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Section: Economics of Enterprise
UDC 336.279
Kovalchuk N. О., Slusaryak M. M., Pusha A. V.
Analyzing the Methods of Forecasting Bankruptcy and Assessing the Financial Status of Domestic Enterprises (on the Example of PAO «Chernivtsi Fat-and-Oil Plant») (p. 248 - 253)

The article is aimed at studying both foreign and national methods of determining the likelihood of bankruptcy of an enterprise, identifying their main advantages and disadvantages together with the possibility of using in the practice of domestic enterprises, and also determining the necessity of application in the enterprise of these methods for efficient functioning. As a result of research of the financial status of the PAO «Chernivtsi fat-and-oil plant» according to the methods of Tereshchenko, Taffler and Tisshou, Altman, Springate, Sayfullin and Kadykov, it has been found that among the existing models of forecasting bankruptcy there is no methodology presently that can provide reliable results for domestic enterprises. This means the relevance of this topic for a comprehensive research and detection of such methods of assessment of bankruptcy of enterprise. Use of the most optimal model for definition of bankruptcy can be effective in order to evaluate financial activity to prevent an enterprise from entering the group of the insolvent ones.
Keywords: bankruptcy, efficiency of management, profit, optimization of incomes and expenses.
Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 3. Bibl.: 8.

Kovalchuk Natalia О. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Assistant, Department of Public and Corporate Finance and Financial Intermediation, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University (2 Kotsiubynskoho Str., Chernivtsi, 58012, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Slusaryak Marian M. – Student, Faculty of Finance, Entrepreneurship and Accounting, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University (2 Kotsiubynskoho Str., Chernivtsi, 58012, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Pusha Anastasia V. – Student, Faculty of Finance, Entrepreneurship and Accounting, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University (2 Kotsiubynskoho Str., Chernivtsi, 58012, Ukraine)

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Kovalchuk, Natalia О., Slusaryak, Marian M., and Pusha, Anastasia V. (2018) “Analyzing the Methods of Forecasting Bankruptcy and Assessing the Financial Status of Domestic Enterprises (on the Example of PAO «Chernivtsi Fat-and-Oil Plant»).” Business Inform 1:248–253.

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