


KV #19905-9705 PR dated 02.04.2013.



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Economics of Transport and Communications


Popova N. V., Belevtsova N.
The Strategy of Development of Transport and Logistic System of the Region (p. 49 - 52)

The article considers the problems of development of transport and logistic systems of the region. It suggests the organization of transport holdings as a perspective innovation direction of development of such systems. It considers their structure and functions from the point of view of their client-oriented nature.

Article is written in Russian

Scherban’ O.
The Optimization of Reproduction of the Car Park of Motor Transport Enterprise (p. 53 - 55)

The recommendation of optimization of the process of reproduction of the car park is defined in this article. The discrete variant of model is rational for using. The minimum of integrity discount simultaneous and current expenditures and their realization is defined as an optimal criteria. Through repair as a process that increase the value of cars, and compensate the part of its economic consequences of its physical worn-out is worth considering.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Danchylo M. G., Lyfar V. V.
Problems and Prospects of Development of the Railway Infrastructure of the Region in Modern Conditions (p. 59 - 62)

The basic issues of regional development of the railway infrastructure in modern conditions are concerned, the basic problems and prospects of development are determined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chornous O. I., Druzhinina V. V.
Development of Database for Licensing of Hauliers with Taking Account of the Criterion of Financial Stability (p. 62 - 65)

The article considers the conceptions and conditions of licensing the hauliers, de-fines the indexes that allow to develop the database of licensing, gives the content of the forms of statistical reporting of regional transport inspection, develops the database of licensing of activity of the hauliers with taking account of additional criterion of financial stability.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Ananko I. M.
Estimation Facilities of Motor Transport Emterprise for Creation New Services (p. 52 - 55)

The signs of estimation the facilities of motor transport enterprise for creation the new services have been proved. The methodical approach to its estimation, which is based on comparison the consumers’ needs with calculated service’s signs and takes into account the results of competitors’ analysis, has been proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bogatirov A. M., Kuznetsova I. A.
The innovation development process of the mobile operator (p. 123 - 124)

The problem of innovative development of the mobile operator is considered, modern concepts of innovative process are analysed, characteristics of innovative activity of the mobile operator are resulted, the stage of innovative process of the mobile operator is offered.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Yeryomina M. A.
Problems of Pricing in Rail Transport of Ukraine (p. 52 - 55)

The article marks out the main problems of pricing in Ukraine. It analyses the system of tariffing in freight and passenger rail transport. It defines the basic directions of improvement of freight and passenger tariffs.

Article is written in Russian


Mushnykova S. A.
Methodicsl Approach to Building Systems Management Innovations Railway Transport on Synergetic Principles (p. 92 - 96)

The paper presents a methodical approach to building systems management innovations on synergetic principles, discussed the steps involved in assessing the effectiveness of the introduction of managerial innovations in the industry.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kononenko A. V., Odrazhyi O. O.
Choice of the Type of Transport in Creation of Enterprise Logistic Chain (p. 137 - 141)

The article considers the main advantages and drawbacks of motor, railway, water and air transport which are significant from the point of view of logistics and defines the basic criteria of choice of the way of transportation and type of transport.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Dmitriev I. A., Shershenyuk E. N.
The risk level account at the motor transportation enterprise activity planning (p. 133 - 136)

The classification of risk factors is offered in article. It allows to prevent their occurrence in due time by their parity with development cycles of the enterprise work plan on binding certain groups of factors to concrete planned decisions. Various economic situations are also analyzed, and a dependence of accepted planned decisions risk level on the groups of factors which raise or lower a risk level is revealed.

Article is written in Russian


Gnezdilova E. M.
Improvement of Methodical Aspects of Analysis of Work of Transport Vehicles (p. 103 - 107)

Possibilities of development of operative account and analysis of work of transport vehicles are in-process certain, practical recommendations are developed in relation to their introduction.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Lyfar V. V., Tikhonchik A. V.
The Managing of the Region Automobile Roads Potential Development (p. 83 - 88)

The article analyzes the managing of automobile roads potential development on the regional level on the basis of functional approach. The main problems of Region Automobile Road Department on the example of Zaporizhzhya region are determined. A definition of «managing of potential development» based on the semantic analysis of words «development», «potential», «managing» is proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bazavluk A. V.
The investment development of the transport company and its financial security (p. 157 - 162)

The article considers the role of transport infrastructure in the development of national economies and development prospects of the company Ukrzaliznica, assessed the state of logistics and content of the investment policy of the company, the necessity of expanding its investment potential, including through the involvement of external sources of funding. In the article analyzed also the system of financing investment development company, the main sources of funding and usage of rail transport. Occupies a special place comparative characteristics of the main forms of investment loans.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kudryavtsev V. M.
The Role of Road Transport System to Ensure the Security of the State Investment (p. 162 - 165)

In this paper the role, relationship and the degree of interaction between the road transport system and the state in the context of ensuring the security of their investment was justified.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lysenko A. О.
Formation of the Concept of the Cost Management of the Enterprises of Road Economy (p. 166 - 170)

The article is devoted to formation of the basic theoretical positions of the concept of the cost management of the enterprises of road sector, which is based on general methodology of the theory of management. Within the developed concept have been disclosed the connections between subject and object of the cost management and the scientific-methodical tools. The stages of its implementation have been defined, expressed in the development of three separate models.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lokotetskaya O. V.
A Role of a Transport Industry is in the System of Economic Security of the State (p. 170 - 173)

In this work the role of transport is grounded in the structure of economic complex of Ukraine, and it is well-proven that effective work of transport will be instrumental in the increase of economic strength of the state security.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Dorokhovskiy A. N.
The Need of Development a Regional Transport and Logistics System in Ukraine (p. 136 - 139)

In article is researched the need for regional transport and logistics system in Ukraine, considered the possibility of its development and the problems that arise in this regard.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Chornyy V. V.
Competition Behavior of Railways at the Market of Freight Transportations (p. 148 - 150)

In the article the features of competitive activity are analyzed the market of freight transportations. It is well-proven that the specific of functioning of railways in the competition environment of market of freight transportations is stipulated by interdependence of efficiency of economic activity of national railways, owners of freight carriages, railways of nearby countries, owners of goods. The necessity of application of corporately-adaptive and passing ahead behavior of railways, that requires rationally-pragmatic co-operation of railways of country with, is reasonable.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Davtyan Y. V.
The Theoretical Foundations of the International Transport Corridors and their Role in the Economy of Ukraine (p. 151 - 155)

The analysis of the theoretical foundations of the international transport corridors is discussed. Particular attention is given to transit opportunities of Ukraine, their current shortcomings, possible ways of improvement. The correlation between investment in transport infrastructure and dynamic freight volumes through Ukraine is shown. The perspective directions for improving transit facilities in Ukraine is offered.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Dmitriev I. A., Shcheblykina K. A.
Formation of the Object in the Business Performance Management on the Passenger Bus Station (p. 131 - 136)

The condition and the content of object in business performance management on the passenger BS have been suggested in article. The management object forming is presented with the help of process approach. It has been that the business performance on passengers BC is formed as the result of financial, work processes with the personnel, with clients and the main processes. The object’s model of the business performance management at BS was developed using the IDEF0 methodology.

Article is written in Russian

Demyanenko T. I.
Methodical Going Near Forming of the System of Adaptive Control Innovative - by Investment Development of Enterprises of Railway Transport. (p. 136 - 140)

In the article the methodical going is developed near forming of the system of adaptive control innovative - by investment development of enterprises of railway transport. System of adaptive control innovative - engulfs all spheres of activity of production investment development of enterprises of railway transport and on the basis of it helps operatively to plan future activity of enterprises of railway transport.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dikolenko O. G.
Theoretical and Practical Approaches to the Determination of Investment Potential of Railways of Ukraine (p. 141 - 143)

The article is devoted to illumination of approaches theoretical and practical to determination of investment potential railways of Ukraine. Possibilities of application the coefficient of investment potential of railways are considered, the calculation is based on the financial reporting. The calculation it coefficient is represented for each of railways of Ukraine and the proper conclusions are done.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Onyshchenko O. V.
Reengineering of Business Processes of the Air Enterprises of a Transport Logistics Cluster (p. 144 - 150)

In the article features and conceptual approaches to reengineering of business processes of the air enterprises of a transport logistics cluster are analysed. The urgency of creation of the program of reengineering of aviation business of a cluster is proved. The functional and process mechanism of management is developed by reengineering of business processes of the air enterprises of a transport logistics cluster is developed for providing of strategy of increase of competitiveness of subjects of activity.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Filon M. M.
Study of Effectiveness of Regulation in the Telecommunication Sphere of Ukraine (p. 191 - 195)

The article analyses dependence of effectiveness of activity of the telecommunication sphere upon quantitative and qualitative composition of participants under conditions of development of competition in the markets of telecommunication services. It is proved that the increase of volumes of income of operators and providers of telecommunication services does not proportionally depend on their number. There is a tendency of reduction of volumes of income with simultaneous increase of the number of licensed operators and providers that obtained licences for the conduct of economic activity. The structure of market participants faces increase of the share of subjects of economic activity with a simplified system of taxation, which results in reduction of income and, consequently, in reduction of the share of income of the branch in GDP.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Gudkova V. P.
Priorities of Socio-Economic Balancing of Public Transportation Interests (p. 216 - 220)

The article uses example of the sphere of passenger transportation to mark problems of socio-economic balancing, which are reduced to a necessity to satisfy polar interests and mandatory accounting of quantitatively non-measurable factors. It justifies a necessity to identify priorities in building socio-transportation links with the help of the method of analysis of hierarchies. It establishes levels and characterises structural and functional elements of hierarchy of branch priorities, which are taken into account during formation of conditions of achievement of quasi-service equilibrium. The process of balancing contradictory interests in the system of transport servicing of the population is considered through the prism of interaction forces, subjects, local goals and contrast scenarios, which creates opportunities for determining justified proportions in relation of social and commercial sectors of the branch market.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Demianchenko A. G.
Concept of Efficient Management of Property of Ukrainian Sea Ports (p. 221 - 228)

The article offers a concept of efficient management of property of Ukrainian sea ports, which is a strategic system of goals and tasks of conducting new policy of the state on de-governmentalisation of the port branch and reflects a spectrum of necessary directions of realisation, principles, instruments and mechanisms. The main condition of efficient conduct of reforms in sea ports is attraction of private capital and building such relations between it and the state, so that the ports would obtain a powerful resource for development and modernisation, the state would obtain a competitive and regulated branch, and investors would obtain a profitable and attractive business. The tasks of the offered concept are formation of conditions for intensive development of the port branch; perfection of the mechanism of the state-private partnership; ensuring growth of economic efficiency of the ports; promotion of regional development; decentralisation of the branch management; and ensuring growth of technical and technological potential of the ports. The strategic direction of management of property of sea ports, formed under conditions of the accelerating process of de-governmentalisation in the branch, is a complex mechanism of reconstruction of relations of property and management, directed at growth of competitiveness of the sea branch in economic, financial, organisational, legal and investment aspects by means of attraction of private capital and active interaction of state authorities and private investors on parity basis.

Article is written in Russian

Kudryavtsev V. M.
Priority Directions of Development of Transportation Branch From the Point of View of Ensuring its Investment Security (p. 228 - 232)

The article considers and justifies modern approaches to determining priority directions of formation of the state policy of development of the transportation branch and development of transportation companies from the point of view of investment security. It offers a mechanism of formation and realisation of the state policy, which is not just a sum of organisational and economic forms, but a phenomenon, which reflects interconnection between them, interaction and intertransition. It establishes most important reasons that hold back development of the transportation branch. It determines main economic measures of the state policy of ensuring investment security of the transportation branch, which development of prospective forms of financing and support of this sphere are related to.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shevchenko Y. B., Kurinna I. G.
Economic Expediency of Production and use of Biodiesel in Ukraine (p. 232 - 236)

Dependence on import of energy resources significantly holds back development and stability of Ukrainian economy. Such a dependence influences national and energetic security and the use of petroleum products as sources of energy presents significant ecological threats. This dependence stimulates intensive search for alternative sources of energy. Production and use of biofuel, namely biodiesel mixtures, are considered among other ways of solution of this problem. The most optimal type of biodiesel mixtures are mixtures, which contain not more than 30% of biodiesel fuel and 70% of petroleum diesel fuel. Adding up to 30% of biodiesel to the petroleum diesel fuel does not require changes in engine construction. Exploitation and physical and chemical properties of the mixed diesel fuel do not differ significantly from requirements of the diesel fuel standard. The cost of biodiesel fuel is comparable with the cost of diesel fuel and does not result in rise of price. Ukraine has significant potential and conditions for production of biodiesel. However, the current correlation of prices on energy resources and biofuel raw materials makes production of biofuel in Ukraine unprofitable. To stimulate the use of biodiesel, it is necessary to develop and introduce a system of privileges and introduce a strict control, which envisages fines for polluting the atmosphere.

Article is written in Russian


Chervyakova V. V.
Formation of a Combined Business Model of a Car-Service Enterprise under Conditions of Controlling (p. 166 - 172)

The article considers main scientific approaches to building a business model of an enterprise, which would completely reproduced the logic of its financial and economic activity. The article offers a combined business model of a car-service enterprise that unites positive characteristics of static business models based on allocation of responsibility centres and dynamic process-oriented business models. The static-dynamic business model of a car-service enterprise is represented by systems of creation and consumption of a value, which determine supply of the value and the structure of expenditures and receipts. This business model allows controllers to analyse results of the financial and economic activity and management of a car-service enterprise in statics and dynamics, assessing the level of achievement of target indicators in a certain moment of time and terms, during which they were received, and managers – to make effective managerial decisions with consideration of changes in external and internal environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Karpenko O. O., Babyna O. Y.
Intensification of Development of Mixed Transportation of Freight in Ukraine through Formation of the Network of Transportation and Logistic Centres and Transportation and Logistic Clusters (p. 180 - 185)

Development of mixed transportation is a prospective direction of development of the transportation system of Ukraine. The article analyses the modern state of development of mixed transportation of freight in Ukraine. The most popular types of combined transportation (refers to multi-modal) are container and contrailer trains, which are formed both in Ukraine (Viking and Yaroslav) and in other countries, first of all, Belarus (Zubr). One of the reasons of underdevelopment of mixed transportation of freight in Ukraine is absence of a developed network of transportation and logistic centres. The article offers to form a network of transportation and logistic centres in Ukraine as a way of intensification of development of mixed transportations of freight, since they facilitate co-ordination of use of various types of transport and support integrated management of material flows. Transportation and logistic centres should become a start-up complex, around which transportation and logistic clusters would be gradually formed. Transportation and logistic clusters is a new efficient form of network organisation and management of transportation and logistic services and they also ensure growth of efficiency of use of the regional transportation and logistic potential of Ukraine. The article shows prospective supporting transportation and logistic centres and centres of formation of transportation and logistic clusters in the territory of Ukraine. Formation of efficient transportation and logistic system of Ukraine on the basis of a network of transportation and logistic clusters would facilitate entering of Ukraine into the world transportation environment and would allow acceleration of introduction of efficient logistic schemes of freight delivery, in particular, mixed transportation of freight.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Zakharchenko L. A., Kolesnyk O. A.
Benchmarking in Identifying Priority Directions of Development of Telecommunication Operators (p. 187 - 192)

The article analyses evolution of development and possibilities of application of benchmarking in the telecommunication sphere. It studies essence of benchmarking on the basis of generalisation of approaches of different scientists to definition of this notion. In order to improve activity of telecommunication operators, the article identifies the benchmarking technology and main factors, that determine success of the operator in the modern market economy, and the mechanism of benchmarking and component stages of carrying out benchmarking by a telecommunication operator. It analyses the telecommunication market and identifies dynamics of its development and tendencies of change of the composition of telecommunication operators and providers. Having generalised the existing experience of benchmarking application, the article identifies main types of benchmarking of telecommunication operators by the following features: by the level of conduct of (branch, inter-branch and international) benchmarking; by relation to participation in the conduct (competitive and joint); and with respect to the enterprise environment (internal and external).

Article is written in Ukrainian


Logutova T. G., Demianchenko A. G.
Formation of Criteria of Assessment of Infrastructure Projects of Sea Ports Development (p. 143 - 148)

The spectrum of criteria, by which assessment of tender offers of projects of state-private partnership in the port industry is carried out, includes a small but capacious set of indicators of financial and economic efficiency and qualification level of contenders. However, the study of foreign methods of assessment of projects in sea ports and domestic experience of carrying out tenders in other industries shows that a more clear division of assessment of both tender offers and contenders is rational. The article uses some methods and approaches to scientific study – generalisation, systematisation and analysis of foreign and domestic experience of carrying out tenders and acts of law. In the result the article forms a scheme of assessment of tender offers and investors and also offers an algorithm of calculation of the integral tender assessment, based on division of tender criteria by four groups: technical and economic, financial (for a tender offer), financial and investment, and organisational (for investors). The offered aspects of improvement of methods of tender selection of projects, realised in the port industry with the help of the mechanism of state-private partnership, would facilitate a more balanced and optimal selection of the best offer not only from the point of view of its content, but also the characteristic of the investor that proposes it. On the other hand, the use of the common, successfully tested under different conditions of project realisation, numerical method of assessment would be the guarantee of applicability of the of the proposed measures.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Horielov D. O., Lavrova Y. V.
Formation of the Cycle of Business Processes of Management of Marketing Activity of a Transport Enterprise (p. 176 - 181)

The article is devoted to problems of organisation of the process of management of marketing activity of an enterprise. It specifies the model of services of a transport enterprise and provides levels of services and their structure: basic, real, expanded, expected and prospective. The article offers to differentiate planning and realisation of the transportation service by its levels, each of which would correspond with a separate business process of management. It reveals specific features of use of instruments of the traditional, internal and interactive marketing in the market of transportation services. It identifies the structure of the object when managing marketing activity of a transportation enterprise. The article uses the Deming cycle to formulate general principles of formation of business processes of management of marketing activity: “Motivation – Plan – Do – Check – Act”. The proposed cycle would ensure continuous improvement of the said business processes of an enterprise in accordance with international quality standards (ISO).

Article is written in Ukrainian


Yatskevych I. V.
Specific Features of Alliance Management in the Sphere of Communication and Informatisation (p. 165 - 171)

The goal of the article is theoretical study and revelation of specific features of alliance management in the sphere of communication and informatisation. To achieve that it is necessary to perform a scientific task, which lies in the study of essence and role of management in the alliance of the sphere of communication and informatisation. In the result of the study the article identifies the role of the management system in formation and development of such an alliance and reveals and recommends the essence of the mechanism of its management. The article identifies main goals of formation and stages of creation of the alliance, scheme of the managerial cycle of stages of the process of interaction of partner participants in accordance with the alliance development, key factors of success of interrelations between partner participants of the alliance, and dynamic interconsistency of stages of the process of management of interaction of partner participants of the alliance. Prospects of further studies in this direction are such elements in the management system as social responsibility, transfer price, mechanism of assessment of synergy and efficiency of alliance functioning in the sphere of communication and informatisation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sydorenko K. V.
Conceptual Approach to Formation of Competitiveness of the Leading International Airports under Conditions of the World Trajectory of the Airline Market Development (p. 171 - 176)

Potential of competitiveness of the airport, as any other enterprise of the service sphere, is determined by the corporate power of the producer of these values. The issue of development of the infrastructure development strategy of leading international airports, which sets the goal of solution of the problem of complete, timely, uninterrupted and high quality satisfaction of the fast growing demand of services consumers with minimal costs, becomes extremely urgent under conditions of dynamic development of the world aviation. However, the airport infrastructure is rather wasteful and requires permanent investments into renovation of the infrastructure objects and technological systems. The airport infrastructure is a set of objects, which are divided, by their functional purpose, into objects that directly service the technological process of air conveyance (sphere of aviation activity) and objects that create additional services. Increase of competitiveness of the airport in the world economic environment envisages timely modernisation and harmonious development of its objects in accordance with requirements of the airport services market on the basis of rational resource provision and efficient management of the property complex at all stages of functioning and development. The author studies aspects of formation of the competitive strategy of the airport, identifies strategic priorities of development of the airport infrastructure, including through the mechanism of state-private partnership, use of transit potential, strengthening of the logistical component, increase of quality of servicing, and diversification of activity by means of strengthening its non-aviation component with consideration of goals of efficient integration in the national and global environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Boiko A. B.
Ways of Optimisation of Operation of the Mobile Communication Industry of Ukraine on the Basis of the World Experience (p. 226 - 230)

The necessity of this study is explained by the fact that the market of the mobile communication is already over-saturated at the stage of development and the operators search for mechanisms of operation under new market conditions (reduction of growth of the subscriber base, growth of the competition, reduction of receipts per a subscriber, etc.) in order to increase efficiency of their business. In order to solve these problematic issues the companies that provide mobile communication services should immediately introduce new innovation solutions, which would help to increase profitability. Analysing, systemising and generalising results of scientific studies, we identified and justified possible ways of development for the mobile communication industry in Ukraine, which would allow increase of efficiency of their business by operators.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Sahaidak-Nikitiuk R. V., Posylkina O. V., Kozyrieva O. V.
Scientific-practical Approaches to Managing Logistical Risks in Pharmacy (p. 161 - 166)

The goal of the article is development of an adequate method of assessment of logistical risks for the pharmaceutical industry. The article shows urgency of managing logistical risks by subjects of the pharmaceutical market. It identifies essence of a logistical risk and characterises its features in the pharmaceutical industry. It studies logistical risks and their influence upon efficiency of activity of a subject of the pharmaceutical industry. It analyses methods of assessment of logistical risks. Results of the study are based on the use of methods of convergence from general to local, interrelation of qualitative and quantitative characteristics, expert methods and the decision-tree method. The article justifies the use of the decision-tree method for assessment of logistical risks that appear when delivering immuno-biological medications. Advantages of this method of assessment of logistical risks are simplicity and formalisation of alternative solutions.

Article is written in Russian

Poliakov M. Y.
Financing Investment Activity of the Ukrainian Communication Industry (p. 166 - 171)

The goal of the article is the study of specific features of financing investment activity of the communication industry in Ukraine, identification of the state of financing its development, assessment of influence of key factors upon attraction and use of investment funds into the communication industry. The article justifies urgency of ensuring financing investment activity directed at development of the communication industry. Insufficiency of the study of the mechanism of formation, distribution, use of relevant financial resources and control over their use are very important issues in the context of prospects of development of the Ukrainian economy in general. The article studies specific features of the system of financing investment activity in the communication industry of Ukraine, assesses the state and prospects of accumulation of volumes of financing the industry and also identifies ways of improvement of efficiency of use of financial resources.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Strelchuk Y. M., Kaluhina N. A.
Marketing Strategy of Diversification of Telecommunication Enterprise Activity (p. 172 - 176)

The goal of the article is development of an approach to formation of the marketing strategy of diversification of activity of a telecommunication enterprise. The article considers specific features of marketing in telecommunications and provides key tasks of marketing activity. The article forms components of concepts of the marketing strategy of diversification of a telecommunication enterprise activity. Concept components include the goal, information base and instruments of diversification. The article analyses possible strategies of diversification and justifies selection of the strategy of horizontal diversification as the priority one. Strategy developed in accordance with the described concept is a set of principles, methods and mechanisms of managerial decision making directed at achievement of strategic goals and a communication enterprise success under unstable market conditions. Results of the work could be introduced into activity of both telecommunication and postal enterprises. This would result in increase of economic effectiveness and competitiveness of an enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Holikov I. V.
Theoretical Foundations of Economic Security of the Transport Industry (p. 123 - 129)

The article is devoted to the theoretical foundations of the economic security of the transportation industry. It is shown that the economic security of the transport industry of Ukraine is formed under the influence of four levels: at the micro level, the activities of enterprises of the transport industry, which provide education and development of the region’s economic environment of meso level; at the macro level the state manages the economic security of the transport industry; the mega level displays mutually beneficial economic cooperation among states, including through the work of the country's transport industry. Management of economic security of the transport industry covers air, water, industrial, land and pipeline transport. The components of economic security of the transport industry are information, power, legal and institutional, technical and technological, intellectual and human resources, financial and economic activity. With the combination of the principles of education and economic security requirements of the existence of the appropriate level a required environment is created of economic security of the transport industry. The destabilizing factors of economic security of the transport sector include: social, technical, technological, and natural environment or its uncertainty. The article identified: an environment of economic security of the transport sector; system of economic security of the transport industry; space management system of economic security of the transportation industry. Prospects for future research are to develop methods and models to ensure the economic security of the transport industry.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Ostapjuk B. J.
Principles of Effective Management of the Rail Transport Within the System of National Economy in the Context of Globalization (p. 192 - 197)

The article is aimed at defining the principles of the effective management of rail transport within the system of national economy in the context of activation of the globalization processes. It is determined that the rail transport in Ukraine plays an important role in the national economy, is contributing to the building of the internal economy relationships. However, the contemporary realities are permeated by the processes of globalization and economic integration of Ukraine into the world economy. In these circumstances, rail transport is facing the question of an expeditious integration into the world transport system through the network of international transport corridors. Specifics of the transport management in this network set a number of tasks for the rail transport of Ukraine to ensure continuity, reliability and urgency of shipments for the minimal transportation costs. This makes use of the principles of competition and logistics in ensuring the efficiency of the rail transport management with the obligatory involvement of other modes of transport into the transportation process. Implementation of management activities in accordance with these principles will not only increase the efficiency of the rail transport management, but also will ensure the synergistic effect of improving the management of the whole transport complex of Ukraine. Prospects of the further researches in the problem area should be directed at building of the partnership mechanisms between the rail transport and the other transport modes when it is integrated in the network of international transport corridors and the world transport system to provide synergistic efficiency of management performance in the transport complex of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Palant O. Y.
Review of Methods for Inspection of Passenger Flows (p. 142 - 148)

The article is aimed at synthesis in one paper of all the most common methods for inspection of passenger flows, which have turned out to be successful in practice, as well as providing commentaries which are necessary in the opinion of the author, highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of their use in practical activities of enterprises. The article analyses the advantages, and, therefore, the appropriateness of the use of a particular method or a set of methods for inspection of passenger flows, depending on the results and objectives that would be desirable to achieve. It is emphasized, that value (size) of passenger flows is the starting point of many theoretical and methodological calculations as to performance of transport enterprises and the practical recommendations of scientists regarding the sustainability of the city transport system of any city in the country, where there is a public transport – buses or electric vehicles.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Babyna O. Y., Vlasova V. P.
Economic Mechanism for Determining Concession Fees while Implementing the PPP-Projects for the Commercial Sea Ports of Ukraine (p. 162 - 168)

The article determines that one of the most effective tools for development of commercial sea ports (CSP) of Ukraine is the use of public-private partnership (PPP). For the sea port industry branch, the most common form of PPP is concession. Concessions in the commercial sea ports is used for creating, updating, operation of a port infrastructure object at the expense of private investor. The article takes into consideration the main approaches to determining amounts of concession fees and it has been noted that at the present day there isn't a methodology for determining amounts of concession fees for the port infrastructure objects, which have been available to providing services. An economic mechanism for determining the differential amount of concession fees for the existing port infrastructure objects (brownfield projects) has been elaborated on the basis of investment attractiveness, which takes into account the level of profitability of sea port, efficiency in the use of its assets, solvency, financial sustainability, logistic and capacity for self-development. A differentiated approach to determining amounts of concession fees according to the proposed methodology will help to increase revenues from the CSP with a high average level of investment appeal and attract investor in ports with low investment attractiveness.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Boiko A. B.
Analysis of the Current State and Development Features of the Communications in Ukraine (p. 132 - 136)

Relevancy of this study is based on the consideration that communications and continuous improvement of the related methodology, management methods and innovation processes require a detailed analysis for the efficient use of existing resources and the introduction of the latest technology in its development. That is why there is a steady and sustained growth of mobile communications means. Moreover, introduction of communication systems in the field of national economy can significantly improve productivity on mobile objects, save material and labor resources, provide automated control of technological processes, establish a reliable system of controlling the transport facilities, which can be located throughout the country.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dyvinets O. L., Palant O. Y.
Economic and Legal Features of Implementing the Automatic Fare Collection for the Enterprises of Electric Transport in Ukraine (p. 137 - 141)

The article is aimed to determine the legal bases for implementation in Ukraine the automated fare collection for the urban surface electric and motor transport along with adjusting the legislative acts of Ukraine concerning such implementation. The issues related to adjusting the legislation of Ukraine, required for the successful implementation of the automated fare collection for the surface public passenger transport, including use of non-contact plastic cards, tokens and other means of payment, as well as devices for carrying out payments for travel, have been reviewed and analyzed; analysis of the legislative framework has been conducted and a legislative initiative has been proposed. The authors propose to adjust the existing and to adopt new regulations for the implementation and the further effective use of automated fare collection system in the surface public transport in Ukraine, thereby increasing the profitability of passenger traffic.

Article is written in Russian


Maksimchuk A. S.
Evaluating the Influence of Enterprises in Transportation Sector on Development of Economy of Ukraine (p. 144 - 148)

The article is aimed to study the key parameters of positioning of enterprises in transportation sector of Ukraine and identify their influence on state of the economy by means of calculating regression models. As result of systematization of these parameters has been disclosed that among the analyzed aspects, the significant level of dependency from the GDP-volumes at constant prices of the year 2010 (% as compared to the corresponding period of the previous year) belong to the import and export of transport services, as well as their quantitative volume. The calculated regression model allows to assert the urgent need for innovation and investment in enterprises in transportation sector, since the author's findings indicate their substantial influence on the dynamics of GDP. The practical importance of the article consists in substantiation of the priority areas of positioning of transport service enterprises to implement the innovation and investment attraction, because in the current conditions a full-scale modernization is not possible. The measures, proposed by the author, can significantly increase efficiency of the existing enterprises in transportation sector, as well as stimulate to GDP growth. Prospects of the further researches are development of the concept of implementing innovation in enterprises in transportation sector and calculation of the economic effects.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Dashkuev M. A.
Present Process of Integrating the Transport-Logistics System of Ukraine into the European Subregional Space (p. 133 - 140)

The article is aimed to analyze the development of the market of transport and logistics services as well as infrastructure of the transport sector, the present process of integrating the transport-logistics system of Ukraine into the European subregional space. In analysis, systematization and generalization of scientific papers about Ukraine's participation in the functioning of the international transport corridors (ITC), possibilities of interoperability of Ukraine and the EU in this field were considered. It has been proved that at the present stage only integration of the transport system of Ukraine in the trans-European transport network by bringing it into conformity with the norms and standards of the European Union, ensuring effective transport support of foreign economic relations, attracting transit flows of European and Asian countries through the territory of Ukraine is the most effective way to the development of its transport-roads-complex. As result of the study, has been determined that in Ukraine there is still no effective model built on the principles of using the institution of public-private partnership in realization of large investment-innovative projects in the transport sector, as well as on the integration of the national transport system into the European and Asian transport infrastructures, global market for transnational routes services. Today, a special attention needs providing the interoperability, supporting the inter-modality of transport networks, cooperation in using the space transportation systems. Further research may be undertaken in development of practical directions for implementation of the Plan of action for the transport development of the neighborhood region, which was submitted to the EC of the EU in 2011, and the activities contemplated by the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Khachatryan G. А.
Estimated Results of Aircrafts Operation by Armenian Airline Company (p. 149 - 159)

The year by year growth of the air freight activities can be evidenced all over the world. In the context of global increase in the air transportation, growing of the air transportation market in Armenia appears inevitable as well. The corresponding growth indicators will be available provided that aircraft parks are replenished with the contemporary competitive mainline and regional aircrafts. It follows the natural need for expanding, renewing and upgrading the own aircraft park of the company. Since presently there is not a national airline company, operating in Armenia, the studies aimed at finding indicators of production and economic activities of future airline company (for the scientific substantiation of their appearance on the basis of objective calculations) are highly relevant. The estimated results of the airline company's aircrafts operation, as a part of the future business plan for investors or the management board of company, should help to solve the task of determining the specific areas of the airline's activity, target markets and place of the company in these markets. The article presents the estimated results of aircrafts operation by Armenian airline company for their comparative analysis. The most effective directions of flights together with aircraft types, suitable for operation on them, have been displayed.

Article is written in Russian


Pronoza P. V.
World Automobile Production: Modern Trends and Development Prospects (p. 118 - 125)

The article is aimed at an actual problem of development of the automobile production in the world markets. Importance of the global automobile industry, which has a significant impact on the gross domestic product of the world countries, has been proved. Dynamics of the world production of passenger cars over the past ten years has been analyzed. It has been determined that there are significant fluctuations in automobile production in the leading countries of the world against the background of the world financial crises. The leading automobile companies have been identified, which are concentrated mainly in Europe, America and Asia. Ratings of the countries, which are leading in terms of amounts of automobile production, have been determined. It has been specified that, over the past four years, the automobile companies in China provoked competition against the automobile giants and exceed them in terms of production. An analytical study of the dynamics of passenger car production by the regions of the world has been conducted. Amounts of passenger car sales in the countries both with developed and with developing economies have been studied. A high level of cooperation between the world automobile concerns as well as importance of the cooperative networks in the automobile producing have been notified.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Palant O. Y.
Study on Technical-Eeconomic Indicators and the Status of City Electric Transport Industry of Ukraine (p. 200 - 212)

The article is aimed at an analyzing the operation of city electric transport of the country on the basis of theoretical-methodological principles, a well-grounded coverage of the most common general problems of transport enterprises and search for ways to ensure their break-even operation. The key issues of the city electric transport operation have been determined, their characteristics has been provided, their preconditions have been disclosed, and their possible future manifestations have been assessed. Ensuring an integrated and simultaneous implementation of the measures, defined in the article, will give an opportunity to significantly improve the state of things in this important socio-economic and environmental sphere of city electric transport.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Karpenko O. O.
Innovation-Integration Paradigm of Clustering the Transport and Logistics Enterprises (p. 209 - 213)

Transport is one of the basic sectors of the national economy. Its effective functioning provides the basis for interaction and innovative development of all branches of the economic complex of the country. The transport sector at present shows negative dynamics in the volumes of freight transportations, and Ukraine is rapidly losing ground as a transit country. The transport sector problems are compounded by means of transport and logistics enterprises, level of profitability of which does not meet the contemporary requirements. To improve the situation in the transport sector of Ukraine, measures should be taken, first and foremost, to improve the efficiency of transport and logistics enterprises as the primary link of a transport and logistics chain. The most effective direction for development of transport and logistics enterprises in Ukraine can be implemented through the development of transport and logistics clusters. Thus, the feasibility of formation of a contemporary paradigm for development of transport and logistics enterprises on the basis of clustering becomes topical. The article substantiates the innovation-integration paradigm of clustering the transport and logistics enterprises and introduces the scientific notion of «cluster world-view».

Article is written in Ukrainian


Posokhov I. M., Zhadan Y. V.
Development of Measures to Reduce Risks of Industrial Enterprises of Railway Transport (p. 176 - 180)

The rail industry is currently experiencing the impact of economic crisis and the fall in economic production, including results of the severance of economic relations with the Russian Federation and the loss of these markets, thus relevance of researching the risks of industrial enterprises of railway transport increases. The article is aimed at studying risks of industrial enterprises of railway transport and developing measures on their decrease at the industrial enterprises of railway transport. The current problems of railway transport in Ukraine have been identified and researched: continuous aging of fixed assets of railways of Ukraine, their high physical and moral wear together with lack of renewal represent the biggest challenge for the rail network development and is a major threat to traffic safety. The authors have examined the current risks of the industrial enterprises of railway transport: PAO «Kriukivskii Vahonobudivelnii Zavod", PAO "Stakhanivskii Vahonobudivelnii Zavod", PAO "Dniprovagonmash ", PAO "Azovzagalmash" and suggested measures to reduce risks of the enterprises in question: threats to political and economic stability in the country could be reduced through carrying out flexible marketing policy and developing alternative ways of marketing; diversification of production; establishment of joint ventures (filial branches); attraction of additional investment.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Budnik V. A., Lernichenko K. V.
Evaluating the Performance Efficiency of the Urban Waterway Transport Enterprises, Based on Public-Private Partnership (p. 157 - 163)

The article is aimed at developing a methodological approach to evaluate the performance efficiency of the urban waterway transport enterprises, based on public-private partnership. Forms of partnerships between urban authorities and businesses, which should be used in the field of urban waterway transportations, have been analyzed and the expediency of concluding concession agreements during the formation of the urban waterway transport system on the basis of public-private partnership has been substantiated. A methodical approach to assessing the performance efficiency of urban waterway transport enterprises, based on public-private partnership, has been developed. Approbation of the suggested methodological approach has showed that using the indicated tool in establishing a system of the urban waterway transport can contribute to achieving profitability of enterprises in the amount of 20-109%, getting additional revenues in local budgets and increasing the positive social impact.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Popova N. V.
Transport and Logistics System: Definition and Constituent Parts (p. 169 - 174)

The article analyzes the definitions of transport and logistics system, substantiates consideration of the definition of «transport and logistics system» from the perspective of system approach, customer focus and taking account of the interests of all parties interested. Properties of transport and logistics system, its constituent parts, items, and task orientation have been determined. Subsystems of transport and logistics system – the transport and the logistics, their constituent parts and value in the context of globalization have been considered. It has been determined that contemporary transport and logistics systems represent complex management objects, which are characterized by a large number of technological relationships between individual subsystems, a multitude of factors of influence. It is concluded on the need to consider transport and logistics system in a close connection with its development based on customer-focused approach and taking account of the interests of stakeholders.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Palant O. Y.
The Economic Risk Management of Technical Failures in Terms of the Tram Traffic (p. 79 - 84)

The article is aimed at showing the possibility of using economic methods to manage the risks arising in the operations of city electric transport. The key issues in operating this industry sector have been identified, in particular concerning the issue of tram carriages drifting, their statistical processing has been presented, possible risks have been evaluated together with the methods to minimize them. Ensuring the integrated and simultaneous implementation of the measures described in the article will provide for an opportunity of a realistic help towards some significant improvement of the state of affairs in such important socio-economic and environmental sphere as city electric transport. Several techniques for risks evaluation have been described in brief.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sharko M. V., Burenko J. O., Skachkov M. I., Rajtarovska K. M.
The Transport Outsourcing in the Tourism Enterprises' Activities (p. 85 - 90)

The article presents the results of both theoretical studies and applied developments in the field of using contemporary methods of entrepreneurship implementation. The opportunities, which provide for the developing businesses to find the optimum position in the market through the use of advanced technologies in the business management, are disclosed. Trends in the development of outsourcing services have been provided. A structural scheme of the factors impacting the decisions about outsourcing has been elaborated. Possibilities of increasing efficiency of tourism enterprises through the outsourcing of transport services are discussed. Problems and obstacles for development of the transport outsourcing in the tourism industry sector have been identified. A classification of activities and the main directions of the transport outsourcing has been provided. A SWOT analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities of the transport outsourcing for tourism enterprises has been conducted. A conception for incorporating the outsourcing into the production development strategy has been proposed.

Article is written in Russian

Tardaskina T. M., Manko M. P.
The OTT Service Providers' Influence on the Activities of the Mobile Communications Operators in Ukraine (p. 91 - 96)

The article is concerned with studying the development of OTT services and their influence on activities of the mobile communications operators in Ukraine. The article considers the so far largely unexplored in Ukraine topic of the OTT providers' influence on the mobile communications operators in Ukraine, identifies causes of the negative influence and elaborates the model of conduct of the mobile communications operators in the competition environment. On the basis of the foreign experience we have studied, causes of customers choice for the OTT services have been identified, the factors that influence the spread of the OTT services among users of mobile services have been discussed in detail. Possible strategies of the conduct of the mobile communications operators toward the OTT providers have been provided, their advantages and disadvantages for the Ukrainian mobile communications operators have been identified. The Ukrainian experience in use of the provided strategies, in particular development of the own OTT service BiP by the mobile communications operator «Lifecell», has been considered. Promising directions for further research are developing and improving strategies for development of the mobile communication operators in the face of growing competition from the part of the OTT providers, searching options for an effective cooperation with the OTT providers and building the mutually beneficial relations.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Vlasova V. P.
Analysis and Systematization of Methodical Approaches to Determining the Size of the Concession Payments at Seaports (p. 149 - 155)

The article systematizes methodical approaches to sizing the concession payments at seaports. It has been found that seaports practice three-tiered payment consisting of investment, fixed and floating constituents. It has been determined that size of the concession payments depends on the type of project and on the type of services provided by the concessionaire. An analysis of the practice of calculating the concession payments in different countries have shown that ports are using simple, conventional ways of charging the concession payments as well as their own conditions for financial settlements with private partners. An analysis of methodical approaches to calculation of the size of the concession payments at Ukrainian ports has been conducted, determining their advantages and disadvantages, the author has proposed her own differentiated approach to determining the size of concession payments depending on the investment attractiveness of port.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Buriak V. G.
The Essence of the Concept of «Wages Fund», and Impact of Legislative Changes of the Term of «Minimum Wage» on the Wage System of the Enterprise of Postal Service «Ukrposhta» (p. 183 - 188)

The article is aimed at substantiating the necessity of optimizing the pay scheme under the influence of legislative changes of the concept of «minimum wage». Studying the influence of legislative changes in the definition of the essence of concept of «minimum wage» and the wage system, used at the enterprise of postal service «Ukrposhta», has led to the conclusion that beginning from January 1, 2017 it is of the socially unjust and unfounded nature, because the principle of motivation of employees in respect of wages matching the quantity, quality, and results of labor, has been defied. It has been proposed to restructure the wage system at the enterprise of postal service «Ukrposhta» by optimizing the cross-categorial and cross-qualification relations, as well as the payment scheme.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zimina A. I.
The Logistical Aspects of Freight Transportation and Forwarding (p. 188 - 193)

The article substantiates the theoretical and practical aspects of freight transportation and forwarding services based on the principles of logistics. The indicators of dynamics of freight transportation in Ukraine compared to last year and the structure by types of transport have been provided. The indicators of the foreign trade performance of Ukraine have been presented, including the counter-current export and import flows, as well as the external trade balance, which directly impacts the volume and dynamics of freight transportation and forwarding services. The main parameters of the transportation and forwarding logistics system were systematized, taking into consideration the technical and operational characteristics of the rolling stock, the route of communication, and the terminals. The role and features of the functions of the inter/multimodal transportation operators – freight forwarders of the «tonnage customers» have been considered. The article determines principles for the organization of work of freight forwarders, as well as the terms of agreement of the parties when the freight forwarding contract is concluded. The conditions for developing a logistics approach to the implementation of freight transportation and forwarding services have been generalized.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Garafonova O. I., Svynarchuk A. V.
The Fleet-Management as an Element of the Modern Development in the Ukrainian Leasing Market (p. 227 - 232)

The article is aimed at researching practical aspects of the fleet-management development in Ukraine; relationships that arise in this process; elements that interact in the market. The preconditions of the companies’ transition to the use of this concept in the management of fleet, as well as the opportunities that arise in the enterprises using the principles of fleet-management were considered. The main advantages and disadvantages of the implementation of fleet-management in companies with the available fleet of various sizes were researched. The main features, current tendencies of the fleet-management development have been indicated, ways of attraction of automobile enterprises to the use of leasing have been suggested. Prospects for further researches in this direction will be consideration of possibility of attraction of more enterprises to the use of principles of fleet-management in their management routine. Further development of fleet management will provide enterprises with significant opportunities and the reserve funds that can be used for development.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Volikov V. V., Vdovychenko V. О.
The Transport Infrastructure of Kharkiv (Analysis of Status and the Main Tendencies) (p. 292 - 299)

The article is aimed at analyzing the current status of Kharkiv public transport infrastructure and identifying the main tendencies of its development. The current status of the city public passenger transport in Kharkov was analyzed. It is substantiated, that each of kinds of public transport, though having its own infrastructure and features, should function together with the others as a uniform system with its characteristic attributes. Attention is focused on the topicality of introduction of modern innovative technologies, in particular intelligent control systems, in work of all modes of transport. It has been specified that the current unified transport system of Kharkiv consists of two levels (ground – tram, trolleybus, and bus routes, taxis, and underground – metro system) and requires improvement – development of the third level (overground). For partial solution of transport problems, it has been suggested to use the transport-infrastructure complex with the overpass rail-string track structure on the basis of applying of the Sky Way technology.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Karpenko O. O., Vlasova V. P.
Identifying Risks in the Implementation of Concession Projects in the Sea Ports of Ukraine (p. 224 - 230)

At the present stage of development of sea ports, close cooperation of the State and private business is the key to successful implementation of investment projects. In order to increase the competitive advantages of the port sphere of Ukraine today it is necessary to make drastic changes in the activity of seaports of Ukraine with the aim of increasing the attractiveness of the port sphere for both the foreign and the national investors and enhancing the efficiency of use of the public-private partnership mechanism. Dynamics of processing of cargoes by the sea trade ports of Ukraine for 2005–2017 were analyzed. The basic approaches to classification of concession risks have been researched, and stages of implementation of the concession project in seaports taking into account risks have been offered. The technical-economic characteristics, key advantages have been provided, also the main risks in the implementation of the pilot concession projects in the sea ports of Ukraine have been allocated. It has been determined that risk management in the implementation of public-private partnership projects should be aimed at identifying, preventing, deterring and reducing risks, and should continue throughout the entire implementation period. It is advisable to ensure that partners have adequate conditions to meet their obligations.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Melnyk O. H., Todoshchuk A. V., Vovchanska I. M.
The Problems and Ways of Solution as to Completion of Procedures of Customs Clearance of Vehicles (p. 229 - 234)

The article is concerned with the problems and ways of solution as to completion of procedures of customs clearance of vehicles. The legislative base on import of cars on territory of Ukraine is analyzed, the basic schemes of import of cars from abroad with avoidance of customs payments are defined. The main problems caused by a large number of cars with foreign registration in Ukraine were researched, in particular: violation of environmental standards, avoidance of responsibility of drivers in case of an accident, creation of large queues at the borders, reduced budgeting of the funds from customs payments, unfixed ownership of the cars’ owners. The experience of Lithuania and Moldova in solving the problem of legalizing cars with foreign registration is characterized. The key measures which should be carried out in Ukraine for completion of procedures of customs clearance of vehicles are defined and described, in particular: tax amnesty for the vehicles with foreign registration already brought to the territory of Ukraine, cancellation of duty, preservation of preferential rates of excise tax, cancellation of the Euro-5 standard, introduction of annual technical inspection of vehicles, change of mechanism of accrual of value added tax.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Pozniakova O. V., Zhaivorinok A. L.
The Introduction of Ecological Technologies at Railway Transport Enterprises (p. 217 - 222)

The article is aimed at analyze the ecologistical component of the railway transport functioning, analyzing the experience of other countries and directions of implementation of ecologistics activities at railway transport enterprises. The issues of introduction of ecologistics at railway transport enterprises are covered. The impact of the railway operation on the ecosystem was analyzed and the application of environment-friendly technologies was described. Examples of application of ecological technologies on railways of the world are provided, in particular the newest environment-friendly technologies, innovations, and know-how which are introduced on railways of different countries with the purpose of reduction of negative Impact on the environment, are described. The experience of using alternative energy sources for both traction and non-traction rolling stock and for maintenance of stationary objects on railway transport is provided. Prospects for introduction of ecological technologies on railway transport of Ukraine consist in improvement of ecological situation in ecosystems wherein railways operate.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Trybei O. M., Chuta V. O.
Analyzing the Freight Transport Market in Ukraine (p. 247 - 253)

The article is aimed at determining the features and development tendencies of the freight transport market in Ukraine. The current status of the national market of freight transport services is analyzed, quantitative and qualitative parameters of its development are determined both in general and by separate types of transport. A comparative characterization of advantages and disadvantages of use and peculiarities of tariff setting in terms of different types of transport was carried out from the standpoint of commercial interests of freight owners. The leaders of the market of freight transport in Ukraine are allocated. In order to define potential consumers in the freight transport market, the main types of goods in the segment of domestic, transit and export-import transports were analyzed. The study made possible to ascertain the critical role of the transport sector in ensuring economic security of Ukraine as the powerful driver of the country’s economic growth. At the same time, the main obstacles to the more intensive use of the country’s transport-logistics potential have been allocated.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Strielkov O. V.
Harmonizing the Interests of Transport Enterprises’ Stakeholders: the Regulatory-Legal Aspect (p. 112 - 117)

An efficient interaction of the transport enterprises’ stakeholders is achieved by harmonizing their economic interests. In order to harmonize the interests of actors of transport services market, it is necessary to understand the interaction of their interests, in particular in the regulatory-legal aspects of this process. For this purpose the basic normative-legal acts regulating interaction between transport enterprise and its main stakeholders (the State, clientele, suppliers, employees) have been researched. The key provisions of the normative-legal acts influencing on harmonization of interests of interested parties are analyzed. The discussion points that need to be improved are defined. It has been determined that the mechanisms of public-private partnership are the main way to harmonize the economic interests of the State and business. The application of efficient mechanisms to harmonize the interests of actors of transport services market will help to ensure the stability of their functioning.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Pysmak V. O., Serpukhov M. Y.
Optimizing the Transport Costs as a Basis for Intensifying the Export Activity of National Enterprises (p. 258 - 264)

The article considers the theoretical bases of intensifying the export activities of modern domestic enterprises using the logistic conception. It is determined that, in terms of the organization of export activities, additional emphasis should be placed on developing a transport and logistics scheme of delivery. The authors formulate the basic elements that should be coordinated to implement any transport operation, i.e: technical, technological, economic, legal, and organizational. The basic factors influencing the organization of the process of goods movement in both national and international communication have been identified (form of transport, nature of cargo, type of notification, transportat and technology system, range of transportation, effective national and international legal regimes). It has been proven that the main causes of occurrence of logistic risk are three factors of the external environment, determined by different situations or circumstances: uncertainty, randomness and counteraction. For compensation of high logistic risks it is suggested to use the methodical apparatus of insurance of both transportations and cargo at delivery. It is determined that an important task of finding the optimal option for the export shipments is the identification and integration of interrelated factors that impact the amount of conditionally constant and variable costs for delivery.

Article is written in English


Arefieva O. V., Simkova T. O., Lisitsa Y. B.
The Organizational-Economic Provision of Quality Management of Services of Air Transport Enterprises (p. 224 - 231)

The article is aimed at: studying the components of organizational-economic provision of airport services quality management; defining the qualitative component of services through allocation of external and internal factors of influence on the performance of airports; determining the methods of adaptation at airports. The evolution of quality management is considered, the views of researchers on definition and interpretation of concepts of «quality» and «quality of service» are systematized. Defined are: concepts of quality of both airport services and quality management system of airport services; organizational-economic factors that ensure the proper quality of airport services. The results of performance of Ukrainian airports in recent years are analyzed. The qualitative component of services is substantiated through allocation of external and internal factors of influence on performance of airports; methods of adaptation (improvement) in airports are defined in order of their complication: reorganization, reengineering, reforming, and restructuring. Prospect for further research in this direction is studying the influence of organizational-economic factors and methods of improving the airport’s operations on the competitive advantages of airport service, which will lead to a general improvement of the airport performance and airport service quality management in particular.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zelisko I. M., Sosnovska O. O.
Analyzing the Impact of Modern Global Risks on the Operation of National Communication Enterprises (p. 232 - 238)

The article analyzes the impact of current contemporary risks on the operation of domestic telecommunication enterprises in the context of dynamic development of the global economy. It is determined that the key risks of information-communication industry in recent years are: increased competition; loss of reputation of the company’s brand; mismatch with innovative needs of customers; lack of professional human resources; cybercrime; temporary unevenness of economic cycles; loss of intellectual property; instability of the legal and regulatory framework; imperfection of information technologies and disruption of supply chains of products. It is identified that the manifestation of these risks impacts the quantitative performance of enterprises. On the basis of analysis of modern tendencies of activity of enterprises, a systematization of actual risks of operation of national communication enterprises on the groups of information, financial, personnel and innovative-investment risks is proposed. The factors of occurrence of these risks are allocated. It is defined that achievement of strategic directions of development of national communication enterprises depends on the influence of risks that demands development of efficient methods of risk management and creation of a system of their economic safety.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Nosach I. V., Liebiedieva D. O.
Optimizing the Assets Structure of National Airlines (p. 249 - 254)

The main aim of this article is identifying optimization of the assets of national airlines by introducing innovative activities. The scheme of interaction of the main structural subdivisions of airline and the stages of economic mechanism for innovative activity of airline is developed. The tasks of strategic subdivisions of airlines, implemented in the functioning of the economic mechanism for innovative activity to ensure uninterrupted process of production and realization of services, are indicated. The asset management policy should seek to find a compromise between the risk of liquidity loss and the efficiency of work, which comes down to such important tasks as providing solvency and acceptable volume, structure and profitability of the assets.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Alyabieva O. M.
Analyzing the Current Status of Ukrainian Seaports (p. 240 - 246)

The article is aimed at researching the current status of the port industry of Ukraine, defining the basic indicators as to the volumes of cargo processing, distribution and nomenclature. An analysis of the main sea ports of Ukraine of the Northern basin showed that the enterprises are developing unevenly. The State-owned enterprises SE «Сommercial Seaport «Yuzhnyy», SE «Khersonskyy Torhivelnyy Port», SE «Olviya» are analyzed according to the following indicators: financial, industrial, economic, investment, and innovative. Relevance of development of innovations at the mentioned enterprises is substantiated, as innovations noticeably lead to more efficient development of any enterprise. On the example of SE «Сommercial Seaport «Yuzhnyy» it is concluded that innovations do become the driving force in the efficient development of enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Hryhoriev O. Y., Berehovyi V. S., Mykytyn O. Z.
Analyzing the Competitive Position of the State-Owned Enterprise «International Airport «Boryspil» In the Conditions of European Integration of Ukraine (p. 176 - 181)

The article is aimed at researching features and problems of development of aviation industry of Ukraine in the context of European integration, as well as competitive position of the DP MA «Boryspil» in both foreign and national markets. The «National transport strategy of Ukraine for the period up to 2030» is analyzed, problems of liberalization of the domestic aviation market with the countries of Europe are presented. Features and problems of development of the airport «Boryspil» are provided, in particular the lack of domestic traffic volumes, high tariffs for them. The basic evaluation of competitive position of the DP «Boryspil» is carried out in comparison with the external competitors (airports of Warsaw, Prague, Budapest), the position in question is found weak. At the same time, comparison with the internal rivals (airports of Kyiv (im. Sikorskoho), Lviv and Kharkiv) showed significant advantages of «Boryspil». The SWOT-Analysis for Boryspil airport is presented and the necessary directions of increase of its competitiveness are determined. It is stated that despite certain problems in its activity, «Boryspil», under condition of efficient management, has considerable potential of development, taking into view successful geographical location, gradual growth of tourism attractiveness of Ukraine, reduction of formalities for entry in the territory of other countries, etc.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Babets I. H., Ruda O. I., Ruda I. I.
The Strategic Priorities for Strengthening the Financial Security of the PJSC «Ukrtelekom» (p. 182 - 191)

The article assesses the level of financial security of enterprise in the telecommunication industry and analyzes its dynamics in 2013–2017. The key threats to the activity of the PJSC «Ukrtelekom» and their influence on the change of the integral index of financial security of the enterprise are defined. Prognostic scenarios of changes in sales profitability, net income and net profit of the enterprise are developed in accordance with the criteria of economic security. Strategic priorities, goals and objectives of strengthening the financial security of the enterprise are substantiated. The basic instruments of realization of strategic priorities are defined as follows: increase of profitability on the basis of preserving the subscriber base of stationary telephony and growth of a share of the broadband Internet access services market; optimization of the price-quality ratio; promotion of sales of converged services. On the basis of the prognostic scenarios, criteria for achieving goals within strategic priorities have been determined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sosnovska O. O., Zhytar M. O.
The Determinants of Building the Financial Architectonics of Communications Enterprises (p. 192 - 198)

The article is aimed at defining and researching the determinants of building the financial architectonics of communications enterprises. It is proved that consideration of the determinants of building the financial architectonics of communications enterprises will facilitate an increase of efficiency of their financial activity and formation of the qualitative financial potential, which is a necessary condition of protection of financial risks, ensuring financial stability and harmonizing the financial interests of enterprise. It is concluded that the achievement of such results is the basis for increasing the level of financial security and creation of an efficient system of economic security of communications enterprises as a dominant idea of their sustainable development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chuprin Y. S., Kondratenko D. V.
The Early Warning Tests as a Methodology of Estimating the Level of Economic Security of the Motor Transport Enterprises (p. 199 - 208)

The article is aimed at developing a methodology for estimating the economic security of the motor transport enterprises taking into view their specific activities. Today, the problems of ensuring economic security of the transport industry acquires special importance, because on the stability of its functioning and development depends the growth of the national economy of Ukraine as a whole. In the face of considerable disagreements and ambiguity in the views of academic economists, the issue of developing an effective mechanism for ensuring economic security of the motor transport enterprises remains topical. The result of the research is the presented process of formation and the described algorithm of carrying out the early warning tests, defined as the system of comparison of actual performance indicators with the recommended level of values for the MTE. This methodology allows to estimate comprehensively and the most objectively the real level of economic security of the MTE in order to identify and strengthen the vulnerable areas of enterprise. On the basis of the data obtained, a complex of measures to improve the level and ensuring the economic security of the motor transport enterprises will be developed in future.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Horbal N. I., Sharovskyi Y. O., Yaroshenko V. V.
The Competitive Situation in the Postal Market of Ukraine (p. 123 - 128)

The aim of the article is to analyze the characteristics of the functioning of and competitive situation in the postal market of Ukraine as well as the ways of its development. The analysis of the current state of the postal market in Ukraine has shown the dynamic development and intensification of the competition, in particular due to the rapid development of e-commerce. The growth in the volume of sold services in the field of telecommunications and postal services in Ukraine is stated. The analysis of the main competitors in the market – OJSC Ukrposhta, which is the national postal service operator, and LLC Nova Poshta showed the dominance of the latter. The main competitive disadvantages of OJSC Ukrposhta in the context of postal infrastructure, logistic routes, level of service, etc., are highlighted. A number of measures are proposed to speed up the development of OJSC Ukrposhta: fleet updating to shorten the delivery of goods; automation of the workflow to improve the quality / speed of provision of adjustment services; cooperation with global Internet portals to increase the volume of deliveries, etc. In general, the analysis showed that despite the dynamic development of the postal services market it needs effective strategic solutions, without which it will be difficult to intensify its activities on a global scale and to observe the country’s European integration course.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sukhonos M. K., Stamatin O. V.
Review of the Existing Non-Cash Fare Collection Systems (p. 129 - 135)

The aim of the article is analyzing global trends in the development of electronic payment systems for urban public transport to justify the introduction of non-cash payments in the electric transport of Ukraine and establish control over passenger turnover in the sphere of provision of transportation services through applying corresponding systems, which will allow, on the one hand, resolving the problem of fare collection, and, on the other hand, optimizing the route network of land electric transport, as well as making underground train schedules more tight and rational. The current state of the existing in the world (Europe, Asia, examples in Africa and Latin America) fare collection systems and passenger accounting systems for public transport is analyzed. The necessity of the speedy introduction of such systems in all cities of Ukraine which have public transport networks is justified.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Alyabieva O. M.
The Methodical Approach to Evaluating the Innovative Development of Seaports (p. 163 - 168)

The positive impact of innovative development on various aspects of the enterprise’s operation (reducing costs, profiting, improving working conditions, improving ecological friendliness) increases its investment attractiveness and, as result of diffusion of innovation, causes positive influence on the development of the entire industry. Therefore, the evaluation of innovative development has an extraordinary role for entrepreneurs in general, and for investors in particular. The process of evaluating the innovative development of enterprise should be carried out according to a certain methodology, which takes into account the directions of the evaluation from the view of its intended purpose (internal and external directions). In this case, from the view of the internal direction, the subject of the evaluation is the enterprise-innovator, and from the view of the external direction - the investor, or the consumer. Therefore, the purpose of the article is developing a methodical approach to evaluating the innovative development of seaports, taking into account the performance indicators of this industry.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Poberezhna Z. M.
The Business Model of Airline Company as an Instrument to Ensure its Competitiveness in the Market of Aviation Services (p. 190 - 197)

The article is aimed at substantiating a set of indicators that characterize the business model as an instrument to ensure the competitiveness of airline company in the market of aviation services. The types of business models of enterprise are defined by different classification attributes; business models of airline companies are presented and characterized in terms of implementing the existing competitive advantages; a list of indicators that characterize the business model as an instrument to ensure the competitiveness of airline company in the market of aviation services is compiled. Using the example of the hybrid business model operating under the conditions of the ZAO «Ukrayinski vertoloty», calculations of prospective values of the indicators of net income, profit, profitability, financial stability and business activity have been made, which can be increased only if the airline company’s competitiveness is improved.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Stepanenko V. O.
The Maritime Transport Infrastructure: Essence, Classification and Advantages (p. 187 - 194)

The article analyzes the essence of the term of «infrastructure» and formulates the author’s definition of the respective concept. The concept of «transport infrastructure» has been studied, with a classifying by approaches, thus its complex definition has been formulated. The facilities and basic elements of transport infrastructure are identified. A criteria ranking was carried out by types of transport infrastructure, which helped to determine that of all types of transport infrastructure, water transport had an advantage. It is noted that among all types of water transport the maritime transport infrastructure holds pride of place. The main advantages and disadvantages of maritime transport infrastructure have been determined as follows: relatively low cost of transport, high throughput capability and heavy load bearing capacity, which allows to transport significant consignments of cargo. It has been determined that maritime transport infrastructure is a link between different kinds of transport, which ensure the implementation of national transport policy, promote the strengthening of international relations, the development of foreign and national trade, the country’s transport sovereignty.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Grytsulenko S. I., Dzhygaliuk O. І.
The Ukrainian Market of Telecommunication Services in the Context of the Strategy of Behavior of Its Participants in the Conditions of Digital Transformation of the Economy and Society (p. 194 - 203)

Telecommunications as an advanced sector and a dynamic market of the modern economy is a key factor in the direct impact on the formation and development of the digital society. In this regard, the issue of defining the level of development of the Ukrainian market of telecommunication services is being updated to substantiate the further transformation of the strategy of its participants’ behavior. To this end, the article measures the main indicators of the relevant evaluation (revenue volume by sector; number of subscribers by segment; price availability of services; investment in dynamics) concerning the global and regional (Europe, CIS) values. Based on the mostly negative responses received in general, a basic model of the operator’s innovative presence in today’s market of telecommunication services has been developed as a way to achieve a strategic goal in the context of digital transformation of the economy and society. The proposed model is the basis for forming own strategies of behavior for an individual telecommunication operator taking into account the degree (stage) of digital transformation of business. As a result of the study, the relevant conclusions have been drawn. In particular, given the high potential of the Ukraine’s market of telecommunication services for digital ICTs and the presence of free niches, the key drivers of its further development will be the growth of capital investment in digital infrastructure and the willingness of operators to introduction and enhanced use of innovations.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Petrenko O. I.
Container Shipping: Global Trends (p. 177 - 184)

The article explores the status and major trends in the development of container shipping traffic in the world; analyzes the dynamics and structure of container shipping traffic by regions of the world, the largest of which is Asia; determines the dynamics of container freight flows, allocating 20 cities with the largest container freight turnover; defines the role of container shipping in the development of global maritime trade. It is determined that the processing of container freight flows remains concentrated in large ports. The total capacity of the world’s 20 largest ports is growing and makes 347,8 million TEU in 2018. Shanghai remains the most powerful container port in the world, the largest growth is observed in Singapore. Only five ports outside Asia are represented among the top 20 container ports, namely Antwerp, Hamburg, Los Angeles, Long Beach and Rotterdam. Further development of container traffic from China is expected, which in turn may lead to a reduction in volumes and freight flows on the Trans-Pacific route. In the container shipments by sea, there are tendencies to form alliances between terminal operators, line companies for joint operation of berths, which puts new requirements for adaptation and technical equipment of ports. Vertical integration and further expansion of transport lines in terminal operations increases competition between carriers. It is determined that the development of container shipping is facilitated by the growth of economic activity world-wide, restructuring of supply chain in favor of large ships and carrier alliances, digitalization and modernization of transport infrastructure, the newest shipbuilding, economic integration and informatization.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Sperchun A. V., Kudrytska Z. V.
Evaluating the Development of Telecommunication Technology in Digital Society (p. 156 - 161)

Accelerated development of innovative technologies contributes to the development of telecommunications. Telecommunications has become an integral part of the functioning of digital society. Digital society, in turn, has undergone significant changes in recent years, so the evaluation of the development of telecommunications needs urgent and timely analysis. The article is concerned with researching the current status of telecommunication technology. Modern problems in the information communications sector in society are considered. Statistics from the past few years are provided to help a better understanding of key tendencies in the industry; a forecast has been formed to take into account the current status of this sector. The major problems of the industry, hindering its development, are considered. Development issues for future periods are also described, the main trends of the development of A2R SMS are illustrated. The most potentially attractive markets for telecommunication services are analyzed and different types of information communications are considered, and the dynamics of changes in the use of illegal routing for future periods are shown. The dynamics of the profitability of different channels of communication are analyzed, the basic SMS services and profitability of these services are researched. The feature of each service is allocated separately. An evaluation of the impact of changes in telecommunication technologies on the economic situation of society is carried out.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yanchuk M. B.
The Methodological Features of the Formation of End-to-End Tariff Rates by Multimodal Transportation Operators (p. 162 - 167)

The research addresses the methodological features of the formation of the cost-efficient end-to-end tariff rates by multimodal transportation operator (MTO) and overall increase in the efficiency of the tariffing process in terms of multimodal transportation. In the context of world practice, the issue of forming a single pricing system for multimodal transportations, regardless of the share of individual types of transport, has been disclosed. The methodology for the formation of the end-to-end tariff for multimodal transportations using several types of transport is substantiated taking into account the economic interests of all participants, which often are working in different spheres, which usually causes an unjustified overestimation of the end-to-end tariff rate. As a result of the research on the practice of forming a tariff for mixed transportation, which includes, respectively, the rules of transportation and tariff rates, it is defined that the rules of transportation should clearly reflect the contractual conditions between client and MTO. It is reasoned that fares should include normal payments for specific transportation operations with standard equipment and the least-cost route and reflect the competitive advantages/disadvantages of each type of transport. The world experience of the methodologically substantiated distribution of end-to-end freight in a freely convertible currency, the efficiency of which is provided by using a specific transport-technological scheme of multimodal transportation, is studied. The issue of improvement and introduction of tariff rules for mixed multimodal transportations, as well as the creation of model rules for the organization of container transportations negotiating with participants in mixed transportation, are updated. The author generalizes the methodical approaches to the formation of a single end-to-end tariff rate by the mixed transportation operator when combining the markets of certain types of transport into a general transport market, and to a single definition and formation of market prices that do not depend on distance and type of transport.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Petryk V. L.
An Analysis of the Global Civil Aviation Market and a Forecast of its Development in the Face of Unstable Demand for Air Transportation (p. 112 - 119)

The publication is aimed at researching the current status of the global civil aviation market and forecasting its development in the face of unstable demand for air transportation caused by the pandemic of coronavirus infection COVID-19. It is specified that civil aviation is one of the most important components of the global transport system, which provides jobs and influences development of the economy of any country in the world. The status of the global civil aviation market, the dynamics and structure of air transportation by regions of the world are analyzed; role of air transportations in the development of world trade and tourism is defined; the main trends in the global civil aviation market for the next decade are presented. To plan the activities of airlines, airports, aeronautical systems, etc. forecasts of passenger and freight transportations, the aircrafts’ traffic together with the related parameters are required. Both global and regional forecasts of the global civil aviation market for 2020 before and after the unstable demand for air transportation caused by the coronavirus pandemic are analyzed, economic consequences are provided. In 2020, it was planned to increase revenue from air transportation by 4%, up to 872 billion U.S. dollars, but due to the spread of COVID-19, carriers around the world could lose between 63 billion and 113 billion U.S. dollars. However, it is not yet possible to provide a definitive assessment of the impact of the current situation in the global civil aviation market.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Obruch H. V.
Formation of the conception of Ensuring Balanced Development of the Railway Transport Enterprises in the Conditions of Their Digital Transformation (p. 119 - 127)

In the context of deepening global social and environmental destructive phenomena, along with the economic efficiency of operation of business entities, it is important to take into account such development dominants as socially responsible management, socialization of labor relations and environmentalization of economic activity, which form the basis of the conception of balanced management. Ukraine is also joining the global trend of achieving a balance of economic, social and environmental aspects of activities, so it takes into account the principles of sustainable economic management in the development of strategic and programmatic initiatives of its socio-economic development, in particular such activities are fragmentary implemented at the State, regional and local levels. Despite this, there is currently no comprehensive approach to balancing the activities of enterprises in the basic sectors of the economy, including rail transport. Therefore, given the coordinating role of railway enterprises in achieving the socio-economic growth of the country, it is very important to develop an effective approach to the balanced development of railway transport enterprises along with formation of an instrumentarium to achieve it, which will overcome the identified imbalances of the activities of these enterprises and fulfill the potential of the enterprises in the mentioned sector in the direction of their digital transformation. Based on the analysis of scientific developments on the formation of the basis of the implementation of the enterprises’ sustainable development initiatives, including the rail transport enterprises, the application of a co-evolutionary-digital approach is proposed, which involves the introduction of the latest digital solutions depending on the priorities of the development of railway enterprises together with dynamic changes in their operation environment. It is also proposed to ensure the joint evolution of the entities interacting with the railway industry within the terms of the ecosystem of their functioning through the application of the co-adaptive compatible digital solutions and the formation of a single information-digital space for their growth. Within limits of this approach the author has formed conceptional provisions for the balanced development of the railway transport enterprises in the aspect of their digital transformation, which contain the goal, the generalized and adaptive criteria, as well as the motives and objectives of their sustainable development.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Protsenko V. M.
The Current Development Problems of JSC «Ukrzaliznytsia», Approaches to an Intensification of the Economic Behavior Management (p. 206 - 213)

The article is aimed at solving the current problems of development of JSC «Ukrzaliznytsia» together with forming approaches to the intensification of the economic behavior management in the current economic environment. The carried out research has identified that in the context of the economic crisis and the high level of influence of internal and external factors on the activities of enterprises, the process of forming and making effective managerial decisions becomes difficult. Therefore, the management of enterprises faces the task of using accurate and timely information about the status of the enterprise to form new approaches to intensification of the economic behavior management in order to form prospects for its development. In the conditions of neo-industrial modernization, where the vector orientation of the knowledge economy is actively developing, the most significant competitive advantages of enterprises arise on the basis of intellectual resources. The economic entities, which are constituents of JSC «Ukrzaliznytsia», have been allocated by the activity directions, the dynamics of the volumes of goods and passengers transported by rail transport for 1996-2019 have been analyzed, which indicates a significant decrease in these indicators over recent years, due to a decrease in the level of competitiveness of the railway compared to road transport. The vectors of development of the intensification of the management of economic behavior of JSC «Ukrzaliznytsia» for the effective implementation of the National Transport Strategy of Ukraine for the period up to 2030 have been proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Tarashevskyi M. М.
The Status of Risk Management in Transport Enterprises of Ukraine (p. 125 - 133)

The purpose of the article is to analyze the status of risk management in transport enterprises of Ukraine. It is identified that the biggest risks in the activities of transport companies in Ukraine are associated with economic crisis phenomena, high inflation, currency fluctuations, corruption, political instability, hostilities in the east, imperfect taxation and customs clearance, bureaucracy, limited access to finance. resources, unprofitability, significant level of wear of vehicles and infrastructure, low investment attractiveness and insufficient level of innovation. The negative impact of the covid-19 pandemic on the status of risk management and performance of transport companies, which leads to market reorientation, the growing role of e-commerce and transport logistics, needs to be considered separately. It is determined that the indicators of cargo turnover in Ukraine and the volume of transported goods for 2000–2019 are reduced for almost all modes of transport. The number of operating transport companies and the number of staff involved are unstable. Due to the consequences of the crisis phenomena in 2016, the largest number of transport companies was liquidated. Negative factors are a decrease in passenger traffic, a high level of losses of transport enterprises, an increase in the number of accidents on transport, in particular the transport of dangerous goods. The risk management system in transport companies indicates the need to develop an effective mechanism that would help in the current circumstances, challenges and modern requirements to achieve better results and avoid serious problems and situations. There is an objective need to build a risk management and internal control system through enhanced procurement monitoring, implementation of tender policy, management of contracts and the policy of selection with verification of business partners at all stages of fundraising.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bielashov Y. V.
The Unmanned Passenger Aerial Vehicles with Electric Propulsion in Ukraine – Perspectives of Employment (p. 152 - 157)

The article explores the issue of institutional provision for the employment of unmanned passenger aerial vehicles with electric propulsion (urban electric aerial vehicles) in Ukraine. The use of such vehicles is considered a promising direction in the development of urban air transport, able to unload traffic bottlenecks of the transport system in megacities. Among the main factors that favorably distinguish urban electric aerial vehicles from traditional air transport are: safety, economic efficiency, quietness, environmental friendliness and low requirements for related infrastructure. Preparations for large-scale use of urban electric aerial vehicles are currently being carried out in Germany, the USA, South Korea and the city of Dubai. The analysis of the advantages and possibilities of using urban electric aerial vehicles is provided; the history of development and the current status of this transport type is carried out. Despite the fact that the first samples of urban electric aerial vehicles are only being tested, there is already a significant competition in this market. Among the main developers of this class of aircraft one can single out the companies EHang (PRC) and Lilium GmbH (Germany). The article reviewes legislative requirements for the use of unmanned aerial vehicles with electric propulsion in certain countries of the world. Borrowing this experience can be useful for Ukraine due to the lack of terminological definition of such a class of vehicle in the natonal legislation; uncertainty of the conditions of their operation and safety measures; lacunas in the existing classification of unmanned aerial vehicles, which does not provide for the existence of programmable aerial vehicle, the control of which does not require a special control station located outside the vehicle, or vehicles that carry out programmable flight. In order to eliminate existing lacunas in Ukrainian legislation, measures have been developed, the implementation of which will allow the use of unmanned passenger aerial vehicles with electric propulsion and will contribute to the further development of air transport in Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Romanchuk S. V.
River Transport as an Instrument for the Development of Logistics System in Ukraine (p. 158 - 164)

The present stage of development of society is characterized by extremely high rates of reproducing processes, dynamics of business relations and high level of requirements for the efficiency of solving current problems. The article examines the composition and prospects of the logistics system in Ukraine, analyzes the strategic directions of its development. The potential of river transportation in Ukraine, its present-time status and role in the transport and logistics system are covered. Some programs for the development of the transport system and its integration into the international space, their prospects and the reality of implementation are analyzed. The main risks for sustainable development and ways of their leveling with the help of infrastructural elements are defined. The focus is set on the main problems of both the entire logistics complex and the river transportation segment, the directions of their overcoming are singled out. For the purposes of the research, with the river routes are included the immediate shipping routes (i.e. rivers and canals), infrastructure objects (ports, gateways, docks, ship repair plants, etc.) and fleet (river vessels, tugs, barges and vessels of the river-sea type). The groups of measures for the development of river transport are singled out on the basis of potential sources of their financing. The components of economic efficiency of river transport development and ways of achieving such efficiency are substantiated. The river transport of Ukraine is the most environmentally friendly, energy efficient and can provide low self-cost of transportation. In the context of perspective increase in prices for both road and rail transportation, river transport can become the reserve that can keep the cost of transportation within the country at the current level. Particular attention is paid to the development of river ports of Ukraine as promising logistics centers. Specific instruments and measures to develop the relevant segment of river logistics and ensure their efficiency have been formulated. One of these key instruments, according to the author, be the automation of the processes of management and organization of river transportation, which will help maximize their efficiency.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Vlasova V. P.
Public-Private Partnership as a Mechanism for the Development of Transport Infrastructure in Kherson Region (p. 217 - 224)

The development of the transport infrastructure of the region remains an important task, which today is solved by means of the mechanism of public-private partnership (PPP). At present, both a sufficient institutional environment and the regulatory support for the implementation of public-private partnership projects have already been created. Kherson region, having an average level of development of transport infrastructure, de facto occupies the near-border position. Therefore, the level of development of infrastructure of the region (in particular, road economy) is of significant strategic importance for the security of the State. The main tasks for the development of transport infrastructure of Kherson region and possible directions of implementation of infrastructure projects are defined. The study showed that only two projects that are not infrastructural are implemented on the basis of PPP in Kherson region. However, the concession of Kherson seaport has been launched – this project is pilot not only in the region, but also in Ukraine. Concluding a concession agreement in seaports is a complex and long-term procedure. Important in the agreement is the determination of the amount of concession payments and the distribution of risks between the project participants. Typically, concessionaires are large international companies (cargo owners or shipowners) or domestic industrial and financial groups that dictate the terms of the contract, so, accordingly, there may be a conflict of interest. This publication defines the essential conditions of this concession project. PPP projects in the road sphere are promising, which should solve a number of problems of the region. The airport «Kherson» is described as a concession object, the scheme of the PPP mechanism concerning it is proposed. It is determined that public-private partnership in the sphere of railway infrastructure is in the process of formation and determination of forms of cooperation.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Orlov V. M., Grytsulenko S. I.
Elaborating the Methodology for Comparative Assessment of Telecommunication Intangible Assets in the Context of the Global Trend of Their Development (p. 232 - 242)

In the conditions of the technological stage of the information society development, intangible assets in the form of the latest knowledge and technologies become a key factor in the competitiveness of the world’s leading companies, including the ones in the sphere of telecommunications. In this regard, the problem of determining the level of development of telecommunication intangible assets in Ukraine in the context of the global trend as a basis for the elaboration of a methodology for their comparative assessment based on the integral index becomes relevant. To achieve this aim, the article measures the indicators of the intangible value of advanced telecommunication companies in the world, as well as intangible investments and the sectoral innovation in Ukraine. According to the findings of the statistical research on the development of telecommunication intangible assets, reasonable conclusions are presented. In particular, considered are their active build-up in the world, on the one hand, and the level of development in Ukraine that is not sufficient for the progress of the economy and movement towards the digital society, on the other. Based on the conclusions obtained and taking into account the need to search for new resources of economic growth, a methodology for computing the integral index of telecommunication intangible assets for domestic practice is elaborated. This methodology, including measuring instruments, criteria and assessment indicators, acts as an instrument for managing telecommunication intangible assets viewed from the point of the development basics. The assessment instrumentarium proposed in the publication serves as the basis for its further development in the direction of expanding the complex of factors (conditions) for the development of telecommunication intangible assets in Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Yanchuk M. B., Pron S. V., Fedyna V. P., Cherednichenko K. V.
The Scientific-Methodological Approaches to Transport Risks Management in Multimodal Freight Transportations (p. 198 - 209)

This study is aimed at increasing the efficiency of multimodal freight transportations by forming a risks management system based on the identification of transport risk factors, methods of their measurement and management both at the projecting (planning) stage of the multimodal route and further on – in order to assess their possible impact on the efficiency of freight transportation in general. The authors examine the problematics of multimodal freight transportations organization in the context of transport risks management, which provides for the choice of such an option of management influences on elements of the transportation system (logistics centers, transport hubs, various types of transport, freight transport units, specific transport companies and their rolling stock, containers, etc.), in which freight delivery would be carried out in terms of the most efficient and qualitative indicators under the known initial conditions and existing restrictions. The article substantiates the proposals development in view of optimal relationships between elements of multimodal freight transportations on the basis of an efficient risks management system, which is a special type of management activity directed towards mitigating the influence of risk groups, determining the permissible (acceptable) level of risk based on methods that allow avoiding losses arising as result of a particular risk. A methodical approach to choosing the optimal multimodal transport-technological scheme is proposed, which allows considering subjective criteria (completeness of service, reliability, etc.) as decisive under the condition of relatively equal cost and time of alternative freight delivery options and in the context of permissible values of such objective criteria as storage conditions, high-speed mode of transportation in the territory of a particular country, region, city, axial load, climatic conditions, ecological restrictions, etc. At the scientific-methodological level, the stage of the decision-making process is generalized along with the separation of relevant goals in the context of managing transport risks in multimodal freight transportations, the observance of which will guarantee to ensure the acceptance by the operator of multimodal transportations of a rational and secure transport-technological scheme of freight delivery.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Shkoda T. N.
Prerequisites for Strategic Management of the Air Transport Enterprises Development (p. 75 - 80)

The global crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has suspended not only the development of the aviation sector, but also the global economy in general. The possibility of acquiring the pre-crisis level indicators by domestic air transport enterprises depends on the effective solution of problematic issues to increase their competitiveness in the liberalized aviation market. This publication is aimed at carrying out systematization and identifying the prerequisites for efficient strategic management of Ukrainian air transport enterprises on the basis of consideing modern challenges in the development of the air transport services market, the conditions and industry peculiarities of the activities of aviation business entities in Ukraine. According to the results of the conducted study, the list of obstacles that hinder the development of air transport in Ukraine are systematized. The identified sufficiently strong dependence of the added value created by domestic airlines on such factors as the amount of time worked, the number of airlines, the volumes of passenger transportation and the number of advanced technologies used, pointed out the expediency of taking into account the stimulating impact of these factors on the business activity of domestic air transport enterprises for the development of the national economy. The results of the study of the prerequisites for increasing the competitiveness and development of air transport enterprises of Ukraine have testified to the need to create conditions for efficient strategic management of Ukrainian airlines, which together, due to the creation of additional jobs, as well as added value, have a direct impact on the formation of Ukraine’s gross domestic product.

Article is written in English


Obruch H. V.
The Theoretical Foundations of Ensuring a Balanced Development of Railway Transport Services in the Context of Digitalization (p. 135 - 141)

The article explores the current state and trends in the development of railway transport services. It is determined that the frequent change of the administration of JSC «Ukrzaliznytsia» and the priorities of its development, inhibition of the necessary reformation changes, inconsistency and non-systematicity of the implemented policy of railway transport development led to an extremely difficult financial and technical condition of the railway company. The result of the technical degradation of railway transport and the decrease in its throughput and transportation capacity were a catastrophic deterioration in the quality of services of railway enterprises and a gradual loss of the share of the freight market in favor of other types of transport. It is proved that restoring consumer confidence and ensuring the balanced development of services of railway enterprises requires the use of a digital instrumentarium for their modernization and the introduction of new digital solutions aimed at improving communication with stakeholders. The main requirements of consumers for the quality of transport service in terms of segments of activities of railway enterprises are disclosed. The theoretical foundations for the balanced development of services of railway enterprises are formed, taking into account the trends in the digital transformation of the railway industry and defining the key role of digital instruments in ensuring the balanced development of services of industry enterprises. Scenarios for the development of services of railway enterprises based on the introduction of digitalization instruments are presented, among which pessimistic, realistic and optimistic scenarios are identified. In particular, the pessimistic scenario involves the introduction of digital instruments that ensure the improvement of only the customer service of railway enterprises, realistic is focused on the introduction of digital instruments in the segments of transport service in accordance with the formation of the railway transportations market. To implement the optimistic scenario, it is necessary to ensure the improvement of existing and the development of new services based on the comprehensive implementation of digital transformation instruments.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Petrenko O. I., Korniiko Y. R.
The Role of Transport Operators in the Organization of Multimodal Transportation (p. 61 - 67)

The article is aimed at defining the key difference between multimodal and intermodal transportations, as well as studying the role of transport operators in the organization of multimodal transportations. In the course of the study, it was identified that both in the scientific field and in practice, mixed transportation is often understood as synonymous with the concept of «multimodal transportation», but it is determined that all integrated (multimodal, intermodal, combined) and separate (segment) transportations are part of mixed ones, which complement each other. It is noted that multimodal and intermodal transportations have a certain difference between themselves, which consists in the presence of the number of contracts and the responsibility borne by the transportation operator. It is proposed to take into account all the conditions that cause influence on the result of the decision on the implementation of multimodal transportation. In the study of theoretical and practical aspects it was possible to allocate the operators of multimodal transportation as follows: operators who operate with sea vessels; operators who do not operate with sea vessels, but may own other rolling stock, warehouses, etc.; forwarders who are not always multimodal operators and can be agents of some part of a transportation and cooperate with the main operator. Their special role in the organization of multimodal transportation is substantiated, taking into account all the factors and elements that must closely interact with each other in the delivery process. Prospects for further research in this direction are the construction of an algorithm for choosing a multimodal operator, taking into account various conditions.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Shmalii N. A.
Formation of Innovative Competitive Advantages of the Road Economy Enterprises in the Context of Strategic Changes (p. 188 - 193)

The article is devoted to the study of innovative competitive advantages of the road economy enterprises in the context of strategic changes. Based on the analysis of types of economic activity by the technological sectors, it is determined that the construction and reconstruction of roads is classified as a low-tech sector of the economy, which leads to a slow pace of development of innovativeness of competitive advantages of the road economy enterprises. At the same time, the analysis of the dynamics of budget funds to finance the construction, reconstruction and repair of roads of national importance demonstrates the potential for the formation of innovative competitive advantages. Under such conditions, the conception of open innovations becomes especially relevant. According to the results of the study, it is defined that the conception of open innovations in Ukraine can be implemented through the creation of information platforms along with provision of reference and information resources. As an instrumentarium for the implementation of the conception of open innovations in the road industry in Ukraine, it is proposed to consider the following: web portal «Innovations in the road industry»; database of information and analytical system on the projected and constructed analogue objects; thematic plan of research and development works of the State Agency of Automobile Roads of Ukraine and analysis of trends in the world innovative development of road construction. It is specified that for the development of competitive advantages of road economy enterprises in the context of strategic changes, it is necessary to constantly focus on improving construction processes, applying innovative technologies and innovative materials. This approach will allow road economy enterprises to make economically sound business decisions when choosing innovative technologies and materials for implementation.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Andrushkiv I. P.
Assessing the Profitability of the Transport Industry of Ukraine and Ways to Increase It by Intensifying Investment Activities (p. 205 - 210)

The article is aimed at assessing the profitability of the transport industry of Ukraine, studying the factors that affect its level, and outlining ways to increase this profitability through the intensification of investment activity. The article explores issues that relate to improving profitability and always be relevant to any economic entity. It is noted that carrying out the assessment of the profitability of the transport industry of Ukraine is an urgent issue, because on the basis of the results obtained, it is possible to develop and introduce effective mechanisms to increase its level and development. The factors that affect the level of profitability of transport industry enterprises are specified. Problematic issues for the transport industry are considered, which include: lack of effective investment policy; acute shortage of financial resources for having updated the material and technical base and rolling stock; insufficient level of implementation of innovative methods and technologies in activities. An assessment of the profitability of the transport industry of Ukraine in recent years is carried out, which indicates the presence of destructive occurrences in the industry, which is caused by a number of problems, namely: economic and geopolitical crises in the country; high level of physical and moral wear of main assets. According to the results of the study, ways to improve the development of transport and transport infrastructure of Ukraine and increase its profitability are proposed. It is concluded that in the holistic system of analysis of the efficiency of enterprises in the transport industry, the profitability indicator belongs to a leading place due to the complexity and informativeness of this economic category. And for the intensive development of the industry, investments and innovations are needed to help bring transport services to a new level.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ponomarova T. V., Sayko O. S.
Tax Regulation of Multimodal Transportation Development (p. 211 - 216)

Multimodal transportation is an important component of the transport system. The development of multimodal transportation requires coordination of various modes of transport and their integration into a single organizational system that operates on the basis of the formation of logistics centers. The article considers the problem of forming an ecosystem of multimodal transportation in Ukraine, reveals the peculiarities of its taxation and interaction in the digital economy. The existing regulatory and legal support of logistic activities in Ukraine is also analyzed. At present, multimodal transportation is of great importance for the economy of Ukraine. This is one of the important innovative directions in the development of the transport system at both the national and the international levels. Despite the fact that this direction is actively developing, today there is no clear legal and contractual support for this institution. The article analyzes the role of tax regulation of multimodal transportation along with the risks of environmental burden. It is noted that in Ukraine, amendments to the legislation in the field of regulation of multimodal transportation are extremely important, as well as the need to adopt a separate law that would allow to develop modern methods of cargo delivery, improve the quality of service for consumers of transport services, and reduce transportation costs. Among the main reasons that hinder the development of mixed transportation are the following: imperfection of the regulatory and legal settlement of multimodal transportation issues and the disparity between the levels of development of the capacity of ports for processing goods and railway infrastructure. The prospect of further research is the development of a theoretical and methodological approach to the choice of strategies and instruments for the development of transport infrastructure and tax regulation of multimodal transportation.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Petrenko O. I., Yurchenko M. A.
Analyzing the Shipbuilding Industry in Ukraine and the World (p. 135 - 145)

The purpose of the article is to analyze the current state of activity of the shipbuilding industry in Ukraine and the world. In the carried out study, the authors considered the structure of shipbuilding enterprises and organizations in Ukraine. The shipbuilding industry of Ukraine was examined in terms of theoretical and practical aspects, which led to negative conclusions regarding the functional activity of shipyards and ship repair plants. It is determined that most of the plants experienced difficulties even before the onset of the COVID-2019 pandemic and martial law in the country. Analyzing the dynamics of financial results of only a few of the plants for 2019-2021, namely: PJSC «Plant «Kuznya na Rybalskomu», Kyiv Shipbuilding and Ship repair plant (KSSRP), Kherson State Plant «Pallada», Mykolaiv Shipyard «Ocean», it can be stated that over the years there is a tendency of reducing the net income from the sale of goods and services. This situation should encourage the search for new opportunities to maximize the final financial result and improve their own position in the competitive environment. Given that shipbuilding and ship repair is a strategic industry of Ukraine’s development, an integrated approach should take place in applying incentives and support measures on the part both the State and the private sector. The ability to continue with the activities of plants on a continuous basis was carried out only through signed contracts with foreign investors. It is noted that thanks to this in single shipyards there was a chance to survive in the market and compete for an attempt to meet the trends of the world and European markets. Of course, this does not apply to «NIBULON» Shipyard, which is a leader in the development of modern business and economy of Ukraine. It is identified that in 2021 a project of strategy for the development of shipbuilding and ship repair until 2030 was presented, which was developed taking into account the analysis of the activities of international maritime countries that have a comprehensive system of government support. The main goal of this project was to apply such incentives and measures for the shipbuilding industry of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Andrienko M. M., Korzh L. O.
The Economic Diagnostics of Enterprise Competitiveness in the Transport Services Market (p. 149 - 154)

The purpose of the article is to determine the economic diagnostics and development of measures to ensure the competitiveness of the enterprise in the transport market in conditions of variability and uncertainty of the external economic environment. The stages and methods of competitive analysis are analyzed. The relevance of the diagnostics of the enterprise is substantiated. The features of the current state of diagnostic systems at domestic transport enterprises are also determined, including the following: use of simple analytical diagnostic methods; a limited number of indicators that are used by managers as indicators of the state of enterprise; retrospective and current direction of diagnostics; use of accounting and statistical accounting data as information sources; predominance of symptomatic type of diagnostics and the single use of etiological diagnostics; use of diagnostics mainly to prevent a crisis state; lack of a formalized methodology for the implementation of economic diagnostics, taking into account industry specifics. The solution of the main problems of the diagnostic system at enterprises in modern economic conditions is proposed, namely: formation of a system of criteria (indicators) that can characterize the object and adequately reflect its condition, taking into account factors of influence; development of a scale for measuring the values of indicators that allow minimizing the influence of the subjectivity factor in the course of diagnosing; development of a formalized methodology for diagnosing the state of enterprises, taking into account the specifics of their activities and developing a methodology for choosing the best option for measures that facilitate the improvement of the work of all components of the object of study.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Rybchuk A. V., Lapchuk Y. S., Palasevych M. B.
Global Digitalization of the Worldwide Transport Services Market (p. 173 - 178)

The article analyzes the diverse aspects of determining the economic content and unifying essence of the digital economy, which consists in the technological transformation initiated by the mass introduction of digital technologies into the modernization of the transport industry sector. It is noted that the use of digital data is becoming a key factor in production, allowing the creation of new business models, providing serious competitive advantages to companies in both regional and global markets. It is emphasized that the digital development of transport is an integral component of the successful transition to the development of transport systems in the digital direction. At this, in the digital transformation of freight logistics, integrated digital information platforms play a key role, bringing together participants in the value chain, distribution channels, consumers and individual sectors of the economy. It is shown that the transition to digital technologies in the transport system directly influences the entire logistics supply chain, which, in turn, leads to a reduction in the risks of violations during the transportation of goods, the breakdown of processes into subprocesses and their synchronization, monitoring and analysis of the operational situation in the current time mode. And this contributes to decision-making in the operational management of all transport and logistics processes. It is substantiated that the development of digital systems is designed primarily to improve the quality of life, make transport more convenient for business development, while innovative developments in modeling transport systems and regulating traffic flows should provide end consumers with greater information content and safety, as well as qualitatively increase the level of interaction between transport market participants.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Goloborodko A. Y., Tregub A. M.
Evaluating the Development of Enterprises of the Telecommunications Sector of Ukraine in Times of Crisis (p. 178 - 183)

In the context of globalization and digitalization, the sphere of telecommunications is one of the most promising, since telecommunications enterprises supply the population with information and telecommunication services along with access to the Internet. The telecommunications sector became especially important during the COVID-19 pandemic, when the communication system was built on the principles of digital technologies. Crisis conditions of functioning contribute to the transformation of the entire system of economic activity. First of all, it concerns the energy-dependent spheres of the economy. Therefore, the main strategic direction of development is the formation of an adaptive diversified integrative system of information and telecommunication services. The carried out study substantiates the problems and prospects for the development of the telecommunications sector in a crisis. The authors develop a system of indicators of a comprehensive rating assessment, which covers development indicators in six main areas, namely: the efficiency of internal business processes; optimization of flow management of service chains; sustainability and safety of technology and innovation; level of national integration; level of digital strategic partnership; customer loyalty. The results of the carried out rating assessment according to the proposed system of indicators indicate the integrative orientation of the development of the telecommunications sector, as well as the readiness for an adaptive transformation policy into the global network of the information and telecommunication system on the basis of the formation of diversification organizational and economic mechanisms of activity and innovative technologies.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Luchnikova T. P., Tarnovska I. V., Vorobiov Y. V.
Adapting the Transport Enterprises of Ukraine to the Conditions of Martial Law (p. 116 - 122)

The purpose of the article is to study the process of adaptation of transport enterprises of Ukraine to the conditions of martial law and the development of the main directions of development or recovery of transport enterprises in the conditions of war and in the post-war period. The consequences of the ongoing since February 24, 2022 full-scale invasion of the russian federation for transport infrastructure are noted. It is specified that constant missile attacks force representatives of all spheres of management to adapt to existence in wartime conditions. It is substantiated that effective repulsion to the aggressive plans of the russian federation largely depends on the ability of transport enterprises to quickly respond to martial law conditions: timely evacuate the population from zones of war hostilities; deliver humanitarian aid; transport the necessary cargoes of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as transport other goods, including the articles of export and import, which are the basis for the formation of gross domestic product. It is noted that from the first day of russia’s military invasion of the territory of our country, the relevant State authorities in tandem with the leadership of all transport enterprises introduced a number of measures of first priority. As a result of the study, the authors highlight a list of implemented first-priority measures by the State authorities and the directors of transport administrations in the first months of russia’s full-scale invasion, which shows a high level of adaptation of the transport sector of Ukraine to the conditions of existence in the new realities of martial law. The authors emphasized that, despite the great destruction of transport infrastructure, works are constantly carried out to restore and open new logistics hubs to support the national economy and restore the status of the export country. The conducted research shows that under the current economic conditions caused by russia’s military aggression, Ukrainian transport enterprises were able to quickly respond and adapt to military conditions, managed to quickly find reserves for restoring and maintaining uninterrupted operation, thanks to which the national economy was able to survive, and Ukraine – to maintain the status of an export country in order to remain a guarantor of food security in many countries over the world.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Khodikova I. V., Lapkina I. O.
The Essence and the Implementation Levels of Transport and Logistics Provision of Tourist Centers Projects (p. 63 - 71)

Tourist center is a locality (village, city, landscape) that attracts tourists due to the availability of specific resources and is a tourist service center with stable tourist flows, the leading system for which is the appropriate transport and logistics system. Its components are transport and logistics infrastructure – roads, communications, railway stations (passenger terminals) and vehicles. In turn, transport and logistics provision of tourism, and directly of tourist centers, is manifested in the use of this infrastructure and vehicles and supply of the relevant services. The state of transport and logistics infrastructure of the tourist center provides a certain level of transport and logistics services for tourists, including cost, time, quality, and safety. The purpose of this study is to define the main types of projects for transport and logistics provision of tourist centers and establish their specifics as a basis for further development related to the management of this category of projects. The main types of projects of transport and logistics provision of tourist centers, which are related to the creation/modernization/development by types of transport: objects of transport and logistics infrastructure (roads, tracks, railway stations, passenger terminals); vehicle parks; relevant services (transport routes). It is determined that projects of transport and logistics provision of tourist centers are related to obtaining a product that can be important for different spheres (not only tourism) and at different levels, which substantiates the concepts of «multidimensionality» and «multilevelness» of these projects and determines the essence of their specificity. In addition, many projects in this category are implemented at the State level (or with partial provision by the State) and are not commercial. It is found that in many projects there is a need to coordinate the parameters of the transport and logistics infrastructure of adjacent tourist centers and transport hubs, which are basic for tourist flows of a particular tourist center or their combination. These properties lead to the need to assess the value of these projects, taking into account the existing specifics.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shevchenko R. B., Ivashchenko T. O.
Systematizing the Evolution of Scientific Views on the Influence of the Transport Industry on the Economy (p. 71 - 80)

The article is aimed at analyzing and systematizing the views of scientists on the transport industry in historical retrospective and its influence on the economy. The article reviews known theories and studies concerning the influence of the transport industry on the economy in order to generalize modern ideas about its development and allocate the most significant, impact views that must be taken into account when developing a domestic strategy for the development of the transport industry. During the literary review of scientific works, the directions of economic thought were analyzed and structured. Different approaches to assessing the role of transport in the economy are examined and the main factors that determine its influence on the socioeconomic development of the country are considered. Particular attention in the article is paid to the analysis of modern ideas about the transport industry, in particular regarding its role in the context of globalization, development of innovative technologies, increasing the level of safety and ensuring ecological sustainability. The authors considered key challenges and trends influencing the development of the transport industry, in particular the growth of freight and passenger traffic; development of international trade and transit transport; change in consumer preferences and behavior. The studies of modern authors on the specific economic influence of aspects of the transport industry on the economy of the country is systematized. Based on the analysis of the views of scientists, the main spheres of influence of transport on the economy have been allocated. The ultimate goal of this systematic review is to provide a clear and nuanced understanding of the ideas of scientists as to the influence of the development of the transport industry on the functioning of the economy, as well as finding perspective ideas for the domestic strategy for the development of the transport industry. Prospects for further research are the development and improvement of methods for assessing the influence of the transport industry on the economy, taking into account current challenges and trends, the development of efficient strategies for the development of the transport industry, taking into account its influence on the socioeconomic development of the country.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Petrenko O. I., Potapovska M. O.
Forming the Approaches to the Classification of Cluster Structures and Port Clusters (p. 80 - 90)

The article is aimed at generalizing the world practice along with forming the approaches to classifying clusters, including port clusters, introducing clusterization into the activities of Ukrainian ports in order to solve urgent problems of the port industry. The article uses general scientific methods: analysis and synthesis, deduction, grouping, structural and system analyses. Both domestic and foreign literature on types and features of cluster formation is analyzed; the process of cluster development at different stages is defined; a generalized table with different approaches to the classification of clusters, including port clusters, is formed; the possibilities of creating port clusters in Ukraine are considered. It is determined that the most important criteria for classification of clusters are: industry affiliation (woodworking, financial, tourism, pharmaceutical enterprises); development factors (demand-oriented, located in the place of availability of labor resources and these, the location of which is first determined by natural factors); the stage of cluster development; the internal structure of the cluster; the way the cluster appears; the scale of cluster activity. As for port clusters, the economic substantiation for the creation of a port cluster should represent the demand for a certain cargo base. Therefore, it is advisable to analyze the cargo flow to determine its discreteness. The practical significance of the article lies in the fact that the proposed classification features of clusters in general and port clusters in particular allow determining the vector of direction for introducing the best solutions in Ukrainian port activities. The advantage of introducing the cluster conception into the maritime economic complex of Ukraine will be the promotion of holistic development and growth of the innovativeness of the industry. Thanks to this, it is possible to achieve economic effects, as well as increase the competitiveness of Ukrainian ports.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Novalska N. I., Klymenko V. V., Herasymenko I. M., Pron S. V.
Management of Labor Potential of Aviation Personnel (p. 134 - 139)

The article is aimed at studying the factors that determine the personnel management system of air transport workers; a substantiation of the characteristics of the labor potential of an aviation employee; development of proposals for the management of the «crew – aircraft» system. Analyzing, systematizing and summarizing the regulatory framework and achievements of scientific thought, the administrative and legal status of aviation personnel and characteristics of their labor potential were determined. As a result of the study, a comprehensive model of characteristics of the labor potential of an employee has been developed, which includes the main components of the characteristics of the labor potential and indicators for their assessment. It is substantiated that it is expedient to approach the analysis of the issue of employee’s labor potential comprehensively and consider it as a «strategic labor potential», which is a set of the natural, genetically incorporated human abilities (start-up human capital) and the abilities acquired during life (acquired human capital). The professional activity of air transport workers takes place in conditions of uncertainty and risk, which requires strict adherence to an adequate level of flight safety. The study analyzed the most common causes of aviation accidents and incidents with civil aircrafts. It is proposed to take into account the socio-psychological characteristics of personality, the structure of the process of perception and thinking, the focus of thinking on risk prevention, special working conditions, observance of subordination and the status system of relations in the management of the «crew – aircraft» system.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Palyvoda O. M.
Growth Strategies for Transport Enterprises of Ukraine in the Conditions of European Integration and War (p. 185 - 192)

The current situation requires transport companies to simultaneously take into account two factors when making decision in regard of development strategies: firstly, functioning in wartime conditions and receiving large losses due to destruction, secondly, the need for accelerated integration into the EU economic space. Resistance to aggression and the post-war restoration of the transport system of Ukraine require the development of new strategies for the functioning and development of transport enterprises. The presented study is aimed at substantiating priority strategic goals for transport companies, taking into account the European Strategy for sustainable and smart mobility and the state of the transport industry of Ukraine in wartime conditions. As a result of the statistical analysis of empirical data, the current economic state of the transport industry of Ukraine was characterized, its main trends and problems were highlighted, the key document of European transport policy – the Strategy of sustainable and smart mobility was analyzed, specific changes in the European transport system on the way to smart and sustainable development were systematized, and priority strategic goals for Ukrainian transport companies that should be taken into account when choosing a development strategy were substantiated. In particular, the author identifies eight strategic goals, among which are: strengthening the processes of digitalization and greening in the organization and management of transportation; ensuring the availability of transport; implementing social tasks; strengthening multimodal and integration approaches; developing smart technologies, etc. Prospects for further research in this direction are the development and testing of the methodology for selecting the optimal development strategy based on the established priority goals, the substantiation of the portfolio of development strategies for transport enterprises of Ukraine, taking into account the deepening of European integration and war.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Vlasova V. P., Chumak A. S.
Transport Infrastructure of Ukraine as an Object of Investment Attractiveness in Changing Security Conditions (p. 199 - 207)

Restoration and development of transport infrastructure is an extremely important task. Considering this, the aim of the article is to analyze the status and identify the problems of investment in the activities of transport infrastructure enterprises in changing security conditions. The authors pay attention to the classification of transport infrastructure in order to highlight its diversity and interaction in order to emphasize the need to take into account the specifics of the activities of transport infrastructure enterprises when determining their investment attractiveness. The systemic problems of transport infrastructure and ways to relieve of them are identified. It is noted that in the last decade Ukraine has been actively working on the development of transport infrastructure with a focus on the European integration. The advantages of this process include standardization, increased investment, and enhanced competitiveness. However, there are also disadvantages, such as financial costs, insufficient structural changes, and somewhat slow adaptation to new requirements, which can cause internal difficulties and disputes. Emphasis is placed on the unevenness of investments in this industry due to the specifics of the activities of transport infrastructure enterprises. It is determined that attracting investment during the war is a difficult task due to uncertainty and risks for business. However, with the right strategy and the right use of opportunities, investments can be attracted even in such conditions. It is indicated that it is necessary to choose the optimal methodology for determining the investment attractiveness of transport infrastructure enterprises under modern conditions. An analysis of the main methods for determining investment attractiveness is carried out, their advantages and disadvantages have been specified. Groups of investors with different interests and expectations from investments are defined. The main factors that determine the investment attractiveness of transport infrastructure in changing security conditions have been identified. Most of all, this infrastructure is affected by the level of security and stability of a country or region. This is followed by legal stability, infrastructure potential, economic sustainability, innovation in technology, logistics efficiency, ecological aspects, and the geopolitical situation. Considering the interaction of these factors, a comprehensive assessment of the attractiveness for investment in transport infrastructure can be provided. All these factors should be taken into account in the formation of an integral indicator of investment attractiveness of transport infrastructure enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Petrenko O. I., Aleksieieva O. O.
The Practice of Using Blockchain Technology in Multimodal Container Transportation (p. 178 - 186)

In this study, the main emphasis is on the role of multimodal container transportation in global logistics and transport. The aim of the article is to consider important aspects and challenges associated with this form of transportation, including issues of efficiency, regulation and prospects for further development of this sphere and its infrastructure. The article discusses different definitions of the concept of «multimodal transportation»; the authors’ vision of the concept of «multimodal container transportation» is presented; the main participants and key factors influencing multimodal transportation are described; the advantages and disadvantages of multimodal container transportation are indicated; significance of these transportations for world trade is determined. Particular attention is paid to opportunities for improvement and innovative approaches, including the use of blockchain technology, to increase the transparency, efficiency and security of multimodal container transportation. Examples of the use of blockchain technology in the practice of world players in the container transportation market and ways to improve their work after its implementation are provided. It is noted that blockchain technology provides an opportunity to create a distributed database that guarantees the stability and inaccessibility of data for manipulation, and this makes it an ideal tool for tracking goods in multimodal transportation. This technology provides transparency, the ability to track every stage of the delivery and automated data verification, which helps to avoid errors and fraud in the logistics process. This approach to the use of blockchain technology in the logistics of multimodal container transportation can be a step towards creating more reliable, secure and efficient transport networks. This is in line with the main goal of improving and perfecting the global supply chain in the context of today’s challenges and technological possibilities.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Valiavska N. O., Korniiko Y. R., Filin O. A.
The Ways of Improving the Activities of Transport and Forwarding Enterprises in the Context of the Development of Information Technologies (p. 168 - 174)

The aim of the article is to highlight possible ways to improve the activities of transport and forwarding enterprises in the context of the development of information technology. In the course of the study, it was found that in the scientific sphere there is an active coverage of the introduction of information and innovative technologies in the field of transport and forwarding activities and it is emphasized that the dynamic and rapidly changing environment requires additional and constant updating in accordance with the latest trends. It is determined that the basis for the development of transport and forwarding activities is the growth of international trade and the expansion of the e-commerce industry around the world. The structure of export-import operations of Ukraine for 2023 is presented and it is noted that, in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine, forwarding services are provided to the client for export, import, transit, as well as for domestic transportation through the territory of Ukraine. The services that can be provided by transport and forwarding enterprises are directly allocated, and the specifics of their activities are described. International organizations (UNCTАD, FIATA) are presented, which were among the first in the market to focus on the importance of introducing information technology in order to create a single international data exchange system for all participants in the transport and logistics market. The advantages of creating a single information space and digitalization of business processes of transport and forwarding enterprises are indicated. The latest trends in the international freight transportation market, which have simplified the procedures for issuing transport and accompanying documents due to their digitalization, are highlighted. The directions of use of blockchain technologies in the field of management of transport and forwarding enterprises are considered. It is determined that today not all enterprises are ready for the introduction of modern information technologies, which is caused by the outdated management culture, technological barriers, etc.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Anufriyeva T. H.
Logistics Innovations in Cold Supply Chains (p. 235 - 241)

The article is aimed at reviewing innovations in logistics and the possibilities of using these modern technologies in cold supply chains, which will increase the security and transparency of supply, reducing the risks of damage or loss of products. Scientific research in the field of logistics innovations is of great practical importance for optimizing supply chains, especially cold ones. The introduction of innovative technologies and systems for monitoring the temperature regime of supply is a priority task for all participants in the cold supply chain – from the manufacturer to the end consumer. Important aspects in the management of cold supply chains are the use of IoT devices that work to monitor and track the physical condition of products that require maintaining temperature conditions in containers, fresh warehouses, during transportation in a refrigerator, and most importantly during loading and unloading operations. Also, the use of blockchain and smart contracts can reduce the time for the transfer of information between all participants in the cold supply chain. The application of IoT innovations allows logisticians to respond to changes in cold supply chains in real time. This determines the relevance of the use of these technologies in cold supply chains, contributing to: reducing the time for analyzing large amounts of data, which can be available to all participants in the cold supply chain and will make it possible to predict delays and optimize delivery routes with great accuracy; maintaining the quality of products during transportation, using advanced packaging solutions that help maintain optimal temperature conditions along the entire route; reducing the time for reloading products due to the automation of processes in the warehouse and in transport logistics; reducing the risk of loss during the last-mile delivery; increasing the transparency of the cold supply chain using smart contracts. For Ukraine, which is currently under martial law, innovations in cold logistics are necessary to improve the quality of service for foreign companies that open markets for goods and services in Ukraine and must meet high quality and safety standards when delivering goods with a limited shelf life.

Article is written in Ukrainian


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