a result of the carried out research, it is concluded that presently Ukraine has the identified comparative advantages together with specialization mainly on the exports of goods with low added value. The reorientation in the geographical structure of exports from CIS countries towards the EU countries also leads to the loss of Ukraine’s markets for high value-added goods and the expansion of supplies of raw materials and low-processing products. At the same time, the decline in imports of highly processed products against the background of a decrease in the domestic high-tech production increases the vulnerability of the country’s economy towards external shocks. In these circumstances, the prospects for positive developments in the dynamics and structure of Ukraine’s foreign trade depend on many internal and external factors.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Purii H. V., Slyusarenko K. V., Kulishov V. V.
Researching the Cyclical Fluctuations of Emigration from Ukraine (p. 36 - 42)

The article is aimed at researching the cyclical fluctuations and tendencies of emigration from Ukraine. Priority countries of emigration of Ukrainians at the present stage are determined; fluctuations in the net migration of Ukrainians along with the population numbers are analyzed; dynamics of the workforce volumes are explored; promising tendencies in emigration from Ukraine are evaluated; waves of emigration of Ukrainians are identified, their quantitative and qualitative characterizations are presented; basic principles and priorities of the country’s employment policy are outlined. Ukraine is significantly inferior to most European countries in terms of the level and quality of life of the population, and this is what prompts the relocation of some active and ambitious individuals who see migration as a reliable way to improve their standard of living. For the most part, Ukrainian migrants do not compete in destination countries with the local population for prestigious job vacancies in the labor market, but occupy less attractive jobs. A destructive consequence of mass emigration and the deterioration of the political and economic situation in the country is a rapid decline in the population of Ukraine. With the current migration tendencies, the next wave of emigration will lead to the departure of able-bodied young people from Ukraine, which carries the threat of depopulation and economic crisis. The uneven structure of the population with the predominant number of socially unprotected segments of the population makes economic development impossible for the country. It is substantiated that there is a need for proactive, flexible and securitized policy of employment of the population in Ukraine. With the development of the information society and the digital economy, Ukraine should support the introduction of information and communication technologies in the labor market, promote new types of social and labor relations, as well as new approaches to management of human resources.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Rakhman M. S., Nahorna Y. V.
The International Tourism Activities: Modern Realities and Tendencies (p. 43 - 50)

The article is concerned with the theoretical substantiation of the essence of international tourism and its significance, analysis of the main indicators of the economic development of the tourism industry of the world and Ukraine, exploration of the current tendencies and elaboration of a project of recommendations as to further development. The theoretical provisions on the essence of the term of «tourism» and the specifics of definition and functions of tourism are generalized; influence of the industry on the economy of a single country and the world is identified; the directions of applying management in the tourism industry and the structure of tourist product are considered. The authors analyze the international tourism indicators: contributions to GDP; volume of direct investments; share in total world exports and the exports of services; impact on employment and the dynamics of tourist flows in general and by the world regions. The structure of export revenues in the regional plane, ranking of the leading countries in terms of the volume of foreign visitors, and the volume of revenues from tourist exports in the dynamics are considered. A comparison of the species structure of the arrival of international tourists according to the purpose of travel is provided. An analysis of the main indicators of foreign trade in tourism services of Ukraine is carried out: number of subjects of tourist activities in terms of property and territorial accommodation; dynamics of the inbound and outbound tourist flow; advantages of foreign tourists as for the purpose of visiting Ukraine. The statistics on Ukraine’s foreign trade volumes on the item of article «travels» are analyzed. A project of recommendations as to improving the international tourism services is elaborated and conceived. The results are summed up and the current tendencies in the development of the world tourism are identified.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Havrylchenko O. V.
Diversification of the Structure of Export Activities Under Conditions of Economic Crisis and Loss of Foreign Markets (p. 51 - 56)

The article is aimed at analyzing the theoretical and methodological approaches to diversification of Ukrainian exports under conditions of economic crisis and loss of foreign markets. The essence and reasons for export diversification are considered, the structure and tendencies of development of national exports are explored. The carried out analysis of the structure and dynamics of Ukrainian exports showed the need to diversify Ukraine’s products with the purpose to gradually turn into a State with an innovative knowledge-intensive economy. This will help to restore economic growth and achieve a certain level of competitiveness. According to the results of the analysis, a large diversification of Ukrainian exports due to the gradual decrease in Ukraine’s focus on the CIS markets and, in particular, on the Russian market, is specified. Ukraine for now insufficiently uses trade opportunities with countries such as the United States, Germany, Great Britain, France, Japan and Canada. In general, the State underutilizes the trade potential with 75 world countries and thus underreceives about 6 billion US dollars. It is substantiated that in the conditions of economic crisis and loss of external markets it is advisable to use the opportunities of innovative and inertial directions of diversification. A methodology for evaluating export diversification at the regional and enterprise level is proposed, which should become the basis for determining methods of diversification and identifying measures aimed at optimizing the commodity structure of exports. Understanding the main stages of export diversification of enterprise is an important condition for its further implementation.

Article is written in English


Pugachevska K. S.
The Determinants of the Export-Oriented Development of Open Economies (p. 16 - 24)

The proposed scientific article deals with the topical issue of identifying the determinants of export orientedness in the context of increasing openness of national economies. The article is aimed at researching the determinants of export-oriented development in the conditions of neo-protectionism of the 21st century and identifying the level of export orientedness of Ukrainian economy on the basis of a combinatorial approach, which, in turn, is based on calculation of the indicators of openness and the commodity structure of exports. The article explores key tendencies in the foreign trade liberalization. The views of the leading economic schools in terms of the relationship between foreign trade policy and economic growth are analyzed. A comparative analysis of the openness of the economy of Ukraine and the world economy is carried out. The preconditions and consequences of the ultra-high level of openness of Ukraine's economy, as well as the commodity structure of Ukraine's exports according to broad economic categories, are analyzed. The author substantiates need to reorient the development priorities, which, along with existing ones, should include a shift away from the unilateral export orientedness and a simultaneous increase in domestic demand. The obtained results demonstrated: a tendency towards increased regulatory practices by both governments and international institutions; coordination and promotion of international cooperation in the foreign trade liberalization; increased use of non-tariff measures to protect the national market from foreign competition. The empirical basis of the obtained results helps to formulate the priorities of the expansion of Ukraine's exports, taking into account the determinants of export orientedness in the current environment, which should ensure the progress of all national economy sectors based on building the potential of domestic supply.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Pugachevska K. S.
Export Promotion in the Context of Evolution of Global Trade Regulators (p. 41 - 48)

The proposed scientific article is concerned with the topical issue of identifying the possibilities of applying the instruments for promoting the national exports in the context of effect of a number of global institutional regulators. The article is aimed at researching the concept of «export promotion» in the context of global trade regulators. The development of the world economy over recent decades is characterized by a deepening of the internationalization of economic relations and is manifested in the strengthening of the interconnection and interdependence of national economies, qualitative change in character of the trade and economic relations of countries, the emergence of new forms of international trade and methods of its regulation (in particular, development of the practice of using non-tariff regulatory instruments as a means of protecting the national market from the foreign markets competition). The systematization of views on free trade allowed to identify some shifts in the part of erosion of the certainty of judgment about its usefulness. It is substantiated that the policy of free-trading may not be «technically optimal» but it remains «pragmatically optimal». In other words, in the face of the lack of information and problems inherent in any system of selective protectionism, free trade remains the policy that makes it most likely to reach the highest possible level of economic efficiency. Contrary to the tendency of the increasing openness of national economies, the free-trading policies have their own characteristics in different groups of countries and are likely to be subject to determinants based on the specifics of national and regional models of economic development, which in turn reflect priorities based both on the objective factors (in particular, availability of natural resources, size and geographical location of a country, etc.) and the subjectively set up guidelines.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yevtushenko V. A., Liashevska V. I., Tokar Y. V.
The Methodological Basics of Foreign Economic Activity (p. 49 - 53)

Based on the analysis of the scientific array of information, the optimization elements of the system of management of foreign economic activity of enterprises are improved and defined. The authors’ interpretation of the concept of «external economic activity» is presented, where the main criteria are both complex and high-risk foreign trade activities, as well as the resident component of the subject. A comparative characterization of the concepts of «external economic activity» and «external economic relations» is presented. It is proved that the difference between foreign economic relations and foreign economic activity is that foreign economic relations are possible forms of implementing activity in foreign markets, foreign economic relations are practical materialization of forms of foreign economic relations. The classification characteristics of enterprises that plan to carry out foreign economic activities are formulated. The risk of conduct of international commercial operations, including investment activities, is described. Recommendations on the use of licensing and franchising, forming strategic alliances that will ensure the synergy of the company’s strategic resources and create the possibility of risk sharing between partners, are presented.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Pugachevska K. S., Vorobei Y. M.
Intellectualization of Capital as a Factor in Strengthening the Competitive Positions of International Companies (p. 21 - 36)

The article is aimed at researching the intellectualization of capital in terms of its influence on the strengthening of competitive position of international companies in the post-industrial economy. A systematization of scientific works in the research area has shown that in the context of the knowledge economy, traditional factors of creating competitive advantages, in particular material resources, lose their importance. At a time when knowledge and information are the engine of development, success is achieved by companies that manage to make full use of them in order to obtain competitive advantages both in domestic and international markets. Now the market value of some international companies, whose competitive advantages are based on intangible assets, is almost 6 times their book value. In this context, the formation of modern approaches to the management of intellectual capital takes place in the post-industrial era, when the precondition for the development of society and companies is the efficiency of use of intangible assets. It is substantiated that the management of intellectual capital from the point of view of the international company’s activities is distinguished by a certain specificity and differentiation of the contribution of its various components to increasing the level of capitalization of the company. The competitiveness of an international company in a post-industrial economy is determined by a wide range of criteria, including: activization of innovation activity; active commercialization of the structural elements of intellectual capital; protecting the company’s intellectual capital; use of the legally constituted means to enshrine exclusive rights to creative and intellectual work; allocation of the intellectual capital management process as a self-functioning subsystem.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mukan O. V., Pryveda R. B., Fedenko P. I.
Improving the Customs Clearance of Non-Alcoholic Products of Domestic Enterprises in the Conditions of European integration (p. 37 - 44)

The article is aimed at developing recommendations to improve the customs clearance of non-alcoholic products of domestic enterprises in the conditions of European integration. Factors of influence on customs clearance of non-alcoholic products have been analyzed, the main problems of customs clearance of non-alcoholic products of domestic enterprises have been identified and characterized. The relevance of improving customs clearance of non-alcoholic products of enterprises that actively carry out their foreign economic activities in the European Union is substantiated. Also the efficiency of the customs authorities’ activities concerning the entities of foreign economic activity in various sectors of the economy of Ukraine for 2015-2018 is analyzed; the main stages of customs clearance of non-alcoholic products of domestic enterprises are formed; the market for non-alcoholic products of Ukraine is analyzed; the main benefits of domestic enterprises acquiring the status of an authorized economic operator are characterized. The need for use by the foreign economic actors of the Framework Standards for The Simplification of Customs Procedures under the World Customs Organization is substantiated. Recommendations have been developed to improve the customs clearance of non-alcoholic products of domestic enterprises in the conditions of European integration by applying the recommended technology of registration of declarations by the type of «EA».

Article is written in Ukrainian

Makarchuk K. O., Shuba M. V.
The Current Status and Prospects for Attracting Foreign Direct Investment in the Chinese Economy (p. 45 - 50)

The article is aimed at defining the current status and prospects for attracting foreign direct investment in the Chinese economy. The dynamics of China’s inflow and outflow of foreign direct investment are provided, the main countries investing in the Chinese economy are specified. It is determined that the amount of foreign direct investment in the Chinese economy has been increasing annually during the researched period. This is facilitated by the openness of the economy, the rapid development of the high-tech sector, liberalization, creation of free trade zones. The legal regulation of investment activities and attracting foreign capital to PRC is considered. The government’s favorable tax policy, including the preferential regime of special economic zones, has been defined as an important factor in increasing the PRC investment attractiveness (out of 5400 special economic zones in the world more than 4000 are in Asian developing countries, and China holds the largest number of them – more than 2500). China’s positions in investment attractiveness ratings, such as the rating of ease in doing business, the index of economic freedom, the index of regulatory restrictions for foreign direct investment, the index of investor confidence, are analyzed. The relationship between China’s GDP and the inflow of foreign direct investment into China has been defined using correlation analysis. The results of the calculation showed that the correlation ratio is 0,54, which indicates that there is but a weak link between the indicators researched. The main advantages and risks of China’s investment climate are systematized. It is determined that, despite China’s significant investment attractiveness, there are many investment risks, but the Chinese government continues reforms directed towards improving the investment climate of the country.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sukhonos Y. S.
China’s Foreign Direct Investments and Their Influence on the EU Countries (p. 51 - 56)

Although the EU is generally interested in foreign investment, foreign direct investment (FDI) from China is often of some concern. Despite this, the EU at the present stage of development faces the challenge of reforming its foreign direct investment policy in such a way as to simultaneously achieve the following goals: to protect the EU’s current openness as to FDI (including the China’s); to solve the security problems that arise for some types of FDI; to ensure better openness and a level playing field for European FDI in China. The article is aimed at studying the threats and opportunities that arise from China’s direct foreign investment in the EU and their impact on the entire geographical region. The article analyzes the processes taking place in the mutual relations between the EU and China in the context of foreign direct investment implemented by the chinese part. It is proved that China, by investing in the EU countries, seeks access to: the latest technologies, the European market, the third-country markets (through the European market), the European brands, as well as influence on the political and economic processes at the level of the European region in general. The regional distribution of China’s foreign direct investment to the EU countries is considered. It is determined that the most interesting for chinese investors are the economically powerful countries - Great Britain, France and Germany. As for the regional distribution of direct investment, it is at present relatively uniform. The current tendencies in the change of the EU’s strategic priorities in terms of investment strategy are defined. The threats posed by China’s direct investment in the EU economies are being examined. In this process mainly allocated are the economic and political threats. From an economic point of view, FDI from China can affect the status of competition and generally lead to a redistribution of value, and from a political point of view, to contribute to the spread of China’s influence at the geopolitical level. A list of measures that can be implemented to reduce China’s economic and political influence on the European countries as recipients of direct investment is considered.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Duna N. G., Kovtun T. D.
Great Britain’s Economy in the Context of Transformation of Relations with the EU (p. 57 - 62)

The article analyzes the current features of development of the Great Britain’s economy in the context of membership in the European Union. The country’s positions both in the world and in the integration grouping are disclosed in terms of the economy size, the volume of foreign economic relations, and the degree of development of national production. The structure of the economy and the leading industries in the United Kingdom are characterized. The dynamics and current status of the min macroeconomic indicators of Great Britain are analyzed. The general economic and institutional-economic reasons for the vote to leave the European Union are considered. Options for transforming the relationship between Great Britain and the European Union are described, including: a hard Brexit (Great Britain’s exit from the common market and the development of trade relations with the EU under WTO rules) and a soft Brexit (conclusion of agreement with the EU and development of further relations in the format of a free trade zone, customs union or common market). The expected positive and negative consequences, opportunities and threats of the Great Britain’s exit from the EU are covered. In general, in view of the increased risk of the spread of disintegration trends in the world, it is suggested that this complex phenomenon requires further research.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ismayil Zohrab N.
Tariff and Regulatory Barriers for Freedom to Trade in the Eastern Partnership Countries (p. 63 - 69)

The purpose of this article is to identify and compare the tariff and regulatory barriers for the freedom to trade in Eastern Partnership counties (Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Armenia). Free trade as a concept requires policy reforms toward the reduction of tariffs and for quantitative restrictions for efficacious trade liberalization. UNSTAD reports that, two factors dominantly influenced economic performance in the transition economies that are parts of the CIS countries: the economic integration with and dependence on Russia, the importance of commodities, and oil for the prosperity. Doing Business 2020 suggests that Belarus became a leader with regard to ease of cross-border trading. The country is ranked 24th among 190 economies for ease of trading across borders. A few years before Georgia was a leading country in terms of cross-border trading, but now this country lags behind Belarus, Moldova, and Armenia. Cross-border trading with Azerbaijan and Ukraine is much more difficult. Both countries have longer and more costly procedures with more documentation required than other Eastern Partnership countries.

Article is written in English


Shuba O. А., Travkina K. V.
Modern Reserve Currencies: Debt Stability of the Reserve Currency Emitting Countries (p. 29 - 36)

The article is aimed at researching the level of debt stability of the countries that emit reserve currencies. The historical aspects of formation and development of the global structure of reserve currencies are considered in accordance with the functioning of existing currency systems. The current tendencies inherent in the institute of reserve currencies are analyzed. The State debt of the reserve currency emitters between 2000 and 2018 was explored, and the features of their debts were described. In view of the dominant positions of the US Dollar among reserve currencies, a retrospective analysis of the State debt of this country - emitter of reserve currency - is carried out. Also an analysis of securing the public debt by the United States, Great Britain, Japan, China, Canada, Australia, Switzerland and the Euro-zone is carried out. The results of the analysis suggest that the Swiss Franc and the Chinese Yuan are the most secured in terms of GDP together with gold and foreign currency exchange reserves among reserve currencies. Both Japan and the United States have a weak position as to debt stability. The hypothesis that most reserve currency emitting countries provide a high level of well-being of their population through a chronic balance-of-payments deficits, which leads to a constant increase in the State debt, is confirmed by the analysis results. Accordingly, a high standard of living in such countries is possible by using the resources acquired in debt. It is defined that this way of existence of reserve currency emitting countries is possible thanks to the virtual economy model. In addition, it is confirmed that the current reserve assets system does not provide an adequate level of stability on a global scale. The risks to the world economy are related to the vulnerability of the reserve currency emitters, specifically, in terms of the debt stability in these countries.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Lymar V. V., Ji Zhi
The Inclusive Globalization Strategy of «One Belt, One Road» (p. 23 - 28)

The article is concerned with studying the inclusive globalization strategy of «One Belt, One Road». It is defined that this initiative should contribute to the so-called rebirth of the great Chinese nation and serve the realization of the following goals: formation of a wealthy middle class and the building of a democratic socialist State. The Silk Road Economic Belt aims to promote the free movement of economic factors, efficient allocation of resources, deepen market integration, and support the coordination of economic policies of countries along the «One Belt, One Road» initiative, expanding and deepening regional cooperation, creating an inclusive and balanced architecture of regional cooperation in which all parties obtain benefits and opportunities for sustainable development. It is defined that to date there are already such results of cooperation between countries within the framework of the «One Belt, One Road» initiative: Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) – an international financial organization, which aims to promote international financial cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region, to finance projects from constructing roads and airports to sphere of services; The University Alliance of the New Silk Road (UANSR), whose tasks are defined as follows: improving the quality of education at universities in the countries that have joined the alliance; facilitating the economic growth of the Silk Road Economic Belt countries; establishing international relationships between universities in conducting joint research in the economic and political sectors; cultural activities to help strengthen diplomatic ties between the countries; developing educational exchange programs between universities; Strategic Union of Higher Education Institutions and the Tourism Union of the «One Belt, One Road» Cities. The cooperation of countries within the «One Belt, One Road» initiative is developing and deepening very quickly, which leads to interest in further study of this problematics.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Мakohin Z. Y., Atamanchuk Z. A.
Evaluating the Efficiency of Ukraine’s Trade with the EU Countries (p. 16 - 25)

The article is aimed at evaluating the efficiency of Ukraine’s trade relations with the EU countries by calculating the complementarity index and making use of various methods of empirical analysis. An analysis of the dynamics and structure of Ukrainian foreign trade in goods and services with the EU countries shows that the European Union remains one of Ukraine’s main trading partners. The balance of foreign trade in goods remains negative and in the service sector it remains positive. On the basis of empirical analysis, it is proved that cooperation with the EU is beneficial for Ukraine, as it contributes to the growth of domestic GDP twice as much as with the CIS countries. The Scatterplot study supports the hypothesis of the gravitational model that a significant distance between countries negatively affects the trade turnover between them. The authors have justified that each additional kilometer of distance is accompanied by a decrease in turnover by 0.7%, which is due to the additional costs of transporting the goods, significant linguistic and cultural differences, etc. The economic structure of relations between Ukraine and the EU is complementary (mutually reinforcing), with the highest complementarity observed with Ireland – 62.07, and the lowest - with Malta. Based on the calculation of the ТСІ index, taking into account the commodity specification, it was revealed that the most complementary goods in the structure of trade relations «Ukraine – European Union» 2018 were: fats and oils of animal or vegetable origin, cereals and black metals, which indicates the interest of partner countries (among the EU) in Ukrainian commodity positions, because especially for these products Ukraine has competitive advantages. In general, the evaluation of the efficiency of bilateral relations has shown that the EU countries are partners which cooperation is beneficial for Ukraine and has significant prospects for development, as evidenced by the calculation of the complementarity index and the empirical analysis results.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kovalchuk T. H., Zaharii V. K.
The Role of Outsourcing in Ensuring the Competitiveness of Countries (p. 26 - 32)

The article is aimed at studying the concept of outsourcing, its impact on increasing the competitiveness of both the countries of the world and Ukraine. The theoretical bases for the emergence and development of outsourcing are covered, the essence of the concept is disclosed, the views of scholars are considered. The global market for outsourcing services has been analyzed in dynamics and in various industries, positive results of use have been identified, as well as plans for the future have been examined. The world’s major outsourcing centers have been defined; the problems and prospects for their development are indicated; the impact of outsourcing services on the competitiveness of countries has been identified. A study of the Global Outsourcing Attractiveness Ranking, based on four criteria (financial attractiveness, people skills, business environment, innovativeness), has been carried out, which points to the competitiveness of outsourcing countries and allows to effectively attract countries to have outsourcing services provided. Ukraine’s place in this ranking has been determined and positive changes in its indicators have been noted, which increases the country’s reputation in the international arena and contributes to the growth of its competitiveness. It has been proved that Ukraine is an exporter of outsourcing services, the largest percentage belongs to the IT outsourcing (90% of our IT specialists work on the basis of outsourcing exclusively). Models for the use of outsourcing services are analyzed; the pros and cons of each of these models are defined; it is proved that the success story of the outsourcing countries is explained by the clear supportive policy of the State, as well as the quality of the product, its innovativeness and reliability. Using the comparison of outsourcing countries, ways to improve the use of outsourcing services in Ukraine to increase its competitiveness in the global market have been suggested.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Atamanchuk Z. A.
Global Trends of the International Tourism Development in the Structure of the World Market of Services (p. 21 - 27)

The article is aimed at highlighting modern trends in the world market of services, substantiating the specifics and directions of the market conjuncture dynamics directly in the international tourism services market in the global plane. Enhancing the role of international trade in services as a result of changes in technologies, demand and the structure of world-wide trends is grounded. The available service classification systems are provided. The author highlights the modern trends in the world market of services and defines the place of international tourism as a priority sphere of economy of many countries, providing the lion’s share of the total national income of countries, becoming a direction of international specialization, promoting comprehensive sustainable economic development, social inclusion, growth of employment and overcoming poverty, efficient use of resources, environmental protection, development of intercultural communications, preservation of peace and security as an important component of social interactions of global scale. On the basis of the allocated factors of globalization of the world economy the features of development of international tourism in conditions of globalization and regionalization are determined. Types of organization models of network integration in the sphere of international tourism, the activity extent of hotel chains, restaurant networks, global partnerships of airlines, online travel agencies and their role in globalization of tourism are analyzed. It is proved that global and regional vectors of modern international tourism turn the latter into both unique and powerful factor of economic progress of countries, which at the same time is dependent on the existing challenges and threats.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kuzmin O. Y., Zhyhalo O. Y.
Development of Customs Regulation of Export-Import Activities in the Conditions of Using the Innovative Capacity of Enterprises (p. 28 - 34)

The article is concerned with elaboration and substantiation of the model for development of customs regulation of export-import activities in the conditions of using the innovative capacity of enterprises. The research is based on the study of existing problems in the sphere of customs regulation of export-import activities, which prevent the efficient use of innovative capacities by enterprises in the direction of introduction and commercialization of innovations in foreign markets. According to the obtained results of the study, specific instruments of customs regulation of export-import activities in terms of customs clearance and customs control, which correspond to the European customs practice, are proposed. The relationship of the proposed customs instruments is reflected in the improved model of customs regulation of export-import activities, which represents their incentive, stimulating and activating effect on the processes of implementation and commercialization of innovations in foreign markets, taking into account the level of innovation capacity of enterprise. The resulting model for development of customs regulation of export-import activities of enterprises taking into account the level of innovation capacity is suggested to the attention of representatives of legislative authorities to improve the regulatory framework in direction of simplification of customs procedures aimed at increasing exports of innovative products produced by national enterprises and implementing the provisions of the Export strategy of Ukraine and the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ivanova M. І., Varianychenko O. V., Yehorova P. V.
The Process of Formation of a Competitive Foreign Economic Strategy of a Metallurgical Enterprise (p. 35 - 45)

The article is aimed at forming a competitive foreign economic strategy of a metallurgical enterprise on the basis of activities of the PJSC «Interpipe NTRP». In the times of crisis, the use of reasonable strategic approaches to providing competitive advantage in both the domestic and foreign markets gains a special importance. Strategic management allows neutralizing the action of negative influence of the external environment. Both general scientific and special methods of the system-structured analysis and synthesis were used to distinguish external and internal environmental factors affecting the activities of PJSC «Interpipe NTRP»; formation of strategic alternatives together with trend analysis; forecasts of export of ferrous metal scrap, profitability, gross profit of industrial enterprise. According to the results of the review of literature, factors influencing the achievement of the strategic goal are singled out and the number of internal environment indexes is expanded. The authors’ own definition of the category of «competitive economic strategy» category is presented as follows: this is the long-term plan for implementing the foreign economic activity, being one of the development alternatives for ensuring competitive advantages in the future, which are formed taking into account the impacts of external and internal environment. The analytical research on activities of the leading metallurgical enterprise has allowed to determine that the improvement of financial performance indicators is possible only through rigorous control over liabilities and loans. The authors propose to use competitive strategies according to M. Porter due to their validity and convenience. Prospects for further research in this direction are the search and analysis of prospective markets for metallurgical products in the implementation of the competitive strategy of foreign economic activity.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Velychko K. Y., Yaremenko M. O.
The Phenomenon of Student Migration in Ukraine (p. 62 - 70)

To study the processes of educational migration among Ukrainian students, in the article, the features of the process of student migration in Ukraine were analyzed. Factors that significantly influence this process were highlighted, among which the main one is the desire to get a good education because of the higher standards and, most often, to stay after studying in a country, which altogether is negative for Ukraine. It was determined that the main impetus for expanding educational migration was the adoption in 2014 of the Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education", that declared international integration and integration of the national higher education system into the European educational space, as well as an active participation of Ukrainian universities in Erasmus+, Horizon 2020, which formed a segment of Ukrainian international academic mobility. Using scientific methods such as data collection, interpretation of research, and construction of several regression models, it was concluded that Poland, Germany, and the Russian Federation are the centers of attraction of Ukrainian student youth during the study period. It was proved that the factors which contributed to the selection of these countries are linguistic and territorial proximity (Russia, Poland), perception of tradition, culture, as well as the opportunity to study for free (France, Poland). It was also emphasized the importance of the gender aspect of student migration. It was statistically proven that women are more likely to go abroad for tertiary education than men. Using a model of multiple regression, which was not previously used in studies of migration processes, it was found that among the possible factors influencing the variable "exit mobility rate", the development of international tourism had the greatest impact. Necessary migration policy measures on reducing the level of emigration were proposed. Moreover, the importance of solving such a problem as "brain drain" was suggested, which means the emigration of highly qualified professionals, associated with student migration, and has a very negative impact on the formation of scientific potential, and the recommendations to eliminate the negative results of the current situation of "brain drain" in Ukraine were proposed. Furthermore, the mentioned in this article scientific developments can be used in further research on student emigration in Ukraine.

Article is written in English

Kalyuzhna N. H., Lezhepokova V. G.
The Rating Systems for Assessing the Business Environment of the Host Country (p. 70 - 78)

The article is concerned with analyzing the international ratings and indices, developed by leading international institutions and organizations in order to study different aspects of the country’s development. The major rating systems are described, allowing to assess the degree of attractiveness of the business environment of the host country for implementing entrepreneurial activities, with allocation of their components and evaluation parameters. Both the leading countries and Ukraine’s positions in the ratings of indexes of economic freedom, global competitiveness, ease of doing business and involvement of countries in international trade are defined. It is displayed that international rating systems create wide opportunities for analysis of the business environment of the geographically diversified international companies. It is substantiated that the variety of approaches to assessment and the indicators used leads to the difficulty of comparison of the results of use of rating systems and determines the feasibility of further research in the direction of improving the instrumentarium of assessing the favorability of the business environment of the host country. In order to reduce subjectivity and ensure complexity of the result, an approach to calculating the aggregate indicator is proposed, allowing to assess the favorableness of the national environment for international business in accordance with its core components.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kononov I. I.
The Essence of Foreign Economic Activity as an Object of Accounting Modeling (p. 79 - 86)

The article is aimed at defining the essence and key characteristics of foreign economic activity (FEA) as an object of accounting. Interpretations of the concept of «foreign economic activity» in the legal documents and literary sources are analyzed. The main features of the FEA in Ukraine include the following: FEA is an economic activity; FEA is based on relationships between the economic entities under the jurisdiction of different States; FEA can be carried out both in Ukraine and abroad, both with the crossing of the customs border of Ukraine, and without such crossing. A conceptual model of FEA organization in Ukraine is developed, the components of which are: purpose, form of implementation, functions, principles, basic types and subjects of FEA. It is proved that the accounting features of the FEA operations depend on the types of foreign economic activity. An analysis of the most common FEA operations showed that the movement of money means in them should be classified by the following directions of activity: as the operational foreign economic activity, as the investment foreign economic activity, and as the financial foreign economic activity. It is proposed that the main accounting objects of FEA include: goods and services; currency means, currency operations; financial, credit and settlement operations; workforce; intangible assets. The methodological bases for the formation of information on the foreign economic activity accounting objects are characterized. It is proved that the construction of the information system of the enterprises implementing FEA should start with the modeling of accounting system and the formation of appropriate accounting and analytical support for each FEA accounting object.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Melnyk O. H., Pryveda R. B.
Problems of Financing for Cross-Border Cooperation Programs and Projects in Ukraine (p. 87 - 93)

The article is aimed at studying the problems of financing for cross-border cooperation projects and finding recommended solutions to eliminate them. In particular, the article analyzes various sources of financing and support for implementing the cross-border cooperation programs and projects; priority directions for cross-border cooperation are allocated; importance of the functioning of programs and projects of cross-border cooperation in Ukraine is emphasized. The study used statistics on project financing by the European Investment Bank in Ukraine, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, as well as development support programs by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development. In order to solve the problems of attracting financial support from the EU in terms of implementation of cross-border cooperation projects, it is recommended to finance cross-border projects with involvement of local authorities and the State authorities along with using their budgets, providing funds for a certain period of implementation of projects, which, in turn, will improve the efficiency of implementation of such projects in the border territories. According to the obtained results, the priority directions for the European Union to finance the cross-border cooperation and development projects are sectors of the agriculture and transport economy, namely, modernization and innovative development of industry branches, improvement of regional transport routes and the infrastructure in regions and districts.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Atamanchuk Z. A.
The Development of International Tourism in the Context of the COID-19 Pandemic: Tendencies and Expectations (p. 94 - 99)

The article is aimed at highlighting the current tendencies in the global tourism market, substantiating the specifics of market dynamics in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, and finding ways to diversify the tourism product in order to minimize the risks of significant losses of the tourism industry. The article focuses on the problems of a significant downward trend of tourist activity at the present stage caused by the spread of coronavirus around the world, the emergence of a new strain of which (2019-nCoV) was confirmed in December 2019 in Wuhan (China). The experts’ views on the effects of the intense spread of the virus over the world, which can be not only fatal to humans but also harmful to the world economy, especially for the sphere of international tourism, are analyzed. Tendencies in the losses of tourism industry from COVID-19 and large-scale measures to contain it at the level of the world’s regions are defined. The forecasts of a fall in employment in the travel and tourism sector at the regional level are substantiated. The approaches of the governments of some touristic attractive countries of the world to planning the restoration of tourism business in the conditions of lifting the quarantine measures are systematized. The expediency of diversification of the tourism product is substantiated, which takes on a special relevance in the face of modern challenges and threats to the international tourism activities. It is proved that the development of rural tourism is a priority sphere for Ukraine, which allows to solve a number of important problems for the country’s economy: minimize the migration of people from rural areas; provide employment opportunities for rural youth, ethnic minorities; reduce poverty; preserve cultural heritage.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Rakhman M. S., Nesen M. A.
A Statistical Analysis of the Economy and Foreign Economic Activity of the Netherlands (p. 17 - 22)

The research is aimed at analyzing the modern economy and directions of foreign economic activity in the Netherlands using the economic-statistical methods; defining the development challenges and prospects; elaborating a Netherlandian-Ukrainian cooperation project, as well as finding ways to improve foreign investment. The article provides characterizations of gross domestic product, external debt, foreign trade turnover, exports and imports structure, as well as the level of real GDP per capita. Both the structural and the dynamic analyses of Netherlandian exports and imports for the period 2014-2019 are carried out. Separately analyzed are the index of seasonality of exports and imports for the period 2018-2019 per quarters, as well as a the «seasonal wave» of the Netherlandian exports and imports over the same period per months. The relevance of the research on the theoretical aspects of the statistical analysis of the economy and foreign economic activity of the Netherlands is substantiated. It is proved that the analysis of the comparison of data on the structure volumes and the structural shifts of the country’s export-import operations holds an important place in this direction. The obtained results of the research can be used as in the field of education and economics, so in the research industry specifically. The main problems of the current economic situation in the Netherlands both on the world and national market are identified. The results are summed up and ways to improve the functioning of the Netherlands’ foreign economic activities by taking these measures proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yevtushenko V. A., Liashevska V. I., Chupryniuk Y. V.
Researching and Improving the Strategic Planning of the Foreign Economic Activity of Enterprise (p. 23 - 29)

The article covers the modern features of the implementation of strategic planning of the foreign economic activity (FEA) of enterprise, taking into account the current unstable external environment, its novelty and complexity. Strategic planning is defined as an important element of the enterprise’s system of the external economic activity management. For the long-term existence of enterprise on the international market, the basic objectives are set, the prerequisites for the introduction of the FEA in the enterprise and its transition to strategic planning are considered. Based on an analysis of the scientific works of domestic scholars, the structure and stages of the strategic planning process for the enterprise’s foreign economic activities are developed. In order to ensure the efficient operation of the system of strategic planning of the FEA in the enterprise, based on the obtained results of the development of stages, a number of requirements in accordance with its features are determined. In order to successfully implement strategic planning of the FEA, the principles for its implementation are defined and characterized. The process of strategic planning of the FEA is analyzed, types of management activities are formulated. As a result, mandatory criteria for the strategic planning of foreign economic activity are allocated.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Chepeliuk M. I.
Cultural Factors of Business Development in the Context of Globalization of the World Economy (p. 23 - 27)

The article is aimed at studying cultural factors of business development of well-known world companies within the globalization process. It is determined, that business culture is a system-forming element of enterprise and influences all spheres of its activity. It plays a crucial role in mobilizing all enterprise resources to expand the boundaries of its activities and enter international markets. Corporate cultures of famous corporations such as Procter and Gamble, Unilever, Royal Dutch Shell, Coca-Cola, Google, Facebook, Bento for Business, CB Insights, Adobe, Volkswagen, Daimler, Ford, BMW Group, are researched, identifying their features and factors of success in the development of culture. It is determined that many of the processes and rules of American and European enterprises are primarily focused on human rights. It has also been evident that the effectiveness of international business depends largely on the understanding of the culture of other countries, cultural differences between nations and the ability to adapt to them. In this regard, there is a need to study the peculiarities of national cultures and their impact on the business culture of organizations, development of approaches and methods for improving inter-cultural interaction, cultural adaptation, motivation, leadership, decision-making, and staff management in different cultural environments. In modern Ukrainian society sense of the concept of «business culture» is somewhat distorted. However, in Ukraine there are examples of developed business culture in companies and enterprises that are leaders in the market of services and goods. Among the large companies in Ukraine with the developed business culture can be identified Ukrnafta, Ukrtatnafta, Zaporizhstal, FozzyGroup, WOG, ATB-Market, Kyivstar, Epitsentr. It is determined that market leadership is a top priority for Ukrainian companies, while the staff is a value for only one third of enterprises. Vice versa, the foreign leaders’ priority is staff.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Chepeliuk M. I.
The Index of Global Competitiveness as an Indicator of Resilience of the World in the Global Crisis (p. 6 - 12)

COVID-19 has developed into a serious threat to humanity and has demonstrated the systematicity of economic activity processes, creating a «domino effect». Initially, China was the only country to face the emergence of an unknown infection. However, in conditions of close interconnection and interdependence of participants of international economic relations, COVID-19 has spread to other world countries, causing a pandemic. These events show a high degree of integration of economic systems in the conditions of globalization, in which the problems of one country become universal and must be solved by joint efforts of the entire global community. The events of the second trimester of 2020 demonstrate the systemic consequences of COVID-19 – negative events in the health care system (pandemic, worsening of viral threat), catalization of the economic crisis, which in the international scientific studies is now marked as the COVID-19 crisis. This points out the significant risks in terms of deterioration of indicators of both economic growth and financial stability. The article is aimed at forming a hypothesis that if a country has a higher global competitiveness index in the ranking, it should have more resilience in relation to the global crisis than less competitive countries. At the present, it is too early to assess economic losses from the COVID-19 crisis with any accuracy, but some preliminary estimates can still be made. Experts at the World Economic Forum indicate that the world economy is poorly prepared for a possible downturn in business activity, as the past decade has been «lost» in terms of taking measures to boost productivity. The average IGC4.0 for all countries under research makes 60.7 points, which means that almost 40 points are lacking for the ideal state. The countries need to develop not only monetary-credit policy, but also other types of economic strategies, investments, need to seek incentives to revive productivity growth and anti-crisis strategies. Finding a balance between technological integration and investments in human capital will be crucial to productivity gains. The shortcomings of conservatism were noticeable before the COVID-19 crisis, but the latter would force managers to switch from ideological support for Industry 4.0 to the specific application of its measures in practice. The main task of the States in the crisis is to achieve the best for society balance between technological and social development. According to the results of the system update, those countries that will succeed in achieving the best balance will become leaders. On the way to this goal, a culture of governance, trust between society and the State, including the willingness of the population to follow the instructions of the latter, will have the most significant influence.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zhabynets O. Y.
Assessing the Tendencies and Structural Changes in the Foreign Economic Activity of the Cities of Region (p. 13 - 19)

The article assesses the tendencies and structural changes in the foreign economic activity of the cities of regional significance of the Western region of Ukraine. In particular, the main indicators of foreign economic activity of cities for the period 2012-2017 were analyzed; cities were ranked by the rate of growth of exports, imports and foreign direct investments, as well as the proportion of exports of goods and services in the overall exports of cities, the speed and intensity of structural transformations. Changes in the structure of foreign economic activity of cities and in the level of their import dependence are identified. The problems defining the status of foreign economic activity in the cities of regional significance of the Western region of Ukraine are outlined and the key directions of their solution are suggested. It is determined that the structure of exports of the analyzed cities during 2012–2017 is represented by the prevailing share of commodity exports (on average above 80% in 2012 and above 75% in 2017). Against the background of the growth of exports of services, the share of exports of goods in 2017 decreased slightly, but remained a significant component of export activity. The growth of export volumes in the cities of regional significance of the Western region of Ukraine and the decrease of import dependence of their economies are proved. Significant contribution of the cities of regional significance to increasing the exports of services and reducing the volume of foreign direct investment to the economy of the vast majority of cities of the Western region of Ukraine are justified.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Rakhman M. S., Zaika O. V.
Analyzing the Foreign Economic Activities of Ukraine and the Structure of Export-Import Operations with Plastic Pipes (p. 29 - 36)

Polyethylene (PE) and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) are used in many areas of human activity, in the production of various goods, which is carried out mainly on the basis of imported raw materials. This production is almost entirely focused on the domestic consumption, and the pricing policy directly depends on customs duties and taxes. On the Ukrainian market are presented imported fabricated products with uprated specification, in particular, pipe products made of polymeric materials. The article is aimed at studying the volumes and structure of export-import operations of Ukraine in terms of the group «Polymeric materials, plastics and products from them», identifying problems and prospects of Ukrainian producers of pipe products and their participation in foreign economic activities. The analysis of structural changes in volumes and balance of the foreign trade in goods and services of Ukraine in dynamics is carried out; the volume of export-import operations in goods is determined; averages for the period are computed. The participation of Ukrainian enterprises in the implementation of foreign economic activities is characterized, including: quantity, regional placement in the territory of the country, the average volume of operations. The volumes and dynamics of export-import operations in the group 39 «Plastics, polymeric materials», both the commodity and the geographical structure are analyzed. The authors consider the main producers of fabricated polymer-pipe products together with the producers of domestic raw materials, their proportion in the sale of goods in the foreign market; the suppliers of imported raw materials and the impact of changes in customs tariffs and fees on prices. The range of average export-import prices for 1 kg of polyethylene pipes for the top five countries is calculated. Market problems are identified and the relevant recommendations are made.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kuklin O. V., Pustoviit R. F., Kryvoruchko M. Y.
The European Integration Challenges of Ukraine (p. 14 - 21)

The article is concerned with an analysis of Ukraine’s European integration challenges, which are considered from the position of the effectiveness of foreign trade, as well as in light of the institutional challenges of the European integration course. According to the results of research, both the dynamics and the structure of Ukraine’s foreign trade relations with the EU Member States, the CIS and Asia countries are analyzed. It is defined that the focus on the European Union market prevented domestic exporters from reaching the pre-crisis levels of 2013. The resource nature of the national exports to the EU is underlined. The high level of interdependence in the sphere of foreign trade relations with former partners of Ukraine in the CIS – the Russian Federation and Belarus, especially in the field of imports of fuel and energy resources, and export of nuclear reactors, boilers, machines, railway locomotives, products of inorganic chemistry, is emphasized. It is determined that Ukraine’s implementation of the Ukraine-EU Association Agreement is at a low level of 43%. The authors characterize the main tendencies in Europe as to the quality of life of the population on the basis of two indicators - the proportion of households that barely make ends meet (Bulgaria, Greece, Croatia, Cyprus, Portugal, Romania), and have unsatisfactory living conditions (Cyprus, Latvia, Hungary, Portugal, Slovenia) - the values of which are much higher compared to the average level in the EU. The general conclusion on the ambiguity of the issue of the effectiveness of the national economy’s orientedness toward the market of the European Union has been drawn. The need to take into account the multi-vector nature of the modern globalized world in the process of researching the impact of European integration on the economic development of Ukraine is reasoned.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Adamiv M. Y., Kots I. I.
The Experience of International Organizations in Promoting the Development of Customs Authorities: a Projection on Ukraine (p. 22 - 29)

The article is concerned with researching the experience of reputable international organizations on promoting the development and improvement of the work of customs authorities on the example of Ukraine. It is substantiated that the customs authorities of the country play an important functional role not only on the State, but also on the global level, participating in the formation of international security, intensification of foreign trade, development of the world economy, protection of the world’s population from dangerous and substandard products. Thus, ensuring the effective functioning of national customs systems is included in the list of priority tasks not only of the authorities of individual countries, but also of leading international organizations. The integrated efforts of authorized agents at both the State-based and the international levels to develop and improve the work of customs authorities are represented by the international customs cooperation. The research was based on a thorough study of the peculiarities of international cooperation between customs authorities around the world and, in particular, Ukraine. It was determined that in the conditions of functioning of the customs authorities of Ukraine in the structure of the State Fiscal Service, international cooperation remained at a fairly low level of development. Thus, the relevance of activation of the development of interaction between the customs authorities of Ukraine and the international organizations in order to successfully reform the national customs system as an independent authority is substantiated. On the basis of the results obtained, it is identified that today the key international organizations that actively contribute to the functioning and development of customs authorities are the following: the World Customs Organization, the Organization for Democracy and Economic Development, the European Bureau for Combating Fraud, the World Trade Organization. A comprehensive and thorough analysis of the activities of selected international organizations in the context of facilitating the development of customs authorities, including the example of Ukraine, was carried out. On the basis of examining the specialized materials and practices of international cooperation of customs authorities, it is determined that the activities of certain international organizations are directed to: support of work and solving problems of customs authorities in various spheres; providing technical, informational, consulting or financial assistance; improvement of implementation of certain customs operations; introduction of progressive customs instruments and technologies; exchange of best customs practices and experience; creation of a single customs environment by unification of customs rules and principles, etc. It is substantiated that an effective, permanent and mutually beneficial cooperation of the State authorities, including customs authorities, with leading international organizations is a powerful instrument for the development and improvement of the functioning of the national customs system in order to ensure the successful implementation of priority goals at both the national and the international levels. The results of the research can be used by representatives of customs authorities as a systematized informational base for the establishment and further development of cooperation with the major international organizations.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chepeliuk M. I.
COVID-19 as a Global Crisis in the New Socio-Economic Reality (p. 29 - 35)

The COVID-19 pandemic has become a challenge for the global community and has led to a sharp downturn in the economies of many countries around the world. In January 2020, the IMF said that the world is heading towards a new Great Depression, as there is a trend similar to the situation of the 1920s. Hence, according to forecasts, the rate of economic growth in East Asia and the Pacific region by the end of 2020 will decrease to 0.5% and will reach the lowest level since 1967, being a reflection of the shocks associated with the pandemic. In China, extremely restrictive measures have led to an almost complete halt in business activity in some sectors and regions. China’s economic growth is expected to slow to 1% in 2020. Economic activity in the rest of East Asia and the Pacific region is projected to decline by 1.2% in 2020 and will recover to 5.4% in 2021. The economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic have had a detrimental impact on the countries of Europe and Central Asia, with the overall recession to 4.7% as forecasted for 2020. In the Middle East and North Africa, a 4.2% decline in economic activity is forecasted, because of the development of the pandemic and the collapsed oil market. In South Asia, as a result of measures to mitigate the effects of pandemics and collapse of global demand, have sharply fallen the volumes of industry, services and trade activities. The effects of the pandemic and the drastic fall in global commodity prices was a crushing blow for Latin American and Caribbean countries. A sharp slowdown in the economies of U.S. and China has disrupted supply chains to Mexico and Brazil and caused a stark drop in exports from Chile and Peru. The downturn in tourism has also had negative consequences. Such statistics confirm the opinion of many leading scholars in the world that the result of the COVID-19 pandemic will be a decrease in the level of hyperglobization of the world economy. In addition, a move away from U.S.-oriented globalization and a shift toward China-oriented globalization will also be likely.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ahsan Diya Abdul Hussain
The External Debt Problem of Developing Countries (p. 36 - 49)

The article is aimed at researching the problem of external debt of developing countries. The current status of external debt of developing countries is analyzed. The growing demand for investors, combined with the growing number of firms looking to take on large debts, has led to a deterioration in underwriting standards and the credit quality of such loans. The grounded relevance of the use of borrowing resources today is not necessarily a bad thing, even on the contrary – it is one of the most effective ways to stimulate the growth of the economy. When these resources are used targeted and efficiently, they generate more revenue for the borrower. But this gets worse when loans are used inefficiently, that is when they stimulate excessive consumption rather than bring in additional benefits. The author concluded that the reasons for the current fears began long before the crisis of 2008. A debt is not a bad instrument if it is used to finance investments that make a profit or create assets that are worth more than the debt itself. It’s hard to find such data, but if we trace the tendency of global growth and compare it to the tendency of debt accumulation, we’ll see that doesn’t happen. Therefore, it seems that the situation is out of control, i.e., debts continue to accumulate, excessive accumulation of loan portfolios increases, and low interest rates imply the survival of companies and countries. This leads to liquid risks with the expiration of the debt repayment period. Governments have been addicted to increased loans – none of the more developed economies could cope with a possible tightening of monetary policy. This means that when the time comes to severely lower the credit shoulder, economic growth will suffer. Central banks, in turn, find themselves trapped because maintaining such loose monetary policy and a high credit shoulder poses a risk of forming the price bubbles. It is determined that while rates remain at current low levels, investors will be looking for a bigger return, which means taking more risk – this, in turn, could trigger the «butterfly effect», causing destruction to the entire financial system.

Article is written in English


Polyakov M. V., Bilozubenko V. S., Shablii S. Y.
The Features of the Modern International Scientific-Technological Exchange Development (p. 29 - 36)

The specifics of the modern stage of development of the world-economy system, among other things, is manifested in the growth of the level of internationalization of research and innovation activities, which was naturally accompanied by the intensification of international scientific-technological exchange (ISTE). It is the main factor that characterizes the grade of integration of the country into the world economy. This exchange is identified with the spread (diffusion) of knowledge, covering almost all industries, sphere of services, economy sectors. The article examines the main elements of the theoretical base of the ISTE research (theories of diffusion of innovations, industry diffusion of innovations, S-shaped curve, value of transactions, strategic management, industrial organization, social exchange, theory of international trade and internationalization, theory of economic mechanisms, the authors’ own concepts and models). The concepts according to which the ISTE is described (diffusion, transfusion of knowledge; diffusion of innovations as embodied knowledge; international technology transfer) and its main channels (global, interregional, international, cross-border) are researched. The reasons for the development of the ISTE are analyzed and its importance is substantiated. The peculiarities of participation in the ISTE of both the developed and the developing countries are considered – the main motives, forms, prevailing channels, and basic limitations. The grounds that determine the country’s success in absorbing new knowledge are provided (universities, information infrastructure, human resources, perception of innovation). The important role of international organizations (UNCTAD, WTO, WHO, etc.) in the ISTE, which form international policy in the sphere of intellectual property protection and ensuring global cooperation, is underlined. It is emphasized that the main problems in the ISTE are related to the divergence of interests of the State and business. The main tasks for the governments of the countries on achieving the optimum of the ISTE (improvement of the national innovation system, formation of special infrastructure of ISTE, training of scientific personnel, organization of special work on the absorption of new knowledge and their adaptation, dissemination of advantages of the ISTE, formation of the State policy on development and regulation of participation in the ISTE) have been formulated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bulkina I. A.
Ukraine’s Contribution to Development of the International IT Services Market (p. 37 - 42)

Today, information technology in one way or another covers almost all spheres of human life. The world economy is gradually moving into the Internet space. In the context of globalization of the economy, the competitiveness of the State is increasingly determined by the degree of development and practical use of information technologies, which today are an instrument for the development of the modern economy. The article graphically presents the dependence of the level of economic development of countries on the level of spending on information technology. The classical structure of the IT sector and legislative definition of the main categories, including: information service, information product and information technology, are provided. Ukraine’s positions in international IT ratings and in some related rankings are determined. It is determined that in recent years Ukrainian IT enterprises occupy advanced or leading positions and demonstrate positive dynamics of their own activities. The reasons for this rise, despite the general economic backwardness, can be considered an impressive growth of the software development market, as evidenced by statistics of the World Bank, PwC, the Association «IT-Ukrayina» and the State Statistics Service of Ukraine. The structure and dynamics of exports of IT services in Ukraine is analyzed. The main consumers have been identified. The analysis of tax revenues to the State budget from the activities of IT enterprises and freelancers in this sphere is carried out. It is defined that the growth of demand for Ukrainian IT services is facilitated by: financial factor, slight sensitivity of IT in Ukraine to economic fluctuations, prestige of work in the IT sphere in Ukraine, historically strong side of technical education, reduction of bureaucracy and positive trends in the taxation system, geographical location of the country. In addition, the largest asset of the IT industry in Ukraine is a huge pool of IT professionals, which has no analogues in the quality of skills.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Dubiei Y. V.
Current Trends in Technical and Technological Development (p. 47 - 52)

The article is concerned with the main trends of technical and technological development, which are characteristic of the world economy in the 21st century. The facts of economic history relating to technical and technological development demonstrate the periodic change in technological leadership of certain countries of the world. The system of indicators is singled out, on the basis of which the country’s place in the global technological space is diagnosed, as well as the forecasting of further trends in its development on the path of scientific and technological progress is carried out. Based on the world rankings on the total domestic costs of science, their share in the gross domestic product of the country, the cost of R&D per researcher (equivalent to full employment) shows the provisions of individual countries as to financial support of technical and technological development. The research potential is described on the basis of such indicator as the total number of researchers in a particular country. It is demonstrated that these indicators, describing in its totality the level of provision of a particular country with financial and labor resources, through which new knowledge is created, do not always indicate its success. With the involvement of the indicators of research and patent activity (which reflect the number of published articles and submitted applications for patents), as well as the global index of innovations, plus the index of development of information and communication technologies (which characterize the result of technical and technological development achieved by the country), the directions of advancement of countries in terms of technology and technology are determined. It is identified that the provision of resources for the production of new knowledge is a necessary, but insufficient condition for obtaining technological primacy in the world. It is proposed to evaluate the positions achieved by the country on the path of technical and technological development through the formation of an internal indicator, which reflects both its provision of resources for the production of new knowledge and the degree of return on their use. It is proved that this approach to the evaluation of technical and technological development allows to obtain more thorough information about its sources and factors, as well as to identify weaknesses on which the country should focus to promote scientific and technological progress.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Polyakov M. V., Bilozubenko V. S., Shablii S. Y.
Tendencies in the Development of International Scientific and Technological Cooperation (p. 53 - 60)

In recent decades, there has been an intensification of international scientific and technological cooperation (ISTC), which takes place in various forms. The publication is aimed at generalizing the methodological bases of research and examining the main tendencies in the development of modern ISTC. The essence of ISTC and its objective predeterminence are defined, its importance as a factor of a world-wide development on the basis of the global spread of the achievements of science is specified. The peculiarities of ISTC progress at both macro- and micro-levels, which covers all stages of knowledge acquisition and takes place in an intensive manner in the field of both fundamental and applied research, are explained. The main elements of the methodology of the ISTC research are: principles, conditions of development, types, forms, directions, mechanisms and main effects. It is substantiated that the most important precondition for the development of ISTC is its institutionalization. International business became one of the leading forces in the ISTC. The main structural tendencies in the development of ISTC (increasing the degree of institutionalization, geographical diversification, diversification of the directions of cooperation, wide application of information and communication technologies (ICT), international scientific associations, etc.) are allocated. The peculiarities of participation in the ISCT of both developed and developing countries, as well as spatial changes (increasing the level of globalization, intensification of cooperation at the level of cities, universities, innovation zones; development of spatial and network structures of production, organization and use of knowledge; intensification of global mobility of highly qualified personnel, transfer of technologies) are explained. Attention is drawn to the formation of global innovation networks; development of intensive knowledge communities; expanding participation of universities in the ISTC; increasing the number of information platforms as the basis of ISTC; expanding the role of international scientometric databases, repositories, archives, libraries on the Internet. Measures are proposed to intensify and improve the ISTC system at both the global and the regional levels, especially the multilateral mechanisms to support developing countries. Attention is focused on the need to use a noosphere approach.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Maksymenko A. V.
The International Anti-Offshore Regulation in the Context of Global Financial Imbalances (p. 60 - 65)

At the present stage of development of the world economy, problems of capital migration in offshore zones began to manifest in relief, which adversely affects the state of the global financial system. These trends lead to the need to evaluate new directions of the anti-offshore regulation. It is proved that the transformation of the anti-offshore regulation by its nature, driving forces, vector orientation and mechanism of development at all stages of the world-economy progress clearly reflects the systemic transformations of global financial imbalances. It is found out that the evaluation of offshore jurisdictions comes out of the degree of transparency of their activities, as well as readiness to cooperate on the exchange of tax information within the framework of the OECD’s special concept of mutual assistance in tax affairs. The role of international organizations in regulating anti-offshore activities has been identified, and the prospects for their influence have been evaluated. It is determined that the anti-offshore regulation is implemented, on the one hand, through shifting of emphasis from combating the fiscal benefits of offshore zones to limit activities with the «black» (tax-free) zones, and on the other hand – through the mechanisms of international economic policy implemented on the institutional platform of international currency together with the credit and financial organizations. The author describe preventive measures on tax evasion, which consist in the development of an inclusive structure of the OECD and G20, which will allow interested countries and jurisdictions to cooperate in the development of standards on issues related to tax evasion, as well as with supervision and control over the implementation of the entire package of actions. It is determined that the mechanism of de-offshoring should be directed not only towards the elimination of territories with preferential taxation, but also towards benefits from their use on the basis of the existing financial infrastructure of the world’s leading offshore centers.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Makarchuk K. O., Shuba M. V.
Ukraine and Great Britain Trade Cooperation: The Current State and Prospects (p. 65 - 71)

The article is aimed at determining the current state and prospects for the development of trade cooperation between Ukraine and Great Britain. For Ukraine, cooperation with the the United Kingdom as one of the world’s trade leaders can be a promising direction. The dynamics of foreign trade in goods and services of Ukraine with Great Britain are provided. The increase in Ukrainian exports of goods may continue after the Great Britain leaves the EU, as, unlike other EU countries, Great Britain pursues a less protectionist policy on agricultural products. The commodity structure of exports and imports, as well as changes in the structure of foreign trade in the services of Ukraine and Great Britain over the past 5 years are analyzed. The main commodities exported by Ukraine are ferrous metals, grain crops, fats and oils of both animal and vegetable origin. The structure of British imports of goods is dominated by goods with high added value. Great Britain is one of Ukraine’s main foreign trade partners in the trade in services. A positive process for Ukraine is the increase in the share of services exports in the sphere of telecommunications, computer and information services. It is determined that trade cooperation between Ukraine and Great Britain during the researched period is characterized, in general, by positive dynamics. Positive changes include a gradual reduction in the negative balance of Ukrainian trade with great Britain due to faster growth of Ukrainian exports. At the same time, the unresolved problem remains low-diversified exports of Ukraine with low added value. Prospects for further trade cooperation between Ukraine and Great Britain in the context of signing the Agreement on Political Cooperation, Free Trade and Strategic Partnership between Ukraine and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland are examined.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Shepel T. V.
Modern Realities and Prospects for the Development of Ukraine’s Foreign Trade (p. 49 - 58)

The article discusses the current situation of the foreign economic activity of Ukraine. The main problems of export-import relations of the State are determined. The export potential is studied and dynamics of foreign trade are analyzed. The advantages of the agrarian sector and machine-building in the foreign policy of the country are determined. The practical inclusion of the country in the world trade space through the combination of economic and administrative methods of regulating the country’s foreign economic activity is analyzed. It is proved that Ukraine’s international activities play an important role in forming the budget and GDP of the State. The raw material orientation of Ukrainian exports is studied and the vulnerability of the country’s competitive positions in foreign markets is determined. The dynamics of commodity and geographical structures of the export potential of the State is analyzed. The greatest demand of goods by domestic producers from Kyiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk and Zaporizhzhia regions is determined. The priorities for the development of foreign economic relations between Ukraine and the European Union are formulated. The main negative factors influencing the development of the country’s foreign economic activity are summarized: insufficient level of product competitiveness; non-compliance with international quality and safety standards; low level of processing of exported products. Attention is paid to supporting the interests of national producers, increasing the export potential of the national product, eliminating the effect of import substitution, especially: fuel, harmful and poor-quality products and consumer goods. The necessity of improvement of marketing researches, formation of a simplified system of customs-tariff regulation, optimal management, accounting and control structure for the formation of effective information support in the sphere of export-import relations of Ukrainian enterprises are substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Atamanchuk Z. A.
The International Tourism Development as a Way to Formation of Cross-Cultural Tolerance (p. 58 - 64)

The scientific publication is aimed at exploring the communicative aspects of tourism, its value impact on humans, substantiating the peculiarities of the development of international tourism as a way to formation of cross-cultural tolerance. The article accentuates on the cultural values and value characterizations of international tourism, the role of the communicative culture of the individual as the main link in the concept of the theoretical model of universal human values, the importance of adherence to the principles of tolerance, which are becoming increasingly important in the modern world in the context of globalization of the economy, development of communications, growth of mobility, integration, interdependence and transformation of social cultures. The approaches to analyzing tourism as a social and cultural phenomenon are systematized, the stages of the communication process are distinguished. The author analyzes the content of the most significant documents in the sphere of international tourism adopted with the participation of the World Tourist Organization, which emphasizes the need to adhere to tolerant forms of communication. The focus is placed on the role of international organizations in strengthening cultural ties between peoples, mutual enrichment of cultures as a result of tourist exchange, observance of the principles of tolerance. On the way to the application in practice of establishing intercultural communications in international tourism, the article substantiates effectiveness of such methods as: introduction of an adequate system of acculturation, which involves such types of communication ties as integration, assimilation, division, marginalization at the levels of emotions, actions and cognition; creation of such conditions by the host party, which would contribute to increasing the level of satisfaction of tourists by establishing a constant exchange of information, maintaining feedback, disseminating content among visitors regarding the prospects for the development of tourist infrastructure of the host country.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kondratenko N. O., Ternova I. A., Kolesnyk T. M.
The Theoretic-Methodical Aspects in Management of Foreign Economic Activity of Ukrainian Economic Entities (p. 21 - 26)

The article examines the theoretic-methodical aspects of management of foreign economic activity by economic entities in Ukraine. It is specified that foreign economic activity has a huge impact on the development of all world countries. The practice of recent decades justifies the expediency of expanding the participation of all countries in various forms of international business and cooperation. From this point of view, all globalization processes are consistent, since the economic interdependence of countries in terms of solving economic and social issues increases year after year. As to their content, the methods of management of foreign economic activity be identified similar to the main functions of management: planning, motivation, control, organization, regulation. They are divided into economic, administrative, social, psychological, technological, legal methods, which act in practice by means of certain instruments. It is noted that when planning foreign economic activity, the operational determination of problematic issues arising during the activities of the economic entity allows to quickly respond to changes in both the internal and the external environment of the enterprise business conduct. Also, it is important to have separate units at the enterprises for carrying out controlling of foreign economic activity; analysis of the processes of planning and accounting of the major indicators of foreign economic activity, which will provide an opportunity to solve existing economic and organizational problems, eliminate disparities in planning and obstacles within the information collection systems, to form a group of indicators of foreign economic activity of the economic entity, etc. It is concluded that achieving the efficiency of foreign economic activity management should, first of all, be based on the adaptation of the enterprise to the requirements of the international market and the prompt definition of problematic issues that arise during the activity, which allows to quickly respond to changes both in the internal and external environment of conducting business and in the conditions for foreign economic activity.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kondratenko A. I., Babmindra D. I., Slobodianyk I. M.
Trends in the Development of Ukraine’s Foreign Trade in Goods in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic (p. 30 - 36)

The article discusses and analyzes the volumes of Ukraine’s foreign trade in goods in 2019-2020. A positive trend regarding the foreign trade balance on trade in Ukrainian goods is allocated. It is found that there was a decrease in exports and imports of goods during the researched period. The commodity structure of Ukraine’s foreign trade is analyzed. Changes in the commodity export structure in 2020 compared to 2019 have been identified. The main groups of goods that Ukraine exports and imports the most when trading with foreign countries are allocated. The groups of goods whose export and import volumes have undergone the greatest changes in 2020 and as compared to 2019 are allocated. The geographical structure of foreign trade in Ukrainian goods is analyzed. Changes in the geographical structure of exports in 2020 compared to 2019 are determined. It is specified, which countries are the largest importers of Ukrainian goods and from which countries Ukraine imports the most goods. The countries in terms of the largest changes as to the foreign trade with them in 2020 compared to 2019 are allocated. It is determined that the most important reason for changes in the volume of foreign trade in Ukrainian goods in 2020 compared to 2019 was the COVID-19 pandemic. The global impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the world economy and human life in general is noted. The main changes in the economy and society, which caused changes in the volume of foreign trade in Ukrainian goods, as well as the main reasons for the change in supply and demand, which are typical for all countries of the world, are allocated. The main directions of the State’s assistance to increase the volume of exports of goods from Ukraine in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic are defined. The negative and positive changes in Ukraine’s foreign trade caused by the coronavirus pandemic are characterized.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Drymalovska K. V., Kyryliuk R. O.
The Main Features of the Modern World Market of Insurance Services (p. 36 - 41)

As competition in international and national markets intensifies, it is important to create a system to protect economic actors from potential threats and adverse factors. To solve these issues, it is necessary to ensure the effective functioning of the insurance market, which is one of the important components of financial security. Without the developed insurance market, it will be impossible to ensure the social and economic progress of the country, its corporate security, welfare etc. The current state of the world insurance market has certain features, which makes it possible to adapt to the change of the modern world and improve the work of the insurance industry. To create a clear insurance market, it is necessary to develop an effective policy as to the insurance activities of both the insurer and the reinsurers, as well as to establish solvency insurance systems. The development of the insurance market is accompanied by many economic, regulatory, organizational, methodological and personnel issues. The publication is aimed at studying and distinguishing the peculiarities of development of the world market of insurance services. On the basis of studying the works of scholars, the main features of the modern insurance market are provided; key signs of the insurance industry are presented; statistical information on trends in the insurance market development during 2019 in the following regions: North and Latin America, Western Europe, Asia, European developing countries. The impact of COVID-19 on the state of the insurance industry in Europe has been characterized. As result of studying the key trends in the future development of the insurance market, the main components that are necessary for the formation of an effective policy of insurance companies in the context of COVID-19 have been formed as follows: digitalization, innovation, analytics, feedback.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ptashchenko O. V., Vovk V. A.
Features of Ukraine’s Trade Cooperation in the Current Conditions of Globalization (p. 42 - 47)

The article considers the main features of the high-tech sphere and the possibility of trade cooperation therein. Technological progress has completely changed the structure of the modern world economy. Thanks to the technologies, novel activities have been developed, many of which are efficient and highly profitable. A classic example of the impact of the introduction of high technologies in everyday life is the emergence and use of new information technology. Due to the widespread use of new communication technology, the transmission cost of voice, data, text, images, as well as international fees for the transmission of information have sharply decreased. Fast data transfer (e.g. e-mail, via the Internet) and teleconferences have provided economy with modern communication and the ability to do business around the world, allowing to significantly increase the speed of operations and thus receive increased profits. According to the Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine, trade cooperation in the high-tech sphere can be divided into several directions: IT industry, defense industry, energy complex, aerospace industry. Thus, about 85% of energy and oil and gas equipment is exported during a year. The main export destinations are Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan and the UAE. Therefore, energy, oil and gas companies are less susceptible to the crisis in the economy over the past few years. This is due to the fact that the work of enterprises in these sectors is mainly based on long-term contracts, most of which serve projects for the construction of gas pipelines, oil pipelines and the reconstruction of power plants. Such projects continue to be financed by Central Asian countries. Despite some significant successes in such industries as aerospace, energy equipment production, heavy and transport engineering, and some others, the state of the industry in general does not meet the modern requirements of both the domestic and the world economy. First of all, Ukraine lacks a number of high-tech industries that determine export positions. The quality and technological solutions of electronic products, household appliances, agricultural and road-building machines, as well as a number of other goods are significantly inferior to foreign counter-parts. Technological exchange or trade cooperation in the high-tech sphere in a broad sense can be understood almost the entire range of international economic relations, including the purchase and sale of patents and licenses, trade in goods and services.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Chernova O. V., Zaiats D. H.
The Role of TNCs in U.S. Economic Strategy (p. 42 - 48)

The article is aimed at analyzing the impact of American transnational corporations (TNCs) on the economic strategy of the United States of America. During the research, the essence of the category of «transnational corporation» is considered and the peculiarities of functioning of the leading TNCs are defined. The key vectors of U. S. economic strategy at the present stage are specified. The activities of transnational (multinational) corporations in the United States of America is analyzed. The article carries out a comprehensive analysis of the existing ratings of American transnational corporations. The key indicators of their activity in various spheres of public production and sectors of economy are analyzed. The impact of transnational corporations on the U.S. economy is evaluated by analyzing the dynamics of exports, imports, indices of gross domestic product (GDP) and gross domestic product per capita. The activities of American TNCs in the territories of foreign countries is studied. The analysis of the dynamics of direct foreign investment of the United States of America abroad and the scale of investment in the national economy of the country from abroad is carried out. The geographical structure of foreign direct investment from the United States of America is considered. Existing threats to the U.S. economy caused by transnational corporations are identified, and their consequences are estimated. Conclusions have been drawn on the future prospects of transnationalization of the US economy and the impact of global companies on the economic strategy of the United States of America.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chernukha T. S., Bunchykova T. S.
The Strategies and Forms of Entrance to the International Market for a Consulting Company (p. 48 - 56)

The article necessitates studying the theoretical and practical aspects pertaining to the formation and choice of a strategy for the entrance of economic entities in the consulting sphere to the international market along with adaptation of certain regularities to the modification of market conditions. The article researches trends, characteristic features and tendencies of the international consulting market in the field of technical design and engineering; outlines key concepts of the industry; presents proportions of this type of business; identifies the dynamics of the market of consulting services on technical maintenance and consulting in the USA and the countries of the European Union. The factors of influence on the international policy of the consulting company for technical design and engineering are analyzed and a block scheme for the formation of an international strategy for entrance to the world market is presented. The stages of formation of the strategy and form of the consulting company’s entry into the international market are defined. The analysis of the level of involvement in various strategies for entering foreign markets allowed to systematize the strategies for entering foreign markets according to certain criteria. As a result of the research, new vectors of strategic approaches to the consulting company’s activities in the international market are allocated, the attractiveness of strategic external business activities is assessed by means of the Delphi method. Prospect for further research in this direction is a substantiation of the market expansion strategy, in which the consulting company can adapt the extant services for new markets. Further development of the era of «consulting 4.0» can lead to the replacement of traditional consulting services.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Skarha O. O., Soroka Y. Y.
The Theoretical Bases of the Development of the Tourist Services Market in the System of the International Market of Services (p. 57 - 63)

One of the most significant structural shifts in the economy is the rapidly growing importance of the servicing sphere. Gradually, it becomes increasingly important in the modern world economy and turns into the dominant sector of the national economy. The sphere of services is characterized by such features as high dynamism, higher profit rate, high speed of capital turnover, as well as shorter payback period of investments compared to many commodity sectors of production. There is also a constant growth of the role of international tourism, which has almost inexhaustive potential for development and is a promising direction of socio-economic development of countries. Tourism activity has a multiplier effect, stimulating the development of other industries. The article is aimed at analyzing the essence and main aspects of development of the tourist services market within the world market system. As a result of the research, the essence and significance of the world market of services is considered, its structure and specific features are defined. The essence and peculiarities of the tourist services market are examined. The essence, functions and classification of tourist services are considered. The main factors that either facilitate or impede the development of international tourism are identified. The directions of influence of international tourism on economic development are determined. Based on the analysis of factors that encourage foreign and domestic companies to provide tourist services, and specific signs of the tourist services market, it is concluded that tourist services clearly define the consumer market. On the basis of the carried out research the main aspects of the development of the tourist services market are defined.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Yevtushenko V. A., Liashevska V. I., Kopyttsova O. S.
Planning of Foreign Economic Activity as a Factor in Increasing the Competitiveness of Enterprises in the World Market (p. 38 - 43)

In the process of globalization and international integration, the formation of a rational sequence of sales planning is becoming increasingly important for companies engaged in foreign economic activity. This type of management activity contributes to obtaining additional profits through the full use of the advantages of international labor and international integration, as well as by identifying opportunities for the development of foreign economic activity of organizations. The relevance of the chosen topic lies in the need for companies to always develop and improve sales activities through increased competition and the rapid development of foreign economic relations. Because the key to the «survival» of enterprises in today’s market economy is a well-established effective sales policy and its purposeful development. The article defines the structure and components of sales activities. Also, an important role and priority of effective management of the sales system in increasing the competitiveness of enterprises in world markets is specified. The peculiarities of understanding the term of «sales» in both the narrow and the broad sense are analyzed. Different approaches to determining the basic concepts of sales activity are systematized. The place of sales in the enterprise management system is considered. The main characteristics of strategic and tactical management of sales system are analyzed. The peculiarities of sales management at enterprises are distinguished. The strategic and operational solutions in the creation of sales system are examined. The current state of foreign economic and sales activity of the service company «Master Service» LLC is considered and ways to improve its foreign economic activity are proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Holovnia O. M.
International Practice of Innovative Technologies of Project Financing (p. 44 - 49)

In today’s world, the international community provides significant support in carrying out socio-economic and political reforms to countries that need it. Such support is provided in the form of official aid for the purposes of development, which includes international technical and humanitarian assistance, loans for repayment of foreign debt on preferential terms, financing of project activities. The article analyzes the state of Ukraine’s cooperation with international financial organizations in providing financial and technical assistance for the implementation of projects that are of great importance for structural reforms of the domestic economy. The national economy of Ukraine has been experiencing a lasting shortage of financial resources necessary for innovation and investment development projects, also for current needs of the State. Given the difficulties of mobilizing free cash in the domestic capital market, Ukraine attracts resources in foreign markets. Expanding partnerships with international donor organizations allows not only to find additional sources of funding for projects aimed at socio-economic and humanitarian development, but also to provide real help to those in need. The implementation of joint projects and programs involving communities and local authorities in practice makes it possible to gain useful and important experience based on the best world and European practices. It is examined that in the national economy the urgent problem is the search for new types of interaction between communities to solve socially important issues, including the search for unconventional sources of financing. To a large extent, the search for and involvement of funds in the social sphere is facilitated by innovative technologies for financing social development – fundraising, crowdsourcing and crowdfunding platforms, which are manifestations of social communications and become relevant in the context of decentralization and community development.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Liashevska V. I., Butenko M. K., Pervushyna I. A.
A Theoretical and Statistical Analysis of International Business and Foreign Economic Activity of Ukraine (p. 44 - 48)

The research is aimed at the growing dependence of the national economy on external influences. The article raises the issue of creating a geoeconomic strategy for the development of the State as a full-fledged subject of world economic processes in order to increase multilateral cooperation and more sufficient participation in international and regional integration projects. In this regard, it becomes clear the need to carefully examine the features of conducting and managing international business, analyze foreign economic relations. International business can be defined as the commercial interaction of firms of different forms of ownership or their divisions located in different countries, the main purpose of which is to make a profit, taking advantage of international commercial operations. The development of international business and foreign economic activity of Ukraine with Asian countries are considered. The nature and prospects of development of foreign trade cooperation between Ukraine and several Asian countries are researched, its strategic priorities are substantiated and the place of the countries of the region in the geoeconomic strategy of the State is determined. At the present stage, economic relations between Ukraine and the countries of East Asia are being implemented through rather limited forms of cooperation that require greater diversification, symmetry and structural equilibrium. It is concluded that in the system of Ukraine's foreign economic priorities, cooperation with the countries of East Asia creates opportunities for diversification of foreign policy, intensification of cooperation with the definition of common goals and objectives of bilateral economic development. A strategic condition for further deepening of cooperation is mutual recognition at the official level of strategic partnership as an important element, which provides for the signing of additional bilateral agreements on additional conditions and principles of cooperation.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Lakiza V. V., Hrytseniak S. R.
Trade Wars and the Consequences of their Conduct on the Example of Agricultural Enterprises of Ukraine (p. 23 - 30)

The article discusses the relevance of liberalization of trade relations, which has a positive impact on the change in trade turnover; the approaches to understanding the category of «trade wars» are defined; a list of forms of trade wars as well as a brief characterization of them is provided. The methods of conducting offensive and defensive trade wars are studied. Attention is accorded to the generalized and formalized consequences of the conduct of trade wars on the example of the functioning of enterprises in the agricultural industry sector of Ukraine, the definition of which aims at eliminating the problems identified in agricultural enterprises, along with development of the corresponding preventive measures. The specifics of conduct of trade wars between Ukraine, Russia, the USA, China and the EU are considered. It is determined that the tendencies in the development of the Ukrainian agricultural sector are directly dependent on global economic trends. The dynamics of commodity structure of exports of agricultural and food products of Ukraine is studied, on the basis of which it is possible to draw conclusions about benefits and losses for the country. The weaknesses in Ukraine’s export-import policy are identified, including the lack of personnel in agriculture, the problems of logistics and the attraction of additional investment flows, on the basis of which vectors of optimal development of the agricultural industry of Ukraine are formed. The publication lists the growth factors of the agricultural sector of Ukraine, in particular: enhancing the productivity and production in general; increasing the export volumes; orientation of the agricultural producers’ activities towards the niches of the industry; active development of all opportunities for the agricultural production, which is called «Ukrainian organic». The researched motives and policy of trade wars make it possible to offer a more effective apparatus to solve existing problems in the future.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Gron O. V., Harkusha V. O.
The Methods for Assessing the Efficiency of the International Marketing Strategy of a Consulting Company (p. 31 - 37)

The article is aimed at exploring the features of the international market of consulting services in the sphere of technical design and engineering, analyzing the available methods for evaluating the efficiency of the international marketing strategy of a company and identifying the most relevant methods for assessing the marketing mechanism in the consulting industry. The analysis is carried out by comparing and collating the theoretical and practical results of specific criteria and methods, taking into account the specifics of the sphere of consulting, dynamism and variability of this market, which is growing rapidly and has the potential for further modifications. Trends and characteristic features of the international market of consulting engineering services are considered. The existing methods for evaluation of efficiency of the company’s international marketing strategy are analyzed and the most optimal methods are defined depending on the market in which the company operates, its internal resource capabilities and the strength of influence of environmental factors. As a result of the research, practical methods for evaluating the efficiency of the marketing strategy of a consulting company were systematized and the most efficient tools for assessing the feasibility, profitability, expedience of a particular international marketing strategy for a consulting company were specified, as well as a comprehensive strategic planning of international marketing activities was formed taking into account the peculiarities of the sphere of consulting on the basis of which the distinguished methods work. Prospects for further research are the analysis of batch methods of factor analysis, matrix regression analysis for modeling the relationships between latent variables of the marketing strategy and a more detailed assessment of its efficiency precisely for a consulting company on the international market.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Ushakova N. G., Pominova I. I.
The Geographical Structure of Ukrainian Exports in the Face of Growing Risks of Uncertainty in the Global Economy (p. 42 - 48)

The article is aimed at analyzing changes in the geographical structure of Ukrainian exports in the context of increasing risks of uncertainty in the development of the global economy. The current global economy is a system where uncertainty has become one of its most important characteristics, requiring each country to find the optimal structure of foreign trade. The geographical structure of Ukraine’s exports is determined by its economic, geographical and transport-geographical position, specialization of the economy, which constitutes the basis of its export potential, established historically formed cooperation relations, position in the established markets of products sales, etc. The need to find the optimal geographical structure of Ukrainian foreign trade is caused by a negative balance of Ukraine’s trade balance; continuation of Russia’s military and trade aggression; lack of positive changes in the commodity structure of Ukrainian exports to the EU countries; increasing risks of uncertainty in the global economy as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic; decrease in revenues from export operations due to changes in the global market conditions. Currently, the markets of Asia and the Middle East are considered to be promising vectors of expansion of the geography of Ukrainian exports. The combination of economic and political aspects of foreign economic policy in expanding or reorienting the geographical structure of exports requires the search not only for the most profitable, but also, at the same time, long-term development prospects. Rising risks of global development uncertainty require an ongoing update of the sales expansion strategy. The condition for potential economic efficiency growth is not a simple increase in the number of trading partners, but a clearly defined direction of changes in the export policy of the State. Precisely these issues will be concern of the further research.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Shtal T. V., Zakharenko I. V.
Assessing the Foreign Economic Activity of Enterprise: The Competitive Advantages and Government Regulation (p. 21 - 27)

The publication analyzes Ukraine’s cooperation with the European, American and Japanese markets, which plays an important role in the current conditions of development of foreign economic activity. Strategic directions of the State-based aid for the development of enterprises in Ukraine are substantiated, namely their managerial and financial aspects. This proves that the sphere of entrepreneurship, like any other social activity, is influenced by the regulatory policy on the part of the State. The relevance of the topic under consideration is that the integration of a naional economy into the world economy, which is currently a priority direction for Ukraine, should be carried out with the help of effective and sometimes innovative means of international cooperation. It should be noted that the substantiated position of managing the foreign economic activity of enterprises should be considered as a significant factor in improving the efficiency of economic activity both at the level of individual economic organizations and at the level of the country. Management of foreign economic relations of any contemporary country, as well as enterprises, is in a certain sense an integral part of both the world economy and the international economic relations. In view of this, the peculiarities, basic principles and methods of managing the foreign economic activity of Ukrainian enterprises are identified. The factors of internal and external environment, influencing the provision of foreign economic activity of enterprises are studied, their peculiarities are defined. The factors that limit business development opportunities in the Ukrainian and international markets are highlighted. Methods of ensuring foreign economic activity are proposed to use favorable opportunities as to maximizing the efficiency of enterprises, as well as to ensure the activation of processes of foreign economic activity.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chernova O. V., Zaiats D. H.
Evaluating the Activities of Transnational Corporations’ Subsidiaries in Ukraine (Example of Samsung Electronics Ukraine Company, LLC) (p. 27 - 34)

The article is aimed at studying the activities of branches of foreign corporations on the territory of Ukraine on the example of Samsung Electronics Ukraine Company LLC and determining the prospects for its further development in the domestic market. During the study, the essence and main characteristics of transnational corporations (TNCs) and the process of transnationalization are considered. The approaches of various authors, scientists and scholars to the interpretation of the concept of «transnational corporation» are examined. The special features of TNCs that distinguish them from ordinary companies are specified. The history of creation and development of the well-known technology corporation Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. is studied. In the course of the study the rating of the most profitable companies in the world according to the «net revenue» indicator was analyzed and the place of Samsung Electronics Corporation therein was specified. The Samsung Electronics’ place in the global market of electronics, technology and telecommunications is determined. The rating of the leading most popular brands of mobile phones in both the world and the domestic markets is considered and the position of the Samsung brand in the rating is identified. Thus, the company’s competitors in Ukraine and the world are defined. The scale of activity of Samsung Electronics Corporation branch in Ukraine is analyzed. The dynamics of indicators of «net income» and «cost of sold products (goods, works, services)» of Samsung Electronics Ukraine Company over recent years are analyzed. The dynamics of changes in the indicators of «gross profit» and «net financial result (profit)» of the company over recent years is researched. Through the analysis of the dynamics of financial results, a comprehensive assessment of the activities of Samsung Electronics Ukraine Company LLC is provided. The problems of functioning of branches of foreign corporations on the territory of Ukraine are disclosed and prospects of development of their branches are determined (example of Samsung Electronics Ukraine Company LLC). The conclusions are drawn on the importance of the branch of the foreign corporation Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd for the Ukrainian market of technology, electronics and telecommunications in particular and the national economy in general.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mozgova H. V., Yevtushenko V. A., Stovbunenko D. D.
The Theoretical Aspects of Import Activity of Ukrainian Enterprises (p. 34 - 40)

The article is aimed at studying the theoretical aspects of import activity of Ukrainian enterprises. On the basis of an analysis of scientific literature the essence of the concept of «import activity» is classified; the main functions of import activity are disclosed and its importance for the development of foreign economic activity of enterprises is determined. The factors and conditions influencing the implementation of import operations are substantiated; the reasons for the restriction and rules for the import of goods into the customs territory of Ukraine are provided; the main problems of import activity are identified. Strategies for overcoming the negative consequences of imports are also proposed, the main positive aspects and types of effects from import activity are determined. The import activity, as a form of foreign economic activity, plays a significant role in the development of the country’s economy and determines its entry into international economic integration. Therefore, the import activity should be considered not as a negative phenomenon and not as a kind of payment for the possibility of using external markets – it is an independent source of financial income into the country, also of a number of other macroeconomic effects. Imports of goods should be regulated by national legislation, customs tariff, other political and legal restrictions. Prospects for further research in this direction are a comprehensive study of the problem, which would reveal tendencies in the development of foreign economic activity of enterprises in this sphere. Improving the efficiency of import activities of enterprises is an opportunity for Ukraine to achieve high economic development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Izium A. O., Shuba M. V.
The Factors of Canada’s Immigration Attractiveness (p. 41 - 47)

The article is aimed at defining the main factors of Canada’s immigration attractiveness. The article presents the dynamics of the number of immigrants living in Canada during the 1990-2020 years, the dynamics of immigration to Canada, the main countries of origin of immigrants, as well as the change in the percentage of persons born abroad in the total population of Canada. It is determined that the Canadian migration system is based on the priority of attracting human capital to the country, and most Canadian immigrants are selected according to the points system, which accepts people with the skills that will contribute to the development of the economy. The main programs under which Canada accepts migrants for permanent residence are considered: express entry, provincial program, family migration program, visa program for startups, carers program. The dynamics of average hourly wages in Canada, dynamics of consumer price index are provided. For the period 2010-2020 consumer price index in Canada grew moderately, which is comfortable for both consumers and entrepreneurs. Also Canada’s position in international rankings influencing the choice of the country of residence by migrants is studied. Thus, in 2021, Canada took the twentieth place in the ranking according to the Quality of Life Index; 6th place – according to the Social Progress Index and the Prosperity Index, tenth place – according to the Global Peace Index. Canada ranked 16th in the latest Human Development Index. According to the Migrant Integration Policy Index in 2020, Canada has become the fourth country in the world with the best immigration policy. The main factors of Canada’s immigration attractiveness are defined, among which can be highlighted the following: liberal migration policy; high GDP per capita; rising average wage rates and a low inflation; consistently high positions in the world rankings, which are important indicators of the level of development of the country and comfortable life.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kylnytska Y. V., Gluhova S. V.
Features of the Non-Tariff Regulation of Foreign Economic Activity of Ukraine and the CIS in Conditions of Destabilization of Socioeconomic Systems (p. 47 - 53)

The purpose of the article is to define the peculiarities of the non-tariff regulation of foreign economic activity of both Ukraine and the CIS in the conditions of destabilization of socioeconomic systems. As a result of the carried out research, the trends in trade volumes in the world market are analyzed; the structure of the non-tariff methods of its regulation in the CIS countries and in Ukraine is studied; a structural and dynamic analysis of the use of non-tariff methods of regulation of foreign economic activity by the CIS countries was carried out, taking into account the terms of participation in the WTO. The analysis made it possible to state a negative trend of a significant excess of imports over the exports of goods to all CIS countries that are members of the WTO, and a permanent increase in the number of non-tariff measures to protect the interests of domestic producers. It is identified that among the non-tariff measures for regulating foreign economic activity, technical barriers were most applied; the secondary position among the non-tariff measures for regulation of foreign economic activity are sanitary and phytosanitary measures, and the smallest share falls on the anti-dumping measures of non-tariff measures for regulating foreign economic activity. This trend is due to the simultaneous action of multi-vector levers, some part of which, as the analysis shows, arise and act chaotically: global economic depression associated with the COVID-19 pandemic; simultaneous use of both tariff and non-tariff methods of regulation; related economic, political and social goals of the non-tariff methods of regulation. Prospects for further research in this direction are the use of the theory of «Chaos and Order» to determine the forces of influence on the functioning of world trade during the development of effective instruments for ensuring the protection of the rights and interests of Ukraine and especially its subjects of foreign economic activity in the trade and economic sphere, which are oriented towards increasing the international competitiveness of the national economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pakhota N. V.
Information Wars in Modern International Relations (p. 53 - 58)

The article examines the concept of hybrid warfare as a major factor in shaping the system of modern international relations. Traditionally, this process took place in the military sphere: in the past, the most famous systems of international relations were created as a result of large-scale wars. Today, the main tool for achieving supremacy on the world stage are hybrid wars, the main danger of which is the lack of laws, principles and rules for hostilities. Hybrid wars are dangerous both for a particular region (leading to the loss of cultural and civilizational identity) and for the system of international relations in general (serving as a source of global instability and becoming more frequent). Such a war theoretically allows the attackers to maintain the conflict for a long hour: their financial costs and human losses will be incomparably less than in a normal war. The main features, examples and analytical model of hybrid warfare are considered. The difference between the concepts of hybrid warfare and hybrid threats as an element of the aggressor’s preparation for information warfare is considered. In the process of evolution, human society has become increasingly aware of the value, significance and effectiveness of information, not only as a tool for learning about the world and the basis for building communication, but also as an incredibly effective and powerful «weapon» that sometimes surpasses all known weapons. Current trends in global communication show that the flow of information is so diverse and contradictory that information is beginning to be both creative and destructive. Therefore, choosing relevant and important information is an important task for every Ukrainian. It is important to study and master media literacy, i. e., the the ability to find, navigate and critically evaluate information found in digital environments.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bokhan A. V.
Clusters of Ecological Diplomacy in Terms of International Cooperation (p. 4 - 9)

The article considers topical issues of development of clusters of ecological diplomacy in the context of international cooperation. The author determines the need to form a new mechanism of economic development, taking into account the policy of ecological security, changes in the format of negotiations, diversification of ecological and economic activity, and institutional potential. The deterioration of the environment and resource support is of concern to humanity, which requires the creation of economic and global rules of interaction between countries. The ecological factor affects the transformation of international economic relations, competitive relations, market advantages, the potential of countries and their ability to develop cooperation on the basis of cluster formations. The current approaches to multilateral ecological diplomacy have been systematized. It is proposed to consider clusters of ecological diplomacy according to the following principles: multilateralism, interaction and interconnectedness of spheres of activity. It is proved that the role of clusters of ecological diplomacy will grow, and their functioning will contribute to: ecological and economic cooperation of diplomatic missions of different countries; exchange of experience between diplomats on new models of contacts in the sphere of ecologization of international economic activity. Applying the system principle to clustering covers topical issues in solving global problems. The development of ecological diplomacy in Ukraine is a promising direction, but so far it is accompanied by the lack of an integrated approach to the mechanisms of its implementation at the ideological, political, legislative, institutional and organizational levels. Ecological diplomacy is the direction of systemic and integrated diplomatic activity when generating a new level of representation and protection of ecological and economic interests of countries and other subjects of international cooperation, oriented to progressive mechanisms for transforming global challenges into qualitatively new opportunities for balanced development and ecological security of society.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Panova I. O., Zhevaho O. K.
The Socioeconomic and Political Profile of the Islamic Republic of Iran (p. 26 - 33)

Currently, the issue of renewing the nuclear deal remains a key factor in the d?tente and reset of relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Western countries. The success of the talks could stabilize the Middle East region and lead to the resumption of Iran’s close economic cooperation with international actors. At the same time, the public power, which is currently in the hands of conservative circles of the Iranian elite, and the presence of a significant part of hardliners in government circles of the United States and Israel prevent the rapid achieving of positive results via negotiations. Iran-Ukraine relations, despite considerable prospects, are currently de facto frozen due to a significant number of adverse factors. In addition, taking into account the important fact that today there is a significant intertwining of geopolitical processes in the international arena, one can state that the future of relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Ukraine lies in the solution of two tangential cases, namely: the Russian-Ukrainian war and the Iranian nuclear deal. The resolving of both situations lies with the international community, whose interests are closely intertwined. The development of Iran-Ukraine relations is possible and is strategically important for the formation of a zone of economic, political and military security in Europe, the Caucasus and the Middle East not only at present, but also for the future of the whole world. Given this, the Iranian direction of Ukrainian foreign policy needs a reset and an integrated approach even now. The object of the study of the article is the foreign policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The article is aimed at studying the socioeconomic and political profile of the Islamic Republic of Iran. As a result, it is concluded that Iran effectively uses all available opportunities to advance its own interests. Significant natural and human resources provide an opportunity to stabilize the economy and ensure its growth despite external and domestic political obstacles. The use of asymmetrical means allows to successfully resist the superior force of numerous regional opponents, while the «soft policy» provides the necessary human and financial resources.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Makarchuk K. O., Nepriadkina N. V., Shynkarenko O. S.
The Current State of Foreign Trade Relations of Singapore, the Republic of Indonesia and Malaysia (p. 17 - 26)

The article is aimed at determining the current state of foreign trade relations between Singapore, the Republic of Indonesia and Malaysia. The modern development of trade in Southeast Asia, namely in Singapore, the Republic of Indonesia and Malaysia, allowed them to take an important place in world-wide trade. The government’s policy of openness of the economy of Singapore, the Republic of Indonesia and Malaysia, resulted in an active development of foreign trade of countries that joined the World Trade Organization, which had a positive influence on the development of their own trade. In recent years, these countries have achieved a high level of macroeconomic indicators. There was an increase in GDP, GDP per capita, etc. Significant fluctuations in economic development were associated with the global COVID-19 pandemic, which led to a decrease in the main indicators of Singapore, the Republic of Indonesia and Malaysia and a significant increase in the unemployment rate in the countries under study. The article defines that the main partners of Singapore, the Republic of Indonesia and Malaysia for export-import operations are Asian countries, which is due to close geographical location, close cooperation within the framework of the АСЕАН association and historically formed ties. The commodity structure of exports and imports of Singapore, the Republic of Indonesia and Malaysia in 2020 is analyzed. It is noted that the main export items of these countries are: electric machines and related equipment, mineral fuel, mineral oils and their distillation products, etc. The place of Singapore, the Republic of Indonesia and Malaysia in international rankings is analyzed. Thus, in the Competitiveness Ranking and Economic Freedom Ranking, Singapore ranks first and is the country with the freest economy among the countries of the Asia-Pacific region. The Republic of Indonesia and Malaysia need to continue reforming their sectors of the national economy to improve their place in the rankings.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kaverina K. O., Grygorova-Berenda L. I.
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Components of Germany’s Foreign Economic Activity (p. 14 - 20)

Data from the German Federal Statistical Office show that economic production in this country decreased significantly in 2020, and gross domestic product decreased by 5% compared to the previous year. This means that the German economy suffered a deep recession in 2020 owing to the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, which disrupted the ten-year positive dynamics of economic growth. The purpose of the article is to define the features and characteristics of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the components of Germany’s foreign economic activity. The place and role of Germany in world trade are considered. The impact of the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economic indicators of Germany and the European Union was examined, in particular, a significant drop in GDP in the second quarter of 2020. It is substantiated that the German economy is export-oriented and at the same time to some extent it is import-dependent. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on international trade in goods is outlined. In particular, since March 2020, there has been a significant drop in Germany’s exports and imports indicators owing to logistical problems and failures in supply chains. It is defined that motor vehicles and spare parts for them, as well as machinery and chemical products are the largest groups of goods among the exports and imports of Germany. Using the calculated RCA index, it was found out that according to these groups of goods, Germany also has comparative advantages. The dynamics of export and import volumes of the main commodity groups of Germany is presented. The prolonged impact of the pandemic, in particular the restrictive measures taken in the spring of 2019, on a significant drop in exports and imports in mid-April 2020 has been researched. It is proved that the high degree of openness of the German economy has increased macroeconomic stability in the context of the impact of the pandemic. It is found out that foreign economic activity is one of the important factors that helped the German economy cope with the COVID-19 crisis. A description of the successful EU policy in response to the consequences of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is given.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Blahun I. S., Nadvirnianskyi Y. R.
The Model of Economic Analysis of International Trade Between Ukraine and the European Union (p. 76 - 81)

The equations of gravity have undergone a significant evolution since their initial application in economics. The conception is perceived as originating in physics. However, international trade studies allow to a more thorough analysis of the instances of gravity equations application. The conception of gravity, initially underestimated by economists and devoid of solid theoretical foundations, was rarely used in empirical research. However, at present this conception has become the main instrument of analysis. First of all, this is determined by its empirical utility, ability to take into account many factors that shape trade, and, as a result, flexibility of its application. Over the past few years, the use of the conception of gravity has led to the conclusion that economists are finding more and more accurate methods for evaluating econometric models and taking into account increasingly complex factors. As a result, they go beyond purely economic factors that influence the intensity of trade relations between countries. It is worth noting that the conceptions formulated in early theories of trade, such as absolute advantage, comparative advantage, proportions of the provision of factors of production, and many others are directed towards studying the nature, causes and consequences of international trade. The so-called basis for international trade was seen alternately in various factors: differences in labor productivity, different proportions in the provision of factors of production, the effect of scale, the different position of countries on the so-called ladder of technological progress, etc. Some theories see the reasons for trade in differences between countries, others (for example, intra-industry trade) – in similarities. An important topic is also the role of entities operating with foreign capital in creating the trade flows.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Shumilo O. S., Zaika O. V., Harbuzov O. S.
Choosing a Strategy for Entering International Markets (p. 45 - 50)

Domestic enterprises entering international markets have both problems and many opportunities to improve the efficiency of their activities. The article identifies the reasons why enterprises revise their business strategies and form new marketing strategies for entering the markets. The main ones are: increasing sales; increase in profits; ensuring both short-term and long-term profitability; increasing the capacity for innovation; economies of scale; education; competition; incentives on the part of government. It is noted that the strategy of entering international markets should be based on the principles of the overall strategy of the enterprise and be developed on the basis of an analysis of existing forms of strategies: export, joint venture, direct investment. The existing forms of strategies are considered and their essence is analyzed. Thus, the export strategy is considered as the choice by the enterprise of foreign markets for the promotion of goods, while production remains on its own territory. The joint venture strategy is implemented by combining the efforts of the enterprise with partners of other countries to conduct joint business based on the formation of partnerships and joint business activities, as result of which certain capacities are created outside the country. The direct investment strategy involves investing capital and creating own warehouses, manufacturing and trading enterprises, as a result of which the company becomes fully involved in foreign economic activity. It is proved that for an enterprise that is just starting its export activities in the foreign market, it is advisable to apply an export strategy of indirect exports and choose mediation. The stages of formation of the company’s strategy for entering the international market are presented: defining the mission of the enterprise; formation of goals and objectives; study of the external environment of the enterprise, assessment of the functional components of the internal environment of the enterprise; development and analysis of strategic alternatives, strategy selection; implementation of the strategy in the activities of the enterprise; evaluation and control of the strategy implementation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sarkisian L. G., Generalov O. V., Stepichieva O. V.
The Trade Dimensions of Digital Transformation in the Middle East and Africa (p. 50 - 57)

The purpose of the article is to determine the impact of digital trade on the transformation of the countries of the Middle East and Africa, and to define models of cooperation between them. The concepts of digital commerce, e-commerce and related issues have been researched and generalized. The concept of «digital trust» as a key asset for the development of digital trade and a list of stakeholders are considered. The study analyzes the prospects for economic growth in the Middle East and Africa in conditions of turbulence of the internal and external environment. Using data from international institutions, computations and analysis of the participation of countries of the region in international trade in services with digital delivery are carried out. Examples of companies based in the Middle East and Africa and involved in digital trading are provided. The article highlights approaches to regulation at the unilateral, bilateral and multilateral levels of digital trade processes and examines the peculiarities of trade policy in the region as a whole. It is noted that restrictive economic and trade policies towards international and local companies operating in the digital economy can significantly affect their competitiveness (for example, in the field of data exchange). The recommendations of international institutions on the regulation of digital policy are analyzed and systematized. It is proposed to identify priorities for stimulating digital trade in the countries of the region, including: improving the efficiency of data management and its accessibility for stakeholders; reforming the education system with prioritization of obtaining the knowledge and skills necessary for digital transformation. It is determined that the limiting factor is the current insufficient institutional capacity to regulate the digital economy at both the national and the regional levels. Further study and deeper research requires the issue of development of mechanisms for improving the efficiency of trade policy and accelerating digital transformation in the countries of the region.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Shuba M. V., Honcharenko K. O.
The Place of the European Union Countries in the Global Pharmaceutical Market (p. 18 - 24)

The purpose of the article is to determine the current state, features and prospects of development of the European Union countries in the global pharmaceutical market. The article presents the main indicators of the EU pharmaceutical sector in 2000-2021. It is determined that the pharmaceutical industry remains a key factor in the development of the economy of many European countries and is one of the most knowledge-intensive sectors of the economy. It is found that in 2021 in the production of pharmaceutical products among the EU Member States, the leaders were Italy, Germany, France and Belgium. Indicators of the share of leading exporters and importers in international trade in pharmaceutical products in 2021 are presented. The EU countries occupy leading positions in international trade in pharmaceutical products. In the global market, the leading exporter of pharmaceutical products in recent years is Germany. The indicators of foreign trade in pharmaceutical products of the EU from 2002 to 2021 are considered. It is found that the share of trade in pharmaceutical products in the EU’s total foreign trade is gradually growing. In 2021, the EU’s main trading partner for pharmaceutical products was the USA and Switzerland. To measure the identified comparative advantages of EU countries in the pharmaceutical sector, the article calculates an index of identified comparative advantages. The result shows that the export potential of the pharmaceutical industry in 16 EU countries is realized, and 11 countries still do not have a comparative advantage. It is determined that the COVID-19 pandemic has an ambiguous impact on the EU pharmaceutical market. On the one hand, COVID-19 can be seen as a great opportunity for the EU pharmaceutical industry, on the other hand, the pandemic has created significant risks for the pharmaceutical sector. It is defined that the prospects for the participation of the EU countries in the global pharmaceutical market and the priority vectors of development of the European pharmaceutical sector depend, first of all, on legislation and on demographic changes.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Strilok I. I.
The Basics of Building an International Company Development Process (p. 24 - 30)

The article is aimed at determining the general basics for the implementation of the company’s development process, studying the influence of the international business environment, and highlighting key trends and opportunities for its development. Analyzing the scientific works of scholars and taking into account the dynamism of world processes, the potential goals from which companies usually begin the process of change and development are considered: continuous improvement; improving or enhancing communication; employee development; improvement of products and services; increase in profits. The stages of development of an international company in the article are as follows: determining the scope of improvement; research on the problem; creating an action plan; creating motivation and vision; implementation; evaluation of initial results; adaptation or continuation. Since changes and development of the company can be associated with certain obstacles to achieving the goal, the common challenges that arise in the process of development of the company include: fear of the unknown; conflicting goals; burnout; lack of leadership; misunderstanding of the planned changes; difficulty in regard with changing either mission or values. Analyzing the external business environment, which consists of numerous factors, the present publication groupes the latter into six key subenvironments. External factors that have an impact on the development of the consulting company’s business are both new trends (customer trends, dynamic mega-trends, technological trends) and destructive factors (macroeconomic, market-based, industry-based). Each of these factors creates a unique set of challenges and opportunities for business development. They emphasize the need for adaptability both at the individual level and at the business (or industry) level. As a result of the study, key trends (artificial intelligence and digitalization, expansion of cloud services, global recruitment for consultant positions, updated staff retention strategies, compliance with environmental, social and management (ESG) measures) are identified and opportunities for the development of a consulting company are substantiated. Prospects for further work in this direction are the formation of a mechanism for managing the development of an international company to strengthen the company’s competitive strategy; improving management and decision support processes at all levels; management of decisive data flows; implementation of changes to create a culture of flexibility and develop the company’s competitiveness.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Khaustova V. Y., Kyzym M. O., Kostenko D. M.
Analyzing the International Assessments of the Military Power of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and Countries of the World (p. 16 - 33)

The purpose of the article is to highlight the basic methodological and methodical approaches to the construction and calculation of ratings (indices), which allow to assess the military capabilities of individual countries of the world, to conduct correct international comparisons of the military power of countries and to determine Ukraine’s place in the system of these indicators. The publication defines methodological and methodical approaches to comparing the military power of individual countries and the combat capability of their armies, as proposed by various international organizations and institutions. In particular, an analysis of the database provided by the International Institute for Strategic Studies was carried out in terms of the number of military personnel. The ranking of world countries in terms of budget expenditures for military needs is analyzed, which is provided by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), as well as ratings of world countries for certain types of military equipment, such as: aviation equipment, tanks, naval vessels, etc. Measurements and international comparisons of multidimensional militarization processes are based on indicators of international ranking systems: the military power of countries and the combat capability of armies – based on the Global Firepower (GFP), the military burden on the economy and society as a whole – based on the Global Militarization Index (GMI). Methodological aspects of the formation of these international rankings are also considered; the results of positioning in the rankings of top countries and of Ukraine are given.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Panova I. O., Petrov H. A.
The Problems and Prospects of Ukrainian-Spanish Bilateral Cooperation (p. 33 - 38)

The purpose of the article is to analyze the problems and prospects of Ukrainian-Spanish bilateral cooperation. The research is aimed at substantiating the main directions and problems, as well as the outlining of priority areas of interaction between both States. It is noted that the essence of foreign policy is that it is a mechanism that national governments use to manage diplomatic interactions and relations with other countries. It is defined that the foreign policy of the State reflects its values and goals, contributes to the achievement of its political and economic goals on the world stage. In addition, the foreign policy of some States focuses precisely on national and international security, which helps to determine how any country interacts with international organizations, such as the UN, and with citizens of other countries. The main directions of bilateral cooperation between Ukraine and Spain can be called economic and political, and recently – the military direction of cooperation. Simultaneously, the problems of bilateral cooperation between Ukraine and Spain are the violation of the economic balance between the countries, which leads to an aggravation of the crisis in the economy of both countries. Coming down to forecasting the priority directions of bilateral cooperation between Ukraine and Spain, one can assume that the main priority direction in the near future will be Spanish assistance to Ukraine in the war with the Russian Federation, post-war restoration of Ukraine, as well as assistance in integrating Ukraine into the EU and NATO. The priorities of Spain’s foreign policy are traditionally focused on Europe, the Mediterranean, North and South America. Spain strongly supports strengthening global governance, playing an active role in the multilateral system. Spain has special growing interests in the European region and cooperates with both the European Union itself, both with a like-minded actor in the region and with the EU partners, such as Ukraine. This political cooperation is supported by trade and investment ties – with a special focus on the infrastructure and renewable energy sectors.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zhabynets O. Y., Sukhyi O. O.
The Problems of Export-Oriented Business in the Regions of Ukraine During the Wartime and the Main Ways to Solve Them (p. 39 - 45)

The article is concerned with studying the problems of export-oriented business of the regions of Ukraine in the conditions of wartime and the main ways to solve them. The main problems of export-oriented business in Ukraine, provoked by the military aggression of the Russian Federation (production, infrastructure, logistics, fiscal, energy), have been identified. It is found that the key problem of reducing the export activity of our State is the blocking of the main sea export routes, which before the war accounted for more than 70% of export cargo, including 80% of exports of agricultural products. It is proved that ensuring full-fledged exports from Ukraine by rail and road transport in today’s conditions is problematic owing to the shortage of cars, fuel, warehouses in European ports and on the land border of Ukraine with the EU Member States, differences in railway width standards, etc. It is argued that the «Grain Agreement» signed in Istanbul does not solve the problem of establishing exports for mining and metallurgical companies, whose logistics costs have generally increased 4-6 times due not only to military circumstances only, but also to an increase in tariffs for freight rail transportation. It is emphasized that the post-war reconstruction of the Ukrainian economy, which can become our novel industrialization, should take place to the maximum extent with a focus on those industries that materialize Ukraine’s advantage in the international market to a competitor, that is, this novel industrialization should be export-oriented. Some ways to restore export opportunities of domestic enterprises in the context of improving transport logistics and energy provision are proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Lymar V. V., Zveriev O. D.
Scientific Approaches to Understanding the Conception of Global Economic Security (p. 6 - 11)

The purpose of this publication is to study scientific approaches to understanding the conception of global economic security. The analysis of current foreign and domestic sources made it possible to classify the scientific approaches of different authors regarding the essence and features of the conception of economic security: as a process of meeting needs; from the point of view of protecting the national interests of a particular country, business entities, individuals; as a state of the system-based object; as a condition for sustainable development; as features of the system elements; as a system for preventing harm; as a manifestation of an integrity of security measures; in terms of economic sustainability and sovereignty of a country; as an aggregate of conditions and factors; as a dynamic development of a system component. It is determined that the conception of global economic security covers a wide range of interrelated issues and elements, such as investment verification, instruments to counteract coercion, research integrity, and stability of supply chains. When focusing on supply chain stability, three main issues should be considered. It is found that the regimes of national economic security require a balance between defensive and offensive policies depending on the specific conditions of the country. The main factors in developing strategies are national security interests and competitive advantages in certain sectors of the trade. Transparency and information exchange between countries is the first step towards meaningful international cooperation on economic security issues. This is crucial to avoid creating protectionist economic weapons that countries can use against rivals. It is defined that in a rapidly changing world, the issue of global economic security becomes the most open and at the same time of responsibility in case of calling and responding to problems caused by various factors of society life as a subject of international economic relations, developing effective mechanisms for dealing with challenges in the sectoral economic parts of the institution of economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ptashchenko O. V., Kurtsev O. Y., Denysiuk O. V., Vovk V. A.
Features of the Development of the National IT market as Part of the Global Information Space (p. 12 - 17)

The publication considers the main features of the formation of the information space of the present day, considers the features of information services and trends in the development of the IT market. The global information technology market is characterized by a high level of competition, which encourages IT companies operating in this market to use all available marketing means in order to withstand the constantly growing competition. In the context of activities in the global information technology market, effective marketing communication activities are of major importance, which is the key to ensuring the competitiveness of an IT company for successful operation in this highly competitive market. It is specified that the IT market is one of the elements of the formation of a modern high-tech market in Ukraine. In a broad sense, IT covers all areas of transfer, storage and perception of information. At this, IT is often associated with computer technology, and this is no coincidence: the advent of computers has brought IT to a new level. Further on, the basis of IT is the technology of processing, storing and perceiving information. The main trends in the development of the IT market have been identified, which include: competence (Ukraine has highly qualified specialists in the field of programming, software testing, data analysis and other related fields); competitiveness (Ukrainian IT companies provide quality services at more reasonable prices compared to developed countries of the West); speed of development (the IT industry in Ukraine is developing rapidly and growing, which makes it possible to be on the way to technological leadership); the presence of a startup ecosystem (Ukraine has an active startup ecosystem that promotes the creation and development of young technology companies); geographical location (Ukraine is in a convenient geographical position for cooperation with Europe and the United States, which makes it easy to enter the world market). It is concluded that one of the key factors for success is to ensure a favorable business climate in Ukraine, which depends on government policy, legislation and infrastructure.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Tymoshchuk O. O.
The Forms of Digitalization of the Tourism Industry of Spain (p. 15 - 20)

The article examines the functioning of the tourism sector in Spain, which is a competitive, highly profitable national business whose efficiency directly depends on the information database and digital technologies. It is substantiated that the accelerated digital transformation of tourism in Spain will help to stimulate economic growth, increase labor productivity and increase employment of the population. The seven most important forms of digital technological solutions used in the Spanish tourism industry are allocated: 1) mobile technologies today perform a whole range of services in the digitization of the tourism sector; 2) augmented reality (AR) has also entered the world of travel in Spain owing to the opportunities it can offer to those who wish to travel virtually; 3) the Internet of Things (IoT) promises to bring significant updates to the tourism industry and will become a major transformational factor in personalizing the customer experience over the next few years; 4) virtual assistants Siri and Alexa are being used by hotels to provide digital comfort for tourists; 5) the multiplier effect of the use of Big Data technologies in the Spanish tourism industry allows to build effective interaction between the government and business communities, improve and personalize travel services; 6) travel companies that rely on Blockchain functions to develop their loyalty and reward programs, certainly create a competitive advantage over other entities in the tourism market; 7) travel technology is becoming even more powerful thanks to the 5G networks. It is justified that in the future, the digitalization of tourism will be accompanied by a further process of squeezing the traditional companies with offline offices out of the tourism market along with the development of tour design according to the parameters individually set by each specific client.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Savchenko M. V., Kuzmenko Y. H., Choplyak M. P.
Development Trends of Ukraine's Foreign Trade in Raw Products and its Impact on the Economy of the Country and the World (p. 33 - 40)

The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is built upon the works of domestic and foreign scholars. The results were obtained through the application of a system of research methods. Specifically, methods of grouping, classification, and quantitative comparisons were used to examine the commodity and geographical structure of Ukraine's exports. Structural and economic-statistical analysis methods were employed to evaluate the main financial indicators of Ukraine's external trade in raw materials, and a graphical method was used to visually represent the obtained research results. The article is dedicated to a detailed study of Ukraine's external trade relations. It studies the state of the country's external trade in raw materials, with a thorough examination of the dynamics of Ukraine's export and import operations in the raw material sector. The structure of Ukraine's exports and imports is analyzed using statistical methods. The impact of Ukraine's external trade on the economy of country and the world as a whole are discussed. Raw materials are commodities without added value, making their sale less beneficial for the country compared to the sale of finished products derived from raw materials. As a result, the country's economy develops at a slower pace. Therefore, the issues raised in the study are discussed, and a strategy for the development of Ukraine's external trade is proposed. The prospects for the further development of Ukraine's external trade in raw materials are identified. Research on the trends in Ukraine's external trade in raw materials enables the forecasting of economic development and the formulation of directions for the country's external trade.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Savchenko M. V., Priymak E. O., Havrysh I. V.
International Trade in the Context of Sustainable Economic Development of World Countries (p. 40 - 48)

There are many mechanisms in the world that ensure the economic development of states. One of them is international trade, which plays an important role in supporting the economic development of individual countries, regions and the world as a whole. This article examines the role of international trade in economic development, its impact on national economies, and the consequences for countries that freely practice international trade. To ensure economic development, the importance of international trade is obvious, and therefore it needs support at the level of states and regions. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is the work of domestic and foreign scientists. The results were obtained due to the application of a system of methods. In particular, the methods of grouping, classification and quantitative comparisons were used in the study of the commodity and geographical structure of world exports and imports. The methods of structural and economic-statistical analysis were used to assess the main results of international trade and determine their impact on the development of both individual countries and entire regions. The graphic method was used to visualize the results of the analysis of international trade during the specified periods. The article is devoted to a detailed study of the prospects of international trade as a means of strengthening progress in the country's achievement of sustainable development goals. The article examines the state of international trade, considers the dynamics of export-import operations during the specified period. The consequences of foreign trade both for individual states and the world as a whole are considered. International trade is a significant impetus for development, as a result of which the economy of a single country develops more actively. The study of trends in the field of international trade makes it possible to predict the directions of development of the world economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Lezhepokova V. G.
Managerial Decisions in Conditions of Uncertainty of the International Business Environment (p. 15 - 21)

The article is aimed at developing a methodical approach to assessing the favorability of the business environment in the process of making managerial decisions under conditions of uncertainty. The necessity of making sound managerial decisions when an enterprise carries out international activities is proved. It is noted that from the point of view of studying the conditions of international business activity, the concept of uncertainty characterizes a situation in which there is no reliable information about the possible state and trends in the factors of the business environment of the host country. A thorough analysis of the current state and trends in the transformation of business environment factors in foreign markets contributes to minimizing uncertainty. It is underlined that the use of such common global analytical systems for rating economic processes as the Global Competitiveness Index, the Ease of Doing Business Index and the Index of Countries’ Involvement in International Trade to assess the business environment is currently impossible. The author proposes to use the KOF Globalization Index, the Index of Economic Freedom, the Global Innovation Index, and the Human Development Index, which are the result of global studies of the business environment of countries. The general characteristics of each of the indices are provided, development trends are determined, the five leading countries and Ukraine’s positions are presented according to the results of the published ratings for 2022–2023. To assess the country’s favorability in carrying out international activities in terms of uncertainty and instability of its business environment, an approach to calculating the aggregated indicator based on indicators of the KOF Globalisation Index, the Index of Economic Freedom, the Global Innovation Index, the Human Development Index, combined by the PEST analysis methodology, has been developed. The use of the proposed methodological approach will help to increase the thoroughness of managerial decision-making in the implementation of international activities by the enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Dashkov S. I.
Macroeconomic Indicators in Assessing the Country’s Export Orientedness (p. 16 - 23)

The article considers the prerequisites for ensuring the export orientedness of the country as a logical consequence of its economic stability on the basis of an analysis of macroeconomic indicators and their comparison with the indicators of developed countries of high-tech export specialization. The task of assessing the export orientation of a number of countries with developed economies and Ukraine has been solved using the gross domestic product per capita as one of the most common macroeconomic indicators of the state of the economy. A study of the relationship between GDP and the amount of exports during 2012–2022 was conducted for a number of developed countries whose economies are characterized by a lack of raw materials and human potential (Singapore, New Zealand, Belgium, Slovenia, Portugal). Analysis of trends and growth indices of selected indicators makes it possible to verify the high level of export orientedness of the economies of the selected countries. In order to assess the level of correlation between gross domestic product and the amount of exports, a correlation analysis was carried out. The results of the analysis showed the presence of a direct correlation between GDP and the amount of exports, which can be considered as evidence of the significant role of export activities in ensuring the economic growth. A verification of the direct relationship between the amount of GDP and the amount of exports makes it possible to assess the structure of the economies of countries by the structure of exports. The next step in the study is to assess the specialization of the country’s economy in foreign trade by analyzing the structure of exports in the context of types of economic activity, which will allow to determine which areas of export are inherent in countries with developed economies, and to assess the level of their specialization.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shuba M. V., Shtanko A. S.
The USA in the Global Pharmaceutical Market: The Current State and Development Prospects (p. 23 - 29)

The article is aimed at defining the current state and prospects of development of the USA in the global pharmaceutical market. It is defined that American pharmaceutical companies successfully conduct their activities in the global pharmaceutical market. The leading pharmaceutical companies of the USA in terms of income and capitalization are considered. It is determined that the United States has a significant role in regulating the global pharmaceutical market. The activities of the U.S. Federal Food and Drug Administration ensure a high level of safety and efficacy of medicines used around the world and increase trust in the U. S. pharmaceutical companies. It is further determined that one of the main features of the USA’s participation in the global pharmaceutical market is the strong position of the U.S. pharmaceutical companies in the market of innovative drugs. The costs of research and development by leading pharmaceutical companies are considered. The indicators of foreign trade in the U.S. pharmaceutical products are analyzed. The U. S. exports account for 9.4% of global pharmaceutical exports, the country ranks fourth in the ranking of world exporters. China, the Netherlands, Canada, Japan, and Germany were the main importers of the U. S. pharmaceutical products in 2022. On the other hand, the United States itself is the main importer of pharmaceutical products. The U. S. imports account for 17.4% of global pharmaceutical imports. Ireland, Germany and Switzerland are major exporters of pharmaceutical products to the United States. The article generalizes the main trends in the pharmaceutical market of the United States, influencing the prospects of their participation in the global pharmaceutical market. It is concluded that the USA has great prospects in the global pharmaceutical market. The country has a strong scientific base and developed infrastructure, which allows the U. S. pharmaceutical companies to be competitive in the global market and ensure sustainable development of the industry. Also, the United States has a large consumer market. It is determined that the United States may experience certain obstacles in the global pharmaceutical market due to the high cost of drug development, as well as high drug prices.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Savchenko M. V., Рorohnia V. A., Atamannenko Р. О.
The China’s Integration in the African Market and Its Impact on the Western World (p. 30 - 36)

The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is the works of domestic and foreign scientists. The results were obtained due to the application of the following system of methods: the method of logical analysis made it possible to develop the logic of the research; the method of generalization and synthesis – to form the conclusions of scientific research; methods of structural and economic-statistical analysis were used to determine the trends of direct foreign investments of the two superpowers; methods of expert assessments – to generalize the results of the survey on the attitude of citizens of African countries to foreign partners. The graphic method made it possible to visualize the obtained research results. The article is devoted to a detailed study of the mechanisms of China's integration into the African market and its impact on the Western world. The changes that took place in the international arena at the beginning of the 21st century, in particular, were embodied in the formation of the People's Republic of China (PRC) as a contender for global leadership and the acquisition of features of a central power State. Considering these circumstances, the People's Republic of China pursues a multi-vector foreign policy, in which the African continent occupies a prominent place. China, understanding not only the importance of Africa's resource potential, but also the tendency of the continent's political weight to grow in the international arena, seeks to establish close relations with a number of African countries. The article analyzes the economic mechanism of China's policy towards Africa. First of all, this is viewed through the prism of investments in the context of Beijing's foreign policy strategy. The authors of the article highlighted the challenges and prospects of economic cooperation between China and African countries. Among the main areas of China's cooperation with African countries, the authors specifically considered the investment activity of Chinese investors in terms of their promotion to the markets of the countries of the African continent and the improvement of the implementation of China's foreign policy interests in Africa. Each step is taken with consideration of the civilizational factors of the region and using the «soft power» mechanism.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Varlamova M. L.
Enhancing the Competitiveness of the Chinese Economy on a Global Scale (p. 36 - 42)

In the modern competitive landscape for global economic leadership, it is crucial to analyze the trends in enhancing China's competitiveness, currently the world's second-largest economy. This article examines a comparison of GDP growth dynamics among leading countries – the United States, China, and Japan. It is determined that China has begun to outpace the United States in terms of growth rates from 1970 to 2022, indicating the potential for China to become the largest economy. These trends are also evident in the increasing share of China in global GDP alongside a decrease in this indicator for the United States and Japan. Some impetuous transformations are taking place in the realm of international trade, as China's exports and imports continue to grow, allowingto maintain a dominant position. In terms of quantity, China demonstrates a competitive position (second place) in attracting and exporting foreign direct investments. Also according to other analyzed quantitative indicators, China is competing with the United States for leadership. However, the analysis reveals a gap compared to developed countries concerning GDP per capita and overall competitiveness levels. Regarding the former indicator, there is an overall positive trend, despite a significant gap compared to developed countries. As for the latter, which is an integral measure, a negative trend is observed in 2022. Furthermore, the carried out analysis highlights an increase in competitiveness in the field of innovation, which serves as a driver for the development of all sectors of the economy and influences the competitiveness of Chinese goods and services in the global economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Atamanchuk Z. A., Kvasnytska O. H., Hehamian L. R.
Assessing the Current State, Problems and Prospects of China’s World Economic Leadership (p. 38 - 44)

The aim of the article is to analyze the current state of China’s economy, study its impact on the global market and determine the main prospects for further development of the country through the prism of world leadership. The article substantiates the growing influence of China on the world economic processes; the key factors contributing to the country’s approach to the leading position in the global economy are presented; the dynamics of the main macroeconomic indicators of China, such as GDP, GDP per capita, volumes of high-tech exports, trade balance and investment volumes, are highlighted. The country’s place in the Global Innovation Index is determined and some indicators by which China received the highest marks in 2023 are allocated, in particular, indicators of knowledge and results of scientific research, institutional environment and market experience. The foreign economic activity of China is considered, indicating the leading trading partners of the country and the commodity structure of export-import operations. The initiative «One Belt, One Road», which is aimed at stimulating international cooperation of the country and strengthening its economic ties with other countries and regions, is considered. Within the framework of the initiative, cooperation between Ukraine and China was analyzed, which includes investment projects for infrastructure development, the creation of industrial parks and technological development zones, as well as scientific, technical, military, humanitarian, and cultural cooperation. Further directions of development of the economy of Ukraine, aimed at deepening cooperation between the two countries are proposed, in particular: accelerating economic transformations, improving the investment climate and creating joint projects in the energy and agricultural spheres. It is proved that, despite certain difficulties within the country and problems in the global economy, China remains a key player on the world stage owing to its innovative activities, strong production potential and active role in the international economic initiatives.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Atamanchuk Z. A., Barchuk K. V., Oryshko D. O.
Migration Processes in Europe in the Context of Modern Challenges and Threats (p. 6 - 11)

The article substantiates the factors influencing the development of migration processes in Europe, including: political conflicts; geopolitical changes and events in different regions of the world; financial, economic and political crises; social and ecological factors, as well as the sociocultural causes of migration, related to various aspects of culture, society, and identity. The dynamics of migration flows to different regions of the world are analyzed. The leading countries of migration flows to Europe and the reasons for changes in the number of international migrants in some European countries are identified. The volume of mass migration of Ukrainians to European countries since the beginning of the full-scale war, the demographic situation in Ukraine, which is rapidly changing both in quantitative and qualitative indicators, is studied. It is proved that the large-scale migration of the able-bodied population during the war from Ukraine to European countries will have serious consequences for the Ukrainian economy. It is substantiated that modern migration processes require deep analytical and scientific elaboration, along with development at the State level of appropriate strategic plans and tasks that would allow in the future to ensure the return of emigrants to Ukraine. In turn, the irreversibility of migration processes in modern Europe, caused by existing challenges and threats both in the world and, in particular, on the European continent, requires a substantive study of methods for regulating migration and determining long-term goals and priorities both at the supranational and interstate levels.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ishchuk Y. A., Mykhaylenko A. М.
Customs and Tariff Policy as a Key Component of the Foreign Economic Strategy of the State (p. 12 - 17)

The aim of the article is to analyze the efficiency and impact of customs and tariff policy on the economic development of the State, in particular in the context of the overall foreign economic strategy, and to develop recommendations for optimizing this component. The customs and tariff policy is considered as a key component of the foreign economic strategy of the State. The main task of the study is to analyze, disclose the essence and impact of customs and tariff policy within the framework of the general foreign economic strategy of the State. The main trends in the development of the world economy in the sphere of customs policy are characterized, such as: trade liberalization, neoprotectionism and digitalization of customs processes, which are aimed at improving trade relations between countries, facilitating adaptation to modern conditions and technologies and increasing the efficiency of all processes in this area. In addition, the instruments of regulation of customs and tariff policy, their changes in the context of globalization and the challenges of the modern world are considered in detail. The Ukrainian classification of goods of foreign economic activity and the main types of rates in the customs tariff, which help to regulate the country’s foreign trade, are considered. A study of the dynamics of the volume of foreign trade operations of Ukraine has been carried out, within the framework of which the low efficiency, which is an indicator of imperfect customs policy in our country, has been proved. In this regard, the main directions of improvement of this industry were allocated, such as: active cooperation with the EU countries; automation of all customs procedures; reduction of corruption and implementation of anti-corruption measures; implementation of European generally accepted standards and provision of high-tech equipment. The conclusions, based on arguments, show that an effective customs and tariff policy is a necessary element to ensure the stability of the economy, support domestic entrepreneurship and increase the competitiveness of the State in the international market.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Varlamova M. L., Kvasnytska O. H., Hehamian L. R.
Development of Regional Economic Integration Processes in Asia and Europe (p. 18 - 27)

The aim of the article is to conduct a comparative analysis of the main economic indicators of the development of integration processes in the countries of Asia and Europe (on the example of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the European Union (EU)). The article analyzes in detail and discloses the main features, key trends, as well as common and distinctive features that determine the dynamics of the development of integration processes in these two strategically important world regions. The existence of the impact of integration on the foreign economic relations of the countries participating in both associations, including various trade and investment aspects, is proved. The dynamics of the main macroeconomic indicators of the ASEAN and the EU, such as total GDP and GDP per capita, are highlighted, as well as the factors and events that have had a significant impact on the economic development of both regions over the past few decades. The key trading partners of both associations are considered, indicating their commodity turnover and share in the overall geographical structure of trade. An analysis of the commodity distribution of export-import operations of the ASEAN and the EU has been carried out and the main segments of their trade in goods have been identified. It is noted that the introduction of innovative technologies and scientific achievements are key factors that contribute to the competitiveness of the participating countries in the context of global economic challenges. The dynamics of foreign direct investment flows, the geographical structure of donor countries and the main spheres of investment in the countries participating in the groupings are presented. A growing trend towards investing capital in such important industries as education and training, manufacturing of electronics and electrical equipment, biomedical and pharmaceutical industries, infrastructure and real estate, as well as the creation of various projects in the fight against climate change and the development of the digital economy has been identified.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Podorozhna M. R.
Analyzing the Factors of Formation and Positioning of Brand in International Markets by the Attribute of Innovativeness (p. 28 - 37)

In the study of world development along with scientific and technological processes, analysts’ attention is focused on the cause-and-effect relationships between global changes at the macroeconomic level (international economic integration, economic growth and crises, competition, maturation and emergence of new markets) and innovations, technical changes. This necessitates consideration of the impact of technological, systemically integrating, market, political and cultural changes on business systems, their consequences regarding the emergence of new forms and methods of organization, management, interaction, cooperation at the global, interregional and national levels. The results of the analysis of global brand ratings confirm that companies that give preference to innovation, digitalization and smartization of business processes, development and implementation of new business models, create new markets and new revenue sources, lead the competition in international markets, and widen the gap with less successful competitors. The article develops methodical support for the analysis of global brands by stages-tasks: the common attributes of global brands are defined; a system of indicators for calculating an integral indicator for assessing the company’s brand has been formed; models of dependence between the integral indicator and the ratings of the global brand and the company’s innovativeness have been built. To calculate the integral indicator of globality and innovativeness of the company’s brand, the following indicators were used: value of equity, current assets, operating and net profit, share price, sales income, goodwill.

Article is written in English


Atamanchuk Z. A., Mykhaylenko A. М., Bobkova A. P.
Trends, Problems and Prospects for the Development of World Trade in Conditions of Modern Challenges (p. 24 - 30)

The proposed article aims to present a comprehensive overview of the problems and prospects of world trade, aimed at understanding the challenges it faces and substantiating the possibilities for its further development in the modern world. It is determined that the EU, China and the USA are the world’s largest exporters of goods. The dynamics of exports and imports of goods and services, the trade balance between the United States and the European Union, foreign trade by sectors of the economy are studied. The milestones of trade policy between the USA and the EU are outlined. The factors of recovery of the world economy after the COVID-19 pandemic are considered. It is substantiated that the full-scale war in Ukraine, the rupture of trade relations between the United States and China and the consequences of Brexit played a significant role in the formation of the main trends in bilateral trade on a global scale. A forecast of the development of world trade is carried out, emphasis is placed on the factors that will have both a positive and a negative impact on its dynamics. In particular, among the factors that will have a positive impact on the development of world trade, the following are allocated: growth in demand for certain types of services; trade and industrial policy reflecting the so-called «green transition» to an environmentally sustainable global economy. This will help increase trade flows of goods and services related to the production of energy-efficient goods and renewable energy sources. On the other hand, against the backdrop of the negative impact of geopolitical factors, including geopolitical tensions in the world and the war in Ukraine, industrial production is expected to slow down, with many economies maintaining relatively high interest rates as a result of ongoing inflationary pressures. The growing level of debt burden of the world’s economies, combined with high interest rates, will continue to have a negative impact on the macroeconomic conditions of many countries, which will lead to an increase in the cost of borrowing, and the policy of internal orientation in large economies may lead to increased restrictive measures in international trade, which will restrain the growth of its volumes.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ishchuk Y. A., Kvasnytska O. H., Hehamian L. R.
An Analysis of Ukraine’s Foreign Trade Relations with Asian Countries (p. 30 - 38)

The aim of the article is to analyze Ukraine’s foreign trade relations with Asian countries and identify the main trends, challenges and prospects for their cooperation. The article considers the main features of the Asian region in the economic sphere and finds that it is characterized by a high concentration of resource potential, dynamic economic development, active trade and regional economic cooperation. The general dynamics of Ukraine’s foreign trade with Asian countries during 2013–2022 is presented, as well as its distribution by region in 2022. A detailed analysis of Ukraine’s export-import operations in the context of individual Asian countries is carried out. The key trading partners of Ukraine in the region, which include Turkey, China and India, have been identified. The main documents regulating Ukraine’s foreign economic activity with these countries are considered, such as the Free Trade Agreement between Ukraine and Turkey (ratification postponed), Agreement between the Government of Ukraine and the Government of the People’s Republic of China on Trade and Economic Cooperation and a similar Agreement between the Government of Ukraine and the Government of the Republic of India. The main features and key trends that determine the dynamics of the development of trade relations with these countries are analyzed in detail. Their commodity structure of foreign trade with Ukraine has been analyzed and it has been found that the basis of Ukrainian exports to the Asian region is agricultural products, namely: vegetable oils and fats, wheat, corn and animal feed. Other promising trading partners of Ukraine, namely, Japan and South Korea, are also allocated. It is proved that for the balanced development of foreign trade relations with other countries and ensuring the sustainability of the economy in the context of global competition, Ukraine needs to maintain flexibility and adapt to new geopolitical and economic conditions, diversify the commodity structure of exports, as well as conclude new trade agreements.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yemets V. V.
Non-Equivalent Exchange as a Strategy for Forming the Preconditions for Economic Development in Developed Countries (p. 39 - 44)

The established system of global economic relations functions on the basis of a mechanism that provides for an asymmetric level of "benefits" between developed and developing countries. As a result, an American, Swede or, for example, a Swiss consumes 40 times more of the Earth’s resources than the average Somalian, eats 75 times more meat than an Indian and burns 150 times more electricity than the average Nigerian. These statistics could go on and on, but suffice it to say that even the average cat in England consumes twice as much protein as the average resident of Africa. According to a report by scientists published by the Royal Society, a child in a developed country consumes 30 to 50 times more water than a child of the same age in a developing country. In 2010, nearly one billion people did not get the minimum amount of calories they needed, despite the fact that global calorie consumption increased by an average of 15% between 1969 and 2005. Meanwhile, more people in the Middle East, North Africa, South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa live on less than $5.50 a day today than in 1990. The maintenance of the existing order is based on several economic "pillars", which make it impossible to change the established foundations in favor of weaker economies. Such pillars are: availability of technology, production capacity, human and financial capital in more developed countries, which makes it possible to produce goods in demand on the market with high added value, which ensures the development of the non-equivalent exchange mechanism; the functioning of the global financial system, which contributes to the formation of a surplus of financial capital in developed countries and its deficit in developing countries; attractiveness of the image of developed countries as a destination for emigration, education, travel, purchase of residential and non-residential real estate, and other investments. A significant part of the natural, financial and human resources of weaker countries, one way or another, are involved in the national property of more developed ones, increasing their overall level of resource security, competitiveness and efficiency, leading to a further gap in development between the countries of the first world and "other worlds".

Article is written in Ukrainian

Varlamova M. L., Romanets T. P.
Development of Trade and Economic Relations of African Countries (p. 44 - 51)

Africa is an important trading partner for many countries worldwide, despite the fact that most of its countries are characterized by a relatively low level of competitiveness on the international stage. The development of trade and economic relations among African countries can contribute to economic prosperity, strengthen regional security, and promote peace. However, integration processes are complicated by political instability, internal conflicts, and significant differences between countries in terms of economic development. On the one hand, the prospects for the development of trade and economic relations, and on the other hand, the complexity of implementation emphasize the relevance of the research topic. The article analyzes indicators such as export, import, trade balance, geographical structure of trade, and the export-import relationship between African countries and Ukraine. The analysis of trade and economic relations of African countries reveals that the share of Africa’s export and import is currently less than 3%. Since 2013, there has been a significant excess of imports over exports, negatively impacting the region’s economy. As a result of the analysis of intra-regional and inter-regional trade, it was found that the volumes of intra-regional trade account for 13.7%, indicating a higher level of trade and economic interaction between African countries and other regions of the world. The creation of a continental free trade area in the future may increase the volumes of mutual trade between countries, but significant changes have not occurred yet. African countries are also important trading partners for Ukraine, with a positive trade balance in their favor.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Hrushchynska N. M., Pobochenko L. M., Nabok I. I., Prokopieva A. A.
The Aerospace Industry in Post-Industrial Development (p. 6 - 12)

The article raises the issue of the relevance of the development of international cooperation in the aerospace industry, taking into account the trends of post-industrial society, the development of artificial intelligence, and the transformation of the world society. It is specified that one of the key indicators of the transition from an industrial to a post-industrial society is the active development of the service sector and the importance of education and the knowledge economy, which come to the fore. The economy of post-industrial societies is dominated by innovative sectors such as high-performance industries, high-quality and innovative services as a share of GDP, and a larger share of the population employed in the service sector than in industrial production. A country with a highly developed aerospace industry demonstrates its national strength, scientific and technological innovation, effective public policy, strategic vision and principles of national security. At the international level, the leading countries of the world have identified the coordination of space activities and the development of aerospace industry as a priority of the national level. Ukraine has a complete space complex (rockets, spacecraft, ground control centers, data processing centers) and most aviation platforms (reusable spacecraft, some passenger aircraft, military transport, transport-only), has the potential for construction, research and development, can organize the production, operation and use of the rocket, space and aviation technology. The aviation industry and the space industry outline the long-term prospects for the development of the country’s economy. In terms of development, the aerospace industry is ahead of other industries and plays a vital role in modern civilization. The development of the aviation industry is urgent for Ukraine, including the development of ground airport infrastructure, air transport and a combination of ground and air transport.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kovbatiuk M. V., Shkliar V. V., Begeka D. A.
Translation as a Communication Tool for Specialists in International Economic Relations (p. 13 - 19)

The communication skills of specialists in international economic relations determine the ease of overcoming linguistic and cultural boundaries in today’s globalized world. As businesses expand into international markets, the demand for professionals with a high level of language competence, including translation and interpretation skills, is high. The article substantiates that translation competence is an integral part of the professional competence of applicants for economic direction, since integration processes and international cooperation increase the requirements for foreign language proficiency not only in the interpersonal sphere, but also in the economic, especially in the field of international business. In the course of the study, the main key challenges and barriers to effective communication in international business are identified and characterized, namely: cultural differences, language barriers, non-verbal communication signals, technological challenges, time zone differences, cross-cultural misunderstandings, translation and interpretation. Emphasis is placed on translation and interpretation, as it is an important tool for facilitating communication between speakers of different languages. Correct translation and interpretation requires not only knowledge of the language, but also cultural competence, understanding of the context and knowledge of the subject. The authors identify the main areas of application of translation and interpretation in international business, including: legal and regulatory documents; financial reports and market analysis results; marketing and promotional materials for international markets; translation of technical specifications, instructions and documentation for products; diplomatic negotiations, international conferences and diplomatic correspondence on economic issues. Thus, translation is an effective tool for effective communication, cooperation and negotiations in international economic relations. By overcoming language barriers, fostering intercultural understanding, and the exchange of information and ideas, translation plays a vital role in promoting economic cooperation, trade liberalization, and sustainable development on a global scale.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Savchenko M. V., Romanets T. P.
Investments in Renewable Energy: Global Trends and Modern Tools (p. 23 - 30)

Renewable energy has become one of the most attractive sectors for investment in the modern world. The increasing focus on environmental pollution and climate change, coupled with rapid technological advancements in this field, make it highly promising for businesses and investors. In this article, we will examine the major global trends in renewable energy investment and the modern tools that facilitate the development of this sector. One of the key trends is the growth in investment volumes in renewable energy. According to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), investments in renewable energy surpassed $300 billion in 2023, marking a record high. This increase in investment is driven by both government support programs and private investors who see high potential profitability in this sector. Another important trend is the expansion of investment geography in renewable energy. While previously the main markets were in Europe and North America, there is now active development in markets across Asia, Africa, and Latin America. This is due to both the overall growth in energy demand in these regions and political and economic strategies aimed at reducing dependence on coal and gas fuels. Today, there are several modern tools that facilitate investment in renewable energy. One of them is green bonds. These are special bonds issued by companies or governments, the proceeds of which are used exclusively for the development of renewable energy projects. Green bonds are becoming increasingly popular among investors who seek not only financial returns but also to contribute to sustainable development. Another tool is socially responsible investment funds, which specialize in investing in enterprises and projects related to sustainable development, including renewable energy. These funds are guided not only by financial criteria but also by environmental and social criteria, making them attractive to investors who aim to have a positive impact on society and the environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Tsymbal L. I., Kovalchuk T. H.
Adaptation of Innovative Strategies and International Expansion of Business in Conditions of Wartime (p. 6 - 11)

The aim of the article is to analyze the existing innovation strategies of Ukrainian enterprises and, on this basis, to identify their shortcomings and develop recommendations for improving and adapting innovative approaches to the international expansion of Ukrainian business during the wartime. It is substantiated that in the current conditions of wartime Ukraine, financial crisis, geopolitical pressure, lack of structural reforms, enterprises should not stop introducing innovative approaches to production processes, because this will negatively affect their international competitiveness and business expansion. On the contrary, the active production of advanced innovative products that meet the needs and requirements of consumers will be the basis for maintaining a stable position of enterprises in the market and will ensure their effective and stable functioning in the future. The negative consequences of the full-scale military invasion in relation to the implementation of business activities are determined, which include: reduction in the volume of business activities, in particular, a decrease in the number of operating enterprises; significant loss of income; reducing the number of orders, in particular due to migration processes, decrease in the competitiveness of the population, reduction of local and central budgets; overall cost reduction; reduction of wages; suspension of investments; increasing the turnover of labor resources due to migration processes and mobilization of the population; destruction of energy infrastructure, which led to the disruption of stable activities; loss of equipment and employees by enterprises located in the occupied territories and near the front line. On the example of specific companies, innovative strategies used by Ukrainian enterprises during the wartime for business expansion are analyzed, and the possibilities of their adaptation to terrible conditions, support of pre-war activities and the introduction of improved strategies that will contribute to the further development of companies and their entry into foreign markets in new realities, are considered. Using the matrix method, the potential opportunities and existing threats to Ukrainian enterprises are researched with the help of SWOT analysis, ways to improve their innovation strategies are proposed, by introducing which, Ukrainian enterprises will be able to adapt to the constantly changing business environment, strengthen competitiveness at the global level, enter new markets and optimize production processes in conditions of micro- and macroeconomic instability.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shkurat M. Y., Yuzdepska A. A.
Analyzing the Transformation of Business Processes of an International Company (p. 12 - 18)

The purpose of analyzing the transformation of business processes of international companies is to summarize and systematize available research, identify general trends and patterns, evaluate the efficiency of various approaches to business process transformation and develop practical recommendations for management. Assessing the impact of business process transformation on the company’s positioning in the market compared to competitors helps to understand how successfully the company adapts to changes. The purpose of analyzing the transformation of business processes of international companies is to assess their impact on various aspects of the company’s activities in order to increase its competitiveness and sustainable development. Analysis of the transformation of business processes of international companies is relevant in the context of constant changes in the global business environment. The purpose of the analysis is to assess the efficiency, risks and opportunities associated with transformation processes in international companies. The study covers various aspects, including the impact of transformation on productivity, competitiveness, risk tolerance and customer satisfaction. The transformation of business processes helps to increase the efficiency of operations and reduce costs in international companies. The introduction of new methods and technologies allows companies to maintain their competitive advantage in the international market. A clear analysis helps identify and minimize transformation-related risks, such as technological failures or managerial deficiencies. The process optimization helps to increase customer satisfaction and increase customer loyalty. Changes in the business environment require constant updating of business processes to remain competitive. Analyzing the transformation of business processes of international companies is a pivotal stage in achieving success in the face of constant changes and the need to adapt to new market challenges.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Savchenko M. V., Ishchuk Y. A., Barchuk K. V.
An Empirical Analysis of Remittances of Labor Migrants to Ukraine: The Main Trends and Economic Consequences (p. 18 - 25)

The article examines the complex impact of both war and migration processes on the demographic and economic situation in Ukraine. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the conflict that has been going on since 2014 and the migration crisis inherent in it have led to a significant decrease in the population due to large-scale migration flows. It is predicted that by 2050 the population of Ukraine may decrease to 35.2 million people, which will create serious challenges for the economy and social sphere. According to the data provided in the article, the number of remittances from abroad to Ukraine is growing, which indicates the intensive development of migration flows and the growth of the economic contribution of immigrants. However, the actual volume of such remittances is likely to be higher than indicated in official data due to the presence of unregistered flows. Remittances reflect not only migrants’ financial contributions to the economy, but also the level of connection and support that migrants provide to their families and communities in Ukraine. Compared to the inflow of foreign direct investment, an understanding of how migration flows affect the country’s economy both through financial contributions and through other socioeconomic aspects is presented. The article calls for the development of effective strategies to overcome the challenges posed by war and migration processes. Important components of such strategies are ensuring economic growth and social well-being of the population, as well as rational management of migration flows to maximize the positive impact of migration on the economy and society of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Abramova I. V., Poplavskyi P. H.
Financing International Grant Agreements in the Fields of Science and Innovation through the Prism of the Decomposition Model (p. 26 - 31)

The relevance of the chosen issues is represented by the consideration that the old methods of financing scientific and innovative activities did not ensure the sustainability of the socioeconomic development of Ukraine and necessitated the search for alternative sources of funds for the outlined purposes. It is argued that grant funding is an effective tool for strengthening scientific and innovative activities. The study was carried out using the methods of system analysis and synthesis, on the basis of which contextual and decompositional models of describing the sequence of processes of functionalization of the mechanism for financing international grant agreements in the fields of science and innovation were built. It is emphasized that the donors for the financing of domestic scientific research on a grant basis are international organizations that develop appropriate procedures and rules for the preparation of projects that deserve funding. As a result of the study, it is found that the ultimate goal of such activities is to create conditions for ecological consumption and production, increase the competitiveness of domestic products, and improve infrastructure as major tasks of sustainable development.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Chepeliuk M. I., Melnik Y. M.
Analyzing the Volume of Export-Import Activity of the European Union Market (p. 26 - 32)

The article is devoted to a detailed analysis of the export-import activity of Ukraine in the markets of the European Union (EU), with an emphasis on fat-and-oil products. The full-scale invasion of Ukraine forced to strengthen economic ties with partner countries due to a decline in export-import operations. It is determined that the fat-and-oil industry is one of the key ones in the agro-industrial sector of the EU and plays an important role in ensuring the food security of countries. An analysis of the dynamics of exports and imports of margarine in the following EU countries: Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, and also taking into account Moldova, is carried out. The difference between the exports and imports of margarine in these countries has been established. As a result of the analysis of the volume of exports and imports of margarine, it is found that Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Moldova are markets with a high level of import dependence in the margarine segment, which makes them the perspective ones for Ukrainian producers. An analysis of the dynamics of margarine imports in the EU countries for 2013–2021 showed the largest import volumes in the following countries: Great Britain, France, Germany and the Netherlands. To understand the specifics of this market, it is important to consider the numerous factors that affect supply and demand. Practical recommendations for entering the markets of the EU countries are provided, which include an assessment of the potential volume of sales, costs, investments and the availability of trained staff. It is also necessary to adapt products to European standards, develop effective marketing and distribution strategies. The study is an important contribution to understanding the dynamics of the EU markets and the development of strategies for entering them, contributing to the improvement of Ukraine’s export activities in the face of modern challenges.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kashperska A. I., Yatsiuk O. V.
Foreign Economic Activity of Enterprises: Modern Challenges and Prospects of Development (p. 32 - 42)

The aim of the article is to study the current state of foreign economic activity of Ukraine, to determine the prospects for development, taking into account the political and economic situation in the country. The article characterizes the current state of foreign trade. According to the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, the general indicators of foreign trade in goods in 2018–2024 are analyzed as follows: the total value of imported and exported goods, the volume of export-import operations, the commodity structure of foreign trade, and the geographical structure of foreign trade in goods. The main problems inherent in the economy of Ukraine are allocated, including: the continuation of the general slowdown in the growth rate of the world economy and the establishment of restrictive measures on Ukrainian exports of agricultural products used by the countries of the European Union. The main features and prospects for the development of the international trade market are defined, namely: improvement of the regulatory framework, updating the Association Agreement with the EU; ensuring predictable and stable terms of international trade; ensuring the possibility of transporting goods by railway; ensuring the competence of the economic entities engaged in foreign economic activity; increasing the procurement of licenses for the latest technologies; increasing the competitiveness of domestic manufacturing enterprises; improving the quality of Ukrainian goods and services; simplification of customs control. The most promising directions of foreign trade for Ukraine have been allocated, such as: the agricultural sector; IT sector; light industry and fashion; transport and logistics. It is emphasized that there is a general trend of prevalence of imports over exports throughout the study period, which justifies the expediency of establishing relations with existing partner countries and expanding and strengthening foreign cooperation in the field of trade.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Savchenko M. V., Apeniuk A. I., Skladaniuk D. M.
The EU Cooperation with South African Countries: Main Trends and Prospects for Development (p. 28 - 34)

The article is devoted to the study of the current situation, outlining the main trends in cooperation between the European Union and the countries of South Africa and determining the prospects for its deepening. Attention is focused on the cooperation of the European Union in the economic, political and social spheres with the countries of South Africa. The evolution of interaction, including the impact of the colonial past on modern relations is considered, and the role of the EU as a key investor and trading partner for South Africa is analyzed. The authors substantiate the importance of the EU investments in the development of infrastructure, education, health care and technology, which contribute to economic growth and increase the competitiveness of local enterprises. Particular attention is paid to the Economic Partnership Agreement between the EU and the countries of South Africa (SADC EPA) and its impact on trade relations. Changes in the trade balance between the EU and South Africa, in particular the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on exports and imports, are studied. Specific examples of cooperation with countries such as Namibia and Botswana are considered, and the impact of foreign investment on their economic development is analyzed. Prospects for further development of cooperation between the EU and the countries of South Africa in certain spheres are highlighted. In particular, the EU and South African countries can work together to remove trade barriers and promote investment; the EU can continue to provide development assistance to South African countries to help them achieve their objectives; strengthen its cooperation in the field of peace and security to help address the challenges facing Africa as a whole; cooperate in the fight against climate change and on the development of a sustainable economy. The article states that cooperation between the EU and South African countries can benefit both regions. Stronger cooperation can contribute to economic growth, development, peace, and security.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Oliinyk T. I., Skitchenko Y. O.
Foreign Economic Trade Activities of Ukraine: Analysis, Trends and Prospects of Development (p. 48 - 57)

Foreign trade relations play a key role in the national economy, as they are the basis for the international exchange of goods and services between different countries. Therefore, the study of the state and prospects for the development of Ukraine’s foreign trade activity is relevant task for further effective economic growth. This study is devoted to the study of the impact of foreign trade relations on the economic development of Ukraine. The main functions, principles and rules of the World Trade Organization (WTO), which ensures the competitiveness of products in the world market, are disclosed. The main foreign trade partners of the country are studied, the structure of exports and imports of goods and the state of the foreign trade balance of Ukraine for the last three years are considered. The research model is based on an integrated approach, using methods such as analytical, statistical, analysis and synthesis. The research work analyzes the theoretical aspect of foreign trade relations, the state of Ukraine’s foreign trade and develops recommendations for their improvement. The practical significance lies in the analysis of the current state of Ukraine’s foreign trade relations, identifying the main problems and identifying possible ways to solve them. This makes it possible to define precise directions for the further development of foreign economic activity, to develop effective strategies for attracting foreign investment, expanding export opportunities, as well as strengthening trade partnerships with other countries. The social effects of this article are to strengthen economic development and increase Ukraine’s competitiveness in the international arena.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Fareniuk N. V.
Managing Global Value Chains in a Sustainable Development Environment (p. 57 - 64)

Managing global value chains is a critical aspect of modern business, which becomes even more relevant in the context of sustainable development. Global value chains include all stages of creating, manufacturing, and supplying products, from raw material suppliers to end consumers. Effective management of these chains helps to optimize costs, improve product quality, and meet customer needs. At the same time, the growing focus on sustainability requires businesses to integrate environmental, social, and economic aspects into their operations. That is why the presented article considers the main aspects of management of global value chains, taking into account the changing conditions of the modern global economic space. The aim of the presented study is to determine the theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of managing global value chains in the context of sustainable development. The main methods used in the preparation of the article are: the method of comparison to determine the features of the variable conditions of the modern global economic space; methods of analysis and synthesis to determine the components of the global value chain management system; methods of deduction and induction; method of generalization; logical method; analytical method; graphical and tabular methods for presenting the results obtained in the course of the study. The growing focus on environmental and social responsibility requires companies to integrate sustainability principles into value chain management. This includes reducing greenhouse gas emissions, using environmentally friendly materials, ensuring fair working conditions, and social responsibility. Managing costs, ensuring competitiveness, and adapting to changing market conditions are key economic challenges. Optimizing logistics, reducing storage and transportation costs, and improving inventory management are another aspects that are of importance. The use of modern technologies allows you to increase the efficiency of value chain management. The Internet of Things makes it possible to monitor in real-time, big data helps in analyzing and forecasting demand, and artificial intelligence contributes to the automation of processes. Consequently, managing global value chains in a sustainable environment is a challenging but necessary task for modern enterprises. The integration of environmental, social and economic aspects into management strategies allows for long-term competitiveness and sustainability. The use of modern technologies, the development of partnerships and the flexibility in responding to changes are key elements of successful value chain management in a sustainable development environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lazarenko M. I.
The Impact of TNCs on Agricultural Exports of Developing Countries (p. 64 - 70)

The article examines the impact of transnational corporations (TNCs) on agricultural exports of developing countries, with a special emphasis on their role in the formation and processing of agri-food products. In the context of globalization and technological change, agriculture has become an important sector of the economy of developing countries, providing economic development and job creation. TNCs, with their financial resources and technological know-how, have a significant impact on the efficiency and competitiveness of agricultural exports, although their impact is often indirect. The article analyzes the transformation of agri-food exports in the context of TNCs’ participation, as well as changes in the structure and volumes of agricultural exports in developing countries. Various forms of TNC participation are considered, including foreign direct investment, contract farming and control of cross-border supply chains. The author emphasizes the role of TNCs in providing the necessary resources for export activities, such as market information, technology and access to international markets. The article also notes that although TNCs significantly contribute to improving the efficiency of agricultural exports, their activities do not always meet the interests of long-term sustainable development of recipient countries. Particular attention is paid to the imbalance of benefits between TNCs and agricultural producers, which leads to significant economic and social challenges for developing countries. The conclusions of the article underline the importance of understanding the role of TNCs in shaping current trends in agricultural exports and the need for further research on their impact in the context of the post-COVID and security crisis.

Article is written in Ukrainian


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