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Section: Investment Processes
UDC 334.78:330.322
Kravchun A. S.
The Role of Self-Organization for Development of the Investment Platform of National Economy in Conditions of Imperfection of Technology Transfer (p. 114 - 118)

The possibility of using self-organization as an instrument of development of investment platform in Ukraine is substantiated; the status of innovation and investment activity is analyzed; the influence of the State on formation of the self-organization systems is determined; the preconditions for creation of a self-organization system on the basis of the «quadruple multiplicative spiral» are formulated. It is proved that the crisis led, on the one hand, to the fall of the Ukrainian economy, and on the other – to the intensification of innovation process, which corresponds to the law of periodic innovation update. It is stated that the State regulation during crisis leads to artificial equilibrium, which is quickly disturbed when the controlling processes be weakened. The shadow economy is presented as an example of the successful self-organization. As a result, legislator restricts opportunities for the emergence of new forms of self-organization. The hypothesis is put forward that for creation of efficient and effective investment platform in Ukraine it is necessary to built not on the normative-legal basis, but on the law of structural harmony of systems. The author proposes to lay the model of «quadruple multiplicative spiral» as a basis for the development of the investment platform in Ukraine, which will help to form a stable system of self-organization, which in turn will be able to adapt to modern economic conditions in order to get the maximum effect from the interaction of «University – Power – Business – Consumers» in the future.
Keywords: self-organization, investment platform, national economy, transfer of technologies, investments, the State regulation.
Fig.: 2. Bibl.: 17.

Kravchun Anatoliy S. – Candidate of Sciences (Public Administration), Applicant, Department of Economics, Classic Private University (70B Zhukovskoho Str., Zaporіzhzhia, 69002, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Kravchun, Anatoliy S. (2019) “The Role of Self-Organization for Development of the Investment Platform of National Economy in Conditions of Imperfection of Technology Transfer.” Business Inform 1:114–118.

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