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Regional Dimension of Energy Efficiency and Energy Security of Ukraine
Palamarchuk D. M.

Palamarchuk, Dmytro M. (2021) “Regional Dimension of Energy Efficiency and Energy Security of Ukraine.” Business Inform 7:127–134.

Section: Regional Economy

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 330.15:373.5.016

The article is aimed at determining the opportunities of the regions of Ukraine for self-sufficiency in energy resources, improving energy security and energy efficiency, as well as forming a methodological approach to determining regional ratings by the level of energy efficiency and energy security. The indicators of energy efficiency and energy security, proposed in the article, is advisable to use as a base for a further system of indicators, applied to determine regional ratings of energy efficiency and energy security. The proposed indicators allow to comprehensively assess the level of energy security in the region, are relevant and can be easily calculated using data from the State Statistics Service of Ukraine. To assess the level of energy efficiency and energy security of the regions of Ukraine, it is advisable to use the author’s own methodology, which also allows to assess the availability and quality of energy resources use. The application of the proposed two-level system of indicators and the method of their calculation allows solving the problem of informing different categories of users about energy efficiency and energy security of the regions in order to determine the need for control influences in conditions of limited information. Based on the results obtained, both the State and regional administration bodies together with local self-government bodies will be able to assess the results achieved, compare them with the achievements of other regions and develop a system of measures to improve the energy efficiency of the regional economy and ensure energy security in the future. Further researches of the author will be aimed at calculating on the basis of the formed methodological approach of the rating of energy efficiency and energy security of the regions of Ukraine, carrying out a comparative analysis of the regions and developing proposals for solving identified problems, based on the rating results obtained.

Keywords: energy efficiency, energy security, energy intensity, regional ratings, regional administration, sustainable development.

Fig.: 3. Tabl.: 1. Formulae: 9. Bibl.: 25.

Palamarchuk Dmytro M. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of International Economics and Business, Cherkasy State Technological University (460 Shevchenka Blvd., Cherkasy, 18006, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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