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Section: Management and Marketing
UDC 331.101.3.066,7
Akymenko N. V., Mamontenko N. S.
The Systemic Motivation of the Enterprise’s Managerial Staff (p. 364 - 370)

The article proposes a scheme of contents of the systemic motivation of managerial staff, which consists of three components: a) system of personal and command responsibility; b) system of material motivation; b) system of non-material motivation. The role of motivation is highlighted in the context of the following components of the management system of enterprise’s staff: subject, object and management functions in the management system of staff. The tasks that be solved through the systemic motivation are defined. The scheme of elaboration of the systemic motivation of managerial staff of enterprise, which consists of five basic stages, is presented. As a methodical basis for introduction of the systemic motivation is offered: first, methodical provisions on calculation of the competitive value of salary of the enterprise’s managerial staff; second, methodical recommendations as to evaluation of the motivation mechanism; third, recommendations on the application of the mechanism for evaluation of motivation. The authors provide the directions of further development of the systemic motivation of the managerial staff of enterprise, namely: 1) geographical – by adaptation of the mechanism for external motivation intended for use in various administrative regions of Ukraine; 2) sectoral – by adapting the methodologies for use in other industries; 3) in public administration – by using the methodologies for research on migration and behavior of the labor resources of problematic regions of the country.
Keywords: systemic motivation, staff motivation, managerial staff, systemic motivation concept.
Fig.: 3. Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 11.

Akymenko Natalia V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Management of Organizations, Odesa Regional Institute for Public Administration of the National Academy for Public Administration under the President of Ukraine (22 Henuezka Str., Odesa, 65009, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Mamontenko Nataliia S. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Department of Management of Foreign Economic and Innovation Activity, Odesa National Polytechnic University (1 Shevchenka Ave., Odesa, 65044, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Akymenko, Natalia V., and Mamontenko, Nataliia S. (2019) “The Systemic Motivation of the Enterprise’s Managerial Staff.” Business Inform 1:364–370.

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