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Section: Management and Marketing
UDC 332.146.2:[65.012.122:338.012]
Tkachenko S. A.
The Recommendations for Choosing a Complex of Technical Means of the Subsystem for Apocryphal Economic Monitoring in the Functionally Developed Systems for Strategic Regulation of the Regional Structure and the Territorial Organization of Actors in the In (p. 221 - 226)

Projecting the technical support of the subsystem of general (integrated) economic monitoring of the functionally developed systems for strategic regulation of the regional structure and the territorial organization of actors in the industry sphere requires careful substantiation of both composition and performance of the technical means. This calls for a comparative evaluation of the individual devices and methods of using them to select such communication structure of the technical means that would most closely satisfy requirements of the data processing subsystem for the all-side economic monitoring. On the basis of completeness and accuracy of the source data, available to developer of the technical support of the subsystem for uniform (integrated) economic monitoring, as an appropriate can be considered the previous (enlarged) and clarified choice for nomenclature and quantity of the technical means. Among the prospects for further research in this direction of development, of particular relevance is the issue associated with specifics of the organization of type-setting economic monitoring in the functionally developed systems for strategic regulation of the regional structure and the territorial organization of actors in the industry sphere of the State.
Keywords: apocryphal economic monitoring, complex of technical means, subsystem, regional structure, system for strategic management, actor of industrial sphere, territorial organization
Formulae: 2. Bibl.: 17.

Tkachenko Serhii A. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Acting Rector, International Technological University «Mykolaiv Polytechnic» (2a Robocha Str., Mykolaiv, 54029, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Tkachenko, Serhii A. (2016) “The Recommendations for Choosing a Complex of Technical Means of the Subsystem for Apocryphal Economic Monitoring in the Functionally Developed Systems for Strategic Regulation of the Regional Structure and the Territorial Organization of Actors in the In.” Business Inform 6:221–226.

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