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Section: Education and Science
UDC 336.113.1
Boiko S. V.
Financial Thought in Ukraine as an Academic Discipline and a Component of Formation of the Professional Competence of Future Financiers (p. 84 - 90)

The article discusses issues of the necessary improvement of quality of training students in the direction of greater attention to the evolution of the financial economy in Ukraine, the formation and development of financial thought in Ukraine. Importance of the academic discipline «Financial thought in Ukraine» for the formation of professional competence of future financiers has been displayed, objectives, tasks and content of the discipline have been substantiated. Objective of the academic discipline «Financial thought in Ukraine» contains studying and creative interpretation, which are directed at the basic stages of formation, development and features of current status of financial thought in Ukraine in the context of a critical analysis of the scientific heritage of Ukrainian scientists-financiers. The main tasks of the academic discipline «Financial thought in Ukraine» are as follows: exploration of the features of the both formation and development of financial thought in Ukraine; determination of the effect of the Western financial thought on its formation and development; determination of the specific features and characteristics of the Ukrainian scientific school of the State (public) finance; exploration of the theoretical developments by Ukrainian scientists in the area of budget, taxation, public credit, corporate finance, insurance, etc.; substantiation of proposals on how to use the existing theoretical provisions with a view to enhancing the efficiency of the public finance as well as the further development of the domestic financial science. Studying views on financial economy of the State was an integral part of the papers on finance and teaching of the theory of finance in the pre-revolutionary period. With the 1990's begins the period of an active revival of research in the financial thought of Ukraine, which continues today.
Keywords: finance, financial economy, financial thought, history of financial thought, academic discipline
Fig.: 1. Bibl.: 26.

Boiko Svitlana V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Finance, National University of Food Technologies (68 Volodymyrska Str., Kyiv, 01033, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Boiko, Svitlana V. (2015) “Financial Thought in Ukraine as an Academic Discipline and a Component of Formation of the Professional Competence of Future Financiers.” Business Inform 9:84–90.

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