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The Impact of Market Transformation of the Economy on the Evolution of the State-Owned Property Relations in Ukraine
Mytrofanova A. S.

Mytrofanova, Anastasiia S. (2021) “The Impact of Market Transformation of the Economy on the Evolution of the State-Owned Property Relations in Ukraine.” Business Inform 12:12–20.

Section: Economic History

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 330.342.146

Today, the role of the State-owned property in economic systems is dictated by its decisive importance as a real basis for the State to perform its socioeconomic functions. The purpose of the publication is to analyze how the socioeconomic features of the period of market reforming the Ukrainian economy in the 1990s have determined the way of evolution of the State-owned property relations from the past to the present. The publication provides an author’s own definition of the category of «the State-owned property» as one of the system-forming elements of the economic system, which represents a set of relations regarding the possession, use and disposal of means and production results that ensure the effective implementation of the social functions on the part of the State. The theoretical and legal basis of the State-owned property functioning in Ukraine is provided. The characteristic features and problems of the transformation period of economic development of Ukraine are analyzed; the causes, contradictions and consequences of the transformation crisis are disclosed; the progress and features of reforming the State-owned property relations in Ukraine under the indicated conditions are considered. The article provides a characterization of the current stage of development of the State-owned property in Ukraine; the current tendencies in the volume and structure of corporate rights of the State by types of economic societies and the size of the State share are presented. The current tendencies of privatization in Ukraine (the contradictory influence of the new legislative framework; violation of the fiscal function of privatization; deployment of small privatization exceeds the shift in large-scale privatization) and the problems of the State-owned property development in the economy of Ukraine in general are also characterized (among them: controversial nature of privatization; low efficiency of the State-owned property management; difficulties of the State-owned enterprises as economic units; ermine of property rights; contradictions in the field of «property-power»). A perspective direction of further research in this area is a more detailed analysis of the socioeconomic efficiency of the State-owned property management.

Keywords: relations of the State-owned property, corporate rights of the State, the State Property Fund of Ukraine, market transformation.

Tabl.: 5. Bibl.: 20.

Mytrofanova Anastasiia S. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of General Economic Theory, National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» (2 Kyrpychova Str., Kharkіv, 61002, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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