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Section: Labour economics and social policy
UDC 331.28:331.215.5
Tsymbaliuk S. O.
The Applied Scientific Foundations and Instrumentarium for Implementation of New Approaches to the Designing a Single Tariff Grid for Remuneration of Employees in the Budget Sphere (p. 210 - 217)

The publication is aimed at developing the applied scientific foundations and instrumentarium for implementation of the new tariff terms in the practice of remuneration of employees in the budget sphere. On the basis of the identified problems of remuneration policy in the budgetary sphere, directions of its reform have been outlined. The importance of improving the tariff terms of remuneration together with developing new approaches to the designing a single tariff grid has been substantiated. The scientific-methodical recommendations on how to assess the complexity of tasks and responsibilities and to categorize them by the wage groups have been provided. It has been suggested that the complexity of tasks and responsibilities should be assessed using the points-factor evaluation method, which is applied in projecting the main wages, making use of grades. The factors for assessing the complexity of tasks and responsibilities according to different positions and jobs in the education sphere, science sphere, and science and technology sphere have been defined, the descriptive levels for certain factors have been developed. The assignment of posts and jobs to the qualifying groups upon the results of an assessment of the complexity of tasks and responsibilities has been determined. It has been concluded that use of the elaborated scientific-methodical recommendations would ensure decent remuneration, objective differentiation, transparency, and individualization of wages.
Keywords: wages, remuneration policy, budget sphere, single tariff grid, assessment of the complexity of tasks and responsibilities.
Tabl.: 7. Bibl.: 11.

Tsymbaliuk Svitlana O. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Dean, Faculty of Personnel Management, Sociology and Psychology, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman (54/1 Beresteiskyi Ave., Kyiv, 03057, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Tsymbaliuk, Svitlana O. (2017) “The Applied Scientific Foundations and Instrumentarium for Implementation of New Approaches to the Designing a Single Tariff Grid for Remuneration of Employees in the Budget Sphere.” Business Inform 10:210–217.

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