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Section: Economic Theory
UDC 330.3::331.101.262
Kolomiiets V. М.
The Institutional Paradigm of Human Capital Development (p. 26 - 31)

The formation of the modern conception of human capital is connected with the development of post-industrial information society, knowledge economy and digital economy. The main role in analyzing of the content and role of human capital can play a new institutional economic theory. It is determined that the methodology of research of paradigm change in economic science remains the subject of discussion. The conception of institutional paradigm of human capital development can be attributed to the new economy, the development of which is carried out on the condition that the employee is not always alienated from the relationships of ownership: he himself becomes the owner of the «new» economic resources. The factors of education along with the factors of health care which are determining in the development of human capital are researched. Special attention is paid to education, as it acts as an intellectual capital of the new economy, where knowledge and skills become the «intellectual 5D printer», producing the modern human capital. The transition to a new, post-industrial economy is characterized by a major long-term tendency: the progress of knowledge and the increasing complexity of the socio-economic life; created by powerful factors of information and computer technologies and leading to expansion of global economic space.
Keywords: institutional paradigm, human capital, new economy, knowledge economy, education, intellectual 5D printer.
Bibl.: 12.

Kolomiiets Viktoriia М. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Candidate on Doctor Degree, Department of Finance and Economic Security, Dnipro National University of Railway Transport named after academician V. Lazarian (2 Lazariana Str., Dnіpro, 49010, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Kolomiiets, Viktoriia М. (2018) “The Institutional Paradigm of Human Capital Development.” Business Inform 3:26–31.

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