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Section: Finance, Money Circulation and Credit
UDC 336.71:005.3
Brychko M. M.
Methodical Approaches to the Formation of System of the Bank's Financial Relations with Stakeholders (p. 405 - 410)

The article is aimed at improving the scientific and methodical approach to establishing priorities in forming the system of financial relations with stakeholders of a bank, based on the level of their influence on the efficiency of management of the bank's activities. The article analyzes and summarizes the evolution of scientific theories and schools who explored the relations between the participants in the banking business. It has been suggested that system of criteria for the identification of the bank's stakeholders is complemented with an additional criterion – presence of financial relations between the Bank and a member of the banking business in the process of distribution and exchange operations, including the delegation of powers, which has a direct influence on the efficiency of the bank's management. This allowed to work out an hierarchic arranging of the base of bank's stakeholders, depending on the criteria for their selection, and to clarify the role of the public authorities, including the National Bank of Ukraine as a stakeholder, according to each of the criteria. Proposed modification of a classical model of the "principal-agent" m. Jensen. As result of the study a map of financial relations of the bank's stakeholders was designed, allowing to determine their relations depending on: 1) cycle phase of the circulation of financial resources in the bank (formation of own, borrowed and attracted funds, allocation and use of financial resources); 2) stage of managing the financial results of the bank (income, expenditure, distribution of financial results); 3) controllability of the financial relations with stakeholders by the bank's management; 4) effects of the financial relations with stakeholders on increase of the added value of the banking business; 5) ownership of stakeholders on the bank's financial resources and their management.
Keywords: financial relations, bank's stakeholders, bank management, banking business
Fig.: 3. Bibl.: 10.

Brychko Maryna M. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Senior Lecturer, Department of Finance, Banking and Insurance, Scientific-Educational Institute of Business Technologies «UAB» of Sumy State University (57 Petropavlіvska Str., Sumy, 40030, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Brychko, Maryna M. (2014) “Methodical Approaches to the Formation of System of the Bank's Financial Relations with Stakeholders.” Business Inform 12:405–410.

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