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Section: Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
UDC 311.631.164.6:574
Kobylynska T. V.
The Methodological and Methodical Provision of Selective Statistical Observations of Environmental Consequences from the Production of Selected Types of Livestock Products (p. 200 - 206)

A long-term reformation of methodological and methodical bases of statistical accounting of agricultural production and ecological consequences from the mentioned activity requires elaboration and introduction of new approaches to carrying out the State statistical observations together with research of the industry sector in general and livestock production in particular. The determined and compared sources of information along with consideration of the existing methodological provisions, help to account the emissions of hazardous substances from the production of livestock products into the atmospheric air. In accordance with the «Methodological guide on compiling national emission inventories» developed by the European Environment Agency, using the methodology of CORINAIR, the author developed a questionnaire for selective statistical surveying of agricultural enterprises engaged in production of livestock products (separately in the branches of cattle-breeding, pig-breeding, and poultry farming) and carried out the mentioned study in terms of three years dynamics. In addition, the author developed an algorithm for calculating the emissions of hazardous substances in livestock production. The article presents the main results of the carried out sample surveys, which are compared with the data of the current statistical accounting.
Keywords: statistical accounting, sample surveys, emissions of hazardous substances, production of livestock products, ecological impacts.
Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 6. Bibl.: 10.

Kobylynska Tetiana V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Candidate on Doctor Degree, Department of Statistics, The National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Auditing (1 Pіdhіrna Str., Kyiv, 04107, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Kobylynska, Tetiana V. (2018) “The Methodological and Methodical Provision of Selective Statistical Observations of Environmental Consequences from the Production of Selected Types of Livestock Products.” Business Inform 5:200–206.

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