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Section: Finance, Money Circulation and Credit
UDC 336.14.352
Kuzkin Y. Y.
The Theoretical and Methodological Basis for the Formation of the Fiscal Space for the Local Self-Government in the Conditions of Decentralization of Public Finance (p. 322 - 331)

The research is aimed at substantiating, defining and systematizing the theoretical and methodological basis for the formation of the fiscal space for the local self-government in the conditions of decentralization of public finance. The interrelation of principles of decentralization of the State power and the provision of fiscal independence of local self-government is defined. The article determines the desirability of supplementing the system of basic and key provisions presented in the studies on the redistribution of authorities in the financial sphere and the expansion of fiscal space in the context of of decentralization of the State power and the provision of fiscal independence of local self-government. The author’s own hypothesis concerning formation of the theoretical and methodological basis for the expansion of the fiscal space for the local self-government in conditions of financial decentralization is formulated. The main elements of the theoretical and methodological basis for the expansion of the fiscal space for the local self-government, characterizing the key issues and contradictions, which are manifested in the context of the implemented process of expansion of the fiscal space, the solution of which requires scientific substantiation and practical elaboration, are defined.
Keywords: fiscal space, decentralization of public finance, local self-government, theoretical and methodological basis, budgeting.
Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 27.

Kuzkin Yevgen Yu. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Director, Department of Local Budgets, Finance Ministry of Ukraine (12/2 M. Hrushevskoho Str., Kyiv, 01008, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Kuzkin, Yevgen Yu. (2019) “The Theoretical and Methodological Basis for the Formation of the Fiscal Space for the Local Self-Government in the Conditions of Decentralization of Public Finance.” Business Inform 1:322–331.

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