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Improvement of the Financial Services Market in the Context of Ensuring the Financial Inclusion
Zhulyn O. V.

Zhulyn, Olha V. (2021) “Improvement of the Financial Services Market in the Context of Ensuring the Financial Inclusion.” Business Inform 8:127–134.

Section: Finance, Money Circulation and Credit

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The article is aimed at studying the theoretical, organizational and methodical aspects of financial inclusion; conducting an analytical research on the development of financial inclusion and its impact on the welfare of the population; formation of recommendations for improving the financial services market in the conditions of ensuring the financial inclusion in Ukraine. The theoretical foundations of financial inclusion and its components are considered, the author suggests to enclose therein the speed and security of obtaining a financial service, which is provided with the help of digital technologies, which is relevant in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The carried out analytical studies of financial inclusion in the world and in Ukraine have shown that its level is constantly growing and there are sufficient prerequisites for its development, including in the financial market the maximum number of the population who will be able to benefit from the use of financial services. As a result of the analysis, a framework for financial inclusion has been developed that allows identifying entities that are often unwittingly excluded from the financial services market – due to low levels of financial literacy, low incomes or discrimination on the part of financial institutions. An important aspect of the implementation of the concept of financial inclusion is the motivation to use financial services, using behavioral finance methods for this – not only by those who are forced to exclude, but also those who voluntarily refused to use them. The publication proposes recommendations and instruments for improving the financial services market, which will increase the level of financial inclusion, which in turn will contribute to economic growth, mobilization of savings, their preservation and increase, introduction of innovations and development of entrepreneurship.

Keywords: financial services market, financial inclusion, behavioral finance, financial institutions, digitalization, development, financial literacy.

Fig.: 7. Bibl.: 10.

Zhulyn Olha V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Finance, Accounting and Auditing, National Transport University (1 Omelianovycha-Pavlenka Str., Kyiv, 01010, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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